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Startup Lessons Learned Drew Houston @drewhouston
Background Cofounder & CEO, Dropbox Earlier: MIT comp sci (‘05), started online SAT prep co, engineer @ startups  Easiest way to share files across computers & with other people Founded in ‘07, launched Sep ’08 Sequoia & Accel-backed startup in SF Millions of users, rapidly growing
Some context 100,000    many millions of users in 18 months since launch No advertising spend Hostile environment: lots of competitors, software download Mostly done by engineers w/ some guidance but no prior marketing experience
How we applied lean startup  principles at Dropbox (sometimes on purpose, sometimes by accident)

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Pitch the way VCs think
Pitch the way VCs thinkPitch the way VCs think
Pitch the way VCs think

The document provides tips for developing an effective fundraising presentation deck for venture capitalists. It recommends starting with the key reasons to invest upfront, using clear and concise slide titles as the main takeaway message for each slide, and decluttering slides to remove unnecessary text, images or colors. Financial projections should use a bottom-up market analysis approach rather than top-down projections, and financial details on slides should be laid out clearly while keeping the number of rows to seven or fewer.

Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp, Sept 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp, Sept 2009)Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp, Sept 2009)
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Latest version of Startup Metrics for Pirates (from presentation at SeedCamp Week, Sept 2009, London)

Startup Pitch Decks
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This document provides tips and guidance for creating an effective startup pitch deck. It discusses the purpose of a pitch deck, sample deck structure and slide content, tips for each slide, common mistakes to avoid, and next steps after completing the deck. The overall goals are to get meetings with investors, move forward in the fundraising process, and ultimately raise capital. Building an effective pitch deck is positioned as an important exercise that will help founders articulate their opportunity and address key questions.

nycmediaventure capital
Paul Graham: Early and often Joel Spolsky:  When it doesn’t completely suck (avoid “Marimba Phenomenon”) When to Launch?
2006: Dozens and dozens of  cloud storage companies
VC: “There are a million  cloud storage startups!” Drew: “Do you use any of them?” VC: “No” Drew: “…”
Building a bulletproof, scalable, cross-platform cloud storage architecture is  hard

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This document summarizes a platform that allows users to create customized maps of communities and interests. It started with 20,000 unique users and 18,000 monthly alerts. The platform has since received many requests to build maps for different interests around the world. The document outlines the business model, which includes organizing map data and monetizing through advertising, premium listings, and a potential SAAS model. It provides a timeline showing past pilots and plans for future mobile and discovery features. The team is seeking $1M in funding to further develop their self-service platform.

Product Roadmaps - Tips on how to create and manage roadmaps
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Product Roadmaps - Tips on how to create and manage roadmaps

The document discusses best practices for creating and managing product roadmaps. It emphasizes starting with a clear product vision and goals focused on solving user problems rather than features. When creating a roadmap, it is important to consider dependencies, risks, and flexibility for changes. Managing stakeholders and updating the roadmap based on feedback and learning are also discussed as critical aspects of effective roadmapping.

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The Build Trap
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The Build Trap

Presented at Lean Agile Scotland Keynote - here is the full video of the talk:

productagileproduct management
"[product] ended up turning all my Word docs and half my Excel Spreadsheets into 0 byte files. Needless to say, I am not happy." From competitor’s support forum:
Learn early, learn often
Dropbox’s minimum viable product: 3 min screencast on Hacker News (Apr 07): Lots of immediate, high-quality feedback
Simple landing page: capture interest/email address

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Product Management 101
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Product Management 101

This deck aims at providing entrepreneurs, startup employees and young product managers a toolbox of actionable digital product management tools & techniques. It will help them discover, design & launch great products.

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Zuora Sales Deck

The Hierarchy of Engagement
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The Hierarchy of Engagement

Building an enduring, multi-billion dollar consumer technology company is hard. As an investor, knowing which startups have the potential to be massive and long-lasting is also hard. From both perspectives, identifying companies with this potential is a combination of “art” and “science” — the art is understanding how products work, and the science is knowing how to measure it. At the earliest stages of a company, it comes down to understanding how a product is built to maximize and leverage user engagement. In this presentation, Sarah Tavel shares her "Hierarchy of Engagement" framework she uses to evaluate non-transactional consumer companies she is looking to invest in.

productproduct managementengagement
Private beta launch video    12,000 diggs;  beta waiting list jumps from 5,000 to 75,000 in one day (Mar 2008)
What we learned Biggest risk: making something no one wants Not launching    painful, but not learning    fatal Put something in users hands (doesn’t have to be code) and get real feedback ASAP Know where your target audience hangs out & speak to them in an authentic way
When “best practices” aren’t best
Public launch (Sep 2008): Time to get real

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Slide utilisé dans le cours n°18 de la Y Combinator Startup Class de Standford ( donné par Dalton Caldwell, Michael Seibel et Qasar Younis Publiée sur slideshare pour pouvoir être intégrée à l'article

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Foursquare's 1st Pitch Deck
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The 1st Pitch Deck FourSquare ever showed to investors (6 July 2009 )

The Future of B2B Growth is Product Led
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The Future of B2B Growth is Product Led

The document discusses how product-led growth has become the next evolution of go-to-market strategies, with companies focusing on viral user acquisition, free trials, and bottom-up sales driven by product usage. It provides examples of high-growth SaaS companies that have achieved faster revenue growth rates, higher gross margins, and greater valuation multiples through product-led strategies that prioritize the customer experience.

Public launch (Sep 2008): Time to get real Our Web 2.0 Marketing Plan Big launch at TechCrunch50 Buy some AdWords Hire, um, a PR firm, or a VP of Marketing, or    something
Experiment: Paid search Hired experienced SEM & affiliate marketing guy ($$) Picked out keywords, made landing pages Hid the free account option for people arriving via paid search, replace with free time-limited trial Went live in early 2009
Cost per acquisition: $233-$388
Cost per acquisition: $233-$388 For a $99 product. Fail.

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Pitch Deck 2015
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GPredictive uses predictive analytics to optimize marketing campaigns. Their software computes individual customer probabilities of purchase and selects only those customers with a positive ROI to include in campaigns. This maximizes marketing efficiency and revenues. They have raised €2.5M in funding and are growing rapidly, signing one new customer per week. They plan to expand sales teams in the US and EU in 2016 and raise a Series B of €10M.

Growth Hacking
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Growth Hacking

This document discusses growth hacking strategies used by early internet companies like Hotmail to achieve rapid growth. It defines growth hacking as a set of tactics and best practices for acquiring, activating, and retaining users. Some key tactics discussed include viral growth, A/B testing landing pages, optimizing the user lifecycle funnel, and identifying bottlenecks. The document provides examples of notable growth hacks from companies like Dropbox, Path, and Eventbrite.

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The SaaS business model
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The SaaS business model

This document discusses key metrics and economics for a SaaS business model. It provides details on sales compensation, bookings targets, churn rates, margins. It examines how revenue is generated from a single salesperson over time. Graphics show how monthly recurring revenue grows as new salespeople are hired each month. Lowering churn rates can significantly impact long-term profits. Collecting payment upfront eliminates cash flow troughs. Sales complexity impacts customer acquisition costs, requiring higher prices and more approval steps. Regular product improvements provide feedback on customer happiness.

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Experiments failing left and right Problem: Most obvious keywords bidded  way up Probably by other venture-backed startups Problem: Long tail had little volume Problem: Hiding free option was shady, confusing, buggy Affiliate program, display ads, etc sucked too Economics totally broken
But we were still doing well…? Reached 1mm users 7 months after launch Beloved by our community
What we learned Lots of pressure (or guilt) to do things the traditional way. But think first principles Fortunately, we spent almost all our effort on making an elegant, simple product that “just works” and making users happy And we worked our asses off And hired the smartest people we knew “Keep the main thing the main thing”
What we learned Mostly ignored (or woefully mishandled):  hiring non-engineers mainstream PR traditional messaging/positioning deadlines, process, “best practices” having a “real” website partnerships/bizdev having lots of features Product-market fit cures many sins of management

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Product Management by Numbers: Using Metrics To Optimize Your Product by Dan ...Product Management by Numbers: Using Metrics To Optimize Your Product by Dan ...
Product Management by Numbers: Using Metrics To Optimize Your Product by Dan ...

Best practices in using metrics to optimize your web product. I gave this webinar on Dec 17, 2008, as part of FeaturePlan's series "The Product Management View".

Intercom's first pitch deck!
Intercom's first pitch deck!Intercom's first pitch deck!
Intercom's first pitch deck!

From a LONG time ago. Late 2011. When raising $600k was a monumental task. And when I thought it could get us to profitability!

Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)

This document outlines Dave McClure's presentation on startup metrics. It discusses the AARRR framework for measuring acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue. McClure emphasizes keeping metrics simple, focusing on actionable metrics, and using an iterative feedback loop to continuously optimize and improve based on data. He also provides examples of metrics for different roles like CEO, product, and marketing.

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Fourteen Months to the Epiphany
Why were conventional techniques failing,  yet we were still succeeding?
AdWords wasn’t the problem Nobody wakes up in the morning wishing they didn’t have to carry a USB drive, email themselves, etc. Similar things existed, but people weren’t actively looking for what we were making Display ads, landing pages ineffective Search is a way to  harvest  demand,  not  create  it
Typical Dropbox User

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Ultimate Guide to SaaS Pricing
Ultimate Guide to SaaS PricingUltimate Guide to SaaS Pricing
Ultimate Guide to SaaS Pricing

• 3. We’ll cover...1 Right and wrong ways to pick a price2 The two stages of pricing3 7 rules to give your pricing the edge • 4. Price has a MASSIVE impact on your business. • 5. Bad Methods for Pricing • 6. 1. Product cost + X% You’ll undercharge some customers and overcharge others. • 7. 2. What does the customer want to pay? People have no idea until you ask them for their credit card. • 8. Pricing by Value • 9. Value-Based Pricing Your customers get value worth $Y and it only costs them $X. • 10. Why does this work? People cannot perceive absolute value, only comparative value. • 11. Some value is easy to calculate... • 12. Other value isn’t... • 13. Pricing - Stage 1 1 • 14. Stage 1 is all about the unknown. Customers don’t understand your product and you don’t understand your customers. • 15. This is before product/market fit. • 16. The price you pick won’t be the best. • 17. Your goal = prove that the product can be sold. • 18. Pricing - Stage 2 2 • 19. This is your growth stage. • 20. Time to optimize your price. You’ll need a deep understanding for how your customers use your product. • 21. Interview your customers • 22. The ideal price is... Just high enough to need consideration but low enough to still provide plenty of value. • 23. What if you have different customer segments? • 24. Separate segments with features. Price sensitive customers get limited plans, value sensitive customers get the VIP plan. • 25. For this to be successful... You need to talk to your customers and understand the benefits they need the most. • 26. Capture the full value from each customer type. • 27. Bidsketch Case Study - Old Pricing • 28. Bidsketch Case Study - New Pricing • 29. Bidsketch Case Study - Results1 Doubled average revenue per customer2 Only a slight drop in conversions3 No impact on churn Google “bidsketch pricing post” • 30. Seven Rules for Pricing 7 • 31. Rule 1: End with a 9 $39 or $37? • 32. Rule 2: Make Your Price Short $1,000.00 or $1000? • 33. Rule 3: Anchor Your Price 1 That product is $100, this is only $10 2 Was $150, now only $80 3 Value of $1500, selling for only $150 • 34. Rule 4: Offer Multiple Prices • 35. Rule 5: Double your Price People tend to UNDERvalue their services. • 36. Rule 6: Be Careful With Freemium Plans Very difficult to make it work outside of mass markets. • 37. Rule 7: Grandfather Old Customers In As long as you don’t raise prices for old customers, you won’t get any complaints. • 38. These are rules, not laws. • 39. Your 3 Tools for Getting It Done • 40. 1. The Customer Interview • 41. 2. A/B Testing • 42. 3. Customer Analytics • 43. KISSmetrics helps you find the right price 1 Know who to interview 2 Get A/B results from your whole funnel 3 Track WHO’s doing what

Startup Metrics, a love story. All slides of an 6h Lean Analytics workshop.
Startup Metrics, a love story. All slides of an 6h Lean Analytics workshop.Startup Metrics, a love story. All slides of an 6h Lean Analytics workshop.
Startup Metrics, a love story. All slides of an 6h Lean Analytics workshop.

Everything you need to know about Startup Product Metrics. This is a slideshare exclusive. The full 8hour workshop deck. #iCatapult Workshop - 2013-08-12 Links:

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Business model canvas (Dropbox)
Business model canvas (Dropbox)Business model canvas (Dropbox)
Business model canvas (Dropbox)

Dropbox uses a freemium business model where basic services are free to attract users, while premium services that offer additional storage space and features are paid. It partners with companies like Amazon for data storage and HTC to offer free storage to Android users. Dropbox generates revenue from subscription fees for premium accounts with additional storage allowances beyond the free basic levels. It aims to make file storage and sharing easy across all devices through its intuitive interface and automatic synchronization features.

keyresourcesdropboxkey partners
Steve Blank & Market Type Existing Market Resegmented Market New Market Marketing tactics for one market type fail horribly in others
New strategy: encourage WOM, viral Give users better tools to spread the love Referral program w/ 2-sided incentive permanently increased signups by 60% (!!) Inspired by PayPal $5 signup bonus Help from Sean Ellis: Surveys, split tests, landing page/signup flow  optimizations, encourage sharing    big wins Big investment in analytics
Trailing 30 days (Apr 2010) : users sent  2.8 million direct referral invites
Results September 2008: 100,000 registered users January 2010 (15 mos later): 4,000,000 Mostly from word-of-mouth and viral: 35% of daily signups from referral program 20% from shared folders, other viral features Sustained 15-20%+ month-over-month growth since launch

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How the Communication Revolution Has Changed the Hotel Sales Funnel
How the Communication Revolution Has Changed the Hotel Sales FunnelHow the Communication Revolution Has Changed the Hotel Sales Funnel
How the Communication Revolution Has Changed the Hotel Sales Funnel

The Communication Revolution has changed the hotel sales funnel, Jason McDonald and Jay Feitlinger review the four stages of a hotel sales funnel and how hotel managers can optimize their hotel websites and presences to increase onsite bookings.

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9 Lead Gen Tactics From 2 Rapidly Growing Startups [Webinar]
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This document summarizes key tactics for lead generation from two fast-growing startups, LeadPages and WordStream. LeadPages processes over 4 million opt-ins per month and shares tactics like creating many opt-in opportunities, testing different page elements, and using clear landing pages. WordStream grew revenue 10x in 3 years using PPC. They discuss writing better ads to trigger emotions, improving offers, and aggressively using remarketing to boost metrics like repeat visitors and time on site.

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Testing and validating your idea
Testing and validating your ideaTesting and validating your idea
Testing and validating your idea

You’re full of ideas, but how do you know which are worth working on? In this workshop, you’ll learn how to use the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) philosophy to test and validate your ideas with the least amount of work required. The ultimate goal is to get to product/market fit. Take your idea and get moving in the right direction quickly and efficiently. Workshop content and delivery via General Assembly

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Wrapping up Learn early, learn often Best practices aren’t always best Know your market type & how  your product fits into your user’s  life
Thank you! Questions? @drewhouston

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Startup Team Management
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Disruptive Innovation And The Bankruptcy Of Polaroid
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Lean Startup: Pivot vs Persevere
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Anatomy of Seed
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Anatomy of Seed
Startup Marketing Strategy - Case Study
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Lean Business Plan:
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Lean Business Plan:

Dropbox Startup Lessons Learned

  • 1. Startup Lessons Learned Drew Houston @drewhouston
  • 2. Background Cofounder & CEO, Dropbox Earlier: MIT comp sci (‘05), started online SAT prep co, engineer @ startups Easiest way to share files across computers & with other people Founded in ‘07, launched Sep ’08 Sequoia & Accel-backed startup in SF Millions of users, rapidly growing
  • 3. Some context 100,000  many millions of users in 18 months since launch No advertising spend Hostile environment: lots of competitors, software download Mostly done by engineers w/ some guidance but no prior marketing experience
  • 4. How we applied lean startup principles at Dropbox (sometimes on purpose, sometimes by accident)
  • 5. Paul Graham: Early and often Joel Spolsky: When it doesn’t completely suck (avoid “Marimba Phenomenon”) When to Launch?
  • 6. 2006: Dozens and dozens of cloud storage companies
  • 7. VC: “There are a million cloud storage startups!” Drew: “Do you use any of them?” VC: “No” Drew: “…”
  • 8. Building a bulletproof, scalable, cross-platform cloud storage architecture is hard
  • 9. "[product] ended up turning all my Word docs and half my Excel Spreadsheets into 0 byte files. Needless to say, I am not happy." From competitor’s support forum:
  • 11. Dropbox’s minimum viable product: 3 min screencast on Hacker News (Apr 07): Lots of immediate, high-quality feedback
  • 12. Simple landing page: capture interest/email address
  • 13. Private beta launch video  12,000 diggs; beta waiting list jumps from 5,000 to 75,000 in one day (Mar 2008)
  • 14. What we learned Biggest risk: making something no one wants Not launching  painful, but not learning  fatal Put something in users hands (doesn’t have to be code) and get real feedback ASAP Know where your target audience hangs out & speak to them in an authentic way
  • 15. When “best practices” aren’t best
  • 16. Public launch (Sep 2008): Time to get real
  • 17. Public launch (Sep 2008): Time to get real Our Web 2.0 Marketing Plan Big launch at TechCrunch50 Buy some AdWords Hire, um, a PR firm, or a VP of Marketing, or something
  • 18. Experiment: Paid search Hired experienced SEM & affiliate marketing guy ($$) Picked out keywords, made landing pages Hid the free account option for people arriving via paid search, replace with free time-limited trial Went live in early 2009
  • 20. Cost per acquisition: $233-$388 For a $99 product. Fail.
  • 21. Experiments failing left and right Problem: Most obvious keywords bidded way up Probably by other venture-backed startups Problem: Long tail had little volume Problem: Hiding free option was shady, confusing, buggy Affiliate program, display ads, etc sucked too Economics totally broken
  • 22. But we were still doing well…? Reached 1mm users 7 months after launch Beloved by our community
  • 23. What we learned Lots of pressure (or guilt) to do things the traditional way. But think first principles Fortunately, we spent almost all our effort on making an elegant, simple product that “just works” and making users happy And we worked our asses off And hired the smartest people we knew “Keep the main thing the main thing”
  • 24. What we learned Mostly ignored (or woefully mishandled): hiring non-engineers mainstream PR traditional messaging/positioning deadlines, process, “best practices” having a “real” website partnerships/bizdev having lots of features Product-market fit cures many sins of management
  • 25. Fourteen Months to the Epiphany
  • 26. Why were conventional techniques failing, yet we were still succeeding?
  • 27. AdWords wasn’t the problem Nobody wakes up in the morning wishing they didn’t have to carry a USB drive, email themselves, etc. Similar things existed, but people weren’t actively looking for what we were making Display ads, landing pages ineffective Search is a way to harvest demand, not create it
  • 29. Steve Blank & Market Type Existing Market Resegmented Market New Market Marketing tactics for one market type fail horribly in others
  • 30. New strategy: encourage WOM, viral Give users better tools to spread the love Referral program w/ 2-sided incentive permanently increased signups by 60% (!!) Inspired by PayPal $5 signup bonus Help from Sean Ellis: Surveys, split tests, landing page/signup flow optimizations, encourage sharing  big wins Big investment in analytics
  • 31. Trailing 30 days (Apr 2010) : users sent 2.8 million direct referral invites
  • 32. Results September 2008: 100,000 registered users January 2010 (15 mos later): 4,000,000 Mostly from word-of-mouth and viral: 35% of daily signups from referral program 20% from shared folders, other viral features Sustained 15-20%+ month-over-month growth since launch
  • 33. Wrapping up Learn early, learn often Best practices aren’t always best Know your market type & how your product fits into your user’s life
  • 34. Thank you! Questions? @drewhouston

Editor's Notes

  1. Unusual aspects
  2. A few examples/stories
  3. As a founder lots of questions
  4. Back in 2006 the cloud storage market was insane
  5. Investor meetings had an interesting pattern
  6. (as I spent the bulk of my 20s discovering) This is not your typical rails app that you can bang out in a weekend.
  7. One thing I ran into over and over again was products that half worked. I promise you, if they did, I wouldn’t be here, I would be using that instead. But these were the guys who launched early. And now most of them are dead, not because of Dropbox but largely by self inflicted wounds.
  8. So, launching early and joining the pigpile of halfassed storage products was not terribly appealing
  9. So shipping code was out of the question YC app – ship in 8 wks vs 18 mos Prototype worked; video could show product in best light; get much of the same feedback as if we shipped working code
  10. YC’s motto
  11. As engineers
  12. We ran a bunch of experiments; adwords example -- everybody else is doing it
  13. - SEM is an example, but others – guilt to do what everyone else is doing -- to hire a product person, or a VP of whatever, or make an analytics dashboard, or a PR firm, etc. Often these are great things to do but that’s not a license to blindly do them
  14. To do something well in general you’ll be doing something else poorly