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Startup Lessons Learned

     Drew Houston
• Cofounder & CEO, Dropbox
• Earlier: MIT comp sci (‘05), started
  online SAT prep co, engineer @ startups

• Easiest way to share files across
  computers & with other people
• Founded in ‘07, launched Sep ’08
• Sequoia & Accel-backed startup in SF
• Millions of users, rapidly growing
Some context
• 100,000  many millions of users in 18
  months since launch
• No advertising spend
• Hostile environment: lots of competitors,
  software download
• Mostly done by engineers w/ some guidance
  but no prior marketing experience
How we applied lean startup
    principles at Dropbox

(sometimes on purpose, sometimes by accident)

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This document profiles Perry Belcher and discusses opportunities with emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, and no-code software development. It notes that Belcher has experience founding 11 companies that generate over $10 million per year, as well as advising and investing in businesses. The document promotes Belcher's cell phone number and highlights various AI tools, platforms, and strategies for automating work using these technologies.

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Mobile app promotion strategy
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Mobile app promotion strategy

This document provides a mobile app promotion strategy. It discusses metrics to measure app effectiveness like active install rate and average app rating. Content should be created to explain how to use the app across blogs, social media and more. A product demo video should be recorded. A dedicated landing page should be launched to direct users to sign up for alerts. Targeted paid ads on platforms like Google AdWords and Facebook can be used to promote the app during launch. Key performance indicators like downloads, shares and leads will help evaluate the strategy's success.

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How to find product market fit
How to find product market fitHow to find product market fit
How to find product market fit

This document outlines steps to find product-market fit, including defining early adopters and determining the best segments to target. It introduces the FOCUS framework, which provides concrete steps to validate goals through product delivery at scale. These steps include finding early adopters, offering tests, currency tests, utility tests, and scaling. The document also describes exercises to declare validation victories, generate new product ideas, role-play customer segments, and score segments to determine which to initially target. The overall aim is to provide a clear path and tools to efficiently test ideas and reach product-market fit.

When to Launch?

 Paul Graham:        Joel Spolsky:
Early and often     When it doesn’t
                    completely suck
                  (avoid “Marimba Phenomenon”)
2006: Dozens and dozens of
2006: Dozens and dozens of
  cloud storage companies
  cloud storage companies
VC: “There are a million
    cloud storage startups!”

Drew: “Do you use any of them?”

           VC: “No”

           Drew: “…”
Building a bulletproof, scalable,
 cross-platform cloud storage
      architecture is hard

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» How are you different? » What are your competitive advantages? Key Objective: Help us understand how you compare to alternatives and validate your differentiation. 20 NOTES » Identify direct and indirect competitors. » Outline competitive landscape - who are the key players, their strengths/weaknesses, funding status. » Position yourself relative to competitors - where do you play? » Clearly articulate your differentiation and competitive advantages. » Address any perceived weaknesses head-on. » Cite third party reports, analyst coverage to validate your claims about the competitive landscape and your position within it. » Discuss barriers to entry for potential new competitors. - What are

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Fake startup presentation put together by Dave McClure (500 Hats) & Wayne Lambright ( for SuperNova 2007. Altho this was a fake company, the slide outline may be useful for other startups.

Getting to Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
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Getting to Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Every venture capitalist, board member and startup advisor counsels the entrepreneur to focus on building their minimum viable product (MVP). But how exactly does a company build out its MVP? Learn how the right framework guides your development from MVP to a mature product.

mvpminimum viable productstartup
From competitor’s support forum:

"[product] ended up turning all my Word
  docs and half my Excel Spreadsheets
  into 0 byte files. Needless to say, I am
                 not happy."
Learn early, learn often
Dropbox’s minimum viable product:
   Dropbox’s minimum viable product:
3 min screencast on Hacker News (Apr 07):
3 min screencast on Hacker News (Apr 07):
 Lots of immediate, high-quality feedback
 Lots of immediate, high-quality feedback
Simple landing page: capture interest/email
Simple landing page: capture interest/email

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You will be graded as a team - No free riders - Communicate outside of class - Support each other - Fail fast and learn quick The goal is to learn, not get an “A” We want you to succeed more than you want to pass the class We are here to help, challenge and support you This class simulates a startup - it will be hard but also very rewarding Now go out and start learning!

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Matching Price to Value: 3 Lessons in Monetization from Menlo Ventures

SaaS is about creating long-term value for your customer, and being compensated appropriately for that value as a business. Learn actionable monetization tips from a Product/Growth operator turned VC.

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Playhaus Pitch Deck
Playhaus Pitch DeckPlayhaus Pitch Deck
Playhaus Pitch Deck

The document presents a pitch deck for DI.Circle, which aims to build an open source community and launch a STEAM workshop/design library to help prepare people, especially children, for future jobs amidst increasing automation through equipping them with skills like coding, design thinking, and collaboration. It outlines DI.Circle's vision, values, programs, target audiences, business model, and fundraising strategy to achieve its goal of creating a community of creative thinkers and makers.

Private beta launch video  12,000 diggs;
  Private beta launch video  12,000 diggs;
beta waiting list jumps from 5,000 to 75,000 in
beta waiting list jumps from 5,000 to 75,000 in
               one day (Mar 2008)
               one day (Mar 2008)
What we learned
• Biggest risk: making something no one
• Not launching  painful, but not learning 
• Put something in users hands (doesn’t have
  to be code) and get real feedback ASAP
• Know where your target audience hangs out
  & speak to them in an authentic way
When “best practices” aren’t best
Public launch (Sep 2008): Time to get real
Public launch (Sep 2008): Time to get real

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The document provides an overview of the I-Corps E245 Syllabus Revision 17 course. The course aims to help teams determine the commercial readiness of their technology through experiential learning and customer discovery. It is taught over several in-person sessions and online lectures, and requires teams to spend significant time outside of class talking to customers. The goal is for teams to develop a go/no go decision about commercial viability and a transition plan if moving forward. Coursework focuses on testing business model hypotheses through customer interactions rather than academic papers or presentations.

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MVP Tree

How to search for the right minimal viable product and find product/market fit. From Shawn Carolan Menlo Ventures

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Stock broker kpi
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This document discusses key performance indicators (KPIs) for stock brokers. It provides examples of KPIs, outlines steps for creating KPIs for stock brokers, discusses common mistakes in developing KPIs, and how to design effective KPIs. The document recommends visiting for additional KPI samples and materials related to performance appraisal forms, methods, and review phrases.

Public launch (Sep 2008): Time to get real
  Public launch (Sep 2008): Time to get real

     Our Web 2.0 Marketing Plan
     Our Web 2.0 Marketing Plan
•• Big launch at TechCrunch50
   Big launch at TechCrunch50
•• Buy some AdWords
   Buy some AdWords
•• Hire, um, a PR firm, or a VP of Marketing, or
   Hire, um, a PR firm, or a VP of Marketing, or
Experiment: Paid search
• Hired experienced SEM & affiliate marketing
  guy ($$)
• Picked out keywords, made landing pages
• Hid the free account option for people
  arriving via paid search, replace with free
  time-limited trial
• Went live in early 2009
Cost per acquisition: $233-$388
Cost per acquisition: $233-$388
Cost per acquisition: $233-$388
Cost per acquisition: $233-$388
    For a $99 product. Fail.
     For a $99 product. Fail.

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You're Too Focused on Product/Market Fit - Brian Balfour at SaaSFest 2016
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You're Too Focused on Product/Market Fit - Brian Balfour at SaaSFest 2016

Over the past ten years, software gurus have been preaching the notion that you need to find product/market fit. Balfour presents an extremely cogent argument that because of the speed of technology now, this advice is no longer valid. In reality, you need to find market, product, channel, model fit (in that order). Balfour lays out his argument in this presentation at Price Intelligently's SaaSFest 2016 by cataloging his experience over his career and view of the market.

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Pitch deck templates for seed capital

Slide dari sesi Roundtable Disscussion : "Bagaimana membuat pitch deck yang menarik perhatian investor?" Credit to : Kevin Darmawan, Managing Partner Coffee Ventures

tech in asia
Experiments failing left and right
• Problem: Most obvious keywords bidded
  way up
  – Probably by other venture-backed startups
• Problem: Long tail had little volume
• Problem: Hiding free option was shady,
  confusing, buggy
• Affiliate program, display ads, etc sucked too
• Economics totally broken
But we were still doing well…?
• Reached 1mm users 7 months after launch
• Beloved by our community
What we learned
• Lots of pressure (or guilt) to do things the
  traditional way. But think first principles
• Fortunately, we spent almost all our effort on
  making an elegant, simple product that “just
  works” and making users happy
• And we worked our asses off
• And hired the smartest people we knew
• “Keep the main thing the main thing”
What we learned
• Mostly ignored (or woefully mishandled):
  – hiring non-engineers
  – mainstream PR
  – traditional messaging/positioning
  – deadlines, process, “best practices”
  – having a “real” website
  – partnerships/bizdev
  – having lots of features
• Product-market fit cures many sins of

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The document provides tips for pitching venture capitalists (VCs) to obtain funding. It outlines 10 essential elements to include in a pitch, such as an elevator pitch, problem description, solution, market size, business model, proprietary technology, competition, marketing plan, team, and funding needs/milestones. It emphasizes making the pitch memorable, obvious, and fun while demonstrating an unfair advantage, large market opportunity, and achievable milestones that will increase company value. Graphics, customer testimonials, and working demos or screenshots are highly recommended to capture attention and showcase the product or solution.

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7 steps for creating the ultimate product-led growth strategy A practical guide for B2B product leaders Mickey Alon, Former CEO and co-founder of Insightera, CPO and co-founder of Aptrinsic (Gainsight PX).

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Fake Doors - How to Test Product Ideas Quickly - Hustlecon 2013
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The document discusses the concept of "fake door testing" as a way to quickly test product ideas. It explains that people are better at reacting to things that exist rather than predicting what they want. Fake door testing involves building the minimum viable product to test key assumptions, while faking other elements, and testing it on real users. The document provides examples and steps for conducting fake door testing, including building a sales interface for user-generated outfits, faking partnerships with retailers, and directly handling shipping to test the idea. It emphasizes the need for tolerance of failure, clear metrics, not betraying user trust, and that fake door testing is not a replacement for ideation.

startup companystartupslean startup
Fourteen Months to the Epiphany
Why were conventional
     techniques failing,
yet we were still succeeding?
AdWords wasn’t the problem
• Nobody wakes up in the morning wishing
  they didn’t have to carry a USB drive, email
  themselves, etc.
• Similar things existed, but people weren’t
  actively looking for what we were making
• Display ads, landing pages ineffective
• Search is a way to harvest demand,
  not create it
Typical Dropbox User

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Czym jest Lean Startup?
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Czym jest Lean Startup?

Krótkie wprowadzenie do metody Lean Startup. Prezentacja i krótki warsztat odbyły się podczas spotkania Business Cafe w Poznaniu. Prezentacja była skierowana do osób które nie spotkały się wcześniej z koncepcją Lean Startup.

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Drop box case study analysis
Drop box case study analysisDrop box case study analysis
Drop box case study analysis

Dropbox is a cloud storage startup founded in 2007 by Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi. By 2010, Dropbox had raised $257 million in capital and had 4 million users. Houston faced strategic decisions around product segmentation, targeting enterprise customers, and distribution deals. Key issues included whether to offer multiple products, integrate with other folders, determine business vs personal use, improve analytics, and partner with security firms. The case analyzes Dropbox's history and challenges.

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Entrepreneurship development 1
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Entrepreneurship development 1

Entrepreneurship, types, functions, life cycle of a business venture, Entrepreneurship development cycle, identification o potential entrepreneurs, barriers to entrepreneurship, characteristics of a entrepreneur

Steve Blank & Market Type

•Existing Market
•New Market

•Marketing tactics for one market
 type fail horribly in others
New strategy: encourage WOM, viral
• Give users better tools to spread the love
• Referral program w/ 2-sided incentive
  permanently increased signups by 60% (!!)
  – Inspired by PayPal $5 signup bonus
• Help from Sean Ellis: Surveys, split tests,
  landing page/signup flow
  optimizations, encourage
  sharing  big wins
• Big investment in analytics
Trailing 30 days (Apr 2010) :: users sent
Trailing 30 days (Apr 2010) users sent
     2.8 million direct referral invites
      2.8 million direct referral invites
• September 2008: 100,000 registered users
• January 2010 (15 mos later): 4,000,000
• Mostly from word-of-mouth and viral:
  – 35% of daily signups from referral program
  – 20% from shared folders, other viral features
• Sustained 15-20%+ month-over-month
  growth since launch

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Dropbox startup lessons learned 2011

Drew Houston, founder and CEO of Dropbox, discusses the challenges of scaling the company from 20 employees and 5 million users to over 55 employees and 25 million users. Some key points are: hiring fewer but better engineers to reduce coordination needs; keeping engineering teams small and loosely coupled; focusing on building the right things instead of moving fast; and using metrics and processes like OKRs to increase predictability as the company grows.

Business model canvas (Dropbox)
Business model canvas (Dropbox)Business model canvas (Dropbox)
Business model canvas (Dropbox)

Dropbox uses a freemium business model where basic services are free to attract users, while premium services that offer additional storage space and features are paid. It partners with companies like Amazon for data storage and HTC to offer free storage to Android users. Dropbox generates revenue from subscription fees for premium accounts with additional storage allowances beyond the free basic levels. It aims to make file storage and sharing easy across all devices through its intuitive interface and automatic synchronization features.

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Big Data has Big Implications for Customer Experience Management
Big Data has Big Implications for Customer Experience ManagementBig Data has Big Implications for Customer Experience Management
Big Data has Big Implications for Customer Experience Management

This document discusses how companies can use big data analytics to improve customer loyalty. It explains that big data refers to tools and processes for managing and analyzing large datasets. Integrating different sources of customer, operational, financial, and employee data is key to extracting value. Linkage analysis is used to determine how operational metrics, employee satisfaction, and financial outcomes are related to customer satisfaction and loyalty. The results can help companies identify specific drivers of customer loyalty and validate training and operational standards.

Wrapping up
• Learn early, learn often
• Best practices aren’t always best
• Know your market type & how
  your product fits into your user’s
Thank you!



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Dropbox: Building Business Through Lean Startup Principles

  • 1. Startup Lessons Learned Drew Houston @drewhouston
  • 2. Background • Cofounder & CEO, Dropbox • Earlier: MIT comp sci (‘05), started online SAT prep co, engineer @ startups • Easiest way to share files across computers & with other people • Founded in ‘07, launched Sep ’08 • Sequoia & Accel-backed startup in SF • Millions of users, rapidly growing
  • 3. Some context • 100,000  many millions of users in 18 months since launch • No advertising spend • Hostile environment: lots of competitors, software download • Mostly done by engineers w/ some guidance but no prior marketing experience
  • 4. How we applied lean startup principles at Dropbox (sometimes on purpose, sometimes by accident)
  • 5. When to Launch? Paul Graham: Joel Spolsky: Early and often When it doesn’t completely suck (avoid “Marimba Phenomenon”)
  • 6. 2006: Dozens and dozens of 2006: Dozens and dozens of cloud storage companies cloud storage companies
  • 7. VC: “There are a million cloud storage startups!” Drew: “Do you use any of them?” VC: “No” Drew: “…”
  • 8. Building a bulletproof, scalable, cross-platform cloud storage architecture is hard
  • 9. From competitor’s support forum: "[product] ended up turning all my Word docs and half my Excel Spreadsheets into 0 byte files. Needless to say, I am not happy."
  • 11. Dropbox’s minimum viable product: Dropbox’s minimum viable product: 3 min screencast on Hacker News (Apr 07): 3 min screencast on Hacker News (Apr 07): Lots of immediate, high-quality feedback Lots of immediate, high-quality feedback
  • 12. Simple landing page: capture interest/email Simple landing page: capture interest/email address address
  • 13. Private beta launch video  12,000 diggs; Private beta launch video  12,000 diggs; beta waiting list jumps from 5,000 to 75,000 in beta waiting list jumps from 5,000 to 75,000 in one day (Mar 2008) one day (Mar 2008)
  • 14. What we learned • Biggest risk: making something no one wants • Not launching  painful, but not learning  fatal • Put something in users hands (doesn’t have to be code) and get real feedback ASAP • Know where your target audience hangs out & speak to them in an authentic way
  • 15. When “best practices” aren’t best
  • 16. Public launch (Sep 2008): Time to get real Public launch (Sep 2008): Time to get real
  • 17. Public launch (Sep 2008): Time to get real Public launch (Sep 2008): Time to get real Our Web 2.0 Marketing Plan Our Web 2.0 Marketing Plan •• Big launch at TechCrunch50 Big launch at TechCrunch50 •• Buy some AdWords Buy some AdWords •• Hire, um, a PR firm, or a VP of Marketing, or Hire, um, a PR firm, or a VP of Marketing, or something something
  • 18. Experiment: Paid search • Hired experienced SEM & affiliate marketing guy ($$) • Picked out keywords, made landing pages • Hid the free account option for people arriving via paid search, replace with free time-limited trial • Went live in early 2009
  • 19. Cost per acquisition: $233-$388 Cost per acquisition: $233-$388
  • 20. Cost per acquisition: $233-$388 Cost per acquisition: $233-$388 For a $99 product. Fail. For a $99 product. Fail.
  • 21. Experiments failing left and right • Problem: Most obvious keywords bidded way up – Probably by other venture-backed startups • Problem: Long tail had little volume • Problem: Hiding free option was shady, confusing, buggy • Affiliate program, display ads, etc sucked too • Economics totally broken
  • 22. But we were still doing well…? • Reached 1mm users 7 months after launch • Beloved by our community
  • 23. What we learned • Lots of pressure (or guilt) to do things the traditional way. But think first principles • Fortunately, we spent almost all our effort on making an elegant, simple product that “just works” and making users happy • And we worked our asses off • And hired the smartest people we knew • “Keep the main thing the main thing”
  • 24. What we learned • Mostly ignored (or woefully mishandled): – hiring non-engineers – mainstream PR – traditional messaging/positioning – deadlines, process, “best practices” – having a “real” website – partnerships/bizdev – having lots of features • Product-market fit cures many sins of management
  • 25. Fourteen Months to the Epiphany
  • 26. Why were conventional techniques failing, yet we were still succeeding?
  • 27. AdWords wasn’t the problem • Nobody wakes up in the morning wishing they didn’t have to carry a USB drive, email themselves, etc. • Similar things existed, but people weren’t actively looking for what we were making • Display ads, landing pages ineffective • Search is a way to harvest demand, not create it
  • 29. Steve Blank & Market Type •Existing Market •Resegmented Market •New Market •Marketing tactics for one market type fail horribly in others
  • 30. New strategy: encourage WOM, viral • Give users better tools to spread the love • Referral program w/ 2-sided incentive permanently increased signups by 60% (!!) – Inspired by PayPal $5 signup bonus • Help from Sean Ellis: Surveys, split tests, landing page/signup flow optimizations, encourage sharing  big wins • Big investment in analytics
  • 31. Trailing 30 days (Apr 2010) :: users sent Trailing 30 days (Apr 2010) users sent 2.8 million direct referral invites 2.8 million direct referral invites
  • 32. Results • September 2008: 100,000 registered users • January 2010 (15 mos later): 4,000,000 • Mostly from word-of-mouth and viral: – 35% of daily signups from referral program – 20% from shared folders, other viral features • Sustained 15-20%+ month-over-month growth since launch
  • 33. Wrapping up • Learn early, learn often • Best practices aren’t always best • Know your market type & how your product fits into your user’s life

Editor's Notes

  1. Unusual aspects
  2. A few examples/stories
  3. As a founder lots of questions
  4. Back in 2006 the cloud storage market was insane
  5. Investor meetings had an interesting pattern
  6. (as I spent the bulk of my 20s discovering) This is not your typical rails app that you can bang out in a weekend.
  7. One thing I ran into over and over again was products that half worked. I promise you, if they did, I wouldn’t be here, I would be using that instead. But these were the guys who launched early. And now most of them are dead, not because of Dropbox but largely by self inflicted wounds.
  8. So, launching early and joining the pigpile of halfassed storage products was not terribly appealing
  9. So shipping code was out of the question YC app – ship in 8 wks vs 18 mos Prototype worked; video could show product in best light; get much of the same feedback as if we shipped working code
  10. YC’s motto
  11. As engineers
  12. We ran a bunch of experiments; adwords example -- everybody else is doing it
  13. - SEM is an example, but others – guilt to do what everyone else is doing -- to hire a product person, or a VP of whatever, or make an analytics dashboard, or a PR firm, etc. Often these are great things to do but that’s not a license to blindly do them
  14. To do something well in general you’ll be doing something else poorly