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Raymond Camden
mostly sorry ;)
Raymond Camden
Developer Advocate for IBM
Blogging at
Tweeting at

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Leave No One Behind with HTML5 - FFWD.PRO, Croatia
Leave No One Behind with HTML5 - FFWD.PRO, CroatiaLeave No One Behind with HTML5 - FFWD.PRO, Croatia
Leave No One Behind with HTML5 - FFWD.PRO, Croatia

This document provides an overview of HTML5 features including accessibility, video, canvas, history API, fullscreen API, camera API, pointer lock API, and polyfills. It emphasizes the open nature of the web and encourages trying new things with HTML5.

WordPress Hardening
WordPress HardeningWordPress Hardening
WordPress Hardening

This document outlines Maurizio Pelizzone's presentation on WordPress hardening at WordCamp Bologna 2012. He discusses why hardening is important to prevent dangers like information collection, exploits, and vulnerabilities. The presentation provides several solutions for hardening a WordPress site, such as deleting files like readme.html, hiding admin URLs, using strong passwords, renaming directories, and using blackhole and file monitoring plugins.

wordpress wordcampbo hardening security htaccess
Developers, Be a Bada$$ with WP-CLI
Developers, Be a Bada$$ with WP-CLIDevelopers, Be a Bada$$ with WP-CLI
Developers, Be a Bada$$ with WP-CLI

How to improve your workflows via SSH gateway. Experts at WP Engine help you learn about how WordPress developers can make their work more efficient using WP-CLI via SSH gateway to improve workflows. On-demand webinar:

wp-clissh gatewaywordpress
Created by Evan You
Released in February of
Currently is version 2.5.13
Main site:

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JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, Sao Paulo
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, Sao PauloJavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, Sao Paulo
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, Sao Paulo

The document provides an overview of various JavaScript APIs available for building web applications, including Browser ID for authentication, drag and drop, fullscreen mode, camera access, WebRTC, pointer lock, IndexedDB, battery status, and vibration. It also briefly mentions Boot to Gecko and the telephony and SMS APIs available in B2G.

Getting Started with HTML 5 Web workers
Getting Started with HTML 5 Web workersGetting Started with HTML 5 Web workers
Getting Started with HTML 5 Web workers

This document introduces web workers, which allow JavaScript code to perform processor-intensive calculations without blocking the user interface (UI) thread. Web workers allow web pages to run multiple scripts simultaneously, improving performance for tasks like live syntax highlighting, crunching large amounts of data, and smooth animations. They work by executing scripts in background threads separate from the main script, so the UI thread is not blocked. Developers create and communicate with worker threads to offload processing work from the UI thread.

webworkersweb workershtml5
JavaScript Web Workers
JavaScript Web WorkersJavaScript Web Workers
JavaScript Web Workers

An introduction about JavaScript web workers I gave at BerlinJS on the 18th of July 2013. It introduces the concept of web workers for simple parallel processing in client side JavaScript.

web workerberlinjshtml5
Two-way binding between your DOM and JavaScript
Template Language (aka Declarative Rendering)
And I know I said this - but it does more. A lot more.
npm install
cli install
Download from site
Copy and paste a script tag FTW!!!!!1!
<script src=""></script>
Identify where you're going to render stuff
Setup some data
Render that data
Add events (ie on this do that) and other fancy stuff

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Azure Web SItes - Things they don't teach kids in school - Multi-Mania
Azure Web SItes - Things they don't teach kids in school - Multi-ManiaAzure Web SItes - Things they don't teach kids in school - Multi-Mania
Azure Web SItes - Things they don't teach kids in school - Multi-Mania

Microsoft has a cloud platform which runs .NET, NodeJS and PHP. All 101 talks out there will show you the same: it’s easy to deploy, it scales out on demand and it runs WordPress. Great! But what about doing real things? In this session, we’ll explore the things they don’t teach kids in school. How about trying to find out the architecture of this platform? What about the different deployment options for Windows Azure Web Sites, the development flow and some awesome things you can do with the command line tools? Did you know you can modify the automated build process? Join me in this exploration of some lesser known techniques of the platform.

web siteswebsitesproject kudu
HTML 5 - Overview
HTML 5 - OverviewHTML 5 - Overview
HTML 5 - Overview

HTML 5 is the latest version of the HTML standard. It includes several new elements and features to improve structure and behavior. Some key changes include new semantic elements like <article>, <aside>, <header>, and <footer>; built-in support for audio and video; the <canvas> element for drawing graphics; and forms with new input types. HTML 5 aims to simplify HTML and separate structure and presentation, making code cleaner and pages more accessible. It is developed jointly by the WHATWG and W3C organizations.

Svelte JS introduction
Svelte JS introductionSvelte JS introduction
Svelte JS introduction

Svelte is a frontend framework that focuses on compiler-centered reactivity rather than a virtual DOM for better performance and smaller bundle sizes. It allows writing components in a simpler reactive way using declarative templates, properties and events. The talk covered Svelte basics like project setup, components, events and lifecycle methods. It demonstrated Svelte's speed advantages and discussed the ecosystem of libraries and community support including Typescript. Advanced topics covered included Single Page Application routing with Sapper and NativeScript for mobile.

$('#yetanotherdiv').html('<b>This is awesome</b>');
Willy Nilly DOM Manipulation
Defining Vue's Place...

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Mehr Performance für WordPress - WordCamp Köln
Mehr Performance für WordPress - WordCamp KölnMehr Performance für WordPress - WordCamp Köln
Mehr Performance für WordPress - WordCamp Köln

The document discusses ways to improve WordPress performance, including optimizing images, minifying and combining CSS and JavaScript files, conditionally loading scripts, caching content, optimizing databases, and prioritizing above-the-fold content. It also provides examples of using .htaccess files, child themes, and hooks to optimize site performance.

JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the PlatformJavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform

The document discusses JavaScript APIs and developing web apps. It covers topics like manifest files, installing web apps, offline capabilities, fullscreen support, camera, telephony, SMS, battery, vibration, and more. The goal is to enable running HTML5-based web apps across platforms like Windows, Mac, Android, and more using a common Web Runtime.

html5html5 javascriptjavascript
Web workers
Web workersWeb workers
Web workers

This document discusses web workers, which allow JavaScript to execute tasks in background threads apart from the main execution thread. It covers the need for web workers due to JavaScript's single-threaded nature. There are two types of web workers - dedicated workers which are linked to a single script, and shared workers which can be accessed by multiple scripts. The document outlines the web workers API, how to communicate with workers using message passing, and provides examples of dedicated and shared workers. It also discusses browser support for web workers and how to check for support.

v-model links to data field
Works in all kinds of form fields

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Why NodeJS
Why NodeJSWhy NodeJS
Why NodeJS

Penjelasan tentang platform NodeJS yang memungkinkan kita menulis code JavaScript di sisi server. Materi dibawakan di meetup Programming Wars Software Architect Indonesia Community tanggal 26 Agustus 2017 di Microsoft Indonesia


Yeoman is a tool for modern web development workflows that consists of three key components: Yo, Bower, and Grunt. Yo is a scaffolding tool that generates project structure and files. Bower is a package manager for front-end components. Grunt is a JavaScript task runner for automating development tasks like testing, building, and previewing projects. The document provides examples of using Yeoman, Bower, and Grunt together to generate the structure and dependencies for a sample Backbone application, add testing with Mocha, and build and preview the project.

Service worker - Offline Web
Service worker - Offline WebService worker - Offline Web
Service worker - Offline Web

A presentation about the Service Worker. Talk about the difference between AppCache and ServiceWorker, also show as possible with him and the idea for the future. Demo:

frontendservice workerweb
Defined in methods block of Vue
Easy to do modifiers (v-
v-bind:style="{bgcolor:curColor, font-style:textStyle}"
v-bind:class="{highlighted:isActive, color:appStatus}"
Virtual properties
Property X is based on real data A and B
Defined in the computed part of the Vue instance

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Service workers your applications never felt so good
Service workers   your applications never felt so goodService workers   your applications never felt so good
Service workers your applications never felt so good

If you have not heard of service workers you must attend this session. Service Workers encompass new browser capabilities, along with shiny new version of AJAX called Fetch. If you have every wanted your web applications to experience many native application features, such as push notifications, service workers is the gateway to your happiness. Have you felt confused by application cache and going offline? Well service workers enable offline experiences in a much cleaner way. But that is not all! If you want to see some of the cool new, advanced web platform features that you will actually use come to this session!

service workersprogressive web applicationspwa
Native Desktop App with Node.js Webkit (HTML, CSS & Javascript)
Native Desktop App with Node.js Webkit (HTML, CSS & Javascript)Native Desktop App with Node.js Webkit (HTML, CSS & Javascript)
Native Desktop App with Node.js Webkit (HTML, CSS & Javascript)

This document introduces Node-Webkit, which allows developers to create desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Node-Webkit packages Node.js and Webkit to build executable applications for Windows and Mac. While the initial packaging was clumsy, the Grunt-Node-Webkit-Builder tool now simplifies building and testing updated Node-Webkit applications. Developing cross-platform desktop apps traditionally requires different technologies like Java Swing and is difficult, but Node-Webkit enables using a single code base for desktop apps.

Node azure
Node azureNode azure
Node azure

This document provides an overview of Node.js including: - What Node.js is and its event-driven, non-blocking architecture - How to install Node.js and build applications - How to use modules like Express.js and - Examples of deploying Node.js applications to Microsoft Azure - A demonstration of building a collaborative drum machine app with Node.js, WebSockets, and the Web Audio API

Events that occur while a Vue instance is doing stuff
beforeCreate, created, beforeMount, mounted, beforeUpate, updated,
activated, deactivated, beforeDestroy, destroyed, errorCaptured

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NodeJS is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows JavaScript to be used for server-side scripting. The document discusses what NodeJS is, why it was created, how to use it, who uses it, and its use in China (CNodeJS). Key points are that NodeJS is used for building scalable network applications using non-blocking I/O and the JavaScript language, and that it has seen significant adoption in China from companies like Taobao and Sina for building web servers and real-time applications.

Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon Europe 2014
Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon Europe 2014Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon Europe 2014
Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon Europe 2014

The document discusses modern web application development workflows. It begins by looking at past workflows that lacked structure and organization. It then introduces Node.js as a JavaScript runtime and describes how JavaScript tools like Yeoman, Bower, Grunt and Gulp help provide structure, manage dependencies, automate tasks and enforce best practices. The document provides an overview of how these tools work and how they can be used to improve development workflows.


This document provides an agenda for a class on making web pages look better with CSS. It discusses upcoming homework issues and presentations. It introduces flexbox, Bootstrap, and UI-Kit for layouts. It also outlines Project 2, which involves building the front-end for a business idea using a framework like Bootstrap or UI-Kit. Students will present a mockup by November 9th and the full project is due on the last day of class.

Do I need to explain this?
Check on submit, report on top
More examples:
Accept user input
Send to remote API...
Render responses
Re-usable objects of awesome-ness
Template + Logic + Style = Component
Also solves one of HTML's most glaring problems...

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Using Puppet - Real World Configuration Management
Using Puppet - Real World Configuration ManagementUsing Puppet - Real World Configuration Management
Using Puppet - Real World Configuration Management

Configuration management is the oft-misunderstood (and possibly black) art of managing your IT environment, infrastructure, and costs. Done well it can reduce operational errors and outages, simplify your environment, and help maintain the sanity of your IT staff. Puppet is part of the bright future of configuration management for heterogeneous Unix systems. It combines automation, a powerful abstraction language, and uses a client-server model that can scale to suit enterprise-size environments. Puppet is written in Ruby and authored by recovering system administrator-turned-developer Luke Kanies. This session explains why configuration management is important, the benefits configuration management will deliver, and how all of this can be achieved using Puppet. The session also explains emerging best practices in configuration management and addresses: * What is configuration management? Or why am I here? * Benefits, risks, and challenges: build fire resistant infrastructure rather than fight fires * Best practice: how do we do this configuration management magic right? * Where does Puppet fit in and why should management pay for its implementation? * Why using Puppet will save you money and help staff retention (although is unlikely to stop world hunger) * Real world configuration management using Puppet: code, examples, explanations, and using Puppet in anger * Measuring the results and pocketing the returns * Where to from here: some ideas about the future (may include wild-arse guesses)

Everything is Awesome - Cutting the Corners off the Web
Everything is Awesome - Cutting the Corners off the WebEverything is Awesome - Cutting the Corners off the Web
Everything is Awesome - Cutting the Corners off the Web

The web is awesome despite it's detractors. But we can't forget our fundamentals when we're trying to forge ahead with new tech. This talk is about how to approach the building blocks of the web in a way that takes advantage of their strengths and avoids their weaknesses.

web development
Modern UI Development With Node.js
Modern UI Development With Node.jsModern UI Development With Node.js
Modern UI Development With Node.js

The Node.js movement has transformed the landscape of UI development. In this session we'll look at how Node.js can be leveraged on multiple layers of the web application development lifecycle. Attendees will learn how incorporating Node.js into your front-end build process can optimize code, allow you to use use new and upcoming JavaScript features in your code today, and to improve your asset delivery pipeline. This session will also cover how Node is changing the template rendering landscape, allowing developers to write "isomorphic" code that runs on the client and server. Lastly we'll look into using Node to achieve developer zen by keeping the codebase clean and limiting the risk of changes to the code causing unknown errors.

Google Static Maps:
You can pass data in from the parent
You can listen for events from the component

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HTML5: where flash isn't needed anymore
HTML5: where flash isn't needed anymoreHTML5: where flash isn't needed anymore
HTML5: where flash isn't needed anymore

Flash over the years, has been used to prop up the regular browser like a sad old man drinking alone in a pub. Today browsers come shipped with technology designed to rival flash and aim to shut it squarely out of the game. Are browser ready to rock without Flash?

iOSDevCamp 2011 - Getting "Test"-y: Test Driven Development & Automated Deplo...
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iOSDevCamp 2011 - Getting "Test"-y: Test Driven Development & Automated Deplo...

Great testing and deployment tools already exist for web platforms like Rails; now it is iOS' turn! What's out there, where can you get it, how do you use it ... and where do we go from here?

iosios (apple)te
Cloud-powered Continuous Integration and Deployment architectures - Jinesh Varia
Cloud-powered Continuous Integration and Deployment architectures - Jinesh VariaCloud-powered Continuous Integration and Deployment architectures - Jinesh Varia
Cloud-powered Continuous Integration and Deployment architectures - Jinesh Varia

The presentation will discuss some architectural patterns in continuous integration, deployment and optimization and I will share some of the lessons learned from The goal of the presentation is to convince you that if you invest your time where you get the maximum learning from your customers, automate everything else in the cloud (CI + CD + CO), you get fast feedback and will be able to release early, release often and recover quickly from your mistakes. Dynamism of the cloud allows you to increase the speed of your iteration and reduce the cost of mistakes so you can continuously innovate while keeping your cost down.

<mything thankyou="Hey buddy, thank you for doing that thing. I
appreciate it. Here's a kitten."></mything>
<div slot="thankyou">
Hey, I want to <i>really</i> thank you for taking
the time to do whatever. We here at Mega Corp truly
care that you took the time. Oh, and here, please
take a kitten!
Not a part of Vue
Official library: vue-router (
"If I'm at location /foo, I want to do Foo"
"if I'm at location /goo, I want to do Goo"

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Integrating cloud stack with puppet
Integrating cloud stack with puppetIntegrating cloud stack with puppet
Integrating cloud stack with puppet

This document summarizes a presentation about integrating the configuration management tool Puppet with the cloud computing platform CloudStack. The key points are: 1) Puppet is configured to provision virtual machines launched in CloudStack without requiring manual intervention or Puppet's auto-signing certificate feature, which poses a security risk. 2) User data passed to instances at launch is used to dynamically set Puppet facts like role and environment without needing separate node definitions. 3) Cleanup scripts remove nodes from Puppet's database and monitoring systems when their corresponding virtual machines in CloudStack are terminated to avoid alerting on missing hosts.

Advanced Ruby Scripting For Sketch Up
Advanced Ruby Scripting For Sketch UpAdvanced Ruby Scripting For Sketch Up
Advanced Ruby Scripting For Sketch Up

This document discusses advanced Ruby scripting techniques for Google SketchUp. It provides an overview of SketchUp and its Ruby API. It then describes 7 advanced techniques for integrating web content, controlling the camera, animating models, capturing keystrokes, combining JavaScript and Ruby, and using Ruby extension modules to create physics simulations and other advanced functionality. The document encourages learning more about the SketchUp API and joining related online communities.

Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon France 2014
Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon France 2014Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon France 2014
Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon France 2014

People often consider that creating a web application is done by creating a bunch of HTML, Javascript and CSS files in a text editor, putting them in a folder and uploading them on the web. Well, things have changed and in this presentation, you will see how the workflow used to deliver web applications has evolved over the past few years and where the Eclipse Foundation's tools stand in this new world! In this talk, we will start by having a look at all the new development tools that have appeared with the arrival of Node.js and how they are used by the web development community. With tools like Bower used to manage the dependencies of a project, Grunt and Gulp used for the continuous integration and Yeoman used to kickstart web applications, web developers have dramatically increased their productivity. After that, we will see what tools like the Eclipse IDE and Orion can offer to web developers in order to build and maintain their applications and finally how they could be improved to provide the features needed by web developers.

First page - list of data
Second page - detail
Solves a problem you may not have!
One component, one set of data = easy
Two components, two set of data = mostly easy
Many components, one set of data = um....
(Another) library for Vue (deeply integrated)
Components can read from the store
Components cannot change data in the store

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It is not HTML5. but ... / HTML5ではないサイトからHTML5を考える
It is not HTML5. but ... / HTML5ではないサイトからHTML5を考えるIt is not HTML5. but ... / HTML5ではないサイトからHTML5を考える
It is not HTML5. but ... / HTML5ではないサイトからHTML5を考える

This document provides an overview of HTML5 technologies including HTML5 markup, microdata/RDFa, WebFonts, Canvas, MediaQueries, performance optimizations like SPDY and HTTP 2.0. It discusses specifications from the W3C and implementations by companies. Tools for testing responsive design, fonts and browser compatibility are also mentioned. The document is written in Japanese and references the author's blog for code samples.

Web components
Web componentsWeb components
Web components

The document discusses how web components can be used to define custom HTML elements that encapsulate markup, styles, and behavior. Web components utilize HTML templates, shadow DOM, custom elements, and HTML imports. Currently browser support exists through polyfills like Polymer and Bosonic. The document provides examples of how common interface elements like buttons, date pickers, and videos could be implemented as custom elements through these web component technologies.

web componentsshadow domhtml imports
Why Gradle?
Why Gradle?Why Gradle?
Why Gradle?

This document discusses why Gradle is a useful build tool. It provides automation, repeatability, and efficiency for software builds. Gradle models builds as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of tasks, allowing any build process to be represented. It handles common conventions but also allows custom tasks when needed. Gradle aims to fully automate builds, make them repeatable across environments, and only re-execute tasks when necessary to improve efficiency.

gradlebuild tools
Scaffolding tool
Focused on SPAs
Supports Single File Components

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Shifting Gears
Shifting GearsShifting Gears
Shifting Gears

The document discusses ways to improve website performance by optimizing JavaScript and image loading. It recommends placing scripts at the bottom of the page to avoid blocking rendering, chunking scripts into separate files, lazy loading scripts as needed, minimizing images using techniques like CSS sprites and image optimization tools, and delaying loading of non-critical images to improve page load times.

Serverless in production, an experience report (FullStack 2018)
Serverless in production, an experience report (FullStack 2018)Serverless in production, an experience report (FullStack 2018)
Serverless in production, an experience report (FullStack 2018)

This document discusses considerations for making serverless applications production ready. It covers topics like testing, monitoring, logging, deployment pipelines, performance optimization, and security. The document emphasizes principles over specific tools, and recommends focusing on shipping working software through practices like embracing external services for testing instead of mocking.

serverlessawsaws lambda
Hacking the Kinect with GAFFTA Day 1
Hacking the Kinect with GAFFTA Day 1Hacking the Kinect with GAFFTA Day 1
Hacking the Kinect with GAFFTA Day 1

First day of slides for @GAFFTA workshop Part 1 of the live stream : Part 2 of the live stream :

Devtools Extension (Chrome, Firefox, Electron, Apple Keynote
Nuxt (
Sarah Drasner on CSS-Tricks:
My Stuff:
Carol is judging your

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Similar to Don't Over-React - just use Vue!

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Don't Over-React - just use Vue!

Editor's Notes

  1. vue vs vue.js
  2. Approachable
  3. Easy to add to existing sites
  4. Let me stress - VUE DOES MORE THEN THIS! When I start learning something I will intentionally ignore things that I think I'm not quite ready for yet, so when I first started, Vue did two things for me. Two-way binding - not terribly exciting but really useful. So if I want to put a form field on a page and know when it changes, or I want to set it based on some condition or an Ajax load, Vue makes that easy. By template language (and the docs call it Declarative Rendering), I basically have a way of saying that if I have a JS variable called name and the value is ray, I want to show that on the page. That's not terribly exciting, but it goes very deep. Instead of a simple variable name I could have an array of names. Vue has a way to render that. WHat if name was empty of not yet defined? Vue provides conditionals. So if you've ever used or heard of Jade (now called Pug), Handlebars, Mustache, etc, than Vue has this baked in.
  5. code pen
  6. code pen
  7. demo app.cats.push