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Docker in automated
November 6, 2016
Andrei Varabyeu
EPAM Systems, Solution Architect
Architect and Key Developer of
5 years with EPAM and 7 years in IT
Areas: Software Development and
Automated Testing
Technologies: JVM-based stack
• Why containers?
• Problems they solve
• Automated testing perspective
• How to use docker (CLI, docker-compose)
• Dockerfiles
• Docker networking

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Jenkins is a tool that supports continuous integration by automatically building, testing, and deploying code changes. It integrates code changes frequently, at least daily, to avoid "big bang" integrations. Jenkins runs builds and tests across multiple platforms using slave nodes. It supports various source control systems and build tools and notifies developers of failed builds or tests through email or other plugins.

continue integration with jenkins
CI and CD with Jenkins
CI and CD with JenkinsCI and CD with Jenkins
CI and CD with Jenkins

Continuous integration involves developers committing code changes daily which are then automatically built and tested. Continuous delivery takes this further by automatically deploying code changes that pass testing to production environments. The document outlines how Jenkins can be used to implement continuous integration and continuous delivery through automating builds, testing, and deployments to keep the process fast, repeatable and ensure quality.

jenkinscontinuous integrationcontinuous delivery
Docker Best Practices Workshop
Docker Best Practices WorkshopDocker Best Practices Workshop
Docker Best Practices Workshop

A hands-on workshop that covers 18 best practices in 4 categories or in other words ✅️ Dos &  Don'ts. After a general introduction, we will have a look at the essential practices (aka must do), then move to the image practices, then we will go through the security practices, and finally, some general practices. Please note, this workshop assumes that you have a basic knowledge of Docker. Hands-on repo:

dockerbest practicescontainers
–Engineers need to spend time on setting up local
environment which is not productive
–Setting up new environment is expensive
–Integration problems with different Operating Systems
–Building different app packs for different environments
Environment problems
Problem: Tester’s perspective
Welcome to Hell
Static website
Web frontend
Background workers
User DB
Analytics DB
Development VM QA Server Single Prod Server Onsite Cluster Public Cloud
Customer Servers
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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Speed up your regression and reduce cost load with Selenoid + K8s + ReportPortal
Speed up your regression and reduce cost load with Selenoid + K8s + ReportPortalSpeed up your regression and reduce cost load with Selenoid + K8s + ReportPortal
Speed up your regression and reduce cost load with Selenoid + K8s + ReportPortal


This document discusses Jenkins-CI, an open source tool for continuous integration and continuous delivery. It provides an overview of Jenkins-CI capabilities including building and testing software projects continuously, integrating changes, and continuously delivering software. The document also demonstrates Jenkins-CI in action with a live demo and discusses configuring Jenkins jobs, managing Jenkins, and requirements for deployment beyond Jenkins-CI like standardization, workflow, monitoring, and high availability.

Jenkins Reviewbot
Jenkins ReviewbotJenkins Reviewbot
Jenkins Reviewbot

The document discusses using Jenkins and Reviewboard together to enable pre-tested commits. Developers can post code reviews to Reviewboard, which will then trigger a Jenkins job. The Jenkins job retrieves the code diff from Reviewboard, applies it, and runs tests and validation. Jenkins then posts the results as a comment back to Reviewboard. This allows developers to test and validate their code changes before peer review and committing to the main branch. The presentation includes details on the tools used, the typical workflow, and an architecture diagram of how Jenkins and Reviewboard integrate for pre-tested commits. It concludes with a demo of the process.

Welcome to Hell
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
1950x: Cargo Hell
Multiplicity of goods
Multipilicity of methods
for transporting/storing
Do I worry about how
goods interact
(e.g. coffee beans next
to spices)
Can I transport quickly
and smoothly
(e.g. from boat to train to
Malcom McLean
Solution: Intermodal Shipping Container
…in between, can be loaded
and unloaded, stacked,
transported efficiently over
long distances, and transferred
from one mode of transport to
A standard container that
is loaded with virtually
any goods, and stays
sealed until it reaches
final delivery.

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QAAgility Presentation - Cucumber with AppiumQAAgility Presentation - Cucumber with Appium
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Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is very popular with many Agilists out there, specially those focused on Testing. However my view is that BDD is not about Test Automation, it is about collaboration so that the expected behavior of the application can be determined. Cucumber happens to be the tool of choice to implement BDD. While doing this for web applications, we can drive the features through WebDriver. Lately the application development has been inclined towards mobile apps and we need to extend our exiting BDD frameworks to handle app, be it Android, iOS or Win Mobile. Appium is a neat tool for anyone who has exposure to WebDriver, irrespective of that also it is an excellent tool for mobile testing. Here is my video of running Appium tests for android app using Cucumber.

Continuous Testing using Shippable and Docker
Continuous Testing using Shippable and DockerContinuous Testing using Shippable and Docker
Continuous Testing using Shippable and Docker

While setting up continuous delivery for your product, one of the biggest challenge is to implement continuous testing. We are gradually moving away from manual testing to automation. But how do we integrate the automated tests into your system? How to run integration tests everyday considering that the test environment can get polluted with failed tests? Docker is a type of a virtualisation platform, a container. Shippable is a hosted cloud platform that provides hosted continuous integration, deployment, and testing to GitHub and Bitbucket repositories.

QConSP 2014 - Continuous Delivery - Part 03 - Continuous Integration
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QConSP 2014 - Continuous Delivery - Part 03 - Continuous Integration

The document discusses principles of continuous integration including version control, automation, and testing. It describes a basic continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline with stages for committing code, compiling, testing, and deploying to environments like acceptance, capacity, and production. Jenkins is presented as a tool for implementing CI/CD pipelines through automated jobs that can pull code, build, test, analyze, and deploy software.

gitpipelinecontinuous integration
Malcom McLean
• Massive reduction in losses due to theft or
• Huge reduction in freight cost as percent of
final goods (from >25% to <3%)
• 90% of all cargo now shipped in a standard
• Order of magnitude reduction in cost and time to
load and unload ships
Docker is a shipping container system for code
VM QA server Public Cloud
Customer Data
Static website
User DB Analytics DBQueueWeb frontend
DevOps: Configure
Once, Run Anything
Build Once, Run
What it means?
Engineer can setup environment and
start creating
the value within 5 minutes
Each Engineer. You don’t need to be
an expert in DevOps
Docker vs Virtual Machine

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This document provides an introduction to Docker and the need for orchestration tools when deploying multi-container applications. It discusses how Docker solves the problem of portability for software artifacts and defines key Docker concepts like images, containers, and registries. It also introduces orchestration tools like Docker Compose and Docker Swarm that automate deployment of interdependent services across clusters. The document argues for guidelines on Docker use at organizations to address questions around containerization strategies and orchestration platforms.

docker microservices
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Scott Coulton is a Platform Engineering Lead at Autopilot who discusses how his company used Docker and Puppet to improve their CI/CD processes and speed up deployments to production while maintaining compliance. He explains how they had development teams deploy themselves by treating infrastructure as code that is automated, built, and tested. This allowed them to break down barriers and usher in a new wave of infrastructure development. Puppet was used for configuration management to containerize systems and help spread DevOps practices to other teams.

Using Docker for Testing
Using Docker for TestingUsing Docker for Testing
Using Docker for Testing

Demo of how to dockerise and deploy your microservices application to the test environment, how to run selenium tests inside docker and how to put this all together to integrate your tests in your CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins. Presented at ATA GTR 2016 in Pune.

Docker container anatomy
Docker: how to build selenium server
Automation perspective
• Start fresh environment
• Test Initial Scripts
• Test DB Update Scripts
• Perform disaster recovery testing
• Perform DVT tests
• Easy access to application logs

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Automated testing on steroids – Trick for managing test data using Docker sna...
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Automated testing on steroids – Trick for managing test data using Docker sna...

Automated testing is important. We all know that we should do it. We also know that this can be painful, for many reasons. One of the most agonizing aspects of automated testing is the handling of the data. In order to run even the simplest of tests against the user interface, a service or API or even a PL/SQL unit typically requires that a proper starting point needs to be established in the database with respect to the data. Complex set up steps need to prepare various records to ensure the test can even start and afterwards in similarly complex tear down scripts we have to clean up after the test. This session demonstrates how this hardship can be a thing of the past. Using snapshots of a test database in a Docker container with a managed test data set that supports all tests, we can create automated tests without any set up or tear down effort. These tests can run very fast, concurrently, and whenever and wherever you like them to run. This way of working opens up much higher test coverage and much increased productivity for developers and testers. This quickie demonstrates a new approach to [managing the data required for] test automation. Using Docker Containers with databases including a shared test data set and starting a fresh container for each automated test, the individual test cases become much simpler. With this approach, achieving a much higher coverage with automated testing comes within reach. Additionally, tests can be much more sophisticated - as a much richer data set is guaranteed to be available. Developing the test cases is much more productive and much more focused on the actual test, rather than the setup and tear down actions. Through the use of the experimental checkoint mechanism in Docker, restarting a database can be done in mere seconds.


Intro to Jenkins, installation of Jenkins, Integrating the testing and deployment technologies. Execute the build tests.

Let’s start Continuous Integration with jenkins
Let’s start Continuous Integration with jenkinsLet’s start Continuous Integration with jenkins
Let’s start Continuous Integration with jenkins

This is the presentation in order to describe overview of Continuous Integration and Jenkins for members of my company.

ci jenkins
Automation perspective
App 1 App 2
API Client
docker-compose CLI
Fresh Environment Scenario
Wait until SUT is UP
Disaster Recovery Scenario
DVT Tests
Gateway / Load Balancer
UI Service
Service [2]
Internal Network

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Jenkins presentation
Jenkins presentationJenkins presentation
Jenkins presentation

Jenkins is a continuous integration server that detects code changes, runs automated builds and tests, and can deploy code. It supports defining build pipelines as code to make them version controlled and scalable. Popular plugins allow Jenkins pipelines to integrate with tools for testing, reporting, notifications, and deployments. Pipelines can define stages, run steps in parallel, and leverage existing Jenkins functionality.

Using Docker to Develop, Test and Run Maven Projects - Wouter Danes
Using Docker to Develop, Test and Run Maven Projects - Wouter DanesUsing Docker to Develop, Test and Run Maven Projects - Wouter Danes
Using Docker to Develop, Test and Run Maven Projects - Wouter Danes

Docker recently hit version 1.0 and is being picked up around the world by Ops teams to ease running their applications. Docker can also play a big role in easing the development of applications. In this talk I will address how to use docker to: - create a more scalable build environment using jenkins and docker; - integration test your software using maven and docker; - package your software and run the images in different environments.

Docker + Selenium Webdriver в рамках Continuous Integration
Docker + Selenium Webdriver в рамках Continuous IntegrationDocker + Selenium Webdriver в рамках Continuous Integration
Docker + Selenium Webdriver в рамках Continuous Integration

Доклад Антанаса Мачярниса на конференции SQA Days-18, 27-28 ноября 2015 г., Москва

sqa days 18
Availability Tests
Gateway / Load Balancer
UI Service
Thank you!

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Делаем кроссбраузерные тесты поверх Webdriver
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Делаем кроссбраузерные тесты поверх Webdriver

Презентация доклада Игоря Павлова на конференции SQADays-14, Львов 8-9 ноября 2013

sqa dayssqadays14
Example of TAF with batch execution of test cases
 Example of TAF with batch execution of test cases  Example of TAF with batch execution of test cases
Example of TAF with batch execution of test cases

An example of architectural solution based on consolidate approach is considered. Proposed solution allows to reduce tests time running especially while working on testing of application API with some time-consuming process.

comaqaqa automationqa - Open Source experience. Showcase, benefits - Open Source experience. Showcase, benefits - Open Source experience. Showcase, benefits - Open Source experience. Showcase, benefits

The document discusses Report Portal, an open source test automation monitoring tool. It is presented by Dzmitry Humianiuk, Project Manager at EPAM Systems, who has been with the company for 10 years. Report Portal provides live visibility into test automation, reduces time spent analyzing results, and supports popular automation tools out of the box with nice graphical reporting. It has been successfully implemented on over 110 projects and in 8 external customer installations.


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