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Dive into           Framework

            Maher Gamal
Key Features

● Agile development workflow ( Save, Reload ! )

● Stateless architecture

● Clear error reporting

● Reusable modules & plugins

● Gets you up and running quickly !
Project Layout : play new proj1

● proj1/app/controllers
● proj1/app/models
● proj1/app/views

● proj1/conf/application.conf
● proj1/conf/messages
● proj1/conf/routes

● proj1/lib
● proj1/public
● proj1/test
Routing : /conf/routes

 ● Examples

GET /profile/view/{id}    ProfileController.view
POST /profile/save
GET /{<ar|en>lang}/      HomeController.index
* /{controller}/{action} {controller}.{action}

 ● Defining the URLs early, forces you to explore your website

 ● You can use annotations too (with the play-router module)

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OpenCms Days 2015 Hidden features of OpenCms
OpenCms Days 2015 Hidden features of OpenCmsOpenCms Days 2015 Hidden features of OpenCms
OpenCms Days 2015 Hidden features of OpenCms

OpenCms 9.5 (and soon version 10) has a great number of features that are included in the core distribution but are not well known and therefore often remain unused. These include: - Many EL functions available for JSP templates - XML schema based configuration of the content editor - Individual content settings for sitemaps - Advanced logging options in the workplace Administration … and much more. In this session, some of these valuable hidden features are presented.

content management systemalkaconopencms days 2015
Automated Smoke Tests with Protractor
Automated Smoke Tests with ProtractorAutomated Smoke Tests with Protractor
Automated Smoke Tests with Protractor

This is my May 16th presentation at the OKC.js user group about using protractor to build automated smoke tests for Angular applications.

protractorwebdriversmoke tests
Gatling Performance Workshop
Gatling Performance WorkshopGatling Performance Workshop
Gatling Performance Workshop

This document provides an overview of Gatling, an open-source load testing tool developed using Scala. It discusses Gatling's focus on web applications, simplicity, high performance, good reports, and easy integration with CI tools. It then covers setting up Gatling, including prerequisites, writing a sample test, and key concepts like scenarios, simulations, and reports.

Controllers : /app/controllers

import play.mvc.Controller;

public class ProfileController extends Controller {

    public static void view(Long id) {
      // ...
      renderText("123"); // or json, xml.
      HomeController.index(); // Does a redirect
      // ...
Models : /app/models

import play.db.jpa.Model;
import javax.persistence.Entity;

public class User extends Model {

    public String email;

    public String password;
Validations : /app/models

import play.db.jpa.Model;
import javax.persistence.Entity;

public class User extends Model {
  @Email @Required
  public String email;
  @Required @MinSize(5)
  public String password;
Validations : /app/controllers

import play.mvc.Controller;

public class ProfileController extends Controller {

    public static void view(@Valid Profile profile) {
      // or invoke the validation manually !
      // validation.valid(profile)

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Codeception: introduction to php testing
Codeception: introduction to php testingCodeception: introduction to php testing
Codeception: introduction to php testing

This document introduces Codeception, an open source PHP testing framework. It discusses different types of testing like unit, integration, functional, and acceptance testing. Codeception uses PHPUnit, Symfony browserkit, Selenium, and PhantomJS to test PHP applications. The document demonstrates running Codeception tests and provides examples of passing and failing tests. It also discusses how Codeception allows testing JavaScript-heavy applications using Selenium or headless testing with PhantomJS. Continuous integration and Docker/Vagrant are presented as ways to improve testing workflows.

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Test automation with php codeception

Test automation with PHP Codeception allows testing of applications like Joomla using the Codeception testing framework. Codeception is a full-stack PHP testing framework inspired by behavior-driven development. It provides new ways of writing acceptance, functional, and unit tests, powered by PHPUnit. The document demonstrates how to install Codeception via its PHAR file, create an acceptance test to automate the Joomla backend login process, and run the test. Key steps include bootstrapping Codeception, generating a test file, adding test code to log in and assert success, and running the test from the command line.

ASP.NET Routing & MVC
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ASP.NET Routing & MVC

This document discusses URL routing in ASP.NET MVC, including: 1. Why understanding routing is important as it is the entry point to a web app and relates to request binding. 2. What routing is and how it works by parsing URLs and extracting variables to route requests to handlers. 3. Best practices for routing including using readable URLs, priority matching, constraints, and unit testing routes. mvc routing
Views : /app/views



  <ul class="error">

Views : /app/views

#{extends 'main.html' /}
#{set title : 'Page Title' /}
#{set 'moreScripts'}

     <title>#{get 'title' /}</title>
     #{get 'moreScripts' /}
Views : /app/views

     <title>#{get 'title' /}</title>
     #{get 'moreScripts' /}
     #{doLayout /}
Jobs : /app/jobs

public class BootstrapJob extends Job {

    public void doJob() {

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Behavior Driven Development and Automation Testing Using Cucumber
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Behavior Driven Development and Automation Testing Using Cucumber

This document discusses behavior-driven development (BDD) and automation testing using Cucumber. It begins with an example of a Cucumber scenario for logging into a system. It then demonstrates an automation test case written in Java and discusses how Cucumber executes scenarios. The rest of the document outlines an agenda to discuss BDD, Cucumber automation, developing a Cucumber framework, and the pros and cons of BDD and Cucumber.

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UI Testing Best Practices - An Expected Journey
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UI Testing Best Practices - An Expected Journey

This slide focus on the good reasons for writing unit tests for testing ui. Much like you're testing ui manually, you can have simple minimal code doing that for you.

[Fronthub 2016] Константин Макарычев: "Не быстрый старт с Angular 2"
[Fronthub 2016] Константин Макарычев: "Не быстрый старт с Angular 2"[Fronthub 2016] Константин Макарычев: "Не быстрый старт с Angular 2"
[Fronthub 2016] Константин Макарычев: "Не быстрый старт с Angular 2"

This document discusses building an Angular 2 application with TypeScript and describes the application structure and build process. The application contains an App component and several child components like List, Center, and Item. It uses Gulp, Babel, and Browserify to bundle the TypeScript code into a single JavaScript file that is loaded by the index.html page. The build task transforms and bundles the code, applies sourcemaps, and outputs the bundled file to the build directory.

Jobs : /app/jobs

public class BootstrapJob extends Job {

    public void doJob() {
Jobs : /app/jobs

@Every("1h") or @On("0 0 * * *")
public class BootstrapJob extends Job {

    public void doJob() {
Helper Libraries : play.libs.*

 ● MD5 , SHA1 , Base64 Encoding/Decoding
 ● Encryption , decryption , hashing
 ● File/Directory copying , deleting and I/O methods
 ● Image resizing , cropping and captcha generation
 ● Mail message preparation and sending
 ● OAuth Integration
 ● OpenID Integration
 ● HttpClient to call external web services
 ● XML Parsing

● play new proj1

● play run proj1

● play clean,run proj1

● play netbeansify proj1

● play help

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Catching bugs with Opera Dragonfly / Özgür Web Teknolojileri Günleri / Istanb...
Catching bugs with Opera Dragonfly / Özgür Web Teknolojileri Günleri / Istanb...Catching bugs with Opera Dragonfly / Özgür Web Teknolojileri Günleri / Istanb...
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Opera Dragonfly is a web developer tool included in the Opera browser that allows inspection of pages, debugging of JavaScript, monitoring of network activity, and profiling of page performance. It provides features like DOM inspection, breaking on breakpoints and events, console access, and remote debugging capabilities. Dragonfly aims to help developers debug issues in both code and performance of a page using features optimized for rapid development.

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Codeception introduction and use in Yii
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Codeception introduction and use in Yii

Slides done for the talk on CodeCeption given during the April London Yii Meetup. The full screencast of the talk can be viewed here:

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Oro Workflows
Oro WorkflowsOro Workflows
Oro Workflows

Overview of Workflow functionality in OroPlatform and OroCRM. Demo bundle is accessible here:

oro oroplatform orocrm workflow

● Documentation

● Community

● Modules and Examples
   ○ Check samples-and-tests directory in the release

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Dive into Play Framework

  • 1. Dive into Framework Maher Gamal
  • 2. Key Features ● Agile development workflow ( Save, Reload ! ) ● Stateless architecture ● Clear error reporting ● Reusable modules & plugins ● Gets you up and running quickly !
  • 3. Project Layout : play new proj1 ● proj1/app/controllers ● proj1/app/models ● proj1/app/views ● proj1/conf/application.conf ● proj1/conf/messages ● proj1/conf/routes ● proj1/lib ● proj1/public ● proj1/test
  • 4. Routing : /conf/routes ● Examples GET /profile/view/{id} ProfileController.view POST /profile/save GET /{<ar|en>lang}/ HomeController.index * /{controller}/{action} {controller}.{action} ● Defining the URLs early, forces you to explore your website ● You can use annotations too (with the play-router module)
  • 5. Controllers : /app/controllers import play.mvc.Controller; public class ProfileController extends Controller { public static void view(Long id) { // ... renderText("123"); // or json, xml. renderTemplate("Users/show.html"); redirect("...."); HomeController.index(); // Does a redirect // ... } }
  • 6. Models : /app/models import play.db.jpa.Model; import javax.persistence.Entity; @Entity public class User extends Model { public String email; public String password; }
  • 7. Validations : /app/models import play.db.jpa.Model; import javax.persistence.Entity; import*; @Entity public class User extends Model { @Email @Required public String email; @Required @MinSize(5) public String password; }
  • 8. Validations : /app/controllers import play.mvc.Controller; public class ProfileController extends Controller { public static void view(@Valid Profile profile) { render(profile); // or invoke the validation manually ! // validation.valid(profile) } }
  • 9. Views : /app/views /app/views/ProfileController/view.html #{ifErrors} <ul class="error"> #{errors} <li>${error}</li> #{/errors} </ul> #{/ifErrors}
  • 10. Views : /app/views /app/views/ProfileController/view.html #{extends 'main.html' /} #{set title : 'Page Title' /} #{set 'moreScripts'} ... #{/set} /app/views/main.html <html> <head> <title>#{get 'title' /}</title> #{get 'moreScripts' /} </head> </html>
  • 11. Views : /app/views /app/views/main.html <html> <head> <title>#{get 'title' /}</title> #{get 'moreScripts' /} </head> <body> ... #{doLayout /} ... </body> </html>
  • 12. Jobs : /app/jobs public class BootstrapJob extends Job { @Override public void doJob() { ... } }
  • 13. Jobs : /app/jobs @OnApplicationStart public class BootstrapJob extends Job { @Override public void doJob() { ... } }
  • 14. Jobs : /app/jobs @Every("1h") or @On("0 0 * * *") public class BootstrapJob extends Job { @Override public void doJob() { ... } }
  • 15. Helper Libraries : play.libs.* ● MD5 , SHA1 , Base64 Encoding/Decoding ● Encryption , decryption , hashing ● File/Directory copying , deleting and I/O methods ● Image resizing , cropping and captcha generation ● Mail message preparation and sending ● OAuth Integration ● OpenID Integration ● HttpClient to call external web services ● XML Parsing
  • 16. Running ● play new proj1 ● play run proj1 ● play clean,run proj1 ● play netbeansify proj1 ● play help
  • 17. Resources ● Documentation ○ ○ ● Community ○ ○ ○ ● Modules and Examples ○ ○ Check samples-and-tests directory in the release