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Digital Disruption -> The New Reality: Acronis Keynote_20.11.14
Drivers of Digital Disruption: 
1.Mass Adoption of Digital Technology 
2.The Age of the Customer 
3.The Engagement Economy
Customer Adoption
Basic Human Needs

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Proof of Concept: What It Is and How to Do it Right
Proof of Concept: What It Is and How to Do it RightProof of Concept: What It Is and How to Do it Right
Proof of Concept: What It Is and How to Do it Right

The document discusses proof of concept (POC), which is a test conducted to validate the feasibility of an idea or product before full development. A POC involves gathering customer feedback, creating a basic demo, outlining a roadmap to market, and telling a compelling story to investors. Conducting a thorough POC helps gain approval, identify issues early, attract funding, increase chances of commercial success, and save money compared to discovering problems later. The document outlines four essential steps for a POC: implement structured customer data, create and test a demo, create a development roadmap, and tell a story instead of using sales pitches.

adrollecommercemarketing strategy
The Death of the B2B Sales Rep 1.0
The Death of the B2B Sales Rep 1.0The Death of the B2B Sales Rep 1.0
The Death of the B2B Sales Rep 1.0

We are seeing a massive change in how organizations identify, procure, and implement solutions. This changes the role of the B2B sales rep. Learn how to be ready for the change.

solution sellingb2bsales
Lean Startup in eHealth
Lean Startup in eHealthLean Startup in eHealth
Lean Startup in eHealth

How to apply the lean startup approach, MVP, experimenting, testing hypotheses, pivoting, questioning assumptions, learning and failing fast and finding product-market fit within eHealth's regulative markets?

leanlean startuppivoting
The Cloud = IT Transformation 
The Cloud = Business Transformation
Digital Disruption
Big Data = Big Opportunity
•Hybrid cloud 
•Exploding “big data” 
•The Internet of Things 
•SMBs and start-ups 
•Cloud adoption shift

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eHealth Start-up Guide for business success
eHealth Start-up Guide for business successeHealth Start-up Guide for business success
eHealth Start-up Guide for business success

The document provides an overview of three approaches - business model innovation, lean startup, and continuous improvement - that eHealth startups can use to successfully design and launch their business. It recommends using the business model canvas tool to map out key components of the startup's business like partners, activities, resources, customer segments, and revenue streams. The lean startup approach suggests quickly testing ideas with minimum viable products to gather customer feedback and pivot if needed. Continuous improvement involves seeking constant feedback to refine processes and provide better value. Taking a blended approach using all three methods is recommended for eHealth startups.

Design Based Process Improvement
Design Based Process ImprovementDesign Based Process Improvement
Design Based Process Improvement

The document discusses how process improvement techniques are combining traditional Lean Six Sigma methods with design thinking. It argues that design thinking can help address gaps in Lean Six Sigma by developing deeper empathy for customer needs through techniques like observation. The document outlines how the Define and Measure phases of Lean Six Sigma's DMAIC model are similar to the Understand, Observe and Define phases of design thinking. It concludes that combining Process Improvement with Design Thinking provides benefits like driving customer loyalty while also improving efficiency, and that this trend of merging the two approaches will continue gaining momentum.

business process improvementdesign thinkingsix sigma
Data Strategy for Digital Sales : Case Study & Best Practice
Data Strategy for Digital Sales : Case Study & Best PracticeData Strategy for Digital Sales : Case Study & Best Practice
Data Strategy for Digital Sales : Case Study & Best Practice

Citrix Peer Exchange : - Oct 2020 - Barry Magee I'm an experienced senior business leader focused on how data-driven transformation creates organisational value with deep experience in sales, marketing, strategy, operations, and change management. I’m a recognized industry-leading specialist and academic on effective and systemic innovation using data and analytics to build competitive advantage and tangible results.

big datadataanalytics
Digital Disruption -> The New Reality: Acronis Keynote_20.11.14
Big Data = Big Data Management Challenge
Data Loss: 
of PC users have lost all of their files due to events beyond their control. 
of companies fail to test their tape backups, and of those that do, 77% have found tape back-up failures. 
of companies that lose their data will shut down within 6 months of the disaster. 
of companies that lost their data centerfor 10 days or more due to a disaster filed for bankruptcy within one year of the disaster. (National Archives & Records Administration in Washington)
Death by data loss

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GRA Retail Supply Chain Whitepaper - Perspectives on Strategic Investment
GRA Retail Supply Chain Whitepaper - Perspectives on Strategic InvestmentGRA Retail Supply Chain Whitepaper - Perspectives on Strategic Investment
GRA Retail Supply Chain Whitepaper - Perspectives on Strategic Investment

Australian retail supply chains today must be capable of managing increasing customer expectations (lead-times, pricing, options), channel diversification (online, store, multi-channel, omni-channel) as well as increasingly complex product sourcing strategies. There are few decisions in an executive’s career which can define one’s stewardship as a success. In today’s economic climate, where company boards are more cost conscious, increasingly such opportunities are emerging from significant supply chain investments with complex and sensitive payback timetables stretching over several years.

retail supply chainsupply chain investmentsupply chain
The Journey to Revenue Growth
The Journey to Revenue GrowthThe Journey to Revenue Growth
The Journey to Revenue Growth

The best companies boost revenues by not just building advanced pricing analytics programs but also developing relevant capabilities - people, processes, tools. A successful revenue growth program is a journey, and this presentation highlights the four areas where companies need to focus to become leaders. Brian Elliott (CEO of McKinsey Periscope) gave a version of this presentation at the Professional Pricing Society event in Oct., 2014.

Driving Customer Experience and Business Revenues Through Search Engines
Driving Customer Experience and Business Revenues Through Search EnginesDriving Customer Experience and Business Revenues Through Search Engines
Driving Customer Experience and Business Revenues Through Search Engines

Andrei Lopatenko discussed how search engines, recommendations, and conversational interfaces can be improved to enhance customer experience and drive business revenues. Key investments include building a high-quality engineering team with diverse skills, establishing strong business relationships, developing an experimentation platform, and implementing a continuous improvement process to evaluate and update all aspects of the system. The goal is to create a science-driven culture focused on continuously measuring metrics and making data-backed improvements.

search enginesbig dataanalytics
Data Loss = Bankruptcy
Big Data = Big Customer Problem 
Big Customer Problem = BIGBusiness Opportunity 
What have we learnt so far?
What is your Growth Strategy?
Growth strategy I

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Lead Lifecycle Management: Finding, Creating and Managing Your Leads
Lead Lifecycle Management: Finding, Creating and Managing Your LeadsLead Lifecycle Management: Finding, Creating and Managing Your Leads
Lead Lifecycle Management: Finding, Creating and Managing Your Leads

Discover how to accelerate top of the funnel lead creation, qualification, nurturing and conversion. Also see real-world examples and learn, helpful suggestions and recommendations on all aspects of lead lifecycle management.

lead managementmarketing automation
BLN CEO Tales. Eric Ries, The Lean Startup
BLN CEO Tales. Eric Ries, The Lean StartupBLN CEO Tales. Eric Ries, The Lean Startup
BLN CEO Tales. Eric Ries, The Lean Startup

Slides from the talk at BLN CEO Tales by Eric Ries, The Lean Startup, 16th January 2012. Also includes supporting material including: 'The myths of lean'. Thanks to DFJ Esprit, TechCity, Brown Rudnick, Fidelity Growth Partners, Microsoft BizSpark, Red Gate and Springboard - for making such an excellent evening possible. For more information about BLN events in the UK and US:

Secrets to Successful Inside Sales Management
Secrets to Successful Inside Sales ManagementSecrets to Successful Inside Sales Management
Secrets to Successful Inside Sales Management

This best practices guide will walk you through a variety of best practices, techniques and ideas to both tactically and strategically increase the efficacy, success and impact of your inside sales organization.

Growth strategy II
Where are you on the curve? 
Where are you on the curve -ahead or behind, which is the essence of strategy. 
If you are behind the curve and chasing the market then you have ceded a great deal of control and you must have the ability to execute and be very agile in execution. Your bets are defined. Your strategic posture is reactive and defensive. 
If you are ahead of the curve you are trying to drive the market, which requires a very different agility - there you require a set of controlled bets in execution with the ability to constantly probe the frontier and execute on success. Here you are reacting to yourself and your direction instead of where others have been.
Disruptive Opportunity Matrix 
Source: Create Marketplace Disruption by Adam Hartung, Pearson Education, Inc. 2009 
Irrational complacency

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Outsmart Your Competition With Crm On Demand
Outsmart Your Competition With Crm On DemandOutsmart Your Competition With Crm On Demand
Outsmart Your Competition With Crm On Demand

This document discusses how Oracle CRM On Demand can help Chief Sales Officers outsmart and outexecute their competition in challenging economic times. It outlines the challenges CSOs face with fewer resources and smaller opportunities, and argues that Oracle CRM On Demand can help by increasing sales capacity, improving execution and win rates, freeing up time for growth, and providing margin protection. It then summarizes some of Oracle CRM On Demand's key capabilities for gaining insights, increasing productivity, and achieving the best value.

saason demandcrm
Monetizing Mobile: How to Deliver Value from Improved Customer Experience
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Monetizing Mobile: How to Deliver Value from Improved Customer Experience

Mobile is on the mind of every experience professional. It's not always easy to do this while monetizing the experience as well. Join Mark Schofield as he discusses mobile and how customer behavior is changing, how banks are adapting, and how banks accelerate the pace at which they capture the "digital dividend."

cxcustomer experiencequaltrics
Harvard Business Review’s Digital Transformation
Harvard Business Review’s Digital TransformationHarvard Business Review’s Digital Transformation
Harvard Business Review’s Digital Transformation

Eric Hellweg, Harvard Business Review , @ehellweg Eric Hellweg, HBR’s Executive Director of Product Management and Digital Strategy, will discuss how the team at HBR has transformed the brand from a primarily print product to one with digital at its core, using lean principles and by instilling a “product management mindset” –and a true product management function—inside this traditional media organization.

businesslean startup conference 2015lean startup
Overcoming change
Horizon 1 
0 -6 months 
Horizon 2 
6-12 months 
Horizon 3 
12 -36 months 
Thinking at 3 Time Horizons
Get it right

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Buyer Persona Myth Presentation Final
Buyer Persona Myth Presentation FinalBuyer Persona Myth Presentation Final
Buyer Persona Myth Presentation Final

The document discusses some common myths about how organizations purchase technology. It argues that the "buyer's journey" model is flawed because technology purchasing typically involves input from 21 or more stakeholders over 6.7 months on average. Instead, it proposes that purchases align with an organization's change process as it identifies needs and evaluates solutions. It also argues that content should address the full change process rather than individual journey stages, and that marketing should continue engaging stakeholders throughout the sales process rather than just handing off to sales. The goal is to empower "champions" who can drive organizational decisions by providing relevant information.

Go-to-Market in the Cloud Trends and Challenges
Go-to-Market in the Cloud Trends and ChallengesGo-to-Market in the Cloud Trends and Challenges
Go-to-Market in the Cloud Trends and Challenges

This document discusses the impact of cloud computing on traditional channels and solution providers. Key points include: - Forrester and Gartner estimates that cloud transformation will lead to 15-40% attrition of the existing channel. - Conventional business models and customer engagements will become less valuable unless solution providers change their approach. - Survival requires radical changes to business models and go-to-market strategies, which most solution providers are ill-equipped for. - Vendors continuing traditional approaches will struggle, and nimble transformation is needed to succeed in the cloud environment.

Digital Disruption: 5 Steps to Growth with Cloud OS
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Digital Disruption: 5 Steps to Growth with Cloud OS

Customer Adoption is the new ROI. Creating SOE (Systems of Engagement) is how you maximise customer adoption. The entry point to SOE is the Smart phone. Are you maximising Smart Adoption of your cloud services?

adoption cyclegtm launch planthe customer adoption cycle
Get it wrong
-Geoffrey A. Moore 
“Well, first off, realize you are in afight for your life. The new businessmodel is not a competitive threat, itis an existential threat.”
The status quo is not a growth strategy
The End of Business as Usual 
Innovate or Die 
The Customer Adoption Cycle 

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Achieving Growth: 3 Keys to Accelerating Adoption of Your Cloud Services
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Achieving Growth: 3 Keys to Accelerating Adoption of Your Cloud Services

The document discusses strategies for accelerating time to revenue and customer adoption of new products or services. It emphasizes the importance of developing the business strategy, value proposition, marketing plan and sales channels early on. It also stresses the need to generate demand, influence early adopters and opinion leaders, create buzz in the market to reach a tipping point, and provide an easy and remarkable customer experience. The goal is to transition customers efficiently through the adoption curve from early adopters to the mainstream market.

Understand the Customer
Understand the CustomerUnderstand the Customer
Understand the Customer

Understanding the customer must lie at the foundation of your Business Strategy, your Business Model(s) resulting in Competitive Advantage. Not understanding the customer accounts for everything else we do in business.

cloudcloud computingcloud services
GTM Masterclass Deck
GTM Masterclass DeckGTM Masterclass Deck
GTM Masterclass Deck

Success in the Cloud requires 3 things: 1) A Compelling Value Proposition 2) Creating Competitive Separation 3) Strategy vs Execution. Making it happen requires execution

cloud servicescloudvalue proposition
Remember these?
Business Model Innovation
Disruptive change
Game Changer 
Purchase before Adoption 
before Purchase 

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How Enterprise SaaS Companies Justify Investment in Customer Success
How Enterprise SaaS Companies Justify Investment in Customer SuccessHow Enterprise SaaS Companies Justify Investment in Customer Success
How Enterprise SaaS Companies Justify Investment in Customer Success

The most successful Enterprise SaaS companies know that growing revenue only through new customer acquisition is the less efficient way to scale. Rather, they understand that growing revenue within your existing customer base - through up-sells, cross-sells, and expanded use - is the most profitable way to scale. In fact, Enterprise SaaS companies that grow revenue - and company valuation - by expanding revenue within their existing customer base also know the key to making this work is to focus on - and operationalize - Customer Success. This presentation - How Enterprise SaaS Companies Justify Investment in Customer Success - is from Pulse 2014, the biggest Customer Success industry event ever and included panelists from Bazaarvoice, ToutApp, Enviance, LinkedIn

The Three Things EVERY Aspiring SaaS Company Should Know!
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The Three Things EVERY Aspiring SaaS Company Should Know!

This informative slide deck was the foundation of a webcast with ServiceSource and leading analyst firm IDC exploring the opportunities and challenges for companies making the transition to a SaaS or cloud-based business, including: - The top 3 keys to success for software and hardware vendors to effectively manage the customer lifecycle and pave a shorter path to profitability - Managing financial expectations in the marketplace - Examples of companies that have successfully made the SaaS transition - How usage and consumption insights are now the foundation for customer success driving successful SaaS businesses Here is the link to the webinar!

managing recurring revenuerecurring revenuecustomer success
How to Align Demand Gen and Inside Sales (to Close More Deals)
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How to Align Demand Gen and Inside Sales (to Close More Deals)

What You'll Learn: - RingCentral success path to revenue - High impact buying signals, lead routing and outreach cadences - Importance of data accuracy and optimization - Benchmark metrics for entire sales funnel

sales hacker webinarsales hackersh webinar
The end of business as Usual
See things differently
Long-term focus
Accelerators & Barriers to Growth

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The Many Faces of Sales Enablement: How to Drive Revenue Through Retention Ma...
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In a pandemic, it’s more important than ever to focus on retaining and expanding current customers. So, how can sales and marketing support the retention effort? Join Ruth Stevens as she dives into this fast-paced session and reviews the 7 key strategies for current customer marketing, to enable sales and expand customer value.

b2b marketing zonesales pro centralcustomer relationship management
Step by step guide to revenue growth
Step by step guide to revenue growth  Step by step guide to revenue growth
Step by step guide to revenue growth

My work on a framework for companies to understand the building blocks needed before scaling and, once in place, to quantify how fast is appropriate.

Digital Disruption: 5 Steps to Accelerating Adoption of your Cloud Services
Digital Disruption: 5 Steps to Accelerating Adoption of your Cloud ServicesDigital Disruption: 5 Steps to Accelerating Adoption of your Cloud Services
Digital Disruption: 5 Steps to Accelerating Adoption of your Cloud Services

The document discusses how cloud computing enables business transformation by changing how customers interact with companies and how internal operations are automated. It emphasizes adopting a growth mindset and differentiating at the levels of product, customer experience and support services. A key aspect is aligning marketing and sales to the customer adoption cycle by using techniques like tipping the funnel to turn customers into unpaid sales representatives through social influence. The cloud represents massive change that requires rethinking the customer, sales/marketing processes and organizational structure.

digitaldigital disruptiondigital transformation
Accelerate your journey to the Cloud
Prisoners of the past
Growth Mindset
The End of Business as Usual 
Innovate or Die 
The Customer Adoption Cycle 

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Business Transformation: 5 Steps to Growth
Business Transformation: 5 Steps to GrowthBusiness Transformation: 5 Steps to Growth
Business Transformation: 5 Steps to Growth

Digital Disruption = Change = Transformation, Business Transformation. If your customers, Find, Try, Buy and Consume, Cloud Services differently, shouldn't you be selling them differently? 5 Steps to Accelerating Adoption of Your Cloud Services

sales & marketing alignmentthinking in outcomesaccelerating adoption
Customer success for big tech companies
Customer success for big tech companiesCustomer success for big tech companies
Customer success for big tech companies

This document summarizes strategies for customer success at large tech companies like Oracle and Informatica. It discusses the challenges of defining customer success roles at large scale, educating employees, and integrating acquisitions. It emphasizes building relationships, executing strong customer success plans, and focusing on measurable results. The document also outlines Informatica's customer lifecycle approach, from trial success to onboarding, adoption maximization, and renewal. It lists indicators like renewal rates, churn, and adoption that measure customer success program effectiveness. Goals for 2014 include scaling the program, automating processes, and enabling more self-service support through training and community.

#pulseconf2014gainsighpulse 2014
Disruption presentationv2.35
Disruption presentationv2.35Disruption presentationv2.35
Disruption presentationv2.35

The document outlines Anthony DeLima's presentation on defining a disruptive strategy given to an executive workshop in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It discusses 5 hypotheses for developing a digital strategy, including putting the customer in control of their journey. It also addresses how a company's culture needs to evolve to embrace disruption in a digital era, and the critical factors driving digital transformation like social media, real-time information, mobile growth, and informed customers. Finally, it provides considerations for creating disruption, such as focusing on customer needs and building digital capabilities into existing products and services.

omni-channel digital disruption it strategy cloud
Disruptive change
Adaptive to change
Strategic choices

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Sales Transformation: 5 Steps to Capture More Cloud Customers
Sales Transformation: 5 Steps to Capture More Cloud CustomersSales Transformation: 5 Steps to Capture More Cloud Customers
Sales Transformation: 5 Steps to Capture More Cloud Customers

The document discusses challenges and opportunities in digital transformation and cloud adoption. It provides strategies for sales teams to transition from selling products to selling business outcomes and differentiation. Key recommendations include creating systems of engagement, focusing on outcomes over features, helping customers connect initiatives to goals, and building an adaptive culture open to change.

clobusiness transformationcloud computing
Digital Transformation 6 Steps to Growth
Digital Transformation 6 Steps to GrowthDigital Transformation 6 Steps to Growth
Digital Transformation 6 Steps to Growth

The Cloud creates unparalleled opportunities for those who can deliver compelling Service Propositions, translate them into relevant Business Outcomes and then take those Relevant Business Outcomes to Business Decision Makers. Step 1) Demand Creation followed by Step 2) Demand Capture. Hint: the greater the focus and clarity you can bring to bear on relevant and compelling business outcomes, the easy will be step 2) Demand Capture: sales conversion.

demanddemand creationdemand capture
Building a Successful Cloud and Mobility Practice
Building a Successful Cloud and Mobility PracticeBuilding a Successful Cloud and Mobility Practice
Building a Successful Cloud and Mobility Practice

In this prescriptive breakout session learn what successful Solution Providers are doing to build their Cloud/Mobility business. This workshop is designed for Solution Provider new to cloud/mobility marketplace or have not yet seen success. Success in the new marketplace starts with a Practice Statement, entails new ideas on building marketing savvy and better sales execution. We will cover a variety of tools, tips and techniques partners are using to drive Cloud /Mobility success. Topics: • Why you need to create a Practice Statement • Aligning your marketing message to fit your Cloud strategy • Building your Cloud marketing program that is unique and is active • Creating a sales mentality and compensation program that works • Developing a Business Guidance sales mentality

cloud summit 2015managed service providercloud solutions
B4B Operating Model Framework 
Product Focused 
Outcome Focused 
Supplier Operating Model 
Source: B4B: How Technology and Big Data are Reinventing the Customer- Supplier Relationship by J. B. Wood, Todd Hewlinand Thomas Lah, 2013 
Basic Offer: 
Best Product, Fair Price 
Complex Offer: 
Fast and Sure Availability 
Implementation and Maintenance Services 
Tailored Product 
Optimise Offer: 
Optimal ROI 
Adoption Services 
Operate (Managed) Services 
Connected Products 
Outcome Offer: 
Outcome as a Service 
Cloud business model strategy?
The End of Business as Usual 
Innovate or Die 
The Customer Adoption Cycle 
The problem is that customers don’t buy the way we sell

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Strategic Planning And Budgeting Part 1: Business Model and Strategy
Strategic Planning And Budgeting Part 1: Business Model and StrategyStrategic Planning And Budgeting Part 1: Business Model and Strategy
Strategic Planning And Budgeting Part 1: Business Model and Strategy

The document discusses strategic planning and budgeting for a company called CNI Holdings Berhad. It covers the following key points in 3 sentences: CNI has historically struggled with strategic planning and budgeting, with problems including a lack of market research, split objectives, and expenses regularly exceeding budgets. The presentation outlines steps for effective strategic planning, including getting the right business model, setting strategies based on analysis of the market situation, and choosing growth strategies like market share gains or expanding into adjacent markets. Keys to success include aligning the business model, strategies, and resources and having the proper assumptions and starting point for the planning process.

Strategic Planning And Budgeting Part 2: Alignment, Budgeting, and Resources
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Strategic Planning And Budgeting Part 2: Alignment, Budgeting, and Resources

ABF Budgeting, Forecasting and Financial Planning Conference, Feb 2009 *Understanding what strategic planning is and why it is important *Clarify the difference between vision, mission statement, goals and objectives *The external environment: The need to understand the economic cycle *Tying the strategic plan to the budget *Cost Reduction methods and advice

E101 october 24 2012 entrepreneurial management
E101 october 24 2012 entrepreneurial managementE101 october 24 2012 entrepreneurial management
E101 october 24 2012 entrepreneurial management

This presentation illustrates the emergence and impact of a new management practice based on Steve Blank's Customer Development Model and Eric Ries' lean StartUp approach.

steve blankbusiness modelmars discovery district
Cloud services don’t require what the Channel provides (today)
The Buying Decision Process
The Customer Adoption Cycle
Transactional Sales Model 
Adoption Cycle Sales Model

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CallidusOSForrester Webinar July 21 - FINALFINAL
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CallidusOSForrester Webinar July 21 - FINALFINAL

This document summarizes a webinar on lead-to-revenue management. It discusses how customers progress through different stages of the buyer journey from discovery to engagement. It emphasizes that customers control their own journeys and research purchases online. It also discusses the need for a managed process to guide customers through the lifecycle using metrics to measure things like volume, velocity, value, effectiveness and efficiency. Finally, it discusses how sales performance management can help prime the sales pipeline by connecting the customer journey to sales.

sales performance managementsales operationsmarketing operations
Barriers to Transformation
Barriers to TransformationBarriers to Transformation
Barriers to Transformation

Why Transformation? To align with the needs and preferences of tomorrow's customers. To achieve accelerate, continuous and sustainable growth.

digital disruptiontransformationdigital transformation
Sources of Growth: Transforming Moments of Truth in the Customer Journey
Sources of Growth: Transforming Moments of Truth in the Customer JourneySources of Growth: Transforming Moments of Truth in the Customer Journey
Sources of Growth: Transforming Moments of Truth in the Customer Journey

“How do you stay ahead of ever-rising customer expectations? There’s no single way to do it - it’s a combination of many things.” - Jeff Bezos. Start by mastering Moments of Truth in the Customer Journey. Design for Customer Experience and you will maximize Customer Adoption. The Ultimate MOT is Customer Advocacy. When customers spontaneously recommend your products or services you effectively have an "unpaid sales force."

motmoments of truthcustomer journey
“Customers are completing 57% of a buying cycle before ever coming into contact with a sales rep.” 
-A CEB study of more than 1,400 customers

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Accelerating Growth by Accelerating Adoption of Cloud Services
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Accelerating Growth by Accelerating Adoption of Cloud Services

A Growth Mindset. Your Job is Selling Change. Sell the problem, not the Solution. Marketing Today Becomes Sales Tomorrow. What Great Salespeople Do Differently. Closing with Confidence: Personal Sales Skills Action Plan

sell the problemdemand generationsales toolkit
GTM Transformation
GTM TransformationGTM Transformation
GTM Transformation

The document outlines key topics from a GTM strategy session, including understanding GTM tools, rethinking GTM strategies and plans, and overcoming barriers to GTM innovation. It also discusses digital transformation and adopting a digital mindset, differentiating at multiple levels of perceived value, helping customers connect initiatives to outcomes, and building partner ecosystems. The overall goal is to compete by staying relevant to customers through GTM strategies focused on engagement, outcomes, differentiation, and partnerships.

differentiationgrowth mindsetcompetitive separtaion
Differentiate or Die
Differentiate or DieDifferentiate or Die
Differentiate or Die

The document discusses the need for companies to differentiate themselves and create competitive separation in order to succeed. It emphasizes thinking beyond products to focus on customer journeys, experiences, and challenges. Three levels of perceived customer value are identified: basic offer, professional services, and end-to-end customer experience. Selling business outcomes rather than just solutions is advised. Overcoming barriers like the status quo, limited views, and fear of change is important for transformation.

competitive differentiationcompetitive separtaionstand out from the crowd
Create a sense of urgency
3 levels of Value
Basic Product/Service: 
•Price performance 
•Product quality 
E2E Customer Experience: 
•Perceived value 
•High touch 
•Exceed customer expectations 
•Delight and astound customers 
Support Services 
E2ECustomer Experience 
Differentiation: 3 Levels of Perceived Value 
Support Services: 
•Levels of support 
•Quality of service 
Your Cloud Services
Consulting Services 
Migration Services 
Integration Services 
Data Management 
Business Process Consulting Services 
Adoption Services 
Business Continuityas a Service 
Value Differentiation 

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Customer Retention Strategies: 5 Steps to Winning and Keeping Customers for Life
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Customer Retention Strategies: 5 Steps to Winning and Keeping Customers for Life

We all want Revenue Growth? No, we all want profitable Revenue Growth! That means minimising Churn and/or maximising Retention. The challenge is that Retention is not a long-term, sustainable strategy. If the Customer wants out she will find a way. The better long-term, sustainable strategy is finding ways to make them want to stay. The Million dollar question is: How do you make them want to stay?

sales accelerationkeeping customerscustomer life cycle management
Change or Die: Change is Difficult, but not changing is Fatal
Change or Die: Change is Difficult, but not changing is FatalChange or Die: Change is Difficult, but not changing is Fatal
Change or Die: Change is Difficult, but not changing is Fatal

The document discusses the need for change and strategies for managing change successfully. It addresses three levels of change: external business environment, organizational change, and personal change. It emphasizes the importance of having a growth mindset and adapting to change, as well as overcoming barriers to change like legacy thinking and constraint-based thinking. Finally, it stresses that creating a culture of change involves developing an ability to learn, collaborate, and adapt through anticipating change, business agility, and managing for change.

mindsetand thinkingchange
Workplace Transformation: How to Survive the Cloud
Workplace Transformation: How to Survive the CloudWorkplace Transformation: How to Survive the Cloud
Workplace Transformation: How to Survive the Cloud

This document discusses the need for organizations to embrace digital transformation and develop a culture of change. It notes that shadow IT has emerged because employees use their preferred tools, so IT must focus on business outcomes rather than control. The role of the CIO is shifting to one of innovation partner rather than just managing infrastructure. To drive change, organizations must move from predictive to adaptive thinking and develop a growth mindset where intelligence is not seen as static. Building a culture of change involves empowering employees and helping them see that sticking to the status quo can be riskier than changing.

ctoemployee productivitydigital lifestyles
Price vsValue 
Sales Transformation 
The IT Buyer 
The Business Buyer 
Selling into CapExBudgets 
Selling into OpExBudgets 
Technical Expertise 
Business Expertise 
Geographic Sales Territories 
Vertical Industry Territories 
Selling Features 
Selling Results 
Fixed-Price Contracts 
Outcome-Based Contracts 
Demonstrating Features 
Business Process Discussions 
Your Complexity and Underlying Architecture 
Your Consumption Model and Service Capability 
Maintenance Contracts 
"Apps Mindset" 
Face2Face Sales Skills 
Social Media Knowledge 
Source: Consumption Economics: The New Rules of Tech by J. B. Wood, Todd Hewlinand Thomas Lah, 2011
The End of Business as Usual 
Innovate or Die 
The Customer Adoption Cycle 
Quick Review: 
Competing to remain relevant to tomorrow’s customers 
-4Ps -> S A V E, Marketing -> Sales 
-4 stages of Business Model Evolution 
-Disrupt or be disrupted
Get it right

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Digital Disruption = Business Transformation
Digital Disruption = Business TransformationDigital Disruption = Business Transformation
Digital Disruption = Business Transformation

3 things that will accelerate adoption and change so that you can remain relevant to tomorrow's digital customers

digital strategywin more customersadoption
Adapt or Die: Hybrid Cloud Means the End of Business as Usual
Adapt or Die: Hybrid Cloud Means the End of Business as UsualAdapt or Die: Hybrid Cloud Means the End of Business as Usual
Adapt or Die: Hybrid Cloud Means the End of Business as Usual

5 Steps to exceptional growth. Sell business outcomes not technology. Change is difficult, but not changing is fatal. Change before you have to change.

hybrid cloudaccelerating adoptionbusiness as usual
Sales Transformation: 5 Steps to Capture More UCS Customers
Sales Transformation: 5 Steps to Capture More UCS CustomersSales Transformation: 5 Steps to Capture More UCS Customers
Sales Transformation: 5 Steps to Capture More UCS Customers

The document discusses digital disruption and its key drivers: mass adoption of digital technology, the age of the customer, and the shift from B2B to B2C models. It also covers topics like collaboration, enterprise collaboration enablement, digital transformation obstacles, unified communications market growth, and more. Key themes are the impact of digital technologies on business models and customer relationships.

digital marketingdigital disruptionuccs
Where do you go from here?
Get it right
Get it right
Unique Value 
The Sales 
Creating an unpaid 
sales force 
SalesChannel	Europe	©2014		All	rights	reserved	 
Discovering	your	Inner	Advantage	Exercise	 
SalesChannel	Europe	©2014		All	rights	reserved	 
Basic	Product/Service:	 
• _____________________________	 
• _____________________________	 
• _____________________________	 
• _____________________________	 
Enhanced	Services:	 
• _____________________________	 
• _____________________________	 
• _____________________________	 
• _____________________________	 
• _____________________________	 
Support	Services:	 
• _____________________________	 
• _____________________________	 
• _____________________________	 
• _____________________________	 
Differen a on:	3	Levels	of	Perceived	Value	 
Support	Services	 
Enhanced	Services	 
Your Hosted 
SalesChannel	Europe	©2014		All	rights	reserved	 
Tipping the Funnel Clients: Actions: 
Cloud GTM Strategies, Sales Acceleration 
- Programs and Tools

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The document discusses digital disruption and transformation in business. It provides strategies and frameworks to help companies adapt, including developing systems of engagement, selling business outcomes rather than technology, differentiating at multiple levels, creating an unpaid sales force through advocacy, and fostering a culture of growth. Key challenges discussed are the changing buying process and need for predictive and adaptive thinking to anticipate customer needs and remain relevant through disruption.

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Le succès est une cible mouvante. Dans le monde numérique de poste perturbé les règles du jeu ont changé. Que fait votre succès dans le passé ne vous fera pas de succès à l'avenir. 5 étapes qui vont transformer votre entreprise et préparer les bases de la croissance.

sales accelerationsales & marketing alignmentgrowth mindset
Marketing Transformation: Marketing Today becomes Sales Tomorrow
Marketing Transformation: Marketing Today becomes Sales TomorrowMarketing Transformation: Marketing Today becomes Sales Tomorrow
Marketing Transformation: Marketing Today becomes Sales Tomorrow

Digital Disruption -> Business Transformation Marketing -> Sales Align all your Marketing Actions with the Customer Adoption Cycle

customer experiencethe customer adoption cyclesales & marketing alignment
GTM / Sales Acceleration Strategic Framework
Accelerating Time to Activation 
Search Find Qualify Try Buy Activate Manage Up-sell Support Refer Differentiate Accelerating Time to Activation
The Sales Channel Mix
GTM Action Plan

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Sales Transformation: 5 Steps to Capture More Cloud Customers

The document discusses strategies for adapting sales processes to changing customer and market dynamics. It recommends 1) creating systems of engagement to interact with customers throughout their journey, 2) selling business outcomes rather than just products, 3) differentiating at multiple levels to stand out from competitors, 4) helping customers see value and connect solutions to their needs, and 5) building an adaptive, growth-oriented culture. The overall message is that companies must evolve their approaches to remain relevant as customer expectations and technologies change.

demand generationdemand capturedemand creation
Digital Transformation: 7 Steps to Sales Growth
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Digital Transformation: 7 Steps to Sales Growth

How can you transform your business to align with tomorrow's digitally savvy decision makers? Here are 7 steps to take your business down the road to growth in the digitally transformed world.

digital marketingcustomer adoptionsales acceleration
High Performance Teams
High Performance TeamsHigh Performance Teams
High Performance Teams

This document discusses various approaches and mindsets related to change, including gradual versus disruptive change, overcoming barriers to change, and shifting to a growth mindset. It provides tools and strategies for thinking differently, such as possibility thinking, collaborative thinking, and challenging the status quo. The importance of skills like listening, resilience, accountability, and embracing ambiguity are emphasized. Overall, the document promotes adapting to and preparing for changing conditions through flexible, collaborative, and forward-focused thinking.

innovationteamsteam performance
Get it right 
David R Ednie 
President & CEO 
SalesChannel Europe 
Ph: +33 676 60 09 25 (FRA) 

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Digital Disruption -> The New Reality: Acronis Keynote_20.11.14

  • 2. Drivers of Digital Disruption: 1.Mass Adoption of Digital Technology 2.The Age of the Customer 3.The Engagement Economy
  • 5. The Cloud = IT Transformation The Cloud = Business Transformation
  • 7. Big Data = Big Opportunity
  • 8. KeyDataPoints: •Hybrid cloud •Exploding “big data” •The Internet of Things •SMBs and start-ups •Cloud adoption shift
  • 10. Big Data = Big Data Management Challenge
  • 11. Data Loss: of PC users have lost all of their files due to events beyond their control. 31% 34% of companies fail to test their tape backups, and of those that do, 77% have found tape back-up failures. 60% of companies that lose their data will shut down within 6 months of the disaster. 93% of companies that lost their data centerfor 10 days or more due to a disaster filed for bankruptcy within one year of the disaster. (National Archives & Records Administration in Washington)
  • 13. Data Loss = Bankruptcy
  • 14. Big Data = Big Customer Problem 1 Big Customer Problem = BIGBusiness Opportunity 2 What have we learnt so far?
  • 15. What is your Growth Strategy?
  • 18. Where are you on the curve? Where are you on the curve -ahead or behind, which is the essence of strategy. Behind: If you are behind the curve and chasing the market then you have ceded a great deal of control and you must have the ability to execute and be very agile in execution. Your bets are defined. Your strategic posture is reactive and defensive. Ahead: If you are ahead of the curve you are trying to drive the market, which requires a very different agility - there you require a set of controlled bets in execution with the ability to constantly probe the frontier and execute on success. Here you are reacting to yourself and your direction instead of where others have been.
  • 19. Disruptive Opportunity Matrix Extend WhiteSpace Defend Extend Current New Current New Source: Create Marketplace Disruption by Adam Hartung, Pearson Education, Inc. 2009 Products Customers
  • 23. Horizon 1 0 -6 months Horizon 2 6-12 months Horizon 3 12 -36 months Thinking at 3 Time Horizons
  • 26. -Geoffrey A. Moore “Well, first off, realize you are in afight for your life. The new businessmodel is not a competitive threat, itis an existential threat.”
  • 27. The status quo is not a growth strategy
  • 28. The End of Business as Usual 1 Innovate or Die 2 The Customer Adoption Cycle 3
  • 32. Game Changer Access Assets Purchase before Adoption Adoption before Purchase ≠
  • 33. The end of business as Usual
  • 37. Accelerate your journey to the Cloud
  • 40. The End of Business as Usual 1 Innovate or Die 2 The Customer Adoption Cycle 3
  • 45. B4B Operating Model Framework Product Focused Outcome Focused Supplier Operating Model Source: B4B: How Technology and Big Data are Reinventing the Customer- Supplier Relationship by J. B. Wood, Todd Hewlinand Thomas Lah, 2013 Basic Offer: LEVEL 1 SUPPLIER Best Product, Fair Price Standard Reliable Product Make Sell Ship Complex Offer: LEVEL 2 SUPPLIER Fast and Sure Availability Implementation and Maintenance Services Tailored Product + Optimise Offer: LEVEL 3 SUPPLIER Optimal ROI Adoption Services Operate (Managed) Services Connected Products + Outcome Offer: LEVEL 4 SUPPLIER Ease Outcome as a Service + Services + Supplier Customer
  • 46. Cloud business model strategy?
  • 47. The End of Business as Usual 1 Innovate or Die 2 The Customer Adoption Cycle 3
  • 48. The problem is that customers don’t buy the way we sell
  • 49. Cloud services don’t require what the Channel provides (today)
  • 51. Search Find Qualify Try Buy Activate Manage Up-sell Support Refer The Customer Adoption Cycle
  • 52. Transactional Sales Model Adoption Cycle Sales Model
  • 53. “Customers are completing 57% of a buying cycle before ever coming into contact with a sales rep.” -A CEB study of more than 1,400 customers
  • 54. Product Place Price Promotion 4P's Solution Access Value Education SAVE
  • 57. Create a sense of urgency
  • 58. 3 levels of Value
  • 59. Basic Product/Service: •Technology •Price performance •Product quality E2E Customer Experience: •People •Perceived value •High touch •Exceed customer expectations •Delight and astound customers 1 2 Support Services 3 E2ECustomer Experience Differentiation: 3 Levels of Perceived Value Basic Product/Service Support Services: •Levels of support •Quality of service •Systems •Processes Your Cloud Services
  • 60. Consulting Services Migration Services Integration Services Data Management Services Business Process Consulting Services Adoption Services BCaaS Business Continuityas a Service Value Differentiation SaaS PaaS IaaS BupaaS RecaaS SecaaS 1 2 3
  • 61. Price vsValue Products Services Experience Customer
  • 62. Sales Transformation OLD NEW The IT Buyer The Business Buyer Selling into CapExBudgets Selling into OpExBudgets Technical Expertise Business Expertise Geographic Sales Territories Vertical Industry Territories Selling Features Selling Results Fixed-Price Contracts Outcome-Based Contracts Demonstrating Features Business Process Discussions Your Complexity and Underlying Architecture Your Consumption Model and Service Capability Maintenance Contracts "Apps Mindset" Face2Face Sales Skills Social Media Knowledge Source: Consumption Economics: The New Rules of Tech by J. B. Wood, Todd Hewlinand Thomas Lah, 2011
  • 63. The End of Business as Usual 1 Innovate or Die 2 The Customer Adoption Cycle 3 Quick Review: Competing to remain relevant to tomorrow’s customers -4Ps -> S A V E, Marketing -> Sales -4 stages of Business Model Evolution -Disrupt or be disrupted
  • 65. Where do you go from here?
  • 68. Unique Value Promise Differentiation Strategy The Sales Toolkit Creating an unpaid sales force SalesChannel Europe ©2014 All rights reserved DO IT NOW!: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ WHO: WHAT: HOW: Discovering your Inner Advantage Exercise SalesChannel Europe ©2014 All rights reserved Basic Product/Service: • _____________________________ • _____________________________ • _____________________________ • _____________________________ Enhanced Services: • _____________________________ • _____________________________ • _____________________________ • _____________________________ • _____________________________ Support Services: • _____________________________ • _____________________________ • _____________________________ • _____________________________ Differen a on: 3 Levels of Perceived Value Basic Product/Servic Support Services Enhanced Services 1 2 3 Basic Product/Service Your Hosted Services SalesChannel Europe ©2014 All rights reserved Tipping the Funnel Clients: Actions: A B Cloud GTM Strategies, Sales Acceleration - Programs and Tools
  • 69. GTM / Sales Acceleration Strategic Framework
  • 70. Accelerating Time to Activation Search Find Qualify Try Buy Activate Manage Up-sell Support Refer Differentiate Accelerating Time to Activation
  • 74. David R Ednie President & CEO SalesChannel Europe Ph: +33 676 60 09 25 (FRA) Email: Website: