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Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
Peter O’Neill, Forrester
Laura Roach, OpenSymmetry
Sponsored by: CallidusCloud & OpenSymmetry
5 Keys to Accelerated Lead to Money
The Business Benefits of
Management (L2RM)
Peter O’Neill, Vice-President, Research
Webinar, July 22, 2015
CallidusOSForrester Webinar July 21 - FINALFINAL
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 4
The B2B customer lifecycle defined
The business buyer’s
decision experience
from problem
comparative analysis
through the purchase
decision and ongoing
engagement with the

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Building next generation b2b sales capabilities - McKinsey - 2022
Building next generation b2b sales capabilities - McKinsey - 2022Building next generation b2b sales capabilities - McKinsey - 2022
Building next generation b2b sales capabilities - McKinsey - 2022

Great article by McKinsey in 2022 The pandemic has converted B2B buyers to e-commerce in a big way. B2B sellers need new capabilities to meet their new expectations.

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The Future of Sales Prospecting
 The Future of Sales Prospecting The Future of Sales Prospecting
The Future of Sales Prospecting

1. The document discusses trends affecting sales prospecting, including the rise of AI, virtual selling, and digital buying. It identifies opportunities for sales teams to leverage AI, prioritization insights, and product-led growth to adapt. 2. A new sales paradigm is proposed with three pillars: prioritization, personalization, and collaboration. Prioritization involves understanding best customer profiles and buyer teams. Personalization uses AI to personalize at scale. Collaboration enables internal and external collaboration over contextual data. 3. Investing in AI, data privacy, prioritization insights, and tools for asynchronous learning are identified as ways for sales teams to succeed in this evolving landscape. A framework is presented to help sales teams prospect effectively

The marketing agency blueprint the handbook for building hybrid pr, seo, cont...
The marketing agency blueprint the handbook for building hybrid pr, seo, cont...The marketing agency blueprint the handbook for building hybrid pr, seo, cont...
The marketing agency blueprint the handbook for building hybrid pr, seo, cont...

Build a disruptive marketing agency for the modern age The marketing services industry is on the cusp of a truly transformational period. The old guard, rooted in tradition and resistant to change, will fall and new leaders will emerge. Hybrid marketing agencies that are more nimble, tech savvy, and collaborative will redefine the industry. Digital services will be engrained into the DNA and blended with traditional methods for integrated campaigns. The depth, versatility, and drive of their talent will be the cornerstones of organizations that pursue a higher purpose. The Marketing Agency Blueprint is a practical and candid guide that presents ten rules for building such a hybrid agency. The new marketing agency model will create and nurture diverse recurring revenue streams through a mix of services, consulting, training, education, publishing, and software sales. It will use efficiency and productivity, not billable hours, as the essential drivers of profitability. Its value and success will be measured by outcomes, not outputs. Its strength and stability will depend on a willingness to be in a perpetual state of change, and an ability to execute and adapt faster than competitors. The Marketing Agency Blueprint demonstrates how to: Generate more qualified leads, win clients with set pricing and service packages, and secure more long-term retainers Develop highly efficient management systems and more effective account teams Deliver greater results and value to clients This is the future of the marketing services industry. A future defined and led by underdogs and innovators. You have the opportunity to be at the forefront of the transformation.

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Customers reach
out to get service or
help with a
Customers go through
the purchase process
and complete the
Customers research
your brand and
product — and their
other options.
Customers take
possession oftheir
purchase,which includes
initial and ongoing
impressions of it.
Customers connectwith
brands for nonservice
reasons across multiple
Customers are exposed to
the initial trigger that will
lead them to a new need or
repeat purchase of an
existing need.
Customers’ needs get defined throughout the customer
life cycle
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 6
New Customer Acquisition
The Life
is a series
of journeys
7© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited
Buyers control their own journeys
› 74% research half
or more of their work
purchases online *
› >10vehicles have
more than average
* Source: Q2 2014 Forrester/InternetRetailer B2B Buy-SideSurvey Base: N=126 B2B buyers
** Source: Business Technographics Global Priorities and Journey Survey,2014, N=13,822
***Source: Forrester's Q3 2013 North America And UK Digital Maturity Online Survey.
› 73% research half
or more of their work
purchases online ***
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 8
Forget the funnel. Think escalator

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Growth Hacking 101
Growth Hacking 101Growth Hacking 101
Growth Hacking 101

This document provides an overview of growth hacking. It defines growth hacking as acquiring, retaining, and monetizing users more effectively by combining traditional marketing and analytical skills with product development skills. The document outlines the growth hacking process, which involves focusing on attention, acquisition, engagement, retention, and referral. It then discusses specific tactics for each step like content marketing, landing pages, social media, email marketing, and A/B testing. Finally, it recommends tools for analytics, advertising, landing page testing, email marketing, and feedback and provides an example schedule for a growth hacker.

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Marko Savic - MarTech and the buyer journey
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Marko Savic - MarTech and the buyer journey

Marko Savic is co-founder and CEO of FunnelCake. Marko did a presentation on every marketers favourite four letter word (we know what you're thinking - but no) data. His talk includes the numerous challenges in marketing technology today, how to pick the right technology (there are only two rules), and how his personal job story has a lot to do with why FunnelCake is now a company. Marko presented this talk at The Marketing Leap in Kitchener, Ontario.

marketing stacksbuyer journeymartech
Digital Marketing Measurement Framework - Martin Walsh
Digital Marketing Measurement Framework - Martin WalshDigital Marketing Measurement Framework - Martin Walsh
Digital Marketing Measurement Framework - Martin Walsh

A Digital Marketing Measurement Framework to assist your organisation to understand, develop, introduce and operationalise digital marketing measurement.

© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 9
We need a managed process to do this.
Know Your
Develop The
L2R Portfolio
Action Plan for
Road Map to L2R Marketing
Plan The
AnalyticsLife Cycle
Corporate Goals
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 11
Implement L2RM Strategically
› Align your L2RM strategy to the business strategy, such as
• Increasing contribution to revenue
• Improving return on marketing investment
• Shifting revenue from low-margin product lines to higher margin lines;
• Accelerating the market launch of a new line;
• Gearing up a new route-to-market;
• Increasing customer satisfaction;
› Keep the planes in the air.
› Pick your new L2RM go-to-market plays strategically.
• What key markets, decision-makers, and solutions
• Continually challenge yourself: "Is this our strongest proposition to acquire a new customer — or stay churn — in the next
six to 12 months?" If not, it's out of scope.
• Since exclusion is the flipside of focus, expect some political battles. Stay strong: Your remit is contribution to pipeline and
revenue (and other strategic goals) — not promoting 100% of the portfolio.
© 2015 Forrester Research,Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 12
Understand how benefits

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Data Strategy for Digital Sales : Case Study & Best Practice

Citrix Peer Exchange : - Oct 2020 - Barry Magee I'm an experienced senior business leader focused on how data-driven transformation creates organisational value with deep experience in sales, marketing, strategy, operations, and change management. I’m a recognized industry-leading specialist and academic on effective and systemic innovation using data and analytics to build competitive advantage and tangible results.

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Martech in 2019: The New, New Rules of Marketing
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Delivered by Scott Brinker, VP Platform Ecosystem, HubSpot Editor, Martech Festival, 31st October 2018

How to Get Better at B2B Lead Generation in 2016
How to Get Better at B2B Lead Generation in 2016How to Get Better at B2B Lead Generation in 2016
How to Get Better at B2B Lead Generation in 2016

This is a whitepaper detailing the merits of integrated lead generation with its focus on outbound marketing. Lead generation in 2016 cannot rely solely on inbound marketing. Its efforts need to be supplemented with email marketing and even telemarketing. Customers now want a better experience. Especially in the case of B2B clients, a personal or human touch right at the beginning of the sales pipeline can help build a better relationship with the prospect. This document will help show how to integrate the 2 marketing efforts so as to have the best outcome and generate more leads that are not only qualified but nurtured. And as all statistics have shown, nurtured leads are more easily converted into sales.

b2b marketinglead generation
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 13
Measure L2R with a set of holistic metrics
© 2015 Forrester Research,Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 14
What and Why to Measure.
Measurement Insights to gain Metrics that matter
Volume • How many people are in each stage, and how many are we
adding each period?
• Are my stage balances trending up or down?
• How many opportunities do I have?
• Number of contacts in prospect database
• Number of inquiries, prospects, marketing qualified leads (MQLs),
and opportunities
• New qualified leads added
• New sales-ready leads generated
• New opportunities created
Velocity • What is the average length of the sales cycle?
• What is the average time spent in each stage?
• Where are sales cycles stalling?
• Which sources move through the pipeline fastest?
• Sales cycle time
• Time-to-marketing-qualified-lead
• Time-to-sales-qualified-lead
• Time-to-opportunity; time-to-close
• Time-to-onboard; steady-state use
• Time-to-upgrade/upsell
Value • What's the value of my pipeline?
• What's the value by stage?
• How is it increasing or decreasing over time?
• Total dollar value of MQLs in pipeline
• Value of opportunities per quarter/year
• Gross margin/discount levels
• Customer lifetime value
Effectiveness • What is the conversion rate from each stage to the next?
• Where are the leaks in the funnel, and how do we plug them?
• What types and sources of leads convert the best?
• Are my conversion rates trending up or down?
• Inquiry-to-MQL conversion rate
• Fixed costs/MQL; total costs/MQL
• Qualified-lead-to-sales-ready-lead rate
• MQL-lead-to-sales-opportunity rate
• Opportunity-to-win rate
Efficiency • What is the conversion rate from each stage to the next?
• Where are inefficiencies by stage of life cycle?
• What types and sources of leads convert the best?
• Are my conversion rates trending up or down?
• Fixed/variable/total costs per MQL
• Fixed/variable/total costs per sales-qualified lead
• Fixed/variable/total costs per pipeline opportunity
• Fixed/variable/total costs per closed deal
• Time-to-onboard/implementation
• Time-to-first-cross-sell/upsell
15© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited
Modern marketers prime the sales
Source: The B2B CMO’s new Role In Sales Enablement,March 4, 2015
• Feed the pipeline
• Appreciate role of sales
• Leverage automation
16© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited
Modern marketers prime the sales
Source: The B2B CMO’s new Role In Sales Enablement,March4, 2015
• Feed the pipeline
• Appreciate role of sales
• Leverage automation

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In the past marketers had to go through IT for the marketing tools they need. Today marketing technology is widespread, easy to adopt and use. It’s been taken out of the hands of IT, and placed into the hands of practically everyone in the organization. This keynote explores the possibilities and challenges that new MarTech - with the introduction of artificial intelligence - is giving marketers.

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The Problem With MarTech
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The Problem With MarTech

With the advent of digital marketing, a growing number of marketing software is released. This is what we call MarTech for Marketing Technologies. But there is a problem... Read the related article (French) here:

The roi of marketing automation
The roi of marketing automationThe roi of marketing automation
The roi of marketing automation

The document discusses the ROI of marketing automation. It outlines how marketing automation can optimize marketing programs, increase conversion rates, and improve alignment between marketing and sales teams. Case studies are provided of companies that have achieved significant benefits from implementing marketing automation, such as doubling lead generation, reducing costs and improving revenue. Marketing automation allows companies to personalize messaging, qualify leads more effectively, and track performance throughout the sales process.

marketingroiinternet marketing
Thank you
Peter O’Neill
Twitter: @poneillforr
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
Peloton or
Break Away?
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 19
We need a managed process to do this.
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
l On-Boarding
l Territory Management
l Quota Setting
l Lead & Oppty Mgmt.
l Configure, Price, Quote
l Commissions
l Workflow
l Coaching
l Forecast & Planning
Connecting the Customer and Sales Journey with SPM

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New Campaign Models Panel
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New Campaign Models Panel

During this powerful panel discussion, two award-winning marketers will present case studies and insights from successful campaigns where they took audience-centric approaches to engage targeted industries. This session will share how creative new approaches to content and messaging are driving acquisition, as well as lead nurturing campaigns.

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The document is a lead generation trend report that provides findings from a survey of over 600 B2B marketing professionals. Some key findings include: 1. Increasing lead quality is the top priority for most marketers, followed by increasing lead volume, reflecting a trend toward quality over quantity. 2. Generating high quality leads and lack of resources are the biggest challenges and barriers to success. 3. Events and conferences have seen a resurgence as the most effective lead generation tactic. 4. Most marketers measure ROI using lead volume but are unable to determine the conversion rate of leads to closed deals.

Navigating Modern Marketing, Digital Transformation and Innovation
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Navigating Modern Marketing, Digital Transformation and Innovation

The world of marketing is undergoing unprecedented transformation. Trends such as Digital Transformation and Innovations including Cloud, Social Media and Big Data and Analytics have redefined the landscape of marketing technology. The Modern Marketer must combine both art and science to meet the constantly changing needs of stakeholders and the marketplace. In this session, we’ll examine the characteristics of a successful Modern Marketer, look at technology as a key enabler to Transformation and Innovation, address best practices for Thought Leadership and storytelling and examine the required skills for Modern Marketing.

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Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
What is your barrier in implementing a holistic Lead to Money
integrated solution?
a. Making the business case
b. Funding
c. Adverse to Cloud Solutions
d. Investment in Other Tools
e. Other
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
Is Time Travel Your Answer?
Drive Efficiencies Increasing productivity Enable Agility
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
Increase Productivity
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
1. 99% total company team
attainment of sales quota
2. 75% of sales reps achieving
individual quota
3. 13.1% YOY growth in total
company revenue
4. 3.3% improvement (reduction
of) average sales cycle
*According to Aberdeen Report, Beyond the
Quota: Best-in-Class Deployments of Sales
Performance Management
Companies deploying Best-in-Class SPM solutions experience:
Achieve More, Make More – Sell Smarter & Bigger….

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UCC PGDip in Innovation Studies - Feb 2021 - Barry Magee I'm an experienced senior business leader focused on how data-driven transformation creates organisational value with deep experience in sales, marketing, strategy, operations, and change management. I’m a recognized industry-leading specialist and academic on effective and systemic innovation using data and analytics to build competitive advantage and tangible results.

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Humanizing The B2B Decision-Making Journey
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Humanizing The B2B Decision-Making Journey

The consumerization of B2B technology is dramatically changing how decision-makers research, discover and engage with peers in their journey. During this keynote presentation, author, digital anthropologist and Altimeter Group principal analyst Brian Solis, will uncover the innovative strategies B2B brands are implementing to better adapt to the increasingly complex and cross-channel decision-making experience. Using his own research, analysis and experience with B2B companies as a baseline, Brian will share his perspectives and real life examples of how B2B brands can: -Understand new disruptions in the modern decision-making journey -Humanize the B2B buying experience using more emotive and personalized approaches -How information and peer-insights have evolved in key touch-points -Help buyers manage risk in the selection process

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Newsletter โครงการจัดตั้งสถาบันพัฒนาเทคโนโลยีระบบขนส่งทางรางแห่งชาติ ฉบับที่ 11Newsletter โครงการจัดตั้งสถาบันพัฒนาเทคโนโลยีระบบขนส่งทางรางแห่งชาติ ฉบับที่ 11
Newsletter โครงการจัดตั้งสถาบันพัฒนาเทคโนโลยีระบบขนส่งทางรางแห่งชาติ ฉบับที่ 11 โครงการจัดตั้งสถาบันพัฒนาเทคโนโลยีระบบขนส่งทางรางแห่งชาติ Thailand Railway Technology Development Institute Project

ระบบขนส่งทางรางrailwaythailand railway technology
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
Significant Return on Sales Performance Investment
Best-in-Class companies that invest in SPM experience this:
Quicker Sales
Faster Growth
Shorter Sales
Lower Turnover
More Sales Reps
Making Quota
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
A Big Problem
say retaining good performers will be a big problem in 2015.
More than a third of sales leaders are increasing salaries to keep their best people.
source: BMS Quarterly Sales Index April 2014
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
Top Business Issues for Sales in 2015
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
success is:
drowning out the noise.

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Ashely "Flashe" Gordon is running for Travis County Commissioner. She is the founder and CEO of Fenomenal Flashe Empire, an organization focused on community activism and empowerment. Flashe aims to address issues of water quality, flooding, social and environmental justice, education, and economic development as county commissioner. Specifically, she will work with groups on flood zone concerns and cleanups, raise awareness on racial and economic injustices, add supplementary education programs, and partner with economists to promote business and income opportunities in Travis County.

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National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) - Thailand แม้ปัจจุบันโลกเราจะมีเทคโนโลยี และการแพทย์สมัยใหม่ ที่เจริญก้าวหน้าไปมากก็ตาม แต่ไวรัสมหาภัยอันเป็นต้นตอของโรคระบาดที่อุบัติขึ้นใหม่ ก็ยังสามารถคร่าชีวิตผู้คนได้เป็นจำนวนมาก ทั้งโรคซาร์ส โรคไข้หวัดนก โรคไข้หวัดใหญ่ 2009 โรคอีโบลา และล่าสุดโรคเมอร์ส


innovator's method, innovation is the social process,

innovation economyinnovation is the social processnew mind set innovation
5 Keys to Accelerated Lead 2 Money
Marketing Automation
Establish Quota & Territories
Configure, Price, Quote &
Contract Management
Get New Hires Productive
Incentives & Commissions
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
What’s your SPM
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
Sales & Marketing Strategy
Talent Acquisition –
Recruiting, Assessing,
Selecting, & Onboarding
Talent Development -
Sales Enablement, Coaching
and Training
Lead Management &
Sales Process
Channel Management
Incentive Compensation
Territory and Quota
OS Smarter Sales Force Model
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
Value Grid Assessment Example
Positive Impact to Sales Performance in FY13/14
Size of bubble shows
relative upfront cost
Pay data
and Quota

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Este documento describe diferentes técnicas de investigación documental y de campo. Explica las fichas de registro como instrumentos para registrar datos de fuentes consultadas, incluyendo fichas bibliográficas y hemerográficas. También cubre bitácoras de registro y evaluación, fichas de observación, encuestas, entrevistas y diarios de campo para investigación de campo. Por último, menciona diseños experimentales para investigación experimental.

10 perguntas para coach de coaching
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10 perguntas para coach de coaching

O documento lista 10 perguntas importantes para se fazer ao considerar um programa de treinamento de coaching. As perguntas incluem: 1) Seus objetivos como coach e tipo de clientes; 2) Sua filosofia de coaching; 3) Tipo de comunidade desejada; 4) Preferências de aprendizagem; 5) Disposição para auto-transformação; 6) Credenciais e reputação do programa.

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ไอทีเพื่อชีวิตใหม่ผู้��้องขัง ด้วยน้ำพระทัยสมเด็จพระเทพรัตนราชสุดา ฯ สยามบรมราชกุมารี 9 ภาคีเครือข่าย ร่วมลงนาม MOU พัฒนาระบบการตรวจสอบและรับรองมาตรฐานการผลิตข้าว ENZease เอนไซม์ดูโอ เพิ่มประสิทธิภาพกระบวนการผลิตผ้าฝ้าย กสทช. ร่วมกับ สวทช. เผยผลสำรวจมูลค่าตลาดสื่อสารประจำปี 57 และประมาณการปี 58 สวทช. ก.วิทย์ฯ ติดอาวุธเกษตรกรไทย... เพื่อการพัฒนาชนบท จ.สกลนคร iTAP สวทช. ก.วิทย์ จับมือ กสอ. และสมาคมผู้ผลิตเครื่องสำอางไทย สร้างความเข้มแข็ง SMEs สวทช. ก.วิทย์ เปิดงาน "NSTDA Investors Day 2015" สวทช./ก.วิทย์ จับมือพันธมิตร ขับเคลื่อนผลงานวิจัยสู่เชิงพาณิชย์ 2558/2 บทความ Bangkok Mini Maker Faire งานมหกรรมรวมพล "เมกเกอร์" นักสร้างสรรค์นวัตกรรมครั้งแรกในไทย

Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
Price, Quote
/ Incentives
Start with a Lead 2 Money Assessment: 10 Steps to Success Approach
1. Addressable Market / Database / List Cleansing
2. Marketing Objective & Strategy Development
3. Value Proposition & Key Message Development
4. Creative Strategy & Communications Calendar
5. Compelling Offer Development
6. Website Presence & Traffic Generation
7. Multi-Channel Lead Campaigns
8. Real-Time Routing & Response Infrastructure
9. Reporting Dashboard
10. Marketing Analytics & Optimization Recommendations
Go Broad or Go Deep
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
High Tech Case Study
• Business being restructured with new leadership
• Changed sales strategy
• Losing market share
• Under achieving on sales goals
• Shift in Channel vs. Direct Sales
• SPM Maturity & Assessment
• Future state roadmap
• Channel and territory alignment
a trusted leader &
proven partner.
success is:
We never expected
to achieve 105
percent of quota in
the first month.
-Krista Endsley, Abila
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
Pharma & Medical Devices Case Study
• Sales & Market Role Assessment
• Plan Design by sales role
• Modeling of future state plan designs
• Implementation of SPM solution
a trusted leader & proven partner.
success is:
Providing research, development, production of bio-tech and
pharmaceutical drug therapies.
Needed to adapt to changing market
and customer landscape & shift to a
customer driven focus.
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
Insurance Case Study
• Complex Sales Channels, 3rd
party networks
• 3rd party networks
• Risk of turnover, understaffed,
not agile, resistant to change
• Aggressive timelines, data
• Current state assessment
• Future state road map
• Change Management
• Readiness Assessment
• Implementation of SPM solution
• Migration strategy
a trusted leader & proven partner.success is:
Insurance and financial provider of auto, commercial,
farm, homeowners and life insurance coverage.

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Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
Be agile with a proven
Lead to Money
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
Lead to Money solution
Breadth and
depth of functionality
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
100+ 20+ 600+ 50+ 50+ 40+ 50+
A choice to go with multiple vendors…
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
…or a single vendor

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The Devil Is in the Details of Customer & Agent Interactions.The Devil Is in the Details of Customer & Agent Interactions.
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This document provides information on presenters for an event on the customer journey in insurance. It lists the CEO of Insurance Thought Leadership and representatives from Capgemini, Salesforce, Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection, and AXA as presenters. It also references topics on the customer journey and top pitfalls for agents, including not recognizing changes in insurance, not knowing customers in context, and dismissing customer experience. Contact information is provided at the end for related reports and the event organizers.

Putting Account-Based Marketing To Work In 2015
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Putting Account-Based Marketing To Work In 2015

This document summarizes a webinar on account-based marketing. It discusses what account-based marketing is and why companies are adopting it. It provides tips on attracting and engaging target accounts, including defining accounts, gathering account insights, and creating a targeted marketing plan. It also covers collaborating with sales, including ensuring buy-in and that marketing supports sales priorities. It emphasizes the importance of account lifecycle management and customer experience. Examples of successful account-based marketing programs from companies like CSC and Demandbase are presented.

demandbase#sps2014demandgen report
Kate Leggett's Forecast 2015 Keynote: Fragmentation & Consolidation in Sales
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Kate Leggett's Forecast 2015 Keynote: Fragmentation & Consolidation in Sales

Last week, the sales category was taken by storm when some of the top thought-leaders in the industry came to Forecast 2015. For those of you who couldn't attend, or want a second look at the amazing content presented, we're posting all of our speaker's keynotes for you. Here's Kate Leggett's presentation on "Fragmentation & Consolidation in Sales."

crmsales processsales tips
Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
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Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
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Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information
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How do you scale account-based marketing (ABM)? That’s a critical question for many companies right now. Two SiriusDecisions clients, Medidata and Demandbase, are really getting it right with their efforts and we invite you to learn from them and see how to enhance your company’s ABM deployment. For Medidata, ABM in its first year delivered a 714% improvement in senior executive engagement and 159% improvement in marketing sourced pipeline in target accounts. For Demandbase, this meant close rates were doubled, and Annual Contract Values increased by more than 30%.

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Startups Need a Go To Market Plan once they are ready to launch. This shares a 5 step process to make that for any type of startup. Youtube link for video session on these slides -

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Mediacurrent was awarded Best Overall SMB by Salesforce. Marketing Director Adam Waid headed to California to speak at Dreamforce 2014 about Mediacurrent's keys to success using Pardot.

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CallidusOSForrester Webinar July 21 - FINALFINAL

  • 1. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information Peter O’Neill, Forrester Laura Roach, OpenSymmetry Sponsored by: CallidusCloud & OpenSymmetry 5 Keys to Accelerated Lead to Money
  • 2. The Business Benefits of Lead-to-Revenue Management (L2RM) Peter O’Neill, Vice-President, Research Director Webinar, July 22, 2015
  • 4. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 4 The B2B customer lifecycle defined The business buyer’s decision experience from problem identificationand comparative analysis through the purchase decision and ongoing engagement with the supplier
  • 5. Customers reach out to get service or help with a purchase. Customers go through the purchase process and complete the transaction. Customers research your brand and product — and their other options. Customers take possession oftheir purchase,which includes initial and ongoing impressions of it. Customers connectwith brands for nonservice reasons across multiple channels. Customers are exposed to the initial trigger that will lead them to a new need or repeat purchase of an existing need. Customers’ needs get defined throughout the customer life cycle ENGAGE ASK USE BUY EXPLORE DISCOVER
  • 6. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 6 ENGAGE ASK USE BUY EXPLORE DISCOVER Growth Retention New Customer Acquisition The Life Cycle is a series of journeys
  • 7. 7© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited Buyers control their own journeys › 74% research half or more of their work purchases online * › >10vehicles have more than average influence** * Source: Q2 2014 Forrester/InternetRetailer B2B Buy-SideSurvey Base: N=126 B2B buyers ** Source: Business Technographics Global Priorities and Journey Survey,2014, N=13,822 ***Source: Forrester's Q3 2013 North America And UK Digital Maturity Online Survey. › 73% research half or more of their work purchases online ***
  • 8. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 8 Forget the funnel. Think escalator
  • 9. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 9 We need a managed process to do this.
  • 10. Know Your Buyer New Marketing Impact Develop The Engagement Plan Measure, Analyze Optimize New L2R Portfolio Existing Marketing Programs Tactics Channels Content Marketing Action Plan for Buyer Engagement Road Map to L2R Marketing Thought Leadership Buyer Journeys Plan The Engagement Strategy Metrics Attribution AnalyticsLife Cycle Marketing Corporate Goals Buyer Persona Buyer Archetype
  • 11. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 11 Implement L2RM Strategically › Align your L2RM strategy to the business strategy, such as • Increasing contribution to revenue • Improving return on marketing investment • Shifting revenue from low-margin product lines to higher margin lines; • Accelerating the market launch of a new line; • Gearing up a new route-to-market; • Increasing customer satisfaction; › Keep the planes in the air. › Pick your new L2RM go-to-market plays strategically. • What key markets, decision-makers, and solutions • Continually challenge yourself: "Is this our strongest proposition to acquire a new customer — or stay churn — in the next six to 12 months?" If not, it's out of scope. • Since exclusion is the flipside of focus, expect some political battles. Stay strong: Your remit is contribution to pipeline and revenue (and other strategic goals) — not promoting 100% of the portfolio.
  • 12. © 2015 Forrester Research,Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 12 Understand how benefits manifest.
  • 13. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 13 ROMI Return Volume Velocity Value Investment Efficiency Effectiveness Measure L2R with a set of holistic metrics
  • 14. © 2015 Forrester Research,Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 14 What and Why to Measure. Measurement Insights to gain Metrics that matter Volume • How many people are in each stage, and how many are we adding each period? • Are my stage balances trending up or down? • How many opportunities do I have? • Number of contacts in prospect database • Number of inquiries, prospects, marketing qualified leads (MQLs), and opportunities • New qualified leads added • New sales-ready leads generated • New opportunities created Velocity • What is the average length of the sales cycle? • What is the average time spent in each stage? • Where are sales cycles stalling? • Which sources move through the pipeline fastest? • Sales cycle time • Time-to-marketing-qualified-lead • Time-to-sales-qualified-lead • Time-to-opportunity; time-to-close • Time-to-onboard; steady-state use • Time-to-upgrade/upsell Value • What's the value of my pipeline? • What's the value by stage? • How is it increasing or decreasing over time? • Total dollar value of MQLs in pipeline • Value of opportunities per quarter/year • Gross margin/discount levels • Customer lifetime value Effectiveness • What is the conversion rate from each stage to the next? • Where are the leaks in the funnel, and how do we plug them? • What types and sources of leads convert the best? • Are my conversion rates trending up or down? • Inquiry-to-MQL conversion rate • Fixed costs/MQL; total costs/MQL • Qualified-lead-to-sales-ready-lead rate • MQL-lead-to-sales-opportunity rate • Opportunity-to-win rate Efficiency • What is the conversion rate from each stage to the next? • Where are inefficiencies by stage of life cycle? • What types and sources of leads convert the best? • Are my conversion rates trending up or down? • Fixed/variable/total costs per MQL • Fixed/variable/total costs per sales-qualified lead • Fixed/variable/total costs per pipeline opportunity • Fixed/variable/total costs per closed deal • Time-to-onboard/implementation • Time-to-first-cross-sell/upsell
  • 15. 15© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited Modern marketers prime the sales pipeline Source: The B2B CMO’s new Role In Sales Enablement,March 4, 2015 • Feed the pipeline • Appreciate role of sales • Leverage automation
  • 16. 16© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited Modern marketers prime the sales pipeline Source: The B2B CMO’s new Role In Sales Enablement,March4, 2015 • Feed the pipeline • Appreciate role of sales • Leverage automation
  • 18. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information Peloton or Break Away?
  • 19. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 19 We need a managed process to do this.
  • 20. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information l On-Boarding l Territory Management l Quota Setting l Lead & Oppty Mgmt. l Configure, Price, Quote l Commissions l Workflow l Coaching l Forecast & Planning SalesPerformanceManagement Connecting the Customer and Sales Journey with SPM
  • 21. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information What is your barrier in implementing a holistic Lead to Money integrated solution? a. Making the business case b. Funding c. Adverse to Cloud Solutions d. Investment in Other Tools e. Other
  • 22. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information Is Time Travel Your Answer? Drive Efficiencies Increasing productivity Enable Agility
  • 23. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information Increase Productivity
  • 24. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information 1. 99% total company team attainment of sales quota 2. 75% of sales reps achieving individual quota 3. 13.1% YOY growth in total company revenue 4. 3.3% improvement (reduction of) average sales cycle *According to Aberdeen Report, Beyond the Quota: Best-in-Class Deployments of Sales Performance Management Companies deploying Best-in-Class SPM solutions experience: Achieve More, Make More – Sell Smarter & Bigger….
  • 25. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information + ++ + Significant Return on Sales Performance Investment Best-in-Class companies that invest in SPM experience this: 2X Quicker Sales 37% Faster Growth Shorter Sales Cycles 36% Lower Turnover 25% More Sales Reps Making Quota 7%
  • 26. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information A Big Problem say retaining good performers will be a big problem in 2015. More than a third of sales leaders are increasing salaries to keep their best people. 56% >30% source: BMS Quarterly Sales Index April 2014
  • 27. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information Source: SIRUSDECISIONS, 2015 ISMM Top Business Issues for Sales in 2015
  • 28. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information success is: drowning out the noise.
  • 29. 5 Keys to Accelerated Lead 2 Money Marketing Automation Establish Quota & Territories Configure, Price, Quote & Contract Management Get New Hires Productive Incentives & Commissions
  • 30. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information What’s your SPM Number?
  • 31. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information SPM ASSESSMENT Sales & Marketing Strategy DESIGN BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Talent Acquisition – Recruiting, Assessing, Selecting, & Onboarding Talent Development - Sales Enablement, Coaching and Training Lead Management & Sales Process Methodology Channel Management Incentive Compensation Territory and Quota Management OS Smarter Sales Force Model
  • 32. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information Value Grid Assessment Example Positive Impact to Sales Performance in FY13/14 EaseofImplementation Notes: Size of bubble shows relative upfront cost 32 ICM Solution Target Setting Pay data Subs Salesforce Competency Assessment Clarify Career Maps Plan DesignProg Design Revisit Territory and Quota Alignment High Medium Low LMA
  • 33. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information Marketing Automation Territory Planning Learning Management Sales Enablement Configure, Price, Quote Contract Management Commissions / Incentives Customer Experience Start with a Lead 2 Money Assessment: 10 Steps to Success Approach 1. Addressable Market / Database / List Cleansing 2. Marketing Objective & Strategy Development 3. Value Proposition & Key Message Development 4. Creative Strategy & Communications Calendar 5. Compelling Offer Development 6. Website Presence & Traffic Generation 7. Multi-Channel Lead Campaigns 8. Real-Time Routing & Response Infrastructure 9. Reporting Dashboard 10. Marketing Analytics & Optimization Recommendations Go Broad or Go Deep
  • 34. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information High Tech Case Study the PROBLEM the SOLUTION • Business being restructured with new leadership • Changed sales strategy • Losing market share • Under achieving on sales goals • Shift in Channel vs. Direct Sales • SPM Maturity & Assessment • Future state roadmap • Channel and territory alignment a trusted leader & proven partner. success is: We never expected to achieve 105 percent of quota in the first month. -Krista Endsley, Abila CEO
  • 35. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information the PROBLEM Pharma & Medical Devices Case Study the SOLUTION • Sales & Market Role Assessment • Plan Design by sales role • Modeling of future state plan designs • Implementation of SPM solution a trusted leader & proven partner. success is: Providing research, development, production of bio-tech and pharmaceutical drug therapies. Needed to adapt to changing market and customer landscape & shift to a customer driven focus.
  • 36. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information the PROBLEM Insurance Case Study the SOLUTION • Complex Sales Channels, 3rd party networks • 3rd party networks • Risk of turnover, understaffed, not agile, resistant to change • Aggressive timelines, data problems • Current state assessment • Future state road map • Change Management • Readiness Assessment • Implementation of SPM solution • Migration strategy a trusted leader & proven partner.success is: Insurance and financial provider of auto, commercial, farm, homeowners and life insurance coverage.
  • 37. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information Be agile with a proven Lead to Money platform
  • 38. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information Lead to Money solution Single vendor Integrated solution Breadth and depth of functionality P P P
  • 39. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information Marketing Automation Territory Planning Learning Management Sales Enablement CPQ Contract Management Commissions 100+ 20+ 600+ 50+ 50+ 40+ 50+ A choice to go with multiple vendors… Customer Experience 100+
  • 40. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information TCO ROI …or a single vendor
  • 41. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information A modern integrated end-to-end solution Plan territories and quotas for reps Train sales anytime, anywhere Coach B players to become A players Use Gamification to motivate sales Pay commissions accurately and on time Lead to Money Suite Personalize lead generation and management Easily create quotes and proposals Negotiate and sign contracts quickly Enable sales with the right content at the right time Survey customers throughout the application lifecycle
  • 42. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information START WITH YOUR CUSTOMER Know your challenges Know where you want to go (Future Visions) Take a structured, holistic and integrated planning approach Understand what success is and how to measure it Engage key stakeholders early and often Understand communication and training requirements Know your change capacity and risk mitigation Deliver on your promises!
  • 43. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information success is: a trusted path to the top. picture that.
  • 44. Copyright 2015 © OpenSymmetry Inc. and CallidusCloud Proprietary Information Accelerate performance with the CallidusCloud Platform and OpenSymmmetry we’ve been there since version 1.0 through the current release. Achieve rapid results with OpenSymmetry and CallidusCloud. Together, we help organizations identify pains and map out a vision to success. Experience real-time insight into the Lead to Money framework and use best practices to accelerate business performance. OS + CallidusCloud equals your success • Over 300+ years of Combined CallidusCloud Experience • Implementations on 4 continents • 57 CallidusCloud Customers including: oAllstate oAXA Equitable oCaterpillar oDIRECTV oVodafone • Payees ranging from 71 to 90K • Global and Multinational Projects • 203 Total Projects Completed • 140 in the United States • 63 globally picture that. Real Rapid Results with Lead to Money unparalleled experience trusted partner success is: a winning formula • Telecommunications • Retail • Manufacturing • Consumer Products • Insurance • Media • High Tech • Life Sciences 20 industries contact us today: