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Lean startup
in eHealth
Pauliina Smeds, Forum Virium Helsinki
Jaakko Ikävalko, Forum Virium Helsinki
The lean startup model aims at
increasing the odds for
success for startups,
by reducing the market
The goal is to
eliminate wasteful and
inappropriate traditional
new product development
This means among others
not writing elaborate
business plans

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Lean startup
Lean startupLean startup
Lean startup

Some years ago, Eric Ries, Steve Blank and others initiated The Lean Startup movement. The Lean Startup is a movement, an inspiration, a set of principles and practices that any entrepreneur initiating a startup would be well advised to follow. Projecting myself into it, I think that if I had read Ries' book before, or even better Blank's book, I would maybe own my own company today, around AirXCell or another product, instead of being disgusted and honestly not considering it for the near future. In addition to giving a pretty important set of principles when it comes to creating and running a startup, The Lean Startup also implies an extended set of Engineering practices, especially software engineering practices.

lean startup
Accelerate _methodologies
Accelerate _methodologiesAccelerate _methodologies
Accelerate _methodologies

This document discusses a methodology for accelerating new businesses through four phases: idea stage, problem/solution fit, product/market fit, and scaling. It provides examples of methods that can be used in each phase, such as customer discovery, business model experiments, and growth hacking. Key performance indicators are also listed for tracking customer experience, business performance, and organizational learning at each stage of acceleration. The goal of acceleration is to help new businesses move faster through the phases to achieve a sustainable business model and reach the right markets.

Understanding the Lean Startup
Understanding the Lean StartupUnderstanding the Lean Startup
Understanding the Lean Startup

Review of the book 'The Lean Startup' by Eric Ries. Entrepreneurs can use these concepts in a variety of businesses both new and old. Great group conversation to explore how a variety of people can use the methodology.

businesslean startupstart up
Also, this signifies
avoiding expensive
product trials,
launches and failures
Consequently, one goal is to
diminish the need
for high level of
initial funding
The key methods of lean startup philosophy are
• business-hypothesis-experimentation
• iterative product releases
• validated learning
The objective for experimentations, iterations & learning is to
guide new ventures to
only launch products that
customers actually want

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Proof of Concept: What It Is and How to Do it Right
Proof of Concept: What It Is and How to Do it RightProof of Concept: What It Is and How to Do it Right
Proof of Concept: What It Is and How to Do it Right

The document discusses proof of concept (POC), which is a test conducted to validate the feasibility of an idea or product before full development. A POC involves gathering customer feedback, creating a basic demo, outlining a roadmap to market, and telling a compelling story to investors. Conducting a thorough POC helps gain approval, identify issues early, attract funding, increase chances of commercial success, and save money compared to discovering problems later. The document outlines four essential steps for a POC: implement structured customer data, create and test a demo, create a development roadmap, and tell a story instead of using sales pitches.

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Investor Pitch Deck - ArtiE
Investor Pitch Deck - ArtiEInvestor Pitch Deck - ArtiE
Investor Pitch Deck - ArtiE

ArtiE is an artificial intelligence platform that allows users to create voice-activated software applications without extensive coding knowledge. It provides a development platform to build applications that can be used across devices using only voice. ArtiE aims to be the leading platform for building enterprise voice applications and targets markets like consulting firms, cloud companies, and the growing Internet of Things sector totaling over $200 billion. It plans to generate recurring revenue through monthly subscriptions and professional services. Financial projections estimate $355 million in annual recurring revenue by year six with strong profit margins.

Success with business cases
Success with business casesSuccess with business cases
Success with business cases

The document provides guidance on writing successful business cases that can obtain approval and funding. It emphasizes that business cases should be measurable and backed by evidence. Key points include: - Business cases should justify a project's value, risks, priorities and benefits in a concise yet informative manner (typically 2-3 pages). - They must demonstrate how the project aligns with organizational strategy and quantify expected financial and non-financial impacts such as increased revenue, cost savings, risk reductions and compliance gains. - Assumptions should be supported by facts and benefits must be measurable both during and after project implementation through key performance indicators. - High-quality business cases will consider alternative options, include input from finance and procurement

businessproject managementprogram management
In the lean startup approach, a startup is viewed as
an experiment within
the context of
massive uncertainty
a startup doesn’t know
who is the customer or
what is the business model
Extreme uncertainty: in the beginning both the problem and the solution
are unknown. Thus, in the beginning,
a startup exists only to
create a new sustainable
business model
The primary goal is to
discover a business
model that works before
running out of money &
time. And then scale it.

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Product owner is a critical role for agile/scrum teams, as a key stakeholder and representative of users, customers or markets. Commercial software companies have a broader role -- product manager -- responsible for identifying market needs/opportunities, making product-level decisions about offerings/benefits/pricing/packaging/channels/financial goals, and managing sales/customer relationships on behalf of executives. Since products often span multiple scrum teams, some products have a mix of product owners and product managers. We'll introduce product owners, map that against software product managers, and talk through approaches to meet all of the product needs for a market-successful product.

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This document discusses lessons learned from applying acceleration methodology to new product, service, and business incubation and acceleration in the ICT industry. It is based on 13 interviews and analysis of real-life projects. The lessons provide guidance on how software companies can apply acceleration principles in various business domains. Key takeaways include the importance of continuous customer discovery and problem validation, having committed people in the early idea stage, and recognizing that acceleration principles can be applied to both new and existing businesses. Ecosystem partners play a crucial role in scaling, and successful scaling provides resources to fund new ideas and businesses.

The business model or the scaling of a business should not be based
on assumptions but instead be
built on tested
hypotheses and
validated learning
In the search for a sustainable business model, it’s crucial
that before running out of money, the startup has the ability to either
pivot or persevere
Pivoting is productive failure for a startup.
Pivoting signifies learning something useful.
Pivoting means staying
grounded in the initial vision,
but changing one dimension
of the business at a time.
A startup should always consider
how many
to pivot is left

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Accelerating Innovation through Portfolio Frameworks
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Accelerating Innovation through Portfolio Frameworks

The document discusses portfolio frameworks for driving innovation through effective product strategy and management. It advocates using a 3 horizons model to classify initiatives based on their distance from the current business model. Horizon 1 focuses on defending and extending the current business, Horizon 2 on exploiting and expanding adjacent opportunities, and Horizon 3 on exploring future opportunities. It also discusses using outcome-based measures, prioritization frameworks, learning loops through experimentation, and portfolio visualization tools to help align initiatives with strategic goals and make intentional decisions.

What Is "Lean Startup"
What Is "Lean Startup"What Is "Lean Startup"
What Is "Lean Startup"

Lean Startup is a methodology for building successful startups that focuses on minimizing waste and making progress quickly. It advocates following the right process through techniques like customer development, MVPs, and measurement to increase the odds of success rather than relying on luck or genius. While inspired by lean manufacturing and agile development, Lean Startup is a higher-level approach that can be applied beyond software to any new product or business facing uncertainty.

startuplean startup
Therefore, it is especially essential to
reduce time
between pivots
This is done by
accelerating validated learning by the
build-measure-learn feedback loop
Most startups are drawn apart by two approaches of building a product
when maximizing the chances for success
building the most perfect product
releasing early, releasing often
minimum viable product
(MVP) is a synthesis
of these two extremes

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Lean Product Management: The Art of Known Unknowns

(This presentation was given at the Lean Strategy + Design Salon meetup in New York: "Innovate or die” is the mantra of successful companies. So how can we build innovation into our product development process? By combining design thinking, lean startup and agile we get a recipe for repeatable innovation: lean UX. Lean UX and lean startup methods are being used today by many startups and innovation labs to take a learning approach to discovering and building the best product for customers. But what does repeatable innovation look like scaled across an enterprise? This talk will share how to apply lean product practices as a continuous process across multiple products and agile development teams in an organization. With real examples and artifacts you will learn how to manage - and thrive - in uncertainty to create awesome products.

product managementlean uxdesign thinking
Product Strategy
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Product Strategy

This presentation provides a framework for product managers and C-level executives to discuss and prioritise their product investments. Maintaining a practical focus, it condenses highlights from McKinsey's three horizons model and more recent successors developed by academics at Wharton and MIT.

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CloudHealth Technologies is a company where employees are able to challenge themselves and achieve success, while doing something meaningful and having fun at the same time. Less than 4 years ago, CTO and Founder, Joe Kinsella began brainstorming the concept of of a platform, CloudHealth, with nothing more than a laptop and the cloud. Today, CloudHealth Technologies is one of Boston's fastest growing tech companies, delivering the industry's most comprehensive cloud service management platform, as recently recognized by MassTLC as the most innovative cloud technology of the year. Gain insider knowledge from Joe on how to implement an agile process that takes an initial concept and turns it into a viable technology resulting in dramatic growth and a successful company. In this session, Joe discusses his personal journey, experiential learning, and the related success that comes from a team of passionate employees with a genuine focus on dynamic interactions between groups and departments.

cloudhealth technologiesagile software developmententrepreneurship
Most startups consider an MVP too big: including too many features.
MVP should
contain only critical
In order to deliver an MVP
a startup needs to be
willing to iterate and
An easy formula
what you think
an MVP is,
cut it in half
Customer feedback loops
during product development
help to eliminate features or
products that the market doesn’t

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Lean startup
Lean startupLean startup
Lean startup

Eric Ries is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and pioneer of the Lean Startup movement. He graduated from Yale University with a degree in computer science and co-founded several startups. His experiences with success and failure led him to develop a Lean Startup methodology to help startups succeed. This methodology is based on principles like validated learning and the build-measure-learn feedback loop. It emphasizes developing minimum viable products to test hypotheses, measuring customer feedback, and using that feedback to pivot the product or strategy as needed. The goal is to minimize the time required to learn what customers want in order to accelerate a startup's progress.

lean startup
What Is A Lean Startup?
What Is A Lean Startup?What Is A Lean Startup?
What Is A Lean Startup?

This document summarizes key concepts from Lean Startup methodology. It discusses getting customer feedback early in the product development process through techniques like minimum viable products and continuous deployment. It emphasizes measuring progress through validated learning rather than outputs like features built. The document recommends optimizing for product/market fit before scaling and testing all assumptions rather than relying on untested beliefs. Resources are provided to learn more about applying Lean Startup principles.

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The document discusses customer development and validation techniques for startups. It emphasizes the importance of getting out of the building to validate ideas with customers from the beginning. It recommends asking questions to determine who the product is for, why they would care, what problems it solves, and how the features fit together. Customer interviews are presented as a way to gather this information and test hypotheses. The document provides tips for conducting interviews and debriefing afterwards to determine if the hypotheses were validated or invalidated. The overall message is that startups should focus on customer development and validation activities like interviews and prototyping before investing significant resources into building products.

lean startupfounder institutecustomer development
Solution fit
Market Fit
Sales & Marketing
Customer Development
Source: Steve Blank`s Customer Development by Brant Cooper;
Experimenting means testing the ideas against reality.
experimenting is NOT
about asking the
experimenting means
testing hypothesis, setting
metrics and measuring
how customers behave
Setting up the metrics requires also
identifying what is crucial
in order to establish a
sustainable business

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6Aika-strategian Avoin Data ja Rajapinnat -kärkihankkeen osatoteutuksessa harmonisoidaan rajapintoja Suomen kuuden suurimman kaupungin yhteistyönä. Annukka Vartevan esitys Open Forum -tapahtumassa 23.3.2015.

6aikaforum virium helsinki
Questioning the assumptions
• Is the problem worth solving?
• Who’s problem is being solved?
• Does anyone care about the solution?
• Will the customers buy the solution?
• How are the target customers solving the problem now?
• How will the startup grow?
• What is the unit cost model?
• What is the unit revenue model?
• What are the acquisition costs per customer?
• What channels will be used to get to customers?
• What is the startup’s unfair advantage that cannot
be easily copied or bought?
Product - market fit:
the point at which the startup can scale profitably
• The customer is willing to pay for the
• The unit of cost per customer is smaller
than the unit revenue per customer
• There is sufficient evidence indicating the
market is large enough to support the
• The sales model is repeatable and
Unit of progress: validated learning
Problem: unknown
Lean Startup
Solution: unknown
Hypothesses, Experiments, Insights
Data, Feedback, Insights
Customer Development
Agile Development
User stories
Architectual Spike Release
Iteration Acceptance
Latest Version
Next Iteration
Key Partners Key Activities
Key Resources
Cost Structure Revenue Streams
Canvas tools, one example

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Perustiedot Forum Virium Helsingistä 09/2016

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Helsinki is building an open city by developing new digital services in cooperation with companies, the public sector, and residents. The city aims to harness innovation from the entire community. Helsinki has been recognized as a leading smart city and is experimenting with smart urban living and services in its Kalasatama district. The city is piloting various Internet of Things projects in Kalasatama and developing smart mobility solutions like Mobility as a Service. Helsinki is making its data openly available and serving as an innovation platform and test bed for smart city technologies.

smart city
the lean startup approach
The focus is on
• business model,
not on business plan
• fast learning loops:
• avoiding investing in a bad idea:
a quick death is a good death
What Lean Startups Do Differently
Lean start-ups don’t begin with business plan but with the search for a business model
Quick rounds of experimentation & feedback reveal a model that works.
Then, lean startups focus on execution.
Lean Traditional
Business Model Hypothesis-driven Business Plan Implementation-driven
New-Product Process
Customer Development.
Get out of the office and test hypotheses
Product Management.
Prepare offering for market following a
linear, step-by-step plan
Agile Development.
Build the product iteratively and incrementally
Agile of Waterfall Development.
Build the product iteratively, or fully specify the
product before building it
Lean Traditional
Financial Reporting
Metrics That Matter.
Customer acquisition cost, lifetime
customer value, churn, viralness
Accounting, income statement, balance sheet,
cash flow statement
Fix by iterating on ideas and pivoting
away from ones that don´t work
Fix by firing executives
Operates on good enough data
Operates on complate data
Customer and agile development teams hire for
learning, nimbleness, and speed
Departments by function
Hire for experience and ability to execute

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Innovation as a by-product of robust decision-making. Applications in Restaurant Innovation. Two perspectives: (1) the real-estate developer perspective and the (2) data scientist perspective. Used fresh case studies to illustrate points, inclusive of prestigious names (Noma, El Bulli, The Fat Duck) and celebrity chefs. Introduces the research focus of Cain Hospitality Innovation (CHI) for 2015: The Restaurant Genome Project.

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El documento trata sobre la innovación y el cambio. Habla de salir de la zona de confort para tener nuevas perspectivas, como dijo Marcel Proust. Una persona creativa desafía el orden establecido y estimula a otros a cuestionar suposiciones. Aunque el cambio conlleva riesgos como el fracaso, se necesita valentía para ir hacia lo desconocido y lograr grandes cosas, como un emprendedor que pasó de US$300 a US$30 millones. La innovación requiere trabajo en equipo, fe y convicción.

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El documento describe la historia y el modelo de negocio de El Tenedor, una empresa española de reservas online para restaurantes. Comenzó en 2006 con fondos iniciales de 1 millón de euros y ahora tiene 11.000 restaurantes en su plataforma, 2,5 millones de visitas mensuales y más de 7,7 millones de reservas realizadas. Su éxito se debe a su enfoque en la calidad del servicio, el marketing boca a boca y la creación de una comunidad de usuarios.

by M2M
eHealth specific aspects
with the lean startup approach
eHealth related aspects
• lots of regulation
• getting to product/market fit potentially expensive: even
MVPs have usually to meet certain standards and often
need approval from administrators & regulators
• important stakeholders can be hard to reach
• health providers can be conservative & reluctant to try
new things, resulting in slow adoption
• often complex ecosystems & value chains
Regulative aspects in eHealth
Within eHealth, there are requirements & directives for
• Privacy, security, language support
• SW development process
• Quality management system
• Risk management process
• Clinical investigation
• Validation
• Registration
• Placing on the market
• Incident reporting
• Suitability for the intended use
• Performance and reliability
When commercializing an eHealth innovation
if regulation concerns your
product, think for ways to
avoid regulation

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Este documento discute la importancia de diseñar un modelo de negocios sólido en lugar de centrarse únicamente en el producto. Explica que un modelo de negocio efectivo combina el segmento de clientes, la estrategia de precios, la distribución, los proveedores, la estructura de costos y los recursos para crear y capturar valor. También presenta un método para diseñar un modelo de negocios innovador utilizando un lienzo de nueve bloques que describe los elementos clave como la oferta de valor, los canales, las relaciones

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Este documento presenta un taller para emprendedores que busca enseñar un enfoque diferente para iniciar un negocio. El taller introduce conceptos como startup versus empresa constituida, crear versus gerenciar, y modelo de negocios versus plan de negocios. Además, propone que los emprendedores definan claramente un problema a resolver, desarrollen soluciones innovadoras a través del diseño, y prueben continuamente sus hipótesis mediante experimentos, en lugar de enfocarse solo en el producto.

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Charla Innovación en Restaurantes

El documento describe varias razones por las cuales la innovación en restaurantes es importante. Explica que el marketing ha cambiado y ahora se enfoca en el cliente, la comunicación es bidireccional, y se trata de aportar valor en lugar de vender. También destaca la importancia de las redes sociales y cómo la formación online puede ayudar a los restaurantes a ser más competitivos adoptando estrategias como la ingeniería de menús y el neuromarketing.

innovación en restaurantes marketing gastronómic
An example: Case Owlet
avoiding regulation in an eHealth startup
See video on the case:
More info

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Lean Startup in eHealth

  • 1. Lean startup in eHealth 5/2015 Pauliina Smeds, Forum Virium Helsinki Jaakko Ikävalko, Forum Virium Helsinki
  • 2. The lean startup model aims at increasing the odds for success for startups, by reducing the market risks
  • 3. The goal is to eliminate wasteful and inappropriate traditional new product development practices
  • 4. This means among others not writing elaborate business plans
  • 5. Also, this signifies avoiding expensive product trials, launches and failures
  • 6. Consequently, one goal is to diminish the need for high level of initial funding
  • 7. The key methods of lean startup philosophy are • business-hypothesis-experimentation • iterative product releases • validated learning
  • 8. The objective for experimentations, iterations & learning is to guide new ventures to only launch products that customers actually want
  • 9. In the lean startup approach, a startup is viewed as an experiment within the context of massive uncertainty
  • 10. a startup doesn’t know who is the customer or what is the business model Extreme uncertainty: in the beginning both the problem and the solution are unknown. Thus, in the beginning,
  • 11. Yet, a startup exists only to create a new sustainable business model
  • 12. The primary goal is to discover a business model that works before running out of money & time. And then scale it.
  • 13. The business model or the scaling of a business should not be based on assumptions but instead be built on tested hypotheses and validated learning
  • 14. In the search for a sustainable business model, it’s crucial that before running out of money, the startup has the ability to either pivot or persevere
  • 15. Pivoting is productive failure for a startup. Pivoting signifies learning something useful. Pivoting means staying grounded in the initial vision, but changing one dimension of the business at a time.
  • 16. A startup should always consider how many opportunities to pivot is left
  • 17. Therefore, it is especially essential to reduce time between pivots
  • 18. This is done by accelerating validated learning by the build-measure-learn feedback loop
  • 19. Most startups are drawn apart by two approaches of building a product when maximizing the chances for success building the most perfect product or releasing early, releasing often
  • 20. minimum viable product (MVP) is a synthesis of these two extremes
  • 21. Most startups consider an MVP too big: including too many features. MVP should contain only critical features
  • 22. In order to deliver an MVP a startup needs to be willing to iterate and experiment
  • 23. An easy formula what you think an MVP is, cut it in half
  • 24. Customer feedback loops during product development help to eliminate features or products that the market doesn’t want.
  • 25. Customer Discovery Problem- Solution fit Proposed MVP Proposed Funnel(s) Customer Validation Product Market Fit Business Model Sales & Marketing Roadmap Customer Creation Scale Execution Company Building Scale Organization Scale Operations Customer Development Source: Steve Blank`s Customer Development by Brant Cooper; Pivot
  • 26. Experimenting means testing the ideas against reality. experimenting is NOT about asking the customers
  • 27. Instead, experimenting means testing hypothesis, setting metrics and measuring how customers behave
  • 28. Setting up the metrics requires also identifying what is crucial in order to establish a sustainable business model
  • 29. Questioning the assumptions • Is the problem worth solving? • Who’s problem is being solved? • Does anyone care about the solution? • Will the customers buy the solution? • How are the target customers solving the problem now? • How will the startup grow? • What is the unit cost model? • What is the unit revenue model? • What are the acquisition costs per customer? • What channels will be used to get to customers? • What is the startup’s unfair advantage that cannot be easily copied or bought?
  • 30. Product - market fit: the point at which the startup can scale profitably • The customer is willing to pay for the product • The unit of cost per customer is smaller than the unit revenue per customer • There is sufficient evidence indicating the market is large enough to support the business • The sales model is repeatable and scalable
  • 31. Unit of progress: validated learning Problem: unknown Lean Startup Solution: unknown Hypothesses, Experiments, Insights Data, Feedback, Insights Customer Development Agile Development Customer Discovery Customer Validation Customer Creation Scale Company User stories Architectual Spike Release Planning Iteration Acceptance Tests Small Releases Spike Requirements Bugs Latest Version Next Iteration
  • 32. Key Partners Key Activities Key Resources Value Proposition Customer Relationship Channels Customer Segments Cost Structure Revenue Streams Canvas tools, one example Source:
  • 34. The focus is on • business model, not on business plan • fast learning loops: build-measure-learn • avoiding investing in a bad idea: a quick death is a good death
  • 35. What Lean Startups Do Differently Lean start-ups don’t begin with business plan but with the search for a business model Quick rounds of experimentation & feedback reveal a model that works. Then, lean startups focus on execution. Lean Traditional Strategy Business Model Hypothesis-driven Business Plan Implementation-driven New-Product Process Customer Development. Get out of the office and test hypotheses Product Management. Prepare offering for market following a linear, step-by-step plan Engineering Agile Development. Build the product iteratively and incrementally Agile of Waterfall Development. Build the product iteratively, or fully specify the product before building it
  • 36. Lean Traditional Financial Reporting Metrics That Matter. Customer acquisition cost, lifetime customer value, churn, viralness Accounting, income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement Failure Expected. Fix by iterating on ideas and pivoting away from ones that don´t work Expection Fix by firing executives Speed Rapid Operates on good enough data Measured Operates on complate data Organization Customer and agile development teams hire for learning, nimbleness, and speed Departments by function Hire for experience and ability to execute
  • 37. eHealth specific aspects with the lean startup approach
  • 38. eHealth related aspects • lots of regulation • getting to product/market fit potentially expensive: even MVPs have usually to meet certain standards and often need approval from administrators & regulators • important stakeholders can be hard to reach • health providers can be conservative & reluctant to try new things, resulting in slow adoption • often complex ecosystems & value chains
  • 39. Regulative aspects in eHealth Within eHealth, there are requirements & directives for • Privacy, security, language support • SW development process • Quality management system • Risk management process • Clinical investigation • Validation • Registration • Placing on the market • Incident reporting • Suitability for the intended use • Performance and reliability
  • 40. When commercializing an eHealth innovation if regulation concerns your product, think for ways to avoid regulation
  • 41. An example: Case Owlet avoiding regulation in an eHealth startup See video on the case: