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Andrei Lopatenko, VP Eng Zillow
Driving Customer Experience and
Business Revenues Through Search
Engines, Recommendations and
Conversational Interfaces
What will you learn from this talk
• How to drive continuous circle of improvements of your
search/recommendation/personalization engines or
conversational system leading to improvement of customer
experience and business revenues
• What investments in this area deliver business value and visible
as investments improving business and customer experience
Search, Recommendation, Personalization
• In this talk, we are talking about search, recommendation,
personalization engines driving your business, key gateways
letting your customers to find and discover your business items
to buy, book, rent, etc them
• We do not talk about small secondary search engines (search in
forums of your web site, etc)
• We put Search, Recommendation, Personalization engine into one
category - SRP engine
• Despite very different product functions, under the hood, they
implement similar functionality, letting user to express their interests
(‘query’) explicitly or implicitly, and giving user a set of results relevant
to the user’s interest. But ‘query’ can be a text (search) query, user id
(personalization) , location, item id etc (recommendation) ,
• Examples of SRP engines:, Yelp (localsearch and local
recommendation), Apple Appstore, Amazon or Walmart online
(search, item recommendation, personalization),,
• Despite they are different, they are a lot of similarities and
recommendations of this talk are valid for all of them

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John Glinski - 	The B2B Analytics Engine: How Vanguard is Measuring Marketing...John Glinski - 	The B2B Analytics Engine: How Vanguard is Measuring Marketing...
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This document presents a visit score recipe developed by John Glinski at Vanguard to measure the success and ROI of a company's B2B web experience. It describes developing an engagement score by tracking key metrics like logins, tool usage, article views, and lead forms to quantify user engagement. The steps include determining key actions and success goals with stakeholders, mapping out the logic, implementing tracking in Adobe, analyzing results, and sharing recommendations. Examples of implementation for different departments like marketing, sales, IT are provided. The process is meant to test solutions, improve based on data, and continuously measure progress.

The Power of a Proper North Star Metric
The Power of a Proper North Star MetricThe Power of a Proper North Star Metric
The Power of a Proper North Star Metric

The document discusses finding and leveraging a North Star Metric, which is a single metric or set of metrics that a company uses to focus on sustainable growth. It recommends that the North Star Metric be easy to understand, reflect customer value, lead to correlated growth, and be measurable. It also discusses frameworks for identifying potential North Star Metrics, such as looking at customer and business experiences, as well as reconciling brand and customer experiences to identify a metric. Finally, it notes that the North Star Metric should start with retention and the back of the funnel in mind.

Effective Lead Generation through Lead Lifecycle Management
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Effective Lead Generation through Lead Lifecycle Management

This document outlines steps for creating an effective lead management strategy. It begins by emphasizing the importance of aligning marketing and sales activities and goals. It then discusses understanding the customer's buying cycle, automating lead scoring and routing processes, nurturing leads throughout the buying cycle, and empowering sales. The overall message is that a comprehensive lead management strategy is needed to engage customers at all stages and plug leaks in the sales pipeline.

lead generation
SRP Engines
• Typically, recommendation and personalization engines are
smaller siblings of search engines, since they get 10X less
customers, and produce 10X less revenue
• But nevertheless, they are very impactful revenue generators
and affect customer experience in a significant way after search
Conversational Interfaces
• Conversational interfaces are voice based or text based
interfaces letting user to interactivity communicate with business
services (voice search-> buy, ask questions -> get answers,
voice based customer support)
• Some of them utilize search engines to answer users’ questions.
• They have a lot tech shared with SRP, but a lot differences in
science and technologies
• Nevertheless, key decisions how to develop and run them are
shared with SRP, so most of focus of this talk is about SRP (due
to time limit), but recommendations are applicable to
Conversational Interfaces
Customer experience
• Frequently, we separate customer experience (CX) metrics
(typically measured through various behavior metrics) from
business metrics (such as revenue per sessions, revenue per
month, GMV).
• CX and business are related but not directly.
• Good customer experience leads to growth (new users stick with
your business, existing users do not move to competitors)
• Customer experience metrics must be designed for your
business, few CX metrics are applicable to every SRP engine.
CX metrics reflect how users interact with your business site/app
• SRP engines drive your business since customers buy, book,
rent through SRP engines
• SRP engines produce cash flow
• And they produce expenses (operational support, development
support, data acquisition, software costs)

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The document discusses the StoryVesting framework for achieving business transformation. It describes how digital disruption has shortened the time between strategic inflection points, making transformation more crucial. The framework guides transformation with data insights and encourages "vested" employees with growth mindsets. It also considers the customer experience framework and how aligning the business and customer experiences can lead to benefits like strong brand association and loyalty. The document argues that without a guiding framework, transformation attempts are like guessing and less likely to succeed.

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This document discusses market segmentation and how it can help companies better understand their customers. It defines segmentation as dividing a market into subgroups that have similar needs. Effective segmentation requires groups that can be measured, accessed, are substantial in size/profitability, and respond differently to marketing. The document outlines how segmentation allows companies to communicate more directly with customers, increase relevance, and improve conversion rates. It provides examples of common types of segmentation and how segmentation can be used for testing, personalized experiences, and targeted email marketing. Overall, the document promotes the use of segmentation to better understand customers and increase marketing effectiveness and return on investment.

Typical architecture of SRP Engine
Typical architecture
• There are a lot of variations in that diagram: but overall it’s the
same flow: search assistance -> query understanding ->
retrieval -> ranking -> presentation generator
• Where different technologies can be used at every layer: either
traditional space feature IR or dense representation retrieval or
similarity search etc but still high level architecture is very
similar across systems
Typical Entry points of Customer Experience
• Autocomplete/Autosuggest
• Filters/Facets
• Refinements/Query suggestions
• Search box
• Search Results page
• Recommendations on search result pages
• Personalizated lists
Customer experience Metrics
• Many way to measure satisfaction of customers
• From offline - questionaries, user studies to live traffic/behavior
• Click through rates and shallow engagement metrics
• Conversion rates and deep engagement metrics
• Subscription/unsubscription rates

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The true value in your KPIs is understanding how they complete the bigger picture of the customer journeys that drive the most impact for your business.

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Customer Experience Metrics
• Longitudinal studies: when customer come back, behavior shifts
over time
• Longitudinal studies - How frequently customer use SRP engine
/ the number of sessions per week/month/year, why they stay or
• Abandonment rates, queries with no results, session with no
• Many other metrics, frequently needs to be designed for your
business and your customers
• Many of metrics should be studied by subcategories of services,
query types, customer types
Business Metrics
• Revenue based: conversion per query and conversion per
• Total Revenue per week/month/year , Gross Merchandise Value
in C2C case
• Conversion per customer
Business Metrics
• Other business targets
• Revenue/number of engaged customer per certain business
• Cross category basket size
• Depends on business goals
• Should be measured and used to turn models, build systems to
develop business in this way
Operational Cost Metrics
• Direct operational costs to support search engine running: cost
of datacenter or cloud costs, cost of data acquisitions
• Sometime hard to compute since many systems are shared with
other software systems: proper attribution models are required
• Salaries of the team developing and fsupporting SRP

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Goal: metrics improvement
• Typical goals: improve customer experience and business
• Subgoals: reduce operational costs
• Required metrics prioritization to drive the development in the
right direction. One metrics - too little, many metrics -> too
chaotic, no focus
• Top down system of OKRs is proven as a good way to drive
search engine development
Continuous Circle of Improvement
• Ref: Architecture diagram
• Every subsystem has impact on business, customer experience
and operation costs
• Most of them produce very substantial impact
• The continuous circle: each of system must be continuously
High level - Circles of improvement
• Design metrics, work on new models, features, return, resample,
to improve
• Analyze user behavior data to find cases when users have bad
• Analyze root causes of bad CX
• work to resolve these cases (new data, new features, new
software systems, new models, )
Examples of improvement
• Search Assistance
• Type ahead helps users to type their queries. 20-30% of queries
are from type ahead.
• Improvements of typeahead may cause double digit %
improvement in business revenues
• Large improvement in customer satisfaction / easy to use the

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Examples of improvement
• Query Understanding
• Deeper understanding of meaning of queries both in
compositional semantics (natural language search) and other
linguistic features, spell correction (reducing customer errors),
meaning affecting ranking results (strawberry in grocery search -
> fresh produce rather than jams)
Examples of improvement
• Ranking
• Despite, presentations about search improvements frequently
focused on query understanding, because it’s easily visible
search improvement, relevance, conversion etc ranking gains
are big factor of search improvements - with big impact on
business and customer satisfaction
Examples of improvement
• Search presentation
• How results are presented to customers. What title is shown.
What snippet is shown. Layout of the page. Map. How outputs of
several search engines are mixed
• Double digit % revenue, business impact and customer
Key technology stack
• NLP: query understanding, search assistance
• ML: ranking (learning to rank, various techniques from GBTs to
neural methods)
• Data Science, Statistics: analysis of experiments

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Engineering Quality as investment
• SRP engines are software systems under high load (~ 10^5 qps
, billions items, 100ms latency times)
• Any downtime costs huge money to business due to lost
customers and big loss to customer experience
• Any malfunction - loss of sales, loss of customer experience
• High quality software engineering is crucial part of operations
• Investments into software engineering culture, good SRE and
DevOps - payback well both in short and even more in long
• SRP engine team quality
• Important to have a team with good set of diverse talents from
high performance system engineering to machine learning / AI
(multiple functions: NLP, ranking, many others), design and
analysis of experiments/statisticians, SRE, product managers,
Business Relations
• Productive relationship between business teams and search
engine team
• Product managers which understand business and
understanding engineerings (tech savvy PMs are necessary)
• Analytical and experimental frameworks to evaluate business
ideas, measure their impact key business and customer metrics
• Fast experimentation (engineering quality!) to experiment rapidly
with new search ideas to show their value to business
• Typical SRM engine runs under 24*7 load with hundreds
millions users per month
• Downtime of the engine and any component is not an option
• High quality ops - important investment
• DevOps for canary testing and other scenarios is important
• Observability, - search engine is very complex systems of
hundreds/thousand components

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EzDataMunch is a pre-built platform of apps and templates that allows business managers to analyze data quickly without any development costs. It provides predefined dashboards, reports, and KPIs tailored for different business functions and industries. This enables users to gain insights from their data in days rather than months. The platform promises benefits like improved decision making, increased productivity, and savings from not having to develop custom reporting tools. It aims to provide an easy way for business users to discover and understand information across their organization.


EzDataMunch is a pre-built business intelligence platform that allows business managers to analyze data across their organization quickly and comprehensively without needing development skills or resources. The platform contains templates, apps, and playbooks for common business functions and industries that users can configure for their own data and key performance indicators. EzDataMunch provides a low-cost solution to improve data-driven decision making through rapid insights.

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Lean practices for software delivery are critical to digital transformation and innovation, and the failure to execute on them opens the door to disruption. Software investment and staffing decisions are made anecdotally, using static and stale slivers of data. But what if we could take an fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) of the organization and see the flow of business value in real-time? See evidence of bottlenecks and use them to prioritize IT investment? Join us as we introduce the concept of Value Stream Networks and explain how to create a modular framework enabling end-to-end business value flow, at any scale.

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Experimentation platform
• To support improvement circle
• to evaluate changes: ranking, query understanding,
autocomplete, user interface, snippets,
• to measure metrics impact
• How to continuously evaluate quality and impact of already
developed components: (it changes over time, some positive
impact component can become negative impact ones)
• Key investments:
• High quality engineering culture, engineering productivity
• Team (wide and diverse)
• Business relations
• Experimentation platform and culture
• Science culture and tools
• Continuous improvement circle and tools to support it at any part
search engine stack
• Operations

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Driving Customer Experience and Business Revenues Through Search Engines

  • 1. Andrei Lopatenko, VP Eng Zillow Driving Customer Experience and Business Revenues Through Search Engines, Recommendations and Conversational Interfaces
  • 2. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT What will you learn from this talk • How to drive continuous circle of improvements of your search/recommendation/personalization engines or conversational system leading to improvement of customer experience and business revenues • What investments in this area deliver business value and visible as investments improving business and customer experience
  • 3. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Search, Recommendation, Personalization • In this talk, we are talking about search, recommendation, personalization engines driving your business, key gateways letting your customers to find and discover your business items to buy, book, rent, etc them • We do not talk about small secondary search engines (search in forums of your web site, etc)
  • 4. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Engines • We put Search, Recommendation, Personalization engine into one category - SRP engine • Despite very different product functions, under the hood, they implement similar functionality, letting user to express their interests (‘query’) explicitly or implicitly, and giving user a set of results relevant to the user’s interest. But ‘query’ can be a text (search) query, user id (personalization) , location, item id etc (recommendation) , • Examples of SRP engines:, Yelp (localsearch and local recommendation), Apple Appstore, Amazon or Walmart online (search, item recommendation, personalization),, • Despite they are different, they are a lot of similarities and recommendations of this talk are valid for all of them
  • 5. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT SRP Engines • Typically, recommendation and personalization engines are smaller siblings of search engines, since they get 10X less customers, and produce 10X less revenue • But nevertheless, they are very impactful revenue generators and affect customer experience in a significant way after search engines
  • 6. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Conversational Interfaces • Conversational interfaces are voice based or text based interfaces letting user to interactivity communicate with business services (voice search-> buy, ask questions -> get answers, voice based customer support) • Some of them utilize search engines to answer users’ questions. • They have a lot tech shared with SRP, but a lot differences in science and technologies • Nevertheless, key decisions how to develop and run them are shared with SRP, so most of focus of this talk is about SRP (due to time limit), but recommendations are applicable to Conversational Interfaces
  • 7. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Customer experience • Frequently, we separate customer experience (CX) metrics (typically measured through various behavior metrics) from business metrics (such as revenue per sessions, revenue per month, GMV). • CX and business are related but not directly. • Good customer experience leads to growth (new users stick with your business, existing users do not move to competitors) • Customer experience metrics must be designed for your business, few CX metrics are applicable to every SRP engine. CX metrics reflect how users interact with your business site/app
  • 8. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Revenue/Business • SRP engines drive your business since customers buy, book, rent through SRP engines • SRP engines produce cash flow • And they produce expenses (operational support, development support, data acquisition, software costs)
  • 9. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Typical architecture of SRP Engine
  • 10. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Typical architecture • There are a lot of variations in that diagram: but overall it’s the same flow: search assistance -> query understanding -> retrieval -> ranking -> presentation generator • Where different technologies can be used at every layer: either traditional space feature IR or dense representation retrieval or similarity search etc but still high level architecture is very similar across systems
  • 11. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Typical Entry points of Customer Experience • Autocomplete/Autosuggest • Filters/Facets • Refinements/Query suggestions • Search box • Search Results page • Recommendations on search result pages • Personalizated lists
  • 12. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Customer experience Metrics • Many way to measure satisfaction of customers • From offline - questionaries, user studies to live traffic/behavior based • Click through rates and shallow engagement metrics • Conversion rates and deep engagement metrics • Subscription/unsubscription rates
  • 13. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Customer Experience Metrics • Longitudinal studies: when customer come back, behavior shifts over time • Longitudinal studies - How frequently customer use SRP engine / the number of sessions per week/month/year, why they stay or leave • Abandonment rates, queries with no results, session with no clicks • Many other metrics, frequently needs to be designed for your business and your customers • Many of metrics should be studied by subcategories of services, query types, customer types
  • 14. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Business Metrics • Revenue based: conversion per query and conversion per session • Total Revenue per week/month/year , Gross Merchandise Value in C2C case • Conversion per customer •
  • 15. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Business Metrics • Other business targets • Revenue/number of engaged customer per certain business segments • Cross category basket size • Depends on business goals • Should be measured and used to turn models, build systems to develop business in this way
  • 16. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Operational Cost Metrics • Direct operational costs to support search engine running: cost of datacenter or cloud costs, cost of data acquisitions • Sometime hard to compute since many systems are shared with other software systems: proper attribution models are required • Salaries of the team developing and fsupporting SRP
  • 17. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Goal: metrics improvement • Typical goals: improve customer experience and business • Subgoals: reduce operational costs • Required metrics prioritization to drive the development in the right direction. One metrics - too little, many metrics -> too chaotic, no focus • Top down system of OKRs is proven as a good way to drive search engine development
  • 18. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Continuous Circle of Improvement • Ref: Architecture diagram • Every subsystem has impact on business, customer experience and operation costs • Most of them produce very substantial impact • The continuous circle: each of system must be continuously improved
  • 19. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT High level - Circles of improvement • Design metrics, work on new models, features, return, resample, to improve • Analyze user behavior data to find cases when users have bad experience, • Analyze root causes of bad CX • work to resolve these cases (new data, new features, new software systems, new models, )
  • 20. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Examples of improvement • Search Assistance • Type ahead helps users to type their queries. 20-30% of queries are from type ahead. • Improvements of typeahead may cause double digit % improvement in business revenues • Large improvement in customer satisfaction / easy to use the system
  • 21. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Examples of improvement • Query Understanding • Deeper understanding of meaning of queries both in compositional semantics (natural language search) and other linguistic features, spell correction (reducing customer errors), meaning affecting ranking results (strawberry in grocery search - > fresh produce rather than jams)
  • 22. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Examples of improvement • Ranking • Despite, presentations about search improvements frequently focused on query understanding, because it’s easily visible search improvement, relevance, conversion etc ranking gains are big factor of search improvements - with big impact on business and customer satisfaction
  • 23. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Examples of improvement • Search presentation • How results are presented to customers. What title is shown. What snippet is shown. Layout of the page. Map. How outputs of several search engines are mixed • Double digit % revenue, business impact and customer experience
  • 24. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Key technology stack • NLP: query understanding, search assistance • ML: ranking (learning to rank, various techniques from GBTs to neural methods) • Data Science, Statistics: analysis of experiments
  • 25. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Engineering Quality as investment • SRP engines are software systems under high load (~ 10^5 qps , billions items, 100ms latency times) • Any downtime costs huge money to business due to lost customers and big loss to customer experience • Any malfunction - loss of sales, loss of customer experience • High quality software engineering is crucial part of operations • Investments into software engineering culture, good SRE and DevOps - payback well both in short and even more in long terms
  • 26. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Team • SRP engine team quality • Important to have a team with good set of diverse talents from high performance system engineering to machine learning / AI (multiple functions: NLP, ranking, many others), design and analysis of experiments/statisticians, SRE, product managers, •
  • 27. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Business Relations • Productive relationship between business teams and search engine team • Product managers which understand business and understanding engineerings (tech savvy PMs are necessary) • Analytical and experimental frameworks to evaluate business ideas, measure their impact key business and customer metrics • Fast experimentation (engineering quality!) to experiment rapidly with new search ideas to show their value to business
  • 28. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Ops • Typical SRM engine runs under 24*7 load with hundreds millions users per month • Downtime of the engine and any component is not an option • High quality ops - important investment • DevOps for canary testing and other scenarios is important investment • Observability, - search engine is very complex systems of hundreds/thousand components
  • 29. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Experimentation platform • To support improvement circle • to evaluate changes: ranking, query understanding, autocomplete, user interface, snippets, • to measure metrics impact • How to continuously evaluate quality and impact of already developed components: (it changes over time, some positive impact component can become negative impact ones)
  • 30. ©CX VIRTUAL SUMMIT Summary • Key investments: • High quality engineering culture, engineering productivity • Team (wide and diverse) • Business relations • Experimentation platform and culture • Science culture and tools • Continuous improvement circle and tools to support it at any part search engine stack • Operations