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DevOps TDD

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• DevOps
• DevOps
• DevOps
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學

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Gozengo sauce presentationGozengo sauce presentation
Gozengo sauce presentation

This document describes the continuous deployment process implemented at Gozengo, an online vacation shopping site. They chose to implement CD from the start to push code changes quickly, make developers responsible for testing, and allow for rapid iteration. Their process involves GitHub, Selenium tests using Ruby/RSpec/page objects, Jenkins, and SauceLabs. Developers test locally and in sandbox environments before code is deployed to staging where critical path tests run. If passing, code is deployed to production using Hubot. Challenges included managing deploy access and determining developer testing responsibilities.

Continuous Integration & Drupal
Continuous Integration & DrupalContinuous Integration & Drupal
Continuous Integration & Drupal

This document discusses continuous integration (CI) and why it should be used. It defines CI as applying quality control through small, frequent changes. The benefits discussed are direct feedback on deployability, control when releasing to production, and the ability to continue developing while automated tests run. It provides an example workflow of how CI is used with Git, a test/acceptance/production environment, and Jenkins to run automated jobs on commits. Future improvements mentioned are improving feature testing, automated rollbacks, and monitoring downtime.

Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration
Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration
Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration

Today’s cutting edge companies have software release cycles measured in days instead of months. This agility is enabled by the DevOps practice of continuous delivery, which automates building, testing, and deploying all code changes. This automation helps you catch bugs sooner and accelerates developer productivity. In this session, we’ll share best practices (including ones followed internally at Amazon) and how you can bring them to your company by using open source and AWS services. Speaker: Raghuraman Balachandran, Solutions Architect, Amazon India

awssummitindia2017awsamazon web services
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學

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Continuous Integration for your Android projects
Continuous Integration for your Android projectsContinuous Integration for your Android projects
Continuous Integration for your Android projects

The document discusses continuous integration (CI) for Android projects. It describes several popular CI systems and tools including Travis CI, Circle CI, and Jenkins. Travis CI and Circle CI are hosted services that integrate with GitHub, while Jenkins is open-source and requires self-hosting. The document provides configuration examples and discusses using these systems to run builds, tests and deployments automatically on each code change. It also covers continuous deployment options to distribute builds to test devices.

androidjenkinstravis ci
QAAgility Presentation - Cucumber with Appium
QAAgility Presentation - Cucumber with AppiumQAAgility Presentation - Cucumber with Appium
QAAgility Presentation - Cucumber with Appium

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is very popular with many Agilists out there, specially those focused on Testing. However my view is that BDD is not about Test Automation, it is about collaboration so that the expected behavior of the application can be determined. Cucumber happens to be the tool of choice to implement BDD. While doing this for web applications, we can drive the features through WebDriver. Lately the application development has been inclined towards mobile apps and we need to extend our exiting BDD frameworks to handle app, be it Android, iOS or Win Mobile. Appium is a neat tool for anyone who has exposure to WebDriver, irrespective of that also it is an excellent tool for mobile testing. Here is my video of running Appium tests for android app using Cucumber.

Continuous delivery applied
Continuous delivery appliedContinuous delivery applied
Continuous delivery applied

This document discusses continuous delivery, which aims to build, test, and release software faster through frequent integration and deployment. The goals are quality, speed, and reducing the time it takes to deploy changes from development to production through practices like test-driven development, continuous integration, automated testing, and deployment pipelines. It provides an overview of tools to support continuous delivery processes.

conticontinuous delivery
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
Agile Lean
DevOps IT 

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Continuous integration
Continuous integrationContinuous integration
Continuous integration

Continuous integration (CI) is a software development practice where developers integrate code into a shared repository frequently, preferably multiple times a day. Each integration is verified by an automated build and test process to detect errors early. CI utilizes source control, automated builds, and tests to minimize the time between code changes being integrated and identified issues being found. While CI focuses on frequent code integration and testing, it does not require constant production releases or infrastructure automation. CI helps reduce integration problems and allows development teams to work together more efficiently.

How to Build and Maintain Quality Drupal Sites with Automated Testing
How to Build and Maintain Quality Drupal Sites with Automated TestingHow to Build and Maintain Quality Drupal Sites with Automated Testing
How to Build and Maintain Quality Drupal Sites with Automated Testing

Automated testing has greatly improved the Drupal core development process. With automated testing over 24,500 unique core patches have been reviewed, and almost 19,000 test assertions are now run against every core patch. The result has been faster development cycle, more stable releases, and the ability to add features more quickly to Drupal core.

drupalautomated testingsites
Best practices for Continuous Deployment with Drupal - DrupalCon Latin Améric...
Best practices for Continuous Deployment with Drupal - DrupalCon Latin Améric...Best practices for Continuous Deployment with Drupal - DrupalCon Latin Améric...
Best practices for Continuous Deployment with Drupal - DrupalCon Latin Améric...

This document outlines best practices for continuous deployment with Drupal. It discusses what continuous deployment means, important tools and modules for Drupal continuous deployment workflows like Jenkins, Drush, and Features. It also covers development environments, testing, branching strategies, automation, and resources for learning more. The goal is to provide lessons for those starting with or interested in continuous deployment practices for Drupal projects.

• Agile:
• Lean:
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學

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自動化是目前常見用來提升團隊生產力的妙方之一,在這場分享中想跟大家聊聊個人對於「自動化」的一些想法,並用四個不同的 DEMO 做為示範,介紹開發團隊可以如何去建立一個具備自動化建置、測試、部署及持續整合能力的工作環境。

Tips for better CI on Android
Tips for better CI on AndroidTips for better CI on Android
Tips for better CI on Android

This slides explains how Mercari work on Continuous Integration and presents some useful tips to start better CI on Android.

continuous integrationciandroid
Building the Test Automation Framework - Jenkins for Testers
Building the Test Automation Framework - Jenkins for TestersBuilding the Test Automation Framework - Jenkins for Testers
Building the Test Automation Framework - Jenkins for Testers Module 2 of a six module course on building the test automation framework. This second module looks at how to implement Jenkins in the test environment.

test automation frameworktest automationqa
• 90
• 2 1
DevOps 1.5 18
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學

DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學

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DevOps Unicorns
DevOps UnicornsDevOps Unicorns
DevOps Unicorns

Matt O'Keefe discusses DevOps terminology and roles. While "DevOps" should not appear in team names, it may be appropriate in some job titles. Job descriptions should definitely mention DevOps. DevOps is difficult to precisely define, but you know it when you see it. Full stack developers are also discussed as they relate to DevOps and agile testing. O'Keefe welcomes any questions.

devopscontinuous deliveryfull stack development
Jfokus 2017 - The DevOps Disaster
Jfokus 2017 - The DevOps Disaster Jfokus 2017 - The DevOps Disaster
Jfokus 2017 - The DevOps Disaster

This document outlines 15 ways to fail at implementing DevOps. It begins by defining key DevOps concepts like continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment. It then lists common misconceptions about DevOps, such as thinking it is only about tools or automation, or can be enforced top-down. The document concludes that DevOps is really about culture, freedom and responsibility, and empathy between teams.

continuous deliverydevops
Continuous Integration and PHP
Continuous Integration and PHPContinuous Integration and PHP
Continuous Integration and PHP

Short overview of the main principles of Continuous Integration (CI), describing benefits of CI and showing a smooth path of integrating CI into your development cycle, finishing with a short introduction into Xinc - PHP CI Server and how to utilize it for your projects.

DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學

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Cypress Automation
Cypress  AutomationCypress  Automation
Cypress Automation

Cypress is an end-to-end testing framework that focuses on doing testing well through features like time travel debugging, real-time reloads, and automatic waiting. It works on any frontend framework and tests are written in JavaScript alone. Cypress provides an all-in-one solution for developers and QA engineers to set up testing, write Cucumber tests, run and debug tests from a dashboard or command line, and generate reports including screenshots, videos, and JUnit files.

Docker в автоматизации тестирования
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Docker в автоматизации тестирования

Docker в последняя время набрал огромную популярность как инструмент разработчиков и DevOps-специалистов, но все ещё не так активно используется для автоматизированного тестирования. Во время воркшопа я поделюсь несколькими сценариями, когда Docker может помочь автоматизировать то что ранее считалось непригодным к автоматизации. Также, мы попробуем создать свой собственный образ и запустить несколько контейнеров используя docker-compose.

談 Docker 的應用
談 Docker 的應用從軟體開發角度
談 Docker 的應用
談 Docker 的應用

談 Docker 的應用

Develop Operator
Tools as objects to think with

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Docker summit 2015: 以 Docker Swarm 打造多主機叢集環境

最新的 Docker 1.9.0 在 11 月份正式推出,此講題將介紹最新的 Network 的特性,介紹如何透過 Docker Machine 建置多台 Docker Engine,使用 Docker swarm 整合跨網路多主機叢集環境,最後在由 Docker Compose 來讓環境設置清楚易懂,達到三位一體夢幻的組合!

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This document discusses using Docker to run Geb tests with real browsers. It provides instructions on installing Docker images, configuring Geb to use a Dockerized browser via RemoteWebDriver, and running Gradle tests within a Docker container to test a web application using the Dockerized browser. Viewing the browser session within Docker is also demonstrated using VNC. Migrating CI/testing to use Dockerized browsers is mentioned as a way to ensure tests use real browsers.

Docker Introduction - DevOps Montreal Meetup
Docker Introduction - DevOps Montreal MeetupDocker Introduction - DevOps Montreal Meetup
Docker Introduction - DevOps Montreal Meetup

Introduction to Docker, the open source Linux containers engine. Presentation for the Montreal DevOps meetup on Jan 6, 2014. Material, code, examples available at


DevOps ...
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學

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It is developer story and it is our story. Team complete me, then i complete team. Keep coding 2015

html5 & phonegap
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html5 & phonegap

PhoneGap allows developers to write native mobile applications using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides a framework to package web apps so they can be deployed and run as native mobile applications on different platforms. Some key benefits of PhoneGap include being able to code apps once and deploy them across platforms, having a simpler development interface than native mobile development, and being able to leverage web development skills. The document provides information on installing PhoneGap, creating new PhoneGap projects, deploying to different mobile platforms, and dealing with common issues that come up.


The document discusses the differences between individual and team development processes in technology. It covers some of the pros and cons of being an independent developer working alone versus being part of a team, including greater flexibility but also having to handle more responsibilities alone as an individual developer. It also discusses some of the challenges of collaborating in teams, such as having to work through conflicts, but emphasizes that teamwork allows people to learn from each other and accomplish more than any one person could alone.

websitedevelopmentsoftware development
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學

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GCPUG.TW - 2016活動討論

The document outlines the planned activities for GCPUG.TW in 2016, including holding monthly meetups in Taipei with speakers on Google Cloud Platform technologies in odd months and core member discussions in even months. It also plans a yearly big event, potential non-scheduled meetups, seasonal training sessions, and involvement in other community events. The goals for the year include expanding events outside Taipei, collaborating with other GCPUG chapters internationally, and interacting with other technology communities.
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Bring you easy know the Google Cloud.

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中原大學 Shift to cloud

- The document discusses shifting to cloud computing and introduces MiCloud, which provides cloud services. - It outlines the benefits of depending on cloud services and leveraging Google's cloud infrastructure. - Examples of cloud services that can be leveraged include Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, Software as a Service, networking, load balancing, databases, and more.

DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學

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This document outlines an introduction to test-driven development (TDD) including why it is needed, how to start, and common practices. It discusses using TDD for programming, DevOps, and as a team leader/member. It provides an example of setting up a Node.js project with Mocha and Supertest for TDD including creating tests, mocking, and integrating with continuous integration/delivery pipelines. The document recommends TDD practices from Clean Code and includes additional resources on TDD testimonials.

為 Node.js 專案打造專屬管家進行開發流程整合及健康檢測
為 Node.js 專案打造專屬管家進行開發流程整合及健康檢測為 Node.js 專案打造專屬管家進行開發流程整合及健康檢測
為 Node.js 專案打造專屬管家進行開發流程整合及健康檢測

This document discusses Node.js, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and Jenkins pipelines. It provides code examples for setting up a Node.js project with Sequelize, Mocha testing, and a Makefile for building, packaging, and deploying the project. It also shows a Jenkinsfile for integrating the project with Jenkins for continuous integration and delivery to production.

GCPUG.TW - 2015活動回顧
GCPUG.TW - 2015活動回顧GCPUG.TW - 2015活動回顧
GCPUG.TW - 2015活動回顧

GCPUG.TW成立到現在一年了唷~ 跟大家回顧一下這一年來的點點滴滴... :D

DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學

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software development, website development, we move develope way from git flow to github flow. what is github flow's advantage and who we change it, check it out.

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JCConf 2015 - Google Dataflow 在雲端大資料處理的應用
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跟大家介紹一下,Dataflow是Google Cloud上的大資料處理工具之一,可以透過簡單的Java程式來完成Hadoop, Spark類似的工作處理。本次的Session跟大家介紹Dataflow的工作模式與一些網路上找到的使用方法。

Docker with Cloud Service GCPUG
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Docker with Cloud Service GCPUG

資料內容同此篇,。 談論 docker 運作架構,以及增加 Node.js example book 及 Google Service support, how to deploy to GCP

DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學

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GCP - GCE, Cloud SQL, Cloud Storage, BigQuery Basic Training

This document provides an introduction to Google Cloud Platform services including Google Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, BigQuery, and Compute Engine. It includes steps to get started with each service through tutorials and labs. The document demonstrates how to create buckets and load data to Cloud Storage, set up databases in Cloud SQL, load CSV data to BigQuery, and create virtual machines on Compute Engine along with networking configurations. Quick start links are also provided for each service.

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JCConf 2016 - Google Dataflow 小試

The document provides information about Simon Su and his expertise in Google Dataflow. It includes Simon's contact information and links to his online profiles. It then discusses Simon's areas of specialization including data scientist, data engineer, and frontend engineer. The document proceeds to provide information about preparing for a Google Dataflow workshop, including documents and labs to review. It also discusses Google Cloud services for data processing and analysis like Dataflow, BigQuery, Pub/Sub, and Dataproc. Finally, it outlines the agenda for the workshop, which will include hands-on labs to deploy users' first Dataflow project and create a streaming Dataflow model.
DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學
Edge of Tomorrow
TDD test
Tools as objects to think with
TDD is not about test
but think about better design

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介绍了容器编排技术的基本概念,阿里云在Container as a Service的实践和Docker的最新进展

The Road to DevOps V3
The Road to DevOps V3The Road to DevOps V3
The Road to DevOps V3

The document provides an overview of DevOps including its definition, history, components, and adoption process. DevOps is defined as a practice that emphasizes collaboration between development and operations teams. It aims to automate and monitor the software delivery process. The document outlines the people, processes, and technologies involved in DevOps. It also presents sample DevOps pipelines for different technology stacks and discusses adopting DevOps in an organization.

Getting Started with DevOps
Getting Started with DevOpsGetting Started with DevOps
Getting Started with DevOps

This document provides an overview of getting started with DevOps. It includes an agenda covering topics like DevOps frameworks, practices, and tooling. The DevOps framework section outlines the people, process, and technology aspects, including mindset, practices like pipelines and automation, and DevOps toolchains. It also discusses how to build a DevOps team and adoption plan. The overall document serves as an introduction to DevOps concepts, best practices, and provides guidance on implementing DevOps.

DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學

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DevOps is a software development method that leads to the communication, collaboration and integration between software developers and information technologies (IT) professionals. At the basis of the DevOps concept there is therefore the need to establish or strengthen the communication between two groups that are fundamental within the software development process

Introduction to devops
Introduction to devopsIntroduction to devops
Introduction to devops

The document provides an introduction to DevOps, including definitions of DevOps, the DevOps lifecycle, principles of DevOps, and why DevOps is needed. DevOps is a culture that promotes collaboration between development and operations teams to deploy code to production faster and more reliably through automation. The DevOps lifecycle includes development, testing, integration, deployment, and monitoring phases. Key principles are customer focus, shared responsibility, continuous improvement, automation, collaboration, and monitoring. DevOps aims to streamline software delivery, improve predictability, and reduce costs.

What Is DevOps, Really
What Is DevOps, ReallyWhat Is DevOps, Really
What Is DevOps, Really

Andrew Phillips gave a presentation on DevOps at SaltConf15. He began with a primer on DevOps, noting it is a methodology that emphasizes frequent tooling like configuration management and infrastructure as code. He explained that operations has become a software-defined endeavor, and DevOps applies development methodologies and practices to operations. This often results in organizations having two development teams - one for development and one for operations. However, creating end-to-end development teams that span the full software lifecycle is also an option, though it presents challenges. The key is for each organization to figure out which approach works best for them.

DevOps 及 TDD 開發流程哲學

• 3 step Login

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Devops Online Training - Edubodhi
Devops Online Training - EdubodhiDevops Online Training - Edubodhi
Devops Online Training - Edubodhi

This document provides an overview of DevOps including: what DevOps is, why organizations adopt DevOps practices, the evolution and typical lifecycle of DevOps, common DevOps tools, and what DevOps is not. DevOps refers to development and operations engineers collaborating throughout the entire service lifecycle from design to production support. It aims to enable continuous delivery, increase stability, and allow teams to focus more on adding value rather than fixing problems. The DevOps movement grew from agile system administration and emphasizes cultural and technological changes like automation and monitoring to align development and operations teams.

AgileDC15 I'm Using Chef So I'm DevOps Right?
AgileDC15 I'm Using Chef So I'm DevOps Right?AgileDC15 I'm Using Chef So I'm DevOps Right?
AgileDC15 I'm Using Chef So I'm DevOps Right?

This document provides an overview of DevOps principles and practices. It discusses the rise of DevOps as a movement to improve collaboration between development and operations teams. Common DevOps misconceptions are addressed. The CALMS framework of culture, automation, lean, measurement, and sharing is introduced as guiding principles. A roadmap for DevOps adoption is presented, along with take-home activities. The document aims to educate about DevOps in 3 sentences or less.

continuous integrationicecalms
Tech breakfast at Lab49
Tech breakfast at Lab49Tech breakfast at Lab49
Tech breakfast at Lab49

The document discusses Behavior Driven Development (BDD) as an agile approach. It outlines how traditional projects can fail by delivering late, the wrong thing, or being unstable. BDD focuses on working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. It describes the costs of going agile and three principles of BDD: only do enough upfront work to get started, deliver stakeholder value, and describe behavior at any level of detail. BDD tests what an object does, versus traditional test-driven development (TDD) testing what an object is. An example is provided of building a Set implementation in Java using BDD.

bddbehavior driven developmentspock
var liftApp = async () => {
await models.sequelize.sync({
force: config.connection.force
await bootstrap();
return app;
if (env !== 'test') liftApp();
module.exports = liftApp
import chai from 'chai';
import request from 'supertest';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import liftApp from '../../server';
global.sinon = sinon;
before(async (done) => {
let app = await liftApp(); = app;
global.request =

test framework

SPECdescribe('auth login spec', () => {
before(async (done) => {
let testUser = {'username': 'test', 'password': 'test'}
await models.User.create(testUser);
it('login should be success.', async (done) => {
let loginUserFormData = {
'username': ‘test',
'password': ‘test'
.end((error, res) => {
if (error) done(error);
let loginResult = res.body;;
• Mocha test framework
• Supertest API
• Should or Chai spec

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DevOps for absolute beginners
DevOps for absolute beginnersDevOps for absolute beginners
DevOps for absolute beginners

Are you a: - University student or fresh graduate wishing to pursue a career in DevOps and want to prepare for it? - Software Engineer (developer, tester, etc.) who is curious about DevOps? - Software Engineer (developer, tester, etc.) wishing to switch from his/her current role to a DevOps related role? This session is just for you! Check out the video on YouTube at

Dev ops != Dev+Ops
Dev ops != Dev+OpsDev ops != Dev+Ops
Dev ops != Dev+Ops

DevOps, sibling of Agile is born of the need to improve IT service delivery agility to the more stable environment. DevOps movement emphasizes tearing the boundaries between makers (Development) & caretakers (Operations) of IT services/products.

continuous integrationdevopsshaluahuja
Continuous feature-development
Continuous feature-developmentContinuous feature-development
Continuous feature-development

The document discusses continuous feature development. It defines a feature as a set of expected functional behaviors from a client. Continuous feature development involves incrementally building these expected behaviors. This approach is needed because clients' expectations, business needs, user perceptions, and competitive advantages are continually changing. Managing continuous feature development presents challenges like integrating new features, maintaining stability, seamless integration, and managing trust. The document recommends practices like acceptance test-driven development, test-driven development, behavior-driven development, continuous integration, coding in feature branches, code reviews, maintaining a production branch, using staging servers, and continuous integration to help address these challenges.

feature driven developmentgood practicesprocess


• sinon 

Source code
Mock code

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Practical DevOps
Practical DevOpsPractical DevOps
Practical DevOps

This document discusses ScrumOps, which combines Scrum and DevOps practices. It defines DevOps as enabling organizations to quickly and safely develop, test, deploy, and operate software through collaboration between development and operations teams. Key DevOps principles discussed include continuous integration, delivery, feedback, and improvement. The document recommends practices like infrastructure as code, automation, and measurement to establish a collaborative culture between Dev and Ops.

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DevOps! What, Why and How?
DevOps! What, Why and How?DevOps! What, Why and How?
DevOps! What, Why and How?

DevOps aims to break down silos between development and operations teams through collaboration and automation. It combines cultural philosophies and tools to help organizations rapidly deliver high quality software. Under the traditional approach, dev and ops teams worked separately with different priorities, leading to slow delivery and finger pointing when problems arose. DevOps establishes a shared culture and goals between the teams through practices like continuous integration, automated testing, and deployment pipelines. While DevOps has no single tool, many tools have emerged to support its goals, such as configuration management, containers, orchestration, and monitoring tools.

Strengthen and Scale Security Using DevSecOps - OWASP Indonesia
Strengthen and Scale Security Using DevSecOps - OWASP IndonesiaStrengthen and Scale Security Using DevSecOps - OWASP Indonesia
Strengthen and Scale Security Using DevSecOps - OWASP Indonesia

Strengthen and Scale Security Using DevSecOps - OWASP Indonesia More details here -

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Security is tough and is even tougher to do, in complex environments with lots of dependencies and monolithic architecture. With emergence of Microservice architecture, security has become a bit easier however it introduces its own set of security challenges. This talk will showcase how we can leverage DevSecOps techniques to secure APIs/Microservices using free and open source software. We will also discuss how emerging technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, Clair, ansible, consul, vault, etc., can be used to scale/strengthen the security program for free. More details here -

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DevOps Dilemma - Make Dev work with Ops!
DevOps Dilemma - Make Dev work with Ops!DevOps Dilemma - Make Dev work with Ops!
DevOps Dilemma - Make Dev work with Ops!

Every business runs on software and demanding more, faster and better from their IT teams. Current IT operating models are struggling to support the high velocity needs to the business. In this session we run through the steps that brings real meaning to the DevOps journey to make achieve faster and better turnaround for your projects, features and operations.

devops cycleazuredevopshabit
Test box bdd
Test box bddTest box bdd
Test box bdd

This document provides an overview of Behavior Driven Development (BDD). It begins by introducing the speaker, Luis Majano, and his background. It then discusses the testing landscape, including the costs of fixing bugs at different stages of development. It provides an introduction to test-driven development (TDD) and how it differs from BDD. BDD combines TDD with domain-driven design and object-oriented principles to promote collaboration between developers, business analysts, and stakeholders. It focuses on user stories and scenarios rather than just functions. The remainder of the document discusses how to implement BDD using TestBox, a BDD testing framework for ColdFusion, including writing tests using describe(), it(), expectations, matchers, and

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This document discusses test-driven development (TDD) and testing approaches for Ruby on Rails projects. It introduces TDD as writing test code before development code to ensure requirements are met. Common testing frameworks for Rails like RSpec and Cucumber are presented. RSpec is highlighted for its ease of use and features to support TDD. The document also covers concepts like the red-green-refactor TDD cycle and using tools like Factory Girl to generate test data.

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Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

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“ ”

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