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Designer vs Developer: Creators in WordPress
            Co-founder / Creative Director
            At Range



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Designing in the Browser - Mason Wendell, Drupaldelphia
Designing in the Browser - Mason Wendell, DrupaldelphiaDesigning in the Browser - Mason Wendell, Drupaldelphia
Designing in the Browser - Mason Wendell, Drupaldelphia

The document discusses the benefits of designing websites directly in HTML and CSS in the browser rather than first designing in Photoshop. It notes that designing in the browser means the designer is working in the actual medium, everything they design can be built because they are building it, and the client sees the real design from the start. Some tips provided include using frameworks for layouts, starting with content, embracing progressive enhancement, and using advanced CSS techniques while allowing for older browsers.

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The document discusses James Kalcich's aspirations to become a world builder for video games. It provides details about his experience and skills in 3D design programs like 3DS Max, Maya, and Zbrush. It also mentions his desire to create experiences for others to enjoy through video games and to continue expressing himself creatively in a job he can be proud of within the gaming community. Examples of his 3D work are provided at the end in linked YouTube videos.

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Minkoff getting noticed-gdc_finalMinkoff getting noticed-gdc_final
Minkoff getting noticed-gdc_final

The document discusses why job seekers in the game industry should create an online portfolio site to showcase their work. It recommends focusing on a specific career path and genre to develop expertise. The document provides tips for creating an effective portfolio site, such as using WordPress, only including high-quality work, and getting the site noticed through social media and industry communities. Job seekers are advised to make game-related content and collaborate with others to strengthen their applications for game-related positions.



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The document discusses three common mistakes to avoid when designing diagrams for presentations: (1) including too much information on a slide and lacking white space, (2) having an unreadable and chaotic layout with incorrect shapes alignment, and (3) lacking consistency in graphical styles, fonts, and elements. It provides examples of poor diagrams that demonstrate these mistakes and improved diagrams that have more white space, aligned shapes, and consistent formatting. The key to creating readable professional diagrams is to follow these three simple design tricks: having white space, aligned shapes, and consistent graphical style and font use.

Question 6 Evaluation
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Question 6 Evaluation

This document discusses various digital tools used for creating and sharing work online, including web browsers like Google Chrome, blogging platforms like Blogger, and presentation tools like SlideShare, Prezi, PowerPoint, and Fireworks. It also mentions using fonts from Dafont, creating word clouds with Wordle, and taking photos with a camera and SD card. These tools allowed the author to upload, present, and gain feedback on their work in a professional way online.

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Uncertainty in IT project - SCRUM rulesUncertainty in IT project - SCRUM rules
Uncertainty in IT project - SCRUM rules

Handling uncertainty in IT software development projects. Follow Agile framework Scrum project methodology rules - do retrospectives often, frequent product increments, stick to simple rules. Visual slides made with editable powerpoint icons.

Designer vs Developer: Creators in WordPress
WE CAN ALL     make illustration about


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Slides from my Refresh Denver talk about Processes and the tools we use to manage and iterate on them.


Ezana Berhe is a video producer and graphic designer currently living in Dumfries, VA. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in video production and motion graphics from The Art Institute of Washington in 2013. His experience includes working as an AV/graphics/animator/editor at the American Enterprise Institute from 2014-2015. He has also done freelance motion graphics, videography, photography, and event coordination. Berhe is proficient in Cinema 4D, After Effects, Photoshop, Premiere, and other design and video software.

The Elephant and the Dassie: A Tale of Evolution and Kinship
The Elephant and the Dassie: A Tale of Evolution and KinshipThe Elephant and the Dassie: A Tale of Evolution and Kinship
The Elephant and the Dassie: A Tale of Evolution and Kinship

The evolution of our work and environment has produced new relationships between disciplines, within digital teams, across organisational verticals, in our local design and tech community, and across borders. I gave this talk as the keynote presentation at the UX Craft conference in Cape Town, South Africa on 4 October 2014.

content strategydigitaluser experience




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Design Essentials for Developers
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Design Essentials for Developers

To help designers communicate more effectively with each other and provide a vocabulary for clear and productive UX feedback.

ux mobile designfatcux
Goodgreater is the biggest Russian knowledge bank about presentations. We publish best presentations.

Storytelling and the Art of Getting the Design Job
Storytelling and the Art of Getting the Design JobStorytelling and the Art of Getting the Design Job
Storytelling and the Art of Getting the Design Job

This document summarizes Sharon Carmichael's presentation on using storytelling to get a design job. The presentation covers: 1. Researching yourself, your skills, values, and the competitive landscape to craft your narrative. 2. Designing your portfolio with a clear narrative arc that shows your strengths and passion for design. 3. Presenting your story in a way that connects emotionally and shows your craft, while also giving a view of your future potential. The goal is to leave no doubts.



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What web designers could learn from print designers
What web designers could learn from print designersWhat web designers could learn from print designers
What web designers could learn from print designers

This presentation is about what we (as web designers) could learn from print designers. This presentation covers; typography, white space, composition, thinking bigger & visual language.

Jacks of All Trades or Masters of One?
Jacks of All Trades or Masters of One?Jacks of All Trades or Masters of One?
Jacks of All Trades or Masters of One?

The document discusses the debate between generalists and specialists in technology careers. It notes that generalists have a broader set of skills but less depth in any single area, while specialists have deep knowledge in a specific field. The document explores arguments for both approaches through examples and quotes. It also includes interactive sections for the reader to consider whether their own career preferences align more with traits of generalists or specialists.

Debunking Web Design Myths
Debunking Web Design MythsDebunking Web Design Myths
Debunking Web Design Myths

This document summarizes key points from a presentation on web design myths. It discusses the relationships between usability, accessibility, web standards, and guidelines. It argues that these areas are not in conflict, but rather work together to create beauty in web design. Following guidelines can help attain quality and make things easier for users. The document also provides tips for collaboration, transparency in the design process, and bringing together functionality, forward-thinking approaches, and creativity.

 why are we stereotyping



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Programming for Non-Programmers - SXSW Vegas 2014
Programming for Non-Programmers - SXSW Vegas 2014Programming for Non-Programmers - SXSW Vegas 2014
Programming for Non-Programmers - SXSW Vegas 2014

If you're running a tech start-up, it's essential that you familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of web development. Ultimately knowing how to "talk to the talk" will help you communicate better with developers, and overall just look really cool. In this hour and a half long workshop, Chris Castiglione, experienced developer and founder of One Month Rails, will tackle some development principles and answer questions to get you on the right path, such as, "Front-end vs. Back-end?", "Is UX necessary for my project?", "What is this Javascript function thingy, and why am I passing it strange math equations to it?" He will also have you coding a bit yourself! Leading a development team (without being a developer yourself) can sometimes feels like talking about dancing, and so this is an interactive and friendly environment in which to learn the basics. Come with questions, and a desire to have fun!

Why Can't We All Just Get Along?
Why Can't We All Just Get Along?Why Can't We All Just Get Along?
Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

This document discusses collaboration between UX designers and content strategists. It begins by introducing Judy Bruce, an independent content strategist, and Samantha Dietz, a UX design lead. They have different approaches - content strategists think in terms of content blocks and hierarchies while UX designers think in terms of experiential blocks and flows. The document then discusses factors that impact when and how they work together, such as client needs, agency processes, and project scope. It provides examples of how they each approach a user journey differently but together can create a holistic experience. While collaboration has benefits like unique perspectives and optimal user experience, challenges include a lack of understanding of each other's roles and bringing content strategy in too

content strategycontent strategistwork together

The document discusses the author's journey to move faster in UX design. It emphasizes lean and agile principles like rapid prototyping, frequent customer validation through testing prototypes, and shipping ideas quickly through short iteration cycles. Combining UX, product, and development teams allows for fast collaborative idea generation, prototyping, testing, and refinement to determine what is valuable to customers.



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What is UX Design?
What is UX Design?What is UX Design?
What is UX Design?

A brief look at a few definitions and processes, the people who made them, and how they continue to shape my understanding of user experience design

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Agile UX - expanded and reworked
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Agile UX - expanded and reworked

This document discusses how to approach UX design in an Agile development process. It acknowledges that Agile processes do not typically allow for big upfront design efforts. It then provides suggestions for integrating UX work into Agile planning and iterations, including aligning UX strategies with Agile concepts, exploiting automation for certain tests, and addressing UX debt periodically. The document emphasizes continuous collaboration between designers and other roles to ensure user needs are considered throughout planning and development.

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Design Is The DNA of a Product
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Design Is The DNA of a Product

Design is not a skin to be added later or a flat image to be imagined in to a fully fledged product. 'Traditional' software ux design is broken: here I propose a new way taking a leaf out of the eXtreme Programming methodology and making it our own...





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Martyn is a creative technical director and product strategist with over 20 years of experience in digital technology. His approach is creative, collaborative, and instinctively lean. He is the head of product at UBXD, a company that provides workshops and consulting services to help businesses develop products using lean startup and design thinking methodologies.

Developers, you're designing experiences (and you didn't even know it)
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Developers, you're designing experiences (and you didn't even know it)

Designers are from Venus, developers are from Mars. For far too long, the two groups have had difficulties working together. At best, it is dysfunctional, at worst, impossible. In return, we have been drowned in a sea of horrible products. Great experiences come from design and technology working together to complement each other. In this presentation, the focus in on how developers can be integrated into the design process earlier and more effectively.

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Designprinciples is the biggest Russian knowledge bank about presentations. We publish best presentations.


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The document discusses challenges faced by designers in corporate environments. It includes quotes from design alumni expressing frustration that their skills and contributions are not fully understood or utilized. For example, one alumnus notes that companies are built for engineers, not designers, and designers are not always given challenging or meaningful work. Another says design thinking is overused for business purposes without understanding what designers can truly offer. The document advocates for organizations to develop more design-centric cultures where design plays a central, strategic role and designers have opportunities to lead and contribute creatively.

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This document summarizes the career experience of Bradley Samuels, an award-winning art director and designer with over 10 years of experience. He has worked in magazine design, advertising design, and most recently as managing art director for a newspaper and lead clothing designer for an urban apparel company. His experience includes concept development, layout, production management, and ensuring quality execution of designed materials.

GWTcon 2015 - brad, Brand and Brands
GWTcon 2015 - brad, Brand and BrandsGWTcon 2015 - brad, Brand and Brands
GWTcon 2015 - brad, Brand and Brands

brad, Brand and Brands Conference by Manon Gruaz, at GWT Con 2015. Manon Gruaz is Lead Designer and Brand Strategist at Arcbees. You can follow Manon on Twitter : @manongruaz

#branding #brand #ui #design


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I gave this talk to the agency I work at, as i'm the first 'creative technologist' there. My thoughts on what my job means, where I think the industry is going and some inspirational stuff in the back end. These slides are quite old - please see the latest version - @sermad

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We’re all trying to find that idea or spark that will turn a good project into a great project. Creativity plays a huge role in the outcome of our work. Harnessing the power of collaboration and open source, we can make great strides towards excellence. Not just for designers, this talk can be applicable to many different roles – even development. In this talk, Seasoned Creative Director Sara Cannon is going to share some secrets about creative methodology, collaboration, and the strong role that open source can play in our work.

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In this talk, seasoned creative director Sara Cannon will dive into the intersection of strategy and creativity through discussing how knowledge can inform design decisions. She will be looking at how different methods of research, data-collection, and strategical thinking can play into the creativity behind designs. And how at the end of the design process, you can measure success.

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Sara cannon pushing the creative limit

As designers we’re searching for the best – the best method, the best look, the best font. We have a continuous battle to create brands that are unique but that have a longstanding presence. We make tough decisions constantly, question our instincts, and settle. We fight and we strive to make long lasting beautiful, smart and informed design. How do we get there? In this talk, seasoned Creative Director Sara Cannon is going to dive deep into the designers struggle. She’s going to share different processes that can make our work better. We’re going to discuss philosophy, methodology, and execution from the creative mind stand point. Hopefully by the end of the talk, you will be inspired to push your own creative limits and learned some tips on how to get there.

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In art class we were taught to copy the masters such as Da Vinci, Van Gough, and Caravaggio. This taught us skills like technique, form, & contrast. The same principle applies to learning any skill – steal from the masters and learn from it. In this design-focused talk, we’re going to explore a few methods of sharpening our skills and intuition. Design, code, & user experience can all be improved when we take a deeper look into successful implementations. We’ll analyze some methods and steal a few things along the way – learning how to truly make it our own.

WordPress & User Experience - WordCamp London
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WordPress & User Experience - WordCamp London

WordPress has a long standing history of providing a good user experience. Publishers, site owners, content editors, all have been able to benefit from the ease of use of the admin. In this talk, we’re going to take a deeper look into the experience of the WordPress admin – how we can extend WordPress to make publishing content a breeze, and how a few changes to the way we approach the admin, plugins, and themes can help make the experience even better.WordPress has a long standing history of providing a good user experience. Publishers, site owners, content editors, all have been able to benefit from the ease of use of the admin. In this talk, we’re going to take a deeper look into the experience of the WordPress admin – how we can extend WordPress to make publishing content a breeze, and how a few changes to the way we approach the admin, plugins, and themes can help make the experience even better.

wordpressuser experience


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WordPress & User Experience - WordCamp St. Louis

WordPress & User Experience “WordPress has a long standing history of providing a good user experience. Publishers, site owners, content editors, all have been able to benefit from the ease of use of the admin. In this talk, we’re going to take a deeper look into the experience of the WordPress admin - how we can extend WordPress to make publishing content a breeze, and how a few changes to the way we approach the admin, plugins, and themes can help make the experience even better.” THE CURRENT ADMIN EXPERIENCE — Media Library — Distraction Free Writing — Customizer IMPROVING THE ADMIN EXPERIENCE — Drag and drop page reordering — Featured Images Within Columns — Sortable Columns — Editor Styles — Drag & Drop Featured Image THE FUTURE IN WORDPRESS USER EXPERIENCE — Press This Bookmarklet — WP REST API — Admin Themes — Front End Editing

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Typography and User Experience - WCSF
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Typography and User Experience - WCSF

Type on the web has many roles: it is an interface, a brand, sets tone, and directs the user. Typography has many roles and can either add or take away from User Experience. In this beautiful and exciting talk we’re going to look at various ways type is used, implemented, and dissect the role that it plays in user experience on the web.

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Typography and User Experience in Web Design
Typography and User Experience in Web DesignTypography and User Experience in Web Design
Typography and User Experience in Web Design

Typography - the most often neglected part of the internet sometimes, but arguably one of the most important. Oliver Reichenstein of information Architects once said that "Web Design is 95% Typography." This holds true. Not only is type use to convey information, but it is also used to navigate and perform tasks. This stat is overwhelming to think about considering how little we actually discuss type in our industry. Type on the web has many roles: it is an interface, a brand, sets tone, and directs the user. Typography has many roles and can either add or take away from User Experience. In this beautiful and exciting talk we’re going to look at various ways type is used, implemented, and dissect the role that it plays in user experience on the web.

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Designer vs Developer: Creators in WordPress
Designer vs Developer: Creators in WordPress

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Smart Design - Content-first, Fast, Informed, Refined. WordCamp NYC 2014
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Smart Design - Content-first, Fast, Informed, Refined. WordCamp NYC 2014 Fast, simple, SMART. Mobile devices have forever changed the way we interact with content. Now we have to consider many things such as HiDPI graphics, responsive design, speed, UI/UX patterns, touch target sizes, gestures, and more. All while not losing track of what’s important: Content. We’re going to discuss the influence of mobile on design trends and learn implementation techniques of smart design.

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Smart Design
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Smart Design

// talk given at WordCamp Chicago 2014 // Fast, simple, SMART. Mobile devices have forever changed the way we interact with content. Now we have to consider many things such as HiDPI graphics, responsive design, speed, UI/UX patterns, touch target sizes, gestures, and more. All while not losing track of what’s important: Content. We’re going to discuss the influence of mobile on design trends and learn implementation techniques of smart design such as icon fonts, svg, and other helpful tips.

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SMART DESIGN - icon fonts, svg, and the mobile influence
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SMART DESIGN - icon fonts, svg, and the mobile influence

SMART DESIGN - icon fonts, svg, and the mobile influence Fast, simple, SMART. Mobile devices have forever changed the way we interact with content. Now we have to consider many things such as HiDPI graphics, responsive design, speed, UI/UX patterns, touch target sizes, gestures, and more. All while not losing track of what’s important: Content. We’re going to discuss the influence of mobile on design trends and learn implementation techniques of smart design such as icon fonts, svg, and other helpful tips.

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Designer vs Developer: Creators in WordPress
Designer vs Developer: Creators in WordPress

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The document discusses icon fonts and how to implement them. It provides examples of using icon fonts in CSS and HTML, enqueueing icon font stylesheets in WordPress functions.php, and including icon fonts via <link> tags. Popular open source icon fonts like Genericons, Font Awesome, and Elusive Icons are mentioned along with font generators and licensing options. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) are also summarized, including benefits like small file sizes and graceful degradation.

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Web design is not an interactive brochure anymore. Smart mobile devices have forever changed the way we think and interact with websites. Now you have to consider an array of things you didn’t have to worry about before, such as HiDPI graphics, UI/UX patterns, touch target sizes, gestures, and managing expectations. All the while not losing track of what’s important: Content. We’re going to discuss the influence of mobile on design, trends, and implementation methods, as well as how touch is changing our lives. As designers and developers, we can benefit from learning about how mobile is changing the way we interact with websites, and what that means for the future of UI.

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Designing for The Modern Web
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Designing for The Modern Web

Devices that consume the web are being created at a never-before heard of rate. They’re getting smaller, lighter, faster, sharper, and sexier. Life is awesome right? But what about us web designers? Let’s talk about how to get the best possible ratio of speed vs awesome, and what techniques to use for fast and stunning visual experiences.

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Designer vs Developer: Creators in WordPress

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Websites are all about content. People can access your content many different ways and formats with mobile devices, iPads, phones, etc. The questions are: how can we maintain control over the display of our content and keep our brand consistent? How can we try to provide the best user experience on any platform? Enter Responsive Web Design. Many experts are not leaning on one static design but on structured content that adapts to its given environment. In this talk, we are going to take a look at responsive web design techniques out there including: progressive enhancement, flexible grids, media queries, flexible images & video, & other methods of implementation.

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Font Swoon - Advanced Web Typography

In Font Swoon we will not only take a great look at some cool and inspiring fonts and implementations, but an in-depth look at advanced type techniques using CSS3 as well as basic implementation. A type nerd must see.

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Typography on the Web
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Typography on the Web

Implementation of Typography on the web, in WordPress, cool web fonts, and where things are going. - A Talk at WordCamp Reno June 4th, 2011.

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Short Version: - CSS3 - parallax scrolling - CSS Columns - Grids - Adaptive Layouts - Media Queries - Mega Menus

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Type in your WordPress Themes by Sara Cannon WordCamp NYC

Typography and Your Theme: Believe it or not, generally WordPress sites are made up mostly of typography. This makes the relationship that these typographical elements have to each other very important. This talk will cover beautiful web type and various methods of implementations in WordPress themes. I will be going over webfonts, typographical CSS tips and tricks, and what different services to look at for your non-system fonts. We will go over the importance of making a site/brand guideline for a custom Twenty Ten child theme to keep consistency, account for every little detail, and be functionally lovely. No type element goes un-styled!

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Beyond the System Font - Advanced Web Typography

       by  Laurel Hechanova

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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and transcript: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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Design Is The DNA of a Product
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