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Establish A Powerful Log Analysis System
With Elastic Stack.
On Premises vs SaaS Elastic Stack
DevOps Engineer
NFQ Asia Company
• Intro.
• Overview: Elastic Stack.
• Establish a powerful log analysis system with Elastic Stack.
• Elastic stack options from cloud providers.
• Which one would be fit for us?
• Cost Reflections.
• In conclusion.
About Me
• In tech for 7+ years.
• Technical Project Coordinator @ AVASO Technology Solutions.
• Infrastructure Technical Lead @ Betfair Group PLC.
• DevOps Engineer @ NFQ Asia.
• Member of Vietnam Elasticsearch Community.
• Bash/PowerShell languages.
• A dog parent :D
About NFQ Asia
• Member of NFQ Company.
• 15+ years’ experience in e-business
strategy and software development
• 300+ professionals.
• 4 countries: offices in Lithuania,
Germany, Vietnam, Singapore.
• Founded in Vietnam since 2015.
• Having organized 5 community
events/hackathons in Vietnam.

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Monitor availability and performance of applications hosted in the Amazon cloud. Monitor your Amazon EC2 and RDS instances and gain insight into the performance of your cloud computing environment, troubleshoot and resolve problems before end users are affected. Forums: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: LinkedIn: View Blogs:

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SharePoint best practices

The document outlines a capacity management model for SharePoint implementations and customizations including planning, building, operating, and maintaining a SharePoint farm. The plan phase includes capacity planning, analyzing impacts, and governance. The build phase covers implementing a proof of concept, using adequate hardware, and proper farm installation. The operate phase focuses on user management, regular monitoring, maintenance, and patch management. Customization is also addressed including development processes, solutions planning, and best practices.

Elasticsearch is everywhere
What is Elastic Stack?
• Formerly known as ELK Stack.
• ELK - The acronym for three open source
projects: elasticsearch, logstash, and kibana.
• Distributed, scalable, and highly available
(both on premises or SaaS).
• The Elastic Stack is the next evolution of ELK.
• Supports the lightweight Beats data shippers
from ES v2.1.1.
• “You know, for Search”
• Free, Open Source.
• Search engine based on Lucene.
• Near real-time searching, analytics and
visualization capabilities.
• Sophisticated Restful API.

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Good monitoring can be the difference between a great night's sleep or hearing your phone go off at 2:37 a.m. because of a production outage. Couchbase Server provides a large number of metrics which can be overwhelming if you do not know the critical things to focus on or how to expose that information to your monitoring system. In this talk we will look at example production incidents, going in depth around specific things to monitor, and how this information can be used to find issues, work out root cause, and discover trends.

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LinkedIn serves traffic for its 467 million members from four data centers and multiple PoPs spread geographically around the world. Serving live traffic from from many places at the same time has taken us from a disaster recovery model to a disaster avoidance model where we can take an unhealthy data center or PoP out of rotation and redistribute its traffic to a healthy one within minutes, with virtually no visible impact to users. The geographical distribution of our infrastructure also allows us to optimize the end-user's experience by geo routing users to the best possible PoP and datacenter. This talk provide details on how LinkedIn shifts traffic between its PoPs and data centers to provide the best possible performance and availability for its members. We will also touch on the complexities of performance in APAC, how IPv6 is helping our members and how LinkedIn stress tests data centers verify its disaster recovery capabilities.

• Open source data collection engine that unifies
data from disparate sources, normalizes it and
distributes it.
• The ingestion workhorse for elasticsearch and
• Real-time capabilities and pluggable pipeline
• Community-extensible and developer-friendly
plugin ecosystem.
• Open source analytics and visualization
platform designed to work with elasticsearch.
• Specialized for large volumes of streaming and
real-time data.
• No code, no additional infrastructure required.
• Easily and quickly understandable through
graphic representation.
Beats Platform
• “Data shippers” that are installed on servers
as agents.
• Either elasticsearch directly or through
• Library written based on Golang.
• Supports create your own beat for specific
use cases.

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• What is log?
• How do we solve the production issue as usual?
• How much time do you spend investigating the
production issue?
• Where are the archived log?
• Visualization and dashboards?
The Challenge
How do you satisfy the search needs of the application system’s over 2,000 docs
per second while simultaneously providing tactical operational insights that help
both Development Team and Operation Team iteratively improve the customer
The Simple Log Analysis Diagram

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Scalability Rationale
• High availability.
• Petabyte-scale data is written and/or read frequently.
• High scalability.
• Sufficient data allocation.
• Costs.
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The Elasticsearch Hot-Warm Architecture (cont.)

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This document summarizes a presentation about mastering Azure Monitor. It introduces Azure Monitor and its components, including metrics, logs, dashboards, alerts, and workbooks. It provides a brief history of how Azure Monitor was developed. It also explains the different data sources that can be monitored like the Azure platform, Application Insights, and Log Analytics. The presentation encourages attendees to navigate the "maze" of Azure Monitor and provides resources to help learn more, including an upcoming virtual event and blog post series on monitoring.

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• Managed service in AWS Cloud.
• Introduced in Oct 2015.
• Fully managed; Zero admin.
• Highly available and reliable.
• Built-in Kibana support.
• Integrated with other services in AWS ecosystem.
The AWS Integration
What is Elastic Cloud?
• Launched in Oct 2015.
• Provided by Elastic.
• High provisioning and scaling.
• Hosted in the Cloud Providers.
• Service-oriented architecture.
• Containerization using Docker.
• Fully supports custom plugins and API.
Elastic Cloud Architecture

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Get a glimpse of the main features supported in Nuxeo Platform LTS 2015. With this LTS version of the Nuxeo Platform, we’re changing how we assign product version names and numbers. The name for each LTS version is now based on the release year. Nuxeo Platform LTS 2015 is the result of the four Fast Track releases throughout the past year. Highlights of Nuxeo Platform LTS 2015 include: - Nuxeo Live Connect: Native Integration with Google Drive & Dropbox - Content Analytics & Data Visualisation - Elasticsearch: API Passthrough, Hints for NXQL, Security - Massive Scalability with MongoDB Integration - New Document Viewer - Automation Scripting - Nuxeo Drive 2 - Automated Media Conversions

Specifications comparison sheet
Self-managed Elastic Stack AWS Elasticsearch Service Elastic Cloud Enterprise
More options and features.
Complete control settings and
Access to other APIs
Comprehensive ES monitoring
Lowest costs.
Simplify the operations via APIs.
Security by IAM.
Automated snapshots*.
Encryption at rest.
Monitoring included*.
Technical supported.
Fully control through APIs.
Technical Supported.
Uptime SLA.
Feature-rich and complete
monitoring product.
Available on Marketplace.
Self maintenance.
Infrastructure matters.
No technical supported.
X-Pack limit features.
Limited control.
Less capacity and scalability.
Backup once time per day.
No plugins, no logs.
Medium expensive.
Only support I2 series EC2
Most expensive.
Imperfect for AWS-hosted
Deep Dive Into Elasticsearch: Establish A Powerful Log Analysis System With Elastic Stack | On Premises vs SaaS Elastic Stack Comparisons.
Costs Comparison Chart
8,400.38 10,678.56 11,512.51
11,316.98 14,500.26
32,035.68 34,537.54
Elastic Stack (AWS) Elastic Stack (GCP) AWS Elasticsearch Services Elastic Cloud (GCP) Elastic Cloud (AWS)
Service Models
One Year One Year (All Upfront) Three Years Three Years (All Upfront)
*Costs calculated based on 3TB-data cluster in multi-AZ in
Frankfurt region

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Apache Kafka is critical to PayPal's analytics platform. It handles a stream of over 20 billion events per day across 300 partitions. To democratize access to analytics data, PayPal built a Connect platform leveraging Kafka to process and send data in real-time to tools of customers' choice. The platform scales to process over 40 billion events daily using reactive architectures with Akka and Alpakka Kafka connectors to consume and publish events within Akka streams. Some challenges include throughput limited by partitions and issues requiring tuning for optimal performance.

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A talk about various Open Source tools for availability and functional monitoring, time series and metrics as well log and event management.

In Conclusion
• Elasticsearch leverage the power of analysis ability for both Dev/Ops teams.
• Easily operate/maintain the huge cluster of servers and microservices.
• Choose the proper architecture depend on application/system.
• Estimate the budget to meet the requirements.
• Optimize the aggregation to adopt the resources.
• High availability oriented system.
We are hiring…
• Java Senior/Lead Developer
• PHP Senior Developer
• PHP Technical Lead
• Front-end Senior Developer
• Front-end Technical Lead
• Technical Project Manager
Simply send us an email with your enclosed
updated CV to:
Contact Me
Telegram: @tylern91

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Deep Dive Into Elasticsearch: Establish A Powerful Log Analysis System With Elastic Stack | On Premises vs SaaS Elastic Stack Comparisons.

  • 1. DEEP DIVE INTO ELASTICSEARCH Establish A Powerful Log Analysis System With Elastic Stack. On Premises vs SaaS Elastic Stack Comparisons. Tyler DevOps Engineer NFQ Asia Company
  • 2. Agenda • Intro. • Overview: Elastic Stack. • Establish a powerful log analysis system with Elastic Stack. • Elastic stack options from cloud providers. • Which one would be fit for us? • Cost Reflections. • In conclusion.
  • 3. About Me • In tech for 7+ years. • Technical Project Coordinator @ AVASO Technology Solutions. • Infrastructure Technical Lead @ Betfair Group PLC. • DevOps Engineer @ NFQ Asia. • Member of Vietnam Elasticsearch Community. • Bash/PowerShell languages. • A dog parent :D
  • 4. About NFQ Asia • Member of NFQ Company. • 15+ years’ experience in e-business strategy and software development • 300+ professionals. • 4 countries: offices in Lithuania, Germany, Vietnam, Singapore. • Founded in Vietnam since 2015. • Having organized 5 community events/hackathons in Vietnam.
  • 7. What is Elastic Stack? • Formerly known as ELK Stack. • ELK - The acronym for three open source projects: elasticsearch, logstash, and kibana. • Distributed, scalable, and highly available (both on premises or SaaS). • The Elastic Stack is the next evolution of ELK. • Supports the lightweight Beats data shippers from ES v2.1.1.
  • 8. Elasticsearch • “You know, for Search” • Free, Open Source. • Search engine based on Lucene. • Near real-time searching, analytics and visualization capabilities. • Sophisticated Restful API.
  • 9. Logstash • Open source data collection engine that unifies data from disparate sources, normalizes it and distributes it. • The ingestion workhorse for elasticsearch and more. • Real-time capabilities and pluggable pipeline architecture. • Community-extensible and developer-friendly plugin ecosystem.
  • 10. Kibana • Open source analytics and visualization platform designed to work with elasticsearch. • Specialized for large volumes of streaming and real-time data. • No code, no additional infrastructure required. • Easily and quickly understandable through graphic representation.
  • 11. Beats Platform • “Data shippers” that are installed on servers as agents. • Either elasticsearch directly or through logstash. • Library written based on Golang. • Supports create your own beat for specific use cases.
  • 13. Rationale • What is log? • How do we solve the production issue as usual? • How much time do you spend investigating the production issue? • Where are the archived log? • Visualization and dashboards?
  • 14. The Challenge How do you satisfy the search needs of the application system’s over 2,000 docs per second while simultaneously providing tactical operational insights that help both Development Team and Operation Team iteratively improve the customer experience?
  • 15. The Simple Log Analysis Diagram
  • 17. Scalability Rationale • High availability. • Petabyte-scale data is written and/or read frequently. • High scalability. • Sufficient data allocation. • Costs.
  • 19. The Elasticsearch Hot-Warm Architecture (cont.)
  • 21. WHAT IS AWS ELASTICSEARCH SERVICE? • Managed service in AWS Cloud. • Introduced in Oct 2015. • Fully managed; Zero admin. • Highly available and reliable. • Built-in Kibana support. • Integrated with other services in AWS ecosystem.
  • 23. What is Elastic Cloud? • Launched in Oct 2015. • Provided by Elastic. • High provisioning and scaling. • Hosted in the Cloud Providers. • Service-oriented architecture. • Containerization using Docker. • Fully supports custom plugins and API.
  • 26. Specifications comparison sheet Self-managed Elastic Stack AWS Elasticsearch Service Elastic Cloud Enterprise Pros More options and features. Complete control settings and capacity. Access to other APIs Comprehensive ES monitoring solutions. Lowest costs. SaaS. Simplify the operations via APIs. Security by IAM. Automated snapshots*. Encryption at rest. Monitoring included*. Technical supported. SaaS. Fully control through APIs. Technical Supported. Uptime SLA. Feature-rich and complete monitoring product. Available on Marketplace. Cons Self maintenance. Infrastructure matters. No technical supported. X-Pack limit features. Limited control. Less capacity and scalability. Backup once time per day. No plugins, no logs. Medium expensive. Only support I2 series EC2 instances. Most expensive. Imperfect for AWS-hosted solutions.
  • 28. Costs Comparison Chart 8,400.38 10,678.56 11,512.51 75,303.17 81,375.17 11,316.98 14,500.26 25,201.1525,201.15 32,035.68 34,537.54 203,318.55 219,712.95 28,319.95 38,295.63 50,402.30 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 Elastic Stack (AWS) Elastic Stack (GCP) AWS Elasticsearch Services Elastic Cloud (GCP) Elastic Cloud (AWS) Cost($) Service Models One Year One Year (All Upfront) Three Years Three Years (All Upfront) *Costs calculated based on 3TB-data cluster in multi-AZ in Frankfurt region
  • 29. In Conclusion • Elasticsearch leverage the power of analysis ability for both Dev/Ops teams. • Easily operate/maintain the huge cluster of servers and microservices. • Choose the proper architecture depend on application/system. • Estimate the budget to meet the requirements. • Optimize the aggregation to adopt the resources. • High availability oriented system.
  • 30. We are hiring… • Java Senior/Lead Developer • PHP Senior Developer • PHP Technical Lead • Front-end Senior Developer • Front-end Technical Lead • Technical Project Manager Simply send us an email with your enclosed updated CV to:
  • 31. Contact Me LinkedIn: Email: Telegram: @tylern91