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Nic Jansma
Debugging IE
Performance Issues
xperf, ETW & NavigationTiming
Who am I?
Nic Jansma
Microsoft Sr. Developer (2005-2011)
Windows 7 & IE 9/10 Performance Teams
Founding member of W3C WebPerf WG
Back to GR / founded Wolverine Digital
Developing high-performance websites and apps @NicJ
What is ETW/xperf?
• Event Tracing for Windows
(ETW) enables the OS/apps
to efficiently generate
runtime tracing events
o Windows XP+
o CPU usage
o Disk usage
o Hard faults
o Profiling
o Custom app events (incl IE7+)
o Stacks on most of the above
• xperf is a toolset used to
trace/view ETW events
• Use ETW/xperf to trace page
loads of browsers
IE9 load of
Getting WPT (xperf)
• Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT)
• Free!
• From the Windows SDK
o WPT home
o Windows 7 SDK
o Windows 8 SDK

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Listen to this talk! Tips and tricks for creating Electron apps that look beautiful and work the way users expect.

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The talk gives a brief introduction to the Electron project maintained by GitHub for building cross platform desktop applications.

web developmenttechnology
Responsive interfaces
Responsive interfacesResponsive interfaces
Responsive interfaces

The document discusses responsive interfaces and how to keep the user interface responsive when executing JavaScript. It explains that the UI thread is used for both drawing updates and running JavaScript, so no updates can happen while JavaScript runs. It recommends keeping JavaScript execution under 50ms to avoid unresponsiveness, and describes using timers and web workers to split processing over multiple ticks to keep the UI responsive.

Getting a Trace
From an elevated command prompt:
• Simple trace of system events
o xperf.exe -on latency
o [run scenario]
o xperf.exe -stop -d myscenario.etl
• Stack-Walking on sample profiling events
o xperf.exe -on latency -stackwalk profile -setprofint 1224
o [run scenario]
o xperf.exe -stop -d myscenario.etl
• IE events
o xperf.exe -on latency -start ie -on Microsoft-IE+Microsoft-IEFRAME+Microsoft-Windows-WinINet+PerfTrack
o [run scenario]
o xperf.exe -stop -stop ie -d myscenario.etl
• xperfview gives you a
timeline view of the events
in the .etl (1)
• Use the drop-downs to
filter out specific processes
• Use the left fly-out to see
different graphs (3)
xperfview - Summary Tables
• All of the graphs can be
interacted with - zoom,
popups, right-clicked
• Summary Tables show data
in tabular form

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Session from IBM Think 2018. Note: the architecture used is an extreme case of what's possible (and it could go further), rather than a real-world expectation

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AFNetworking slides from my presentation at the October 2011 meeting of the Houston iPhone Developers Meetup.

xperfview - Generic Events
• Events without associated
graphs show up in Generic
• Look for Microsoft-IE* and
Microsoft-PerfTrack* events
xperfview - IE events
• Microsoft-IE events
o CMarkup_OnLoadStatusDone: Page
load is complete
o CDoc_OnPaint: Paints
o CDwnBindData_Bind: Downloads
o + 100s more
• Microsoft-IEFRAME
o Frame events such as tab creation,
navigation start, history queries,
extension loading
• Microsoft-PerfTrack-*
o -MSHTML-Navigation - End-to-end
page load time
xperfview - Stacks
• By using the -StackWalk tag, you
can enable stacks on many events
• Public symbol servers:
o https://chromium-browser-
Custom Web Events
• JavaScript ETW events
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
if (msWriteProfilerMark) {
• Comes in as:
o Microsoft-IEMshtml_DOM_CustomSiteEvent

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iOS Automation rapidly changed due to the evolution of Apple automation frameworks and Calabash community support. One year ago, we parallelised our iOS testing with multiple desktops – a large improvement in performance. Here is an account of the subsequent changes, including the removal of multiple desktops and the adoption of Apple’s new XCTest framework. The automation community (Appium, Calabash etc.) faced a new challenge: how could we create iOS Automation Infrastructure with the new XCTest Framework? I adopted Facebook solution (FBSimCtl and WebAgentDriver) into the multi-simulators approach. In this talk, I will discuss the full evolution path to Facebash Approach based on multi-simulators, Calabash server and Facebook Web Driver Agent.

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JavaScript Timers, Power Consumption, and Performance
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JavaScript Timers, Power Consumption, and Performance

This document discusses how timers, power consumption, and performance are related on web pages. It explains that CPUs can enter low-power sleep states when idle, but timers used in JavaScript can prevent this and increase power usage. The document recommends using higher interval timers (over 15ms) when possible to improve battery life on mobile devices. It also notes that having too many concurrent timers can flood the browser's queue and negatively impact rendering performance.

What Can You Do?
• Slow page load performance? Take a trace!
• See page load from a system-wide perspective
o Isolate page-load from interference due to other CPU/disk/network activity
• Compare IE/FF/Chrome browser page-load times and
resource usage
• Examine browser CPU usage hot-spots from sampled profile
• Automated page-load regression testing of browsers via
command-line tools
o Integrate page load time / cpu usage metrics into your build system
ETW/xperf is great, but...
• Your development machine isn’t your customer’s machine
• How does your website behave in the real world?
• Enter...
W3C WebPerf WG
Navigation Timing, User Timing, Resource Timing
Performance Timeline, Page Visibility, High Resolution Time
W3C WebPerf
• Founded in 2010 to give developers the ability to assess and
understand performance characteristics of their applications
• Specs:
o Navigation Timing: Page load timings
o User Timing: Custom site events and measurements
o Resource Timing: Resource / download times
o Page Visibility: Get visibility state
o High Resolution Time: Better than - sub-millisecond resolution,
monotonically non-decreasing timestamps
Navigation Timing
• Page load timings
• Implemented in IE9+, FF7+, C6+, Android 4+

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Java EE 7 provides a strong foundation for developing the back end for your HTML5 mobile applications. This heavily code-driven session shows you how you can effectively utilize Java EE 7 as a back end for your Apache Cordova mobile applications. The session demonstrates Java EE 7 technologies such as JAX-RS 2.0, WebSocket, JSON-P, CDI, and Bean Validation. It provides an overview of the basics of Apache Cordova as well as the tooling support added in NetBeans 8. The session also demonstrates an integrated approach to rapidly developing HTML5 mobile applications with Java EE 7 and NetBeans and concludes with best practices and pitfalls.

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Meet with Meteor
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Meteor is a platform for building modern web applications using JavaScript. It allows developers to build real-time applications using a single language across client and server. Some key features of Meteor include latency compensation, reactivity across all layers of an application, and support for mobile development. The presentation provided an overview of Meteor's principles and architecture, including data on the wire, one language, database everywhere, and latency compensation. It also demonstrated building a simple topic voting app in Meteor.

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Navigation Timing
• API available from the DOM (window.performance.timing)
• Get real-world page-load timings from your users via JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEventListener("load", loadTime, false);
function loadTime() {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var pageLoadTime = now - performance.timing.navigationStart;
• Many other sub-timings (DNS, connect, request, response,
redirects, DOM events, load event)
• Demo
Navigation Timing
How to Use
• Sample real-world page load times
• XHR back to mothership
Used by:
• Google Analytics' Site Speed
• Boomerang
W3C WebPerf
• @NicJ

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This document discusses empowering the mobile web. It begins by defining the mobile web as the web experienced on mobile devices, with considerations for usability and responsiveness. It then addresses concerns about the web versus native apps, and outlines Mozilla's solutions including their app ecosystem with installable apps, the Firefox OS mobile platform, and APIs that allow web apps to access device capabilities. The document also covers developer experience tools and techniques to improve web app performance.

Understanding meteor
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Understanding meteor

Meteor, or MeteorJS is an open-source real-time JavaScript web application framework written on top of Node.js. While production-ready and used by a number of high-profile startups, Meteor allows for very rapid prototyping and produces cross-platform (web, Android, iOS) code. It integrates tightly with MongoDB and uses the Distributed Data Protocol and a publish–subscribe pattern to automatically propagate data changes to clients in real-time without requiring the developer to write any synchronization code. On the client, Meteor depends on jQuery and can be used with any JavaScript UI widget library.

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Bert Blevins
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Mark Billinghurst
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
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Debugging IE Performance Issues with xperf, ETW and NavigationTiming

  • 1. Nic Jansma @NicJ // Debugging IE Performance Issues xperf, ETW & NavigationTiming
  • 2. Who am I? Nic Jansma Microsoft Sr. Developer (2005-2011) Windows 7 & IE 9/10 Performance Teams Founding member of W3C WebPerf WG Back to GR / founded Wolverine Digital Developing high-performance websites and apps @NicJ
  • 3. What is ETW/xperf? • Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) enables the OS/apps to efficiently generate runtime tracing events o Windows XP+ o CPU usage o Disk usage o Hard faults o DPCs/ISRs o TCP o Profiling o Custom app events (incl IE7+) o Stacks on most of the above • xperf is a toolset used to trace/view ETW events • Use ETW/xperf to trace page loads of browsers IE9 load of
  • 4. Getting WPT (xperf) • Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT) • Free! • From the Windows SDK o WPT home • o Windows 7 SDK • o Windows 8 SDK •
  • 5. Getting a Trace From an elevated command prompt: • Simple trace of system events o xperf.exe -on latency o [run scenario] o xperf.exe -stop -d myscenario.etl (latency = PROC_THREAD+LOADER+DISK_IO+HARD_FAULTS+DPC+INTERRUPT+CSWITCH+PROFILE) • Stack-Walking on sample profiling events o xperf.exe -on latency -stackwalk profile -setprofint 1224 o [run scenario] o xperf.exe -stop -d myscenario.etl • IE events o xperf.exe -on latency -start ie -on Microsoft-IE+Microsoft-IEFRAME+Microsoft-Windows-WinINet+PerfTrack o [run scenario] o xperf.exe -stop -stop ie -d myscenario.etl
  • 7. xperfview • xperfview gives you a timeline view of the events in the .etl (1) • Use the drop-downs to filter out specific processes (2) • Use the left fly-out to see different graphs (3)
  • 8. xperfview - Summary Tables • All of the graphs can be interacted with - zoom, popups, right-clicked • Summary Tables show data in tabular form
  • 9. xperfview - Generic Events • Events without associated graphs show up in Generic Events • Look for Microsoft-IE* and Microsoft-PerfTrack* events
  • 10. xperfview - IE events • Microsoft-IE events o CMarkup_OnLoadStatusDone: Page load is complete o CDoc_OnPaint: Paints o CDwnBindData_Bind: Downloads o + 100s more • Microsoft-IEFRAME o Frame events such as tab creation, navigation start, history queries, extension loading • Microsoft-PerfTrack-* o -MSHTML-Navigation - End-to-end page load time
  • 11. xperfview - Stacks • By using the -StackWalk tag, you can enable stacks on many events • Public symbol servers: o d/symbols o o https://chromium-browser- symsrv.commondatastorage.googlea
  • 12. Custom Web Events • JavaScript ETW events <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> if (msWriteProfilerMark) { msWriteProfilerMark("Mark1"); } </SCRIPT> • Comes in as: o Microsoft-IEMshtml_DOM_CustomSiteEvent
  • 13. What Can You Do? • Slow page load performance? Take a trace! • See page load from a system-wide perspective o Isolate page-load from interference due to other CPU/disk/network activity • Compare IE/FF/Chrome browser page-load times and resource usage • Examine browser CPU usage hot-spots from sampled profile stacks • Automated page-load regression testing of browsers via command-line tools o Integrate page load time / cpu usage metrics into your build system
  • 14. ETW/xperf is great, but... • Your development machine isn’t your customer’s machine • How does your website behave in the real world? • Enter... W3C WebPerf WG Navigation Timing, User Timing, Resource Timing Performance Timeline, Page Visibility, High Resolution Time
  • 15. W3C WebPerf • Founded in 2010 to give developers the ability to assess and understand performance characteristics of their applications • Specs: o Navigation Timing: Page load timings o User Timing: Custom site events and measurements o Resource Timing: Resource / download times o Page Visibility: Get visibility state o High Resolution Time: Better than - sub-millisecond resolution, monotonically non-decreasing timestamps
  • 16. Navigation Timing • • Page load timings • Implemented in IE9+, FF7+, C6+, Android 4+
  • 17. Navigation Timing • API available from the DOM (window.performance.timing) • Get real-world page-load timings from your users via JavaScript <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener("load", loadTime, false); function loadTime() { var now = new Date().getTime(); var pageLoadTime = now - performance.timing.navigationStart; } </script> • Many other sub-timings (DNS, connect, request, response, redirects, DOM events, load event) • Demo o
  • 18. Navigation Timing How to Use • Sample real-world page load times • XHR back to mothership JSON.stringify(window.performance): "{"timing":{"navigationStart":0,"unloadEventStart":0,"unloadEven tEnd":0,"redirectStart":0,"redirectEnd":0,"fetchStart":134850684 2513,"domainLookupStart":1348506842513,"domainLookupEnd":1348506 842513,"connectStart":1348506842513,"connectEnd":1348506842513," requestStart":1348506842513,"responseStart":1348506842595,"respo nseEnd":1348506842791,"domLoading":1348506842597,"domInteractive ":1348506842616,"domContentLoadedEventStart":1348506842795,"domC ontentLoadedEventEnd":1348506842795,"domComplete":1348506842795, "loadEventStart":1348506842900,"loadEventEnd":1348506842900,"msF irstPaint":1348506842707},"navigation":{"redirectCount":1,"type" :0}}" Used by: • Google Analytics' Site Speed • Boomerang
  • 19. Links Xperf/ETW • • browser-performance-with-the-windows-performance- tools.aspx • W3C WebPerf • • •