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Data-Driven Product Management by Shutterfly
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By Roman Levin, Director of Product @ Shutterfly
For Product School - February 2021
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Roman Levin
Director of Product @
Serial Entrepreneur
Software Engineer
About Me
Director of Product
@ Shutterfly
At Shutterfly for 7 years - moving from Engineering
to Product
My Entrepreneurial past
▸ Been in an Incubator
▸ One of the first Microsoft Accelerator
▸ Many Many MANY failed startups...
1. Shutterfly
2. My team - APC
3. What is a PM
4. Defining KPIs
5. A/B testing
6. Dashboards
7. Q&A
Won’t cover
Working with Engineering
Working with Marketing
Time Management
... 12
Will Cover
Thinking about & defining KPIs
A/B testing & iterations
Shutterfly is the market leader in
personalized gifts in the US with
over $2.5B market value
(before COVID)
APC Team
Automatic Product Creation
Combining Machine Learning, Web
and Mobile to create personalized
shopping and product creation
▸ Understand Customers
▸ Set Strategy
▸ Releases
▸ Ideation
▸ Features / Prioritization
▸ And more...
Product managers are responsible for guiding the
success of a product and leading the cross-functional
team that is responsible for improving it
Actually depends on the company
You’re the
Voice of the
Secret power?
Defining, Collecting, Validating, Analyzing and making learnings
B2C vs. B2B
What is a KPI
A Key Performance Indicator is a measurable value
that demonstrates how effectively a company is
achieving key business goals.
▸ Product Level KPI
▸ Feature Level KPI
▸ Primary KPI
▸ Secondary KPI
Specific - Increase Clicks on X by 20%
Measurable - Can we collect the data?
Attainable - Can we actually achieve 20% increase?
Relevant - Are the clicks the correct KPI?
Time Constrained - By when to increase?
Example for a good KPI goal
KPI - User Coverage
Goal - Improve user coverage to 80% in 2020
Specific - Increase to 80%
Measurable - We measure the UC KPI
Attainable - Believe 90% is possible
Relevant - More users = More impact
Time Constrained - End of 2020
Example for a Bad KPI goal
Increase Revenue Per Visitor (RPV)
Too far in the funnel
Has time delay (for eCommerce)
Hard to optimize in iterations
Your North Star KPI
All else works for that KPI
- Daily Active Users
- Weekly Active Users
- Monthly Active Users
Maybe - Weekly Paying Customers?
Or… Daily Revenue?
Or number of installs?
APC Tile Example
3 Main Daily KPIs
- Coverage
- Project Start
- Load time
1 Main Weekly KPI
- % of total SFLY sales
1 Main Quarterly KPI
- Revenue 33
How to move a KPI?
(1) Goal - I want to improve Conversion
(2) Analyze - “Do we have supporting data?”
(3) Hypothesis - “I think X will move the needle”
(4) Define and Run a test
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Visit page / experience
Add to Cart
Basic eCommerce funnel
Visit page / experience
Add to Cart
Basic eCommerce funnel
Where is the opportunity?
Where is the opportunity?
Goal: “I want to improve CTR by 5%”
Analyze: Does Photo changes have correlation
with Click-through? (it does) (Graph)
Hypothesis: Improving Photo-selection will result
in better conversion
Test: Tap vs. Swipe to change
What KPIs?
KPIs for the test
Total photo changes
Primary KPI
CTR, Unique Photo changes
Secondary KPI
A/B Testing
What is an A/B test
Control and Treatment (Test)
Strive for statistical significance
Can be A/B/C/.. Test (why you shouldn’t)
Can be Multivariate test
AB testing is essentially an experiment where two or
more variants of a page are shown to users at random,
and statistical analysis is used to determine which
variation performs better for a given KPI(s).
Don’t do A/B/C/… or Multivariate testing
Analysis is harder
You need much more traffic
You need better systems to run the test
Bad test design
Growth through testing
Come up with as many hypotheses as possible
Do many small tests
Iterate on success
Learn from failures
Proper test design
1. Hypothesis
2. Define what KPI you want to move
3. You should have a baseline and define a
4. Define actions on possible outcomes
5. Calculate desired sample size
6. Run test until sample size reached
7. Observe results and confidence
8. Decide on next steps (see #4)
What is a StatSig result
A result has statistical significance when it is
very unlikely to have occurred given the null
hypothesis (wikipedia)
In human terms:
We’re confident if we do this test again, it
will turn out exactly the same
Confidence: 1 - p-value
How many users you need?
You would use an online calculator
How to define correct KPIs
What would happen if you measure the
wrong KPI?
Good test KPI
Test has direct effect
Is “close” to the test in the funnel
Best Practices
(1) Have a clear and strong hypothesis
(2) Run an A/A test on your system
(3) Remove outliers, flippers and
unqualified users
(4) Test only ONE variable for A/B tests
(5) Run for enough time and include
enough traffic
(6) Holidays and Promotions - be careful.
Run specific tests
(7) Test to learn
Example for an A/B test
There is a price to pay for too much or too
little A/B testing
Too much - you move slower
Too little - you don’t learn enough
Run your tests when you have something
to learn or need to make a decision
Why you need a dashboard
Daily Dashboard - Health of business
Weekly Dashboard - More high level health
Deep Dive Dashboard - For analysis
Start with your North Star metric
dashboard only
What is a good dashboard
Tells you a story
Is not overwhelming
Allows to get insights and decide on next steps
Bad Dashboard
Good Dashboard
Tips (mainly for startups / teams)
Focus on your main KPI(s)
Look at it daily
Optimize everything you do for that KPI
Every other KPI is to improve your Primary KPI
Keep in touch!
Roman Levin
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Data-Driven Product Management by Shutterfly Director of Product

  • 1. JM Coaching & Training © 2020 Data-Driven Product Management by Shutterfly Director of Product
  • 2. CERTIFICATES Your Product Management Certificate Path Product Leadership Certificate™ Full Stack Product Management Certificate™ Product Management Certificate™ 20 HOURS 40 HOURS 40 HOURS
  • 3. Corporate Training Level up your team’s Product Management skills
  • 4. Free Product Management Resources BOOKS EVENTS JOB PORTAL COMMUNITIES COURSES
  • 5. Data Driven Product Management By Roman Levin, Director of Product @ Shutterfly 5 For Product School - February 2021
  • 6. 6
  • 8. Roman Levin Director of Product @ Shutterfly Linkedin: Email:
  • 9. Serial Entrepreneur Software Engineer About Me Director of Product @ Shutterfly 9 At Shutterfly for 7 years - moving from Engineering to Product ?
  • 10. My Entrepreneurial past ▸ Been in an Incubator ▸ One of the first Microsoft Accelerator participants ▸ Many Many MANY failed startups... 10 …
  • 11. 1. AGENDA 1. Shutterfly 2. My team - APC 3. What is a PM 4. Defining KPIs 5. A/B testing 6. Dashboards 7. Q&A 11
  • 12. Won’t cover Strategy Roadmap UX Working with Engineering Working with Marketing Communication Empathy Time Management ... 12
  • 13. Will Cover Thinking about & defining KPIs A/B testing & iterations Dashboards 13
  • 15. Shutterfly Shutterfly is the market leader in personalized gifts in the US with over $2.5B market value (before COVID) 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17. APC Team Automatic Product Creation Combining Machine Learning, Web and Mobile to create personalized shopping and product creation experience 17
  • 18. 18
  • 20. 20
  • 21. ▸ Understand Customers ▸ Set Strategy ▸ Releases ▸ Ideation ▸ Features / Prioritization ▸ And more... 21 Product managers are responsible for guiding the success of a product and leading the cross-functional team that is responsible for improving it
  • 22. 22 Actually depends on the company
  • 23. 23 You’re the Voice of the Customer
  • 24. Secret power? 24 DATA Defining, Collecting, Validating, Analyzing and making learnings
  • 27. What is a KPI A Key Performance Indicator is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business goals. ▸ Product Level KPI ▸ Feature Level KPI ▸ Primary KPI ▸ Secondary KPI 27
  • 28. SMART KPI (Goal) Specific - Increase Clicks on X by 20% Measurable - Can we collect the data? Attainable - Can we actually achieve 20% increase? Relevant - Are the clicks the correct KPI? Time Constrained - By when to increase? 28
  • 29. 29
  • 30. Example for a good KPI goal KPI - User Coverage Goal - Improve user coverage to 80% in 2020 Specific - Increase to 80% Measurable - We measure the UC KPI Attainable - Believe 90% is possible Relevant - More users = More impact Time Constrained - End of 2020 30
  • 31. Example for a Bad KPI goal Increase Revenue Per Visitor (RPV) Too far in the funnel Has time delay (for eCommerce) Hard to optimize in iterations 31
  • 32. Your North Star KPI All else works for that KPI Examples: - Daily Active Users - Weekly Active Users - Monthly Active Users Maybe - Weekly Paying Customers? Or… Daily Revenue? Or number of installs? 32
  • 33. APC Tile Example 3 Main Daily KPIs - Coverage - Project Start - Load time 1 Main Weekly KPI - % of total SFLY sales 1 Main Quarterly KPI - Revenue 33
  • 34. How to move a KPI? (1) Goal - I want to improve Conversion (2) Analyze - “Do we have supporting data?” (3) Hypothesis - “I think X will move the needle” (4) Define and Run a test 34
  • 36. 36 Visit page / experience Engage Add to Cart Buy Basic eCommerce funnel
  • 37. 37 Visit page / experience Engage Add to Cart Buy Basic eCommerce funnel Funnel Conversion
  • 38. 38 Where is the opportunity?
  • 39. 39 Where is the opportunity?
  • 41. Example Goal: “I want to improve CTR by 5%” Analyze: Does Photo changes have correlation with Click-through? (it does) (Graph) Hypothesis: Improving Photo-selection will result in better conversion Test: Tap vs. Swipe to change What KPIs? 41
  • 42. 42
  • 43. KPIs for the test 43 Total photo changes Primary KPI CTR, Unique Photo changes Secondary KPI
  • 45. 45
  • 46. What is an A/B test Control and Treatment (Test) Strive for statistical significance Can be A/B/C/.. Test (why you shouldn’t) Can be Multivariate test 46 AB testing is essentially an experiment where two or more variants of a page are shown to users at random, and statistical analysis is used to determine which variation performs better for a given KPI(s).
  • 47. 47
  • 48. 48
  • 49. Startups Don’t do A/B/C/… or Multivariate testing 49 Analysis is harder You need much more traffic You need better systems to run the test
  • 51. Growth through testing 51 Come up with as many hypotheses as possible Do many small tests Iterate on success Learn from failures
  • 52. Proper test design 1. Hypothesis 2. Define what KPI you want to move 3. You should have a baseline and define a treatment(s) 4. Define actions on possible outcomes 5. Calculate desired sample size 6. Run test until sample size reached 7. Observe results and confidence 8. Decide on next steps (see #4) 52
  • 53. What is a StatSig result A result has statistical significance when it is very unlikely to have occurred given the null hypothesis (wikipedia) In human terms: We’re confident if we do this test again, it will turn out exactly the same Confidence: 1 - p-value 53
  • 54. How many users you need? You would use an online calculator Example: 54
  • 55. How to define correct KPIs What would happen if you measure the wrong KPI? Good test KPI Simple Test has direct effect Is “close” to the test in the funnel Relevant 55
  • 56. Best Practices (1) Have a clear and strong hypothesis (2) Run an A/A test on your system (3) Remove outliers, flippers and unqualified users (4) Test only ONE variable for A/B tests (5) Run for enough time and include enough traffic (6) Holidays and Promotions - be careful. Run specific tests (7) Test to learn 56
  • 57. 57 Example for an A/B test
  • 58. Caution! There is a price to pay for too much or too little A/B testing Too much - you move slower Too little - you don’t learn enough Run your tests when you have something to learn or need to make a decision 58
  • 60. Why you need a dashboard Daily Dashboard - Health of business Weekly Dashboard - More high level health Deep Dive Dashboard - For analysis Start with your North Star metric dashboard only 60
  • 61. What is a good dashboard 61 Tells you a story Is not overwhelming Allows to get insights and decide on next steps Shareable Explainable
  • 64. Tips (mainly for startups / teams) 64 Focus on your main KPI(s) Look at it daily Optimize everything you do for that KPI Every other KPI is to improve your Primary KPI
  • 65. 65
  • 66. Keep in touch! Roman Levin 66
  • 67. Part-time Product Management Training Courses and Corporate Training