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Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021, pp. 3325~3332
ISSN: 2302-9285, DOI: 10.11591/eei.v10i6.3202 3325
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Customized moodle-based learning management system for
socially disadvantaged schools
Ika Qutsiati Utami, Muhammad Noor Fakhruzzaman, Indah Fahmiyah, Annaura Nabilla Masduki,
Ilham Ahmad Kamil
Engineering Department, Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Article Info ABSTRACT
Article history:
Received Aug 20, 2021
Revised Oct 21, 2021
Accepted Nov 2, 2021
This study aims to develop Moodle-based LMS with customized learning
content and modified user interface to facilitate pedagogical processes during
covid-19 pandemic and investigate how teachers of socially disadvantaged
schools perceived usability and technology acceptance. Co-design process
was conducted with two activities: 1) need assessment phase using an online
survey and interview session with the teachers and 2) the development phase
of the LMS. The system was evaluated by 30 teachers from socially
disadvantaged schools for relevance to their distance learning activities. We
employed computer software usability questionnaire (CSUQ) to measure
perceived usability and the technology acceptance model (TAM) with
insertion of 3 original variables (i.e., perceived usefulness, perceived ease of
use, and intention to use) and 5 external variables (i.e., attitude toward the
system, perceived interaction, self-efficacy, user interface design, and course
design). The average CSUQ rating exceeded 5.0 of 7 point-scale, indicated
that teachers agreed that the information quality, interaction quality, and user
interface quality were clear and easy to understand. TAM results concluded
that the LMS design was judged to be usable, interactive, and well-developed.
Teachers reported an effective user interface that allows effective teaching
operations and lead to the system adoption in immediate time.
Educational environment
Learning management system
Technology acceptance
Usability evaluation
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Ika Qutsiati Utami
Engineering Department, Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline
Universitas Airlangga
Dr. Ir. H. Soekarno Road, Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia
Coronavirus disease (covid-19) pandemics persisted for almost two years and spread educational
disruption in terms of learning and instruction around the world [1]-[3]. Schools and educational institutions
have been impacted by the virus emergence and new regulations in minimizing the pandemic's effects. To
prevent society from the virus threat and negative impact, almost all schools around the world limited their
physical activities and educational interactions. Offline or on-site teaching and learning activities should be
transformed into online instructions to support the continuation of educational practices during covid-19
pandemics. In response to this challenging situation, many educational institutions gradually and
continuously implemented new technology supporting distance learning. More and more learning
technologies have been developed in relevance with the need of distance educational practices in the time of
covid-19 pandemics [4], [5]. The most needed application in facilitating and managing distance learning
activities is learning management system (LMS) [6]-[9]. LMS has been widely adopted by schools and
institutions to facilitate the creation, design, and delivery of course content through mobile devices or
 ISSN: 2302-9285
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021 : 3325 – 3332
websites. In general use, the implementation of LMS aimed at different learning purposes such as
conventional classroom complementary activities and classroom management. However, in a pandemic’s
situation, LMS can replace completely physical presence among students, teachers, and staff members in
terms of learning and instructions.
LMS facilitated online meetings, content management, presentation, and assessment using
electronic devices [10]. Besides LMS’s advantages, according to Awad et al. [11], the level of LMS
utilization should be investigated particularly for teachers and students from socially disadvantaged schools
because they may have limited access to the LMS and may have low digital literacy. Furthermore, although
they have access to digital learning and have digital literacy, some of them may perceive low engagement
and benefit from their time investment with LMS [12]. They lack access to distance learning support,
whereas the need for education during school closures due to covid-19 pandemics cannot be denied.
According to the result of a technical paper by Liabo et al. [13], access to online learning for socially
disadvantaged schools can be supported by companies’ or institution partnerships in order to provide digital
learning software and educational resources. They also stated that educational technologies should be linked
to existing and new curriculum so that they will align with the school’s requirements. The government also
should take a part in ensuring virtual teaching presence are equally well among all schools. Teachers and
students required the highest possible level of interaction via an internet connection and digital learning
technology during pandemics. Students are unlikely to thrive without frequent quality teacher interaction.
Furthermore, the design of learning activities and assessment process during pandemics depend on the
teachers. They are responsible for monitoring the activities of each student of their school. In terms of the
pedagogical process, the provision of learning opportunities both synchronous and asynchronous during
pandemics also becomes challenging for teachers. Teachers should provide assistance for students who have
limited access to internet connection by performing asynchronous engagement and providing electronic
learning materials such as e-book or learning videos. Schools also need to ensure that distance learning and
educational materials can be accessed properly by disadvantaged students.
In this situation, the use of e-learning platforms or learning management systems becomes more
important to support the continuation of learning and teaching practices. Socially disadvantaged schools
required learning management system as well as the technical support that were free of charge. With the
rapid enhancement made by technology, the use of LMS should be enhanced considerably to upgrade the
features and the capabilities. Another problem also comes from the high price tag associated with LMS
development for schools that may lead to digital inequality among schools. For schools with limited technical
and financial resources, it was much better to use open-source software (OSS) such as modular object-
oriented dynamic learning environment (Moodle) [14]-[17]. LMS working under an open-source license like
Moodle can support the implementation of online learning for socially disadvantaged schools. Due to the
flexibility, security, and customization, Moodle can accommodate an online teaching environment with no
extra costs [18]. The effectiveness of LMS also fully depended on technology infrastructures and usability
aspect. These considerations encourage the execution of this research study. We conducted this research with
three main goals: 1) to develop Moodle-based LMS to bring digital learning equality in socially
disadvantaged schools so that they have access to the digital learning tools during covid-19 pandemics; 2) to
investigate the usability of the proposed LMS; 3) to understand teacher’s acceptance toward the Moodle-
based LMS in supporting the continuation teaching and learning practices during covid-19 pandemics. Using
co-design activities, we invited teachers from socially disadvantaged schools in one of the eastern areas of
Indonesia to involve in the LMS development and evaluation process i.e., usability evaluation and
technology acceptance evaluation. This research may have contributed in terms of a general understanding of
the LMS development process and LMS adoptions in relevance to the need of teachers from socially
disadvantaged schools.
In this study, a Moodle-based LMS to support distance learning activities for teachers from socially
disadvantaged schools was developed based on a co-design process [19]. In educational context, co-design
process refers to the involvement of teachers in designing educational innovations such as learning
technologies and learning prototypes [20]. In this study, the authors defined co-design process as
collaborative activity in which educational stake holders and software developers coming together as a team
to design educational innovations and learning prototypes. It consisted of two important phases, the need
assessment phase and the development phase. The teacher’s need assessment phase was conducted by
distributing an online survey and interview session. Need assessment activity was performed to examine the
general understanding of teacher’s current needs, barriers, and challenges faced in relation to their use of
LMS during the covid-19 pandemic. On the other hand, we also provided a brief report on the Moodle-based
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285 
Customized moodle-based learning management system for socially disadvantaged … (Ika Qutsiati Utami)
LMS development phase. Co-design process in educational context facilitates teachers, educational
stakeholders (i.e., administrators, students, and school staff members), and IT experts to discuss existing
problems and design the appropriate solutions. After co-design process, the system was tested and reviewed
by the teachers (N=30) in terms of usability issues and their personal acceptance toward the system. We used
standard questionnaires from computer system usability questionnaire (CSUQ) version 3 as a theoretical
framework to address the usability issue of the system consisting of 16 survey items with responses based on
a 7-point scale. CSUQ has been widely used to measure perceived usability and has been categorized into
three subscales consisting of system quality, information quality, and interface quality [21], [22].
Furthermore, to examine teacher’s acceptance toward the proposed LMS, technology acceptance model
(TAM) was employed with responses based on a 5-point scale. The framework consists of three original
constructs comprising of perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEU), and behavioral intention to
use (BIU) the proposed system [23], [24]. In this study, we added external variables into TAM such as
attitude toward the system (ATT), perceived interaction (PI), self-efficacy (SE), user interface design (UID),
and online course design (OCD) in order to gain better insight of teacher’s acceptance toward our proposed
LMS [25].
3.1. Summary report of co-design process
The co-design process followed two important phases, i.e., the need assessment phase and the
development phase of Moodle-based LMS. Need assessment phase resulted in a summary report on the key
content and features of the learning management system suggested by a total of 112 teachers through an
online survey and interview session. The report also included a brief overview of the developed system in
terms of user interface design and learning content. Suggested features for the proposed learning
management system can be found in Table 1.
Table 1. Key content and features of the application suggested by teachers (N=112)
Suggested LMS features Status
Online homework/task assignment Installed
Online assessment Installed
Assignment notification to students Installed
Automatic assignment correction Installed
Task collaboration Installed
Individual task completion Installed
Collaboration task completion Installed
Task scheduling Installed
Reporting and class management Installed
Learning content creation (figures, documents, audio, link, and video) Installed
Quiz creation Installed
Embedded external link Installed
Incorporation of learning with Zoom meeting Installed
Attendance record Installed
Forum/chatting Installed
The development process incorporated the concepts related to the development of Moodle-based
LMS which consists of two stages: content development and prototype development. Content development
was tailored to the existing and new curriculum of elementary schools in Indonesia and was validated by the
teachers after completion. As a pilot study, we only build learning materials for the fifth and sixth grade of
students consisting of three subjects i.e., natural science, social science, and mathematics. The results of
content development can be found in Figure 1. On the other hand, the development stage of Moodle-based
LMS included the activities such as server procurement, Moodle installation, features selection, source code
editing for user interface customization, creating portal’s identity, and managing the courses. We used a
virtual private server (VPS) to install the Moodle because of the reliability and complete control. VPS allows
users to control, manage, and configure the Moodle server completely so that it can match with the school’s
business needs [26]. Using VPS, Moodle can be accessed by multiple users at the same time quickly so that
teachers and students can experience online learning without performance issues. After Moodle installation,
the authors modified the code to customize the user interface design. Even though it provided a good
framework for distance learning, Moodle is static with minimal functionalities. Authors made some
modifications in HTML/CSS/PHP/Javascript file to provide aesthetic value to the proposed Moodle-based
LMS. This activity contributes to the better content and user interface design of Moodle. In the final
development phase, the Moodle-based LMS is hosted online and all school members can access the material
 ISSN: 2302-9285
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021 : 3325 – 3332
any time after completing the registration process. The results of LMS prototype development can be found
in Figure 2.
Figure 1. Content development result
Figure 2. Prototype development result

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Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285 
Customized moodle-based learning management system for socially disadvantaged … (Ika Qutsiati Utami)
3.2. Usability test
Before performing the system evaluation method, the participants of this research i.e., teachers from
socially disadvantaged schools were asked to do some tasks with the system such as accessing the system,
managing class, student’s task assessment, and managing homework. Participants also signed a consent form
to make clear the purposes of this study and ask them permission regarding research material shared and
used. We used standard and well-established questionnaires based on computer system usability
questionnaire (CSUQ) version 3, with a total of 16 items of statement and a 7-point scale. CSUQ has been
widely used for measuring and exploring usability issues of software products. All CSUQ statements are
positive in tone. Evaluating the usability of the proposed Moodle-based LMS involved the quality of the
system, the information, and the user-interface. The results of the usability test including percentages of the
CSUQ ratings and descriptive statistics of the CSUQ scores are shown in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively.
The mean score of each CSUQ statement exceeded the score of 5 with the maximum value is 7 as the score
for a strong agreement. The score of system quality, information quality, and interface quality ranged from 5
to 7. This result indicated positive responses perceived by the teachers in terms of system quality,
information quality, and interface quality.
Table 2. Percentages of the CSUQ ratings for Moodle-based LMS prototype (N=30)
Scale: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SQ1 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 1(3.3%) 7(23.3%) 11(36.7%) 10(33.3%)
SQ2 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 7(23.3%) 10(33.3%) 12(40%)
SQ3 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 2(6.7%) 8(26.7%) 10(33.3%) 9(30%)
SQ4 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 2(6.7%) 4(13.3%) 15(50%) 8(26.7%)
SQ5 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(6.7%) 7(23.3%) 10(33.3%) 11(36.7%)
SQ6 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(6.7%) 1(3.3%) 10(33.3%) 10(33.3%) 7(23.3%)
SQ7 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 3(10%) 7(23.3%) 15(50%) 4(13.3%)
SQ8 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 4(13.3%) 11(36.7%) 12(40%) 2(6.7%)
IFQ1 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 6(20%) 13(43.3%) 10(33.3%)
IFQ2 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 7(23.3%) 12(40%) 10(33.3%)
IFQ3 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 3(10%) 5(16.7%) 14(46.7%) 7(23.3%)
IFQ4 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(6.7%) 5(16.7%) 13(43.3%) 10(33.3%)
INQ1 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 2(6.7%) 10(33.3%) 11(36.7%) 6(20%)
INQ2 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 1(3.3%) 9(30%) 12(40%) 7(23.3%)
INQ3 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(6.7%) 10(33.3%) 15(50%) 3(10%)
INQ4 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 3(10%) 6(20%) 14(46.7%) 7(23.3%)
Table 3. Descriptive statistics of the CSUQ scores (N=30)
Aspect Items Mean Std. Deviation
System quality (SQ) SQ1 5.93 1.015
SQ2 6.10 0.885
SQ3 5.80 1.064
SQ4 5.90 0.995
SQ5 6.00 0.947
SQ6 5.63 1.098
SQ7 5.60 0.968
SQ8 5.33 0.922
Information quality (IFQ) IFQ1 6.07 0.828
IFQ2 6.03 0.850
IFQ3 5.77 1.040
IFQ4 6.03 0.890
Interface quality (INQ) INQ1 5.63 0.999
INQ2 5.77 0.971
INQ3 5.63 0.765
INQ4 5.83 0.913
3.3. Moodle-based LMS acceptance
In this study, we employed technology acceptance model (TAM) as a theoretical framework to
describe factors determining the use of Moodle-based LMS by teachers from socially disadvantaged schools
and their intention to use the system. Three TAM original variables comprising of perceived usefulness (PU),
perceived ease of use (PEU), and behavioral intention to use (BIU) are used in this study [27], [28]. The
results of survey responses for the TAM original construct are presented in Table 4. The mean score of all
TAM internal or original constructs exceeded the value of 4.1667, with the maximum score is 5. This result
indicated that the use of the proposed Moodle-based LMS by teachers would be free of effort. It also
 ISSN: 2302-9285
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021 : 3325 – 3332
indicated that the system is not difficult to use by the teachers although they come from socially
disadvantaged schools. Besides, all teachers also perceived that using the proposed LMS would enhance their
job performance in terms of learning and instruction. In addition, we noted that all items of BIU exceed
4.2667 indicating teachers’ positive intention to adopt and use the system for distance learning during covid-
19 pandemics. Furthermore, Table 5 showed survey responses for TAM external variables including 1)
Attitude (ATT), which refers to teacher’s belief that it is a good idea to use the Moodle-based LMS; 2) self-
efficacy (SE), refers to teacher’s self-confidence in their capability to seek for information and their skill with
the use of learning technologies [29]; 3) online course design (OCD), describes teacher’s important role in
designing of online courses; 4) perceived interaction (PI), defines human-system interaction and
interpersonal interaction; and last; 5) user interface design (UID), defines user-centered aspect and critical
factors for software development. The entire TAM external constructs i.e., ATT, SE, OCD, PI, and UID
obtained a mean value of more than 4.1 which concluded teacher’s positive acceptance toward the proposed
Table 4. Survey responses for TAM original construct (N=30)
Construct Survey items Mean SD
Perceived Usefulness (PU) PU1 4.333 0.60648
PU2 4.3667 0.61495
PU3 4.3667 0.61495
PU4 4.5000 0.57235
Perceived Ease of Use (PEU) PEU1 4.3000 0.70221
PEU2 4.1667 0.69893
PEU3 4.2000 0.76112
PEU4 4.4333 0.67891
Behavioral Intention to Use (BIU) BIU1 4.4000 0.67466
BIU2 4.2667 0.73968
BIU3 4.2667 0.73968
BIU4 4.3667 0.71840
Table 5. Survey responses for TAM external construct (N=30)
Construct Survey items Mean SD
Attitude toward the system (ATT) ATT1 4.5667 0.67891
ATT2 4.7000 0.53498
ATT3 4.4000 0.67466
Online Course Design (OCD) OCD1 4.2333 0.77385
OCD2 4.2667 0.78492
OCD3 4.3000 0.74971
OCD4 4.4000 0.72397
User Interface Design (UID) UID1 4.2000 0.71438
UID2 4.4000 0.56324
UID3 4.3333 0.66089
UID4 4.4333 0.56832
Perceived Interaction (PI) PI1 4.1333 0.81931
PI2 4.0667 0.78492
PI3 4.3000 0.70221
Self-efficacy (SE) SE1 4.2667 0.58329
SE2 4.3333 0.71116
SE3 4.2333 0.72793
The goals of conducting this research using co-design process, CSUQ and TAM model as a
theoretical frameworks are: 1) to develop Moodle-based LMS in order to bring digital equality in socially
disadvantaged schools so that they can have access to the digital learning tools during covid-19 pandemics;
2) to investigate the system quality, interface quality, and interaction quality of the proposed LMS; 3) to
understand teacher’s acceptance toward the Moodle-based LMS in supporting the continuation of educational
activities during the pandemic of covid-19. With regard to the CSUQ survey responses by the teacher of
socially disadvantaged schools, we found that our proposed system has good system quality, interface
quality, and interaction quality to facilitate distance learning during covid-19 pandemics. This result provides
evidence that Moodle-based LMS can be used by the teachers of socially disadvantaged schools to provide a
good learning environment for students. Moodle-based LMS provided appropriate facilities and a good
environment for teaching and learning practices. In addition, strengthening this finding, we also conducted an
evaluation of teacher’s acceptance toward the proposed LMS and the results confirmed that the system is
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285 
Customized moodle-based learning management system for socially disadvantaged … (Ika Qutsiati Utami)
easy to use and more useful for facilitating the pedagogical process in the distance learning environment.
Teachers from socially advantaged schools also perceived that they can attain significant benefit through
interaction with the system and gain a positive attitude toward the system. Their intention to use the proposed
LMS would be stronger as they did not face any difficulties while using the system. User interface design and
online course design also were considered as motivational factors for the teachers to use the system. Overall
implications of the results should be used for developing countries to provide equity of education facilities,
proper learning environment, and opportunities so that teachers from socially disadvantaged schools can
attain better performance in pedagogical process during covid-19 pandemics.
No conflicting interests have been found in relation to this study. The authors solemnly acknowledge 30
teachers from Eastern Indonesia who participated in this study, from the co-design process until system evaluation.
The authors received financial support for the research under contract number 275/UN3.1.17/PT/2021 by the
Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia.
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[22] O. Alhadreti, "Assessing Academics’ Perceptions of Blackboard Usability Using SUS and CSUQ: A Case Study
during the COVID-19 Pandemic," International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 1003-
1015, 2020, doi: 10.1080/10447318.2020.1861766.
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the Technology Acceptance Model," Information Systems Research, vol. 11, no. 4, 2000, pp. 342-365, doi:
[25] I.-F. Liu, M. C. Chen, Y. S. Sun, D. Wible and C.-H. Kuo, "Extending the TAM model to explore the factors that
affect Intention to Use an Online Learning Community," Computers and Education, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 600-610,
February 2010, doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2009.09.009.
[26] S. V. Kolekar, R. M. Pai and P. M. M. Manohara, "Adaptive User Interface for Moodle based E-learning System using
Learning Styles," Procedia Computer Science, vol. 135, pp. 606-615, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2018.08.226.
[27] V. Venkatesh and H. Bala, "Technology Acceptance Model 3 and a Research Agenda on Interventions," Decision
Sciences, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 273-315, May 2008, doi: 10.1111/j.1540-5915.2008.00192.x.
[28] N. Marangunic and A. Granic, "Technology acceptance model: a literature review from 1986 to 2013," Universal
Access in the Information Society, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 81-95, 2015, doi: 10.1007/s10209-014-0348-1.
[29] A. F. Agudo-Peregrina, A. Hernández-García and F. J. Pascual-Miguel, "Behavioral intention, use behavior and the
acceptance of electronic learning systems: Differences between higher education and lifelong learning," Computers
in Human Behavior, vol. 34, pp. 301-314, May 2014, doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2013.10.035.
Ika Qutsiati Utami received the M.S. degree from Graduate Institute of Network Learning
Technology, National Central University, Taiwan, in 2018. She is currently working as a lecturer
at Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia. Her
research interests are in the areas of human computer interaction, learning technology, and learning
Muhammad Noor Fakhruzzaman holds an interdisciplinary Master’s Degree in Human-
Computer Interaction and Journalism & Mass Communication from Iowa State University. His
current research interests fall between Data Science and Mass Communication, mainly automated
media monitoring using Natural Language Processing. He currently is a lecturer at the Faculty of
Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia.
Indah Fahmiyah is currently working as a lecturer at the Faculty of Advanced Technology and
Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia. Her research interests include linear regression,
logistic and probit regression, multivariate analysis, time series analysis, and data mining.
Annaura Nabilla Masduki is bachelor's degree students at the Data Science Technology Study
Program, Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia.
Ilham Ahmad Kamil is bachelor's degree students at the Data Science Technology Study
Program, Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia.

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Two veterans of online learning will share their thoughts on the current state and the future of online learning. Chief online learning officers face ongoing challenges growing, sustaining, and innovating online programs. Now that online learning has entered the mainstream, what is its future? What fads will fade? What trends will be sustained? The audience will be engaged throughout the presentation with opportunities to discuss the impact online learning has on technological infrastructure, faculty support, course design, quality assurance / quality control, organizational structures, funding and grants, and research. By sharing their experiences and insights into the current challenges and future state of online learning, the presenters will discuss strategic and operational approaches to navigate current and future realities of online learning. Credit to Dr. Darlene Williams for content on Future Opportunities and Context.

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How Moodle Facilitates E-learning? A Case Study in Vocational Education
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This document summarizes a study that investigated how the Moodle learning platform facilitates e-learning in vocational education. Forty students in computer science courses at a vocational training institute used Moodle over four weeks. A questionnaire assessed student attitudes towards e-learning and Moodle. Results showed Moodle can be useful for both teachers and learners to improve educational outcomes. Students also felt it strengthened self-efficacy and independent learning. The study implemented and tested Moodle's features like online course content, communication tools, and tracking student progress.

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Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic, and Possibility of Adopting Compute...Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic, and Possibility of Adopting Compute...
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COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the educational institutions in Australia and New Zealand, thus online learning was a significant option for education to be smoothly continued. This could possibly enhance the Computer-based exams (CBEs) to be used in various courses, such as schools, universities and other training centres. As there are many educational institutions which have chosen to convert from paper test system to computer- based exam. However, adopting computer tests may lead to some difficulties for the students, which relates to technical defects and lake of computer skills of some students when they are applying the computer based exams. The purpose of the paper was to discuss online learning during Covid19 and the possibility of adopting (CBEs), then to determine negative and positive effects on the students of using computer-based exams and focus on some of suggesting solutions to the negative effects. Computer test which could cause negative effects on students due to various levels of skills to use a computer and some technical problems was examined. The design of the computer examination system requires careful planning and study from several aspects before becoming officially accepted, the computer-based exams still have a few problems which may lead to difficulties in using computer exams. Then the many benefits which could be gained by using computer-based exams, such as the student will be more independent with computer test were described. In addition, the students have access to the exams through the internet network. Finally, the effectiveness of certain strategy to solve the negative effects of computer-based exams were argued. Developing the solutions of the technical problems are required for computer test, where improving the input methods questions and corrections. It was resulted that online learning has considered as a better option during COVID-19 pandemic, and the computer exam, with adjustments, is more suitable for students.

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Customized moodle-based learning management system for socially disadvantaged schools

  • 1. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021, pp. 3325~3332 ISSN: 2302-9285, DOI: 10.11591/eei.v10i6.3202 3325 Journal homepage: Customized moodle-based learning management system for socially disadvantaged schools Ika Qutsiati Utami, Muhammad Noor Fakhruzzaman, Indah Fahmiyah, Annaura Nabilla Masduki, Ilham Ahmad Kamil Engineering Department, Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Received Aug 20, 2021 Revised Oct 21, 2021 Accepted Nov 2, 2021 This study aims to develop Moodle-based LMS with customized learning content and modified user interface to facilitate pedagogical processes during covid-19 pandemic and investigate how teachers of socially disadvantaged schools perceived usability and technology acceptance. Co-design process was conducted with two activities: 1) need assessment phase using an online survey and interview session with the teachers and 2) the development phase of the LMS. The system was evaluated by 30 teachers from socially disadvantaged schools for relevance to their distance learning activities. We employed computer software usability questionnaire (CSUQ) to measure perceived usability and the technology acceptance model (TAM) with insertion of 3 original variables (i.e., perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and intention to use) and 5 external variables (i.e., attitude toward the system, perceived interaction, self-efficacy, user interface design, and course design). The average CSUQ rating exceeded 5.0 of 7 point-scale, indicated that teachers agreed that the information quality, interaction quality, and user interface quality were clear and easy to understand. TAM results concluded that the LMS design was judged to be usable, interactive, and well-developed. Teachers reported an effective user interface that allows effective teaching operations and lead to the system adoption in immediate time. Keywords: Covid-19 Educational environment Learning management system Technology acceptance Usability evaluation This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license. Corresponding Author: Ika Qutsiati Utami Engineering Department, Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline Universitas Airlangga Dr. Ir. H. Soekarno Road, Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia Email: 1. INTRODUCTION Coronavirus disease (covid-19) pandemics persisted for almost two years and spread educational disruption in terms of learning and instruction around the world [1]-[3]. Schools and educational institutions have been impacted by the virus emergence and new regulations in minimizing the pandemic's effects. To prevent society from the virus threat and negative impact, almost all schools around the world limited their physical activities and educational interactions. Offline or on-site teaching and learning activities should be transformed into online instructions to support the continuation of educational practices during covid-19 pandemics. In response to this challenging situation, many educational institutions gradually and continuously implemented new technology supporting distance learning. More and more learning technologies have been developed in relevance with the need of distance educational practices in the time of covid-19 pandemics [4], [5]. The most needed application in facilitating and managing distance learning activities is learning management system (LMS) [6]-[9]. LMS has been widely adopted by schools and institutions to facilitate the creation, design, and delivery of course content through mobile devices or
  • 2.  ISSN: 2302-9285 Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021 : 3325 – 3332 3326 websites. In general use, the implementation of LMS aimed at different learning purposes such as conventional classroom complementary activities and classroom management. However, in a pandemic’s situation, LMS can replace completely physical presence among students, teachers, and staff members in terms of learning and instructions. LMS facilitated online meetings, content management, presentation, and assessment using electronic devices [10]. Besides LMS’s advantages, according to Awad et al. [11], the level of LMS utilization should be investigated particularly for teachers and students from socially disadvantaged schools because they may have limited access to the LMS and may have low digital literacy. Furthermore, although they have access to digital learning and have digital literacy, some of them may perceive low engagement and benefit from their time investment with LMS [12]. They lack access to distance learning support, whereas the need for education during school closures due to covid-19 pandemics cannot be denied. According to the result of a technical paper by Liabo et al. [13], access to online learning for socially disadvantaged schools can be supported by companies’ or institution partnerships in order to provide digital learning software and educational resources. They also stated that educational technologies should be linked to existing and new curriculum so that they will align with the school’s requirements. The government also should take a part in ensuring virtual teaching presence are equally well among all schools. Teachers and students required the highest possible level of interaction via an internet connection and digital learning technology during pandemics. Students are unlikely to thrive without frequent quality teacher interaction. Furthermore, the design of learning activities and assessment process during pandemics depend on the teachers. They are responsible for monitoring the activities of each student of their school. In terms of the pedagogical process, the provision of learning opportunities both synchronous and asynchronous during pandemics also becomes challenging for teachers. Teachers should provide assistance for students who have limited access to internet connection by performing asynchronous engagement and providing electronic learning materials such as e-book or learning videos. Schools also need to ensure that distance learning and educational materials can be accessed properly by disadvantaged students. In this situation, the use of e-learning platforms or learning management systems becomes more important to support the continuation of learning and teaching practices. Socially disadvantaged schools required learning management system as well as the technical support that were free of charge. With the rapid enhancement made by technology, the use of LMS should be enhanced considerably to upgrade the features and the capabilities. Another problem also comes from the high price tag associated with LMS development for schools that may lead to digital inequality among schools. For schools with limited technical and financial resources, it was much better to use open-source software (OSS) such as modular object- oriented dynamic learning environment (Moodle) [14]-[17]. LMS working under an open-source license like Moodle can support the implementation of online learning for socially disadvantaged schools. Due to the flexibility, security, and customization, Moodle can accommodate an online teaching environment with no extra costs [18]. The effectiveness of LMS also fully depended on technology infrastructures and usability aspect. These considerations encourage the execution of this research study. We conducted this research with three main goals: 1) to develop Moodle-based LMS to bring digital learning equality in socially disadvantaged schools so that they have access to the digital learning tools during covid-19 pandemics; 2) to investigate the usability of the proposed LMS; 3) to understand teacher’s acceptance toward the Moodle- based LMS in supporting the continuation teaching and learning practices during covid-19 pandemics. Using co-design activities, we invited teachers from socially disadvantaged schools in one of the eastern areas of Indonesia to involve in the LMS development and evaluation process i.e., usability evaluation and technology acceptance evaluation. This research may have contributed in terms of a general understanding of the LMS development process and LMS adoptions in relevance to the need of teachers from socially disadvantaged schools. 2. RESEARCH METHOD In this study, a Moodle-based LMS to support distance learning activities for teachers from socially disadvantaged schools was developed based on a co-design process [19]. In educational context, co-design process refers to the involvement of teachers in designing educational innovations such as learning technologies and learning prototypes [20]. In this study, the authors defined co-design process as collaborative activity in which educational stake holders and software developers coming together as a team to design educational innovations and learning prototypes. It consisted of two important phases, the need assessment phase and the development phase. The teacher’s need assessment phase was conducted by distributing an online survey and interview session. Need assessment activity was performed to examine the general understanding of teacher’s current needs, barriers, and challenges faced in relation to their use of LMS during the covid-19 pandemic. On the other hand, we also provided a brief report on the Moodle-based
  • 3. Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285  Customized moodle-based learning management system for socially disadvantaged … (Ika Qutsiati Utami) 3327 LMS development phase. Co-design process in educational context facilitates teachers, educational stakeholders (i.e., administrators, students, and school staff members), and IT experts to discuss existing problems and design the appropriate solutions. After co-design process, the system was tested and reviewed by the teachers (N=30) in terms of usability issues and their personal acceptance toward the system. We used standard questionnaires from computer system usability questionnaire (CSUQ) version 3 as a theoretical framework to address the usability issue of the system consisting of 16 survey items with responses based on a 7-point scale. CSUQ has been widely used to measure perceived usability and has been categorized into three subscales consisting of system quality, information quality, and interface quality [21], [22]. Furthermore, to examine teacher’s acceptance toward the proposed LMS, technology acceptance model (TAM) was employed with responses based on a 5-point scale. The framework consists of three original constructs comprising of perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEU), and behavioral intention to use (BIU) the proposed system [23], [24]. In this study, we added external variables into TAM such as attitude toward the system (ATT), perceived interaction (PI), self-efficacy (SE), user interface design (UID), and online course design (OCD) in order to gain better insight of teacher’s acceptance toward our proposed LMS [25]. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Summary report of co-design process The co-design process followed two important phases, i.e., the need assessment phase and the development phase of Moodle-based LMS. Need assessment phase resulted in a summary report on the key content and features of the learning management system suggested by a total of 112 teachers through an online survey and interview session. The report also included a brief overview of the developed system in terms of user interface design and learning content. Suggested features for the proposed learning management system can be found in Table 1. Table 1. Key content and features of the application suggested by teachers (N=112) Suggested LMS features Status Online homework/task assignment Installed Online assessment Installed Assignment notification to students Installed Automatic assignment correction Installed Task collaboration Installed Individual task completion Installed Collaboration task completion Installed Task scheduling Installed Reporting and class management Installed Learning content creation (figures, documents, audio, link, and video) Installed Quiz creation Installed Embedded external link Installed Incorporation of learning with Zoom meeting Installed Attendance record Installed Forum/chatting Installed The development process incorporated the concepts related to the development of Moodle-based LMS which consists of two stages: content development and prototype development. Content development was tailored to the existing and new curriculum of elementary schools in Indonesia and was validated by the teachers after completion. As a pilot study, we only build learning materials for the fifth and sixth grade of students consisting of three subjects i.e., natural science, social science, and mathematics. The results of content development can be found in Figure 1. On the other hand, the development stage of Moodle-based LMS included the activities such as server procurement, Moodle installation, features selection, source code editing for user interface customization, creating portal’s identity, and managing the courses. We used a virtual private server (VPS) to install the Moodle because of the reliability and complete control. VPS allows users to control, manage, and configure the Moodle server completely so that it can match with the school’s business needs [26]. Using VPS, Moodle can be accessed by multiple users at the same time quickly so that teachers and students can experience online learning without performance issues. After Moodle installation, the authors modified the code to customize the user interface design. Even though it provided a good framework for distance learning, Moodle is static with minimal functionalities. Authors made some modifications in HTML/CSS/PHP/Javascript file to provide aesthetic value to the proposed Moodle-based LMS. This activity contributes to the better content and user interface design of Moodle. In the final development phase, the Moodle-based LMS is hosted online and all school members can access the material
  • 4.  ISSN: 2302-9285 Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021 : 3325 – 3332 3328 any time after completing the registration process. The results of LMS prototype development can be found in Figure 2. Figure 1. Content development result Figure 2. Prototype development result
  • 5. Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285  Customized moodle-based learning management system for socially disadvantaged … (Ika Qutsiati Utami) 3329 3.2. Usability test Before performing the system evaluation method, the participants of this research i.e., teachers from socially disadvantaged schools were asked to do some tasks with the system such as accessing the system, managing class, student’s task assessment, and managing homework. Participants also signed a consent form to make clear the purposes of this study and ask them permission regarding research material shared and used. We used standard and well-established questionnaires based on computer system usability questionnaire (CSUQ) version 3, with a total of 16 items of statement and a 7-point scale. CSUQ has been widely used for measuring and exploring usability issues of software products. All CSUQ statements are positive in tone. Evaluating the usability of the proposed Moodle-based LMS involved the quality of the system, the information, and the user-interface. The results of the usability test including percentages of the CSUQ ratings and descriptive statistics of the CSUQ scores are shown in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively. The mean score of each CSUQ statement exceeded the score of 5 with the maximum value is 7 as the score for a strong agreement. The score of system quality, information quality, and interface quality ranged from 5 to 7. This result indicated positive responses perceived by the teachers in terms of system quality, information quality, and interface quality. Table 2. Percentages of the CSUQ ratings for Moodle-based LMS prototype (N=30) Items Scale: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SQ1 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 1(3.3%) 7(23.3%) 11(36.7%) 10(33.3%) SQ2 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 7(23.3%) 10(33.3%) 12(40%) SQ3 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 2(6.7%) 8(26.7%) 10(33.3%) 9(30%) SQ4 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 2(6.7%) 4(13.3%) 15(50%) 8(26.7%) SQ5 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(6.7%) 7(23.3%) 10(33.3%) 11(36.7%) SQ6 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(6.7%) 1(3.3%) 10(33.3%) 10(33.3%) 7(23.3%) SQ7 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 3(10%) 7(23.3%) 15(50%) 4(13.3%) SQ8 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 4(13.3%) 11(36.7%) 12(40%) 2(6.7%) IFQ1 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 6(20%) 13(43.3%) 10(33.3%) IFQ2 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 7(23.3%) 12(40%) 10(33.3%) IFQ3 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 3(10%) 5(16.7%) 14(46.7%) 7(23.3%) IFQ4 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(6.7%) 5(16.7%) 13(43.3%) 10(33.3%) INQ1 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 2(6.7%) 10(33.3%) 11(36.7%) 6(20%) INQ2 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(3.3%) 1(3.3%) 9(30%) 12(40%) 7(23.3%) INQ3 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(6.7%) 10(33.3%) 15(50%) 3(10%) INQ4 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 3(10%) 6(20%) 14(46.7%) 7(23.3%) Table 3. Descriptive statistics of the CSUQ scores (N=30) Aspect Items Mean Std. Deviation System quality (SQ) SQ1 5.93 1.015 SQ2 6.10 0.885 SQ3 5.80 1.064 SQ4 5.90 0.995 SQ5 6.00 0.947 SQ6 5.63 1.098 SQ7 5.60 0.968 SQ8 5.33 0.922 Information quality (IFQ) IFQ1 6.07 0.828 IFQ2 6.03 0.850 IFQ3 5.77 1.040 IFQ4 6.03 0.890 Interface quality (INQ) INQ1 5.63 0.999 INQ2 5.77 0.971 INQ3 5.63 0.765 INQ4 5.83 0.913 3.3. Moodle-based LMS acceptance In this study, we employed technology acceptance model (TAM) as a theoretical framework to describe factors determining the use of Moodle-based LMS by teachers from socially disadvantaged schools and their intention to use the system. Three TAM original variables comprising of perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEU), and behavioral intention to use (BIU) are used in this study [27], [28]. The results of survey responses for the TAM original construct are presented in Table 4. The mean score of all TAM internal or original constructs exceeded the value of 4.1667, with the maximum score is 5. This result indicated that the use of the proposed Moodle-based LMS by teachers would be free of effort. It also
  • 6.  ISSN: 2302-9285 Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021 : 3325 – 3332 3330 indicated that the system is not difficult to use by the teachers although they come from socially disadvantaged schools. Besides, all teachers also perceived that using the proposed LMS would enhance their job performance in terms of learning and instruction. In addition, we noted that all items of BIU exceed 4.2667 indicating teachers’ positive intention to adopt and use the system for distance learning during covid- 19 pandemics. Furthermore, Table 5 showed survey responses for TAM external variables including 1) Attitude (ATT), which refers to teacher’s belief that it is a good idea to use the Moodle-based LMS; 2) self- efficacy (SE), refers to teacher’s self-confidence in their capability to seek for information and their skill with the use of learning technologies [29]; 3) online course design (OCD), describes teacher’s important role in designing of online courses; 4) perceived interaction (PI), defines human-system interaction and interpersonal interaction; and last; 5) user interface design (UID), defines user-centered aspect and critical factors for software development. The entire TAM external constructs i.e., ATT, SE, OCD, PI, and UID obtained a mean value of more than 4.1 which concluded teacher’s positive acceptance toward the proposed LMS. Table 4. Survey responses for TAM original construct (N=30) Construct Survey items Mean SD Perceived Usefulness (PU) PU1 4.333 0.60648 PU2 4.3667 0.61495 PU3 4.3667 0.61495 PU4 4.5000 0.57235 Perceived Ease of Use (PEU) PEU1 4.3000 0.70221 PEU2 4.1667 0.69893 PEU3 4.2000 0.76112 PEU4 4.4333 0.67891 Behavioral Intention to Use (BIU) BIU1 4.4000 0.67466 BIU2 4.2667 0.73968 BIU3 4.2667 0.73968 BIU4 4.3667 0.71840 Table 5. Survey responses for TAM external construct (N=30) Construct Survey items Mean SD Attitude toward the system (ATT) ATT1 4.5667 0.67891 ATT2 4.7000 0.53498 ATT3 4.4000 0.67466 Online Course Design (OCD) OCD1 4.2333 0.77385 OCD2 4.2667 0.78492 OCD3 4.3000 0.74971 OCD4 4.4000 0.72397 User Interface Design (UID) UID1 4.2000 0.71438 UID2 4.4000 0.56324 UID3 4.3333 0.66089 UID4 4.4333 0.56832 Perceived Interaction (PI) PI1 4.1333 0.81931 PI2 4.0667 0.78492 PI3 4.3000 0.70221 Self-efficacy (SE) SE1 4.2667 0.58329 SE2 4.3333 0.71116 SE3 4.2333 0.72793 4. CONCLUSION The goals of conducting this research using co-design process, CSUQ and TAM model as a theoretical frameworks are: 1) to develop Moodle-based LMS in order to bring digital equality in socially disadvantaged schools so that they can have access to the digital learning tools during covid-19 pandemics; 2) to investigate the system quality, interface quality, and interaction quality of the proposed LMS; 3) to understand teacher’s acceptance toward the Moodle-based LMS in supporting the continuation of educational activities during the pandemic of covid-19. With regard to the CSUQ survey responses by the teacher of socially disadvantaged schools, we found that our proposed system has good system quality, interface quality, and interaction quality to facilitate distance learning during covid-19 pandemics. This result provides evidence that Moodle-based LMS can be used by the teachers of socially disadvantaged schools to provide a good learning environment for students. Moodle-based LMS provided appropriate facilities and a good environment for teaching and learning practices. In addition, strengthening this finding, we also conducted an evaluation of teacher’s acceptance toward the proposed LMS and the results confirmed that the system is
  • 7. Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285  Customized moodle-based learning management system for socially disadvantaged … (Ika Qutsiati Utami) 3331 easy to use and more useful for facilitating the pedagogical process in the distance learning environment. Teachers from socially advantaged schools also perceived that they can attain significant benefit through interaction with the system and gain a positive attitude toward the system. Their intention to use the proposed LMS would be stronger as they did not face any difficulties while using the system. User interface design and online course design also were considered as motivational factors for the teachers to use the system. Overall implications of the results should be used for developing countries to provide equity of education facilities, proper learning environment, and opportunities so that teachers from socially disadvantaged schools can attain better performance in pedagogical process during covid-19 pandemics. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS No conflicting interests have been found in relation to this study. The authors solemnly acknowledge 30 teachers from Eastern Indonesia who participated in this study, from the co-design process until system evaluation. The authors received financial support for the research under contract number 275/UN3.1.17/PT/2021 by the Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia. REFERENCES [1] D. Darici, C. Reissner, J. Brockhaus and M. Missler, "Implementation of a fully digital histology course in the anatomical teaching curriculum during COVID-19 pandemic," Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger, vol. 236, p. 151718, July 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2021.151718. [2] G. Orlov et al., "Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: It is not who you teach, but how you teach," Economics Letters journal, vol. 202, p. 109812, May 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.econlet.2021.109812. [3] L. D. Lapitan Jr., C. E. Tiangco, D. A. G. Sumalinog, N. S. 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