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Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021, pp. 3385∼3392
ISSN: 2302-9285, DOI: 10.11591/eei.v10i6.3129 r 3385
Square transposition: an approach to the transposition
process in block cipher
Magdalena A. Ineke Pekereng, Alz Danny Wowor
Department of Informatic Engineering, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, Indonesia
Article Info
Article history:
Received Dec 26, 2020
Revised Mar 30, 2021
Accepted Oct 7, 2021
Input scheme
Retrieval scheme
Square transposotion
The transposition process is needed in cryptography to create a diffusion effect on
data encryption standard (DES) and advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithms
as standard information security algorithms by the National Institute of Standards and
Technology. The problem with DES and AES algorithms is that their transposition in-
dex values form patterns and do not form random values. This condition will certainly
make it easier for a cryptanalyst to look for a relationship between ciphertexts because
some processes are predictable. This research designs a transposition algorithm called
square transposition. Each process uses square 8 × 8 as a place to insert and retrieve
64-bits. The determination of the pairing of the input scheme and the retrieval scheme
that have unequal flow is an important factor in producing a good transposition. The
square transposition can generate random and non-pattern indices so that transposition
can be done better than DES and AES.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Magdalena A. Ineke Pekereng
Department of Informatics Engineering
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
Jl. Notohamidjojo 1-10, Salatiga 50718, Indonesia
Diffusional transposition process is useful for the spread of plaintext redundancy in a ciphertext. Mod-
ern cryptography such as data encryption standard (DES)and advanced encryption standard (AES) as informa-
tion security standards used by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) also contain transposi-
tion as one of the important processes in the algorithm [1], [2]. DES with initial permutation (IP) and inverse
initial permutation (IP)−1
are truly essential in the transposition process [3]. Whereas, AES with shift rows
capability is simpler in transposition [4]. The two algorithms use index values to determine the shift of each
object. The excess diffusion in the algorithm is one of the factors that make DES and AES still attractive and
feasible to use, which makes both of them are chosen by researchers as their information security methods
The DES transposition index value in Figure 1 shows patterned results. 64-bit outputs in DES always
form 8-bit groups. Each eight index values produce the same pattern, starting from the highest value that
gradually decreases. For example ai as the index value where (i = 1, 2, 3, · · · , 8) in the first group, the value
of the same position in the next group always becomes ai + 1 (mod 64).
The transposition on AES also has a patterned index value as shown in Figure 2. The AES index
value forms a group of 4 characters. The first group (4-0) consists of four upward histograms and 0 different
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3386 r ISSN: 2302-9285
histograms. The second group: (3-1) consists of three upward histograms and 1 histogram that has different
values. The same condition applies to the third group (2-2) and the fourth group (1-3).
The index value is expected as a new position to make the sequence of each character to be more
irregular so that the diffusion factor will increasingly appear in the ciphertext. The moving of objects based
on index values in DES and AES indicates a problem because it forms a certain pattern. The problem in DES
and AES is that when the sequence or pattern of data {1, 2, 3, · · · , n} is known, the probability for finding the
{n+1, n+2, · · · } data is great. This will weaken the algorithm and the patterned condition will certainly make
it easier for cryptanalysts to find a plaintext-ciphertext relationship because part of the process is predictable.
A study related to the transposition process was also carried out by [22]-[25], who dismissed the shift
row operation as a transposition operation in AES cryptography. Thus, XOR as an additional operation can
be performed repeatedly up to three times. The research done by [26], [27] adds various processes to correct
the shortcomings of transposition in the algorithm. Although the improvement of the transposition process by
adding the algorithm in parallel will certainly obtain a good result, the adding of the algorithm takes more time,
and space. In terms of efficiency, the algorithm is less elegant to be used as information security.
Figure 1. Index values of DES transposition Figure 2. Index values of AES transposition
This research designs a transposition algorithm called Square Transposition. A square of n × n size
is used as the medium to hold (m = n × n)-bit. Each bit input is entered into a square using certain rules and
taking of bit is also done with certain rules. Determination of whether the designed algorithm is good or not is
seen based on its statistical testing. Statistical testing is done to determine the randomness of each index value.
In addition, correlation testing is used to measure the algorithm’s ability to disguise the relationship between
input and output. Finally, DES and AES are compared to find out the power of Square Transposition in the
algorithm for the transposition process.
2.1. Square transposition
Square transposition consists of two processes namely bit-input into a square and bit-retrieval with a
certain predetermined size. Suppose T = text input, ti = i-th text character and ai = i-th binary character, then:
T = {t1, t2, · · · , tn}; n|8, n ∈ Z+
Where, t1 = {a01, a02, a03, · · · , a08}, t2 = {a09, a10, a11, · · · , a16}, t3 = {a17, a18, a19, · · · , a24}, · · · ,
tn = {a8n−7, a8n−6, a8n−5, · · · , a8n}. If n6 | 8, then padding is done as many as k, so that it will result in (2).
With (n + k)|8; k = 1, 2, · · · , 7.
T = {t1, t2, · · · , tn, tn+1, tn+2, · · · , tn+k} (2)
The square that is used as the transposition media can be adjusted to the bit size of the text input. This research
chooses 64-bit text input, so it will be a square size of 8 × 8 shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Square transposition 8 × 8
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The entry scheme is a way to place each bit of ai; i ∈ Z+
64 in the entry of square with certain rules.
For example, every bit after entering into a square is the order of bits given in (3).
Tsq = {a∗
1, a∗
2, a∗
3, · · · , a∗
64} (3)
A retrieval scheme is a way to take every bit of a∗
i , i ∈ Z+
64 from the square with a certain rule. Notation for
each bit taken from square (a∗
i (j)); ∃ i, j ∈ Z+
64 where i is the entry index and j is the retrieval index. In (4) is
a schema collection dataset L = {l1, l2, l3, · · · , l8}, where ∃ x ∈ Z+
l1 ={a∗
x (01), a∗
x (02), a∗
x (03), · · · , a∗
x (08)},
l2 ={a∗
x (09), a∗
x (10), a∗
x (11), · · · , a∗
x (16)},
l8 ={a∗
x (57), a∗
x (58), a∗
x (59), · · · , a∗
x (64)}.
2.2. Square transposition schematic testing
Every combination of input and output schemes in the square transposition will result in a transposition
method, and each combination must produce a random order of index values. All users can design their input
and output schemes. Therefore, random testing needs to be done to ensure that every designed scheme will
produce a good transposition method.
Figure 4 shows a testing scheme, in which if each pair of schemes has not yet reached randomness, a
scheme can be replaced by another scheme. This research uses three tests of randomness (Frequency Monobit
Test, Frequency Test within a Block, and Runs Test) so that if two or three methods are random, the combination
of those schemes can be used as a method of transposition.
Figure 4. Testing of input and output schemes
3.1. Square transposition entry scheme
Based on (1), 64-bit is used as input and square size 8 × 8. Two input schemes are selected with
randomly selected index values, the two schemes are given in succession in Figures 5 and 6, respectively.
Figure 5. Input scheme 1 Figure 6. Input scheme 2
3.2. Retrieval scheme design
The retrieval scheme is a rule that takes every bit from a square that previously had a bit from the bit
entry process. Here are several retrieval schemes used as pairs of input schemes.
3.2.1. Horizontal retrieval scheme
This design uses the Entry-1 Scheme to insert bits into a square, as shown in Figure 7. The horizontal
retrieval process is carried out from the top left corner to the right corner of the square. The order of each bit
a8i+1 for i = 0, 1, · · · , 7 is always to the left of the first entry of every line to square (i + 1).
Square transposition: an approach to the transposition process in block ... (Magdalena A. Ineke Pekereng)
3388 r ISSN: 2302-9285
The horizontal retrieval scheme results starts from a37 based on the index j = 1 to j = 64 for a55.
Thus, square transposition output is obtained which is based on byte, as shown previously in (4), is a schema
collection dataset L = {l1, l2, l3, · · · , l8} where l1 = {a37, a29, · · · , a48}, l2 = {a30, a39, a41, · · · , a43},
· · · , l8 = {a61, a13, a02, · · · , a55}. Transposition results from the retrieval-1 scheme and the horizontal entry
schema can be visualized in Cartesian coordinates, where each takes index (i) is abscissa and index enter (j)
as ordinate. The results of complete bit retrieval are shown in Figure 8.
Figure 7. Horizontal retrieval scheme
Figure 8. Graphic of the index values
3.2.2. Vertical retrieval scheme
Square transposition also uses an input-1 scheme to input each entry from the square. Retrieval is
done vertically from top to bottom, starting at the top right corner entry to the bottom right of the square. In
general, every bit of ai (j) and the retrieval index j = (8z + 1); z ∈ {0, 1, · · · , 7}. If z is even, the retrieval
is done vertically top-down, and if z is odd, the retrieval will be done from the bottom up. The retrieval results
are based on bits shown in Figure 9.
The vertical retrieval scheme starts from a48 based on the index j = 1 to j = 64 for a37 bits. So
the square transposition output is based on bytes L = {l1, l2, l3, · · · , l8}, where l1 = {a48, a43, a06, · · · , a55},
l2 = {a52, a33, a15, · · · , a27}, · · · , l8 = {a61, a17, a54, · · · , a37}. The visualization of transposition index of
the input-1 scheme and the vertical input scheme is shown in Figure 10.
Figure 9. Vertical Retrieval Scheme
Figure 10. Graphic of the index values
3.2.3. Zigzag retrieval scheme
The input-2 scheme is used in Figure 6 which the retrieval scheme is done in zigzag form from the
lower left to the upper right. The retrieval plots are based on index values j = 1 to j = 64, which the
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021 : 3385 – 3392

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Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285 r 3389
complete plots are shown in Figure 11. Retrieval starts from a46 to a25, so that the square transposition
output can be obtained based on byte L = {l1, l2, l3, · · · , l8} where l1 = {a46, a42, a16, · · · , a63}, l2 =
{a40, a17, a64, · · · , a29}, · · · l8 = {a5, a11, a09, · · · , a25}. The geometric interpretation of the value of the
zigzag input-2 and zigzag retrieval scheme is shown in Figure 12.
Figure 11. Zigzag retrieval scheme
Figure 12. Graphic of the index values
3.2.4. Rice plow retrieval scheme
The transposition technique by adopting the rice plow process can be done with the assumption of a
square as a rice field plot. Each bit plot is adjusted to the rice plow process starting from the outside point
towards the midpoint, which the complete plots are shown in Figure 13. The input-2 scheme is used to fill in
each input from the square so that the retrieval using rice plow plot can be carried out.
The retrieval process starts from the lower right corner (a08) with a rotating plot around the square
towards the center (a04). The value of the transposition output index of the input-2 scheme and rice scheme
retrieval is L = {l1, l2, · · · , l8}; where l1 = {a08, a21, a56, · · · , a46}, l2 = {a42, a28, a47, · · · , a24}, · · ·
l8 = {a43, a43, a27, · · · , a04}. The visualization of the transposition index value is shown in Figure 14.
Figure 13. Rice plow retrieval scheme
Figure 14. Graphic of the index values
3.3. Testing of randomness on index values
The method used in randomness testing is Mono Bit frequency Test, Bit Block frequency Test, and
Run Test, with α = 0.01. Each transposition index value is declared as random if two or three test results
Square transposition: an approach to the transposition process in block ... (Magdalena A. Ineke Pekereng)
3390 r ISSN: 2302-9285
have p-value > α. The complete test results are shown in Table 1. The combination of each input scheme
and retrieval scheme is carried out to see how well the pair of schemes are designed or selected so that square
transposition can produce a random index value.
The schemes of input 1 & vertical output obtain the highest p-value with the average value of 0.273,
and the ones with the lowest score are the schemes of input 1 & zigzag scheme with a smaller average of
p-value, which is 0.101. Overall, all pairs of input and output schemes can maintain the p-value that results
in a random index value and the pair of schemes can produce a better index value when compared to the
transposition method in AES and DES algorithms.
Table 1. Randomness test result for each scheme
2*No 2*Input & Retrieval Scheme p-value 2*Result
Mono Bit Block Bit Run-Test
1 Input-1 & Horizontal Scheme 0.1341 0.1230 0.1853 random
2 Input-1 & Vertical Scheme 0.2727 0.2194 0.1432 random
3 Input-2 & Zigzag Scheme 0.1204 0.2282 0.2031 random
4 Input-2 & Rice Plow Scheme 0.1950 0.1917 0.1981 random
5 Input-1 & Zigzag Scheme 0.1012 0.1118 0.2116 random
6 Input-1 & Rice Plow Scheme 0.1018 0.2014 0.1102 random
7 Input-2 & Horizontal Scheme 0.1210 0.1052 0.2056 random
8 Input-2 & Vertical Scheme 0.2044 0.2015 0.1186 random
9 DES 2.569 ×10−8 0.0539 9.172 ×10−6 non random
10 AES 4.251 ×10−8 0.0042 1.456 ×10−4 non random
The use of output-1 and output-2 schemes plays an important role in yielding the output of random
index values. Selection of a pair of schemes using a combination of horizontal, vertical, zigzag, and plow or
others that have a patterned index will generate poor transposition index value. It happens because the input
and output scheme has the same or similar line direction.
3.4. Correlation testing
Correlation value (r) can be used to see the magnitude of the relationship between input (x) and
output (y) of statistically related algorithms. The correlation interval is −1 ≤ r ≤ 1, and if r approaches 0,
then the algorithm is able to make the input and output not statistically related. In this condition, if r < 0, the
absolute value |r| can be used to find out the distance r from 0.
Correlation testing uses three plaintext inputs which it is expected to represent text variations that
might be used by users. Input “fti uksw” is to represent traditional text input because usually, users use it. The
second more extreme test is the use of the same input, which is “xyyyyyyyy” (not “yyyyyyyyy” because this
correlation formula is undefined). The third test is “$aL4t1G4” which also represents a variety of symbols,
numbers, and letters that are used as input.
The results obtained in Table 2 show that the output of each scheme of the square transposition has
an average correlation value close to 0. Thus, it indicates that the relationship between input and output is not
related statistically. Consequently, the square transposition succeeds in disguising the information, so that the
distribution of redundancies occurs well and will certainly increase the diffusion effect on the cryptography
Table 2. Testing result of input-output correlation
2*No 2*Transposition Method Correlation Value |r| 2*Average
fti uksw xyyyyyyy $aL4t1G4
1 Input-1 & Horizontal Retrieval 0.249 0.331 0.217 0.266
2 Input-1 & Vertical Retrieval 0.162 0.127 0.142 0.162
3 Input-2 & Zigzag Retrieval 0.254 0.267 0.324 0.254
4 Input-2 & Rice Plow Retrieval 0.313 0.375 0.252 0.313
5 Input-1 & Zigzag Retrieval 0.112 0.009 0.018 0.112
6 Input-1 & Rice Plow Retrieval 0.016 0.090 0.040 0.016
7 Input-2 & Horizontal Retrieval 0.138 0.268 0.265 0.138
8 Input-2 & Vertical Retrieval 0.076 0.098 0.184 0.076
9 DES 0.342 0.126 0.374 0.342
10 AES 0.376 0.429 0.277 0.376
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021 : 3385 – 3392
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285 r 3391
The transposition of DES and AES algorithms has resulted in higher average correlation values than
the value from the schematic combination of square transposition so that it can be said that each pair of schemes
can generate a better transposition algorithm. Of course, the use of square transposition in cryptography will
increase the strength of overall cryptographic algorithms. Optimization of the transposition process using
square transposition is a part that needs to be done by cryptographers to improve or modify the weak parts of
the algorithm.
The determination of a pair of input and output schemes in square transposition should be based on
schemes that have different lines to obtain a good transposition process. Combination of schemes that were
carried out produced less patterned geometric visualization that oscillates irregularly, so that the transposition
method could generate random index values. This result is also seen in randomness testing in which the overall
obtained p-value is greater which α = 1% so that the square transposition can produce better a transposition
method when it is compared to AES and DES values which the index is not random. Square transposition
produces an average correlation value closer to 0 for testing the text input when compared to AES and DES
transpositions. Thus, the square transposition manages to disguise the information on the input so that it is not
visible in the output. Besides, the square transposition can spread the distributed redundancies well, so that
it will increase the diffusion effect on the cryptographic algorithm. The result shows that the algorithm in the
square transposition optimizes the transposition process that previously has non-random index values. This
design optimizes algorithm processes by concentrating on the diffusion effect and by not giving a burden on
the complexity of time and space. Algorithm modification is a process that every cryptographer needs to do to
produce a more efficient algorithm in cryptography to secure information.
The researcher would like to thank the Bureau of Research, Publication and Community Service
(BP3M) of Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga for providing the funding assistance through the Funda-
mental Internal Research Scheme in 2018/2019.
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Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021 : 3385 – 3392

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The document discusses analyzing the running time of algorithms using Big-O notation. It begins by introducing Big-O notation and how it is used to generalize the running time of algorithms as input size grows. It then provides examples of calculating the Big-O running time of simple programs and algorithms with loops but no subprogram calls or recursion. Key concepts covered include analyzing worst-case and average-case running times, and rules for analyzing the running time of programs with basic operations and loops.

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Design and Analysis of algorithms

This material consists of criteria points of an algorithm, how to find the complexity of an algorithm and designing techniques and their applications

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Algorithm analysis (All in one)

Algorithm analysis (All in one): Algorithm, Algoritthm Analysis, data structure, algorithm, algorithm Complexity, Floyd Algorithm, Kruskel Algorithm, Pakistan, Sorting Complexity, Big O notations, Time Complexity, Computational Complexity, Bubble Sort Complexity, Best case, Worst Case, Inversion in Algorithm, Traveling Salesperson Problem.

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Square transposition: an approach to the transposition process in block cipher

  • 1. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021, pp. 3385∼3392 ISSN: 2302-9285, DOI: 10.11591/eei.v10i6.3129 r 3385 Square transposition: an approach to the transposition process in block cipher Magdalena A. Ineke Pekereng, Alz Danny Wowor Department of Informatic Engineering, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, Indonesia Article Info Article history: Received Dec 26, 2020 Revised Mar 30, 2021 Accepted Oct 7, 2021 Keywords: AES DES Input scheme Retrieval scheme Square transposotion ABSTRACT The transposition process is needed in cryptography to create a diffusion effect on data encryption standard (DES) and advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithms as standard information security algorithms by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The problem with DES and AES algorithms is that their transposition in- dex values form patterns and do not form random values. This condition will certainly make it easier for a cryptanalyst to look for a relationship between ciphertexts because some processes are predictable. This research designs a transposition algorithm called square transposition. Each process uses square 8 × 8 as a place to insert and retrieve 64-bits. The determination of the pairing of the input scheme and the retrieval scheme that have unequal flow is an important factor in producing a good transposition. The square transposition can generate random and non-pattern indices so that transposition can be done better than DES and AES. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license. Corresponding Author: Magdalena A. Ineke Pekereng Department of Informatics Engineering Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Jl. Notohamidjojo 1-10, Salatiga 50718, Indonesia Email: 1. INTRODUCTION Diffusional transposition process is useful for the spread of plaintext redundancy in a ciphertext. Mod- ern cryptography such as data encryption standard (DES)and advanced encryption standard (AES) as informa- tion security standards used by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) also contain transposi- tion as one of the important processes in the algorithm [1], [2]. DES with initial permutation (IP) and inverse initial permutation (IP)−1 are truly essential in the transposition process [3]. Whereas, AES with shift rows capability is simpler in transposition [4]. The two algorithms use index values to determine the shift of each object. The excess diffusion in the algorithm is one of the factors that make DES and AES still attractive and feasible to use, which makes both of them are chosen by researchers as their information security methods [5]-[21]. The DES transposition index value in Figure 1 shows patterned results. 64-bit outputs in DES always form 8-bit groups. Each eight index values produce the same pattern, starting from the highest value that gradually decreases. For example ai as the index value where (i = 1, 2, 3, · · · , 8) in the first group, the value of the same position in the next group always becomes ai + 1 (mod 64). The transposition on AES also has a patterned index value as shown in Figure 2. The AES index value forms a group of 4 characters. The first group (4-0) consists of four upward histograms and 0 different Journal homepage:
  • 2. 3386 r ISSN: 2302-9285 histograms. The second group: (3-1) consists of three upward histograms and 1 histogram that has different values. The same condition applies to the third group (2-2) and the fourth group (1-3). The index value is expected as a new position to make the sequence of each character to be more irregular so that the diffusion factor will increasingly appear in the ciphertext. The moving of objects based on index values in DES and AES indicates a problem because it forms a certain pattern. The problem in DES and AES is that when the sequence or pattern of data {1, 2, 3, · · · , n} is known, the probability for finding the {n+1, n+2, · · · } data is great. This will weaken the algorithm and the patterned condition will certainly make it easier for cryptanalysts to find a plaintext-ciphertext relationship because part of the process is predictable. A study related to the transposition process was also carried out by [22]-[25], who dismissed the shift row operation as a transposition operation in AES cryptography. Thus, XOR as an additional operation can be performed repeatedly up to three times. The research done by [26], [27] adds various processes to correct the shortcomings of transposition in the algorithm. Although the improvement of the transposition process by adding the algorithm in parallel will certainly obtain a good result, the adding of the algorithm takes more time, and space. In terms of efficiency, the algorithm is less elegant to be used as information security. Figure 1. Index values of DES transposition Figure 2. Index values of AES transposition This research designs a transposition algorithm called Square Transposition. A square of n × n size is used as the medium to hold (m = n × n)-bit. Each bit input is entered into a square using certain rules and taking of bit is also done with certain rules. Determination of whether the designed algorithm is good or not is seen based on its statistical testing. Statistical testing is done to determine the randomness of each index value. In addition, correlation testing is used to measure the algorithm’s ability to disguise the relationship between input and output. Finally, DES and AES are compared to find out the power of Square Transposition in the algorithm for the transposition process. 2. PROPOSED RESEARCH 2.1. Square transposition Square transposition consists of two processes namely bit-input into a square and bit-retrieval with a certain predetermined size. Suppose T = text input, ti = i-th text character and ai = i-th binary character, then: T = {t1, t2, · · · , tn}; n|8, n ∈ Z+ (1) Where, t1 = {a01, a02, a03, · · · , a08}, t2 = {a09, a10, a11, · · · , a16}, t3 = {a17, a18, a19, · · · , a24}, · · · , tn = {a8n−7, a8n−6, a8n−5, · · · , a8n}. If n6 | 8, then padding is done as many as k, so that it will result in (2). With (n + k)|8; k = 1, 2, · · · , 7. T = {t1, t2, · · · , tn, tn+1, tn+2, · · · , tn+k} (2) The square that is used as the transposition media can be adjusted to the bit size of the text input. This research chooses 64-bit text input, so it will be a square size of 8 × 8 shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. Square transposition 8 × 8 Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021 : 3385 – 3392
  • 3. Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285 r 3387 The entry scheme is a way to place each bit of ai; i ∈ Z+ 64 in the entry of square with certain rules. For example, every bit after entering into a square is the order of bits given in (3). Tsq = {a∗ 1, a∗ 2, a∗ 3, · · · , a∗ 64} (3) A retrieval scheme is a way to take every bit of a∗ i , i ∈ Z+ 64 from the square with a certain rule. Notation for each bit taken from square (a∗ i (j)); ∃ i, j ∈ Z+ 64 where i is the entry index and j is the retrieval index. In (4) is a schema collection dataset L = {l1, l2, l3, · · · , l8}, where ∃ x ∈ Z+ 64. l1 ={a∗ x (01), a∗ x (02), a∗ x (03), · · · , a∗ x (08)}, l2 ={a∗ x (09), a∗ x (10), a∗ x (11), · · · , a∗ x (16)}, . . . . . . l8 ={a∗ x (57), a∗ x (58), a∗ x (59), · · · , a∗ x (64)}. (4) 2.2. Square transposition schematic testing Every combination of input and output schemes in the square transposition will result in a transposition method, and each combination must produce a random order of index values. All users can design their input and output schemes. Therefore, random testing needs to be done to ensure that every designed scheme will produce a good transposition method. Figure 4 shows a testing scheme, in which if each pair of schemes has not yet reached randomness, a scheme can be replaced by another scheme. This research uses three tests of randomness (Frequency Monobit Test, Frequency Test within a Block, and Runs Test) so that if two or three methods are random, the combination of those schemes can be used as a method of transposition. Figure 4. Testing of input and output schemes 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Square transposition entry scheme Based on (1), 64-bit is used as input and square size 8 × 8. Two input schemes are selected with randomly selected index values, the two schemes are given in succession in Figures 5 and 6, respectively. Figure 5. Input scheme 1 Figure 6. Input scheme 2 3.2. Retrieval scheme design The retrieval scheme is a rule that takes every bit from a square that previously had a bit from the bit entry process. Here are several retrieval schemes used as pairs of input schemes. 3.2.1. Horizontal retrieval scheme This design uses the Entry-1 Scheme to insert bits into a square, as shown in Figure 7. The horizontal retrieval process is carried out from the top left corner to the right corner of the square. The order of each bit a8i+1 for i = 0, 1, · · · , 7 is always to the left of the first entry of every line to square (i + 1). Square transposition: an approach to the transposition process in block ... (Magdalena A. Ineke Pekereng)
  • 4. 3388 r ISSN: 2302-9285 The horizontal retrieval scheme results starts from a37 based on the index j = 1 to j = 64 for a55. Thus, square transposition output is obtained which is based on byte, as shown previously in (4), is a schema collection dataset L = {l1, l2, l3, · · · , l8} where l1 = {a37, a29, · · · , a48}, l2 = {a30, a39, a41, · · · , a43}, · · · , l8 = {a61, a13, a02, · · · , a55}. Transposition results from the retrieval-1 scheme and the horizontal entry schema can be visualized in Cartesian coordinates, where each takes index (i) is abscissa and index enter (j) as ordinate. The results of complete bit retrieval are shown in Figure 8. Figure 7. Horizontal retrieval scheme Figure 8. Graphic of the index values 3.2.2. Vertical retrieval scheme Square transposition also uses an input-1 scheme to input each entry from the square. Retrieval is done vertically from top to bottom, starting at the top right corner entry to the bottom right of the square. In general, every bit of ai (j) and the retrieval index j = (8z + 1); z ∈ {0, 1, · · · , 7}. If z is even, the retrieval is done vertically top-down, and if z is odd, the retrieval will be done from the bottom up. The retrieval results are based on bits shown in Figure 9. The vertical retrieval scheme starts from a48 based on the index j = 1 to j = 64 for a37 bits. So the square transposition output is based on bytes L = {l1, l2, l3, · · · , l8}, where l1 = {a48, a43, a06, · · · , a55}, l2 = {a52, a33, a15, · · · , a27}, · · · , l8 = {a61, a17, a54, · · · , a37}. The visualization of transposition index of the input-1 scheme and the vertical input scheme is shown in Figure 10. Figure 9. Vertical Retrieval Scheme Figure 10. Graphic of the index values 3.2.3. Zigzag retrieval scheme The input-2 scheme is used in Figure 6 which the retrieval scheme is done in zigzag form from the lower left to the upper right. The retrieval plots are based on index values j = 1 to j = 64, which the Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021 : 3385 – 3392
  • 5. Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285 r 3389 complete plots are shown in Figure 11. Retrieval starts from a46 to a25, so that the square transposition output can be obtained based on byte L = {l1, l2, l3, · · · , l8} where l1 = {a46, a42, a16, · · · , a63}, l2 = {a40, a17, a64, · · · , a29}, · · · l8 = {a5, a11, a09, · · · , a25}. The geometric interpretation of the value of the zigzag input-2 and zigzag retrieval scheme is shown in Figure 12. Figure 11. Zigzag retrieval scheme Figure 12. Graphic of the index values 3.2.4. Rice plow retrieval scheme The transposition technique by adopting the rice plow process can be done with the assumption of a square as a rice field plot. Each bit plot is adjusted to the rice plow process starting from the outside point towards the midpoint, which the complete plots are shown in Figure 13. The input-2 scheme is used to fill in each input from the square so that the retrieval using rice plow plot can be carried out. The retrieval process starts from the lower right corner (a08) with a rotating plot around the square towards the center (a04). The value of the transposition output index of the input-2 scheme and rice scheme retrieval is L = {l1, l2, · · · , l8}; where l1 = {a08, a21, a56, · · · , a46}, l2 = {a42, a28, a47, · · · , a24}, · · · l8 = {a43, a43, a27, · · · , a04}. The visualization of the transposition index value is shown in Figure 14. Figure 13. Rice plow retrieval scheme Figure 14. Graphic of the index values 3.3. Testing of randomness on index values The method used in randomness testing is Mono Bit frequency Test, Bit Block frequency Test, and Run Test, with α = 0.01. Each transposition index value is declared as random if two or three test results Square transposition: an approach to the transposition process in block ... (Magdalena A. Ineke Pekereng)
  • 6. 3390 r ISSN: 2302-9285 have p-value > α. The complete test results are shown in Table 1. The combination of each input scheme and retrieval scheme is carried out to see how well the pair of schemes are designed or selected so that square transposition can produce a random index value. The schemes of input 1 & vertical output obtain the highest p-value with the average value of 0.273, and the ones with the lowest score are the schemes of input 1 & zigzag scheme with a smaller average of p-value, which is 0.101. Overall, all pairs of input and output schemes can maintain the p-value that results in a random index value and the pair of schemes can produce a better index value when compared to the transposition method in AES and DES algorithms. Table 1. Randomness test result for each scheme 2*No 2*Input & Retrieval Scheme p-value 2*Result Mono Bit Block Bit Run-Test 1 Input-1 & Horizontal Scheme 0.1341 0.1230 0.1853 random 2 Input-1 & Vertical Scheme 0.2727 0.2194 0.1432 random 3 Input-2 & Zigzag Scheme 0.1204 0.2282 0.2031 random 4 Input-2 & Rice Plow Scheme 0.1950 0.1917 0.1981 random 5 Input-1 & Zigzag Scheme 0.1012 0.1118 0.2116 random 6 Input-1 & Rice Plow Scheme 0.1018 0.2014 0.1102 random 7 Input-2 & Horizontal Scheme 0.1210 0.1052 0.2056 random 8 Input-2 & Vertical Scheme 0.2044 0.2015 0.1186 random 9 DES 2.569 ×10−8 0.0539 9.172 ×10−6 non random 10 AES 4.251 ×10−8 0.0042 1.456 ×10−4 non random The use of output-1 and output-2 schemes plays an important role in yielding the output of random index values. Selection of a pair of schemes using a combination of horizontal, vertical, zigzag, and plow or others that have a patterned index will generate poor transposition index value. It happens because the input and output scheme has the same or similar line direction. 3.4. Correlation testing Correlation value (r) can be used to see the magnitude of the relationship between input (x) and output (y) of statistically related algorithms. The correlation interval is −1 ≤ r ≤ 1, and if r approaches 0, then the algorithm is able to make the input and output not statistically related. In this condition, if r < 0, the absolute value |r| can be used to find out the distance r from 0. Correlation testing uses three plaintext inputs which it is expected to represent text variations that might be used by users. Input “fti uksw” is to represent traditional text input because usually, users use it. The second more extreme test is the use of the same input, which is “xyyyyyyyy” (not “yyyyyyyyy” because this correlation formula is undefined). The third test is “$aL4t1G4” which also represents a variety of symbols, numbers, and letters that are used as input. The results obtained in Table 2 show that the output of each scheme of the square transposition has an average correlation value close to 0. Thus, it indicates that the relationship between input and output is not related statistically. Consequently, the square transposition succeeds in disguising the information, so that the distribution of redundancies occurs well and will certainly increase the diffusion effect on the cryptography algorithm. Table 2. Testing result of input-output correlation 2*No 2*Transposition Method Correlation Value |r| 2*Average fti uksw xyyyyyyy $aL4t1G4 1 Input-1 & Horizontal Retrieval 0.249 0.331 0.217 0.266 2 Input-1 & Vertical Retrieval 0.162 0.127 0.142 0.162 3 Input-2 & Zigzag Retrieval 0.254 0.267 0.324 0.254 4 Input-2 & Rice Plow Retrieval 0.313 0.375 0.252 0.313 5 Input-1 & Zigzag Retrieval 0.112 0.009 0.018 0.112 6 Input-1 & Rice Plow Retrieval 0.016 0.090 0.040 0.016 7 Input-2 & Horizontal Retrieval 0.138 0.268 0.265 0.138 8 Input-2 & Vertical Retrieval 0.076 0.098 0.184 0.076 9 DES 0.342 0.126 0.374 0.342 10 AES 0.376 0.429 0.277 0.376 Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2021 : 3385 – 3392
  • 7. Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285 r 3391 The transposition of DES and AES algorithms has resulted in higher average correlation values than the value from the schematic combination of square transposition so that it can be said that each pair of schemes can generate a better transposition algorithm. Of course, the use of square transposition in cryptography will increase the strength of overall cryptographic algorithms. Optimization of the transposition process using square transposition is a part that needs to be done by cryptographers to improve or modify the weak parts of the algorithm. 4. CONCLUSION The determination of a pair of input and output schemes in square transposition should be based on schemes that have different lines to obtain a good transposition process. Combination of schemes that were carried out produced less patterned geometric visualization that oscillates irregularly, so that the transposition method could generate random index values. This result is also seen in randomness testing in which the overall obtained p-value is greater which α = 1% so that the square transposition can produce better a transposition method when it is compared to AES and DES values which the index is not random. Square transposition produces an average correlation value closer to 0 for testing the text input when compared to AES and DES transpositions. Thus, the square transposition manages to disguise the information on the input so that it is not visible in the output. Besides, the square transposition can spread the distributed redundancies well, so that it will increase the diffusion effect on the cryptographic algorithm. The result shows that the algorithm in the square transposition optimizes the transposition process that previously has non-random index values. This design optimizes algorithm processes by concentrating on the diffusion effect and by not giving a burden on the complexity of time and space. Algorithm modification is a process that every cryptographer needs to do to produce a more efficient algorithm in cryptography to secure information. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researcher would like to thank the Bureau of Research, Publication and Community Service (BP3M) of Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga for providing the funding assistance through the Funda- mental Internal Research Scheme in 2018/2019. REFERENCES [1] W. M. Daley, “Federal Information Processing Standards Publication,” Data Encryption Standard (DES), U.S. De- partment of Commerce: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 1979, pp. 1-22. [2] NIST, “Federal Information Processing Standards Publication,” Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), November 2001, pp. 1-47. [3] A. Biryukov and C. De Cannière, “Data Encryption Standard (DES),” IBM Journal of Research and Development, Springer, 2011, pp. 243-250. [4] J. Daemen and V. Rijmen, The Design of Rijndael: AES The Advanced Encryption Standard, Springer-Verlag, 2001. [5] M. Yang, B. Xiao and Q. Meng, “New AES Dual Ciphers Based on Rotation of Columns,” Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, Springer, Vol. 24, pp. 93-97, March 2019, doi: 10.1007/s11859-019-1373-y. [6] A. Arab, M. J. Rostami and B. Ghavami, “An image encryption method based on chaos system and AES Algorithm,” The Journal of Supercomputing, springer, vol. 75, pp. 6663-6682, May 2019, doi: 10.1007/s11227-019-02878-7. [7] A. A. Thinn and M. M. S. Thwin, “Modification of AES Algorithm by Using Second Key and Modified SubBytes Op- eration for Text Encryption,” Computational Science and Technology part of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer, vol. 481, pp. 435-444, August 2018, doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-2622-6-42. [8] C. R. Dongarsane, D. Maheshkumar and S. V. Sankpal, “Performance Analysis of AES Implementation on a Wireless Sensor Network”, Tech. Soc. Springer, pp. 87-93, November 2019, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-164843-3-9. [9] C. Ashokkumar, R. M. Bholanath, S. V. Bhargav and B. L. Menezes, “S-Box Implementation of AES Is Not Side Channel Resistant,” Journal of Hardware and Systems Security, Springer, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 86-97, December 2019, doi: 10.1007/s41635-019-00082-w. [10] T. Manojkumar, P. Karthigaikumar and V. Ramachandran, “An Optimized S-Box Circuit for High Speed AES Design with Enhanced PPRM Architecture to Secure Mammographic Images,” Journal of Medical Systems, Springer, vol. 43, no. 31, p. 31, January 2019, doi: 10.1007/s10916-018-1145-9. [11] S. D. Putra, M. Yudhiprawira, S. Sutikno, Y. Kurniawan and A. D. Ahmad, “Power Analysis Attack Against Encryp- tion Devices: A Comprehensive Analysis of AES, DES, and BC3,” TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 2182-1289, June 2019, doi: 10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v17i3.9384. Square transposition: an approach to the transposition process in block ... (Magdalena A. Ineke Pekereng)
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