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Build an ambitious application
By : Chandrasekar.G
What is Ember ?
Ember is an open source javascript framework.
Collection of libraries that are written in pure MVC architectural pattern.
Why Ember ?
Avoid boilerplate codes .
Creates a standard application architecture .
Designed and developed to create and manage large web applications.
Dynamic data bindings.
Ember follows pure MVC Architectural pattern that

Improves application testability .

Keeps application codes modular.
Previous development
In a Software Application , User interface get change often
more than logics and data. Application might be have several
parts / state ,So each state of application may have different
layout , data displaying styles. So each time user navigate
these things are get shuffle when application state change.
In the previous programming development business logics and
presentation logics are tightly coupled in the codes of JSP and
JS files .

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Struts Introduction Course

This document provides an overview of the Struts framework and its key components. It covers the model-view-controller design pattern used in Struts, the model components including JavaBeans and ActionForm beans, view components like JSP tags and internationalization, controller components like Action classes and the configuration file, and finally the tag libraries used in Struts. The document is part of a training course on Struts and introduces each major concept across 9 units.

Design Patterns in ZK: Java MVVM as Model-View-Binder
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This document discusses different patterns for separating the view, model, and controller/presenter layers in a ZK application. It describes the MVP, MVC, and MVVM/MVB patterns and compares their approaches. It provides best practices for implementing each layer, such as avoiding business logic in the view and using databinding to sync the view and model. The document emphasizes that the view model pattern focuses on separating application state and behavior from the view using databinding annotations.

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Hastening React SSR with component memoization and templatization: React is a best-of-breed UI component framework allowing WalmartLabs to build higher level components that can be shared and reused across pages and apps. In this presentation, Max Najim and Naga Malepati from WalmartLabs will peel through the React codebase to add a component caching/memoization optimization. The will use a require(..) hook to inject their optimization while avoiding the need to fork the React codebase. And, they will review the caching optimization.

reactperformanceweb development
New development
In the new development data logics , business logics and
presentation logics are get separated with modular
programming pattern.
One the main benefit of the decoupling is application will have
ability to develop an independent presentation application .
Architectural pattern
Architectural pattern is a solution to solve design problem .
Architectural pattern which gives the clear pictures about application
It describes the subsystems and components of the application and
relation between them.
In software world which used to address different kind of issues such as :-


Architectural patterns
Model - View - Controller
Model - View - Adapter
Model - View - View Model
Some list of architectural patterns which used in software applications.
MVC Overview

The model component covers the list application parts :-


Set of rules to store data in structure. 

Logics and functions.

View component represents the model in different types such as 



User customised view

The Controller component behaves like a mediator which sends the commands to 

View and Model.
MVC software design pattern has divided as three components Model, View Controller.

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Introducing Rendr: Run your Backbone.js apps on the client and server

Rendr is a JavaScript library that allows Backbone.js applications to run on both the client and server sides. It provides common classes and logic that can be reused across both environments, such as BaseView, BaseModel, and routers. On the server, it renders the HTML output using the same application logic. On the client, it hydrates the views by attaching them to the corresponding DOM elements. The goal is to write application logic in a way that is agnostic to the environment, avoiding duplicating code or context switching between client and server implementations.


ZK 是一套以Ajax/XUL/Java 為基礎的網頁應用程式開發框架,可以讓開發者在完全不撰寫Javascript 的情況之下,建構出適用於各種平台的互動式網站。 隨著前端技術的興起,出現了千百種CSS與Javascript Framework 讓開發者可以選擇,而ZK 是怎麼樣來面對這樣一股潮流呢? 在ZK 8 之中,我們將後端與前端整合,讓開發者建構網站時可以保有ZK 的優點(Powerful Ajax) 並享有更多前端的變化。 此次分享中,將介紹ZK 與 各種當紅前端技術的整合(Angular, React.js..),UI Template Injection,以及在ZK 中將 Front-End library 元件化。

Java server faces
Java server facesJava server faces
Java server faces

This document introduces Java Server Faces (JSF), a server-side user interface framework. It discusses JSF's architecture, which follows the MVC pattern. The UI component model in JSF includes components, events, validators, converters, and navigation support. Developing a JSF application involves creating managed beans, defining pages with JSF tags, configuring navigation in faces-config.xml, and setting up the web.xml file. JSF applications use a request processing lifecycle to handle requests and render responses.

MVC Good Explanation
This explanation found on
View : "Hey, controller, the user just told me he wants item 4 deleted."
Controller : "Hmm, having checked his credentials, he is allowed to do that... 

Hey, model, I want you to get item 4 and do whatever you do to delete it."
Model : "Item 4... got it. It's deleted. Back to you, Controller."
Controller : "Here, I'll collect the new set of data. Back to you, view."
View : "Cool, I'll show the new set to the user now."

By : Andres Jaan Tack
Software design layer
Book for special offer
Submit Cancel
ViewModel Controller
Reset Form
Update Form
Starting with Ember




Understanding Ember

In Ember, Template concept is used to define user interface of the application

Router is an Ember class which manages the application state .
View / Components 

View class is responsible for data binding with support of templates.

One more option which provides that developer can implement DOM events for the
user interactions .

Model is a class that defines properties , structure and behaviour of the data.

Ember controllers usually consist the code to execute the tasks.
Core concept of Ember

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Deepanshu thanks Lovely Professional University for providing him the opportunity to complete a project on Angular 6. He learned a lot and is grateful for the experience. He also thanks his parents and friend for their help in finalizing the project within the limited timeframe. The document then provides summaries of key aspects of Angular 6, including its architecture which follows an MVC pattern, forms, data binding, pipes, services, routing, and modules.

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Angular js
Angular jsAngular js
Angular js

The document provides an overview of AngularJS, including its core concepts and how it can be used with Java frameworks like Spring, Struts, and Hibernate. AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework that assists with building single-page applications using MVC architecture. It allows developers to specify custom HTML tags and directives to control element behavior. The document then discusses key AngularJS concepts like data binding, directives, expressions, filters, controllers, dependency injection, views/routing, and services. It provides examples of how these concepts work and how AngularJS can integrate with Java frameworks in a sample reader application divided into multiple sub-projects.

Introduction to jsf 2
Introduction to jsf 2Introduction to jsf 2
Introduction to jsf 2

JSF 2 life cycle consists of 6 phases: restore view, apply request values, process validations, update model values, invoke application, and render response. Managed beans are JavaBeans that can be accessed from JSF pages and are used to store data. Facelets is the templating language used by JSF 2 that replaced JSP. Navigation between pages can be done through configuration, implicit navigation based on action outcomes, or redirection. New features in JSF 2.2 include faces flows for page flows, HTML5 support, and a file upload component.

jsf2jsf 2java server faces
Template is basically a rear surface of model or presentation.
One of the advantage of using template library is when the model get change
template also get change automatically.
Template engines are written in UI data binding software design pattern.
Ember supports handlebars template engine by default , though which provides
flexibility to use other templates engine such emblem and etc… .
Dynamic UI data binding
Some example Client side template engines 


Underscore JS template 

Mustache JS


Dust JS

Handlebars JS takes the given HTML string and It’s own language syntax
codes and compiles them to the javascript method.
Handlebars JS is an extension of Mustache JS template engine and
developed to supersede mustache JS.
Logic-less template engine.
Using handlebars JS
Defining simple handlebar template
<script id=“template” type=“text/x-handlebars”>
Welcome, <b> {{}} </b>
</script >
“ {{ }} ” expression represents template 

model data as HTML
Example : Simple handlebar template
var context = {
user : { name : "Jack Sparrow"}
var templatecontent = $("#template").html();

var template = Handlebars.compile(templatecontent);
Getting template by ID
Compiler makes template function
Passing the data as parameter in
the template function
Handlebars Helpers
Block Helpers

Handlebars JS provide predefined block level expressions such as conditional

statements and loops.
Custom Helper

Handlebars JS allows developer to create their own helper with option of resister helper
Actions Helpers

Handlebars actions helpers are mainly implemented to handle DOM events. 

Actions related codes will be maintain in the controllers.
View Helper

View helper is used to define template with help of view class .. will be cover on ember view
Template Helpers

There are three expression “ template “, “ partial ” and “render” which are used to includes 

specific template in the context .

Outlet helper tells to render the route related template and allows to render child templates.
Handlebars JS has some expressions for dynamic data binding

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This document provides an overview and code examples for handling forms, page redirection, static pages, and exceptions in Spring MVC. It demonstrates creating Spring MVC applications with controllers and JSP views to submit a form, redirect pages, and serve static content. It also includes code for a basic exception handling controller and configuration files needed to set up Spring MVC.

Angular JS - Introduction
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Angular JS - Introduction

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework for building single-page applications. It enhances HTML with new attributes and uses MVC/MVVM patterns. Key features include data binding, directives, filters, expressions and dependency injection. AngularJS makes it easier to organize web apps at the client-side by defining ways to structure code and adding custom tags/attributes to HTML. It also helps with common tasks in SPAs like routing, data loading and handling user events.

AngularJS 101 - Everything you need to know to get started
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AngularJS 101 - Everything you need to know to get started

In this presentation, you will find everything need to get started with AngularJS. For more details, have a look at my blog ( or follow me on twitter (@sbegaudeau)

Using Block helpers

<div class={{#if alreadyVisited}} "alreadyVisited"{{/if}} "notVisited">
Example : Conditional statements
Conditional statements If, else, unless
{{#each bookmarks}}
<div class="visitedUsers">
<br> <b> Visited user</b> :
{{#unless visitedUser.length}}
No one visited yet this site
Note : Else if conditions are not supported
Example : Each in Handlebar
with is a block helper which helps to change the context of the template .
Example : "with" Block helper
{{#with otherActivities}}
Custom Helpers
Handlebars.registerHelper("createController", function (string){
return string+"Controller = Em.Controller.extend({})";
Example : Custom Block helper
Following below codes will create a new helper called creteController 

so developer can use In that template
Ember Application
var App = Em.Application.create();
Creating Application
Following code will create the instance of ember application. Application provides some
default package of components.
We can implement application view with the help of handlebar like following code
	 	 <script type=“text/x-handlebars” >	 	 	 	
	 	 	 HTML code goes here
If we don’t mention any ID in It will render the application view .
Basically It makes the body element as ember application .Instead of body element
We can specify the Application view element with option of rootElement.
var App = Em.Application.create({
	 rootElement : “main”
Debug configuration
LOG_BINDINGS 	 	 	 	 : 	 true,
LOG_TRANSITIONS 	 	 	 : 	 true,
LOG_VIEW_LOOKUPS 	 	 	 : 	 true,
Following code will throw the error in template
Get logs of specified layer
{{log controller}}
List of properties are available for logging

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Java Spring MVC Framework with AngularJS by Google and HTML5
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The document provides an introduction to the Spring MVC framework. It describes key concepts such as MVC architecture, dependency injection, configuration of the DispatcherServlet, mapping requests to controllers, and defining views. It also discusses configuring ORM/JPA with Hibernate, sending emails, security, exceptions handling, and accessing REST services with RestTemplate. The document aims to give developers an overview of building web applications with Spring MVC.

Introduction to single page application with angular js
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Introduction to single page application with angular js

This document summarizes a presentation on AngularJS. It introduces AngularJS as a JavaScript framework for building single-page applications. It covers key AngularJS concepts like modules, controllers, views, directives, routing, services, filters and custom directives. It also provides examples of creating modules, controllers and views, using directives for data binding, implementing routing and dependency injection. The presentation concludes by discussing upcoming topics like custom directives, isolated scopes, services and testing with AngularJS.

Ember router class store the application state in browser’s URL.
Ember creates router object on application loads named App.Router.
Routes classes are generates with ember UpperCamelCase
Application router comes by default with the set of route objects
called IndexRoute and ApplicationRoute.
ApplicationRoute will load in the all resource by default.
Router in Action{});
App.Router loads IndexRouter and ApplicationRoute
We can create routes with the option of “resource” and “route”. 

We can override IndexRouter and ApplicationRouter to make more functionality to the application.

App.IndexRoute = Em.Route.extend({
init : function() {
console.log("Index Route loading ");
App.ApplicationRoute = Em.Route.extend({
init : function() {
console.log("Application Route loading ");
Defining Route{
This code will create users route
This code will create dynamic segments
Example : Route and Dynamic route
So the generated routes are would be UsersRoute, UserRoute , So the
application states are would be access through the URL 

1. http://app/users/
2. http://app/users/ 1
Resource Route

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- Doris Chen presented on JavaServer Pages/Servlets and web application frameworks. - She discussed the JSP/Servlet technology foundation and how frameworks like Struts, JavaServer Faces, and Sun ONE Application Framework build upon it. - Struts is an open source MVC framework that uses Java servlets as controllers and JSPs as views. It utilizes configuration files and custom tags to coordinate requests between components.

Angular Js Basics
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Angular Js Basics

This document provides an introduction and overview of AngularJS including its main concepts such as MVC, dependency injection, directives, filters, data binding, routing and REST services. It also discusses Angular scaffolding tools like Yeoman and provides examples of building an Angular application including fetching data from REST APIs and implementing routing. The document contains an agenda with topics and code snippets for controllers, views, directives and services. It also includes exercises for practicing key AngularJS concepts like data binding, routing and consuming REST services.

On Application load ember creates Application view and parallel application template by default.

Creating View
App.CustomView = Em.View.extend({
classNames: [‘customView']
tagName : “span”
click 	 : function (){
This code will create View class instance
{{#view App.CustomView}}
Custom View
Rendering template view helper
Example : Defining view
Ember Application view lifecycle
Ember -Handlebar
Handlebar compiler
<script >
Renders HTML
Defining Ember model
App.Info = DS.Model.extend({}); This code will create the model instance
Defining attributes
App.Info = DS.Model.extend({

name : DS.attr('string'),
version : DS.attr('number'),
author : DS.attr('string'),

hasReleased : DS.attr(‘boolean’ , {defaultValue: false})

Defining data key and It’s type
Setting default
Example : Example model
Ember JS controllers provides developer to write and present data with display logics .
Defining action using controller
App.PipeController = Em.Controller.extend({
title : "Manage your pipes",
actions : {
pipeNow : function (){
console.log("You can pipe now ",this.get('pipeNow'));
Here the logic codes go
Example :
Example of Controller

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Richard Kirkland has over 30 years of experience in welding and mechanical inspection and documentation in various industries. He has performed inspections, verifications, and documentation of piping installations, equipment, welding, and civil works. He holds certifications in welding inspection, non-destructive examination, and safety. Kirkland has worked on projects in power, oil and gas, chemical, and other industries.

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history of internet by samandeep

The document discusses the expansion and development of the Internet from the 1980s to present day. It describes how the Computer Science Network (CSNET) expanded access to the ARPANET in 1981. The Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) was standardized in 1982, establishing the concept of a worldwide network of interconnected TCP/IP networks called the Internet. The document then provides statistics on worldwide Internet users from 2005 to 2013 and discusses important communication services enabled by the creation of the Internet like email and Internet telephony. It also provides brief overviews of major social media platforms Facebook and Twitter.

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The document repeats the phrase "Happy New Year" multiple times in each line over 20 lines, wishing the reader a happy new year on each occasion. It conveys a repetitive message of new year well-wishes without any other significant details or information.

Basics ends here

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Create an application with ember

  • 1. Ember Build an ambitious application By : Chandrasekar.G
  • 2. What is Ember ? Ember is an open source javascript framework. Collection of libraries that are written in pure MVC architectural pattern.
  • 3. Why Ember ? Avoid boilerplate codes . Creates a standard application architecture . Designed and developed to create and manage large web applications. Dynamic data bindings. Ember follows pure MVC Architectural pattern that
 Improves application testability .
 Keeps application codes modular.
  • 4. Previous development In a Software Application , User interface get change often more than logics and data. Application might be have several parts / state ,So each state of application may have different layout , data displaying styles. So each time user navigate these things are get shuffle when application state change. In the previous programming development business logics and presentation logics are tightly coupled in the codes of JSP and JS files . Disadvantages
  • 5. New development In the new development data logics , business logics and presentation logics are get separated with modular programming pattern. One the main benefit of the decoupling is application will have ability to develop an independent presentation application .
  • 6. Architectural pattern Architectural pattern is a solution to solve design problem . Architectural pattern which gives the clear pictures about application system. It describes the subsystems and components of the application and relation between them. In software world which used to address different kind of issues such as :-
  • 7. Architectural patterns Model - View - Controller Model - View - Adapter Model - View - View Model Some list of architectural patterns which used in software applications.
  • 8. MVC Overview Model
 The model component covers the list application parts :-
 Set of rules to store data in structure. 
 Logics and functions. View
 View component represents the model in different types such as 
 User customised view Controller
 The Controller component behaves like a mediator which sends the commands to 
 View and Model. MVC software design pattern has divided as three components Model, View Controller.
  • 9. MVC Good Explanation This explanation found on View : "Hey, controller, the user just told me he wants item 4 deleted." Controller : "Hmm, having checked his credentials, he is allowed to do that... 
 Hey, model, I want you to get item 4 and do whatever you do to delete it." Model : "Item 4... got it. It's deleted. Back to you, Controller." Controller : "Here, I'll collect the new set of data. Back to you, view." View : "Cool, I'll show the new set to the user now."
 By : Andres Jaan Tack
  • 10. Software design layer Book for special offer Name Contact Address Submit Cancel ViewModel Controller Reset Form Update Form Cancel
  • 11. Starting with Ember Requirements 
  • 12. Understanding Ember Template
 In Ember, Template concept is used to define user interface of the application Router
 Router is an Ember class which manages the application state . View / Components 
 View class is responsible for data binding with support of templates.
 One more option which provides that developer can implement DOM events for the user interactions . Model
 Model is a class that defines properties , structure and behaviour of the data. Controller
 Ember controllers usually consist the code to execute the tasks. Core concept of Ember
  • 13. Template Template is basically a rear surface of model or presentation. One of the advantage of using template library is when the model get change template also get change automatically. Template engines are written in UI data binding software design pattern. Ember supports handlebars template engine by default , though which provides flexibility to use other templates engine such emblem and etc… . Dynamic UI data binding Some example Client side template engines 
 Underscore JS template 
 Mustache JS
 Dust JS

  • 14. Handlebars Handlebars JS takes the given HTML string and It’s own language syntax codes and compiles them to the javascript method. Handlebars JS is an extension of Mustache JS template engine and developed to supersede mustache JS. Logic-less template engine.
  • 15. Using handlebars JS Defining simple handlebar template <script id=“template” type=“text/x-handlebars”> Welcome, <b> {{}} </b> </script > “ {{ }} ” expression represents template 
 model data as HTML Example : Simple handlebar template <script> var context = { user : { name : "Jack Sparrow"} } var templatecontent = $("#template").html();
 var template = Handlebars.compile(templatecontent); $('body').append(template(context)); </script> Getting template by ID Compiler makes template function Passing the data as parameter in the template function
  • 16. Handlebars Helpers Block Helpers
 Handlebars JS provide predefined block level expressions such as conditional
 statements and loops. Custom Helper
 Handlebars JS allows developer to create their own helper with option of resister helper Actions Helpers
 Handlebars actions helpers are mainly implemented to handle DOM events. 
 Actions related codes will be maintain in the controllers. View Helper
 View helper is used to define template with help of view class .. will be cover on ember view Template Helpers
 There are three expression “ template “, “ partial ” and “render” which are used to includes 
 specific template in the context . Outlet
 Outlet helper tells to render the route related template and allows to render child templates. Handlebars JS has some expressions for dynamic data binding
  • 17. Using Block helpers
 <div class={{#if alreadyVisited}} "alreadyVisited"{{/if}} "notVisited"> {{name}} </div> Example : Conditional statements Conditional statements If, else, unless Each {{#each bookmarks}} ! {{/each}} <div class="visitedUsers"> <br> <b> Visited user</b> : {{#unless visitedUser.length}} No one visited yet this site {{else}} {{visitedUser}} {{/unless}} </div> Note : Else if conditions are not supported Example : Each in Handlebar
  • 18. with with is a block helper which helps to change the context of the template . Example : "with" Block helper {{#with otherActivities}} {{sports}} <br> {{music}} {{/with}} Custom Helpers Handlebars.registerHelper("createController", function (string){ return string+"Controller = Em.Controller.extend({})"; }); Example : Custom Block helper Following below codes will create a new helper called creteController 
 so developer can use In that template
  • 19. Ember Application var App = Em.Application.create(); Creating Application Following code will create the instance of ember application. Application provides some default package of components. ! We can implement application view with the help of handlebar like following code ! <script type=“text/x-handlebars” > HTML code goes here </script> ! If we don’t mention any ID in It will render the application view . Basically It makes the body element as ember application .Instead of body element We can specify the Application view element with option of rootElement. var App = Em.Application.create({ rootElement : “main” });
  • 20. Debug configuration LOG_STACKTRACE_ON_DEPRECATION : true, LOG_BINDINGS : true, LOG_TRANSITIONS : true, LOG_TRANSITIONS_INTERNAL : true, LOG_VIEW_LOOKUPS : true, LOG_ACTIVE_GENERATION : true {{debugger}} Following code will throw the error in template Get logs of specified layer {{log controller}} List of properties are available for logging
  • 21. Router Ember router class store the application state in browser’s URL. Ember creates router object on application loads named App.Router. Routes classes are generates with ember UpperCamelCase convention. Application router comes by default with the set of route objects called IndexRoute and ApplicationRoute. ApplicationRoute will load in the all resource by default.
  • 22. Router in Action{}); App.Router loads IndexRouter and ApplicationRoute We can create routes with the option of “resource” and “route”. 
 We can override IndexRouter and ApplicationRouter to make more functionality to the application.
 App.IndexRoute = Em.Route.extend({ init : function() { console.log("Index Route loading "); } }); App.ApplicationRoute = Em.Route.extend({ init : function() { console.log("Application Route loading "); } });
  • 23. Defining Route{ this.resource("users"); this.resource(“user",{path:"users/:id"}); }); This code will create users route This code will create dynamic segments Example : Route and Dynamic route So the generated routes are would be UsersRoute, UserRoute , So the application states are would be access through the URL 
 1. http://app/users/ 2. http://app/users/ 1
  • 25. View On Application load ember creates Application view and parallel application template by default.
 Creating View App.CustomView = Em.View.extend({ classNames: [‘customView'] tagName : “span” click : function (){ } }); This code will create View class instance {{#view App.CustomView}} Custom View {{/view}} Rendering template view helper Example : Defining view
  • 26. Ember Application view lifecycle Application Views Container Ember -Handlebar Handlebar compiler Metamorph <script > handlebars Renders HTML
  • 27. Model Defining Ember model App.Info = DS.Model.extend({}); This code will create the model instance Defining attributes App.Info = DS.Model.extend({
 name : DS.attr('string'), version : DS.attr('number'), author : DS.attr('string'),
 hasReleased : DS.attr(‘boolean’ , {defaultValue: false})
 }); Defining data key and It’s type Setting default Example : Example model
  • 28. Controller Ember JS controllers provides developer to write and present data with display logics . Defining action using controller 28 App.PipeController = Em.Controller.extend({ title : "Manage your pipes", actions : { pipeNow : function (){ console.log("You can pipe now ",this.get('pipeNow')); } }, }); Here the logic codes go Example : Example of Controller action