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AngularConf 2015
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Gianluca Arbezzano
@gianarb 
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Software Engineer @CorleyCloud

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Angular JS in Noida at SkyWebcom is readily available at SkyWebcom and trainers remain updated with all the latest features brought in by the IT industry in order to provide the updated version of the course.

Angular2 - getting-ready
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Angular2 - getting-ready

Presentation made for the NG-CONF Israel 2015 ( Angular2 is just around the corner.. so, how can we prepare our angular 1.x code base to the migration? An example project that come along with those slides available on Github (links inside)

Angular 4 fronts
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Angular 4 fronts

Learn Angular 4 using your basic knowledge of HTML & JavaScript. Master Angular 4 course & build an advance application using firebase integration. This Angular 4 tutorial covers basic topics that allows users to develop an advance application using firebase integration

tutorialappsweb development
When you think "Infrastructure"
Think of word without SysAdmin

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Angular Day 2018 (italy) - Keynote - The Amazing World of Angular 6
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Angular Day 2018 (italy) - Keynote - The Amazing World of Angular 6

This document discusses AngularDay2018, an event focused on Angular and related technologies. It promotes opportunities for Italian developers, including jobs, collaborations, training, and more. It highlights many features of Angular like TypeScript, components, dependency injection, forms, routing, internationalization, and performance. It also discusses tools like Angular CLI, libraries, Angular Universal for server-side rendering, and long term support.

Angular 2 and Wijmo 5 - GrapeCity Echo 2016 Tokyo
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Angular 2 and Wijmo 5 - GrapeCity Echo 2016 Tokyo

Go over key aspects of creating an Angular 2 SPA application, and learn how to use GrapeCity Wijmo 5 controls there, and what are the benefits that Wijmo 5 brings. Find out some technical details of Wijmo 5 for Angular 2 interop implementation.

An Overview of Angular 4
An Overview of Angular 4 An Overview of Angular 4
An Overview of Angular 4

Angular is an open source JavaScript framework that is used to build single page based web applications.A detailed overview of Angular 4, Its features, development environment and components.

angular developmentangular jsangular development services
The mission:
build an application managed by
to avoid sysadmin
Security Issues
Without servers
where do you store private credentials?

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Angular App Presentation
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The document describes an internship project building a web application using AngularJS for the client-side views, Express for the server, and Node.js. The application allows users to submit queries which are passed from Angular to Express to a commerce API, with responses returned to render dynamic views. The intern gained experience with asynchronous JavaScript, Angular, Express, Node, and related tools like Balsamiq and Git.

Angular 4 Tutorial | What's New In Angular 4 | Angular Training | Edureka
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Angular 4 Tutorial | What's New In Angular 4 | Angular Training | Edureka

This Edureka "Angular 4 Tutorial" will help you to learn about different Angular components and their features. Angular is a framework to develop highly scalable, fast, and testable web client-side applications. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial: 1) Webpage Development 2) DOM Manipulation 3) Traditional WebApp Vs SPA 4) Angular Introduction 5) Angular Features 6) Angular Installation 7) Building Blocks of Angular 8) Angular Architecture Here is a structured training on Angular, check out the details: Subscribe to our channel to get updates. Check our complete Angular playlist here:

angular tutorialangularjs tutorialangular 4
Angular 2
Angular 2Angular 2
Angular 2

What is a Angular Js ? What is the main benefits of Angular Js ? What is the difference between Angular js 1 and Angular js 2 ? Structure of Angular Js ? Choose of Language|Editor ? Introduction of Components. Template, Interpolation and Directives. Data Binding and Pipes. ,Angular 2 is Javascript framework

basic of angular js 2start angular 2angular
Cognito identity
Helps your client app to manage authentication
and it opens the doors of AWS world
Corley cloud   angular in cloud
in AngularJS
// app/app.js
.config([function() {
  var creds = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({
    IdentityPoolId: 'us­east­1:0000000000000008c3c­5397a17ad174'
    region: 'us­east­1',
    credentials: creds
in AngularJS

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Meetup SkillValue - Angular 6 : Bien démarrer son applicationMeetup SkillValue - Angular 6 : Bien démarrer son application
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Angular 6 architecture organizes code into modules, components, services and more. The document discusses Angular CLI commands, project structure, and key concepts like lazy loading modules. It also covers RxJS updates and best practices like separating app code into core, shared and feature modules that can be loaded independently. Overall the document provides an overview of Angular 6 project organization and architecture.

angularfile structure
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This is an introduction to Angular with answers to common questions. We’ll see what Angular is, the various versions of Angular and the new features of version 9

Angular 2 - Core Concepts
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Angular 2 - Core Concepts

A quick overview about Angular 2 Components, DI, Lifecycle and Change Detection. Interactive slides: Plunkr:

Corley cloud   angular in cloud
in AngularJS
.directive('googleSignin', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    template: '<span id="signinButton"></span>',
    replace: true,
    scope: {
      afterSignin: '&'
    link: function(scope, ele, attrs) {
        //  see ng­­js­sdk.html
in AngularJS
// app/view/view.tpl.html
<p>This is the partial for view 1.</p>
<h2>Signin to ngroad</h2>
<div google­signin
  after­signin="signedIn(oauth)" data­user="user"></div>
<pre>{{ user | json }}</pre>
in AngularJS
$scope.signedIn = function(oauth) {
    var creds = {
      params: {}
    $scope.user = oauth;
    creds = AWS.config.credentials;
    creds.params.Logins = {};
    creds.params.Logins[''] = oauth.id_token;
      credentials: creds
      if (err) {

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Learn about the new Angular 12 features as the latest version update is released. Know what will change in Angular 11 and why you should upgrade to Angular v12

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Angular is a complete framework that combines declarative templates, dependency injection, end to end tooling, and integrated best practices in order to solve development challenges. Angular was completely rewritten from its predecessor AngularJS and allows developers to build their applications on web or mobile. Matthew Gardner explains how to setup a simple Angular app, diving into some of the concepts behind the framework and describe some of the key differences between Angular and AngularJS. Additionally, Matthew will showcase an Angular app which uses the Spotify API.

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Chamber of Secrets was open
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is a fully managed NoSQL database service that erovides
and predictable performance
with seamless scalability

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Angular 2 Training | Angular 2 Tutorial For Beginners | Angular Certification...

This Edureka "Angular 2 Training" tutorial will help you to learn how to create an application in Angular 2. Angular 2 is a framework to develop highly scalable, fast, and testable web client-side applications. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial: 1) Companies Using Angular 2) Angular 2 Job Trends 3) Creating Web Application in Angular 2 4) Building Blocks of Angular App 5) Components 6) Directives 7) Services 8) Router Subscribe to our channel to get updates. Check our complete Angular playlist here:

angular 2 trainingangular trainingangularjs certification
What is Angular version 4?
What is Angular version 4?What is Angular version 4?
What is Angular version 4?

Angular continues to be one of the most popular frameworks for building modern web applications. The impending release of Angular version 4 has many developers in a panic. What is Angular version 4? What happened to version 3? Do I have to learn a bunch of new stuff? Will my code break? Well, fear not Angular fans. We have answers and more. In this mini-session, we'll explain where we came from and where we are going. And more importantly, we have code samples. We will show you some of the latest cool stuff including the new *ngIf, animations, TypeScript 2.2 support, and the revised router. And prove to you most of the changes to Angular are pretty modest and shouldn't require much if any code changes.

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Global Azure - Use Azure Active Directory Managed Identities for your services!
Global Azure - Use Azure Active Directory Managed Identities for your services!Global Azure - Use Azure Active Directory Managed Identities for your services!
Global Azure - Use Azure Active Directory Managed Identities for your services!

Slidedeck of my session at Global Azure 2020 in which I describe how to set up your services to use an Azure Managed Idenity to authorize & authenticate in other services.

azuresoftware developmentcsharp
in AngularJS
in AngularJS
Corley cloud   angular in cloud
in AngularJS
<p>This is the partial for view 1.</p>
<h2>Signin to ngroad</h2>
<div google­signin
  after­signin="signedIn(oauth)" data­user="user"></div>
<pre>{{ user | json }}</pre>
<form ng­submit="send(item)">
<input ng­model="item.title">
<button type="submit">Save</button>

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Using Azure Managed Identities for your App Services by Jan de Vries from 4Do...
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Using Azure Managed Identities for your App Services by Jan de Vries from 4Do...

Jan de Vries from 4DotNet will share experience on “Using Azure Managed Identities for your App Services“. He will show you what needs to be set up in your application and AAD to get you started. When everything is set up correctly you can manage the access to all of your API’s via Azure Active Directory and even restrict access to specific endpoints if you want. You’ll leave this session knowing how to set up your services by using the built-in capabilities of Azure and make your complete environment more secure and easy to manage. Jan is a Cloud Solution Architect at 4DotNet (Netherlands). His main focus is on developing highly performant and scalable solutions using the awesome services provided by the Microsoft Azure platform. Because of his expertise, he has been able to help out multiple customers to bring their on-premise solution to the cloud and guide them towards a better software development ecosystem.

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Next.Net event - Use Azure Active Directory Managed Identities for your servi...
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This document discusses using Azure Active Directory Managed Identities to secure Azure services. It provides an example of configuring a managed identity on one service to call a second service, which is protected by Azure AD application roles. The services are secured without embedding credentials by using tokens obtained from Azure AD. Managed identities allow services to authenticate without storing credentials, improving security.

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In this session, we will discuss how you can leverage the new cross-platform AWS Mobile Services to build a highly scalable and reliable mobile app, powered by the AWS cloud. We will explore core functionality like authentication and authorization of users, data synchronization, and back-end infrastructure without the need to manage servers. We'll also talk about understanding your user behavior, engaging your users, and bringing your users back to your app. No matter if you are building the next great social app, or a front-office enterprise mobile app, this session will discuss best practices for building reliable and scalable mobile apps.

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in AngularJS
$scope.send = function(item) {
      var dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012­08­10'});
        Item: {
          "title": {"S": item.title}
        TableName: "angular­conf"
      }, function(err, data) {
        if(err) { throw err; }
working on your data
Allow permission for single
Allow permission for single

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Community call: Develop multi tenant apps with the Microsoft identity platform
Community call: Develop multi tenant apps with the Microsoft identity platformCommunity call: Develop multi tenant apps with the Microsoft identity platform
Community call: Develop multi tenant apps with the Microsoft identity platform

Building an application that can be provisioned and used in multiple Azure AD tenants goes far beyond just flipping a switch in your app configuration. The developer has to undertake application provisioning, decide on a provisioning strategy, push changes to customers, manage identities flowing from multiple tenants, collect essential information from authentication signals, learn to differentiate the different types of users they will encounter and understand the key differences from the B2B scenarios. In this community call, Kalyan Krishnan reviews the steps and considerations required to develop, configure, provision, and manage multi-tenant applications. For more information, visit

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Build and Deploy Your Mobile Games
Build and Deploy Your Mobile Games Build and Deploy Your Mobile Games
Build and Deploy Your Mobile Games

The document discusses building and deploying mobile games with AWS. It introduces AWS mobile services like Amazon Cognito for user authentication and data synchronization, Amazon Mobile Analytics for analyzing user behavior, Amazon SNS for push notifications, and Amazon DynamoDB for storing shared game data. It describes how to integrate these services into mobile games with the AWS Mobile SDKs for tasks like user authentication, data syncing, analytics tracking, and push notifications. The document also provides examples of how game developers have used AWS services to improve their games.

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Build high performing mobile apps, faster with AWS
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Build high performing mobile apps, faster with AWS

The document discusses how Amazon Mobile Analytics can help mobile developers analyze user behavior and key business metrics from their mobile apps with just one line of code. It collects usage data from millions of users at scale without sharing or aggregating individual user data. Metrics like monthly/daily active users, new users, daily sessions, retention rates, and custom events can provide insights for improving user engagement and monetization.

working on your data
    "Version": "2012­10­17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": ["arn:aws:dynamodb:us­west­2::table/GameScores"],
            "Condition": {
                "ForAllValues:StringEquals": {
                    "dynamodb:LeadingKeys": ["${}"]}
Other AWS services
Cognito Sync

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