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Getting Ready for Angular2
Nir Kaufman
AngularJS developer @ 500tech
we develop, consult & train AngularJS
for startups & enterprises
Angular2 is just around the corner
can we get ready today for the
framework of tomorrow?

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Angular 2 : le réveil de la force
Angular 2 : le réveil de la forceAngular 2 : le réveil de la force
Angular 2 : le réveil de la force

"Angular 2 : le réveil de la force" est un talk co-présenté par Grégory HOULLIER et Nicolas PENNEC, lors du BreizhCamp 2015 à Rennes (France). Cette présentation a pour but de faire le point sur les nouveautés du framework AngularJS 2.

PPT on Angular 2 Development Tutorial
PPT on Angular 2 Development TutorialPPT on Angular 2 Development Tutorial
PPT on Angular 2 Development Tutorial

Angular 2 has finally hit the shelves and it is not just an upgrade. The producers of Angular have issued Angular 2 and it stands miles apart from the original framework. The new Angular 2 is a modern and robust framework that is faster, more expressive and flexible in nature. Here are a few interesting facts about Angular 2 that you may need to get started with this brilliant framework.

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Angular Dependency Injection
Angular Dependency InjectionAngular Dependency Injection
Angular Dependency Injection

Slides from my latest talk (and videos) about Angular dependency injection, You can find related videos here:

Angular2 is a new framework
not an update to 1.x
migration to Angular2 will require
significant refactoring
is there anything we can do with
our existing code that will make the
migration less painful?
let’s take a working app
and make it Angular2 ready

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This Edureka "What's New in Angular 4" tutorial will help you to understand the changes that have been incorporated in Angular 4. In this tutorial, you will learn how to migrate an Angular 2 application to Angular 4. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial: 1) Angular Releases 2) Why not Angular 3? 3) It's Just Angular!!! 4) What's new in Angular 4? 5) Demo for Upgrading an Angular 2 app to Angular 4 Here is a structured training on Angular, check out the details: Subscribe to our channel to get updates. Check our complete Angular playlist here:

angular 4angular 4 tutorial for beginnerswhat's new in angular 4
Angular 2 - Core Concepts
Angular 2 - Core ConceptsAngular 2 - Core Concepts
Angular 2 - Core Concepts

A quick overview about Angular 2 Components, DI, Lifecycle and Change Detection. Interactive slides: Plunkr:

A Glimpse on Angular 4
A Glimpse on Angular 4A Glimpse on Angular 4
A Glimpse on Angular 4

Learn web development with the famous Angular framework from scratch in this Angular 4 online training tutorial. Angular 4 is basically the latest version of Angular 2, but it is completely different from the latter, in terms of syntax, terminology, commands, etc.

angular web developmentangular online courseangular framework
we will use the todoMVC
Angular version as our
example app
quick overview of our
application code
checkout step-0
improve your code

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What is a Angular Js ? What is the main benefits of Angular Js ? What is the difference between Angular js 1 and Angular js 2 ? Structure of Angular Js ? Choose of Language|Editor ? Introduction of Components. Template, Interpolation and Directives. Data Binding and Pipes. ,Angular 2 is Javascript framework

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This is the companion slides for the Front-End.IL meetup talk that took place on May 12 2015 @ Google campus TLV. Learn how to set up an ES6 development environment with minimal effort, using modern tools like JSPM and webpack. Grab the code here:

What’s new in angular 2
What’s new in angular 2What’s new in angular 2
What’s new in angular 2

Angular 2.0 introduces several major changes from Angular 1.x including a component-based architecture, new data binding syntax, and improved change detection. Components are the fundamental building blocks and define a template and class. Data binding in Angular 2.0 no longer uses two-way binding and instead relies on property, event, and local variable binding. Change detection is also enhanced with faster performance for immutable objects. While Angular 2.0 introduces breaking changes, Angular 1.x will continue to be supported, so there is no rush to migrate existing applications.

in the following examples we will
treat our small app as
multi-component large one
a well-written Angular code makes a good start
adapt common code style and conventions
avoid using $scope as much as you can
break your app into components
prefer services over factories
checkout step-1
upgrade to ES6
integrate a compiler into the build system
use ES6 modules for dependencies
use the class syntax (and anything else..)
checkout step-2-modules
every modern framework / library is already there
checkout step-2-classes

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Angular 2
Angular 2Angular 2
Angular 2

Angular 2 is a complete rewrite of AngularJS. It is component-based and focuses on better performance. An Angular 2 app is a tree of components. Components are declared using the @Component decorator and the app's routing is configured with the @RouteConfig decorator. The project structure separates the app into modules, components, services and tests. Data binding in Angular 2 allows for unidirectional and two-way binding between the template and component class.

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With angular 2.0 being in developer preview, it’s a good time to take a sneak peek. To see what to expect and can you benefit from it join us at lecture by Ivan Varga at Axilis and find out.

Angular 4 Tutorial | What's New In Angular 4 | Angular Training | Edureka
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Angular 4 Tutorial | What's New In Angular 4 | Angular Training | Edureka

This Edureka "Angular 4 Tutorial" will help you to learn about different Angular components and their features. Angular is a framework to develop highly scalable, fast, and testable web client-side applications. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial: 1) Webpage Development 2) DOM Manipulation 3) Traditional WebApp Vs SPA 4) Angular Introduction 5) Angular Features 6) Angular Installation 7) Building Blocks of Angular 8) Angular Architecture Here is a structured training on Angular, check out the details: Subscribe to our channel to get updates. Check our complete Angular playlist here:

angular tutorialangularjs tutorialangular 4
our example app is a one-
component small app
checkout step-2-oneComponent
stay tuned
follow the documents on site
play with the Angular2 developer preview
learn ES6 first, take a look at TypeScript after.
subscribe to Angular newsletters, blogs etc..
check out the
checkout step-3-links
learn today = less surprises tomorrow
migrate to Angular2

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Developing a Demo Application with Angular 4 - J2I

Introduction to Angular Material, Angular Router and Angular Http with RxJS library. Fake REST API set up using json-server. Demo app source code available at:

angular 4angular materialangular router
Dive into Angular, part 4: Angular 2.0
Dive into Angular, part 4: Angular 2.0Dive into Angular, part 4: Angular 2.0
Dive into Angular, part 4: Angular 2.0

This presentation has been prepared by Oleksii Prohonnyi for internal Angular.js training to improve skills of newbies in JS/Angular. Part 1 (Introduction): Part 2 (Architecture): Part 3 (Performance): Part 5 (Experience):

Angular 2 - Better or worse
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Angular 2 - Better or worse

What is the difference between Angular 1 and Angular 2. Content: Where Angular 1.x is going? Angular 2 - motivations and themes Open-source culture in Angular team

migration paths and hopefully some tools
probably will be available.
if it possible, clone your app into a separate
repository, and dive in…
checkout step-4
take advantage of Angular2 ASAP
final thoughts
Angular2 is gonna be
instead of being concerned
about the migration day

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Getting Started with the Angular 2 CLI
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Getting Started with the Angular 2 CLI

This document provides an overview of the Angular CLI and how to get started with it. It discusses how to install the Angular CLI, generate an initial project using the ng new command, and an overview of the file structure and common commands like ng serve, ng test, and ng build. It also briefly touches on generating components, services, pipes and more using the ng generate command.

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Learn Angular 9/8 In Easy Steps

You'll learn to build an Angular 9/8 web application from scratch and deploy it to Firebase. Check

Angular2 workshop
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Angular2 workshop

This document outlines an agenda for an Angular2 workshop. The workshop will introduce Angular2 concepts and components, teach how to build an application using components, and cover routing and business logic. Attendees will build a restaurant ordering application to learn how to compose components, implement routing, create data models and services, and connect to backend servers. The workshop is broken into three parts - components, routing, and business logic. Attendees will work through building pieces of the application, with checkpoints provided to see working examples.

keep your current Angular code
clean & up to date
Thank you!

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