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Elizabeth Long 
Student Intern 
Spring, 2014 
Red Rocks Community College 
Lakewood, CO 
Web Development 
Graduating May 2014
IP Commerce Query Demo 
Project builds on existing application 
using the following: 
Internship Program 3
Angular’s MVC 
the data that is shown to the user 
and with which the user interacts 
what the user sees (the DOM) 
the business logic behind views

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Angular - Chapter 1 - Introduction
 Angular - Chapter 1 - Introduction Angular - Chapter 1 - Introduction
Angular - Chapter 1 - Introduction

AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It lets you use HTML as your template language and lets you extend HTML's syntax to express your application's components clearly and succinctly. AngularJS's data binding and dependency injection eliminate much of the code you would otherwise have to write. And it all happens within the browser, making it an ideal partner with any server technology.

angularwebstack academy bangalorefullstack web developer
Angular - Chapter 7 - HTTP Services
Angular - Chapter 7 - HTTP ServicesAngular - Chapter 7 - HTTP Services
Angular - Chapter 7 - HTTP Services

Http Service will help us fetch external data, post to it, etc. We need to import the http module to make use of the http service. Let us consider an example to understand how to make use of the http service.

angularwebstack academy bangalorefullstack web developer

Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js that provides a flexible set of features for building web and mobile apps. Express apps use middleware functions that have access to the request and response objects and allow for intermediate processing in the request-response cycle. Middleware functions can execute code, modify requests/responses, and call the next middleware function. Express supports application-level middleware, router-level middleware, error handling middleware, built-in middleware like static file serving, and third-party middleware.

Request Life Cycle 
HTML & Angular: Client-side 
AngularJS is a JavaScript framework used to create dynamic 
web apps. 
Created new views using HTML & Angular’s ng-model and ng-click 
customerLanding.html qualifierLog.html 
queryResults.html qualiferResponses.html 
appDetails.html persCredReport.html 
Created a new controller using Angular and JavaScript 
customerLanding.js - external controller used to handle SUBMIT 
($scope) and to pass query parameters ($http) to Express using 
Angulars HTML Method: $http.get 
Internship Program 7
Express & Node: Server-side 
Express (web application framework for Node) 
Receives requests from Angular and passes them to 
Node, then returns responses from Node back to 
added code to api.js - /api/custLandingQuery 
Node passes request to Commerce Boarding Service 
added code to ipc.js - this.custLandingQ 
Internship Program 8
Application Dropdown Option 
Eliminates need to type /accept, /pend, or /reject in URL 
Internship Program 9

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Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications using TypeScript/JavaScript. It is an update to AngularJS with a focus on mobile and typesafety. Major versions include Angular 1.x, 2.x, 4.x and 5.x. Angular uses components, services and modules to build applications with templates and styles. It is compiled to JavaScript using transpilation and supports AOT and JIT compilation. Common tools used with Angular include the Angular CLI, Webpack and Zone.js.

Angular Directives
Angular DirectivesAngular Directives
Angular Directives

This document discusses Angular directives, including built-in and custom directives. It describes the three types of built-in directives - component directives, structural directives, and attribute directives. It provides examples of common built-in directives like ngIf, ngFor, ngSwitch, ngModel, ngStyle, and ngClass. It also explains how to create a custom attribute directive to dynamically style an element.

Introduction to Android Fragments
Introduction to Android FragmentsIntroduction to Android Fragments
Introduction to Android Fragments

Fragments allow modular and reusable components in an Android application. They are portions of UI for an activity that have their own lifecycle and can be added or removed during runtime. The key aspects are: - Fragments were introduced in Android 3.0 but can be used in older versions with the compatibility library. - Their lifecycle is directly tied to the host activity - pausing/destroying the activity also pauses/destroys fragments. - They are defined as subclasses of Fragment and implement lifecycle methods like onCreateView to define the UI. - Fragments can be added to activities declaratively in XML layouts or programmatically using transactions.

Internship Program 10
Internship Program 11
Internship Program 12
Internship Program 13

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This document discusses Angular components, dependency injection, and routing. It defines Angular as being built on modules, components, templates, and services. Components are the basic building blocks and make up a hierarchical tree structure. Dependency injection allows components to access services. Routing in Angular uses a router to navigate between views and components based on URL changes.

Building blocks of Angular
Building blocks of AngularBuilding blocks of Angular
Building blocks of Angular

The document discusses the key building blocks of Angular applications including architecture, bootstrapping, modules, components, services, templates, decorators, dependency injection, and routing; it provides an overview of each concept and how they work together to create the structure of an Angular application; the presentation concludes with a demo of these concepts in action.

angular architectureangular
React js
React jsReact js
React js

ReactJS for Beginners provides an overview of ReactJS including what it is, advantages, disadvantages, typical setup tools, and examples of basic React code. Key points covered include: - ReactJS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces and is component-based. - Advantages include high efficiency, easier JavaScript via JSX, good developer tools and SEO, and easy testing. - Disadvantages include React only handling the view layer and requiring other libraries for full MVC functionality. - Examples demonstrate basic components, properties, events, conditional rendering, and lists in ReactJS.

reduxreact nativereactjs
Internship Program 14
Internship Program 15
Internship Program 16
Internship Program 17

Recommended for you

Angular - Chapter 3 - Components
Angular - Chapter 3 - ComponentsAngular - Chapter 3 - Components
Angular - Chapter 3 - Components

Components are the most basic UI building block of an Angular app. An Angular app contains a tree of Angular components. Angular components are a subset of directives, always associated with a template. Unlike other directives, only one component can be instantiated per an element in a template. A component must belong to an NgModule in order for it to be available to another component or application. To make it a member of an NgModule, list it in the declarations field of the NgModule metadata.

webstack academy bangaloreangularfullstack web developer
Angular 10 course_content
Angular 10 course_contentAngular 10 course_content
Angular 10 course_content

The document outlines an online training course for Angular 10 that covers fundamental concepts like TypeScript, Angular fundamentals, NgRx, server-side integration with Node and Express, Angular Material, PrimeNG, and a final e-commerce project. The 50-day, 100-hour course includes daily live and hands-on training, video lessons, project files, and lifetime access for 6000 INR or $85. Key topics include Angular architecture, components, routing, HTTP requests, reactive forms, state management with NgRx, REST APIs, authentication, and deployment.

angular 10angular trainingangular
Unit 1 - TypeScript & Introduction to Angular CLI.pptx
Unit 1 - TypeScript & Introduction to Angular CLI.pptxUnit 1 - TypeScript & Introduction to Angular CLI.pptx
Unit 1 - TypeScript & Introduction to Angular CLI.pptx

1. TypeScript: Node/ NPM Installation, Different Types (TypeScript Types) -Understanding Interfaces, Implementing Classes, Implementing Modules, Understanding Functions 2. Introduction to Angular: Why Angular, Introduction of Angular, Separation of Responsibilities, Adding Angular to your Environment, using Angular CLI, Creating a basic Angular Application.

Internship Program 18
Internship Program 19
New Skills 
• Experience with the event-driven, non-blocking I/O model 
used with web applications 
• How to recognize asynchronous code 
• The nuts & bolts of Angular, Express, and Node APIs and 
• Express & Node - all I/O operations must include a callback 
• How to create and use angular.module() & Node 
• How to pass query params: Angular  Express  Node 
• Structuring queries into acceptable formats for a service 
• Balsamiq, GIT and repositories 
• The difference between JS object and .json file
Technologies & 
HTML Yeoman * 
CSS Bower * 
JavaScript client-side Sass/Compass * 
JavaScript server-side * Grunt * 
MVC * Chrome Console 
AngularJS * Server Console 
Express * Nodemon npm * 
Node.js/npm * Balsamiq * 
Rest APIs & Callbacks * Sublime Text * 
GIT/repositories * 
* no prior exp

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React JS - A quick introduction tutorial
React JS - A quick introduction tutorialReact JS - A quick introduction tutorial
React JS - A quick introduction tutorial

This document provides an overview and introduction to React JS. It discusses that React JS is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces and reusable UI components. It encourages creation of reusable components that present data that changes over time. The document also covers React JS features, architecture, components, best practices, pros and cons, and provides useful links for examples and environment setup.

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AngularJS - Services
AngularJS - ServicesAngularJS - Services
AngularJS - Services

A presentation made for the AngularJS-IL meetup group that took place in oct 2014 at Google TLV Campus ( its an overview of how to use services in your app. this slideshow contain a link for a reference code on github. (link in the last slide)

Angular js PPT
Angular js PPTAngular js PPT
Angular js PPT

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that extends HTML with directives and binds data to HTML with expressions. Some key points: - AngularJS extends HTML with directives like ng-app, ng-model, and ng-bind. - Expressions written with double braces like {{expression}} output data on the HTML page. - Modules define AngularJS applications and controllers control the application logic and data. - Common directives include ng-init, ng-click, ng-repeat, and filters like currency and lowercase can be used. - A shopping cart example demonstrates binding data with ng-repeat, adding items with ng-click, and removing with ng-click.

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