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The Journey to
Continuous Automation
Outperform with Chef Automate
Hans Linssen - Regional Sales Director
Pieter Hagen - Solution Architect
Charles Richards – Business Development Mngr
< Customer Discovery Slide >
The current state of application delivery in your company
The shape of your organization today
What we know about their
▪  Datacenters
▪  Cloud, Containers, etc
▪  App stack
▪  Size of infrastructure
▪  Team dynamics
Conclusions about where we
can likely help
▪  Outcomes that will help this
▪  Platform capabilities that
intersect with their problems
▪  Areas where we help quickly
with large impact
What we know about current
▪  IT initiatives
▪  The state of automation and
overall performance
▪  Look for patterns that align
with our outcomes
Apps and experiences are the new interface
Disrupt or be disrupted. Outperform the competition with digital transformation.
Success with digital transformation is key to business growth
Idea Ship
Most enterprises aren’t very
good at shipping software
▪  Slow time-to-market
▪  Poor user experience
▪  High cost
▪  Poor predictability
▪  Vulnerabilities and risk
1—Gartner, Delivering Value at Speed
2—GartnerApps, November 2016
For organizations that have
implemented DevOps, 66% saw
faster realization of business
Gartner predicts that through
2021 market demand for app
development will outstrip supply
by 5x.
The impact of outperformance
High performing IT drives 5x revenue growth, 2x more likely to exceed goals
Top-quartile digital
B2B companies
Rest of B2B sample
Revenue growth,
CAGR, 2010-15
Firms with high performing
IT organizations were twice
as likely to exceed their
profitability, market share,
and productivity goals
The State of DevOps, 2017
▪  46x more frequent releases
▪  96x faster at recovering from failures
▪  5x lower change failure rate
▪  440x shorter lead times
No high velocity company has gotten there without automation as a foundation
Digital leaders grow
...and high performing IT
drives outperformance.
The high performers are way ahead on
key success metrics.
The State of DevOps, 2017

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5 Lessons from Enterprise DevOps
5 Lessons from Enterprise DevOps5 Lessons from Enterprise DevOps
5 Lessons from Enterprise DevOps

This document discusses lessons learned from enterprise DevOps implementations. It begins with an overview comparing DevOps to "enterprise DevOps" which involves more complex environments requiring a different balance of automation, visibility and control. It then outlines 5 key lessons: 1) DevOps initiatives require a balance of top-down and bottom-up approaches, 2) cross-cutting concerns like security and compliance must be addressed, 3) standardization is important but too much can stifle innovation, 4) DevOps involves expanding beyond development and operations to include other groups like QA, and 5) organizations tend to focus internally on automation versus externally on customer impact. Examples are provided for how these lessons can be applied to reduce handover time, speed

devopscontinuous delivery
Enabling DevOps in the cloud - Federal Cloud Innovation Center
Enabling DevOps in the cloud - Federal Cloud Innovation CenterEnabling DevOps in the cloud - Federal Cloud Innovation Center
Enabling DevOps in the cloud - Federal Cloud Innovation Center

This document discusses enabling DevOps for cloud deployments. It introduces DevOps as a lean approach to reduce waste and improve efficiency. Deploying applications to the cloud with DevOps allows for standardization, lower costs, and faster delivery. IBM's BlueMix platform and DevOps services provide tools for continuous delivery pipelines to deploy to cloud environments. Future directions involve supporting OpenStack cloud patterns to drive consistency with proven best practices.


What is and what is not DevOps ? How you can do DevOps ? What are your tools ? Do you believe in the myths about DevOps ?

devopscontionous deploymentdocker
Velocity: time from idea to ship
Continuous automation success metrics
Quantifying outcomes to deliver software at speed
Time from
commit to deploy
Mean time
to resolve
Time deploying
Change failure
Measure of rate
of software change
Measure of effectiveness
of software change
Measure of quality
of software change
Compliance audit
Idea Ship
Software success metrics are at odds
Improving on one metric can negatively impact the others
A focus on increasing speed to
meet business requirements...
...can introduce more errors into
the environment...
...and open up security holes
faster than teams can react.
The journey to continuous automation
Three steps to improvement across all dimensions of software success
1. Detect
Gain visibility and develop baselines
2. Correct
Remediate priority issues
3. Automate
Continuously detect & correct
Step one: Detect
Gain visibility into current status to satisfy audits and drive decision-making
of organizations do compliance assessments inconsistently or not at all.
Apply policies and gain a
complete view across the fleet
▪  Accurately assess risk
▪  Prioritize remediation actions
▪  Maintain audit readiness
▪  Create and adjust policies
Continuous visibility means that you enter into audits knowing the outcome.
Jon Williams, NIU
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? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓

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Continuous Delivery Maturity Model
Continuous Delivery Maturity ModelContinuous Delivery Maturity Model
Continuous Delivery Maturity Model

Continuous Delivery presents a compelling vision of builds that are automatically deployed and tested until ready for production. Most teams aren't there yet. Some never want to go that far. Others want to push the envelope further. This deck presents a model for scoring yourself on the continuum and examples of how companies can decide what parts of CD to adopt first, later and not at all.

continuous deliverycontinuous integration
DOES15 - Sherry Chang - Intel’s Journey to Large Scale DevOps Transformation
DOES15 - Sherry Chang - Intel’s Journey to Large Scale DevOps Transformation DOES15 - Sherry Chang - Intel’s Journey to Large Scale DevOps Transformation
DOES15 - Sherry Chang - Intel’s Journey to Large Scale DevOps Transformation

Sherry Chang, Enterprise Architect, Intel Is it possible to transform large enterprises with 100’s of in-flight projects across myriad technology stacks and entrenched processes, requiring massive workforce re-skilling? In this session, I’ll share approaches we employed to increase the likelihood of success through DevOps adoption by: -Offering of a common Continuous Delivery Service, similar to industry offerings from, CloudBees, and others -Establishing a Maturity Model to help teams incrementally adopt DevOps practices -Coaching teams through Kaizen sessions to eliminate bottlenecks and waste in their value stream

Webinar: A Roadmap for DevOps Success
Webinar: A Roadmap for DevOps SuccessWebinar: A Roadmap for DevOps Success
Webinar: A Roadmap for DevOps Success

This document provides an overview of DevOps success including: 1) High-performing IT organizations that practice DevOps are able to deploy code more frequently, have faster lead times, and higher change success rates, leading to increased reliability, productivity, and market growth. 2) Organizations should align incentives, form cross-functional teams, and automate workflows to reduce manual work and cycle times for better visibility and job satisfaction. 3) Key DevOps practices include continuous integration, version control, and continuous delivery across all technologies to reduce deployment pain and increase deployment frequency. 4) When starting a DevOps transformation, companies should establish a single source of truth, standardize processes, iterate on those processes, and

✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
Step two: Correct
Remediate issues to improve performance and security
▪  Prioritize actions based on impact
▪  Improve application performance
▪  Close security holes
▪  Prove policy compliance
Web &
Media Giant
Can patch 250,000 nodes within 6 hours of a patch being made available
Develop, test, and deploy remediation to
address issues across the fleet
✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
of organizations need days or longer to remediate issues.58%
Step three: Automate
Deploy applications faster and manage risk continuously
▪  Increase speed while reducing risk
▪  Improve software change efficiency
▪  Maintain security and compliance
▪  Align DevOps and InfoSec
Every resource and app in HPC environment automatically qualified as
compliant with FDA standards before deployment
✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
of organizations do not assess for compliance until code is running in production.
Deploy applications with
Continuous Automation at Niu Solutions
Niu Solutions offers managed services to
regulated industries including retail and
financial services
•  Customers undergoing rapid change
•  Stringent regulatory reporting requirements
•  Heterogeneous environments with significant
legacy technology
Business Challenge
Niu worked with Chef to automate
compliance across hybrid environments
and collaborate among teams
•  Reduced time spent on compliance
checks by 93%
•  Achieved ongoing audit readiness
•  Eliminated unplanned work
Customer Journey
Detect Correct
Applied InSpec to test against
regulatory standards and best
Reduced time spent on
compliance checks by 93%
“Once something is built and it's
handed over, they know it's
compliant and it's continuously
- Jon Williams, CTO
Deployed fixes with Chef and
gathered lessons learned to
improve detection capabilities
Reduced SQL setup time from
one full day to 12 mins
Integrating the detect and correct
cycle and collaborating across
Extending library of 1000
compliance controls
Customer Examples
Because we serve a very regulated industry, we need to make sure all of our
machines are compliant. The only way you can give the current state is if you
are constantly checking. Chef and Inspec together gives us DevOps plus
SecOps all together in one package.
- Amulya Sharma, GE

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Achieving Continuous Visibility Across the DevOps Lifecycle
Achieving Continuous Visibility Across the DevOps LifecycleAchieving Continuous Visibility Across the DevOps Lifecycle
Achieving Continuous Visibility Across the DevOps Lifecycle

The document discusses achieving continuous visibility across the DevOps lifecycle. It argues that local optimizations and lack of integration between tools has led to manual processes that slow down delivery. It promotes the use of integration patterns and infrastructure to provide end-to-end visibility by connecting tools across planning, development, testing and operations. This allows teams to see dependencies, impacts, quality status and automate deployment for less variance and faster delivery.

devopssoftware lifecycle integrationcontinuous integration
Optimize DevOps and Agile Strategies with Deployment Automation
Optimize DevOps and Agile Strategies with Deployment AutomationOptimize DevOps and Agile Strategies with Deployment Automation
Optimize DevOps and Agile Strategies with Deployment Automation

Slides from the Mar 22nd 2012 webinar "Optimize DevOps and Agile Strategies with Deployment Automation" with Michael Azoff (Ovum) & XebiaLabs

deployment automationdevopsagile
DevOps Powerpoint Presentation Slides
DevOps Powerpoint Presentation SlidesDevOps Powerpoint Presentation Slides
DevOps Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Showcase development processes and methods with our content ready Devops PowerPoint Presentation Slide. Focus on rapid application delivery using our visually appealing development and operations PPT visuals. The operating system PowerPoint complete deck comprises self-explanatory and editable PowerPoint templates such as need for DevOps, best practices, criteria for choosing a pilot project, DevOps goals, timeline for DevOps transformation, current state future state, 30-60-90 day plan, roadmap for DevOps, transformation post successful DevOps Implementation, RACI matrix, dashboard to name a few. Users can easily customize all the templates as per their specific project needs. Furthermore, you can also use this IT operations management presentation deck to encourage your team to adopt DevOps culture practices and tools. Demonstrate DevOps goals like Increase automation and standardize the process, reduce cost effort & time to market and so on. Download our system development lifecycle PowerPoint templates to present ways to make improved products faster for greater client satisfaction. Handle deficiencies with our DevOps Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Initiate action to acquire desired assets.

A single platform to Detect, Correct, and Automate
Chef Automate enables the entire journey
▪  Test against industry benchmarks
▪  Report and address audit needs
▪  Close detect/correct loop in one platform
▪  Develop baselines for automation
▪  Detect and correct before production
▪  Single language across DevOps, InfoSec
Chef Automate is a single platform to support the entire journey
The Chef Automate Platform
Continuous Automation for High Velocity IT
Workflow • Local development • Integration • Tooling (APIs & SDKs)
▪  Package
▪  Test
▪  Approve
▪  Provision
▪  Configure
▪  Execute
▪  Update
▪  Secure
▪  Comply
▪  Audit
▪  Measure
▪  Log
Infrastructure Automation Compliance AutomationApplication Automation
Manage infrastructure, apps,
and compliance as code
Embed detect & correct in the
software delivery lifecycle
Collaborate across teams to
improve speed, efficiency, risk
Chef Automate is at the heart of software delivery
The vendors you trust, trust Chef for continuous automation
Workflow • Local development • Integration • Tooling (APIs & SDKs)
▪  Package
▪  Test
▪  Secure
▪  Comply
▪  Provision
▪  Configure
Support, services, and training
Chef as your partner for success with continuous automation
▪  On Demand.
Chef can provide dedicated
support for your installation
with experts from our
customer success team.
▪  Vibrant Community.
In addition to direct support,
Chef has a huge and active
community ready and willing
to provide guidance and best
▪  Custom development.
Chef can design and build
configuration cookbooks,
compliance profiles and
application packages using
our in-house experts.
▪  Accelerators.
Our architects and DevOps
practitioners can provide the
experience needed to get to
success quickly.
▪  Public and Private Training.
We can deliver in-person and
on-demand training to suit
your needs.
▪  Certification.
Chef can help ensure your
team has the right knowledge
for continued success.
Support from the source Services for outcomes Training for capability
Leading change in a large and profitable enterprise is challenging for a number of
reasons. Chef helps make change work at Target.

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This document discusses DevOps frameworks and principles. It outlines that as customer needs have become more complex, development teams have evolved their practices to be more flexible and agile. This has blurred the lines between traditional development and operations teams. DevOps aims to make organizations more efficient by integrating tools, processes, and guidelines. It provides a flexible environment that facilitates success. To implement DevOps successfully, organizations should perform due diligence, define processes tailored to their needs, select appropriate tools, establish KPIs, and provide best practices and examples.


Presentation by @davemangot and @kabbyr on the reasons behind, and mechanisms for a DevOps transformation at Salesforce.

devopsagileagile software development
Technical Capabilities as enabler for Agile and DevOps
Technical Capabilities as enabler for Agile and DevOpsTechnical Capabilities as enabler for Agile and DevOps
Technical Capabilities as enabler for Agile and DevOps

This presentation was done at Journee Agile in Liege. It explains how technical capabilities are an important part of any transformation. Without tech capabilities you will have a hard time to release, and a hard time to inspect and adapt.

agileagile software developmentdevelopment
Company Background
▪  At the forefront of agile, lean, and DevOps
▪  Open Source foundation
▪  Tens of millions of machines under management by
▪  265 employees. Offices in Seattle, San Francisco,
London, Berlin
The most enduring and transformative
companies use Chef to become fast, efficient,
and innovative software driven organizations
70% of the Fortune 500 tech sector uses Chef
Customers use Chef, including
Alaska Airlines, Disney,
Facebook, Intuit & Target
Organizations using Chef to
improve their speed, efficiency
& risk management
Quick Stats
Chef can help you achieve Continuous Automation
Follow a proven pathAutomate by treating
as code
Achieve measurable
Next steps
Start your journey to continuous automation today
Chef has helped over a thousand customers on the journey to Continuous Automation
Chef Automate Demo
Understand the Chef Automate technology in context of your needs
Prioritize Detect & Correct Use Cases
Act on insights and remediate before problems are deployed
Try Chef Automate Pilot
An easy way to get hands-on with the product
Thank You
hlinssen@CHEF.IO / +31628984449

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Delivering Better Software Faster (Without Breaking Everything)
Delivering Better Software Faster (Without Breaking Everything)Delivering Better Software Faster (Without Breaking Everything)
Delivering Better Software Faster (Without Breaking Everything)

Large organizations are increasingly turning to DevOps and Continuous Delivery principles, often with the goal of shipping better software faster. However, they're then faced with important considerations for scaling these processes across teams and in diverse environments while still maintaining the visibility and control necessary for compliance. This presentation from Matt Meservey, Director of Product Management at SaltStack and Andrew Phillips, VP of DevOps Strategy at XebiaLabs discusses: Practical advice and tips gleaned from the large organizations they have helped implement and scale DevOps and Continuous Delivery initiatives for How to focus your initiatives around practicing improvement not just practicing “DevOps” How the combination XebiaLabs and SaltStack accelerates the software cycle, delivers advanced automation capabilities, enables data-driven improvement and provides continuous insight into your end-to-end software release process in a way other tools simply cannot

Creating a pull for DevOps in an Agile Transformation
Creating a pull for DevOps in an Agile TransformationCreating a pull for DevOps in an Agile Transformation
Creating a pull for DevOps in an Agile Transformation

This presentation was used to start a conversation with the Atlanta DevOps community around patterns for introducing DevOps in large organizations. During the session, I presented findings from coaches around the US.

DevOps by the Numbers - How to Approach the Measurement and Metrics of Your C...
DevOps by the Numbers - How to Approach the Measurement and Metrics of Your C...DevOps by the Numbers - How to Approach the Measurement and Metrics of Your C...
DevOps by the Numbers - How to Approach the Measurement and Metrics of Your C...

There’s no mistaking how important initiatives like DevOps and Continuous Delivery have become to organizations seeking to gain a competitive edge. But without the right metrics, enterprises that have adopted DevOps or Continuous Delivery strategies have no way of measuring their effectiveness in the context of their digital transformation goals. So what are the right measures that can answer questions like “are we getting better at delivering high-quality software faster and at scale?” and “has all this effort been worth it?!” Learn ways to better measure the processes and output of your DevOps and Continuous Delivery transformation. You'll also learn: How to identify the best metrics for various stakeholders in your software development lifecycle How to measure and demonstrate the business value and effectiveness of DevOps and Continuous Delivery processes and programs How to address some of the challenges along your process that these metrics and KPI's may reveal​

continuous deliverymetricskpi
Accelerate your journey to Continuous Automation
Why Chef?
Compliance Automation
Test against baselines to maintain continuous compliance
Single Platform to Detect & Correct
Act on insights and remediate before problems are deployed
Hybrid & Complex Environments
Broad technology support and the flexibility to adapt to change
Automation at Scale
Distributed architecture proven in the world’s largest environments
Chef has helped over a thousand customers on the journey to Continuous Automation
Chef helps you address all success metrics
Capture outcomes at each step in the journey to continuous automation
Deploy frequently, quickly, and
confidently to any environment
Eliminate rework and reduce MTTR
with automation at scale
Maintain continuous compliance with
full visibility and rapid remediation
The Chef Automate Platform
Continuous Automation for High Velocity IT
Workflow • Local development • Integration • Tooling (APIs & SDKs)
▪  Package
▪  Test
▪  Approve
▪  Provision
▪  Configure
▪  Execute
▪  Update
▪  Secure
▪  Comply
▪  Audit
▪  Measure
▪  Log
Infrastructure Automation Compliance AutomationApplication Automation
Increase Speed
▪  Package infrastructure and app
configuration as code
▪  Continuously automate infrastructure
and app updates
Improve Efficiency
▪  Define and execute standard
workflows and automation
▪  Audit and measure effectiveness of
Decrease Risk
▪  Define compliance rules as code
▪  Deliver continuous compliance as
part of standard workflow
Detect: Security & Compliance Auditing
Continuous Auditing
Nodes execute
InSpec to begin
the audit process
Nodes check into
the Chef Server
picking up their
assigned profiles
Security teams
assign profiles
to nodes using
Chef Server
InSpec downloads
assigned profiles
from Chef
Automate or Chef
Supermarket then
executes them
Teams review results of
InSpec audit & determine
steps to remediate
non-compliant nodes
Nodes report back
the results of the
audit to Chef Automate

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Puppet Labs EMC DevOps Day NYC Aug-2015
Puppet Labs  EMC DevOps Day NYC Aug-2015Puppet Labs  EMC DevOps Day NYC Aug-2015
Puppet Labs EMC DevOps Day NYC Aug-2015

This document summarizes a presentation on how to build high-performing IT teams. It begins by making the case that high-performing teams are both more agile and reliable based on data. It then discusses identifying the desired organizational state with high trust cultures, aligned goals, and other attributes. Next, it covers aligning incentives across business, development, operations, and quality teams to focus on customer value. The document also reviews common team structures and implementing technical practices like infrastructure as code, version control, peer review, and continuous delivery to measure results.

Tech Talk: The New CA Application Performance Management Team Center—Faster T...
Tech Talk: The New CA Application Performance Management Team Center—Faster T...Tech Talk: The New CA Application Performance Management Team Center—Faster T...
Tech Talk: The New CA Application Performance Management Team Center—Faster T...

CA Application Performance Management (APM) r10 delivers new patent-pending innovations based on the E.P.I.C. application performance management strategy that takes easy, proactive, intelligent and collaborative to new levels, enabling you to delight your users while protecting your experts. Learn more about how these new, patent-pending innovations for perspectives, timeline and differential analysis and how these new capabilities help you to quickly triage and diagnose application performance. Seating is limited and available first come-first served. For more information, please visit

application performance monitoring toolsperformance managementwebsite monitoring
Measure Your DevOps Success: Using Goal-based KPIs to Drive Results and Demon...
Measure Your DevOps Success: Using Goal-based KPIs to Drive Results and Demon...Measure Your DevOps Success: Using Goal-based KPIs to Drive Results and Demon...
Measure Your DevOps Success: Using Goal-based KPIs to Drive Results and Demon...

This document discusses using goal-based key performance indicators (KPIs) to drive DevOps results and demonstrate return on investment (ROI). It notes that as DevOps adoption expands within organizations, challenges arise around fully understanding impacts, making data-driven decisions, and clearly showing ROI. The document recommends unifying data from tools to provide a holistic view, using goal-based KPIs to guide improvement efforts, and leveraging data to predict issues and demonstrate success. A live demo of the XebiaLabs DevOps intelligence platform is also advertised.

Visibility over your entire fleet
Detect with Chef Automate
Test against industry benchmarks
▪  Words about profiles
▪  Centrally manage, etc.
Gain visibility across the fleet
▪  Dashboards, drill down
▪  Role-specific views
Report and address audit needs
▪  Store data, audit trail
▪  Reporting capabilities
Chef sets the standard for IT automation
Backed by leading analysts
“Chef is playing a vital role in helping organizations of all
sizes implement high velocity development and
operations environments.” JUL 2015 | Read Article >
“Using Chef… the result has been that the product team
can answer the question, ‘What was the state of the
infrastructure on 29 August?’” SEP 2016 | Read Article >
Driving outcomes for customers
“Africa’s Standard Bank Seeks Speed Through Software
Automation, DevOps.” MAY 2015 | Read Article >
Best-in-class automation
“A rich dev and test toolchain, collaborative end-to-end workflow,
and improved Windows support put Chef in a league of its own.”
AUG 2016 | Read Article >
Industry-changing innovation
“Chef wants to make it as easy as possible for businesses to run
their applications… the idea behind Habitat is enormously
powerful.” JUN 2016 | Read Article >
Chef: Leader in the DevOps Market
Leading change in a large and profitable enterprise is challenging for a number of
reasons. Chef helps make change work at Target.

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Compliance Automation: detect & correct

  • 1. The Journey to Continuous Automation Outperform with Chef Automate Hans Linssen - Regional Sales Director Pieter Hagen - Solution Architect Charles Richards – Business Development Mngr
  • 2. < Customer Discovery Slide > The current state of application delivery in your company The shape of your organization today ESTATE What we know about their environment ▪  Datacenters ▪  Cloud, Containers, etc ▪  App stack ▪  Size of infrastructure ▪  Team dynamics GOALS Conclusions about where we can likely help ▪  Outcomes that will help this customer ▪  Platform capabilities that intersect with their problems ▪  Areas where we help quickly with large impact CHALLENGES What we know about current challenges ▪  IT initiatives ▪  The state of automation and overall performance ▪  Look for patterns that align with our outcomes
  • 3. 5x Apps and experiences are the new interface Disrupt or be disrupted. Outperform the competition with digital transformation. Success with digital transformation is key to business growth Idea Ship PROBLEM Most enterprises aren’t very good at shipping software ▪  Slow time-to-market ▪  Poor user experience ▪  High cost ▪  Poor predictability ▪  Vulnerabilities and risk POTENTIAL 1—Gartner, Delivering Value at Speed 2—GartnerApps, November 2016 REQUIREMENT For organizations that have implemented DevOps, 66% saw faster realization of business value1. Gartner predicts that through 2021 market demand for app development will outstrip supply by 5x. 66%
  • 4. The impact of outperformance High performing IT drives 5x revenue growth, 2x more likely to exceed goals Top-quartile digital B2B companies Rest of B2B sample Revenue growth, CAGR, 2010-15 4.3% 0.8% ~5X Firms with high performing IT organizations were twice as likely to exceed their profitability, market share, and productivity goals The State of DevOps, 2017 HIGH PERFORMING IT ORGANIZATIONS: ▪  46x more frequent releases ▪  96x faster at recovering from failures ▪  5x lower change failure rate ▪  440x shorter lead times No high velocity company has gotten there without automation as a foundation Digital leaders grow faster... ...and high performing IT drives outperformance. The high performers are way ahead on key success metrics. The State of DevOps, 2017
  • 5. Velocity: time from idea to ship Continuous automation success metrics Quantifying outcomes to deliver software at speed Deployment frequency Time from commit to deploy Mean time to resolve Time deploying remediation Change failure rate SPEED Measure of rate of software change EFFICIENCY Measure of effectiveness of software change RISK Measure of quality of software change Compliance audit frequency Idea Ship
  • 6. Software success metrics are at odds Improving on one metric can negatively impact the others SPEED EFFICIENCY RISK A focus on increasing speed to meet business requirements... ...can introduce more errors into the environment... ...and open up security holes faster than teams can react.
  • 7. The journey to continuous automation Three steps to improvement across all dimensions of software success Detect Correct Automate 1. Detect Gain visibility and develop baselines 2. Correct Remediate priority issues 3. Automate Continuously detect & correct
  • 8. 55% Step one: Detect Gain visibility into current status to satisfy audits and drive decision-making of organizations do compliance assessments inconsistently or not at all. Apply policies and gain a complete view across the fleet ▪  Accurately assess risk ▪  Prioritize remediation actions ▪  Maintain audit readiness ▪  Create and adjust policies ” Continuous visibility means that you enter into audits knowing the outcome. Jon Williams, NIU ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
  • 9. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Step two: Correct Remediate issues to improve performance and security ▪  Prioritize actions based on impact ▪  Improve application performance ▪  Close security holes ▪  Prove policy compliance Web & Media Giant Can patch 250,000 nodes within 6 hours of a patch being made available Develop, test, and deploy remediation to address issues across the fleet ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ of organizations need days or longer to remediate issues.58%
  • 10. 59% Step three: Automate Deploy applications faster and manage risk continuously ▪  Increase speed while reducing risk ▪  Improve software change efficiency ▪  Maintain security and compliance ▪  Align DevOps and InfoSec Every resource and app in HPC environment automatically qualified as compliant with FDA standards before deployment ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ of organizations do not assess for compliance until code is running in production. Deploy applications with confidence
  • 11. Continuous Automation at Niu Solutions Automate Niu Solutions offers managed services to regulated industries including retail and financial services •  Customers undergoing rapid change •  Stringent regulatory reporting requirements •  Heterogeneous environments with significant legacy technology Business Challenge Niu worked with Chef to automate compliance across hybrid environments and collaborate among teams •  Reduced time spent on compliance checks by 93% •  Achieved ongoing audit readiness •  Eliminated unplanned work Solution Customer Journey Detect Correct Applied InSpec to test against regulatory standards and best practices Reduced time spent on compliance checks by 93% “Once something is built and it's handed over, they know it's compliant and it's continuously compliant.” - Jon Williams, CTO Deployed fixes with Chef and gathered lessons learned to improve detection capabilities Reduced SQL setup time from one full day to 12 mins Integrating the detect and correct cycle and collaborating across teams Extending library of 1000 compliance controls
  • 12. Customer Examples Because we serve a very regulated industry, we need to make sure all of our machines are compliant. The only way you can give the current state is if you are constantly checking. Chef and Inspec together gives us DevOps plus SecOps all together in one package. - Amulya Sharma, GE
  • 13. A single platform to Detect, Correct, and Automate Chef Automate enables the entire journey Detect ▪  Test against industry benchmarks ▪  Report and address audit needs Correct ▪  Close detect/correct loop in one platform ▪  Develop baselines for automation Automate ▪  Detect and correct before production ▪  Single language across DevOps, InfoSec Chef Automate is a single platform to support the entire journey
  • 14. The Chef Automate Platform Continuous Automation for High Velocity IT Workflow • Local development • Integration • Tooling (APIs & SDKs) COLLABORATE ▪  Package ▪  Test ▪  Approve BUILD ▪  Provision ▪  Configure ▪  Execute ▪  Update DEPLOY ▪  Secure ▪  Comply ▪  Audit ▪  Measure ▪  Log MANAGE Infrastructure Automation Compliance AutomationApplication Automation AUTOMATION ENGINES Manage infrastructure, apps, and compliance as code Embed detect & correct in the software delivery lifecycle Collaborate across teams to improve speed, efficiency, risk
  • 15. Chef Automate is at the heart of software delivery The vendors you trust, trust Chef for continuous automation Workflow • Local development • Integration • Tooling (APIs & SDKs) COLLABORATE ▪  Package ▪  Test BUILD ▪  Secure ▪  Comply MANAGE Infrastructure Automation Compliance Automation Application Automation OSS AUTOMATION ENGINES ▪  Provision ▪  Configure DEPLOY MANAGEMENT RUNTIME WORKFLOW ENVIRONMENT SECURITY AND GOVERNANCE
  • 16. Support, services, and training Chef as your partner for success with continuous automation ▪  On Demand. Chef can provide dedicated support for your installation with experts from our customer success team. ▪  Vibrant Community. In addition to direct support, Chef has a huge and active community ready and willing to provide guidance and best practice. ▪  Custom development. Chef can design and build configuration cookbooks, compliance profiles and application packages using our in-house experts. ▪  Accelerators. Our architects and DevOps practitioners can provide the experience needed to get to success quickly. ▪  Public and Private Training. We can deliver in-person and on-demand training to suit your needs. ▪  Certification. Chef can help ensure your team has the right knowledge for continued success. Support from the source Services for outcomes Training for capability Leading change in a large and profitable enterprise is challenging for a number of reasons. Chef helps make change work at Target.
  • 17. >1k >25k Company Background ▪  At the forefront of agile, lean, and DevOps movements ▪  Open Source foundation ▪  Tens of millions of machines under management by Chef ▪  265 employees. Offices in Seattle, San Francisco, London, Berlin OUR VISION The most enduring and transformative companies use Chef to become fast, efficient, and innovative software driven organizations 70% of the Fortune 500 tech sector uses Chef Customers use Chef, including Alaska Airlines, Disney, Facebook, Intuit & Target Organizations using Chef to improve their speed, efficiency & risk management Quick Stats
  • 18. Chef can help you achieve Continuous Automation Follow a proven pathAutomate by treating as code Achieve measurable outcomes
  • 19. Next steps Start your journey to continuous automation today Chef has helped over a thousand customers on the journey to Continuous Automation Chef Automate Demo Understand the Chef Automate technology in context of your needs Prioritize Detect & Correct Use Cases Act on insights and remediate before problems are deployed Try Chef Automate Pilot An easy way to get hands-on with the product
  • 21. Accelerate your journey to Continuous Automation Why Chef? Compliance Automation Test against baselines to maintain continuous compliance Single Platform to Detect & Correct Act on insights and remediate before problems are deployed Hybrid & Complex Environments Broad technology support and the flexibility to adapt to change Automation at Scale Distributed architecture proven in the world’s largest environments Chef has helped over a thousand customers on the journey to Continuous Automation
  • 22. Chef helps you address all success metrics Capture outcomes at each step in the journey to continuous automation SPEED EFFICIENCY RISK Deploy frequently, quickly, and confidently to any environment Eliminate rework and reduce MTTR with automation at scale Maintain continuous compliance with full visibility and rapid remediation
  • 23. The Chef Automate Platform Continuous Automation for High Velocity IT Workflow • Local development • Integration • Tooling (APIs & SDKs) COLLABORATE ▪  Package ▪  Test ▪  Approve BUILD ▪  Provision ▪  Configure ▪  Execute ▪  Update DEPLOY ▪  Secure ▪  Comply ▪  Audit ▪  Measure ▪  Log MANAGE Infrastructure Automation Compliance AutomationApplication Automation AUTOMATION ENGINES Increase Speed ▪  Package infrastructure and app configuration as code ▪  Continuously automate infrastructure and app updates Improve Efficiency ▪  Define and execute standard workflows and automation ▪  Audit and measure effectiveness of automation Decrease Risk ▪  Define compliance rules as code ▪  Deliver continuous compliance as part of standard workflow
  • 24. Detect: Security & Compliance Auditing Continuous Auditing 3 Nodes execute InSpec to begin the audit process 2 Nodes check into the Chef Server picking up their assigned profiles 1 Security teams assign profiles to nodes using Chef Server 4 InSpec downloads assigned profiles from Chef 5 Automate or Chef Supermarket then executes them 7 Teams review results of InSpec audit & determine steps to remediate non-compliant nodes 6 Nodes report back the results of the audit to Chef Automate
  • 25. Visibility over your entire fleet Detect with Chef Automate Test against industry benchmarks ▪  Words about profiles ▪  Centrally manage, etc. Gain visibility across the fleet ▪  Dashboards, drill down ▪  Role-specific views Report and address audit needs ▪  Store data, audit trail ▪  Reporting capabilities
  • 26. Chef sets the standard for IT automation Backed by leading analysts “Chef is playing a vital role in helping organizations of all sizes implement high velocity development and operations environments.” JUL 2015 | Read Article > “Using Chef… the result has been that the product team can answer the question, ‘What was the state of the infrastructure on 29 August?’” SEP 2016 | Read Article > Driving outcomes for customers “Africa’s Standard Bank Seeks Speed Through Software Automation, DevOps.” MAY 2015 | Read Article > Best-in-class automation “A rich dev and test toolchain, collaborative end-to-end workflow, and improved Windows support put Chef in a league of its own.” AUG 2016 | Read Article > Industry-changing innovation “Chef wants to make it as easy as possible for businesses to run their applications… the idea behind Habitat is enormously powerful.” JUN 2016 | Read Article >
  • 27. Chef: Leader in the DevOps Market ” Leading change in a large and profitable enterprise is challenging for a number of reasons. Chef helps make change work at Target.