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Managing and Visualizing

JavaScript Complexity
Jarrod Overson
Consultant @
Yes, we’ll talk about

“Code Complexity”

“Code Quality”
Check your bias at the door
We’ll deal with it later
1. Why is this important now
2. Static Analysis & Linting
3. Visualizing Complexity

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революція на граніті. презентація
революція на граніті. презентаціяреволюція на граніті. презентація
революція на граніті. презентація

Презентація присвячена 25-й річниці Революції на граніті, що відбулася 2-17 жовтня 1990 року.

Магічний світ фентезі
 Магічний світ фентезі  Магічний світ фентезі
Магічний світ фентезі

Навіщо ж читати фентезі якщо у світі є багато цікавих книжок різнопланових жанрів? Але фентезі той жанр, до якого ніхто не ставиться байдуже. Даний список містить передмову та інформацію про книги, які знаходяться у фонді бібліотеки № 117.

Урок з теми: "Українське церковне життя др. пол. XVI ст. Берестейська унія"
Урок з теми: "Українське церковне життя др. пол. XVI ст. Берестейська унія"Урок з теми: "Українське церковне життя др. пол. XVI ст. Берестейська унія"
Урок з теми: "Українське церковне життя др. пол. XVI ст. Берестейська унія"

Урок з теми: "Церковне життя в другій половині XVI ст. Берестейська церковна унія"

The obvious…
JavaScript is Dynamic
all the obvious pitfalls compounded by
Immature tooling and IDEs
Wildly variable module styles
Best practices vary as language evolves
Server & Client similar yet so different
The Talent Pool is ridic
Web Platform

jQuery experts
The less obvious…

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Culture of baluchistan
Culture of baluchistanCulture of baluchistan
Culture of baluchistan

Balochistan has a history spanning thousands of years. It was previously an independent state but joined Pakistan in 1947. Balochistan is Pakistan's largest province by area, with its capital in Quetta. It is rich in minerals and has the important Gwadar seaport. The culture includes traditional Balochi and Brahui clothing. Local music features the violin and drums, and their cuisine includes sajji, a roasted mutton dish eaten with chapati. Eid and the Sibi Mela festival are celebrated events in the region. Balochistan has valuable natural resources like minerals, natural gas, and coal.

React, Redux and es6/7
React, Redux and es6/7React, Redux and es6/7
React, Redux and es6/7

The document discusses React, Redux, and ES6/7 features. It begins with an overview of React lifecycles and class components. It then provides a brief introduction to Redux, including core concepts like actions, reducers, and unidirectional data flow. The document also includes an example to demonstrate how React and Redux can work together, with Redux managing application state in the store and React components interacting via container components.

React Redux React Native
React Redux React NativeReact Redux React Native
React Redux React Native

GDG Seoul 발표. React, Redux, React Native

Progress is staggering
It’s hard to keep up
The next tech might not be usable yet
When it is, you want to actually
be able to use it
Refactoring isn’t easy
Callback hell is more than
just deep nesting

IDEs can’t help much, yet

But flexibility is more important
on the web than anywhere else
And the hard to admit…
The Web is hard
Web Applications are not solved
Even the giants pivot and backtrack
So many solutions still don’t exist

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Understanding, measuring and improving code quality in JavaScript
Understanding, measuring and improving code quality in JavaScriptUnderstanding, measuring and improving code quality in JavaScript
Understanding, measuring and improving code quality in JavaScript

The document discusses various ways to measure code quality, including objective and subjective metrics. It describes metrics like cyclomatic complexity, Halstead metrics, and NPATH complexity which measure different aspects of code such as complexity, readability, maintainability, and testability. The document also discusses tools that can analyze code quality and produce reports on lines of code, arguments per function, and other metrics. Overall, the document provides an overview of different techniques for measuring code quality both quantitatively and qualitatively.

istanbulplatocode quality
버전관리를 들어본적 없는 사람들을 위한 DVCS - Git
버전관리를 들어본적 없는 사람들을 위한 DVCS - Git버전관리를 들어본적 없는 사람들을 위한 DVCS - Git
버전관리를 들어본적 없는 사람들을 위한 DVCS - Git

Git, DVCS Overview

Software Metrics
Software MetricsSoftware Metrics
Software Metrics

This document provides an overview and introduction to software metrics. It discusses measurement concepts and why measurement is important for software engineering. It covers topics like the basics of measurement, collecting metrics data, analyzing data, and measuring internal and external attributes of software. Specific metrics discussed include size, structure, complexity, reliability, and test coverage. The document is intended to introduce readers to fundamental software metrics concepts.

software metrics
So why are we here?
Why bother?
JS coasted to the lead
on neutral
And this isn’t even

its final form
We can see where it’s headed
and we’re betting on JS

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Github 으로 학교 팀 프로젝트 하기
Github 으로 학교 팀 프로젝트 하기Github 으로 학교 팀 프로젝트 하기
Github 으로 학교 팀 프로젝트 하기

학교 팀 프로젝트를 Github 으로 진행하는 방법을 경험을 바탕으로 공유합니다.

5 Presentation design trends 2017
5 Presentation design trends 20175 Presentation design trends 2017
5 Presentation design trends 2017

New design trends 2018: 5 Presentation design trends in 2017 that make a difference. 1. Oversized Photography 2. Bright Gradients 3. Minimalist Design 4. Dramatic Typography 5. Double Exposures

All of Javascript
All of JavascriptAll of Javascript
All of Javascript

Javascript is actually called ECMAScript. The document provides an overview of JavaScript including how it interacts with the DOM in the browser, using JavaScript in web pages, syntax, control structures like loops and conditionals, objects as hashes, functions as first-class objects, loose typing, closures, prototypes, JSON, cross-domain AJAX, libraries like jQuery, and resources for learning more. The global scope in JavaScript is discussed and the importance of using var is emphasized to avoid polluting the global namespace.

javascripteducation and trainingjquery
1. Why is this important now
2. Static Analysis & Linting
3. Visualizing Complexity
Respect your JavaScript
and codify that respect.
All code should look the same.
Get everyone together
1. Agree
2. Document
3. Enforce

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Search for Vulnerabilities Using Static Code Analysis
Search for Vulnerabilities Using Static Code AnalysisSearch for Vulnerabilities Using Static Code Analysis
Search for Vulnerabilities Using Static Code Analysis

Vulnerabilities are the same things as common errors. Why do we distinguish them? Do this, if you want to earn more money. CWE - Common Weakness Enumeration. CVE - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures. Now using Valgrind you're searching not for a memory leak, but for a denial of service.

c++visual c++c/c++
Real World Single Page App - A Knockout Case Study
Real World Single Page App - A Knockout Case StudyReal World Single Page App - A Knockout Case Study
Real World Single Page App - A Knockout Case Study

This presentation explores lessons learned from building a highly complex single page application that's used by 100's of automotive dealerships to finance and sell cars. We’ll walk through how to manage a pure client-side application with 1000’s of lines of custom JavaScript and review how Web API, Knockout, Durandal, RequireJS, KendoUI, and surprisingly little jQuery can join forces to make the browser sing. You’ll gain a clear understanding of when a single page app approach makes sense and learn how to pragmatically divide responsibilities between the client and server. This session will give you an appreciation for how far you can push ultra-responsive client-side rendering in the real-world.

durandaljavascriptweb development
Polyglot and Poly-paradigm Programming for Better Agility
Polyglot and Poly-paradigm Programming for Better AgilityPolyglot and Poly-paradigm Programming for Better Agility
Polyglot and Poly-paradigm Programming for Better Agility

This document discusses the benefits of polyglot and poly-paradigm programming approaches for building more agile applications. It describes how using multiple languages and programming paradigms can optimize both performance and developer productivity. Specifically, it suggests that statically-typed compiled languages be used for core application components while dynamically-typed scripting languages connect and customize these components. This approach allows optimizing areas that require speed/efficiency separately from those requiring flexibility. The document also advocates aspects and functional programming to address cross-cutting concerns and concurrency challenges that arise in modern applications.

Coding conventions based on
Github analysis
1. >90% use last comma
2. >80% use space indents
3. >55% use single quotes
Lax enforcement begets violations.

Warnings need to fail builds.
These is as important as failed tests.
Know your options

Crockford-style linter, low configuration

Closure Linter

Google-style linter, low configuration

JSHint ✔

Community driven JSLint fork, moderately configurable

ESLint ✔

Pluggable styles, highly configurable
Know your options’ options





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writing self-modifying code and utilizing advanced assembly techniques
writing self-modifying code and utilizing advanced assembly techniqueswriting self-modifying code and utilizing advanced assembly techniques
writing self-modifying code and utilizing advanced assembly techniques

This document provides instructions for creating shellcode using only alphanumeric characters. It begins by outlining the plan, which is to use IMUL and XOR instructions to reconstruct bytes not in the alphanumeric range. It then provides a blueprint, explaining how IMUL and XOR can be used to generate needed values. The first code example walks through transforming an existing 24-byte shellcode into an alphanumeric version by pushing and popping values and using XOR to zero registers.

advanced assemblyx86alpha-numeric shellcode
Huge web apps web expo 2013
Huge web apps web expo 2013Huge web apps web expo 2013
Huge web apps web expo 2013

Apps with millions lines of code maintained by hundreds of SWEs. Can vanilla JS + HTML5 do the job? If not, what can? TypeScript? Dart?


This document discusses various challenges with browser compatibility and standards compliance when working with technologies like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. It explores issues with window sizing, mouse and keyboard events, scrolling, and more across different browsers. It emphasizes that browsers continue to evolve and change, so developers need strategies like fallback capabilities and compatibility layers to account for inconsistencies.

javascriptweb browser
Be aggressive.
Default to overly strict.
Smart deviation is
OK and expected.

function fn(param) {
/*jshint eqeqeq:false*/

if (param == 42) return;

Set complexity limits


What is

Cyclomatic Complexity

Conditional Complexity

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NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jmaghreb, jmaghreb2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jmaghreb, jmaghreb2013)NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jmaghreb, jmaghreb2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jmaghreb, jmaghreb2013)

JavaScript used to be confined to the browser. But these days, it becoming increasingly popular in server-side applications in the form of NodeJS. NodeJS provides event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that supposedly makes it easy to build scalable network application. In this talk you will learn about the consequences of combining the event-driven programming model with a prototype-based, weakly typed, dynamic language. We will share our perspective as a server-side Java developer who wasn’t entirely happy about JavaScript in the browser, let alone on the server. You will learn how to use NodeJS effectively in modern, polyglot applications.

Managing JavaScript Complexity in Teams - Fluent
Managing JavaScript Complexity in Teams - FluentManaging JavaScript Complexity in Teams - Fluent
Managing JavaScript Complexity in Teams - Fluent

This document discusses managing complexity in JavaScript projects. It addresses coming to terms with the challenges of dynamic languages being messy, having an immature tooling ecosystem, and rapid evolution. It emphasizes respecting code style conventions, enforcing linting rules, documenting code, and using metrics like cyclomatic complexity to reduce testing difficulty. The overall message is that perseverance is needed to tame JavaScript's complexity through automation, visualization, honesty and acceptance of its challenges and opportunities.

Robots in Swift
Robots in SwiftRobots in Swift
Robots in Swift

This document summarizes the key lessons learned from converting a legacy robotics project from Objective-C to Swift. It discusses issues with the original Objective-C code like silent nil failures, weak type safety with NSCoding, and problems with error handling. The document then covers how Swift addresses these issues through features like optional values, type safety, value types, and improved error handling with enums, throws, and do-catch. Overall, converting to Swift reduced the code base size by 75%, removed classes of bugs, found subtle bugs earlier, and allowed new features by making the code more robust.

error handlingprogrammingswift
Cyclomatic Complexity
is not
nerd hokum
something you should ignore
Cyclomatic Complexity
the number of paths
through a block of code
Cyclomatic Complexity
how hard your code
is to test.
Complexity : 1

function main(a) {


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All of javascript
All of javascriptAll of javascript
All of javascript

This document provides an overview of JavaScript concepts and best practices. It discusses objects as hashes, functions as first-class objects, loose typing, closures, prototypes, JSON, cross-domain AJAX, testing with Jasmine, CoffeeScript, libraries like jQuery, global scope issues, regular expressions, XSS, hoisting, and other JavaScript quirks. It also provides resources for further learning JavaScript.

web developmentprogrammingjavascript
10 Groovy Little JavaScript Tips
10 Groovy Little JavaScript Tips10 Groovy Little JavaScript Tips
10 Groovy Little JavaScript Tips

JavaScript, like it or not, has become the most important language on the web. Nearly every developer who builds Internet apps has to use it. But JavaScript can be tough to write and even tougher to read. So here are ten tips to help you get groovy with JavaScript.

Test driven development for infrastructure as-a-code, the future trend_Gianfr...
Test driven development for infrastructure as-a-code, the future trend_Gianfr...Test driven development for infrastructure as-a-code, the future trend_Gianfr...
Test driven development for infrastructure as-a-code, the future trend_Gianfr...

This document discusses testing infrastructure as code (IaaC) using test-driven development (TDD) principles. It recommends applying different types of automated tests for IaaC: unit tests to check for errors, integration tests to validate functionality, and acceptance/security tests on deployed infrastructure. Various tools are mentioned for testing IaaC written in languages like Terraform, Ansible, Chef, and Puppet at the unit, integration, and security levels. Adopting a testing mindset and tools can help catch errors and non-compliance early in development pipelines.

Complexity : 2
function main(a) {
if (a > 5) {
Complexity : ? still 2
function main(a) {
if (a > 5) {

} else {

Complexity : ? now 3
function main(a) {
if (a > 10) {

} else if(a > 5) {

Complexity : ? still 3
function main(a) {
if (a > 10) {

} else if(a > 5) {

} else {



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NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (oredev, oredev2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (oredev, oredev2013)NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (oredev, oredev2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (oredev, oredev2013)

JavaScript used to be confined to the browser. But these days, it becoming increasingly popular in server-side applications in the form of NodeJS. NodeJS provides event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that supposedly makes it easy to build scalable network application. In this talk you will learn about the consequences of combining the event-driven programming model with a prototype-based, weakly typed, dynamic language. We will share our perspective as a server-side Java developer who wasn’t entirely happy about JavaScript in the browser, let alone on the server. You will learn how to use NodeJS effectively in modern, polyglot applications.

Planning JavaScript and Ajax for larger teams
Planning JavaScript and Ajax for larger teamsPlanning JavaScript and Ajax for larger teams
Planning JavaScript and Ajax for larger teams

My talk at the @media Ajax conference in London in November 2007 about the non-technical steps you can take to make JavaScript and Ajax work for larger teams.

Douglas Crockford Presentation Goodparts
Douglas Crockford Presentation GoodpartsDouglas Crockford Presentation Goodparts
Douglas Crockford Presentation Goodparts

The document discusses JavaScript, describing it as a language of contrasts with both good and bad parts. It outlines some of the criticisms of JavaScript but argues there is an elegant language hidden underneath. It examines JavaScript's influences and features, identifying good parts like lambda functions, dynamic objects, and loose typing, as well as bad parts like global variables and confusing equality operators. The document also discusses prototypal inheritance, modules, closures, and style in JavaScript. It advocates following standards like JSLint to write more reliable code and avoiding future bad designs by using a safer JavaScript subset.

Complexity : ? also 3
function main(a) {
if (a > 5) {
if (a > 10) {

Complexity : 7
function main(a) {
if (a) {
} else if (a) {

if (other) { }


for (var i = 0; i < a; i++) {
if (i % 2) {
} else if (i % 3) {
Don’t get hung up on numbers

function main() {
/*jshint maxcomplexity:12*/




* note : jshint calculates complexity differently than
complexity-report (plato, grunt-complexity)
Cyclomatic Complexity
is an early warning but isn’t everything.

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Developer Job in Practice
Developer Job in PracticeDeveloper Job in Practice
Developer Job in Practice

The document provides guidance for developers on best practices for writing code. It emphasizes following rules like clean code, code reviews, and refactoring. Key points include writing simple and readable code, avoiding duplication, learning from others, and ensuring code meets definitions of done that specify requirements like testing and code quality. Refactoring is advised to reduce technical debt by improving structure without changing functionality. Code reviews are recommended to catch defects through constructive peer review.

code reviewsclean coderefactoring
SFScon 21 - Davide Montesin - Typescript vs. Java
SFScon 21 - Davide Montesin - Typescript vs. JavaSFScon 21 - Davide Montesin - Typescript vs. Java
SFScon 21 - Davide Montesin - Typescript vs. Java

Javascript is the language used the most for developing a web app or a hybrid mobile app, mainly because it can be executed directly by browsers. Java instead, can’t be run directly in a browser. On the other hand we have the language TypeScript, which is an open-source language that adds compile time type checking to Javascript, similar to Java, with the goal to prevent bugs mainly in the large code base. It is not uncommon for developers to write code using more than one programming language over time. In this talk you will find out, how I survived adding Typescript/Javascript to the programming languages ​​I work with, after a long experience of development with Java. Let’s go!

Intro to JavaScript
Intro to JavaScriptIntro to JavaScript
Intro to JavaScript

This afternoon I gave a very short introduction to computer programming at Trade School ( I used JavaScript to illustrate the process of learning how to program, mainly because there's nothing to install and it has many practical uses.

OMG! I’m going to
make the best .jshintrc
Managing JavaScript Complexity
It’s ok.
Have an ideal set of options,
and a current set that passes now.

Visualize your goal.
1. Why is this important now
2. Static Analysis & Linting
3. Visualizing Complexity

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Thinking In Swift
Thinking In SwiftThinking In Swift
Thinking In Swift

These are the slides from a talk that I did at CocoaConf about rewriting a legacy Objective-C project in Swift.

swifterror handlingobjective-c
Practical WebAssembly with Apex, wasmRS, and nanobus
Practical WebAssembly with Apex, wasmRS, and nanobusPractical WebAssembly with Apex, wasmRS, and nanobus
Practical WebAssembly with Apex, wasmRS, and nanobus

This All Things Open 2022 talk shows how to use current-gen WebAssembly to build complex applications out of components.

AppSecCali - How Credential Stuffing is Evolving
AppSecCali - How Credential Stuffing is EvolvingAppSecCali - How Credential Stuffing is Evolving
AppSecCali - How Credential Stuffing is Evolving

This talk was given at AppSec California, January 2020. Credential stuffing and other automated attacks are evolving passed every defense thrown in their way. CAPTCHAs don't work, Fingerprints don't work, Magical AI-whatevers don't work. The value is just too great.

securityautomationcredential stuffing
One cool guy.
Managing JavaScript Complexity
Visualize your progress.
Target hot spots and track progress.

Promote files when ready.
When a file clears, promote it
to your ideal jshintrc.
Files passing “ideal” settings

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How Credential Stuffing is Evolving - PasswordsCon 2019
How Credential Stuffing is Evolving - PasswordsCon 2019How Credential Stuffing is Evolving - PasswordsCon 2019
How Credential Stuffing is Evolving - PasswordsCon 2019

Slides for talk given at PasswordsCon Sweden 2019. Credentials Stuffing is an automated attack that exploits users who reuse passwords by taking breached credentials and replaying them across sites.

credential stuffingcredential spillsowasp
JSconf JP - Analysis of an exploited npm package. Event-stream's role in a su...
JSconf JP - Analysis of an exploited npm package. Event-stream's role in a su...JSconf JP - Analysis of an exploited npm package. Event-stream's role in a su...
JSconf JP - Analysis of an exploited npm package. Event-stream's role in a su...

This document summarizes an analysis of an exploited NPM package called event-stream. It describes how an attacker gained control of the package and added malicious code that was downloaded by thousands of projects whenever their dependencies were updated. The malicious code stole cryptocurrency from wallets containing large amounts. It highlights the risks of supply chain attacks and emphasizes the importance of auditing dependencies, locking versions, and thinking carefully before adding new dependencies to avoid compromising entire projects and their users.

Analysis of an OSS supply chain attack - How did 8 millions developers downlo...
Analysis of an OSS supply chain attack - How did 8 millions developers downlo...Analysis of an OSS supply chain attack - How did 8 millions developers downlo...
Analysis of an OSS supply chain attack - How did 8 millions developers downlo...

Jarrod Overson presented on a supply chain attack that occurred in 2018 through the compromise of the event-stream Node.js package. An unauthorized developer gained commit access and introduced malicious code through new dependencies that was then installed by millions of users. The malware harvested cryptocurrency private keys from the Copay wallet app. While the community responded quickly, such attacks demonstrate vulnerabilities in open source software supply chains and dependency management that will continue to be exploited if not properly addressed through changes to practices and tooling.

Files to target next
Challenge Accepted.

But wait! There’s MORE!

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Deepfakes - How they work and what it means for the future
Deepfakes - How they work and what it means for the futureDeepfakes - How they work and what it means for the future
Deepfakes - How they work and what it means for the future

Deepfakes originally started as cheap costing but believable video effects and have expanded into AI-generated content of every format. This session dove into the state of deepfakes and how the technology highlights an exciting but dangerous future.

deepfakesmachine learningartificial intelligence
The State of Credential Stuffing and the Future of Account Takeovers.
The State of Credential Stuffing and the Future of Account Takeovers.The State of Credential Stuffing and the Future of Account Takeovers.
The State of Credential Stuffing and the Future of Account Takeovers.

Jarrod Overson discusses the evolution of credential stuffing attacks and where they may go in the future. He summarizes that credential stuffing started as basic automated login attempts but has evolved through generations as defenses were put in place, such as CAPTCHAs and behavior analysis. The next generation involves more sophisticated imitation attacks that flawlessly emulate human behavior using real device fingerprints to blend in. Beyond credential stuffing, malware may start scraping user accounts and environments directly from infected machines. As defenses raise the cost of attacks, fraudsters will diversify methods to preserve the value of valid accounts and user data.

credential stuffingcredential spillsowasp
How to Reverse Engineer Web Applications
How to Reverse Engineer Web ApplicationsHow to Reverse Engineer Web Applications
How to Reverse Engineer Web Applications

Workshop slides originally given at the WOPR Summit in Atlantic City. Use JavaScript parsers and generators like Shift combined with Puppeteer and Chrome to reverse engineer web applications

Managing JavaScript Complexity
Code is a liability.
Your job is to provide value with
as little code as possible.
How many lines of code does
your main project have right now?
If you don’t know, within 10%,
then you’re ignoring it.
Treat SLOC like credit card debt.

Don’t add to it without knowing the balance.
Managing JavaScript Complexity

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The life of breached data and the attack lifecycle
The life of breached data and the attack lifecycleThe life of breached data and the attack lifecycle
The life of breached data and the attack lifecycle

OWASP RTP Presentation on Data breaches, credential spills, the lifespan of data, credential stuffing, the attack lifecycle, and what you can do to protect yourself or your users.

password securitycredential stuffingdata breaches
The Life of Breached Data & The Dark Side of Security
The Life of Breached Data & The Dark Side of SecurityThe Life of Breached Data & The Dark Side of Security
The Life of Breached Data & The Dark Side of Security

QCon SF 2016 security talk about who uses data from massive breaches (like Yahoo, Target), what tools they use, and what damage they inflict.

Shape Security @ WaffleJS October 16
Shape Security @ WaffleJS October 16Shape Security @ WaffleJS October 16
Shape Security @ WaffleJS October 16

Shape Security analyzes 1.5 billion logins per week and protects 350 million user accounts. In 2016 alone, 1.6 billion credentials were leaked and sold or traded by criminals on dark web markets. Shape uses headless browsers like PhantomJS to automatically test leaked credentials on other sites, stopping over $1 billion in fraud losses in 2016. However, captchas intended to prevent automated attacks do not work and ruin the user experience.

javascriptwafflejsweb platform
Maintainability Index?

JavaScript is a real
platform now!


You’re both right.
Maintainability : 100

// empty file

Well we can buy that.
Maintainability : 95
var foo = 42;

Seems harsh, but ok.
Maintainability : 83
var foo = 42;

var bar = Math.log(foo++);

Holy crap, we’re dropping fast…

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Graphics Programming for Web Developers
Graphics Programming for Web DevelopersGraphics Programming for Web Developers
Graphics Programming for Web Developers

Talk given at Mozilla's first View Source Conference in Portland, 2015. Details out the parallels between graphics and game developments compared to traditional web development.

The Dark Side of Security
The Dark Side of SecurityThe Dark Side of Security
The Dark Side of Security

This document discusses the dark side of web security, including automated threats from bots and attackers. It notes that traditional security like flossing is difficult to measure effectiveness. It outlines the OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities and automated threats attackers use. While captchas are meant to stop bots, services have made bypassing captchas easier. If a site has value like money, data, or content, there is value in exploiting it. Detection of attacks is difficult as attackers use many proxies and fingerprints to avoid detection. Patching is not enough, and spikes in traffic from many IPs could indicate an attack.

JavaScript and the AST
JavaScript and the ASTJavaScript and the AST
JavaScript and the AST

This was a talk given at HTML5DevConf SF in 2015. Ever wanted to write your own Browserify or Babel? Maybe have an idea for something new? This talk will get you started understanding how to use a JavaScript AST to transform and generate new code.

Maintainability : 92
var foo = 42;

function calc(x) {
return Math.log(x++);

var bar = calc(foo);
Ok, that does seem better…
Toolable via grunt-complexity
What are we really working with here?
var vocabulary = unqOperators + unqOperands;
var length = totOperators + totOperands;
var difficulty = (unqOperators / 2) *
(totOperands / unqOperands);
var volume = length * Math.log2(vocabulary);
var effort = difficulty * volume;

But don’t look at

var maintainabilityIndex = Math.max(
171 +
-3.42 * Math.log(aveEffort) +
-0.23 * (aveComplexity) +
-16.2 * Math.log(aveLOC)
Smarter people are responsible
) * 100 / 171

me for questions

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ES2015 workflows
ES2015 workflowsES2015 workflows
ES2015 workflows

This document discusses ECMAScript 2015 (ES2015), also known as ES6. It provides examples of new ES2015 features like arrow functions, template literals, classes, and modules. It also discusses how to set up a development environment to use ES2015, including transpiling code to ES5 using Babel, linting with Eslint, testing with Mocha, and generating coverage reports with Istanbul. The document emphasizes that while ES2015 is fun to explore, proper tooling like linting and testing is needed for serious development. It concludes by noting ES2015 marks a transition and thanks the audience.

Maintainability SFJS Sept 4 2014
Maintainability SFJS Sept 4 2014 Maintainability SFJS Sept 4 2014
Maintainability SFJS Sept 4 2014

The document discusses achieving maintainability in code through examining code quality with linters, generating visual reports on metrics like complexity and coverage, and automating processes like builds, linting, and testing through tools like Grunt and Gulp. It emphasizes setting limits on metrics like complexity, enforcing code style through automation, and treating documentation as important as code.

Idiot proofing your code
Idiot proofing your codeIdiot proofing your code
Idiot proofing your code

1) The document discusses achieving maintainability in code through analysis, automation, and enforcement of standards. 2) It recommends setting up linting, code coverage, and other analysis tools to examine code quality and automatically enforcing code style through build processes. 3) The key is to automate as many processes as possible like testing, linting, and documentation to make the code easy to work with and prevent issues from being introduced.

1976 Thomas McCabe - Cyclomatic Complexity
1977 Maurice Halstead - Halstead Metrics
1991 Oman/Hagemeister - Maintainability Index

Phil Booth
JavaScript Implementation

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Source Analysis (Esprima)
Managing JavaScript Complexity
Managing JavaScript Complexity
Oh, come on.

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These numbers are for
introspection and exploration
These calculations have been praised and
criticised, promoted and shot down.
(and Halstead died before
being able to defend them)
The point is
“ The unexamined code
is not worth releasing ”
- Socrates
is not just logic

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is the api between
and reality
Inconsistent, complex

is an inconsistent, complex

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