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Coll-app-orating with students:
iBeacons and AR and gamification, oh my!
Low Jiaxin
Singapore Management University
Internet Librarian International 18 October 2016 #C103
Push Process
Product Philosophy?
874 1006
2012 2013 2014 2015
Push factors
Push factors

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Morningstar Investment Research Center provides in-depth stock, mutual fund, and ETF research and analysis tools. Users can search for investments by ticker, name, or screen for options that match custom criteria. Detailed reports are available that show recommendations, financials, ratings, and industry information. Users can view snapshots or full PDF reports and print results. The document provides step-by-step instructions for using Morningstar's stock and fund screening tools to research specific companies or groups of investments.

How to use Gartner Database
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Gartner provides research reports and analysis on technology and markets. The document outlines key resources available through Gartner including Hype Cycle reports, Magic Quadrants, case studies, forecasts and more. It provides guidance on searching for relevant materials and filtering results by content type, industry and other options. Setting up alerts and following Gartner blogs and webinars are also recommended to stay updated.

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The document discusses the new Investment Studio learning space created at the SMU Libraries in Singapore. The Investment Studio was created as part of a 2014 library renovation to address increased student population and demand for study space. It is a dedicated teaching and learning space that houses financial terminals and is enclosed for small classes, group projects, and collaboration, focusing on the university's area of excellence in finance and financial markets. Since its soft launch in November 2014, the Investment Studio has seen increasing usage, with over 11,500 visitors from January to May 2015.

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We analyzed all the recruiting activity on LinkedIn this year and identified the Top Skills employers seek. Starting Oct 24, learn these skills and much more for free during the Week of Learning. #AlwaysBeLearning

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This document introduces several visual tools for content area teaching: QR codes, Popplet, and Thinglink. QR codes allow linking to websites, videos, and other media from printed materials. Popplet is a tool for organizing student ideas visually in webs. Thinglink enables creating interactive images with links to additional content. Examples are provided for how these tools can be used to engage students, foster collaboration, differentiate instruction, and showcase student learning in creative ways.

Open Badges
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Open Badges

Presentation by Steve Sidaway & Tom Holland of MyKnowldgeMap (, delivered to the Higher York eLearning Conference at York St John University on 4th June 2013.

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Welcome to SMU Libraries!
Indoor Positioning System: Estimote iBeacons
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Muh Isfhani Ghiath discusses open source software and Google Summer of Code (GSoC). Open source software is released under an approved open source license, allowing the software to be freely used, modified, and shared. GSoC is an international program that pairs university students with open source organizations for a 3-month coding project, earning a stipend. Students research projects, propose ideas, and are selected by organizations. If students pass three evaluations, they receive the stipend and their code is released for public use.

Augmented Reality for Collaborative Experience
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Interactive Tak: The importance of Augmented Reality is growing. Augmented Reality is a proven cost efficient tool for education at different levels and different budgets. In this talk you will understand what is AR and differents types of AR (great learning experience!) and how to start using AR solutions in your classroom straight away. Interactive talk involves AR experiences during the talk.

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Certificate, Awards, Scholarships
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Certificate, Awards, Scholarships

This document contains certificates from several courses and programs completed by Ming Hui Goh, including: 1) An IBM Data Science Professional Certificate completed through Coursera, where Goh learned data science tools, Python, SQL, data analysis, visualization, and machine learning through courses and a capstone project. 2) A program on tackling big data challenges through edX in collaboration with MIT, covering the topic over 20 hours. 3) An AIIM BPM Master certificate awarded for completing the AIIM BPM Master Program. 4) A congratulatory notice for being shortlisted in the Telr Data Mining Challenge 2014.

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Augmented Reality: Wikitude

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How can leaders effectively leverage technology for learning? If we have pockets of best practices, how do we scale up? What specific action steps can leaders take to build a shared vision, facilitate professional learning, provide access 24/7/365, and create polices that support rather than undercut technology use? This file includes numerous links to useful resources.


Arpit Jain is seeking a position as a software engineer. He has over 1 year of experience working for Roundabout Technology as an ERP developer using Python, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, and MySQL. In college, he completed projects including an ultrasonic distance measurement device for blind users and online shopping and insurance management systems using J2EE, HTML, JSP, and CSS. He has a Bachelor's degree in technology from Poornima Institute of Engineering and received several academic achievements and training. His skills include programming in C, J2EE, UML, and Python as well as web technologies.

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Allan Carrington presented on disruptive pedagogy and flipping the classroom. Some key points from the presentation include: - Introducing concepts like starting curriculum design with desired graduate attributes and outcomes, rather than content, to create a flipped approach. - Discussing strategies for motivating students and developing learning contracts based around attributes of excellence. - Exploring tactics for sieving teaching ideas through criteria like autonomy, mastery and purpose to create meaningful learning experiences. - Highlighting examples of flipping done in law classes since 2007 and pioneers at the University of Adelaide who were early adopters of just-in-time teaching using interactive learning modules.

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Ini adalah powerpoint untuk presentasi tugas akhir jurusan D4 Teknik Informatika di Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya. Slide ini menjelaskan mengenai tugas akhir permainan susun-balok dengan menggunakan perangkat kendali Leap Motion

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This document discusses using visual programming languages like Scratch and App Inventor to teach programming concepts to students. It describes Scratch's features for sequential, conditional, and iterative structures. Events like Scratch Day are held worldwide to bring together Scratch enthusiasts. The document also outlines a project where students used App Inventor to create educational apps for disabled children. The project helped increase student motivation to learn programming and develop tools to help others.

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This presentation introduces Mozilla Open Badges for an unfamiliar audience, and introduces some simple tools that can be used to get started with designing and issuing Open Badges.

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100 hours.key

This document contains a list of ideas from faculty for projects they could do with 100 hours to learn and experiment with various technologies including Google Sketch-up, Photoshop, SMARTBOARD, Google Forms, blogging, wikis, remote desktop, and using various apps and websites for teaching and student projects. The ideas range from learning new software to setting up social media accounts, collaborating across divisions, encouraging digital media creation by students, and assessing educational apps.

by HRS
Coding in Schools & Artificial Intelligence in Schools
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Coding in Schools & Artificial Intelligence in Schools

This document describes an educational program called Cyber Square that teaches coding, AI, robotics, and other computer science skills to students. It aims to transform students from technology users to creators by adopting an innovative curriculum. As technology changes how we live and work, coding literacy is becoming essential, and the program provides opportunities for students in the digital world. Cyber Square offers an online learning platform, textbooks, coding clubs, digital festivals, and more to implement its "From Users to Creators" methodology of experiential, project-based learning through coding.

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This document provides an overview of using iPads in the classroom presented by Nancy Caramanico, an education technology specialist. It discusses exploring education apps, effective classroom technology integration, and showcases various app categories including basics, curation, communication, creativity, and flipped classroom. Productivity apps like Evernote and pages are presented for note-taking and collaboration. Guidelines for evaluating apps are shared. The document emphasizes how mobile technologies can enhance learning through communication, critical thinking, and digital content creation.


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The slides contain a breif description about the first IIIT established by government of India i.e. IIITM Gwalior. A perfect blend of technology and management.

Augmented Reality.pptx
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Augmented Reality.pptx

This document discusses augmented reality (AR) and its potential applications in education. It begins with definitions of AR and how it differs from virtual reality. The document then lists several educational technology tools and websites with free resources. It provides examples of how AR works and discusses advantages of AR for education such as improving engagement and motivation. Specific AR apps are mentioned and screenshots show the process of downloading an AR creator app and generating QR codes to link AR content to images.

Who we are Smart Projects !
Who we are Smart Projects !Who we are Smart Projects !
Who we are Smart Projects !

SmartProjects is a group passionate about making things using affordable open-source platforms like Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Their vision is to improve skills through high-quality, low-cost projects while motivating students and preparing them for professional life. They support new ideas and have organized numerous workshops and participated in events on topics like embedded systems, robotics, and web development.

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