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Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Summary Generative AI in marketing:
A revolution unfolding
In a remarkably short time, generative AI has gained
widespread popularity, emerging as a transformative force in
marketing. Its rapid adoption rate is extraordinary. Currently:
• almost 60% of organizations are integrating generative AI
into their marketing efforts, from minimal to no adoption
just a year ago,
– of these, 37% are actively implementing it across
various initiatives, while an additional 21% are in the
experimental phase
• close to 80% of organizations have either already allocated
budget or plan to do so in the next six months to integrate
generative AI into their marketing initiatives
• those investing in generative AI are dedicating 62% of their
marketing tech investments to it, reflecting the growing
maturity of both current and upcoming generative AI
Marketers are using generative AI to craft compelling
campaigns, elevate and personalize customer service and
experiences, analyze data, optimize search, and undertake
various other transformative initiatives.
Unlocking value: Embracing the
benefits of generative AI
The technology has rapidly proven itself. Nearly 60% of
organizations surveyed believe the benefits of generative
AI outweigh its costs and risks. These benefits span brand
enhancement, cost efficiency, innovation, time optimization,
and improved and personalized customer experience.
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Summary Redefining and augmenting, not
replacing human creativity
Generative AI is not replacing human creativity; instead it’s
redefining it and acting as a catalyst for innovation. More
than half of the organizations surveyed say that balancing AI
and human creativity is an ongoing challenge. But the strong
consensus among marketers is that generative AI will not
diminish but rather augment human creativity in the long run.
It seems inevitable that marketing roles will be profoundly
impacted by generative AI. From customer insights specialists
to SEO experts, copywriters, digital marketers, and data
analysts, all can expect to experience a new era of creative
possibilities and related productivity gains.
Addressing ethical and copyright challenges
While the potential impact of generative AI on marketing
is vast, there are ethical and copyright concerns that
require clear regulation and new guidelines. As AI adoption
in marketing increases, there is an urgent and growing
need to ensure responsible practice. The current lack of
comprehensive and clear guidelines means that 70% of
organizations are potentially exposed to ethical challenges
over their use and oversight of AI.
Simultaneously, copyright challenges around AI-generated
content indicate a need for decisive regulation and
guidelines. At present, only 42% of organizations address
these issues adequately by using robust cybersecurity
protocols and monitoring for AI-derived versions of their
work, for example.
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Summary Integrating generative AI into marketing
To seamlessly integrate generative AI, organizations should
take a comprehensive approach. This means:
• Strategic direction: Precisely define integration goals,
adopt a pragmatic investment approach, and assess tech
• Leadership and oversight: Mobilize generative AI
specialists, establish a task force, craft robust ethical
guidelines, and remain vigilant while navigating the
evolving regulations and compliance.
• Iterative execution: Initiate selective, small-scale
initiatives, drive iterative implementation with robust
data security, and navigate responsibly considering the
environmental impact of generative AI.
Finally, growing and expanding boundaries requires
marketing departments and organizations to cultivate
partnerships and encourage upskilling, balancing generative
AI with human ingenuity, and embracing a new era of tech-
driven collaboration.
of organizations have either already
allocated budget or plan to do so in the
next six months to integrate generative AI
into their marketing initiatives
Unleashing the generative AI playbook
To fully embrace the transformative potential of generative
AI in marketing, organizations must foster a culture of
innovation and experimentation. In this way, they can
strategically integrate AI technologies to unlock novel
approaches, enhance customer experiences, and gain a
competitive edge.
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
This report is written for leaders of marketing functions in
all business sectors. In particular, it will be useful for chief
marketing officers (CMOs) and other senior marketers
in larger organizations. Its insights will also extend its
relevance not only to CEOs and senior sales leaders but also
to individuals with a strategic stake in marketing. It caters to
tech team leaders fostering marketing functions, as well as
advisors and consultants specializing in the dynamic realm of
marketing strategies.
This report provides an in-depth exploration of the
transformative potential of generative AI within the marketing
landscape across all sectors. Through insightful use cases, the
report elucidates practical applications of generative AI across
diverse marketing domains. As well as discussing the benefits of
generative AI, the report addresses the challenges its adoption
can bring and proposes effective remedial strategies.
This report is based on:
• the findings of a comprehensive survey of 1,800 CMOs
and business leaders (director-level and above) from 14
countries and
• 25 in-depth interviews with leading CMOs and
industry experts.
For a comprehensive understanding of the broader
landscape, we encourage you to explore our first two
reports, which cover consumer and industry perspectives on
generative AI:
• Why consumers love generative AI:
• Harnessing the value of generative AI:
Top use cases across industries:
Who should read this report and why?
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
In a span of about one year, the generative AI market is on
the verge of significant growth. It is expected to reach $1.3
trillion in the next decade, growing from $40 billion in 2022.1
No technology has reached 100 million users faster than
ChatGPT, which crossed that threshold in just two months.2
Based on our recent cross-sector and cross-functional
research, generative AI shows the greatest potential within
IT, sales and customer service, and marketing functions.3
Furthermore, our consumer research on generative AI reveals
that consumers who use generative AI tools are satisfied
with them. In addition, 62% of consumers are comfortable
with the implementation of generative AI in marketing
and advertising, provided it doesn't negatively impact their
overall experience.4
Consequently, we have undertaken this in-depth exploration
of its impact on marketing.
Generative AI can be leveraged to create, innovate, and
adapt autonomously. And it is reshaping traditional
marketing strategies.
This study, the second in the chief marketing officer (CMO)
playbook series,5 explores the following:
1. The rapid integration of generative AI in the
marketing domain.
2. Implementation areas for generative AI within marketing
and anticipated benefits.
3. Generative AI's role in augmenting – but not replacing –
human creativity within marketing.
4. The urgent need for organizations to address ethical and
copyright concerns arising from the use of generative AI
in marketing.
We conclude the report by outlining key best practices for
organizations to effectively harness generative AI technology
in marketing.
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
In addition to delving into generative AI, the report
showcases the evolution of the marketing function,
taking on vital roles in business decision-making and
customer experience shaping. It also emphasizes
increased data adoption, empowering marketers
with agile marketing strategies.
For our research we surveyed 1,800 CMOs or executives
responsible for marketing within their organizations. The
respondents were drawn from organizations with over
$1 billion annual revenue, across Australia, Brazil, Finland,
France, Germany, India, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway,
Singapore, Spain, Sweden, the UK, and the US. We spoke
to executives from multiple sectors, including automotive,
consumer products, retail, financial services, telecom,
utilities, high-tech, industrial manufacturing, life sciences,
public sector, and media. In addition, we conducted 25
in-depth interviews with CMOs and other marketing
executives with firsthand knowledge or awareness of their
organization's generative AI initiatives. For more details on
the survey sample, please refer to the research methodology.
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Generative AI is technology that has the capability to learn from
and reapply the properties and patterns of data for a wide range
of applications, from creating text, images, and videos in different
styles to generating tailored content. It enables machines to perform
creative tasks previously thought exclusive to humans. The following
table summarizes the top generative AI applications and gives some
Definition of
generative AI
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Selected generative AI applications
Images and
video generation
Indicative examples
Generating new text/reports, summarizing and translating into
multiple languages
OpenAI’s GPT-4, Google Palm 2, Scribe, Claude
Generating new images/videos, analyzing existing images/video
(e.g., video games, VR, animation)
Adobe Firefly, Stability AI, Midjourney, Nvidia, Dall-E2,
Synthesia, Nvidia, Runway ML
Generating music and remixing, speech synthesis, sound
effects, voice conversion, audio enhancement
Synthesia, Amazon Polly,
Generate human-like contextually relevant text responses in
real-time to expand and improve customer service and advice
OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Amazon Lex, Google Bard
Enhanced search functions, adding language capabilities to
search (e.g., “RAG,” retrieval augmented generation)
Google Bard, Landing AI, Azure, Facebook Llama 2, Perplexity AI
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Marketers are moving
fast to embrace the
possibilities of
generative AI
The marketing function is swiftly adopting generative
AI, witnessing substantial adoption of a technology that
gained popularity within the past 12 months. In our report
on generative AI across sectors and functions published this
year, approximately 40% of organizations were adopting
a “wait and watch” approach. This approach now applies
to only 12% of organizations in terms of the marketing
function (see Figure 1).
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations; Generative AI Executive Survey, April 2023.
The marketing function is rapidly embracing generative AI
Share of organizations across all functions,
April 2023
Share of organizations in marketing function,
October 2023
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Most organizations
already use generative
AI in marketing
Currently, almost 60% of organizations have adopted
generative AI into their marketing initiatives, including
37% who have progressed from experimentation to active
implementation (see Figure 2).
Percentages represent share of organizations.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations.
Marketing functions are deploying generative AI at pace
37% 21% 13% 10% 12% 5% 3%
Using across multiple/few initiatives
Don't know what it is and have no
intention to bring it into
marketing soon
Not using, but have a strategy
Not using, and don't have a strategy
Taking a “wait and watch” approach
Used in the past, but don’t use it now
of organizations are integrating
generative AI into marketing
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Percentages represent share of organizations.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations.
Both B2B and B2C sectors are actively deploying generative AI in marketing
Business-to-business (B2B) sectors (e.g., manufacturing,
life sciences) are only very slightly behind their business-to-
consumer (B2C) counterparts (e.g., consumer products, retail,
automotive) in incorporating generative AI into marketing
strategies (see Figure 3).
Using across multiple/few initiatives
Don't know what it is and have no
intention to bring it into
marketing soon
Not using, but have a strategy
Not using, and don't have a strategy
Taking a “wait and watch” approach
Used in the past, but don’t use it now
B2B sectors
B2C sectors
33% 25% 14% 12% 11% 4% 2%
38% 20% 13% 10% 12% 5% 3%
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Generative AI is gaining traction not just in B2C but also in
B2B sectors. Forrester predicts that, by 2024, B2B teams will
use generative AI to swiftly extract valuable insights from
diverse customer data to streamline idea generation and
innovation, ultimately identifying unique capabilities in a fifth
of launched products.6
Moreover, the US already stands out for their robust embrace
of generative AI in marketing. On average, Europe lags
behind the U.S. in implementing generative AI, potentially
attributable to its more stringent regulations in the field of AI
(see Figure 4).
Percentages represent share of organizations.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations.
The US is ahead in implementing generative AI in marketing
Average, Global
Average, Europe and UK
Using generative AI across
multiple/few initiatives
Not using or experimenting with
generative AI
Testing/experimenting with
generative AI
50% 19% 31%
42% 15% 44%
40% 20% 40%
38% 23% 39%
37% 21% 43%
36% 24% 41%
35% 20% 45%
34% 27% 39%
34% 21% 44%
33% 24% 43%
33% 22% 44%
32% 19% 49%
32% 21% 47%
31% 18% 51%
34% 22% 44%
37% 21% 42%
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Organizations investing in generative
AI are allocating a significant portion of
their marketing technology budget to it
Marketing functions are actively establishing governance
systems and practices to leverage generative AI.
Half of the organizations we surveyed have a dedicated
budget to implement generative AI within marketing, and
a quarter plan to create one in the next six months. When
this is considered alongside the nearly 40% of organizations
that already have progressed from experimentation to
implementation (as established above), it is evident that
organizations are proactively investing in their forthcoming
generative AI initiatives within marketing.
Moreover, nearly half have formed dedicated teams within
marketing to implement generative AI. A third more plan to
establish them in the coming months (see Figure 5).
Percentages represent share of organizations.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,752 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware about generative AI.
Marketing teams are swiftly allocating budgets and establishing dedicated teams for generative AI initiatives
Already in place
Plan to in the next six months
No plans to do so in the next six months
A team (specific to marketing) for generative AI
Budget for implementation of generative AI within marketing
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
A breakdown of budget allocation specifically for generative
AI in marketing across various sectors, highlights that
although there are variations, the allocation remains
substantial across all sectors (see Figure 6).
Figure 6 illustrates that three-quarters of the B2C
organizations surveyed have allocated or plan to allocate
budgets for generative AI within the next six months. Even
for B2B sectors at the opposite end of the spectrum, such
as life sciences and manufacturing, this figure remains
high at 65%. This underscores the swift and substantial
commitment of resources to generative AI in marketing
across diverse sectors.
Moreover, the budget for generative AI now represents
a substantial portion of the total marketing technology
budget, as businesses increasingly recognize the potential
of generative AI. As shown in Figure 7, those organizations
that currently invest in generative AI have earmarked 62% of
their marketing technology budget for such initiatives. These
investment plans reflect the rapidly advancing maturity
of both existing and forthcoming generative AI solutions
and offerings.
Percentages represent share of organizations.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,752 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware about generative AI.
Three in four organizations have either already allocated a budget for generative AI marketing initiatives or have plans to do so
within the next six months
Already in place No plans to do so in the next
six months
Plan to in the next
six months
20% 24%
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023;
N=1,142 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who
invest in generative AI.
Among those investing in generative AI, over half of their marketing
technology budget is specifically allocated to these initiatives
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Percentages represent share of B2C organizations.
Note: Research conducted in 2021 exclusively focused on B2C sectors.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,404 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique B2C organizations; A new playbook for chief marketing officers, September 2021.
CMOs at B2C organizations are increasingly pivotal in strategic decision-making processes
2021 Current, 2023
Our C-suite executives (e.g., CEO, CFO, CTO, CIO)
see marketing as a strategic partner in driving
business growth and not as solely a cost center
Our CMO is involved when critical decisions to drive
business goals and objectives are made
(e.g., on growth strategy, new product development)
Marketing has been transformed in recent
years, emerging as a strategic force driving
organizational success. CMOs now play a central
role in shaping the decisions that steer businesses
towards their goals and objectives. Armed with a
good understanding of market trends, consumer
behavior, and digital technologies, CMOs can now
contribute significantly to the development of
growth strategies and new products (see Figures
8 and 9).
Dustin Sedgwick, Chief Marketing Officer and
Managing Director – Payments, JPMorgan Chase
& Co, says: “Marketing is more and more going to
be seen as revenue generator and a profit center as
opposed to a cost center.”
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Percentages represent share of B2C organizations.
Note: Research conducted in 2021 exclusively focused on B2C sectors.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,404 executives with marketing responsibilities from
unique B2C organizations; A new playbook for chief marketing officers, September 2021.
CMOs at B2C organizations are assuming greater accountability for revenue and profit-related decisions
Contribution to
revenue growth
2021 2023 2021 2023 2021 2023
to profit
24% 49% 59% 33% 17% 18%
25% 44% 53% 36% 23% 21%
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Percentages represent share of B2C organizations.
Note: Research conducted in 2021 exclusively focused on B2C sectors.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,404 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique B2C organizations; A new playbook for chief marketing officers, September 2021.
CMOs at B2C organizations are taking on more significant roles in managing the customer experience
Managing end-to-end
customer experience
across touchpoints (e.g.,
stores/dealers, social
media, web/apps)
2021 2023 2021 2023 2021 2023
30% 47% 46% 31% 24% 23%
Marketers have evolved beyond promoting
products; they now focus on creating
personalized customer interactions. Our
research shows that 66% of B2C organizations
believe their CMOs have increased
responsibility for customer experience,
compared to 46% in 2021. By understanding
the entire customer journey, marketers
can tailor strategies to engage consumers
effectively. Consequently, the direct
involvement of CMOs in managing the end-to-
end customer experience has risen significantly
since 2021 (see Figure 10).
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
To ensure a seamless end-to-end customer
experience, marketers have a wide range of tools
and platforms at their disposal. However, our
findings suggest that, on an average, less than
four in 10 organizations use such tools extensively
to map and track customer interactions and
touchpoints (see Figure 11).
Linda Ha, Global Customer Engagement & Loyalty
Manager, Ikea Ingka, says: “We’ve transitioned
from transactional interactions to fostering genuine
relationships with our customers. This shift allows
us to create a meaningful value exchange, enabling
us to collect valuable data about our customers –
understanding and supporting their needs and life
stages. This proactive approach not only strengthens
our foundation in first-party data but also prepares
us for a cookie-less future. Leveraging Salesforce
Marketing Cloud and integrating data from Google
Cloud Platform, we’ve developed customer-centric
programs, incorporating customer journeys across
emails, SMS, and now extending to data from the
Ikea app.”
Percentages represent share of organizations.
Note: Research conducted in 2021 exclusively focused on B2C sectors.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with
marketing responsibilities from unique organizations.
Most organizations do not use digital tools extensively to optimize customer experience
Use it extensively Use it sparsely Plan to use it in the next 6 months No plan to use it in the next 6 months
Customer Journey Platforms
(e.g., Adobe Journey Optimizer)
Customer Data Platform
(e.g., Salesforce 360, Adobe AEP)
SaaS based Cloud Marketing Platforms
(e.g., Salesforce/Adobe marketing cloud)
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Marketers employ
generative AI for creating
campaigns, enhancing
customer experiences,
and conducting data
Our research shows widespread integration of AI in
marketing, touching upon diverse marketing activities that
encompass both internal operations and customer-centric
areas. Not confined to any specific domain, the applications
span across diverse functions, ranging from ideation and
campaign creation to data analysis, personalized customer
experiences, and search engine optimization.
For example, 32% of the marketers we interviewed use
generative AI extensively for data analysis, including
managing data, predictive modeling, A/B testing, and social
media listening. The same percentage focus on delivering
personalized customer experiences, indicating a targeted and
customer-centric approach (see Figure 12).
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Group Chief Marketing Officer,
CK Birla Group, an Indian
multinational conglomerate
“As a marketer, it's crucial for me to experiment with
this new technology and explore its possibilities.”
Percentages represent share of organizations.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,112 executives with
marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who are using generative AI.
Use of generative AI is widespread within marketing
Use extensively
(for > 50% of initiatives)
Use for < 50% of
Don't use at present
Don’t use, but plan
to in 6–12 months
Measure and track brand metrics
Customer service
Metahumans for engagement,
forecasting or simulation
Innovation (new product/concept development)
Personalized customer and brand avatars
Text/content creation
(emails, blogs, scriptwriting)
Customer understanding and journey mapping
Image and video generation
Search engine optimization
Campaign creation
Personalized customer experience
Data analysis 32%
Deepali Naair, Group Chief Marketing Officer, CK Birla
Group, an Indian multinational conglomerate, emphasizes
on the need to embrace generative AI: “As a marketer, it's
crucial for me to experiment with this new technology and
explore its possibilities.”
Further, the executives we interviewed shared insights
on how they are integrating generative AI within their
marketing initiatives –
Strategy and decision-making: Aaren Ekelund, Chief
Marketing Officer & Chief Communication Officer,
Microsoft Denmark: “As a CMO, utilizing generative AI
and machine learning for tasks like forecasting, strategy
alignment, and pipeline management is vital. We've
developed an advanced financial modeling platform over the
years. With the accessibility of technology, we now efficiently
cluster customers, conduct AB testing, and leverage data-
driven insights for informed decision-making.”
Customer experience: Veronique Bruhat, Head of
Digital Health Specialty Care, Sanofi: “Generative AI has
accelerated the speed of delivering the right personalized
message to the patient when it matters.”
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Content creation: Rupert Bedell, Chief Marketing
Officer, Paysend, a global fintech company from the UK:
“We're delving into generative AI for video production, a
domain where we typically engaged external video production
agencies. It crafts exceptionally high-quality custom videos,
even achieving cinematic standards. This opens up exciting
possibilities for our creative endeavors.”
Search engine optimization: Torie Wilkinson, Chief
Marketing Officer, Lovat Park, a privately-owned company
in hospitality from the UK: “ChatGPT is instrumental for
us, especially when dealing with extensive content from an
organic SEO perspective. It aids in crafting the initial draft by
amalgamating diverse possibilities, forming an itinerary for
visitors, such as suggesting activities, local coffee shops, and
more. These foundational details, which remain relatively
consistent year after year, are efficiently organized with the
help of ChatGPT.”
Moreover, the utilization of generative AI across all the
aforementioned marketing use cases is anticipated to see
a rise in the next 2–3 years (see Figure 13).
Percentages represent share of organizations.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,112 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations who are using generative AI.
The use of generative AI in marketing is set to increase over the next 2–3 years
Will use extensively (for > 50% of
initiatives) in the next 2–3 years
Don't plan to use in the
next 2–3 years
Will use for < 50% of initiatives
Metahumans for engagement, forecasting
or simulation
Campaign creation
Innovation (new product/ concept development)
Personalized customer experience
Text/content creation (emails, blogs, scriptwriting)
Data analysis
Image and video generation
Measure and track brand metrics
Customer understanding and journey mapping
Customer service
Search engine optimization
Personalized customer and brand avatars 45%
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Use case Example
Personalized customer
Here are some examples of how organizations are using generative AI for marketing:
Search engine optimization
Image and video generation
Content creation
Campaign creation
Customer service
Data analysis
Continental has partnered with Google Cloud to enable drivers to interact with their car in a natural dialogue. The vehicle can inform the driver about tire pressure, local
points of interest at their destination, and so on, and can respond to driver questions.7
Nike uses generative AI to create custom-designed sneakers through their “Nike By You” platform. Customers can personalize and design their shoes, leveraging generative
AI to generate unique design combinations based on user preferences.8
Walmart is experimenting with generative AI to help shoppers in all stages of the shopping experience, from the search and discovery phase to making a purchase. Three
features in development include a shopping assistant, generative AI-powered search, and an interior design feature.9
Google deployed the Search Generative Experience (SGE) to combine reliable data from multiple organic search results and turn it into a prose answer to a user’s search –
all without having to click on any links in the results page.10
IKEA is using generative AI to generate realistic images of its products in customer homes. This helps customers to visualize how IKEA products would look in their own
homes before making a purchase.11
Unilever uses generative AI to craft tailored product descriptions for e-commerce platforms like Amazon UK. This helps to improve the ranking of their product pages in
Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and drives more traffic to their websites.12
Adobe integrated generative AI into a digital marketing platform called “Adobe GenStudio.” The platform uses generative AI to automate and optimize the creation of
digital advertisements.13
Allstate has developed a generative AI application based on ChatGPT 3.3, MyStory, which reduces the time for customers to report a claim. Customers can now recount the
incident just once, which then gets delivered to all necessary parties.14
Marqeta, a global issuing and payment processor, uses an external-facing question and answer tool powered by generative AI called Marqeta Docs AI, which helps users
quickly navigate the site and reduces the overall time to value for customers.15
Moody’s has formed strategic partnerships to use generative AI to conduct faster financial analysis and insights for its customers and employees.16
Bayer Pharmaceuticals explores generative AI to speed up drug development, aiding data analysis and correlation, and automating tasks like drafting clinical trial communi-
cations. This may cut down time and costs in bringing new drugs to market.17
Coca-Cola launched Coke Y3000, their eighth iteration in the Coke Creations platform and the world’s first futuristic flavor co-created with AI. The launch has demonstrated
strong initial results.18
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Marketers expect a wide
range of benefits from
generative AI
Our research indicates that 57% of organizations believe
the benefits of generative AI outweigh its costs and risks.
This figure, although significant, has decreased from 74%
in our previous report on generative AI across sectors and
functions published earlier this year (see Figure 14). This
decline might suggest an acknowledgment of the current
challenges of generative AI, including data security risks,
copyright issues, and ethical concerns.
David Hirsch, General Manager, Marketing at QBE, a
multinational insurance group headquartered in Sydney
says: “Generative AI is not just another buzzword; its tangible
impact is becoming increasingly apparent and is poised to
grow significantly. Marketers have only begun to explore its
potential, and it presents a significant opportunity. However,
it also comes with risks - understanding how to harness this
technology effectively and without detriment to customers is
key to staying ahead.”
Organizations believe that the benefits of generative AI use will outweigh its costs
Share of organizations across all
functions, April 2023
Share of organizations in the marketing
function, October 2023
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,752 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware about generative AI; Generative AI Executive Survey, April 2023.
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
General Manager Marketing,
QBE, a multinational insurance group
headquartered in Sydney
“Generative AI is not just another buzzword; its tangible impact is
becoming increasingly apparent and is poised to grow significantly.
Marketers have only begun to explore its potential, and it presents
a significant opportunity. However, it also comes with risks -
understanding how to harness this technology effectively and
without detriment to customers is key to staying ahead.”
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
By harnessing the power of generative AI, businesses
expect to fuel innovation, enhance satisfaction, conduct
scenario analysis, and save time. For example, 67% of
organizations believe generative AI will be helpful in long-
term brand building (see Figure 15).
Generative AI is poised to enhance
efficiency and customer satisfaction
Figure 16 illustrates the extent of the benefits
organizations expect to gain by integrating generative
AI into their marketing strategies over the next 2–3
years. The anticipated advantages include accelerated
content creation, prompt results leading to streamlined
marketing processes, heightened customer satisfaction
and engagement, lowered marketing costs, and an
improvement in content quality, reaching up to 14%.
We are in the early stages, and generative AI technology
is just over a year old. Given this, organizations exhibit
cautious optimism in anticipating benefits from adopting
generative AI in marketing. However, considering the
swift advancement and integration of this technology
within marketing, the actual benefits are likely to surpass
current expectations among marketers.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,137 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations who are using generative AI.
Expected benefits from the use of generative AI in marketing encompass brand building, cost reduction, innovation,
enhanced customer satisfaction, and more
Brand building Market understanding Efficiency Innovation Customer experience
Product/service/content creation that is more
accessible and inclusive, serving a wider range of customers
Greater personalization and tailored experiences for customers
Improvement in customer support
Creation of brand avatars to uniquely represent the brand to customers
Improvement in customer satisfaction and engagement
Creation of products that are not possible with current design approaches
Innovation in new channels
Improvement in quality of content
More efficient and streamlined design process
Time saved by getting faster content/results
Reduction in marketing costs
Market simulations for scenario analysis
Accurate and insightful analysis of performance, customer and market trends
Help in long term brand building
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Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
We have already seen those implementing generative
AI realizing greater benefits. For example, Heinz used
an AI image generator to create a ketchup bottle image
and invited people to propose new ketchup-based ideas.
These suggestions were transformed into the company’s
inaugural campaign featuring visuals entirely generated by
AI. The campaign received 850 million earned impressions
globally (a 2,500% + return on media investment) and a
39% higher engagement rate than previous campaigns.19
Generative AI is also instrumental in enhancing
personalized experiences across channels, ensuring
consistency and relevance. It can ensure that each
interaction through each touchpoint (such as SMS, social
media, etc.) contributes to a consistent and personalized
customer experience. By integrating data from diverse
channels, it provides a comprehensive customer view,
facilitating tailored content and promotions that are not
only personalized but also aligned with the customer's
buying journey stage.
For example, Spotify’s GenAI DJ tool curates personalized
playlists and audio ads based on users’ listening habits.
This has helped increase user engagement and reduce
Similarly, Sephora’s chatbot, Sephora Virtual
Artist, utilizes generative AI to provide personalized
makeup recommendations based on customer
preferences and facial features.21
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,137 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations who are using generative AI.
Marketers expect both operational and customer benefits by integrating generative AI
14.1% 14.0% 13.9% 13.7%
Improvement in
quality of content
Reduction in overall
marketing costs
Improvement in
customer satisfaction
and engagement
Time saved by
getting faster content
and results
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
More examples of benefits from using generative AI are highlighted in the following table.
Industry Example
Amazon is using generative AI to simplify how sellers create more thorough and captivating product descriptions, titles, and listing details. This simplifies and
expedites the process of listing new products and enhancing existing ones, ultimately aiding customers in making confident purchase decisions.26
To enhance the driver experience, Mercedes has integrated a GPT model into over 900,000 cars as part of a beta program. Drivers can access this model
through the’company's voice assistant, enabling inquiries about destination locations and answering various questions.22
Coca-Cola has rolled out its third generative AI initiative of the year. As part of a global holiday campaign, it allows people to experiment with holiday-themed
content, from selecting images to personalizing holiday greetings through generative AI-driven text capabilities, shareable across social platforms and
Casper, the mattress company from the US, launched a generative AI enabled bot to engage with customers who cannot sleep. Insomnobot3000 is “extra
chatty between 11 PM and 5 AM,” providing companionship for night owls.24
Flipkart, an Indian e-commerce company, has a three-pronged approach to generative AI. It plans to create chat-led experiences for customers and sellers,
upgrade the search function based on large language models (LLMs), an build internal tools for productivity and efficiency.25
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Percentages represent share of B2C organizations.
Note: Research conducted in 2021 exclusively focused on B2C sectors.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,404 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique B2C organizations; A new playbook for chief marketing officers, September 2021.
An increasing number of CMOs at B2C organizations are now at the forefront of driving digital transformation in marketing
In our organization, the CTO/CIO and the CMO have a shared responsibility for driving
digital transformation in marketing
2021 2023
Our organization believes that marketing must be technology and data driven today
52% 65%
50% 61%
Marketing leaders are increasingly using data
and technology to drive marketing strategies
and business outcomes. As shown in Figure 17,
marketing is more technology and data-powered
today than it was in 2021, with a growing number
of CMOs having joint responsibility for driving
digital transformation within their organizations.
Monica Gonzalez Peñas from Allianz underscores
the significance of data and analytics for
marketers, emphasizing: “In today's landscape,
understanding data and digital platforms is crucial
for success. A mindset rooted in data analytics and
digital is increasingly indispensable for marketers.”
Likewise, Rupert Bedell of Paysend delves into
the growing partnership between marketing
professionals and technology leaders: “There’s
significant overlap between my role and the CTO,
and we’re collaborating effectively to determine the
necessity of implementing a new CRM system.”
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Percentages represent share of B2C organizations.
Note: Research conducted in 2021 exclusively focused on B2C sectors.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,404 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique B2C organizations; A new playbook for chief marketing officers, September 2021.
Use of data in different marketing scenarios at B2C organizations has increased over the past couple of years
2021 Current, 2023
… build retargeting campaigns across channels (i.e., to
remind website/app visitors, after they leave without buying)
… optimize the media mix (e.g., decide
which social media platform/offline activities to target)
… decide a go-to-market strategy for a new product/service
… introduce new business models
… decide content to include for brand messaging
… modify campaign strategy
(e.g., add more customer touchpoints like emails, website)
… be more agile in responding to customer and market needs
It is imperative for organizations to break down
silos in order to harness extensive data more
effectively. Simon Rost, Chief Marketing Officer
for Enterprise Imaging, GE Healthcare, explains:
“Healthcare generates enormous datasets, especially
in imaging. Leveraging technology can unlock the
potential of this often untapped and isolated data,
extracting valuable insights and optimizing decision-
making processes.”
Figure 18 explores how marketing teams use
data-powered strategies. It shows the increase in
the share of organizations using data since 2021.
For example, almost 65% employ data-driven
methods to adapt to shifting market dynamics and
customer demands or to adjust their campaign
strategies. In 2021, only around 40% used such
Florence Lemetais, VP Customer, Marketing
and Business Development at Fnac Darty, a
multinational retail company headquartered in
France: “Now we measure everything, and we take
the decision linked by measurement and performance.
So, the data has become the center of everything.”
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
“Now we measure everything, and we take the
decision linked by measurement and performance. So,
the data has become the center of everything.”
Executives we interviewed elucidated the uses of
data for their operations:
• Rupert Bedell from Paysend: “The two
applications of big data that we spend a lot of time
analyzing and based on which we make continual
changes are the acquisition funnel and our search
• Torie Wilkinson from Lovat Park: “We are using
data for A/B testing across our website, SEO and
journey mapping based on search traffic, pricing
strategies, UX projects, analyzing paid traffic, etc.”
VP Customer, Marketing and Business Development,
Fnac Darty, a multinational retail company
headquartered in France
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Marketers use diverse channels to engage their
audience. Social media platforms like TikTok,
Meta, and X (formerly known as Twitter) are used
by nearly 80% of marketers, highlighting the
enduring significance of social networks. Around
75% use direct messaging platforms such as
WhatsApp Business and Facebook Messenger for
personalized communication, emphasizing the
value of one-on-one interactions. Voice Search
Optimization (VSO) platforms such as Amazon’s
Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple’s Siri are also
important (see Figure 19).
According to the Harvard Business Review, the
pandemic pushed businesses to adopt new
marketing channels to engage with customers.
Nearly two-thirds (61%) reported increasing the
Percentages represent share of organizations.
The figures may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing responsibilities from
unique organizations.
Social media is being used extensively by marketing teams to engage with customers
Social: e.g., TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, X
(formerly known as Twitter)
Use it
Use it
Plan to use in the
next 6 months
No plans to use it in
the next 6 months
44% 34% 16% 6%
Direct messaging: e.g., WhatsApp Business,
Facebook Messenger
42% 33% 22% 3%
Voice search optimization (VSO) e.g., Amazon's
Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple's Siri
40% 34% 21% 5%
Chatbots and AI-driven customer support:
e.g., Drift, Intercom, ManyChat
36% 33% 20% 10%
Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR):
e.g., Facebook's Oculus, Roblox
29% 27% 29% 16%
The metaverse 16% 37% 30% 17%
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
number of channels they use. This is more marked
in the case of B2C services, where 77% reported
an increase in the number of channels used.27
In the next few years, the metaverse, along with
immersive technologies such as augmented and
virtual reality, are poised to grow, offering new
ways to reach customers through interactive
experiences and innovations. Again it seems
likely that B2C organizations will embrace these
technologies the fastest (see Figure 20).
A report from the Harvard Business Review
suggests that enterprises, alongside consumer
adoption, will be pivotal in revealing the value of
metaverse technology. The pace of metaverse
adoption hinges on government support. Notably,
Asia, MENA, and Europe exhibit higher adoption
rates owing to improved access to necessary
Our 2022 report on immersive
technologies reveals that 93% of consumers
express curiosity about the metaverse, while 51%
express a willingness to use it once it becomes
accessible to them.29
Percentages represent share of organizations.
The figures may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations.
Usage of immersive technologies such as the metaverse and augmented/virtual reality will pick up in the next few years
Social: e.g., TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, X
(formerly known as Twitter)
Will use it frequently
in the next 2–3 years
Will use it occasionally
in the next 2–3 years
Won’t use it in the
next 2–3 years
Can’t say/don’t
46% 31% 3% 20%
Direct messaging: e.g., WhatsApp Business,
Facebook Messenger
45% 32% 4% 20%
Voice search optimization (VSO) e.g., Amazon's
Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple's Siri
45% 33% 5% 16%
Chatbots and AI-driven customer support:
e.g., Drift, Intercom, ManyChat
43% 33% 6% 19%
The metaverse 39% 33% 5% 23%
Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR):
e.g., Facebook's Oculus, Roblox
37% 31% 10% 21%
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Head of Digital Health Specialty Care,
"Generative AI has accelerated the speed of
delivering the right personalized message to
the patient when it matters.”
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Finding a balance
between generative AI
and human creativity is an
ongoing challenge
Navigating the relationship between generative AI
and human creativity poses an ongoing challenge for
organizations. While generative AI streamlines tasks and
content creation, excessive reliance on this technology may
undermine the spontaneity and emotional depth of human
creativity. Additionally, the AI-generated content may contain
factual errors and flawed logic, as discussed later. Thus,
humans will need to dedicate time to checking and editing.
Consequently, striking the right balance between generative
AI and human engagement in creative work is a critical
challenge, as acknowledged by 55% of organizations
surveyed. Analyzed by sector, consumer products and
automotive sectors express the strongest concerns about
this issue compared to high-tech, public sector, and life
sciences (see Figure 21).
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,752 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware about generative AI.
Organizations within the consumer products and automotive sectors are particularly challenged about finding a
balance between generative AI and human creativity
61% 59%
57% 56% 55% 54% 53% 51% 49%
Public sector
Life sciences
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
of organizations say striking the
right balance between generative AI
and human engagement in creative
work is a critical challenge
Chief Communications Officer,
COMPASS Pathways, a biotechnology
company from the UK
“Machines excel at recognizing patterns and enhancing
efficiency by mimicking human communication. However,
they lack the ability to convey genuine human emotions
authentically, connecting with others on a deep emotional
level. I don't know how AI is ever going to do that.”
Florence Lemetais from Fnac Darty says: “We are striving to
strike a balance between algorithms, automated generation,
and human input. While humans alone may not suffice, relying
solely on automation doesn't capture the complexities of the real
Analyzing this challenge by country, it is evident that
organizations in the US, UK, India, Brazil, and Australia are
the most concerned about maintaining a balance between
generative AI and human creativity. Organizations in Sweden
and Norway have fewer concerns.
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Percentages represent share of organizations.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,735 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware about generative AI.
In the long-run (next 5–10 years), generative AI will serve as a catalyst for human creativity
19% 33% 29% 20%
… completely replace
human creativity and
ingenuity in marketing
… augment human creativity
and ingenuity in marketing,
but humans will remain the
central decision-makers
… will play a limited role
in augmenting human
creativity and ingenuity
in marketing
… not have any impact on
the human creativity and
ingenuity in marketing
In time, generative AI will
augment human
creativity, not replace it
In the longer term (next 5–10 years), marketers believe
that generative AI will augment rather than replace human
creativity. Talking about how generative AI cannot replace
creativity, Christopher Williams, Chief Communications
Officer, COMPASS Pathways, a biotechnology company
from the UK, adds: “Machines excel at recognizing patterns
and enhancing efficiency by mimicking human communication.
However, they lack the ability to convey genuine human emotions
authentically, connecting with others on a deep emotional level. I
don't know how AI is ever going to do that.”
While AI is poised to replace human labor on mundane,
repetitive tasks, marketers acknowledge the unique human
elements of creativity, such as intuition, emotion, and context
understanding. AI is viewed as a potent tool to augment
these intrinsic qualities (see Figure 22).
Organizations adopting a cautious “wait and watch” stance,
and those without a strategy for incorporating generative AI
in marketing tend to believe less in its significant impact on
creativity. Conversely, those actively experimenting with or
implementing generative AI more robustly acknowledge its
role in augmenting human creativity.
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Pratik Thakar, global head of generative AI at Coca-Cola
underscores that the collaboration of AI and human
intervention is essential for achieving their notable output:
“I think it will be a long time before human creativity can be
completely simulated. Our generative AI advert Masterpiece
couldn’t have been made without human input. And I don’t think
it would be able to come up with something that could become
as iconic as the Coca-Cola logo. That doesn’t mean businesses
won’t try to use it to save money, particularly on repetitive work
such as mass personalization. But in the near term, being able
to augment your skills with AI is likely to open doors to new and
interesting opportunities.” 30
Further emphasizing the crucial role of human creativity in
the era of AI adoption Elizabeth Cunnigham, Head of Loyalty
Marketing and Brand at IAG Loyalty, part of International
Airlines Group (IAG), adds: “At this moment, what we truly value
is the innate human qualities of insight, empathy, and creativity.
Can a machine match the depth of human creativity? While AI
certainly has its place, I remain unconvinced as yet about its
ability to replace the human touch in marketing.”
Head of Loyalty, Marketing and Brand,
IAG Loyalty, part of International Airlines
Group (IAG)
"At this moment, what we truly value is the innate human
qualities of insight, empathy, and creativity. Can a machine
match the depth of human creativity? While AI certainly has its
place, I remain unconvinced as yet about its ability to replace
the human touch in marketing.”
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Marketers view
generative AI as a
catalyst for innovation
Marketers envision a future where generative AI acts as
a catalyst, unlocking new creative possibilities. As shown
in Figure 23, 57% of respondents anticipate creative
teams leveraging generative AI outputs as a starting
point in their creative process as part of a collaborative
relationship between human creativity and AI-driven
innovation. Moreover, 55% foresee generative AI as a
catalyst for innovation, motivating teams to think beyond
conventional boundaries.
For instance,
• Nestle used generative AI to refine and add significant
details and new characters to an original painting created
more than 360 years ago to promote their La Laitière
• Wendy’s, an American international fast food restaurant
chain, employs a generative AI tool to automate routine
tasks such as drive-thru customer orders. This innovation
enables human employees to concentrate on essential
duties like food preparation.32
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,752 executives with
marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware about generative AI.
Generative AI will play a crucial role in enhancing the creative process
Generative AI will refine and
enhance ideas generated by creative teams
Generative AI will motivate teams
to think beyond conventional boundaries
By automating routine tasks, generative
AI will give more time for teams to innovate
Creative teams will use generative AI
outputs as a foundation in their creative process
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Percentages represent share of organizations.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,736 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations; Generative AI Executive Survey, April 2023.
Organizations believe that generative AI is disruptive for marketing
Share of organizations across all
functions, April 2023
Share of organizations in the marketing
function, October 2023
A director of digital marketing at a multinational cosmetic
company emphasizes that while generative AI is valuable
for refining ideas, the task of revealing and effectively
communicating the underlying meaning behind the idea remains
fundamentally human-led: “Generative AI can help you find
variations. It can help you find the right lexicon, hitting the right tone.
But the authentic idea and the campaign message or the deeper
meaning behind a campaign, I think that is going to be human led.”
Further underscoring the significance of human involvement in
strategy and vision creation, Dustin Sedgwick from JPMorgan
Chase & Co adds: “In creative industries, human involvement remains
essential for shaping the vision, strategy, and direction. Generative AI
acts as a tool, opening new creative avenues.”
Generative AI is seen as an increasingly
disruptive force, reshaping nearly
every role in the field of marketing
While generative AI is not set to replace human creativity, its
impact will be felt across marketing teams, enhancing the
efficiency and effectiveness of various marketing roles.
Nearly half of the marketers surveyed believe that generative AI
will significantly disrupt the marketing function. This perception
has intensified in the last six months – only 21% of executives
across sectors and functions shared this belief earlier in 2023, as
highlighted in our recent report on generative AI across sectors
and functions (see Figure 24).
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Chief Marketing Officer and
Managing Director – Payments,
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
“In creative industries, human involvement
remains essential for shaping the vision, strategy,
and direction. Generative AI acts as a tool,
opening new creative avenues.”
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Marketers in high-tech, consumer products, retail, life
sciences, media, public sector, insurance, and automotive
sectors express a stronger belief in the disruptive potential
of generative AI. Notably, these sectors also align with
those that have actively allocated budgets for generative AI
in marketing.
Generative AI’s impact on marketing is evident in the ease
with which it can generate personalized campaigns and
predict consumer responses, as well as its speed in crafting
visually appealing content, all of which can help foster
customer engagement and brand loyalty.
Consequently, as shown in Figure 25, while 29% of
organizations, on average, believe generative AI will not
affect job roles, the majority anticipate significant or
moderate impact on key positions. For example:
• SEO specialists – significant impact in refining online
visibility and content optimization strategies.
• Digital marketing specialists and creative directors –
significant impact in enhancing digital strategies and
creative campaigns.
Percentages represent share of organizations.High impact=must gain extensive knowledge about generative AI for very frequent use,
Moderate impact= need some knowledge about generative AI for occasional use, Little impact= need very limited/no knowledge about
generative AI for rare use.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,783 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations.
Almost all marketing roles will be impacted by generative AI
Brand manager
Content marketing specialist
Data analysts
Social media specialist
Product marketer
Digital marketing specialist
Creative director
Search engine optimization specialist
Customer insights specialists
Role will be highly/moderately impacted Role will not be impacted much
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
• Customer insights specialists, data analysts and social
media specialists – significant impact in processing
extensive data and optimizing social media interactions.
• PR/communications specialists and brand managers,
copywriters, and content marketing specialists – impact in
communication and storytelling aspects.
Dustin Sedgwick from JPMorgan Chase & Co. says: “I think we
will go through a short-term displacement and role composition
change, similar to previous technological step-changes
throughout history. It'll be hard at first, but we'll eventually
adapt and evolve. People really underestimate humans' ability to
identify new areas not previously explored that need their unique
skills and perspectives. While certain tasks or functions will get
replaced by automation and AI, humans will inevitably find new
areas to add value that AI isn’t trained for and can’t replicate.”
Conrad Bird, Director, Campaigns & Marketing at the Cabinet
Office, UK, says: “Despite fears about AI, I believe that AI will not
replace humans, but it will challenge marketers who don’t use AI.”
Director, Campaigns & Marketing,
Cabinet Office, UK
“Despite fears about AI, I believe that AI will not
replace humans, but it will challenge marketers
who don’t use AI.”
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
A majority (63%) of organizations say demand for
generative AI skills in marketing significantly
outstrips supply. This reflects the growing
recognition of the potential of generative AI in
enhancing marketing strategies and initiatives.
Analyzing hiring behavior, freelance work
marketplace Upwork noted that posts for
generative AI jobs increased more than 1000% in
Q2 2023 compared to the end of 2022. 33
Some examples of skills that are gaining
prominence in marketing are:
• Prompt engineering skills to get the
desired information.
• Verification skills to evaluate responses to identify
biases, inconsistencies, misleading information and
ethical considerations.34
To address this skills gap and harness the full
potential of generative AI in marketing, organizations
are implementing internal and external strategies.
On an average, 53% of companies have definite plans
to provide generative AI training for their marketing
teams in the next six months, particularly companies
from the Netherlands, India, Australia, and the US.
Sectors such as media, insurance, automotive, and life
sciences also show higher-than-average commitment
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
to generative AI training for their marketing teams.
Linda Ha from Ikea Ingka says: “People are worried that
their jobs will be replaced by generative AI, but I think
this is our opportunity to empower our teams – to upskill
and reskill the teams we have in order to meet the new
Marketing leaders must look not only for technology
and AI skills but also need an understanding of how
to balance AI with human creativity. Christopher
Williams from COMPASS Pathways adds: “The skillset
that people like me are going to need is knowing how
to balance what something like generative AI can do
against the unique thing that a human being can bring to
it. This is the key skill that I'm looking for when it comes
to bringing talent onto my team.”
Nearly a quarter of organizations rely solely on
external applications and platforms for generative
AI in marketing. However, half of them are in the
process of either developing or using in-house
applications alongside external ones. A smaller group
leverages external generative AI applications but
relies on internally developed prompt, constraint, or
knowledge models, and another group exclusively
uses in-house applications and platforms
(see Figure 26).
Percentages represent share of organizations.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,051 executives
with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who have implemented at least one generative
AI initiative.
Half of the organizations are either developing or using in-house applications alongside external
ones for generative AI solutions in marketing
We completely rely on external
generative AI applications available in the market
We currently use external applications,
but looking at developing exclusive in-house ones
We have developed in-house applications, which are
used along with external applications based on requirement
We leverage external generative AI applications,
but always leveraging internally developed prompt,
constraint or knowledge models which are retained in-house
We only use in-house applications
to implement generative AI solutions
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
The ethical concerns
around generative AI use
in marketing are
As AI algorithms become increasingly sophisticated,
marketers face enduring ethical considerations around
issues such as the responsible use of customer data, the
transparency of AI-driven decision-making processes, and
ensuring algorithms do not reinforce social inequalities.
Our research indicates that 70% of organizations are
potentially exposed to ethical challenges due to the absence
of comprehensive and clear guidelines for the use and
oversight of AI systems (see Figure 27).
Percentages represent share of organizations.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations.
Seven in ten organizations have not established ethical guidelines for use of AI in marketing
We are unaware of the potential ethical
implications of AI in marketing
Ethical considerations are not a priority
in our AI marketing initiatives
We are exploring ethical frameworks for AI but have
not implemented them comprehensively yet
Ethical considerations are a part of our AI strategy, and
we involve diverse stakeholders in decision-making
We have established ethical guidelines for AI usage
and continually monitor AI-generated content
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Various ethical issues could give rise to problematic
output, including :
• inappropriate or inaccurate content, commonly
termed as AI “hallucinations”
• bias, skew, or discrimination arising from the training
• generation of content based on copyrighted or
unauthorized data.
Recent instances illustrate how prominent organizations
have incurred financial losses due to inaccuracies
propagated by their generative AI tools, stemming from
inadequate and questionable ethical practices.
Our research shows that organizations often overlook
attributes such as trust and responsibility when
selecting AI systems, and less than half consider issues
like transparency, human involvement, legal compliance,
social benefit, and environmental consciousness (see
Figure 28).
Less than 50% of organizations consider attributes of trust and responsibility when selecting AI systems for marketing
Considers data privacy and security from the
design phase, for data usage that is secure
and legally compliant with privacy regulations
Designed for human benefit, with a clearly defined purpose
setting out what the solution will deliver, to whom
AI with carefully delimited impact
AI respectful of privacy and data protection
Enables humans to make more
informed choices and have the final say
Controllable AI with clear accountability
Delivers outcomes that can be understood,
traced, and audited as appropriate
Transparent and explainable AI
Produced by diverse teams using sound data
for unbiased outcomes and the inclusion of
all individuals and population groups
Fair AI
Developed with the needs of all
stakeholders in mind, to avoid damage to
the environment, and to address pressing
challenges such as climate change
Sustainable AI
Includes a fallback plan when needed
Robust and safe AI
AI systems in
Percentages represent share of organizations.
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing responsibilities
from unique organizations.
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
The use of generative AI in
marketing raises copyright issues
Generative AI in marketing might raise significant
copyright concerns, as AI-generated content can create
challenges in determining ownership and intellectual
property rights and, consequently, legal disputes could
Stock photo provider Getty Images sued Stability AI,
creators of AI art tool Stable Diffusion, over alleged
copyright violation, accusing them of misusing more than
12 million Getty photos to train their Stable Diffusion AI
image-generation system.35
Despite this, organizations are not currently
implementing sufficient measures to address copyright
issues. Our research indicates that, on an average, only
42% of organizations are implementing measures, such as
strong cybersecurity protocols, monitoring or searching
for AI-derived versions of their work, including logos and
artwork. We note that 36% of organizations expressed an
intention to implement such measures within six months
(see Figure 29).
A little over 40% of organizations, on average, have taken concrete steps to address copyright issues
Demand compensation from generative
AI platforms for intellectual property
infringement due to absence of licensed input data
Monitor digital and social channels to check
for derived versions of our work
Proactively search for our work in datasets/databases,
including logos, artwork, textual elements
Implement strong cybersecurity measures to
ensure the security of external AI tools we use
Restrict employee usage of generative AI platforms to
prevent input of confidential business information and
ensure work-related queries don't expose sensitive data
Demand terms of service from generative AI platforms
to confirm proper licensure of their training data
Already implementing No plans to implement in the next 6 months
Plan to in the next 6 months
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,752 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware about generative AI.
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Organizations frequently overlook the issue of
greenwashing (the practice of overselling or
overstating an environmental claim for a product or
service) in their marketing. Our research indicates
that only 39% of marketing leaders consider
greenwashing a significant concern, although we find
that consumers globally are becoming more wary of
it. Our recent sustainability research revealed that
49% of consumers never, rarely, or only sometimes
trust an environmental claim about a purchase
they are considering, rising to 65% among Gen Z
consumers (see Figure 30).36
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with
marketing responsibilities from unique organizations; A world in balance 2023: Heightened sustainability awareness yet
lagging actions, November 2023.
There is a perception gap between marketing executives and consumers on the significance of greenwashing
Greenwashing is one of our top concerns
since it erodes customer trust and
damages brand reputation, marketers
from all organizations
All consumers: We never, rarely,
or only sometimes trust an
environmental claim about a
purchase we are considering
Gen Z: We never, rarely, or only
sometimes trust an environmental claim
about a purchase we are considering
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
The research also showed that a third of consumers
believe that organizations/brands greenwash their
initiatives. This rises to 45% for Millennials and 50%
for Gen Z consumers.37
Despite this, most organizations do not take
measures to tackle the problem – only 39%
of marketers use independent sustainability
certifications to uphold their brand reputation and
only 42% substantiate their sustainability marketing
claims with concrete evidence (see Figure 31).
As consumers become increasingly discerning and
environmentally conscious, marketers must prioritize
transparency and authenticity, ensuring their claims
align with concrete eco-friendly practices to build
credibility and maintain consumer trust. A Harvard
Business Review study estimates that organizations
perceived to be greenwashing suffer, on an average,
a 1.34% drop in their American Customer Satisfaction
Index (ACSI) score and are open to accusations of
corporate hypocrisy.38
The EU and the UK both implemented new or
updated regulations to combat greenwashing and
protect consumers in 2023.39
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800
executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations.
Most organizations do not consistently adhere to sustainability monitoring and reporting practices
We use various sustainability certifications and
independent third-party assessment to
preserve customer trust and brand reputation
We back up our sustainability marketing
claims with credible evidence
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Figure 32 shows areas for organizations to focus on to
accelerate the use of generative AI in marketing.
Precisely outline integration objectives for generative AI
• Set clear, strategy-aligned goals for generative AI
implementation in marketing. Whatever the focus of
implementation. These goals pinpoint areas for value
addition and relevant use cases, which helps in selecting
tailored tools.
Simon Rost from GE Healthcare says: “Define your use case
clearly upfront. It is very important to understand what you
want to achieve before you think about the tool. The tool should
basically help you get to that goal faster or better.”
• Align generative AI objectives with broader
business goals for impact and relevance. Close
collaboration between marketing teams and key
stakeholders is essential. Ensure generative AI objectives
complement business goals like revenue growth or
customer satisfaction.
The director of marketing at a global e-commerce company
says: “It is super important to get to understand goals in advance,
understand what each organization is capable of, and define
priorities. There might be occasions where we want to automate,
but there might be other occasions where the customer needs
human interaction for a specific reason.”
Source: Capgemini Research Institute analysis.
Key considerations for organizations to drive generative AI initiatives in marketing
Establish a dedicated task force to
integrate generative AI
Craft robust ethical guidelines
Stay informed about evolving AI
regulations requirements
Outline integration goals for
generative AI
Adopt a pragmatic approach for
investments in generative AI
Evaluate tech infrastructure for AI
system compatibility and consolidate
into a unified framework
Start small and drive iterative implementation
Implement robust security and privacy protocols
Navigate responsibly, addressing the environmental impact of generative AI
Cultivate dynamic partnerships, and enhance internal skills
Maintain equilibrium between generative AI and human ingenuity
Transcend conventional roles and embrace tech-driven collaboration
Expand boundaries
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Adopt a pragmatic approach for
investments in generative AI
Over the last 12 months, generative AI has garnered
substantial attention, prompting significant investments.
Recognizing the substantial initial investment
required for venturing into this domain, it is imperative
for companies to adopt a pragmatic approach to their
investment decisions. It is crucial for them to craft a
Evaluate tech infrastructure for AI
system compatibility and consolidate
into a unified framework
Ensure compatibility and integration capabilities.
Begin by evaluating your marketing infrastructure to
pinpoint potential bottlenecks, ensuring a seamless
integration between generative AI tools and existing
platforms. Recognizing the strengths and limitations of
current technologies empowers strategic adjustments
and investments, facilitating the smooth incorporation of
generative AI.
Integrate diverse solutions into a unified framework.
Marketers face a multitude of generative AI tools and
solutions, necessitating a strategic architecture to avoid
being overwhelmed. Consolidating these tools into a
single platform is vital, transitioning from isolated point
solutions to a unified framework. This also facilitates
ethical and responsible architecture management, and
streamlining the incorporation of brand standards across
all solutions.
Chief Marketing Officer
for Enterprise Imaging,
GE Healthcare
“Define your use case clearly upfront. It is very
important to understand what you want to achieve
before you think about the tool. The tool should
basically help you get to that goal faster or better.”
strategic roadmap that meticulously prioritizes short and
medium-term objectives.
Furthermore, foresight is paramount, as companies should
anticipate the necessity for continuous investments
over time to guarantee the sustained maintenance
and augmentation of their capabilities. This approach
ensures alignment with the dynamic nature of technology
development and deployment.
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Assemble specialized marketing task
forces to integrate generative AI
For expediting adoption, organizations should establish a
well-defined ownership and governance framework –
• Create a specialized marketing team to explore
generative AI. This team’s role involves pinpointing
specific areas and use cases where generative AI can
yield significant outcomes.
• Allow for interdisciplinary collaboration (include
sales and IT teams as a minimum) to develop customized
solutions that align with marketing goals and
customer needs.
A director of digital marketing at a multinational cosmetic
company says: “Establishing a clear governance structure
is crucial. It delineates responsibilities, defines remits, and
ensures the availability of necessary resources and tools
for agile and consistent implementation. Equally important
is appointing a dedicated leader for generative AI and
determining its organizational placement.”
Craft robust ethical guidelines for
the conscientious use of AI
Establishing robust ethical guidelines for AI usage in
marketing is essential to ensure responsible and inclusive
practices within the industry.
Conrad Bird from the UK Cabinet Office says: “When
employing AI in our communication efforts, we will prioritize
transparency and ethical responsibility. We aim to set
industry standards in the ethical use of AI. Given our public
accountability, we are committed to making decisions that
prioritize human values.”
• Develop ethical guidelines and a comprehensive
framework emphasizing transparency, fairness, and
user privacy in AI-driven decision-making processes.
Simon Rost from GE Healthcare says: “It helps to bring the
experts from business, IT, compliance and legal departments
together early on in the evaluation of these generative AI tools
to understand what to look out for.”
• Conduct regular audits and assessments
of AI systems to check for biases and
discriminatory outcomes.
• Actively engage with diverse communities
and customers to understand their concerns and
perspectives regarding AI applications in marketing so
guidelines reflect the values and expectations of the
wider society.
• Participate in workshops alongside the research, law,
and education community to identify comprehensive
ways to build trustworthy AI.
• Train and continuously educate employees across
marketing on the ethical implications of their work,
emphasizing the importance of unbiased data sourcing,
fairness in algorithms, and the responsible use of
AI-generated content. Establish mechanisms for
reporting ethical concerns and violations, along with
clear consequences for non-compliance.
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
• European Union and Italy: The EU AI Act is
approved and expected to be finalized by the
end of 2023, and will classify AI usage based
on risk levels, prohibiting certain uses and
imposing stringent monitoring and disclosure
requirements for high-risk applications. In
March 2023, Italy briefly banned ChatGPT,
citing concerns about how – and how much –
user data was being collected by the chatbot.
Since then, approximately $33 million has been
allocated to help unemployed people and
workers in positions at risk of automation to
boost their digital skills.40
• US: Initial steps are being taken to produce
legislation to regulate AI. Certain interim
measures are in place, including the White
House recently announcing a voluntary
agreement with seven prominent generative
AI companies to provide minimum guardrails
for safety, security, and public trust, as
• UK: Currently, the UK plans to split
responsibility for governing AI between existing
regulators for safety, transparency, fairness,
and accountability rather than creating a new
body dedicated to the technology.42
• Brazil: A draft AI law outlines the rights of AI
usage and provides guidelines for categorizing
different types of AI based on the risk they pose
to society.43
• Japan: Japan has adopted a “soft law”
approach to AI regulation: the country has no
prescriptive regulations governing specific ways
AI can and can’t be used. Instead, it has opted to
wait and see how AI develops, citing a desire to
avoid stifling innovation.44
Aaren Ekelund from Microsoft Denmark says: “There is a
concerted effort at Microsoft to educate all employees on ethics.
Comprehensive training sessions have been conducted in marketing
and sales organizations, as well as the development sector to ensure
employees are well informed and encouraged to voice concerns if
they notice any deviations from ethical guidelines.”
Remain vigilant, navigating the ever-evolving
realm of AI regulations and compliance
• Consider assigning a dedicated compliance officer or
team to track and interpret the rapidly evolving laws and
guidelines related to generative AI.
• Proactive engagement with policymakers, privacy
regulators, and global subject matter experts on an
ongoing basis should also be considered.
• Further steps, as highlighted in our recent research,
could include:
– requesting disclosures about the capabilities and limitations
– drafting/revisiting policies
– establishing accountability
– providing more control to users.
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Highlighting the importance of governing AI, Aaren
Ekelund from Microsoft Denmark says: “It's essential to
govern generative AI effectively, providing adequate education
to ensure people understand its implications, rather than
outright preventing them from exploring its potential.”
Similarly, Veronique Bruhat from Sanofi underscores the
significance of regulations: “Regulatory processes and data
privacy are critical in pharmacovigilance, integrating AI into
these processes has the potential to accelerate our ability to
meet patients' needs and make more informed decisions about
adverse events, in a way that maintains responsibility and
ethics in the core of the way we work.”
Drive implementation through experimentation and
continuous iterations
• Start with small-scale projects as testing grounds to
help you evaluate the effectiveness of generative AI in
specific marketing tasks – look for simple, high-impact,
low-risk use cases.
Claudia Willvonseder, Executive Board Member at Dr.
Oetker, says: “We need to exercise caution and not rush into
using generative AI simply because it’s trending. Strategic and
thoughtful implementation is key.”
Chief Marketing Officer & Chief
Communication Officer,
Microsoft Denmark
“It's essential to govern generative AI effectively,
providing adequate education to ensure people
understand its implications, rather than outright
preventing them from exploring its potential.”
Establish a rigorous testing and verification strategy
with synthetic scenarios and adversarial testing to monitor
AI outputs for incorrect results or invalid representations.
Human involvement is crucial to address contextual and
nuanced limitations in AI results.
• Learn from small projects and monitor continuously.
Implement robust monitoring systems to track and
analyze data to measure ROI, customer engagement, and
overall progress.
Elizabeth Cunnigham at IAG Loyalty says: “Test generative AI
on small use cases: learn, tweak, and optimize. In as agile a way
as possible and using the same process, try to understand how we
can use this technology to get the greatest benefit from it.”
• Use a process of iterative refinement, and adjust
strategies based on real-time feedback. This ensures that
the marketing team stays agile and responsive.
Linda Ha from Ikea Ingka says: “The assignment-based approach
has proven highly effective in uniting cross-functional teams to
define specific use cases and adopt an iterative test-and-learn
method for applying new technologies. This approach enables
a phased transformation that meets both business and customer
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
Chief Customer and Marketing Officer,
“In banking and insurance there is huge amount of
critical data for customers. The key challenge for us
is ensuring that artificial intelligence stays within
regulations on data and security.”
Safeguard success by implementing
robust security and privacy protocols
Our research highlights concerns around data collection,
data security, and copyright. For example, nearly seven in ten
organizations surveyed agree that the use of sensitive data
in generative AI processes could pose a risk of cyberattacks
and data breaches. A similar proportion acknowledge issues
associated with generative AI content, citing concerns about
copyright and intellectual property rights infringement as
well as the risk of generating misinformation or inappropriate
content, which could lead to reputational damage and
legal repercussions. To protect against these issues, we
recommend marketers follow the steps below.
• Curate data meticulously, verifying its authenticity
and relevance to avoid misleading outcomes and skewed
The chief marketing and digital officer of an Indian
multinational automotive manufacturing corporation says:
“One of the requirements to make generative AI more effective
is to have a very clear data strategy in place, because it takes out
output from the data which you supply. So, it's important to filter
and curate the data which goes in.”
• Focus on collection of diverse, high-quality datasets
through rigorous validation and cleansing processes,
ensuring representative and unbiased data.
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
• Collaborate with domain experts to gain valuable
insights, enhancing dataset accuracy.
• Invest in continuous monitoring and updates to
reflect changing consumer trends.
A product management and marketing executive for
a French digital automation and energy management
company says: “Concern arises when data contains biases
due to errors in collection or unusual comments, potentially
leading to flawed or biased outputs. This issue raises the risk
of incorrect implications, a critical concern for us.”
• Safeguard sensitive data through robust privacy
protocols to maintain customer trust, ensure legal
compliance and prevent breaches. Adhere to data
privacy laws such as the EU’s GDPR, Japan’s Protection
of Personal Information Act, Singapore’s Personal Data
Protection Act (PDPA), the California Consumer Privacy
Act (CCPA) enforceable from March 2024, India's Digital
Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act enforceable soon,
and other similar legislations.45
• Build a data governance framework to ensure data
is managed, processed, and utilized in a standardized,
secure, and compliant manner. Clear guidelines on data
access, usage, retention, and organization can mitigate
risks associated with data misuse.
• Review transaction terms and insist on terms of
service from generative AI platforms, ensuring proper
licensure of training data, and seek broad compensation
for failure to license data appropriately.
• Limit employee access to generative AI platforms, with
guidelines encouraging use only when necessary. Protocols
should prevent inadvertent input of sensitive business data
and address concerns highlighted by incidents such as the
Samsung data leakage.46
Monica Gonzalez Peñas, Chief Customer and Marketing
Officer at Allianz, says: “In banking and insurance there is huge
amount of critical data for customers. The key challenge for us
is ensuring that artificial intelligence stays within regulations on
data and security.”
Navigate responsibly, addressing the
environmental impact of generative AI
Measuring generative AI's carbon emissions is challenging.
Despite its marketing benefits, 50% of organizations fear
generative AI’s environmental impact might exceed that
of traditional methods due to the high energy demand of
complex AI models. For instance, GPT-3 training emitted over
550 Mt of CO2 and OPT surpassed 75 Mt of emissions.47
Our survey shows that 53% of organizations now aim for
sustainable integration within marketing initiatives, compared
to 77% in our previous report across sectors and functions
(see Figure 33).
Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2
research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,752 executives with marketing
responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware
about generative AI; Harnessing the value of generative AI: Top
use cases across industries, July 2023.
Organizations are less conscious about implementing and
scaling generative AI in marketing in a sustainable way
Marketing function,
October 2023
Across all functions,
April 2023
Capgemini Research Institute 2023
Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
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CMO Playbook Report
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CMO Playbook Report

  • 1. Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK #GetTheFutureYouWant
  • 2. Executive Summary Generative AI in marketing: A revolution unfolding In a remarkably short time, generative AI has gained widespread popularity, emerging as a transformative force in marketing. Its rapid adoption rate is extraordinary. Currently: • almost 60% of organizations are integrating generative AI into their marketing efforts, from minimal to no adoption just a year ago, – of these, 37% are actively implementing it across various initiatives, while an additional 21% are in the experimental phase • close to 80% of organizations have either already allocated budget or plan to do so in the next six months to integrate generative AI into their marketing initiatives • those investing in generative AI are dedicating 62% of their marketing tech investments to it, reflecting the growing maturity of both current and upcoming generative AI solutions. Marketers are using generative AI to craft compelling campaigns, elevate and personalize customer service and experiences, analyze data, optimize search, and undertake various other transformative initiatives. Unlocking value: Embracing the benefits of generative AI The technology has rapidly proven itself. Nearly 60% of organizations surveyed believe the benefits of generative AI outweigh its costs and risks. These benefits span brand enhancement, cost efficiency, innovation, time optimization, and improved and personalized customer experience. 2 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 3. Executive Summary Redefining and augmenting, not replacing human creativity Generative AI is not replacing human creativity; instead it’s redefining it and acting as a catalyst for innovation. More than half of the organizations surveyed say that balancing AI and human creativity is an ongoing challenge. But the strong consensus among marketers is that generative AI will not diminish but rather augment human creativity in the long run. It seems inevitable that marketing roles will be profoundly impacted by generative AI. From customer insights specialists to SEO experts, copywriters, digital marketers, and data analysts, all can expect to experience a new era of creative possibilities and related productivity gains. Addressing ethical and copyright challenges While the potential impact of generative AI on marketing is vast, there are ethical and copyright concerns that require clear regulation and new guidelines. As AI adoption in marketing increases, there is an urgent and growing need to ensure responsible practice. The current lack of comprehensive and clear guidelines means that 70% of organizations are potentially exposed to ethical challenges over their use and oversight of AI. Simultaneously, copyright challenges around AI-generated content indicate a need for decisive regulation and guidelines. At present, only 42% of organizations address these issues adequately by using robust cybersecurity protocols and monitoring for AI-derived versions of their work, for example. 3 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 4. Executive Summary Integrating generative AI into marketing To seamlessly integrate generative AI, organizations should take a comprehensive approach. This means: • Strategic direction: Precisely define integration goals, adopt a pragmatic investment approach, and assess tech infrastructure. • Leadership and oversight: Mobilize generative AI specialists, establish a task force, craft robust ethical guidelines, and remain vigilant while navigating the evolving regulations and compliance. • Iterative execution: Initiate selective, small-scale initiatives, drive iterative implementation with robust data security, and navigate responsibly considering the environmental impact of generative AI. Finally, growing and expanding boundaries requires marketing departments and organizations to cultivate partnerships and encourage upskilling, balancing generative AI with human ingenuity, and embracing a new era of tech- driven collaboration. 76 % of organizations have either already allocated budget or plan to do so in the next six months to integrate generative AI into their marketing initiatives Unleashing the generative AI playbook To fully embrace the transformative potential of generative AI in marketing, organizations must foster a culture of innovation and experimentation. In this way, they can strategically integrate AI technologies to unlock novel approaches, enhance customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge. 4 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 5. This report is written for leaders of marketing functions in all business sectors. In particular, it will be useful for chief marketing officers (CMOs) and other senior marketers in larger organizations. Its insights will also extend its relevance not only to CEOs and senior sales leaders but also to individuals with a strategic stake in marketing. It caters to tech team leaders fostering marketing functions, as well as advisors and consultants specializing in the dynamic realm of marketing strategies. This report provides an in-depth exploration of the transformative potential of generative AI within the marketing landscape across all sectors. Through insightful use cases, the report elucidates practical applications of generative AI across diverse marketing domains. As well as discussing the benefits of generative AI, the report addresses the challenges its adoption can bring and proposes effective remedial strategies. This report is based on: • the findings of a comprehensive survey of 1,800 CMOs and business leaders (director-level and above) from 14 countries and • 25 in-depth interviews with leading CMOs and industry experts. For a comprehensive understanding of the broader landscape, we encourage you to explore our first two reports, which cover consumer and industry perspectives on generative AI: • Why consumers love generative AI: creative-and-generative-ai/ • Harnessing the value of generative AI: Top use cases across industries: generative-ai-in-organizations/ Who should read this report and why? 5 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 6. Introduction In a span of about one year, the generative AI market is on the verge of significant growth. It is expected to reach $1.3 trillion in the next decade, growing from $40 billion in 2022.1 No technology has reached 100 million users faster than ChatGPT, which crossed that threshold in just two months.2 Based on our recent cross-sector and cross-functional research, generative AI shows the greatest potential within IT, sales and customer service, and marketing functions.3 Furthermore, our consumer research on generative AI reveals that consumers who use generative AI tools are satisfied with them. In addition, 62% of consumers are comfortable with the implementation of generative AI in marketing and advertising, provided it doesn't negatively impact their overall experience.4 Consequently, we have undertaken this in-depth exploration of its impact on marketing. Generative AI can be leveraged to create, innovate, and adapt autonomously. And it is reshaping traditional marketing strategies. This study, the second in the chief marketing officer (CMO) playbook series,5 explores the following: 1. The rapid integration of generative AI in the marketing domain. 2. Implementation areas for generative AI within marketing and anticipated benefits. 3. Generative AI's role in augmenting – but not replacing – human creativity within marketing. 4. The urgent need for organizations to address ethical and copyright concerns arising from the use of generative AI in marketing. We conclude the report by outlining key best practices for organizations to effectively harness generative AI technology in marketing. 6 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 7. Introduction In addition to delving into generative AI, the report showcases the evolution of the marketing function, taking on vital roles in business decision-making and customer experience shaping. It also emphasizes increased data adoption, empowering marketers with agile marketing strategies. For our research we surveyed 1,800 CMOs or executives responsible for marketing within their organizations. The respondents were drawn from organizations with over $1 billion annual revenue, across Australia, Brazil, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, the UK, and the US. We spoke to executives from multiple sectors, including automotive, consumer products, retail, financial services, telecom, utilities, high-tech, industrial manufacturing, life sciences, public sector, and media. In addition, we conducted 25 in-depth interviews with CMOs and other marketing executives with firsthand knowledge or awareness of their organization's generative AI initiatives. For more details on the survey sample, please refer to the research methodology. 7 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 8. Generative AI is technology that has the capability to learn from and reapply the properties and patterns of data for a wide range of applications, from creating text, images, and videos in different styles to generating tailored content. It enables machines to perform creative tasks previously thought exclusive to humans. The following table summarizes the top generative AI applications and gives some examples. Definition of generative AI 8 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 9. Selected generative AI applications Text Images and video generation Audio Chatbots Search Indicative examples Generating new text/reports, summarizing and translating into multiple languages OpenAI’s GPT-4, Google Palm 2, Scribe, Claude Generating new images/videos, analyzing existing images/video (e.g., video games, VR, animation) Adobe Firefly, Stability AI, Midjourney, Nvidia, Dall-E2, Synthesia, Nvidia, Runway ML Generating music and remixing, speech synthesis, sound effects, voice conversion, audio enhancement Synthesia, Amazon Polly, Generate human-like contextually relevant text responses in real-time to expand and improve customer service and advice OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Amazon Lex, Google Bard Enhanced search functions, adding language capabilities to search (e.g., “RAG,” retrieval augmented generation) Google Bard, Landing AI, Azure, Facebook Llama 2, Perplexity AI 9 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 10. GENERATIVE AI IN MARKETING IS RAPIDLY GAINING PACE 01 10 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 11. Marketers are moving fast to embrace the possibilities of generative AI The marketing function is swiftly adopting generative AI, witnessing substantial adoption of a technology that gained popularity within the past 12 months. In our report on generative AI across sectors and functions published this year, approximately 40% of organizations were adopting a “wait and watch” approach. This approach now applies to only 12% of organizations in terms of the marketing function (see Figure 1). Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations; Generative AI Executive Survey, April 2023. FIGURE. 1 The marketing function is rapidly embracing generative AI 12% ORGANIZATIONS WHO ARE ADOPTING A "WAIT AND WATCH" APPROACH ON GENERATIVE AI Share of organizations across all functions, April 2023 Share of organizations in marketing function, October 2023 39% 11 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 12. Most organizations already use generative AI in marketing Currently, almost 60% of organizations have adopted generative AI into their marketing initiatives, including 37% who have progressed from experimentation to active implementation (see Figure 2). Percentages represent share of organizations. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations. FIGURE. 2 Marketing functions are deploying generative AI at pace STATE OF IMPLEMENTATION OF GENERATIVE AI IN MARKETING 37% 21% 13% 10% 12% 5% 3% Using across multiple/few initiatives Testing/experimenting Don't know what it is and have no intention to bring it into marketing soon Not using, but have a strategy Not using, and don't have a strategy Taking a “wait and watch” approach Used in the past, but don’t use it now 58 % of organizations are integrating generative AI into marketing 12 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 13. Percentages represent share of organizations. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations. FIGURE. 3 Both B2B and B2C sectors are actively deploying generative AI in marketing Business-to-business (B2B) sectors (e.g., manufacturing, life sciences) are only very slightly behind their business-to- consumer (B2C) counterparts (e.g., consumer products, retail, automotive) in incorporating generative AI into marketing strategies (see Figure 3). STATE OF IMPLEMENTATION OF GENERATIVE AI IN MARKETING, BY SECTOR Using across multiple/few initiatives Testing/experimenting Don't know what it is and have no intention to bring it into marketing soon Not using, but have a strategy Not using, and don't have a strategy Taking a “wait and watch” approach Used in the past, but don’t use it now B2B sectors B2C sectors 33% 25% 14% 12% 11% 4% 2% 38% 20% 13% 10% 12% 5% 3% 13 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 14. Generative AI is gaining traction not just in B2C but also in B2B sectors. Forrester predicts that, by 2024, B2B teams will use generative AI to swiftly extract valuable insights from diverse customer data to streamline idea generation and innovation, ultimately identifying unique capabilities in a fifth of launched products.6 Moreover, the US already stands out for their robust embrace of generative AI in marketing. On average, Europe lags behind the U.S. in implementing generative AI, potentially attributable to its more stringent regulations in the field of AI (see Figure 4). Percentages represent share of organizations. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations. FIGURE. 4 The US is ahead in implementing generative AI in marketing Average, Global Average, Europe and UK Sweden France Netherlands Spain Italy Brazil Norway India UK Germany Finland Australia Singapore US STATE OF IMPLEMENTATION OF GENERATIVE AI IN MARKETING, BY COUNTRY Using generative AI across multiple/few initiatives Not using or experimenting with generative AI Testing/experimenting with generative AI 50% 19% 31% 42% 15% 44% 40% 20% 40% 38% 23% 39% 37% 21% 43% 36% 24% 41% 35% 20% 45% 34% 27% 39% 34% 21% 44% 33% 24% 43% 33% 22% 44% 32% 19% 49% 32% 21% 47% 31% 18% 51% 34% 22% 44% 37% 21% 42% 14 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 15. Organizations investing in generative AI are allocating a significant portion of their marketing technology budget to it Marketing functions are actively establishing governance systems and practices to leverage generative AI. Half of the organizations we surveyed have a dedicated budget to implement generative AI within marketing, and a quarter plan to create one in the next six months. When this is considered alongside the nearly 40% of organizations that already have progressed from experimentation to implementation (as established above), it is evident that organizations are proactively investing in their forthcoming generative AI initiatives within marketing. Moreover, nearly half have formed dedicated teams within marketing to implement generative AI. A third more plan to establish them in the coming months (see Figure 5). Percentages represent share of organizations. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,752 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware about generative AI. FIGURE. 5 Marketing teams are swiftly allocating budgets and establishing dedicated teams for generative AI initiatives THE BUDGET AND TEAM STRUCTURE FOR IMPLEMENTING GENERATIVE AI WITHIN MARKETING Already in place Plan to in the next six months No plans to do so in the next six months A team (specific to marketing) for generative AI Budget for implementation of generative AI within marketing 26% 50% 25% 33% 47% 20% 15 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 16. A breakdown of budget allocation specifically for generative AI in marketing across various sectors, highlights that although there are variations, the allocation remains substantial across all sectors (see Figure 6). Figure 6 illustrates that three-quarters of the B2C organizations surveyed have allocated or plan to allocate budgets for generative AI within the next six months. Even for B2B sectors at the opposite end of the spectrum, such as life sciences and manufacturing, this figure remains high at 65%. This underscores the swift and substantial commitment of resources to generative AI in marketing across diverse sectors. Moreover, the budget for generative AI now represents a substantial portion of the total marketing technology budget, as businesses increasingly recognize the potential of generative AI. As shown in Figure 7, those organizations that currently invest in generative AI have earmarked 62% of their marketing technology budget for such initiatives. These investment plans reflect the rapidly advancing maturity of both existing and forthcoming generative AI solutions and offerings. Percentages represent share of organizations. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,752 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware about generative AI. FIGURE. 6 Three in four organizations have either already allocated a budget for generative AI marketing initiatives or have plans to do so within the next six months BUDGET ALLOCATION PLANS TOWARDS GENERATIVE AI WITHIN MARKETING, BY SECTOR Already in place No plans to do so in the next six months Plan to in the next six months Average Life sciences Manufacturing Public sector Telecom Utilities Banking Retail Insurance High-tech Automotive Consumer goods Media 63% 15% 21% 55% 25% 20% 24% 54% 22% 52% 22% 26% 51% 27% 22% 51% 25% 25% 49% 28% 23% 46% 27% 27% 46% 28% 26% 44% 30% 26% 42% 24% 34% 31% 34% 35% 50% 26% 25% 16 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 17. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,142 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who invest in generative AI. FIGURE. 7 Among those investing in generative AI, over half of their marketing technology budget is specifically allocated to these initiatives SHARE OF MARKETING TECHNOLOGY BUDGET ALLOCATED TO GENERATIVE AI AMONG ORGANIZATIONS INVESTING IN THIS TECHNOLOGY 62% 17 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 18. Percentages represent share of B2C organizations. Note: Research conducted in 2021 exclusively focused on B2C sectors. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,404 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique B2C organizations; A new playbook for chief marketing officers, September 2021. FIGURE. 8 CMOs at B2C organizations are increasingly pivotal in strategic decision-making processes B2C ORGANIZATIONS ACKNOWLEDGE THE GROWING IMPORTANCE OF MARKETING IN STRATEGIC DECISION-MAKING 72% 49% 71% 57% 2021 Current, 2023 Our C-suite executives (e.g., CEO, CFO, CTO, CIO) see marketing as a strategic partner in driving business growth and not as solely a cost center Our CMO is involved when critical decisions to drive business goals and objectives are made (e.g., on growth strategy, new product development) HOW MARKETING HAS EVOLVED INTO A STRATEGIC BUSINESS DRIVER Marketing has been transformed in recent years, emerging as a strategic force driving organizational success. CMOs now play a central role in shaping the decisions that steer businesses towards their goals and objectives. Armed with a good understanding of market trends, consumer behavior, and digital technologies, CMOs can now contribute significantly to the development of growth strategies and new products (see Figures 8 and 9). Dustin Sedgwick, Chief Marketing Officer and Managing Director – Payments, JPMorgan Chase & Co, says: “Marketing is more and more going to be seen as revenue generator and a profit center as opposed to a cost center.” 18 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 19. Percentages represent share of B2C organizations. Note: Research conducted in 2021 exclusively focused on B2C sectors. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,404 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique B2C organizations; A new playbook for chief marketing officers, September 2021. FIGURE. 9 CMOs at B2C organizations are assuming greater accountability for revenue and profit-related decisions Contribution to revenue growth 2021 2023 2021 2023 2021 2023 Contribution to profit DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY OF CMOS SHARED RESPONSIBILITY OF CMOS INFLUENCING ROLE / NO RESPONSIBILITY 24% 49% 59% 33% 17% 18% 25% 44% 53% 36% 23% 21% 19 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 20. Percentages represent share of B2C organizations. Note: Research conducted in 2021 exclusively focused on B2C sectors. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,404 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique B2C organizations; A new playbook for chief marketing officers, September 2021. FIGURE. 10 CMOs at B2C organizations are taking on more significant roles in managing the customer experience Managing end-to-end customer experience across touchpoints (e.g., stores/dealers, social media, web/apps) 2021 2023 2021 2023 2021 2023 DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY OF CMOS SHARED RESPONSIBILITY OF CMOS INFLUENCING ROLE / NO RESPONSIBILITY 30% 47% 46% 31% 24% 23% WHY MARKETING IS PROGRESSIVELY TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Marketers have evolved beyond promoting products; they now focus on creating personalized customer interactions. Our research shows that 66% of B2C organizations believe their CMOs have increased responsibility for customer experience, compared to 46% in 2021. By understanding the entire customer journey, marketers can tailor strategies to engage consumers effectively. Consequently, the direct involvement of CMOs in managing the end-to- end customer experience has risen significantly since 2021 (see Figure 10). 20 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 21. To ensure a seamless end-to-end customer experience, marketers have a wide range of tools and platforms at their disposal. However, our findings suggest that, on an average, less than four in 10 organizations use such tools extensively to map and track customer interactions and touchpoints (see Figure 11). Linda Ha, Global Customer Engagement & Loyalty Manager, Ikea Ingka, says: “We’ve transitioned from transactional interactions to fostering genuine relationships with our customers. This shift allows us to create a meaningful value exchange, enabling us to collect valuable data about our customers – understanding and supporting their needs and life stages. This proactive approach not only strengthens our foundation in first-party data but also prepares us for a cookie-less future. Leveraging Salesforce Marketing Cloud and integrating data from Google Cloud Platform, we’ve developed customer-centric programs, incorporating customer journeys across emails, SMS, and now extending to data from the Ikea app.” Percentages represent share of organizations. Note: Research conducted in 2021 exclusively focused on B2C sectors. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations. FIGURE. 11 Most organizations do not use digital tools extensively to optimize customer experience USAGE OF TOOLS AND PLATFORMS BY ORGANIZATIONS TO OPTIMIZE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Use it extensively Use it sparsely Plan to use it in the next 6 months No plan to use it in the next 6 months Customer Journey Platforms (e.g., Adobe Journey Optimizer) Customer Data Platform (e.g., Salesforce 360, Adobe AEP) SaaS based Cloud Marketing Platforms (e.g., Salesforce/Adobe marketing cloud) 33% 30% 24% 13% 31% 35% 21% 14% 40% 30% 18% 11% 21 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 22. HOW MARKETERS ARE USING GENERATIVE AI AND WHY 02 22 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 23. Marketers employ generative AI for creating campaigns, enhancing customer experiences, and conducting data analysis Our research shows widespread integration of AI in marketing, touching upon diverse marketing activities that encompass both internal operations and customer-centric areas. Not confined to any specific domain, the applications span across diverse functions, ranging from ideation and campaign creation to data analysis, personalized customer experiences, and search engine optimization. For example, 32% of the marketers we interviewed use generative AI extensively for data analysis, including managing data, predictive modeling, A/B testing, and social media listening. The same percentage focus on delivering personalized customer experiences, indicating a targeted and customer-centric approach (see Figure 12). 23 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK DEEPALI NAAIR Group Chief Marketing Officer, CK Birla Group, an Indian multinational conglomerate “As a marketer, it's crucial for me to experiment with this new technology and explore its possibilities.”
  • 24. Percentages represent share of organizations. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,112 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who are using generative AI. FIGURE. 12 Use of generative AI is widespread within marketing IMPLEMENTATION OF GENERATIVE AI USE CASES IN MARKETING, CURRENT Use extensively (for > 50% of initiatives) Use for < 50% of initiatives Don't use at present Don’t use, but plan to in 6–12 months Average Measure and track brand metrics Customer service Metahumans for engagement, forecasting or simulation Innovation (new product/concept development) Personalized customer and brand avatars Text/content creation (emails, blogs, scriptwriting) Customer understanding and journey mapping Image and video generation Search engine optimization Campaign creation Personalized customer experience Data analysis 32% 32% 31% 31% 29% 29% 29% 29% 28% 28% 28% 27% 29% 30% 28% 25% 25% 30% 28% 26% 28% 29% 28% 27% 29% 28% 13% 11% 13% 12% 12% 14% 14% 12% 15% 12% 12% 16% 13% 25% 29% 31% 32% 29% 29% 31% 31% 28% 32% 33% 28% 30% Deepali Naair, Group Chief Marketing Officer, CK Birla Group, an Indian multinational conglomerate, emphasizes on the need to embrace generative AI: “As a marketer, it's crucial for me to experiment with this new technology and explore its possibilities.” Further, the executives we interviewed shared insights on how they are integrating generative AI within their marketing initiatives – Strategy and decision-making: Aaren Ekelund, Chief Marketing Officer & Chief Communication Officer, Microsoft Denmark: “As a CMO, utilizing generative AI and machine learning for tasks like forecasting, strategy alignment, and pipeline management is vital. We've developed an advanced financial modeling platform over the years. With the accessibility of technology, we now efficiently cluster customers, conduct AB testing, and leverage data- driven insights for informed decision-making.” Customer experience: Veronique Bruhat, Head of Digital Health Specialty Care, Sanofi: “Generative AI has accelerated the speed of delivering the right personalized message to the patient when it matters.” 24 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 25. Content creation: Rupert Bedell, Chief Marketing Officer, Paysend, a global fintech company from the UK: “We're delving into generative AI for video production, a domain where we typically engaged external video production agencies. It crafts exceptionally high-quality custom videos, even achieving cinematic standards. This opens up exciting possibilities for our creative endeavors.” Search engine optimization: Torie Wilkinson, Chief Marketing Officer, Lovat Park, a privately-owned company in hospitality from the UK: “ChatGPT is instrumental for us, especially when dealing with extensive content from an organic SEO perspective. It aids in crafting the initial draft by amalgamating diverse possibilities, forming an itinerary for visitors, such as suggesting activities, local coffee shops, and more. These foundational details, which remain relatively consistent year after year, are efficiently organized with the help of ChatGPT.” Moreover, the utilization of generative AI across all the aforementioned marketing use cases is anticipated to see a rise in the next 2–3 years (see Figure 13). Percentages represent share of organizations. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,112 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who are using generative AI. FIGURE. 13 The use of generative AI in marketing is set to increase over the next 2–3 years IMPLEMENTATION OF GENERATIVE AI USE CASES IN MARKETING, NEXT 2–3 YEARS Will use extensively (for > 50% of initiatives) in the next 2–3 years Don't plan to use in the next 2–3 years Will use for < 50% of initiatives Average Metahumans for engagement, forecasting or simulation Campaign creation Innovation (new product/ concept development) Personalized customer experience Text/content creation (emails, blogs, scriptwriting) Data analysis Image and video generation Measure and track brand metrics Customer understanding and journey mapping Customer service Search engine optimization Personalized customer and brand avatars 45% 45% 45% 44% 44% 42% 42% 42% 42% 41% 41% 40% 43% 42% 44% 44% 44% 42% 45% 48% 46% 45% 46% 46% 47% 45% 13% 11% 11% 12% 14% 12% 10% 12% 13% 13% 13% 13% 12% 25 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 26. Use case Example Personalized customer experience Here are some examples of how organizations are using generative AI for marketing: Search engine optimization Image and video generation Content creation Campaign creation Customer service Data analysis Innovation Continental has partnered with Google Cloud to enable drivers to interact with their car in a natural dialogue. The vehicle can inform the driver about tire pressure, local points of interest at their destination, and so on, and can respond to driver questions.7 Nike uses generative AI to create custom-designed sneakers through their “Nike By You” platform. Customers can personalize and design their shoes, leveraging generative AI to generate unique design combinations based on user preferences.8 Walmart is experimenting with generative AI to help shoppers in all stages of the shopping experience, from the search and discovery phase to making a purchase. Three features in development include a shopping assistant, generative AI-powered search, and an interior design feature.9 Google deployed the Search Generative Experience (SGE) to combine reliable data from multiple organic search results and turn it into a prose answer to a user’s search – all without having to click on any links in the results page.10 IKEA is using generative AI to generate realistic images of its products in customer homes. This helps customers to visualize how IKEA products would look in their own homes before making a purchase.11 Unilever uses generative AI to craft tailored product descriptions for e-commerce platforms like Amazon UK. This helps to improve the ranking of their product pages in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and drives more traffic to their websites.12 Adobe integrated generative AI into a digital marketing platform called “Adobe GenStudio.” The platform uses generative AI to automate and optimize the creation of digital advertisements.13 Allstate has developed a generative AI application based on ChatGPT 3.3, MyStory, which reduces the time for customers to report a claim. Customers can now recount the incident just once, which then gets delivered to all necessary parties.14 Marqeta, a global issuing and payment processor, uses an external-facing question and answer tool powered by generative AI called Marqeta Docs AI, which helps users quickly navigate the site and reduces the overall time to value for customers.15 Moody’s has formed strategic partnerships to use generative AI to conduct faster financial analysis and insights for its customers and employees.16 Bayer Pharmaceuticals explores generative AI to speed up drug development, aiding data analysis and correlation, and automating tasks like drafting clinical trial communi- cations. This may cut down time and costs in bringing new drugs to market.17 Coca-Cola launched Coke Y3000, their eighth iteration in the Coke Creations platform and the world’s first futuristic flavor co-created with AI. The launch has demonstrated strong initial results.18 26 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 27. Marketers expect a wide range of benefits from generative AI Our research indicates that 57% of organizations believe the benefits of generative AI outweigh its costs and risks. This figure, although significant, has decreased from 74% in our previous report on generative AI across sectors and functions published earlier this year (see Figure 14). This decline might suggest an acknowledgment of the current challenges of generative AI, including data security risks, copyright issues, and ethical concerns. David Hirsch, General Manager, Marketing at QBE, a multinational insurance group headquartered in Sydney says: “Generative AI is not just another buzzword; its tangible impact is becoming increasingly apparent and is poised to grow significantly. Marketers have only begun to explore its potential, and it presents a significant opportunity. However, it also comes with risks - understanding how to harness this technology effectively and without detriment to customers is key to staying ahead.” FIGURE. 14 Organizations believe that the benefits of generative AI use will outweigh its costs ORGANIZATIONS AGREEING THAT THE BENEFITS OF UTILIZING GENERATIVE AI OUTWEIGHS ITS ASSOCIATED COSTS AND RISKS Share of organizations across all functions, April 2023 74% Share of organizations in the marketing function, October 2023 57% Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,752 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware about generative AI; Generative AI Executive Survey, April 2023. 27 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 28. DAVID HIRSCH General Manager Marketing, QBE, a multinational insurance group headquartered in Sydney “Generative AI is not just another buzzword; its tangible impact is becoming increasingly apparent and is poised to grow significantly. Marketers have only begun to explore its potential, and it presents a significant opportunity. However, it also comes with risks - understanding how to harness this technology effectively and without detriment to customers is key to staying ahead.” 28 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 29. By harnessing the power of generative AI, businesses expect to fuel innovation, enhance satisfaction, conduct scenario analysis, and save time. For example, 67% of organizations believe generative AI will be helpful in long- term brand building (see Figure 15). Generative AI is poised to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction Figure 16 illustrates the extent of the benefits organizations expect to gain by integrating generative AI into their marketing strategies over the next 2–3 years. The anticipated advantages include accelerated content creation, prompt results leading to streamlined marketing processes, heightened customer satisfaction and engagement, lowered marketing costs, and an improvement in content quality, reaching up to 14%. We are in the early stages, and generative AI technology is just over a year old. Given this, organizations exhibit cautious optimism in anticipating benefits from adopting generative AI in marketing. However, considering the swift advancement and integration of this technology within marketing, the actual benefits are likely to surpass current expectations among marketers. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,137 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who are using generative AI. FIGURE. 15 Expected benefits from the use of generative AI in marketing encompass brand building, cost reduction, innovation, enhanced customer satisfaction, and more SHARE OF ORGANIZATIONS STATING VARIOUS BENEFITS OF USING GENERATIVE AI IN MARKETING 67% 65% 65% 65% 65% 65% 65% 66% 66% 64% 64% 63% 63% 63% Brand building Market understanding Efficiency Innovation Customer experience Product/service/content creation that is more accessible and inclusive, serving a wider range of customers Greater personalization and tailored experiences for customers Improvement in customer support Creation of brand avatars to uniquely represent the brand to customers Improvement in customer satisfaction and engagement Creation of products that are not possible with current design approaches Innovation in new channels Improvement in quality of content More efficient and streamlined design process Time saved by getting faster content/results Reduction in marketing costs Market simulations for scenario analysis Accurate and insightful analysis of performance, customer and market trends Help in long term brand building 29 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 30. We have already seen those implementing generative AI realizing greater benefits. For example, Heinz used an AI image generator to create a ketchup bottle image and invited people to propose new ketchup-based ideas. These suggestions were transformed into the company’s inaugural campaign featuring visuals entirely generated by AI. The campaign received 850 million earned impressions globally (a 2,500% + return on media investment) and a 39% higher engagement rate than previous campaigns.19 Generative AI is also instrumental in enhancing personalized experiences across channels, ensuring consistency and relevance. It can ensure that each interaction through each touchpoint (such as SMS, social media, etc.) contributes to a consistent and personalized customer experience. By integrating data from diverse channels, it provides a comprehensive customer view, facilitating tailored content and promotions that are not only personalized but also aligned with the customer's buying journey stage. For example, Spotify’s GenAI DJ tool curates personalized playlists and audio ads based on users’ listening habits. This has helped increase user engagement and reduce churn.20 Similarly, Sephora’s chatbot, Sephora Virtual Artist, utilizes generative AI to provide personalized makeup recommendations based on customer preferences and facial features.21 Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,137 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who are using generative AI. FIGURE. 16 Marketers expect both operational and customer benefits by integrating generative AI EXTENT OF BENEFITS PERCEIVED BY MARKETERS BY USING GENERATIVE AI IN MARKETING OVER THE NEXT 2–3 YEARS 14.1% 14.0% 13.9% 13.7% Improvement in quality of content Reduction in overall marketing costs Improvement in customer satisfaction and engagement Time saved by getting faster content and results 30 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 31. More examples of benefits from using generative AI are highlighted in the following table. Industry Example E-commerce Automotive Food Amazon is using generative AI to simplify how sellers create more thorough and captivating product descriptions, titles, and listing details. This simplifies and expedites the process of listing new products and enhancing existing ones, ultimately aiding customers in making confident purchase decisions.26 To enhance the driver experience, Mercedes has integrated a GPT model into over 900,000 cars as part of a beta program. Drivers can access this model through the’company's voice assistant, enabling inquiries about destination locations and answering various questions.22 Coca-Cola has rolled out its third generative AI initiative of the year. As part of a global holiday campaign, it allows people to experiment with holiday-themed content, from selecting images to personalizing holiday greetings through generative AI-driven text capabilities, shareable across social platforms and WhatsApp.23 Casper, the mattress company from the US, launched a generative AI enabled bot to engage with customers who cannot sleep. Insomnobot3000 is “extra chatty between 11 PM and 5 AM,” providing companionship for night owls.24 Flipkart, an Indian e-commerce company, has a three-pronged approach to generative AI. It plans to create chat-led experiences for customers and sellers, upgrade the search function based on large language models (LLMs), an build internal tools for productivity and efficiency.25 31 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 32. Percentages represent share of B2C organizations. Note: Research conducted in 2021 exclusively focused on B2C sectors. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,404 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique B2C organizations; A new playbook for chief marketing officers, September 2021. FIGURE. 17 An increasing number of CMOs at B2C organizations are now at the forefront of driving digital transformation in marketing In our organization, the CTO/CIO and the CMO have a shared responsibility for driving digital transformation in marketing 2021 2023 Our organization believes that marketing must be technology and data driven today 52% 65% 50% 61% HOW MARKETING HAS BECOMEINCREASINGLY DATA-POWERED Marketing leaders are increasingly using data and technology to drive marketing strategies and business outcomes. As shown in Figure 17, marketing is more technology and data-powered today than it was in 2021, with a growing number of CMOs having joint responsibility for driving digital transformation within their organizations. Monica Gonzalez Peñas from Allianz underscores the significance of data and analytics for marketers, emphasizing: “In today's landscape, understanding data and digital platforms is crucial for success. A mindset rooted in data analytics and digital is increasingly indispensable for marketers.” Likewise, Rupert Bedell of Paysend delves into the growing partnership between marketing professionals and technology leaders: “There’s significant overlap between my role and the CTO, and we’re collaborating effectively to determine the necessity of implementing a new CRM system.” 32 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 33. Percentages represent share of B2C organizations. Note: Research conducted in 2021 exclusively focused on B2C sectors. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,404 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique B2C organizations; A new playbook for chief marketing officers, September 2021. FIGURE. 18 Use of data in different marketing scenarios at B2C organizations has increased over the past couple of years OUR MARKETING TEAM USES DATA TO ... 64% 42% 40% 63% 48% 35% 61% 43% 46% 61% 58% 58% 41% 60% 2021 Current, 2023 … build retargeting campaigns across channels (i.e., to remind website/app visitors, after they leave without buying) … optimize the media mix (e.g., decide which social media platform/offline activities to target) … decide a go-to-market strategy for a new product/service … introduce new business models … decide content to include for brand messaging … modify campaign strategy (e.g., add more customer touchpoints like emails, website) … be more agile in responding to customer and market needs It is imperative for organizations to break down silos in order to harness extensive data more effectively. Simon Rost, Chief Marketing Officer for Enterprise Imaging, GE Healthcare, explains: “Healthcare generates enormous datasets, especially in imaging. Leveraging technology can unlock the potential of this often untapped and isolated data, extracting valuable insights and optimizing decision- making processes.” Figure 18 explores how marketing teams use data-powered strategies. It shows the increase in the share of organizations using data since 2021. For example, almost 65% employ data-driven methods to adapt to shifting market dynamics and customer demands or to adjust their campaign strategies. In 2021, only around 40% used such approaches. Florence Lemetais, VP Customer, Marketing and Business Development at Fnac Darty, a multinational retail company headquartered in France: “Now we measure everything, and we take the decision linked by measurement and performance. So, the data has become the center of everything.” 33 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 34. “Now we measure everything, and we take the decision linked by measurement and performance. So, the data has become the center of everything.” Executives we interviewed elucidated the uses of data for their operations: • Rupert Bedell from Paysend: “The two applications of big data that we spend a lot of time analyzing and based on which we make continual changes are the acquisition funnel and our search marketing.” • Torie Wilkinson from Lovat Park: “We are using data for A/B testing across our website, SEO and journey mapping based on search traffic, pricing strategies, UX projects, analyzing paid traffic, etc.” FLORENCE LEMETAIS VP Customer, Marketing and Business Development, Fnac Darty, a multinational retail company headquartered in France 34 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 35. Marketers use diverse channels to engage their audience. Social media platforms like TikTok, Meta, and X (formerly known as Twitter) are used by nearly 80% of marketers, highlighting the enduring significance of social networks. Around 75% use direct messaging platforms such as WhatsApp Business and Facebook Messenger for personalized communication, emphasizing the value of one-on-one interactions. Voice Search Optimization (VSO) platforms such as Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple’s Siri are also important (see Figure 19). According to the Harvard Business Review, the pandemic pushed businesses to adopt new marketing channels to engage with customers. Nearly two-thirds (61%) reported increasing the THE CHANNELS MARKETERS USE TO ENGAGE WITH CUSTOMERS EFFECTIVELY Percentages represent share of organizations. The figures may not sum to 100% due to rounding. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations. FIGURE. 19 Social media is being used extensively by marketing teams to engage with customers Social: e.g., TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter) Use it frequently Use it occasionally Plan to use in the next 6 months No plans to use it in the next 6 months 44% 34% 16% 6% Direct messaging: e.g., WhatsApp Business, Facebook Messenger 42% 33% 22% 3% Voice search optimization (VSO) e.g., Amazon's Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple's Siri 40% 34% 21% 5% Chatbots and AI-driven customer support: e.g., Drift, Intercom, ManyChat 36% 33% 20% 10% Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR): e.g., Facebook's Oculus, Roblox 29% 27% 29% 16% The metaverse 16% 37% 30% 17% 35 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 36. number of channels they use. This is more marked in the case of B2C services, where 77% reported an increase in the number of channels used.27 In the next few years, the metaverse, along with immersive technologies such as augmented and virtual reality, are poised to grow, offering new ways to reach customers through interactive experiences and innovations. Again it seems likely that B2C organizations will embrace these technologies the fastest (see Figure 20). A report from the Harvard Business Review suggests that enterprises, alongside consumer adoption, will be pivotal in revealing the value of metaverse technology. The pace of metaverse adoption hinges on government support. Notably, Asia, MENA, and Europe exhibit higher adoption rates owing to improved access to necessary devices.28 Our 2022 report on immersive technologies reveals that 93% of consumers express curiosity about the metaverse, while 51% express a willingness to use it once it becomes accessible to them.29 Percentages represent share of organizations. The figures may not sum to 100% due to rounding. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations. FIGURE. 20 Usage of immersive technologies such as the metaverse and augmented/virtual reality will pick up in the next few years Social: e.g., TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter) Will use it frequently in the next 2–3 years Will use it occasionally in the next 2–3 years Won’t use it in the next 2–3 years Can’t say/don’t know 46% 31% 3% 20% Direct messaging: e.g., WhatsApp Business, Facebook Messenger 45% 32% 4% 20% Voice search optimization (VSO) e.g., Amazon's Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple's Siri 45% 33% 5% 16% Chatbots and AI-driven customer support: e.g., Drift, Intercom, ManyChat 43% 33% 6% 19% The metaverse 39% 33% 5% 23% Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR): e.g., Facebook's Oculus, Roblox 37% 31% 10% 21% 36 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 37. VERONIQUE BRUHAT Head of Digital Health Specialty Care, Sanofi "Generative AI has accelerated the speed of delivering the right personalized message to the patient when it matters.” 37 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 38. GENERATIVE AI WILL AUGMENT HUMAN CREATIVITY IN MARKETING 03 38 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 39. Finding a balance between generative AI and human creativity is an ongoing challenge Navigating the relationship between generative AI and human creativity poses an ongoing challenge for organizations. While generative AI streamlines tasks and content creation, excessive reliance on this technology may undermine the spontaneity and emotional depth of human creativity. Additionally, the AI-generated content may contain factual errors and flawed logic, as discussed later. Thus, humans will need to dedicate time to checking and editing. Consequently, striking the right balance between generative AI and human engagement in creative work is a critical challenge, as acknowledged by 55% of organizations surveyed. Analyzed by sector, consumer products and automotive sectors express the strongest concerns about this issue compared to high-tech, public sector, and life sciences (see Figure 21). Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,752 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware about generative AI. FIGURE. 21 Organizations within the consumer products and automotive sectors are particularly challenged about finding a balance between generative AI and human creativity SHARE OF ORGANIZATIONS STATING THAT FINDING THE BALANCE BETWEEN GENERATIVE AI AND HUMAN CREATIVITY IS AN ONGOING CHALLENGE 61% 59% 57% 56% 55% 54% 53% 51% 49% 47% 44% 55% 62% Average High-tech Public sector Life sciences Utilities Insurance Media Telecom Manufacturing Banking Retail Automotive Consumer goods 39 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 40. 55 % of organizations say striking the right balance between generative AI and human engagement in creative work is a critical challenge CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS Chief Communications Officer, COMPASS Pathways, a biotechnology company from the UK “Machines excel at recognizing patterns and enhancing efficiency by mimicking human communication. However, they lack the ability to convey genuine human emotions authentically, connecting with others on a deep emotional level. I don't know how AI is ever going to do that.” Florence Lemetais from Fnac Darty says: “We are striving to strike a balance between algorithms, automated generation, and human input. While humans alone may not suffice, relying solely on automation doesn't capture the complexities of the real world.” Analyzing this challenge by country, it is evident that organizations in the US, UK, India, Brazil, and Australia are the most concerned about maintaining a balance between generative AI and human creativity. Organizations in Sweden and Norway have fewer concerns. 40 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 41. Percentages represent share of organizations. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,735 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware about generative AI. FIGURE. 22 In the long-run (next 5–10 years), generative AI will serve as a catalyst for human creativity IN THE NEXT 5–10 YEARS, GENERATIVE AI WILL ... 19% 33% 29% 20% … completely replace human creativity and ingenuity in marketing … augment human creativity and ingenuity in marketing, but humans will remain the central decision-makers … will play a limited role in augmenting human creativity and ingenuity in marketing … not have any impact on the human creativity and ingenuity in marketing In time, generative AI will augment human creativity, not replace it In the longer term (next 5–10 years), marketers believe that generative AI will augment rather than replace human creativity. Talking about how generative AI cannot replace creativity, Christopher Williams, Chief Communications Officer, COMPASS Pathways, a biotechnology company from the UK, adds: “Machines excel at recognizing patterns and enhancing efficiency by mimicking human communication. However, they lack the ability to convey genuine human emotions authentically, connecting with others on a deep emotional level. I don't know how AI is ever going to do that.” While AI is poised to replace human labor on mundane, repetitive tasks, marketers acknowledge the unique human elements of creativity, such as intuition, emotion, and context understanding. AI is viewed as a potent tool to augment these intrinsic qualities (see Figure 22). Organizations adopting a cautious “wait and watch” stance, and those without a strategy for incorporating generative AI in marketing tend to believe less in its significant impact on creativity. Conversely, those actively experimenting with or implementing generative AI more robustly acknowledge its role in augmenting human creativity. 41 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 42. Pratik Thakar, global head of generative AI at Coca-Cola underscores that the collaboration of AI and human intervention is essential for achieving their notable output: “I think it will be a long time before human creativity can be completely simulated. Our generative AI advert Masterpiece couldn’t have been made without human input. And I don’t think it would be able to come up with something that could become as iconic as the Coca-Cola logo. That doesn’t mean businesses won’t try to use it to save money, particularly on repetitive work such as mass personalization. But in the near term, being able to augment your skills with AI is likely to open doors to new and interesting opportunities.” 30 Further emphasizing the crucial role of human creativity in the era of AI adoption Elizabeth Cunnigham, Head of Loyalty Marketing and Brand at IAG Loyalty, part of International Airlines Group (IAG), adds: “At this moment, what we truly value is the innate human qualities of insight, empathy, and creativity. Can a machine match the depth of human creativity? While AI certainly has its place, I remain unconvinced as yet about its ability to replace the human touch in marketing.” ELIZABETH CUNNIGHAM Head of Loyalty, Marketing and Brand, IAG Loyalty, part of International Airlines Group (IAG) "At this moment, what we truly value is the innate human qualities of insight, empathy, and creativity. Can a machine match the depth of human creativity? While AI certainly has its place, I remain unconvinced as yet about its ability to replace the human touch in marketing.” 42 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 43. Marketers view generative AI as a catalyst for innovation Marketers envision a future where generative AI acts as a catalyst, unlocking new creative possibilities. As shown in Figure 23, 57% of respondents anticipate creative teams leveraging generative AI outputs as a starting point in their creative process as part of a collaborative relationship between human creativity and AI-driven innovation. Moreover, 55% foresee generative AI as a catalyst for innovation, motivating teams to think beyond conventional boundaries. For instance, • Nestle used generative AI to refine and add significant details and new characters to an original painting created more than 360 years ago to promote their La Laitière yogurt.31 • Wendy’s, an American international fast food restaurant chain, employs a generative AI tool to automate routine tasks such as drive-thru customer orders. This innovation enables human employees to concentrate on essential duties like food preparation.32 Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,752 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware about generative AI. FIGURE. 23 Generative AI will play a crucial role in enhancing the creative process Generative AI will refine and enhance ideas generated by creative teams Generative AI will motivate teams to think beyond conventional boundaries By automating routine tasks, generative AI will give more time for teams to innovate Creative teams will use generative AI outputs as a foundation in their creative process SHARE OF ORGANIZATIONS STATING THE IMPORTANCE OF GENERATIVE AI IN THE CREATIVE PROCESS 55% 57% 55% 54% 43 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 44. Percentages represent share of organizations. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,736 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations; Generative AI Executive Survey, April 2023. FIGURE. 24 Organizations believe that generative AI is disruptive for marketing ORGANIZATIONS AGREEING WITH GENERATIVE AI BEING DISRUPTIVE Share of organizations across all functions, April 2023 21% Share of organizations in the marketing function, October 2023 46% A director of digital marketing at a multinational cosmetic company emphasizes that while generative AI is valuable for refining ideas, the task of revealing and effectively communicating the underlying meaning behind the idea remains fundamentally human-led: “Generative AI can help you find variations. It can help you find the right lexicon, hitting the right tone. But the authentic idea and the campaign message or the deeper meaning behind a campaign, I think that is going to be human led.” Further underscoring the significance of human involvement in strategy and vision creation, Dustin Sedgwick from JPMorgan Chase & Co adds: “In creative industries, human involvement remains essential for shaping the vision, strategy, and direction. Generative AI acts as a tool, opening new creative avenues.” Generative AI is seen as an increasingly disruptive force, reshaping nearly every role in the field of marketing While generative AI is not set to replace human creativity, its impact will be felt across marketing teams, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of various marketing roles. Nearly half of the marketers surveyed believe that generative AI will significantly disrupt the marketing function. This perception has intensified in the last six months – only 21% of executives across sectors and functions shared this belief earlier in 2023, as highlighted in our recent report on generative AI across sectors and functions (see Figure 24). 44 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 45. DUSTIN SEDGWICK Chief Marketing Officer and Managing Director – Payments, JPMorgan Chase & Co. “In creative industries, human involvement remains essential for shaping the vision, strategy, and direction. Generative AI acts as a tool, opening new creative avenues.” 45 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 46. Marketers in high-tech, consumer products, retail, life sciences, media, public sector, insurance, and automotive sectors express a stronger belief in the disruptive potential of generative AI. Notably, these sectors also align with those that have actively allocated budgets for generative AI in marketing. Generative AI’s impact on marketing is evident in the ease with which it can generate personalized campaigns and predict consumer responses, as well as its speed in crafting visually appealing content, all of which can help foster customer engagement and brand loyalty. Consequently, as shown in Figure 25, while 29% of organizations, on average, believe generative AI will not affect job roles, the majority anticipate significant or moderate impact on key positions. For example: • SEO specialists – significant impact in refining online visibility and content optimization strategies. • Digital marketing specialists and creative directors – significant impact in enhancing digital strategies and creative campaigns. Percentages represent share of organizations.High impact=must gain extensive knowledge about generative AI for very frequent use, Moderate impact= need some knowledge about generative AI for occasional use, Little impact= need very limited/no knowledge about generative AI for rare use. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,783 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations. FIGURE. 25 Almost all marketing roles will be impacted by generative AI Brand manager PR/Communications Content marketing specialist Data analysts Social media specialist Product marketer Digital marketing specialist Copywriter Creative director Search engine optimization specialist Customer insights specialists IMPACT OF GENERATIVE AI ON MARKETING JOB ROLES 73% 73% 72% 72% 71% 71% 71% 71% 70% 69% 67% 27% 27% 28% 28% 29% 29% 29% 29% 30% 31% 33% Role will be highly/moderately impacted Role will not be impacted much 46 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 47. • Customer insights specialists, data analysts and social media specialists – significant impact in processing extensive data and optimizing social media interactions. • PR/communications specialists and brand managers, copywriters, and content marketing specialists – impact in communication and storytelling aspects. Dustin Sedgwick from JPMorgan Chase & Co. says: “I think we will go through a short-term displacement and role composition change, similar to previous technological step-changes throughout history. It'll be hard at first, but we'll eventually adapt and evolve. People really underestimate humans' ability to identify new areas not previously explored that need their unique skills and perspectives. While certain tasks or functions will get replaced by automation and AI, humans will inevitably find new areas to add value that AI isn’t trained for and can’t replicate.” Conrad Bird, Director, Campaigns & Marketing at the Cabinet Office, UK, says: “Despite fears about AI, I believe that AI will not replace humans, but it will challenge marketers who don’t use AI.” CONRAD BIRD Director, Campaigns & Marketing, Cabinet Office, UK “Despite fears about AI, I believe that AI will not replace humans, but it will challenge marketers who don’t use AI.” 47 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 48. ORGANIZATIONS ARE USING BOTH EXTERNAL COLLABORATIONS AND INTERNAL INITIATIVES TO BRIDGE THE AI SKILLS GAP A majority (63%) of organizations say demand for generative AI skills in marketing significantly outstrips supply. This reflects the growing recognition of the potential of generative AI in enhancing marketing strategies and initiatives. Analyzing hiring behavior, freelance work marketplace Upwork noted that posts for generative AI jobs increased more than 1000% in Q2 2023 compared to the end of 2022. 33 Some examples of skills that are gaining prominence in marketing are: • Prompt engineering skills to get the desired information. • Verification skills to evaluate responses to identify biases, inconsistencies, misleading information and ethical considerations.34 To address this skills gap and harness the full potential of generative AI in marketing, organizations are implementing internal and external strategies. On an average, 53% of companies have definite plans to provide generative AI training for their marketing teams in the next six months, particularly companies from the Netherlands, India, Australia, and the US. Sectors such as media, insurance, automotive, and life sciences also show higher-than-average commitment 48 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 49. to generative AI training for their marketing teams. Linda Ha from Ikea Ingka says: “People are worried that their jobs will be replaced by generative AI, but I think this is our opportunity to empower our teams – to upskill and reskill the teams we have in order to meet the new capabilities.” Marketing leaders must look not only for technology and AI skills but also need an understanding of how to balance AI with human creativity. Christopher Williams from COMPASS Pathways adds: “The skillset that people like me are going to need is knowing how to balance what something like generative AI can do against the unique thing that a human being can bring to it. This is the key skill that I'm looking for when it comes to bringing talent onto my team.” Nearly a quarter of organizations rely solely on external applications and platforms for generative AI in marketing. However, half of them are in the process of either developing or using in-house applications alongside external ones. A smaller group leverages external generative AI applications but relies on internally developed prompt, constraint, or knowledge models, and another group exclusively uses in-house applications and platforms (see Figure 26). Percentages represent share of organizations. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,051 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who have implemented at least one generative AI initiative. FIGURE. 26 Half of the organizations are either developing or using in-house applications alongside external ones for generative AI solutions in marketing We completely rely on external generative AI applications available in the market We currently use external applications, but looking at developing exclusive in-house ones We have developed in-house applications, which are used along with external applications based on requirement We leverage external generative AI applications, but always leveraging internally developed prompt, constraint or knowledge models which are retained in-house We only use in-house applications to implement generative AI solutions APPROACH TOWARDS LEVERAGING GENERATIVE AI SOLUTIONS FOR MARKETING 14% 13% 22% 28% 23% 49 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 50. URGENT ACTION IS NEEDED TO ADDRESS ETHICAL AND COPYRIGHT ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH GENERATIVE AI IN MARKETING 04 50 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 51. The ethical concerns around generative AI use in marketing are signficiant As AI algorithms become increasingly sophisticated, marketers face enduring ethical considerations around issues such as the responsible use of customer data, the transparency of AI-driven decision-making processes, and ensuring algorithms do not reinforce social inequalities. Our research indicates that 70% of organizations are potentially exposed to ethical challenges due to the absence of comprehensive and clear guidelines for the use and oversight of AI systems (see Figure 27). Percentages represent share of organizations. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations. FIGURE. 27 Seven in ten organizations have not established ethical guidelines for use of AI in marketing We are unaware of the potential ethical implications of AI in marketing Ethical considerations are not a priority in our AI marketing initiatives We are exploring ethical frameworks for AI but have not implemented them comprehensively yet Ethical considerations are a part of our AI strategy, and we involve diverse stakeholders in decision-making We have established ethical guidelines for AI usage and continually monitor AI-generated content STATE OF ADOPTION OF ETHICAL GUIDELINES AND FRAMEWORKS IN MARKETING 28% 30% 21% 12% 10% 51 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 52. Various ethical issues could give rise to problematic output, including : • inappropriate or inaccurate content, commonly termed as AI “hallucinations” • bias, skew, or discrimination arising from the training data-set • generation of content based on copyrighted or unauthorized data. Recent instances illustrate how prominent organizations have incurred financial losses due to inaccuracies propagated by their generative AI tools, stemming from inadequate and questionable ethical practices. Our research shows that organizations often overlook attributes such as trust and responsibility when selecting AI systems, and less than half consider issues like transparency, human involvement, legal compliance, social benefit, and environmental consciousness (see Figure 28). FIGURE. 28 Less than 50% of organizations consider attributes of trust and responsibility when selecting AI systems for marketing Considers data privacy and security from the design phase, for data usage that is secure and legally compliant with privacy regulations Designed for human benefit, with a clearly defined purpose setting out what the solution will deliver, to whom AI with carefully delimited impact AI respectful of privacy and data protection Enables humans to make more informed choices and have the final say Controllable AI with clear accountability Delivers outcomes that can be understood, traced, and audited as appropriate Transparent and explainable AI Produced by diverse teams using sound data for unbiased outcomes and the inclusion of all individuals and population groups Fair AI Developed with the needs of all stakeholders in mind, to avoid damage to the environment, and to address pressing challenges such as climate change Sustainable AI Includes a fallback plan when needed Robust and safe AI ORGANIZATIONS CONSIDERING ATTRIBUTES OF TRUST AND RESPONSIBILITY WHILE SELECTING THE AI SYSTEMS FOR MARKETING 53% 49% 46% 46% 44% 43% 40% AI systems in marketing Percentages represent share of organizations. Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations. 52 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 53. The use of generative AI in marketing raises copyright issues Generative AI in marketing might raise significant copyright concerns, as AI-generated content can create challenges in determining ownership and intellectual property rights and, consequently, legal disputes could arise. Stock photo provider Getty Images sued Stability AI, creators of AI art tool Stable Diffusion, over alleged copyright violation, accusing them of misusing more than 12 million Getty photos to train their Stable Diffusion AI image-generation system.35 Despite this, organizations are not currently implementing sufficient measures to address copyright issues. Our research indicates that, on an average, only 42% of organizations are implementing measures, such as strong cybersecurity protocols, monitoring or searching for AI-derived versions of their work, including logos and artwork. We note that 36% of organizations expressed an intention to implement such measures within six months (see Figure 29). FIGURE. 29 A little over 40% of organizations, on average, have taken concrete steps to address copyright issues Demand compensation from generative AI platforms for intellectual property infringement due to absence of licensed input data Monitor digital and social channels to check for derived versions of our work Proactively search for our work in datasets/databases, including logos, artwork, textual elements Implement strong cybersecurity measures to ensure the security of external AI tools we use Restrict employee usage of generative AI platforms to prevent input of confidential business information and ensure work-related queries don't expose sensitive data Demand terms of service from generative AI platforms to confirm proper licensure of their training data STEPS TAKEN TO ADDRESS COPYRIGHT ISSUES ARISING OUT OF USE OF GENERATIVE AI IN MARKETING 45% 43% 43% 42% 40% 39% 34% 35% 36% 36% 38% 38% 21% 22% 21% 22% 23% 23% Already implementing No plans to implement in the next 6 months Plan to in the next 6 months Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,752 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware about generative AI. 53 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 54. THE NEED TO ADDRESS GREENWASHING IN MARKETING CLAIMS Organizations frequently overlook the issue of greenwashing (the practice of overselling or overstating an environmental claim for a product or service) in their marketing. Our research indicates that only 39% of marketing leaders consider greenwashing a significant concern, although we find that consumers globally are becoming more wary of it. Our recent sustainability research revealed that 49% of consumers never, rarely, or only sometimes trust an environmental claim about a purchase they are considering, rising to 65% among Gen Z consumers (see Figure 30).36 Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations; A world in balance 2023: Heightened sustainability awareness yet lagging actions, November 2023. FIGURE. 30 There is a perception gap between marketing executives and consumers on the significance of greenwashing Greenwashing is one of our top concerns since it erodes customer trust and damages brand reputation, marketers from all organizations All consumers: We never, rarely, or only sometimes trust an environmental claim about a purchase we are considering Gen Z: We never, rarely, or only sometimes trust an environmental claim about a purchase we are considering SHARE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CONSUMERS ON THE IMPORTANCE OF GREENWASHING 49% 65% 39% Marketing executives Consumers 54 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 55. The research also showed that a third of consumers believe that organizations/brands greenwash their initiatives. This rises to 45% for Millennials and 50% for Gen Z consumers.37 Despite this, most organizations do not take measures to tackle the problem – only 39% of marketers use independent sustainability certifications to uphold their brand reputation and only 42% substantiate their sustainability marketing claims with concrete evidence (see Figure 31). As consumers become increasingly discerning and environmentally conscious, marketers must prioritize transparency and authenticity, ensuring their claims align with concrete eco-friendly practices to build credibility and maintain consumer trust. A Harvard Business Review study estimates that organizations perceived to be greenwashing suffer, on an average, a 1.34% drop in their American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) score and are open to accusations of corporate hypocrisy.38 The EU and the UK both implemented new or updated regulations to combat greenwashing and protect consumers in 2023.39 Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,800 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations. FIGURE. 31 Most organizations do not consistently adhere to sustainability monitoring and reporting practices We use various sustainability certifications and independent third-party assessment to preserve customer trust and brand reputation We back up our sustainability marketing claims with credible evidence SHARE OF ORGANIZATIONS FOLLOWING SUSTAINABILITY MONITORING AND REPORTING PRACTICES TO ADDRESS GREENWASHING 44% 42% 55 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 56. A GUIDE TO MOVING FORWARD WITH GENERATIVE AI IN MARKETING 05 56 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 57. Figure 32 shows areas for organizations to focus on to accelerate the use of generative AI in marketing. STRATEGIC DIRECTION Precisely outline integration objectives for generative AI • Set clear, strategy-aligned goals for generative AI implementation in marketing. Whatever the focus of implementation. These goals pinpoint areas for value addition and relevant use cases, which helps in selecting tailored tools. Simon Rost from GE Healthcare says: “Define your use case clearly upfront. It is very important to understand what you want to achieve before you think about the tool. The tool should basically help you get to that goal faster or better.” • Align generative AI objectives with broader business goals for impact and relevance. Close collaboration between marketing teams and key stakeholders is essential. Ensure generative AI objectives complement business goals like revenue growth or customer satisfaction. The director of marketing at a global e-commerce company says: “It is super important to get to understand goals in advance, understand what each organization is capable of, and define priorities. There might be occasions where we want to automate, but there might be other occasions where the customer needs human interaction for a specific reason.” Source: Capgemini Research Institute analysis. FIGURE. 32 Key considerations for organizations to drive generative AI initiatives in marketing Establish a dedicated task force to integrate generative AI Craft robust ethical guidelines Stay informed about evolving AI regulations requirements Outline integration goals for generative AI Adopt a pragmatic approach for investments in generative AI Evaluate tech infrastructure for AI system compatibility and consolidate into a unified framework Start small and drive iterative implementation Implement robust security and privacy protocols Navigate responsibly, addressing the environmental impact of generative AI Cultivate dynamic partnerships, and enhance internal skills Maintain equilibrium between generative AI and human ingenuity Transcend conventional roles and embrace tech-driven collaboration Leadership and oversight Iterative execution Strategic direction Expand boundaries 57 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 58. Adopt a pragmatic approach for investments in generative AI Over the last 12 months, generative AI has garnered substantial attention, prompting significant investments. Recognizing the substantial initial investment required for venturing into this domain, it is imperative for companies to adopt a pragmatic approach to their investment decisions. It is crucial for them to craft a Evaluate tech infrastructure for AI system compatibility and consolidate into a unified framework Ensure compatibility and integration capabilities. Begin by evaluating your marketing infrastructure to pinpoint potential bottlenecks, ensuring a seamless integration between generative AI tools and existing platforms. Recognizing the strengths and limitations of current technologies empowers strategic adjustments and investments, facilitating the smooth incorporation of generative AI. Integrate diverse solutions into a unified framework. Marketers face a multitude of generative AI tools and solutions, necessitating a strategic architecture to avoid being overwhelmed. Consolidating these tools into a single platform is vital, transitioning from isolated point solutions to a unified framework. This also facilitates ethical and responsible architecture management, and streamlining the incorporation of brand standards across all solutions. SIMON ROST Chief Marketing Officer for Enterprise Imaging, GE Healthcare “Define your use case clearly upfront. It is very important to understand what you want to achieve before you think about the tool. The tool should basically help you get to that goal faster or better.” strategic roadmap that meticulously prioritizes short and medium-term objectives. Furthermore, foresight is paramount, as companies should anticipate the necessity for continuous investments over time to guarantee the sustained maintenance and augmentation of their capabilities. This approach ensures alignment with the dynamic nature of technology development and deployment. 58 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 59. LEADERSHIP AND OVERSIGHT Assemble specialized marketing task forces to integrate generative AI For expediting adoption, organizations should establish a well-defined ownership and governance framework – • Create a specialized marketing team to explore generative AI. This team’s role involves pinpointing specific areas and use cases where generative AI can yield significant outcomes. • Allow for interdisciplinary collaboration (include sales and IT teams as a minimum) to develop customized solutions that align with marketing goals and customer needs. A director of digital marketing at a multinational cosmetic company says: “Establishing a clear governance structure is crucial. It delineates responsibilities, defines remits, and ensures the availability of necessary resources and tools for agile and consistent implementation. Equally important is appointing a dedicated leader for generative AI and determining its organizational placement.” Craft robust ethical guidelines for the conscientious use of AI Establishing robust ethical guidelines for AI usage in marketing is essential to ensure responsible and inclusive practices within the industry. Conrad Bird from the UK Cabinet Office says: “When employing AI in our communication efforts, we will prioritize transparency and ethical responsibility. We aim to set industry standards in the ethical use of AI. Given our public accountability, we are committed to making decisions that prioritize human values.” • Develop ethical guidelines and a comprehensive framework emphasizing transparency, fairness, and user privacy in AI-driven decision-making processes. Simon Rost from GE Healthcare says: “It helps to bring the experts from business, IT, compliance and legal departments together early on in the evaluation of these generative AI tools to understand what to look out for.” • Conduct regular audits and assessments of AI systems to check for biases and discriminatory outcomes. • Actively engage with diverse communities and customers to understand their concerns and perspectives regarding AI applications in marketing so guidelines reflect the values and expectations of the wider society. • Participate in workshops alongside the research, law, and education community to identify comprehensive ways to build trustworthy AI. • Train and continuously educate employees across marketing on the ethical implications of their work, emphasizing the importance of unbiased data sourcing, fairness in algorithms, and the responsible use of AI-generated content. Establish mechanisms for reporting ethical concerns and violations, along with clear consequences for non-compliance. 59 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 60. • European Union and Italy: The EU AI Act is approved and expected to be finalized by the end of 2023, and will classify AI usage based on risk levels, prohibiting certain uses and imposing stringent monitoring and disclosure requirements for high-risk applications. In March 2023, Italy briefly banned ChatGPT, citing concerns about how – and how much – user data was being collected by the chatbot. Since then, approximately $33 million has been allocated to help unemployed people and workers in positions at risk of automation to boost their digital skills.40 • US: Initial steps are being taken to produce legislation to regulate AI. Certain interim measures are in place, including the White House recently announcing a voluntary agreement with seven prominent generative AI companies to provide minimum guardrails STEPS TAKEN BY COUNTRIES TO REGULATE AI for safety, security, and public trust, as safeguards.41 • UK: Currently, the UK plans to split responsibility for governing AI between existing regulators for safety, transparency, fairness, and accountability rather than creating a new body dedicated to the technology.42 • Brazil: A draft AI law outlines the rights of AI usage and provides guidelines for categorizing different types of AI based on the risk they pose to society.43 • Japan: Japan has adopted a “soft law” approach to AI regulation: the country has no prescriptive regulations governing specific ways AI can and can’t be used. Instead, it has opted to wait and see how AI develops, citing a desire to avoid stifling innovation.44 Aaren Ekelund from Microsoft Denmark says: “There is a concerted effort at Microsoft to educate all employees on ethics. Comprehensive training sessions have been conducted in marketing and sales organizations, as well as the development sector to ensure employees are well informed and encouraged to voice concerns if they notice any deviations from ethical guidelines.” Remain vigilant, navigating the ever-evolving realm of AI regulations and compliance • Consider assigning a dedicated compliance officer or team to track and interpret the rapidly evolving laws and guidelines related to generative AI. • Proactive engagement with policymakers, privacy regulators, and global subject matter experts on an ongoing basis should also be considered. • Further steps, as highlighted in our recent research, could include: – requesting disclosures about the capabilities and limitations – drafting/revisiting policies – establishing accountability – providing more control to users. 60 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 61. Highlighting the importance of governing AI, Aaren Ekelund from Microsoft Denmark says: “It's essential to govern generative AI effectively, providing adequate education to ensure people understand its implications, rather than outright preventing them from exploring its potential.” Similarly, Veronique Bruhat from Sanofi underscores the significance of regulations: “Regulatory processes and data privacy are critical in pharmacovigilance, integrating AI into these processes has the potential to accelerate our ability to meet patients' needs and make more informed decisions about adverse events, in a way that maintains responsibility and ethics in the core of the way we work.” ITERATIVE EXECUTION Drive implementation through experimentation and continuous iterations • Start with small-scale projects as testing grounds to help you evaluate the effectiveness of generative AI in specific marketing tasks – look for simple, high-impact, low-risk use cases. Claudia Willvonseder, Executive Board Member at Dr. Oetker, says: “We need to exercise caution and not rush into using generative AI simply because it’s trending. Strategic and thoughtful implementation is key.” AAREN EKELUND Chief Marketing Officer & Chief Communication Officer, Microsoft Denmark “It's essential to govern generative AI effectively, providing adequate education to ensure people understand its implications, rather than outright preventing them from exploring its potential.” Establish a rigorous testing and verification strategy with synthetic scenarios and adversarial testing to monitor AI outputs for incorrect results or invalid representations. Human involvement is crucial to address contextual and nuanced limitations in AI results. • Learn from small projects and monitor continuously. Implement robust monitoring systems to track and analyze data to measure ROI, customer engagement, and overall progress. Elizabeth Cunnigham at IAG Loyalty says: “Test generative AI on small use cases: learn, tweak, and optimize. In as agile a way as possible and using the same process, try to understand how we can use this technology to get the greatest benefit from it.” • Use a process of iterative refinement, and adjust strategies based on real-time feedback. This ensures that the marketing team stays agile and responsive. Linda Ha from Ikea Ingka says: “The assignment-based approach has proven highly effective in uniting cross-functional teams to define specific use cases and adopt an iterative test-and-learn method for applying new technologies. This approach enables a phased transformation that meets both business and customer needs.” 61 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 62. MONICA GONZALEZ PEÑAS Chief Customer and Marketing Officer, Allianz “In banking and insurance there is huge amount of critical data for customers. The key challenge for us is ensuring that artificial intelligence stays within regulations on data and security.” Safeguard success by implementing robust security and privacy protocols Our research highlights concerns around data collection, data security, and copyright. For example, nearly seven in ten organizations surveyed agree that the use of sensitive data in generative AI processes could pose a risk of cyberattacks and data breaches. A similar proportion acknowledge issues associated with generative AI content, citing concerns about copyright and intellectual property rights infringement as well as the risk of generating misinformation or inappropriate content, which could lead to reputational damage and legal repercussions. To protect against these issues, we recommend marketers follow the steps below. • Curate data meticulously, verifying its authenticity and relevance to avoid misleading outcomes and skewed results. The chief marketing and digital officer of an Indian multinational automotive manufacturing corporation says: “One of the requirements to make generative AI more effective is to have a very clear data strategy in place, because it takes out output from the data which you supply. So, it's important to filter and curate the data which goes in.” • Focus on collection of diverse, high-quality datasets through rigorous validation and cleansing processes, ensuring representative and unbiased data. 62 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK
  • 63. • Collaborate with domain experts to gain valuable insights, enhancing dataset accuracy. • Invest in continuous monitoring and updates to reflect changing consumer trends. A product management and marketing executive for a French digital automation and energy management company says: “Concern arises when data contains biases due to errors in collection or unusual comments, potentially leading to flawed or biased outputs. This issue raises the risk of incorrect implications, a critical concern for us.” • Safeguard sensitive data through robust privacy protocols to maintain customer trust, ensure legal compliance and prevent breaches. Adhere to data privacy laws such as the EU’s GDPR, Japan’s Protection of Personal Information Act, Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) enforceable from March 2024, India's Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act enforceable soon, and other similar legislations.45 • Build a data governance framework to ensure data is managed, processed, and utilized in a standardized, secure, and compliant manner. Clear guidelines on data access, usage, retention, and organization can mitigate risks associated with data misuse. • Review transaction terms and insist on terms of service from generative AI platforms, ensuring proper licensure of training data, and seek broad compensation for failure to license data appropriately. • Limit employee access to generative AI platforms, with guidelines encouraging use only when necessary. Protocols should prevent inadvertent input of sensitive business data and address concerns highlighted by incidents such as the Samsung data leakage.46 Monica Gonzalez Peñas, Chief Customer and Marketing Officer at Allianz, says: “In banking and insurance there is huge amount of critical data for customers. The key challenge for us is ensuring that artificial intelligence stays within regulations on data and security.” Navigate responsibly, addressing the environmental impact of generative AI Measuring generative AI's carbon emissions is challenging. Despite its marketing benefits, 50% of organizations fear generative AI’s environmental impact might exceed that of traditional methods due to the high energy demand of complex AI models. For instance, GPT-3 training emitted over 550 Mt of CO2 and OPT surpassed 75 Mt of emissions.47 Our survey shows that 53% of organizations now aim for sustainable integration within marketing initiatives, compared to 77% in our previous report across sectors and functions (see Figure 33). Source: Capgemini Research Institute, CMO Playbook #2 research, Sep–Oct 2023; N=1,752 executives with marketing responsibilities from unique organizations who are aware about generative AI; Harnessing the value of generative AI: Top use cases across industries, July 2023. FIGURE. 33 Organizations are less conscious about implementing and scaling generative AI in marketing in a sustainable way SHARE OF ORGANIZATIONS WHO ARE CAUTIOUS ABOUT IMPLEMENTING AND SCALING GENERATIVE AI IN A SUSTAINABLE WAY 53% 77% Marketing function, October 2023 Across all functions, April 2023 63 Capgemini Research Institute 2023 Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO's PLAYBOOK