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AI & Analytics:
Trends 2021-2022 and
Market Research
from InData Labs
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
Before the pandemic, the path to AI adoption used to
be slow and steady. According to the survey of industry-
leading firms, only 48% of companies deemed AI and
Big Data a source of innovation. In 2021, this number has
climbed to almost 65 percent.
Today, companies are accelerating plans to implement
artificial intelligence as a response to the pandemic.
Indeed, the conditions of volatile demands, fleet and
resource efficiency, as well as rising costs have become
the breeding ground for automation. In fact, around 86%
out of 200 CEOs report AI to become a mainstream
technology at their company in 2021 and beyond.
‘We, at InData Labs, have seen first-hand how our smart systems assist companies in their
digital transformation. From predictive maintenance and image recognition to natural language
processing and pose estimation solutions, the versatile nature of AI is pervasive. What’s more
important, the field of cutting-edge technologies is being used as a tool to support the fight
against the viral pandemic. Companies spanning multiple industries are ramping up their use
of robots, chatbots, and autonomous vehicles to provide contactless services and automate
business functions.
Finally, a COVID-19-induced surge in automation was triggered by the pressing need to meet
the evolving business needs and ever-growing amount of Big Data. In these uncharted waters,
the problem-solving and predictive prowess of AI and analytics seems to be the main way for
businesses to navigate COVID-19 and make use of new data.
Through this comprehensive overview, we aim to explain the utmost importance of AI for long-
term business growth to an audience of business owners, opinion leaders, and enthusiasts.
We’ll also demonstrate the difference that AI has already made and its main benefits at an
enterprise level.’
Alexander Marmuzevich
CTO at InData Labs
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
These days, the potential of intelligent systems is finding
traction in lots of use cases. According to McKinsey,
robotic process automation, computer vision, and
machine learning are among most commonly deployed
forms of artificial iIntelligence.
In this paper, we’ll also go over the main applications
of smart systems by industry, adoption challenges,
data security issues as well as the main prediction of AI
technology for 2022. In its final part, we’ll dwell on the
average costs of implementing AI and share time-tested
tips and tricks that will help you choose the right AI
vendor for your automation journey.
Key AI trends for 2021 and
of surveyed companies have
adopted AI in at least one
business function.
is spent on intelligent
process automation (IPA)
in 2021.
increases in global GDP by
2030 generated by Artificial
of companies report AI use
in widespread or limited
2020 2021
$62.35 billion
$93.53 billion
the GAGR of the global AI
market size from 2021 to
Grand View Research
The global AI market size value in 2020
and the forecasted value in 2021.
Grand View Research
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
AI adopters have different levels of maturity
of seasoned adopters
developed a high level of AI
expertise across the board.
of skilled adopters have launched
several AI production systems
but lag behind the seasoned
of starters get their AI adoption off the
ground and lack proficiency in building,
integrating, and managing AI solutions.
Companies deploying AI, by functional parts
In which functional parts of the company are AI projects used?
Confidence in AI technology has strengthened as
never before as during the pandemic companies had a
chance to reevaluate their ability to promptly respond to
challenges as well as to evidence the value driven by AI-
based solutions implemented providing the competitive
advantage to their business.
The statistics prove that artificial intelligence has gained
steam across companies and all business functions and
demonstrate the increasing dominance and importance
of this technology in the global landscape. Moreover,
the global market value of AI will continue to grow
exponentially, driven by the need for automation and
spearheaded by tech giants like Google, Amazon, etc.
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
The adoption of AI at companies, by industry O'Reilly
The percentage of the sample survey manifests the
omnipresence of business intelligence in virtually every
established industry. Finance, healthcare, and education
benefit the most from the use of AI. At the same time, the
pharmaceutical and chemical industries are looking into
the benefits of business intelligence.
However, the pandemic seems to tip the scales as the
world unites in the fight against COVID-19. Likewise, the
automotive industry has just uncovered the capabilities
of artificial intelligence in the production of self-driving
vehicles. Other industries are expected to join the walk
towards automation.
Business value of AI and Big Data (% of businesses)
Driving innovation with data
Competing on data and analytics
Managing data as a business asset
Establishing a data strategy
Forging a data culture
Creating a data-driven organization
As of 2021, we see a significant percentage of businesses
leveraging the combination of AI and Big Data. Most
respondents report the use of data in promoting
innovation across companies. The analytical capabilities
of smart systems underpin the business strategy
and help gain a competitive edge for organizations.
Also, data has changed its supplementary status and
become a prominent business asset for tech-focused
organizations. Overall, we can witness a growing
enterprise awareness that results in creating a solid and
unified data infrastructure and management practices.
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
Retail And E-com
Price prediction, automated supply chain management,
visual search, product categorization, personalized
customer experience, real-time optimization.
Quality checks, predictive maintenance, product
demand forecasting, robotics, inventory management,
prediction of failure modes.
Banking And Finance
AI chatbots, data collection and analysis, portfolio and
wealth management, risk management, fraud detection,
next-gen security.
Marketing And Sales
Demand forecasting, sales prediction, lead generation,
products recommendation, content personalization and
analytics, automating sales activities.
Precision farming, robotics, monitoring soil health,
market demand analysis, crop health monitoring, weed
detection, yield assessment.
Patient prescreening, diagnosis and medical imaging,
preventative healthcare, drug discovery, gene analytics
and editing, patient data analysis.
6 Industries where AI is
making the greatest disruption
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
The majority of industries are on the path of digital transformation. Evolving consumer patterns and the changing
reality have also fast-forwarded the growing adoption of technology. In addition to the industries mentioned
above, we can witness the shifts in demand for tech solutions in the following areas:
Wellness & Sport has experienced a surge in requests
from mid-and large companies for developing exercise
tracking solutions that promote a safer wellness
experience and allow efficient workouts at home.
The global Internet usage is growing as a result of
stay-at-home practices. And as people are seeking
more entertainment online, the Entertainment industry
implements more intelligent technologies to attract
and retain users as well as offer an outstanding user
The sudden peak of online shopping has strained the
Logistics industry as well. Artificial intelligence is now
vital to optimize logistics and make transportation faster
and more effective.
We also expect an increase in AI adoption and demand
for Big Data expertise in Pharma, given the need for
fast and accurate vaccine development to meet global
demand and ongoing pharmacovigilance improvement.
AI adoption rates around the world
Deployed AI Exploring AI IBM
According to the industry report, China is at the forefront
of AI deployment, overtaking the US. Over the last few
years, China has announced billions in funding for start-
ups and AI-powered strategy for foreign relations. India
follows China in the race for Artificial Intelligence with
Italy and the United States closing the list of leaders.
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
Business value generated by AI
Cost Reduction
•	 Automating low-value and repetitive
•	 Driving down operating costs
•	 Improving production output
Reduced Complexity
•	 Improving decision-making through
•	 Proactive course of action
•	 Discovering hidden patterns to solve
business problems
Improved Customer Experience
•	 Delivering personalized marketing efforts
•	 Automating customer journey through AI
•	 Smarter customer experience
Business Process Automation
•	 Streamlining service delivery management,
order processing, billing, and others.
•	 Automatic processing of raw data for
valuable business insights
•	 Off-loading repetitive company
management tasks to smart systems
Data Security Improvement
•	 Detecting fraud attempts and unauthorized
access to personal data
•	 Predicting breach risks
•	 Faster incident response
Enhanced Performance of Products
•	 Recognizing user emotions
•	 Embedding recommendation systems for
increased revenue
•	 Automating adjusting to growing customer
needs through feedback
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
AI and machine learning
top use cases
Nowadays, a growing number of companies are inclined to implement advanced machine learning solutions on
par with custom AI solutions to stand tall in the competitive market. Below, we’ll touch upon the most innovative
and recent applications of smart systems. Some of them have been ripening way before the pandemic hit. Others
owe their proliferation to the impact of COVID-19 and social distancing measures.
AI in healthcare and pharma
Pharmaceutical executives also experience the growing
need for automation due to the pandemic outbreak.
Machine-learning systems and computational analyses
have been essential in the vaccine quest. These systems
are aiding researchers in studying the virus and its
structure. As for vaccine creation, AI helps predict
an immune response of vaccine components. This is
something that has never been available before.
Moreover, intelligent systems and Big data help scientists
track the virus's genetic mutations over time. These
insights help evaluate the vaccine’s value over the longer
Among established uses of Machine Learning in pharma
are also drug discovery and drug manufacturing.
Intelligent algorithms predict the 3D protein structure,
which then helps prognosticate the impact of a compound
on the target and evaluate safety. Artificial intelligence
can also help reduce the sample size in clinical trials,
reducing their duration and the conducting costs.
According to industry stakeholders, half of the
healthcare companies will implement AI by 2025
with an estimated value of nearly $100B annually
across the US healthcare system.
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
Facial recognition to combat COVID-19
The pandemic has taken its toll on the medical sector
more than on any other. With the evolving technologies,
there is a silver lining in the long run. In particular,
facial recognition has proved to be a boon due to its
increased accuracy in identifying individuals. Also, facial
identification systems are becoming the preferred choice
of authentication to address the need for hygiene with
contactless applications.
The pandemic also advanced the proliferation of
biometric data collection tools for medical purposes.
Temperature checks, thermal imaging at public places,
face mask detection, and face scans at airports have
taken over each sphere of our lives.
Today, it’s clear that COVID-19 rather than hindering facial
recognition is being used as a reason to use it:
•	 In February 2021, Moscow deployed facial
recognition technology to monitor whether people
ordered to remain at home are complying with
quarantine orders.
•	 In 2021, a Chinese company developed the country’s
first facial recognition technology that can identify
•	 A group at Seoul National University in South Korea
has developed a facial recognition app to minimize
hospital mistakes in confusing patients.
•	 Face2Gene app allows clinicians to match facial
characteristics to rare genetic disorders.
Another promising area of medical identification software
includes gathering more data about a patient’s state
beyond COVID-19. For example, a University of South
Florida team combined facial analysis and pattern
recognition along with other data to assess pain levels in
Furthermore, the burgeoning applications of face
identification are now widely used in biometric access
control and entry systems. It is currently the latest
authentication technology to be adopted for keyless,
hands-free access control and door entry.
With over $68 billion by 2025 vs $36 billion in 2020,
this year became a turning point in the expansion of
contactless pathways. Face recognition used for access
control allows for touchless and privacy-oriented access.
The latter means that any instance of patient or doctor
impersonalisation becomes impossible. Among other
things, it speeds up the identification process at hospitals
and simplifies patient check-ins.
the expected compound
annual growth rate of the
biometric authentication
market from 2019 to 2027.
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
Pose estimation for healthcare
Reliable posture labels in hospital environments have
also become possible thanks to intelligent systems. By
localizing human joints, pose estimation in healthcare
assists clinicians in analyzing human movement and
health conditions. In particular, detecting human
movements can prevent fall incidents. The latter often
becomes the reason for a serious injury or even death of
those who fell.
Therefore, to provide fall detection, the alarm system has
become an assistive telemedicine technology. Usually,
a person must wear a device. It triggers a fall detection
alarm if there's sudden downward movement followed by
no movement at all. In the case of pose estimation, the
system retrieves the locations of joint points and signals
the falling if the joint point location changes.
Patient-specific pose estimation can also simplify
monitoring patient activity, thus contributing to better
patient care. Movement detection can monitor the
unconscious/coma patients to assess their current state.
Home-based physical therapy is also among the most
mainstream applications of pose estimation. Real-time
virtual trainers augment physiotherapy treatments and
help restore a person’s movement. The systems track
patients' performance so that the physical therapist can
get comprehensive quantitative and qualitative data.
Smart sports and wellness experience
The AI craze has not spared the fitness industry. According
to the Research and Markets report, the digital fitness
market size is projected to stand at $27.4 billion by 2022.
Intelligent algorithms innovate fitness through fitness
equipment that makes at-home workouts smarter and
easier. Along with smart wearable, personal AI trainers
are also gaining momentum. With that said, pose
detection has permeated fitness applications to estimate
human body movements during workouts.
Prominent examples of applying pose detection in
fitness are Kaia, VAI Fitness Coach, Ally apps, and
the Millie Fit device. Smart wellness apps can guide
users in performing physical exercises in the right and
personalized manner. From a technical standpoint, the
system obtains an image of the user and visualizes the
coordinates of the specific key points on the human body.
This way, home exercises deliver maximum value with no
human trainer or gym classes.
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
Predictive maintenance in manufacturing
To reduce the disaster recovery investments,
manufacturers began adopting predictive maintenance
practices en masse.
Deloitte Analytics Institute reports increasing equipment
uptime by up to 20%. Manufacturers could achieve such
results by predicting failures via advanced analytics.
Within this realm, Artificial Intelligence takes the form
of Machine Learning and amplifies predictive analytics
with intelligent algorithms. Together, these technologies
monitor the state of machinery and predict potential
malfunctions based on available sensor data. As a result,
organizations minimize the need for excessive frequent
maintenance and avert asset failures with little to no
disruption on daily operations.
Among other things, major improvements can be
achieved in spare parts inventory, and both direct and
in-direct overtime premiums. Machine life, production,
and operator safety are also among the acknowledged
benefits of predictive maintenance.
Oil and gas companies, including Shell and Aker BP,
deploy AI to monitor the production of fossil fuels. In
2019, a faulty well pump at an unmanned platform in the
North Sea halted production for Aker BP. The company
solved the problem by adopting a smart program that
monitors data from sensors attached to the pump.
The system then reports glitches before they cause a
These real-life use cases demonstrate the unrivaled
ability of smart systems to process enormous volumes
to uncover asset inefficiencies. The proactive course
of action further allows companies to save costs on
reactive maintenance and maintain their machinery in a
peak operating state.
The average equipment outage lasts four hours,
costing a company $2 million each time.
Machine Metrics
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
AI in logistics and transportation
Today, logistics operations amount to a diverse
network of suppliers and customers. This patchwork
of players translates into the acute demand for
streamlining tasks and complex processes. Therefore,
the automation potential of AI-enabled infrastructure
augurs well for extensive supply chains.
In 2020, the lion’s share of smart systems found wide
application in inventory management.
In particular, computers helped companies avoid
overstocks and understocks with better demand
The rest of the applications included augmented
quality control, automated invoice processing,
customer care, and monitoring. Route optimization is
another eminent improvement area that benefits from
AI systems. The latter taps into historical trip sheets
and real-time statistics to estimate the delivery time
for each shipment. Data-laden reports are also used to
sequence deliveries and generate the best route.
But the power of AI goes well beyond enterprise-
grade implementations. The Automotive Coalition
for Traffic Safety (ACTS) announced the launch of the
first product equipped with new alcohol-detection
technology. The drunk driver monitoring system will
be available at the end of 2021.
Along with drunk-driving provisioning, computer vision
systems can detect drowsiness while driving to alert
the driver. This application can prevent about 100,000
police-reported crashes that involve drowsy driving.
The potential of AI applications in logistics holds
great promise - from on-site hardware to predictive
systems that embrace the power of Big Data. Logistics
companies will be able to make data-laden decisions
and improve their performance. At the same time, daily
uses of intelligent systems can prevent life-threatening
incidents and safeguard road users.
of respondents innovated
the stock count processes by
deploying inventory-tracking
drone solutions and advanced
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
AI in marketing
Artificial intelligence is becoming a driver of marketing
That is a huge advancement from 29% in 2018. Also,
companies report a median of seven use cases — up
from six in 2018.
One of such use cases is sales forecasting. The
unrivaled combo of data, analytics, and AI enables
companies to improve forecasts. In particular, the
advent of intelligent systems in sales helps marketers
underpin their outbound marketing strategies with
predictive models. The latter examine datasets and
uncover factors that impact a profit. And since sales
data is often complicated and variable, no other
method is fit for this application.
AI also overcomes the constraints of traditional market
segmentation. Artificial intelligence allows businesses
not only to unearth the habits and behavior of
consumers but also do cohort analysis to segment
them in clusters. Thus, smart algorithms analyze
customer data to discern more granular segments. It
means that companies can adjust campaigns to be
more personalized for each group of customers based
on their preferences.
On the same note, AI-enabled marketing campaigns
tend to fare well compared with conventional
marketing efforts. According to a survey of worldwide
marketers done in late 2020, 41% of respondents
noticed an improvement in revenue growth and
enhanced performance as a result of using AI in their
marketing campaigns.
A staggering 84% of marketers reported using
AI in their marketing activities.
Salesforce analysts
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
Business outcomes realized throughthe use of artificial intelligence (AI)
according to marketers worldwide as of December 2020
Accelerating revenue growth / improving perfomance
Getting more actionable insights from marketing data
Creating personalizing onsumer experiences at scale
Reducing time spent on repetitive, data-driven tasks
Generating greater ROI on campaigns
Driving costs down / increasing efficiency
Unlocking greater value from marketing technologies
Predicting consumer needs and behaviors with greater accuracy
Increasing qualified pipeline
Shortening the sales cycle
None of the above
Moreover, automation covers the whole campaign
lifecycle - from the creation and orchestration process
to analysis. AI systems can keep tabs on available
campaigns for each customer and suggest the next
marketing effort. Once your campaign is complete,
smart algorithms can dig deeper into outcomes to
determine human-level performance.
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
Artificial Intelligence in E-commerce
Let alone the fact that use of machines for e-commerce
has skyrocketed by 600% over the last few years.
The defining factor behind massive automation is the
evolving needs of customers and excessive-choice
effect. Therefore, retailers have to pique customer
interest by knowing exactly what they need.
E-commerce giant Amazon achieves this prerequisite
by using item-to-item collaborative filtering. The latter
is an advanced form of recommender engines that
help predict users' interests and recommend product
items. As a result, the company owes 35% of its
revenue to the recommendation system.
Customer purchase behavior prediction is another
AI-fueled application to drive more sales. However,
traditional recommendation algorithms fall flat to
complete this task. Therefore, advanced predictive
algorithms take over. They monitor the associations
among products and assess customers’ motivations
behind purchases. Next, algorithms study customer
preferences for product features and suggest the
products most likely to be purchased.
But that’s just a sliver of AI possibilities. Advanced
chatbots, churn prediction as well as automated
inventory management, and price analysis - machine
intelligence has got it all in e-commerce.
•	 Website
•	 Search
•	 Recommendation
•	 Pricing
•	 Image Recognition
•	 Product Description
•	 Conversion Rate
•	 Retail Analytics
•	 Self-Checkout Systems
•	 Review and Forum Moderation
•	 Marketplace Moderation
•	 Chatbots
•	 Lead Generation
•	 Task Automation
•	 Campaign Analysis
•	 Lead Identification
the revenue increase by 2022
compared to 2018 forecasted
for companies investing in AI
as reported by Accenture.
•	 Inventory Planning
•	 Automated Warehouses
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
AI in retail
Retail and e-commerce usually go hand in hand within
the realm of technological progress. However, AI
systems have also stepped out of the digital space to
enter physical stores. The global pandemic has fast-
forwarded this transition.
Therefore, part of the pandemic's new reality is
monitoring the maximum number of customers that
can reasonably follow social distancing guidelines
within the store. Hands-free entrance and temperature
detection devices are also a mandate with minimal
disruption to services.
In this regard, face recognition terminals can ensure
protective measures during COVID and promote
safer experiences for shoppers. Also, an increasing
number of brick-and-mortar retail stores are turning to
technology in order to prevent losses and run-of-the-
mill thefts.
The whole process takes seconds and flags a potential
•	 A facial image is captured from the live video
•	 The system identifies facial features
•	 The system’s algorithms turn to a large database
for a match
•	 If a match is found in the database, the store is
notified of a potential shoplifter.
Aggression detection is also gaining traction in the
world. However, the whole potential of emotion
detection at stores is yet to be discovered.
of adults say they will only
go into shops with visible
Covid measures in place
while spending far more
time at selling areas with
the mentioned measures.
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
Computers in agriculture
Effective and accurate monitoring of crop and soil
health is one of the AI contribution fields that makes a
difference. Thus, the increasing proliferation of drone
and satellite technology ushered in aerial high-resolution
imagery of agricultural land. Now, farmers can monitor
crop health, irrigation equipment, herd, and wildlife, as
well as identify weeds timely and with no manual efforts.
Data-driven predictive decision-making also allows
governments, NGOs, and farmers to predict future yields
and food scarcity. Since farmers can make production
decisions beforehand, they can proactively manage
risk. Consumers also benefit from the availability of
reasonably priced food. Accurate data on forecast prices
also ensure that markets don’t balloon prices.
Let’s look at the bigger picture. From agricultural drones
to weed detection to predictive analytics, AI is the best
bet to feed the future sustainably. And while these
are just a snippet, the analytical capacity of machine
intelligence can solve the larger issues at hand, including
overconsumption of freshwater resources, overuse of
pesticides and biodiversity loss, and other legacies of
traditional farming.
The maturation of artificial intelligence is disrupting the AgTech sector as well.
Instead of being a low-tech sector, farming is now growing the global AI market
to reach $2,075 million in 2024. Field farming and livestock management
are among the most popular application areas of AI, with 61.15% and 18.1%
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
The future of animal care
Pet care isn’t the first thing that comes to our minds when
assessing the perspectives of AI. However, AI-enabled
facial recognition can help pet owners to locate their lost
According to The American Humane Association, 1 out of
3 pets become lost at some point in their lifetime. So why
not use technology to battle this missing epidemic? In
particular, the lost-and-found potential of AI crystallizes
in dog face recognition apps.
Thus, instead of combing through hundreds of listings,
pet owners can compare the image of their beloved
one against a database of found animals. For example,
InData Labs has embraced the recognition technology in
a mobile application with a deep learning approach for
dog face verification.
Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence can fetch the dog
breed for you. Microsoft Garage recently launched an
app called “Fetch!” that can determine a dog’s breed
from visual data. The app relies on AI for comparing the
image against its knowledge base of over 100 popular
pure breeds. So if you’ve ever been looking for on-
demand dog breed education, AI has got even that in
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
AI in finance
The use of Machine Learning for complex analytics is
old news in the banking and finance industry. Today, this
sector has embedded intelligent systems at almost all
stages, including:
•	 At the prediction level: forecasting the demand for
banking products, predicting changes in demand,
automated risk assessment.
•	 At the production level: automating and optimizing
interaction with existing and potential clients,
automated document processing, and loan approval.
•	 At the marketing level: provision of personalized
offers and automatic adjustment of interest rates
based on the client's score.
•	 At the service delivery level: development of
automated systems and chatbots across all
communication channels.
Despite the nascent stage of AI, 80% of banks have
appreciated the potential benefits presented by machine
learning, as stated in an OpenText survey of financial
services professionals.
Fraud detection has been especially helpful for the
middle and back offices of financial institutions. Thus, J.P.
Morgan Chase and BBVA use ML-based techniques for
card fraud. Artificial Intelligence allows banks to trace the
steps of card usage and detect fraudulent transactions.
Machine Learning algorithms also provide a data-laden
solution for individualized credit scoring. By automatically
processing data on current income, employment
opportunity, recent credit history, and others, the system
can either approve or decline the application.
Face pay is another stamp of artificial intelligence that
could be set to replace credit cards. China has dived into
the facial terrain with over 100 million people signing up
for a facial recognition payment system set up across
100s of locations. The US is trying its hand in the first
payment system based on facial recognition, called
All you need is to take a selfie for your profile and add
a preferred payment method. So when you need to buy
something, you just need to look into the camera.
Banks also ease the strain on their workers by
automating paperwork with OCR software. The Optical
Character Recognition technology allows for automatic
data capture software that eliminates the need for
manual data entry. Other benefits of OCR solutions
include data loss and misuse prevention and reduced
invoice processing time.
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
AI in gaming
Located at the intersection of disciplines, video gaming
is one of the most dynamic and tech-savvy industries in
the world. Artificial Intelligence is already being used to
solve several tasks in video game development.
Thus, Ubisoft Entertainment SA even spearheads an
innovative new initiative in Ubisoft Montreal called La
Forge. Its goal is to bridge the gap between the theory,
and the practical applications for AI in video games and
the real world.
If we look at more generic use cases, app smart
recommendations are the first to enter the head. In the
smartphone era, we can now choose between 3.48
million apps on Google Play and over 2 million apps
on the App Store. Existing mobile app recommender
systems often recommend popular mobile apps to
mobile consumers to make the choice of mobile apps
Intelligent technologies have also become the drivers
of consumers' loyalty in entertainment. Thus, innovative
applications of AI emotion recognition can discern the
player’s emotions and adjust the gameplay per player’s
personality with biometric facial recognition algorithms.
By collecting text data from forums and review sites,
companies can get real-time feedback from consumers.
AI-enabled sentiment analysis is used here to mine
opinions. Thereby, companies can better understand
the direction for further game development and
With robust predictive analytics solutions in games, you
can also detect early symptoms of user churn and boost
a player's lifetime. The systems analyze log data and
player behavior to identify weak points.
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
Top challenges
of AI/ML
01 Data security
01 Expertise scarcity
01 Infrastructure
01 Lack of data or
data quality issues
01 Time-consuming
01 Legal concerns
and compliance
01 Inappropriate
business use cases
01 Budget
Top challenges companies
face during AI/ML adoption
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
Along with its proven benefits, Aartificial Iintelligence also
comes complete with certain data privacy challenges.
A complicated AI or ML model is the result of feeding
significant amounts of data. The latter may often include
sensitive user data that is subject to an increasing array
of regulations.
This shifting regulatory landscape in the field of AI has
become even more intricate with GDPR compliance,
CCPA, and other federal legislation coming into effect.
The stringent scope of privacy-approved actions is also
reinforced by the monstrous costs of a data breach -
from ~$3.86M to ~$4.24M in 2021.
Moreover, ethical concerns of AI that result in model
misbehavior mount as well. For example, incomplete
data sets where a population is underrepresented can
deliver biased results or become unstable. To mitigate
this issue, organizations must pay due diligence to the
training data and make sure that all entities are equally
represented in the dataset.
Therefore, AI-friendly companies need to address
potential legal, compliance, and ethical risks in order to
avoid liability or fines. However, just like data privacy
can be the thorn side of AI, once used wisely, it can also
become the forte of this technology.
Advanced AI-enabled security measures techniques like
homomorphic encryption and differential privacy enable
data sharing through encryption or noise-induction.
Therefore, a growing number of companies use the AI
challenges to their advantage.
AI and data privacy:
compatible or at odds?
48% of the executives surveyed report using
AI in cyber threat detection, 34% embed it for
prediction, and 18% leverage AI for a response.
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
Instead of choosing between privacy and AI
innovation, McKinsey suggests the following risk
management practices when adopting AI:
•	 Shape the company’s ethical standards and vision
•	 Build the conceptual design
•	 Assign governance and key roles
•	 Implement transparency tools
•	 Hold awareness campaigns and regular training.
However, the main shortcut to responsible AI
and compliant technologies is the choice of the
right technology vendor. If your tech supplier can
demonstrate product maturity and calibrated data-
secured processes, then your AI journey won’t pose
any difficulties or put your data at risk.
How to choose the right
AI vendor
A targeted, well-trained AI system can render better ROI and performance provided you hire the right technology
vendor. The number of software companies that provide AI-focused services amounts to over 3,000 with 15 providers
leading the AI transformation. With the choice so wide, businesses often have a hard time separating the wheat from
the chaff.
Making the correct choice of a vendor can either make or break your company so here
are some points to consider when setting up the selection process.
First and foremost, an ideal vendor should demonstrate
proficiency in intelligent technologies. Without true
and acknowledged expertise, it is impossible to
properly assess the core of the problem, thus failing to
deliver the set objectives.
We recommend assessing technical background from
a holistic standpoint. In particular, you should take
into consideration the set of programming languages
and platforms, target industries as well as specific
methodologies. Wordly-acknowledged certifications,
R&D centers, and the company’s corporate products
also attest to a solid technical background behind a
The right AI supplier should also strike the right
balance between theory and practical experience.
Therefore, an AI software development company
should have a proven record of projects grounded
in various industries. Testimonials and success
stories also prove the acknowledged presence of the
company in the AI market.
The same goes for managing large-scale projects
with remote teams. A vendor that lacks experience
working with distributed teams would find it hard
to set up stable communication at the technical and
organizational levels.
1 2
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
Social proof of a company’s high-quality services is
also important. Therefore, when selecting the right
vendor, scour the Internet for real customer feedback.
Popular review platforms like Clutch and GoodFirms
identify leading IT companies and rate companies
based on reviews and other essential factors.
Also, you can ask for references from existing or
previous clients. Social media platforms can also
provide valuable insights into a company's overall
digital presence and brand image. If the chosen AI
vendor has been awarded some reputable industry
awards or featured in ratings, it’s another sign of public
recognition and proven expertise.
Efficient distribution and processing during the
development process of AI software are only possible
when all systems communicate with each other
smoothly. The same goes for team collaboration.
To avoid misunderstandings and bottlenecks,
make sure your technical vendor offers a single
communication channel for you and your team. Ideally,
it should be a selection of team management tools so
that the client can choose the one they are familiar
You can get a general idea of how your AI supply
manages interaction already at the screening stage.
If all your queries get addressed in a timely and
comprehensive manner then it’s unlikely you will have
any communication lags.
Improved visibility and detailed reporting of the
process are core for the success of the project. At the
selection stage, the clarity and transparency of your
contract and vendor obligations should also be your
front and center.
In particular, the AI company should balance the
technical complexities of an AI project, and the
commercial terms with the need to have each
party’s rights vividly stated in the agreement. These
prerequisites have to be backed up with an agreed
timetable for delivery and implementation, as well as
an acceptance test procedure. Intellectual property
rights, project cost, and confidentiality provisions must
also be clearly stated in a contract.
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
Software development pricing is quite challenging
with lots of variables and requirements specific to
each business. Usually, the ballpark estimation of your
AI project depends on the following factors:
•	 The type of software you’re building (3D computer
vision, pose estimation software, predictive
solution, etc.)
•	 The complexity of your AI solution (cloud-fueled
backend, third-party APIs, and others)
•	 The nature and amount of data your project needs
and the data you actually have
•	 The quality of data available
•	 The team size and structure
•	 The overall scope of the project
•	 Timeframe, etc.
The AI implementation usually starts with a Discovery
stage or a PoC. This is a pre-development phase that
helps answer the questions that stakeholders face
and minimize vague requirements at the start of the
This part of the AI development process is crucial
to have a holistic view of the final product, identify
the suitable technical approach as well as the most
cost-effective solution to the technical problem. To
get a more accurate estimation of future expenses,
we recommend requesting a quote directly from a
technology vendor.
How much does an AI
development project cost?
In most cases, the Discovery stage or PoC
requires a budget of around $20-30k to
deliver the initial piece.
AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research
From managing global supply chains to finding lost
animals, intelligent machines are influencing every
facet of our lives.
In a broad sense, all applications of smart systems
serve three types of business needs. They automate
business processes, fetch insights through data, and
interact with customers and employees. Moreover, by
automating low-value tasks and production output,
intelligence solutions can ensure higher profits
and lower operational costs. The business value of
Artificial Intelligence is even more tangible in analytics
that improves decision-making across the organization
and eliminates business problems.
With a span so wide, every organization can benefit
from AI-enabled capabilities in at least one business
function. Moreover, as the positive tendency in AI
implementation persists, we will witness the gradual
shift of automation into full-adopted business practice.
However, the long-term success of any tech-savvy
company relies on a stable and futureproof digital
strategy. As the market is evolving at lightning speed,
businesses should be ready to stand up to new
technical challenges and process increasing amounts
of incoming data for better decision-making.
At InData Labs, our mission is to drive the digital
transformation of global companies and help them
uncover new business opportunities with the help of
AI-enabled systems. Be prepared for the varieties of
markets with our computer vision, predictive analytics
and NLP solutions and other GDPR-compatible smart
Artificial intelligence is a central tenet for
disruptive changes in Industry 4.0 and a
driving force of modern businesses.
InData Labs is a leading data science firm and AI-
powered solutions provider with its own R&D center.
Having a mission to bring the power of AI to every
business, we help organizations of any size create
intelligent products and services or shape intelligent
business processes.
Since 2014, our solutions and consulting services help
our clients to get valuable insights into data, automate
repetitive tasks, enhance performance, add AI-driven
features, and prevent cost overruns.
Cyprus HQ Office
16, Kyriakou Matsi,
Eagle House,
Agioi Omologites, Nicosia
173 Nezavisimosti ave,
14-15th floor, Minsk
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About InData Labs

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  • 2. 2 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research Before the pandemic, the path to AI adoption used to be slow and steady. According to the survey of industry- leading firms, only 48% of companies deemed AI and Big Data a source of innovation. In 2021, this number has climbed to almost 65 percent. Today, companies are accelerating plans to implement artificial intelligence as a response to the pandemic. Indeed, the conditions of volatile demands, fleet and resource efficiency, as well as rising costs have become the breeding ground for automation. In fact, around 86% out of 200 CEOs report AI to become a mainstream technology at their company in 2021 and beyond. ‘We, at InData Labs, have seen first-hand how our smart systems assist companies in their digital transformation. From predictive maintenance and image recognition to natural language processing and pose estimation solutions, the versatile nature of AI is pervasive. What’s more important, the field of cutting-edge technologies is being used as a tool to support the fight against the viral pandemic. Companies spanning multiple industries are ramping up their use of robots, chatbots, and autonomous vehicles to provide contactless services and automate business functions. Finally, a COVID-19-induced surge in automation was triggered by the pressing need to meet the evolving business needs and ever-growing amount of Big Data. In these uncharted waters, the problem-solving and predictive prowess of AI and analytics seems to be the main way for businesses to navigate COVID-19 and make use of new data. Through this comprehensive overview, we aim to explain the utmost importance of AI for long- term business growth to an audience of business owners, opinion leaders, and enthusiasts. We’ll also demonstrate the difference that AI has already made and its main benefits at an enterprise level.’ Alexander Marmuzevich CTO at InData Labs
  • 3. 3 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research These days, the potential of intelligent systems is finding traction in lots of use cases. According to McKinsey, robotic process automation, computer vision, and machine learning are among most commonly deployed forms of artificial iIntelligence. In this paper, we’ll also go over the main applications of smart systems by industry, adoption challenges, data security issues as well as the main prediction of AI technology for 2022. In its final part, we’ll dwell on the average costs of implementing AI and share time-tested tips and tricks that will help you choose the right AI vendor for your automation journey. Key AI trends for 2021 and beyond 40,2% 50% of surveyed companies have adopted AI in at least one business function. McKinsey $10.9 billion is spent on intelligent process automation (IPA) in 2021. Statista $15.7 trillion increases in global GDP by 2030 generated by Artificial Intelligence. PwC 77% of companies report AI use in widespread or limited production. NewVantage 2020 2021 $62.35 billion $93.53 billion the GAGR of the global AI market size from 2021 to 2028. Grand View Research The global AI market size value in 2020 and the forecasted value in 2021. Grand View Research
  • 4. 4 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research AI adopters have different levels of maturity 26% of seasoned adopters developed a high level of AI expertise across the board. 47% of skilled adopters have launched several AI production systems but lag behind the seasoned enterprises. 27% of starters get their AI adoption off the ground and lack proficiency in building, integrating, and managing AI solutions. Deloitte Companies deploying AI, by functional parts In which functional parts of the company are AI projects used? Confidence in AI technology has strengthened as never before as during the pandemic companies had a chance to reevaluate their ability to promptly respond to challenges as well as to evidence the value driven by AI- based solutions implemented providing the competitive advantage to their business. The statistics prove that artificial intelligence has gained steam across companies and all business functions and demonstrate the increasing dominance and importance of this technology in the global landscape. Moreover, the global market value of AI will continue to grow exponentially, driven by the need for automation and spearheaded by tech giants like Google, Amazon, etc. O'Reilly
  • 5. 5 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research The adoption of AI at companies, by industry O'Reilly The percentage of the sample survey manifests the omnipresence of business intelligence in virtually every established industry. Finance, healthcare, and education benefit the most from the use of AI. At the same time, the pharmaceutical and chemical industries are looking into the benefits of business intelligence. However, the pandemic seems to tip the scales as the world unites in the fight against COVID-19. Likewise, the automotive industry has just uncovered the capabilities of artificial intelligence in the production of self-driving vehicles. Other industries are expected to join the walk towards automation. Business value of AI and Big Data (% of businesses) 49% 41% 39% 30% 24% 24% Driving innovation with data Competing on data and analytics Managing data as a business asset Establishing a data strategy Forging a data culture Creating a data-driven organization Statista As of 2021, we see a significant percentage of businesses leveraging the combination of AI and Big Data. Most respondents report the use of data in promoting innovation across companies. The analytical capabilities of smart systems underpin the business strategy and help gain a competitive edge for organizations. Also, data has changed its supplementary status and become a prominent business asset for tech-focused organizations. Overall, we can witness a growing enterprise awareness that results in creating a solid and unified data infrastructure and management practices.
  • 6. 6 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research Retail And E-com Price prediction, automated supply chain management, visual search, product categorization, personalized customer experience, real-time optimization. Manufacturing Quality checks, predictive maintenance, product demand forecasting, robotics, inventory management, prediction of failure modes. Banking And Finance AI chatbots, data collection and analysis, portfolio and wealth management, risk management, fraud detection, next-gen security. Marketing And Sales Demand forecasting, sales prediction, lead generation, products recommendation, content personalization and analytics, automating sales activities. Agriculture Precision farming, robotics, monitoring soil health, market demand analysis, crop health monitoring, weed detection, yield assessment. Healthcare Patient prescreening, diagnosis and medical imaging, preventative healthcare, drug discovery, gene analytics and editing, patient data analysis. 6 Industries where AI is making the greatest disruption
  • 7. 7 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research The majority of industries are on the path of digital transformation. Evolving consumer patterns and the changing reality have also fast-forwarded the growing adoption of technology. In addition to the industries mentioned above, we can witness the shifts in demand for tech solutions in the following areas: Wellness & Sport has experienced a surge in requests from mid-and large companies for developing exercise tracking solutions that promote a safer wellness experience and allow efficient workouts at home. The global Internet usage is growing as a result of stay-at-home practices. And as people are seeking more entertainment online, the Entertainment industry implements more intelligent technologies to attract and retain users as well as offer an outstanding user experience. The sudden peak of online shopping has strained the Logistics industry as well. Artificial intelligence is now vital to optimize logistics and make transportation faster and more effective. We also expect an increase in AI adoption and demand for Big Data expertise in Pharma, given the need for fast and accurate vaccine development to meet global demand and ongoing pharmacovigilance improvement. AI adoption rates around the world Deployed AI Exploring AI IBM According to the industry report, China is at the forefront of AI deployment, overtaking the US. Over the last few years, China has announced billions in funding for start- ups and AI-powered strategy for foreign relations. India follows China in the race for Artificial Intelligence with Italy and the United States closing the list of leaders.
  • 8. 8 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research Business value generated by AI Cost Reduction • Automating low-value and repetitive tasks • Driving down operating costs • Improving production output Reduced Complexity • Improving decision-making through analytics • Proactive course of action • Discovering hidden patterns to solve business problems Improved Customer Experience • Delivering personalized marketing efforts • Automating customer journey through AI chatbots • Smarter customer experience Business Process Automation • Streamlining service delivery management, order processing, billing, and others. • Automatic processing of raw data for valuable business insights • Off-loading repetitive company management tasks to smart systems Data Security Improvement • Detecting fraud attempts and unauthorized access to personal data • Predicting breach risks • Faster incident response Enhanced Performance of Products • Recognizing user emotions • Embedding recommendation systems for increased revenue • Automating adjusting to growing customer needs through feedback
  • 9. 9 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research AI and machine learning top use cases Nowadays, a growing number of companies are inclined to implement advanced machine learning solutions on par with custom AI solutions to stand tall in the competitive market. Below, we’ll touch upon the most innovative and recent applications of smart systems. Some of them have been ripening way before the pandemic hit. Others owe their proliferation to the impact of COVID-19 and social distancing measures. AI in healthcare and pharma Pharmaceutical executives also experience the growing need for automation due to the pandemic outbreak. Machine-learning systems and computational analyses have been essential in the vaccine quest. These systems are aiding researchers in studying the virus and its structure. As for vaccine creation, AI helps predict an immune response of vaccine components. This is something that has never been available before. Moreover, intelligent systems and Big data help scientists track the virus's genetic mutations over time. These insights help evaluate the vaccine’s value over the longer term. Among established uses of Machine Learning in pharma are also drug discovery and drug manufacturing. Intelligent algorithms predict the 3D protein structure, which then helps prognosticate the impact of a compound on the target and evaluate safety. Artificial intelligence can also help reduce the sample size in clinical trials, reducing their duration and the conducting costs. According to industry stakeholders, half of the healthcare companies will implement AI by 2025 with an estimated value of nearly $100B annually across the US healthcare system.
  • 10. 10 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research Facial recognition to combat COVID-19 The pandemic has taken its toll on the medical sector more than on any other. With the evolving technologies, there is a silver lining in the long run. In particular, facial recognition has proved to be a boon due to its increased accuracy in identifying individuals. Also, facial identification systems are becoming the preferred choice of authentication to address the need for hygiene with contactless applications. The pandemic also advanced the proliferation of biometric data collection tools for medical purposes. Temperature checks, thermal imaging at public places, face mask detection, and face scans at airports have taken over each sphere of our lives. Today, it’s clear that COVID-19 rather than hindering facial recognition is being used as a reason to use it: • In February 2021, Moscow deployed facial recognition technology to monitor whether people ordered to remain at home are complying with quarantine orders. • In 2021, a Chinese company developed the country’s first facial recognition technology that can identify mask-wearers. • A group at Seoul National University in South Korea has developed a facial recognition app to minimize hospital mistakes in confusing patients. • Face2Gene app allows clinicians to match facial characteristics to rare genetic disorders. Another promising area of medical identification software includes gathering more data about a patient’s state beyond COVID-19. For example, a University of South Florida team combined facial analysis and pattern recognition along with other data to assess pain levels in neonates. Furthermore, the burgeoning applications of face identification are now widely used in biometric access control and entry systems. It is currently the latest authentication technology to be adopted for keyless, hands-free access control and door entry. With over $68 billion by 2025 vs $36 billion in 2020, this year became a turning point in the expansion of contactless pathways. Face recognition used for access control allows for touchless and privacy-oriented access. The latter means that any instance of patient or doctor impersonalisation becomes impossible. Among other things, it speeds up the identification process at hospitals and simplifies patient check-ins. the expected compound annual growth rate of the biometric authentication market from 2019 to 2027. 14,6% Statista
  • 11. 11 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research Pose estimation for healthcare Reliable posture labels in hospital environments have also become possible thanks to intelligent systems. By localizing human joints, pose estimation in healthcare assists clinicians in analyzing human movement and health conditions. In particular, detecting human movements can prevent fall incidents. The latter often becomes the reason for a serious injury or even death of those who fell. Therefore, to provide fall detection, the alarm system has become an assistive telemedicine technology. Usually, a person must wear a device. It triggers a fall detection alarm if there's sudden downward movement followed by no movement at all. In the case of pose estimation, the system retrieves the locations of joint points and signals the falling if the joint point location changes. Patient-specific pose estimation can also simplify monitoring patient activity, thus contributing to better patient care. Movement detection can monitor the unconscious/coma patients to assess their current state. Home-based physical therapy is also among the most mainstream applications of pose estimation. Real-time virtual trainers augment physiotherapy treatments and help restore a person’s movement. The systems track patients' performance so that the physical therapist can get comprehensive quantitative and qualitative data. Smart sports and wellness experience The AI craze has not spared the fitness industry. According to the Research and Markets report, the digital fitness market size is projected to stand at $27.4 billion by 2022. Intelligent algorithms innovate fitness through fitness equipment that makes at-home workouts smarter and easier. Along with smart wearable, personal AI trainers are also gaining momentum. With that said, pose detection has permeated fitness applications to estimate human body movements during workouts. Prominent examples of applying pose detection in fitness are Kaia, VAI Fitness Coach, Ally apps, and the Millie Fit device. Smart wellness apps can guide users in performing physical exercises in the right and personalized manner. From a technical standpoint, the system obtains an image of the user and visualizes the coordinates of the specific key points on the human body. This way, home exercises deliver maximum value with no human trainer or gym classes.
  • 12. 12 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research Predictive maintenance in manufacturing To reduce the disaster recovery investments, manufacturers began adopting predictive maintenance practices en masse. Deloitte Analytics Institute reports increasing equipment uptime by up to 20%. Manufacturers could achieve such results by predicting failures via advanced analytics. Within this realm, Artificial Intelligence takes the form of Machine Learning and amplifies predictive analytics with intelligent algorithms. Together, these technologies monitor the state of machinery and predict potential malfunctions based on available sensor data. As a result, organizations minimize the need for excessive frequent maintenance and avert asset failures with little to no disruption on daily operations. Among other things, major improvements can be achieved in spare parts inventory, and both direct and in-direct overtime premiums. Machine life, production, and operator safety are also among the acknowledged benefits of predictive maintenance. Oil and gas companies, including Shell and Aker BP, deploy AI to monitor the production of fossil fuels. In 2019, a faulty well pump at an unmanned platform in the North Sea halted production for Aker BP. The company solved the problem by adopting a smart program that monitors data from sensors attached to the pump. The system then reports glitches before they cause a shutdown. These real-life use cases demonstrate the unrivaled ability of smart systems to process enormous volumes to uncover asset inefficiencies. The proactive course of action further allows companies to save costs on reactive maintenance and maintain their machinery in a peak operating state. The average equipment outage lasts four hours, costing a company $2 million each time. Machine Metrics
  • 13. 13 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research AI in logistics and transportation Today, logistics operations amount to a diverse network of suppliers and customers. This patchwork of players translates into the acute demand for streamlining tasks and complex processes. Therefore, the automation potential of AI-enabled infrastructure augurs well for extensive supply chains. In 2020, the lion’s share of smart systems found wide application in inventory management. In particular, computers helped companies avoid overstocks and understocks with better demand forecasting. The rest of the applications included augmented quality control, automated invoice processing, customer care, and monitoring. Route optimization is another eminent improvement area that benefits from AI systems. The latter taps into historical trip sheets and real-time statistics to estimate the delivery time for each shipment. Data-laden reports are also used to sequence deliveries and generate the best route. But the power of AI goes well beyond enterprise- grade implementations. The Automotive Coalition for Traffic Safety (ACTS) announced the launch of the first product equipped with new alcohol-detection technology. The drunk driver monitoring system will be available at the end of 2021. Along with drunk-driving provisioning, computer vision systems can detect drowsiness while driving to alert the driver. This application can prevent about 100,000 police-reported crashes that involve drowsy driving. The potential of AI applications in logistics holds great promise - from on-site hardware to predictive systems that embrace the power of Big Data. Logistics companies will be able to make data-laden decisions and improve their performance. At the same time, daily uses of intelligent systems can prevent life-threatening incidents and safeguard road users. of respondents innovated the stock count processes by deploying inventory-tracking drone solutions and advanced analytics. 40% Statista
  • 14. 14 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research AI in marketing Artificial intelligence is becoming a driver of marketing development. That is a huge advancement from 29% in 2018. Also, companies report a median of seven use cases — up from six in 2018. One of such use cases is sales forecasting. The unrivaled combo of data, analytics, and AI enables companies to improve forecasts. In particular, the advent of intelligent systems in sales helps marketers underpin their outbound marketing strategies with predictive models. The latter examine datasets and uncover factors that impact a profit. And since sales data is often complicated and variable, no other method is fit for this application. AI also overcomes the constraints of traditional market segmentation. Artificial intelligence allows businesses not only to unearth the habits and behavior of consumers but also do cohort analysis to segment them in clusters. Thus, smart algorithms analyze customer data to discern more granular segments. It means that companies can adjust campaigns to be more personalized for each group of customers based on their preferences. On the same note, AI-enabled marketing campaigns tend to fare well compared with conventional marketing efforts. According to a survey of worldwide marketers done in late 2020, 41% of respondents noticed an improvement in revenue growth and enhanced performance as a result of using AI in their marketing campaigns. A staggering 84% of marketers reported using AI in their marketing activities. Salesforce analysts
  • 15. 15 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research Business outcomes realized throughthe use of artificial intelligence (AI) according to marketers worldwide as of December 2020 41% 40% 38% 35% 34% 33% Accelerating revenue growth / improving perfomance Getting more actionable insights from marketing data Creating personalizing onsumer experiences at scale Reducing time spent on repetitive, data-driven tasks Generating greater ROI on campaigns Driving costs down / increasing efficiency 32% 29% 26% 21% 30% Unlocking greater value from marketing technologies Predicting consumer needs and behaviors with greater accuracy Increasing qualified pipeline Shortening the sales cycle None of the above Moreover, automation covers the whole campaign lifecycle - from the creation and orchestration process to analysis. AI systems can keep tabs on available campaigns for each customer and suggest the next marketing effort. Once your campaign is complete, smart algorithms can dig deeper into outcomes to determine human-level performance. Statista
  • 16. 16 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research Artificial Intelligence in E-commerce Let alone the fact that use of machines for e-commerce has skyrocketed by 600% over the last few years. The defining factor behind massive automation is the evolving needs of customers and excessive-choice effect. Therefore, retailers have to pique customer interest by knowing exactly what they need. E-commerce giant Amazon achieves this prerequisite by using item-to-item collaborative filtering. The latter is an advanced form of recommender engines that help predict users' interests and recommend product items. As a result, the company owes 35% of its revenue to the recommendation system. Customer purchase behavior prediction is another AI-fueled application to drive more sales. However, traditional recommendation algorithms fall flat to complete this task. Therefore, advanced predictive algorithms take over. They monitor the associations among products and assess customers’ motivations behind purchases. Next, algorithms study customer preferences for product features and suggest the products most likely to be purchased. But that’s just a sliver of AI possibilities. Advanced chatbots, churn prediction as well as automated inventory management, and price analysis - machine intelligence has got it all in e-commerce. PERSONALIZATION • Website • Search • Recommendation PRODUCT & SERVICES • Pricing • Image Recognition • Product Description • Conversion Rate Optimization • Retail Analytics • Self-Checkout Systems WEBSITE IMPROVEMENT • Review and Forum Moderation • Marketplace Moderation CUSTOMER SERVICES • Chatbots MARKETING & SALES • Lead Generation • Task Automation • Campaign Analysis • Lead Identification AI IN E-COMMERCE the revenue increase by 2022 compared to 2018 forecasted for companies investing in AI as reported by Accenture. 41% SUPPLY CHAIN • Inventory Planning • Automated Warehouses
  • 17. 17 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research AI in retail Retail and e-commerce usually go hand in hand within the realm of technological progress. However, AI systems have also stepped out of the digital space to enter physical stores. The global pandemic has fast- forwarded this transition. Therefore, part of the pandemic's new reality is monitoring the maximum number of customers that can reasonably follow social distancing guidelines within the store. Hands-free entrance and temperature detection devices are also a mandate with minimal disruption to services. In this regard, face recognition terminals can ensure protective measures during COVID and promote safer experiences for shoppers. Also, an increasing number of brick-and-mortar retail stores are turning to technology in order to prevent losses and run-of-the- mill thefts. The whole process takes seconds and flags a potential robber: • A facial image is captured from the live video stream • The system identifies facial features • The system’s algorithms turn to a large database for a match • If a match is found in the database, the store is notified of a potential shoplifter. Aggression detection is also gaining traction in the world. However, the whole potential of emotion detection at stores is yet to be discovered. of adults say they will only go into shops with visible Covid measures in place while spending far more time at selling areas with the mentioned measures. 50% over
  • 18. 18 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research Computers in agriculture Effective and accurate monitoring of crop and soil health is one of the AI contribution fields that makes a difference. Thus, the increasing proliferation of drone and satellite technology ushered in aerial high-resolution imagery of agricultural land. Now, farmers can monitor crop health, irrigation equipment, herd, and wildlife, as well as identify weeds timely and with no manual efforts. Data-driven predictive decision-making also allows governments, NGOs, and farmers to predict future yields and food scarcity. Since farmers can make production decisions beforehand, they can proactively manage risk. Consumers also benefit from the availability of reasonably priced food. Accurate data on forecast prices also ensure that markets don’t balloon prices. Let’s look at the bigger picture. From agricultural drones to weed detection to predictive analytics, AI is the best bet to feed the future sustainably. And while these are just a snippet, the analytical capacity of machine intelligence can solve the larger issues at hand, including overconsumption of freshwater resources, overuse of pesticides and biodiversity loss, and other legacies of traditional farming. The maturation of artificial intelligence is disrupting the AgTech sector as well. Instead of being a low-tech sector, farming is now growing the global AI market to reach $2,075 million in 2024. Field farming and livestock management are among the most popular application areas of AI, with 61.15% and 18.1% respectively.
  • 19. 19 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research The future of animal care Pet care isn’t the first thing that comes to our minds when assessing the perspectives of AI. However, AI-enabled facial recognition can help pet owners to locate their lost animals. According to The American Humane Association, 1 out of 3 pets become lost at some point in their lifetime. So why not use technology to battle this missing epidemic? In particular, the lost-and-found potential of AI crystallizes in dog face recognition apps. Thus, instead of combing through hundreds of listings, pet owners can compare the image of their beloved one against a database of found animals. For example, InData Labs has embraced the recognition technology in a mobile application with a deep learning approach for dog face verification. Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence can fetch the dog breed for you. Microsoft Garage recently launched an app called “Fetch!” that can determine a dog’s breed from visual data. The app relies on AI for comparing the image against its knowledge base of over 100 popular pure breeds. So if you’ve ever been looking for on- demand dog breed education, AI has got even that in store.
  • 20. 20 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research AI in finance The use of Machine Learning for complex analytics is old news in the banking and finance industry. Today, this sector has embedded intelligent systems at almost all stages, including: • At the prediction level: forecasting the demand for banking products, predicting changes in demand, automated risk assessment. • At the production level: automating and optimizing interaction with existing and potential clients, automated document processing, and loan approval. • At the marketing level: provision of personalized offers and automatic adjustment of interest rates based on the client's score. • At the service delivery level: development of automated systems and chatbots across all communication channels. Despite the nascent stage of AI, 80% of banks have appreciated the potential benefits presented by machine learning, as stated in an OpenText survey of financial services professionals. Fraud detection has been especially helpful for the middle and back offices of financial institutions. Thus, J.P. Morgan Chase and BBVA use ML-based techniques for card fraud. Artificial Intelligence allows banks to trace the steps of card usage and detect fraudulent transactions. Machine Learning algorithms also provide a data-laden solution for individualized credit scoring. By automatically processing data on current income, employment opportunity, recent credit history, and others, the system can either approve or decline the application. Face pay is another stamp of artificial intelligence that could be set to replace credit cards. China has dived into the facial terrain with over 100 million people signing up for a facial recognition payment system set up across 100s of locations. The US is trying its hand in the first payment system based on facial recognition, called PopID. All you need is to take a selfie for your profile and add a preferred payment method. So when you need to buy something, you just need to look into the camera. Banks also ease the strain on their workers by automating paperwork with OCR software. The Optical Character Recognition technology allows for automatic data capture software that eliminates the need for manual data entry. Other benefits of OCR solutions include data loss and misuse prevention and reduced invoice processing time.
  • 21. 21 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research AI in gaming Located at the intersection of disciplines, video gaming is one of the most dynamic and tech-savvy industries in the world. Artificial Intelligence is already being used to solve several tasks in video game development. Thus, Ubisoft Entertainment SA even spearheads an innovative new initiative in Ubisoft Montreal called La Forge. Its goal is to bridge the gap between the theory, and the practical applications for AI in video games and the real world. If we look at more generic use cases, app smart recommendations are the first to enter the head. In the smartphone era, we can now choose between 3.48 million apps on Google Play and over 2 million apps on the App Store. Existing mobile app recommender systems often recommend popular mobile apps to mobile consumers to make the choice of mobile apps easier. Intelligent technologies have also become the drivers of consumers' loyalty in entertainment. Thus, innovative applications of AI emotion recognition can discern the player’s emotions and adjust the gameplay per player’s personality with biometric facial recognition algorithms. By collecting text data from forums and review sites, companies can get real-time feedback from consumers. AI-enabled sentiment analysis is used here to mine opinions. Thereby, companies can better understand the direction for further game development and improvements. With robust predictive analytics solutions in games, you can also detect early symptoms of user churn and boost a player's lifetime. The systems analyze log data and player behavior to identify weak points.
  • 22. 22 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research Top challenges of AI/ML adoption 01 Data security 04 01 Expertise scarcity 03 01 Infrastructure requirements 02 01 Lack of data or data quality issues 01 01 Time-consuming implementation 08 01 Legal concerns and compliance issues 07 01 Inappropriate business use cases 06 01 Budget constraints 05 Top challenges companies face during AI/ML adoption
  • 23. 23 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research Along with its proven benefits, Aartificial Iintelligence also comes complete with certain data privacy challenges. A complicated AI or ML model is the result of feeding significant amounts of data. The latter may often include sensitive user data that is subject to an increasing array of regulations. This shifting regulatory landscape in the field of AI has become even more intricate with GDPR compliance, CCPA, and other federal legislation coming into effect. The stringent scope of privacy-approved actions is also reinforced by the monstrous costs of a data breach - from ~$3.86M to ~$4.24M in 2021. Moreover, ethical concerns of AI that result in model misbehavior mount as well. For example, incomplete data sets where a population is underrepresented can deliver biased results or become unstable. To mitigate this issue, organizations must pay due diligence to the training data and make sure that all entities are equally represented in the dataset. Therefore, AI-friendly companies need to address potential legal, compliance, and ethical risks in order to avoid liability or fines. However, just like data privacy can be the thorn side of AI, once used wisely, it can also become the forte of this technology. Advanced AI-enabled security measures techniques like homomorphic encryption and differential privacy enable data sharing through encryption or noise-induction. Therefore, a growing number of companies use the AI challenges to their advantage. AI and data privacy: compatible or at odds? 48% of the executives surveyed report using AI in cyber threat detection, 34% embed it for prediction, and 18% leverage AI for a response. Capgemini
  • 24. 24 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research Instead of choosing between privacy and AI innovation, McKinsey suggests the following risk management practices when adopting AI: • Shape the company’s ethical standards and vision • Build the conceptual design • Assign governance and key roles • Implement transparency tools • Hold awareness campaigns and regular training. However, the main shortcut to responsible AI and compliant technologies is the choice of the right technology vendor. If your tech supplier can demonstrate product maturity and calibrated data- secured processes, then your AI journey won’t pose any difficulties or put your data at risk. How to choose the right AI vendor A targeted, well-trained AI system can render better ROI and performance provided you hire the right technology vendor. The number of software companies that provide AI-focused services amounts to over 3,000 with 15 providers leading the AI transformation. With the choice so wide, businesses often have a hard time separating the wheat from the chaff. Making the correct choice of a vendor can either make or break your company so here are some points to consider when setting up the selection process. Expertise First and foremost, an ideal vendor should demonstrate proficiency in intelligent technologies. Without true and acknowledged expertise, it is impossible to properly assess the core of the problem, thus failing to deliver the set objectives. We recommend assessing technical background from a holistic standpoint. In particular, you should take into consideration the set of programming languages and platforms, target industries as well as specific methodologies. Wordly-acknowledged certifications, R&D centers, and the company’s corporate products also attest to a solid technical background behind a vendor. Experience The right AI supplier should also strike the right balance between theory and practical experience. Therefore, an AI software development company should have a proven record of projects grounded in various industries. Testimonials and success stories also prove the acknowledged presence of the company in the AI market. The same goes for managing large-scale projects with remote teams. A vendor that lacks experience working with distributed teams would find it hard to set up stable communication at the technical and organizational levels. 1 2
  • 25. 25 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research Reviews Social proof of a company’s high-quality services is also important. Therefore, when selecting the right vendor, scour the Internet for real customer feedback. Popular review platforms like Clutch and GoodFirms identify leading IT companies and rate companies based on reviews and other essential factors. Also, you can ask for references from existing or previous clients. Social media platforms can also provide valuable insights into a company's overall digital presence and brand image. If the chosen AI vendor has been awarded some reputable industry awards or featured in ratings, it’s another sign of public recognition and proven expertise. Communication Efficient distribution and processing during the development process of AI software are only possible when all systems communicate with each other smoothly. The same goes for team collaboration. To avoid misunderstandings and bottlenecks, make sure your technical vendor offers a single communication channel for you and your team. Ideally, it should be a selection of team management tools so that the client can choose the one they are familiar with. You can get a general idea of how your AI supply manages interaction already at the screening stage. If all your queries get addressed in a timely and comprehensive manner then it’s unlikely you will have any communication lags. Clarity Improved visibility and detailed reporting of the process are core for the success of the project. At the selection stage, the clarity and transparency of your contract and vendor obligations should also be your front and center. In particular, the AI company should balance the technical complexities of an AI project, and the commercial terms with the need to have each party’s rights vividly stated in the agreement. These prerequisites have to be backed up with an agreed timetable for delivery and implementation, as well as an acceptance test procedure. Intellectual property rights, project cost, and confidentiality provisions must also be clearly stated in a contract. 3 4 5
  • 26. 26 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research Software development pricing is quite challenging with lots of variables and requirements specific to each business. Usually, the ballpark estimation of your AI project depends on the following factors: • The type of software you’re building (3D computer vision, pose estimation software, predictive solution, etc.) • The complexity of your AI solution (cloud-fueled backend, third-party APIs, and others) • The nature and amount of data your project needs and the data you actually have • The quality of data available • The team size and structure • The overall scope of the project • Timeframe, etc. The AI implementation usually starts with a Discovery stage or a PoC. This is a pre-development phase that helps answer the questions that stakeholders face and minimize vague requirements at the start of the project. This part of the AI development process is crucial to have a holistic view of the final product, identify the suitable technical approach as well as the most cost-effective solution to the technical problem. To get a more accurate estimation of future expenses, we recommend requesting a quote directly from a technology vendor. How much does an AI development project cost? In most cases, the Discovery stage or PoC requires a budget of around $20-30k to deliver the initial piece.
  • 27. 27 AI & Analytics: Trends 2021-2022 and Market Research From managing global supply chains to finding lost animals, intelligent machines are influencing every facet of our lives. In a broad sense, all applications of smart systems serve three types of business needs. They automate business processes, fetch insights through data, and interact with customers and employees. Moreover, by automating low-value tasks and production output, intelligence solutions can ensure higher profits and lower operational costs. The business value of Artificial Intelligence is even more tangible in analytics that improves decision-making across the organization and eliminates business problems. With a span so wide, every organization can benefit from AI-enabled capabilities in at least one business function. Moreover, as the positive tendency in AI implementation persists, we will witness the gradual shift of automation into full-adopted business practice. However, the long-term success of any tech-savvy company relies on a stable and futureproof digital strategy. As the market is evolving at lightning speed, businesses should be ready to stand up to new technical challenges and process increasing amounts of incoming data for better decision-making. At InData Labs, our mission is to drive the digital transformation of global companies and help them uncover new business opportunities with the help of AI-enabled systems. Be prepared for the varieties of markets with our computer vision, predictive analytics and NLP solutions and other GDPR-compatible smart systems. Conclusion Artificial intelligence is a central tenet for disruptive changes in Industry 4.0 and a driving force of modern businesses.
  • 28. InData Labs is a leading data science firm and AI- powered solutions provider with its own R&D center. Having a mission to bring the power of AI to every business, we help organizations of any size create intelligent products and services or shape intelligent business processes. Since 2014, our solutions and consulting services help our clients to get valuable insights into data, automate repetitive tasks, enhance performance, add AI-driven features, and prevent cost overruns. Cyprus HQ Office 16, Kyriakou Matsi, Eagle House, Agioi Omologites, Nicosia +35797706028 Belarus 173 Nezavisimosti ave, 14-15th floor, Minsk +375(29)1991644 Singapore 6 Shenton Way, OUE Downtown 2, Singapore About InData Labs