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The Cloud Foundry Story
On Openstack
Stuart Charlton
Field Engineering, Western Canada
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What  Is  It?
Who  Makes  It?
How  does  it  work?
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“Cloud  is  about  how  computing  
is  done,  not  where”
Paul  Maritz
CEO,  Pivotal
4©   Copyright   2015   Pivotal.   All   rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Members  of  the  Cloud  Foundry  Foundation

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Developer Experience (DX) as a Fitness Function for Platform Teams
Developer Experience (DX) as a Fitness Function for Platform TeamsDeveloper Experience (DX) as a Fitness Function for Platform Teams
Developer Experience (DX) as a Fitness Function for Platform Teams

Co-delivered with Fendy Liauw on Wednesday May 9. See for details

dxdevreldeveloper experience
Corent Slides For Impact
Corent Slides For ImpactCorent Slides For Impact
Corent Slides For Impact

Corent Technology's SaaS-Suite is an application development platform that delivers multi-tenant, cloud-based applications. It allows ISVs to rapidly transform on-premise applications into cloud-compatible SaaS solutions in a fully multi-tenant environment. Using SaaS-Suite can reduce application development time by up to 90% while simplifying application delivery and maintenance by enabling a single application instance across customers.

APIdays Barcelona 2019 - How a Cloud native Architecture helps to drive Busin...
APIdays Barcelona 2019 - How a Cloud native Architecture helps to drive Busin...APIdays Barcelona 2019 - How a Cloud native Architecture helps to drive Busin...
APIdays Barcelona 2019 - How a Cloud native Architecture helps to drive Busin...

How a Cloud-native Architecture helps to drive Business with APIs, Peter Brabec, API & DataPower Leader @ IBM

apiibmapi connect
5©   Copyright   2015   Pivotal.   All   rights   reserved.     Confidential.
What  do we  mean  by  “Platform”?
6©   Copyright   2015   Pivotal.   All   rights   reserved.     Confidential. 6©   Copyright   2015   Pivotal.   All   rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Pivotal  Cloud  Platform  Demonstration
The Developer Experience
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The Developer Experience
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• Push  My  App
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• Scale  My  App
• Monitor  My  App’s  Logs
• Monitor  My  App’s  Health
• Monitor  My  App’s  Performance
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Value to Developers
• Target  My  Cloud  Foundry  Provider
• Push  My  App
• Bind  My  App  to  Backing  Services
• Scale  My  App
• Monitor  My  App’s  Logs
• Monitor  My  App’s  Health
• Monitor  My  App’s  Performance
• Deploy  to  different  geographies
• 30-­60  second  turnaround
• Automated  config  management
• Automated  rapid  scale  out
• Debug  across  your  cluster
• Validate  high  availability
• Easy  integration  with  APM

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London Adapt or Die: Kubernetes, Containers and Cloud - The MoD Story
London Adapt or Die: Kubernetes, Containers and Cloud - The MoD StoryLondon Adapt or Die: Kubernetes, Containers and Cloud - The MoD Story
London Adapt or Die: Kubernetes, Containers and Cloud - The MoD Story

Kubernetes, Containers and Cloud - The MoD Story. by Mete Atamel, Google and Steve Latchem, UK Ministry of Defence

Cross Platform Mobile Apps with APIs from Qcon San Francisco
Cross Platform Mobile Apps with APIs from Qcon San FranciscoCross Platform Mobile Apps with APIs from Qcon San Francisco
Cross Platform Mobile Apps with APIs from Qcon San Francisco

Building cloud and API driven mobile apps introduces numerous complexities around syncing, caching, and securing data. In this presentation Alex Gaber explored numerous tools and frameworks including best practices around building HTML5 cross-platform hybrid native applications.

mobile apismobile application developmentmobile apps
LoQutus: (Technical) Deep-Dive into IBM API Connect
LoQutus: (Technical) Deep-Dive into IBM API ConnectLoQutus: (Technical) Deep-Dive into IBM API Connect
LoQutus: (Technical) Deep-Dive into IBM API Connect

This document discusses API Connect, a platform for designing, publishing, and managing APIs. It provides an overview of the key components of API Connect including the API management server, developer portal, gateway server, and developer toolkit. These components allow organizations to securely expose APIs to external and internal developers building mobile, enterprise, and partner applications.

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©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
1. Download the CLI
according to your OS
2. Target the cloud
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The Developer Experience
• Target  My  Cloud  Foundry  Provider
• Push  My  App
• Bind  My  App  to  Backing  Services
• Scale  My  App
• Monitor  My  App’s  Logs
• Monitor  My  App’s  Health
• Monitor  My  App’s  Performance
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.­Field-­Engineering/PCF-­demo
Login  to  the  CLI
Clone  the  app
Push  the  app
Verify  app  is  running
Application push
cf api
cf login

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Keynote speech
Keynote speechKeynote speech
Keynote speech

This is the keynote session at BizTalk Summit 2015 London. The Keynote speech focused on Microsoft's recent announcements in the area of Azure App Services (Logic Apps, BizTalk API Apps, Connectors). Watch this video to understand the reason behind Microsoft's investment into the Azure platform and where Microsoft would like to see itself down the road.

keynotelogic appsbiztalk summit 2015 london
API Connect Presentation
API Connect PresentationAPI Connect Presentation
API Connect Presentation

Extend access and digitally transform existing data to new dynamic API cloud services. Increase speed to market. Drive innovation. Create new business models.

ibm api connectibmxband enterprises
WSO2 Integration Platform: Vision and Roadmap
WSO2 Integration Platform: Vision and RoadmapWSO2 Integration Platform: Vision and Roadmap
WSO2 Integration Platform: Vision and Roadmap

To view recording of the webinar please use below URL: In this webinar, John Mathon, vice president of enterprise evangelism at WSO2, and Senaka Fernando, solutions architect at WSO2, will talk to you about WSO2’s vision in becoming the world’s #1 middleware platform provider Its roadmap - introducing some of the exciting new products that are lined up for release in the next few months Our experiences with some of the world’s leading enterprises that are adopting the WSO2 platform and why they chose WSO2 over any other vendor

by WSO2
wso2 platformwso2 webinarsapi management
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.­Field-­Engineering/PCF-­demo
Clone or Download
Login  to  the  CLI
Clone  the  app
Push  the  app
Verify  app  is  running
Application push
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cf  push
Login  to  the  CLI
Clone  the  app
Push  the  app
Verify  app  is  running
Application push
cd PCF-demo
cf push
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Login  to  the  CLI
Clone  the  app
Push  the  app
Verify  app  is  running
Application push
Navigate to the PWS Web Console
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Adapt or Die: A Microservices Story at Google
Adapt or Die: A Microservices Story at GoogleAdapt or Die: A Microservices Story at Google
Adapt or Die: A Microservices Story at Google

Google has been using containers for over 12 years to manage applications. Kubernetes was created by Google to manage container clusters and provide basic building blocks for microservices. Kubernetes allows containers to be scheduled across a cluster, provides health checking and rolling upgrades, and handles naming, discovery, load balancing and other functions. Apigee extended Kubernetes to enable multi-tenancy and container-native API management.

microserviceskubernetesapi management
API Monetization: Unlock the Value of Your Data
API Monetization: Unlock the Value of Your DataAPI Monetization: Unlock the Value of Your Data
API Monetization: Unlock the Value of Your Data

This document discusses opportunities for companies to monetize their application programming interfaces (APIs) and data. It outlines how exposing data through APIs can extend a company's brand and reach while also generating revenue. The document recommends practices for unlocking the value of enterprise data, such as by creating targeted products and services. It also provides tips on best practices for monetizing data APIs, including modeling revenue and simplifying API discovery for developers.

api monetizationapi managementapplication economy
A Connector, A Container and an API Walk into a Bar… Microservices Edition
A Connector, A Container and an API Walk into a Bar… Microservices EditionA Connector, A Container and an API Walk into a Bar… Microservices Edition
A Connector, A Container and an API Walk into a Bar… Microservices Edition

Gluecon Keynote, Steven Willmott, 25th May, 2017. On distributed systems, microservices, containers and Agile Integration

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©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
The Developer Experience
• Target  My  Cloud  Foundry  Provider
• Push  My  App
• Bind  My  App  to  Backing  Services
• Scale  My  App
• Monitor  My  App’s  Logs
• Monitor  My  App’s  Health
• Monitor  My  App’s  Performance
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Service creation and bind
Create  Service
Bind  service
Restart  App
Click on "Marketplace"

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INTERFACE, by apidays - Keeping the link between legacy and new by Vince Pad...
INTERFACE, by apidays  - Keeping the link between legacy and new by Vince Pad...INTERFACE, by apidays  - Keeping the link between legacy and new by Vince Pad...
INTERFACE, by apidays - Keeping the link between legacy and new by Vince Pad...

INTERFACE, by apidays 2021 - It’s APIs all the way down June 30, July 1 & 2, 2021 Keeping the link between legacy and new: from software factories to software re-factories Vince Padua, Executive Vice President - CTO at Axway

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Integrating saa s application using azure services v0.5
Integrating saa s application using azure services v0.5Integrating saa s application using azure services v0.5
Integrating saa s application using azure services v0.5

This document discusses Software as a Service (SaaS) and modern integration approaches using Microsoft Azure services. It covers what SaaS is, popular SaaS platforms, challenges with SaaS applications, and why SaaS is becoming more prevalent. It then discusses integration approaches using Azure App Service components like Logic Apps, API Apps, and API Management. Logic Apps allow no-code workflow creation and integration between SaaS and on-premises systems. API Apps enable custom connector development. The document provides examples of how these services can be used to integrate applications both on-premises and in the cloud.

Integrating saas applications
Integrating saas applicationsIntegrating saas applications
Integrating saas applications

This document discusses Software as a Service (SaaS) and modern integration approaches using Microsoft Azure services. It covers what SaaS is, popular SaaS platforms, SaaS challenges around integration and security. It then introduces Azure App Service components like Logic Apps, API Apps and their uses for lightweight orchestration and connectivity. It provides examples of how these services can be used to integrate on-premises and SaaS applications and discusses benefits like flexibility, productivity and cost reduction.

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Service creation and bind
Create  Service
Bind  service
Restart  App
Choose “Cloud AMQP” (RabbitMQ)
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Service creation and bind
Create  Service
Bind  service
Restart  App
Select the free plan
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Service creation and bind
Create  Service
Bind  service
Restart  App
Give it a name and bind it to the app
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Create  Service
Bind  service
Restart  App
Give it a name and bind it to the app
Service creation and bind

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Mulesoft Anypoint platform for APIs
Mulesoft Anypoint platform for APIsMulesoft Anypoint platform for APIs
Mulesoft Anypoint platform for APIs

Anypoint Platform for APIs allows companies to build new APIs, design interfaces for existing APIs, and manage all APIs from a single platform. It provides unified connectivity to unlock enterprise data and expose it securely through APIs to mobile devices, web apps, and connected things. The platform offers the lowest friction for building, composing, and maintaining APIs quickly. It also enables APIs and existing systems to be future proofed through management layers and modular building blocks.

Api gateway
Api gatewayApi gateway
Api gateway

This document provides an overview of API gateways and their role in microservice architectures. It begins with a brief history of monolithic architectures and how microservices emerged as a solution. It then defines key concepts like APIs, gateways, and how they relate. The main points are: 1) An API gateway acts as a single entry point and centralizes request routing, protocol translation, and provides cross-cutting features like authentication, monitoring and security for internal microservices. 2) Gateways help reduce complexity and overhead by encapsulating microservices and allowing transformations, while also improving reusability and security. 3) Examples of API gateway tools are provided, as well as a proposed activity, before concluding

apiapi gatewaymicroservices
C* Summit 2013: Cassandra on Cloud Foundry by Renat Khasanshyn and Cornelia D...
C* Summit 2013: Cassandra on Cloud Foundry by Renat Khasanshyn and Cornelia D...C* Summit 2013: Cassandra on Cloud Foundry by Renat Khasanshyn and Cornelia D...
C* Summit 2013: Cassandra on Cloud Foundry by Renat Khasanshyn and Cornelia D...

Speakers: Renat Khasanshyn, Founder and CEO at Altoros and Cornelia Davis, Senior Technologist at Pivotal Coupling Cassandra with a Platform as a Service may significantly simplify the process of deploying Cassandra and applications that utilize it, reduce the cost of managing Cassandra within the organization, and to allow infrastructure service providers a simple path to offering database as a service to their customers. Attendees will learn why and when use Cassandra atop of Cloud Foundry, the history of Cassandra service within Cloud Foundry, the State of Cassandra integration with Cloud Foundry, how to create and manage Cassandra nodes on Cloud Foundry and what to expect in the next 6 months.

pivotalapache cassandranosql
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Service creation and bind
Create  Service
Bind  service
Restart  App
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Service creation and bind
Create  Service
Bind  service
Restart  App
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Service creation and bind
Create  Service
Bind  service
Restart  App
Click here
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Service creation and bind
Create  Service
Bind  service
Restart  App
Heat Map gets
activated as
orders come

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CloudFoundry and MongoDb, a marriage made in heaven
CloudFoundry and MongoDb, a marriage made in heavenCloudFoundry and MongoDb, a marriage made in heaven
CloudFoundry and MongoDb, a marriage made in heaven

This talk will provide an overview of the PaaS (Platform as a Service) landscape, and will describe the Cloud Foundry open source PaaS, with its multi-framework, multi-service, multi-cloud model. Cloud Foundry allows developers to provision apps in Java/Spring, Ruby/Rails, Ruby/Sinatra, Javascript/Node, and leverage services like MySQL, MongoDB, Reddis, Postgres and RabbitMQ. It can be used as a public PaaS on and other service providers (ActiveState, AppFog), to create your own private cloud, or on your laptop using the Micro Cloud Foundry VM. Micro Cloud Foundry is a very easy way for developers to start working on their application using their framework of choice and MongoDB, without the need to setup a development environment, and your app is one command line away (vmc push) from deployment to

2014 Fortune 500 infographic
2014 Fortune 500 infographic2014 Fortune 500 infographic
2014 Fortune 500 infographic

AppDirect evaluated how Fortune 500 companies are influencing the distribution and development of cloud services and applications. Get the infographic to see the surprising results.

cloudcloud service marketplacecloud service commerce
Infographic: The Internet of Things and the Ecosystem Advantage
Infographic: The Internet of Things and the Ecosystem AdvantageInfographic: The Internet of Things and the Ecosystem Advantage
Infographic: The Internet of Things and the Ecosystem Advantage

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing network of physical objects embedded with sensors that can connect and share data. While consumer fitness trackers are a visible example of IoT, the true potential is in enterprise applications, which are expected to account for almost 40% of IoT devices by 2020. The market value of IoT is already measured in the trillions of dollars and growing rapidly. For companies to take advantage of IoT opportunities, ecosystems of device, software, and platform providers will be critical as no single company can master the entire IoT value chain alone. The greatest barrier to enterprise IoT adoption is lack of interoperability between devices and software in different ecosystems.

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Service creation and bind
Create  Service
Bind  service
Restart  App
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Create  Service
Bind  service
Restart  App
cf env pcfdemo$
Service creation and bind
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Service creation and bind
Create  Service
Bind  service
Restart  App
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The Magic is in Spring Cloud Connectors­cloud-­connectors

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Stackato Implementation
Stackato ImplementationStackato Implementation
Stackato Implementation

Stackato is an application platform for creating a private, secure, and flexible Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) using any language, stack, or cloud. It allows developers to simulate a production environment locally, code, test, and deploy applications to any cloud without IT assistance. For enterprises, it provides improved security, compliance, deployment speed, and cloud control. Technology leaders see immediate ROI through faster time to market and increased productivity and innovation. The presentation describes Infinys Stackato implementation and testing on an OpenStack cloud platform.

stackato implementation
The Path to Stackato
The Path to StackatoThe Path to Stackato
The Path to Stackato

Stackato is a Platform as a Service built on Cloud Foundry that has gone through several versions since its initial beta release in 2011. Version 3.0 of Stackato will merge fully with Cloud Foundry version 2 and include improvements like new social features, updated administrative interfaces, improved cluster management, auto-scaling support, and a migration path from Stackato 2. It is based on the latest Cloud Foundry code and ActiveState is committed to participating in and strengthening the open source Cloud Foundry ecosystem.

Cassandra Summit 2014: Apache Cassandra on Pivotal CloudFoundry
Cassandra Summit 2014: Apache Cassandra on Pivotal CloudFoundryCassandra Summit 2014: Apache Cassandra on Pivotal CloudFoundry
Cassandra Summit 2014: Apache Cassandra on Pivotal CloudFoundry

Presenters: Tammer Saleh, Director of Product, Cloud Foundry Services at Pivotal Pivotal is dedicated to bringing best-of-breed data services to Pivotal CF, and there is no other open source data technology with as much potential as Cassandra. We’ll discuss the strategies and techniques for deploying and managing a multi-user Cassandra installation that integrates with Cloud Foundry. - Making Cassandra manage itself - Single-tenant versus Multi-tenant usage - Deploying Cassandra with BOSH - Cloud Foundry services architecture.

nosql cassandracassandra summit 2014nosql transactional
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Cloud  Foundry
Spring  Service
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From VCAP_SERVICES to Connection Bean
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The Developer Experience
• Target  My  Cloud  Foundry  Provider
• Push  My  App
• Bind  My  App  to  Backing  Services
• Scale  My  App
• Monitor  My  App’s  Logs
• Monitor  My  App’s  Health
• Monitor  My  App’s  Performance
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Scale  instances
Scale my App

Recommended for you

CloudBees Jenkins and Pivotal Cloud Foundry - Continuous Delivery for Cloud N...
CloudBees Jenkins and Pivotal Cloud Foundry - Continuous Delivery for Cloud N...CloudBees Jenkins and Pivotal Cloud Foundry - Continuous Delivery for Cloud N...
CloudBees Jenkins and Pivotal Cloud Foundry - Continuous Delivery for Cloud N...

This document provides an overview of Continuous Delivery for Cloud Native Applications using the CloudBees Jenkins Platform for Pivotal Cloud Foundry. It introduces the speakers and their backgrounds. The agenda includes an introduction to CloudBees and the Jenkins Platform, a demo of a continuous delivery pipeline deploying an application to Pivotal Cloud Foundry, a deep dive into integrating the Jenkins Platform with Pivotal Cloud Foundry, and managing Jenkins through Pivotal Ops Manager and CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center.

jenkins cloudfoundry pivotal cloudbees
AppDirect - 2015 Fortune 500 App Report - Infographic
AppDirect - 2015 Fortune 500 App Report - InfographicAppDirect - 2015 Fortune 500 App Report - Infographic
AppDirect - 2015 Fortune 500 App Report - Infographic

Every year, AppDirect explores the cloud service commerce industry from a unique perspective. Instead of focusing on end users, we evaluate how the biggest companies in the U.S.—the Fortune 500—are influencing application distribution and development.

fortune 500cloud service appscloud services
Cloud Foundry - How Service broker integrates with AppDirect to provide catal...
Cloud Foundry - How Service broker integrates with AppDirect to provide catal...Cloud Foundry - How Service broker integrates with AppDirect to provide catal...
Cloud Foundry - How Service broker integrates with AppDirect to provide catal...

Pivotal was founded in 2013 as a spin-off from VMware and EMC with over 1,250 employees. It focuses on Cloud Foundry, an open source platform as a service, and redefining enterprise platforms around applications, big data, and analytics. Cloud Foundry provides an abstraction layer on top of infrastructure that allows developers to deploy applications in minutes and for applications to easily integrate with services.

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Scale my App
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©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Scale  instances
Scale my App
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Scale  instances
Scale my App

Recommended for you

The Cloud Foundry Story
The Cloud Foundry StoryThe Cloud Foundry Story
The Cloud Foundry Story

Cloud Foundry open Platform as a Service makes it easy to operate, scale and deploy application for your dedicated cloud environments. It enables developers and operators to be significantly more agile, writing great applications and deliver them in days instead of months. Cloud Foundry takes care of all the infrastructure and network plumbing that you need to build, run and operate your applications and can do this while patching and updating systems and services without any downtime.

cloud foundrycloud foundry foundationcloud expo
Cloud Foundry | How it works
Cloud Foundry | How it worksCloud Foundry | How it works
Cloud Foundry | How it works

- The Cloud Controller is responsible for providing the API interface and controlling application lifecycles. It receives application deployment requests from cf commands and works with the DEA to start and stop applications. It also controls creation of services. - The Router receives "router.register" messages from components and directs traffic based on URL to the appropriate component instance(s). It acts as a load balancer. - The DEA (Droplet Execution Agent) is where applications are run. It hosts application droplets/containers and monitors their health. The Health Manager monitors the health of DEAs.

cloud foundrypaascloud computing
Cloud foundry presentation
Cloud foundry presentation Cloud foundry presentation
Cloud foundry presentation

Cloudfoundry is the open platform as a service providing a faster and easier way to build, test, deploy and scale applications.Deploy & Scale in seconds on your choice of clouds.

cloudfoundrycloud computingplatform as a service
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The Developer Experience
• Target  My  Cloud  Foundry  Provider
• Push  My  App
• Bind  My  App  to  Backing  Services
• Scale  My  App
• Monitor  My  App’s  Logs
• Monitor  My  App’s  Health
• Monitor  My  App’s  Performance
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
cf  logs
cf  events
Kill  app
Verify  fail-­over  
Recover  failed  instance
cf logs pcfdemo$
Logs, Events and Health Management
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
cf  logs
cf  events
Kill  app
Verify  fail-­over  
Recover  failed  instance
cf events pcfdemo$
Logs, Events and Health Management
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Logs, Events and Health Management
cf  logs
cf  events
Kill  app
Verify  fail-­over  
Recover  failed  instance

Recommended for you

Cloud Foundry Compared With Other PaaSes (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)
Cloud Foundry Compared With Other PaaSes (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)Cloud Foundry Compared With Other PaaSes (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)
Cloud Foundry Compared With Other PaaSes (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)

Business Track presented by Michael Maximilien, Chief Architect PaaS Innovation at IBM & James Bayer, Director of Product Management, Cloud Foundry at Pivotal.

Cloud Foundryで学ぶ、PaaSのしくみ講座
Cloud Foundryで学ぶ、PaaSのしくみ講座Cloud Foundryで学ぶ、PaaSのしくみ講座
Cloud Foundryで学ぶ、PaaSのしくみ講座

APC勉強会 #18で発表した資料です。 ブラックボックス化されていて、普段見ることができないPaaSの中身を、OSSのPaaSであるCloud Foundryを題材に解説します。

cloud foundrypaasjppaas
Introduction to Platform-as-a-Service and Cloud Foundry
Introduction to Platform-as-a-Service and Cloud FoundryIntroduction to Platform-as-a-Service and Cloud Foundry
Introduction to Platform-as-a-Service and Cloud Foundry

From the Austin Cloud Foundry PaaS Meetup here is my presentation that introduces Platform-as-a-Service and Cloud Foundry.

platform-as-a-servicepaascloud foundry
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Logs and Health Management
cf  logs
Kill  app
Verify  fail-­over  
Recover  failed  instance
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Logs and Health Management
cf  logs
Kill  app
Verify  fail-­over  
Recover  failed  instance
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
cf  logs
cf  events
Kill  app
Verify  fail-­over  
Recover  failed  instance
Logs, Events and Health Management
Click me!
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Cloud Foundry Technical Overview
Cloud Foundry Technical OverviewCloud Foundry Technical Overview
Cloud Foundry Technical Overview

This presentation covers both the Cloud Foundry Elastic Runtime (known by many as just "Cloud Foundry") as well as the Operations Manager (known by many as BOSH). For each, the main components are covered with interactions between them.

boshcloud foundryarchitecture
Pivotal CenturyLink Cloud Platform Seminar Presentation: The Developer Experi...
Pivotal CenturyLink Cloud Platform Seminar Presentation: The Developer Experi...Pivotal CenturyLink Cloud Platform Seminar Presentation: The Developer Experi...
Pivotal CenturyLink Cloud Platform Seminar Presentation: The Developer Experi...

The document provides an overview of the developer experience on Pivotal Cloud Foundry. It outlines key capabilities developers have including targeting an endpoint, pushing apps, binding apps to services, scaling apps, and monitoring apps through logs and events. It demonstrates these capabilities through code snippets and instructions for pushing a sample app, creating and binding a RabbitMQ service, scaling the app, and viewing logs and events including failure recovery.

pivotal cloud foundrycloud foundryprivate cloud
Part 1: The Developer Experience (Pivotal Cloud Platform Roadshow)
Part 1: The Developer Experience (Pivotal Cloud Platform Roadshow)Part 1: The Developer Experience (Pivotal Cloud Platform Roadshow)
Part 1: The Developer Experience (Pivotal Cloud Platform Roadshow)

Part 1: The Developer Experience This workshop introduces the business “why” of Cloud Foundry with a nod to Microservices architectures. It then takes the developer through a hands-on “day in the life” experience of interacting with Pivotal Web Services: Target My Cloud Foundry Provider - walkthrough of PWS registration, download Cloud Foundry CLI, target/login Push My App - push the Spring Music application, high-level talk through of app push/stage/deploy Bind My App to Backing Services - bind Spring Music to an ElephantSQL PostgreSQL database, high-level talk through of service creation/binding, explain VCAP_SERVICES, point to Spring Cloud Scale My App - push cf-scale-boot application, scale up, scale down, high-level talk through of dynamic routing Monitor My App’s Logs - tail cf-scale-boot logs, high-level discussion of loggregator Monitor My App’s Health - hit the “kill switch” in cf-scale-boot, watch the events in the logs, show cf events, watch the app restart, high-level talk through of health manager Monitor My App’s Performance - bind to New Relic service, re-push application, high-level discussion of NR agent fetching via BP, poke around in NR interface Pivotal Cloud Platform Roadshow is coming to a city near you! Join Pivotal technologists and learn how to build and deploy great software on a modern cloud platform. Find your city and register now

cloud computingcontinuous deliveryhybrid cloud
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
cf  logs
cf  events
Kill  app
Verify  fail-­over  
Recover  failed  instance
Logs, Events and Health Management
but… App is still up !!!
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
cf  logs
cf  events
Kill  app
Verify  fail-­over  
Recover  failed  instance
Logs, Events and Health Management
Refresh page and
see IP changing
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
cf  logs
cf  events
Kill  app
Verify  fail-­over  
Recover  failed  instance
Logs, Events and Health Management
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
cf  logs
cf  events
Kill  app
Verify  fail-­over  
Recover  failed  instance
Logs, Events and Health Management
Few seconds and all
instances areback again.
No intervention needed.

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Cloud native pitch-younjin-20150925-v2
Cloud native pitch-younjin-20150925-v2Cloud native pitch-younjin-20150925-v2
Cloud native pitch-younjin-20150925-v2

클라우드 네이티브 어플리케이션과 Spring, 그리고 Cloud Foundry 가 어떻게 연관이 있는지에 대해 설명합니다. Cloud Foundry Meetup 에서 사용 되었습니다.

micro services architecturecloud nativedevops
[2015-11월 정기 세미나] Cloud Native Platform - Pivotal
[2015-11월 정기 세미나] Cloud Native Platform - Pivotal[2015-11월 정기 세미나] Cloud Native Platform - Pivotal
[2015-11월 정기 세미나] Cloud Native Platform - Pivotal

The document discusses cloud native applications and microservices architecture. It provides examples of Netflix's migration to microservices in 2008 due to a major outage. It also discusses concepts like 12 factor apps and how Pivotal, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry help develop and deploy cloud native applications and microservices.

openstack koreaopenstackpivotal
Removing Barriers Between Dev and Ops
Removing Barriers Between Dev and OpsRemoving Barriers Between Dev and Ops
Removing Barriers Between Dev and Ops

The document discusses how a cloud native platform can help remove barriers between development and operations teams. It outlines key elements of such a platform including rapid provisioning, deployment, scaling, monitoring, and upgrading applications without downtime. The platform aims to enable continuous delivery and deployment through shared tools and an integrated culture between Dev and Ops.

cloud nativemeetuppivotal
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
cf  logs
cf  events
Kill  app
Verify  fail-­over  
Recover  failed  instance
Logs, Events and Health Management
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
The Developer Experience
• Target  My  Cloud  Foundry  Provider
• Push  My  App
• Bind  My  App  to  Backing  Services
• Scale  My  App
• Monitor  My  App’s  Logs
• Monitor  My  App’s  Health
• Monitor  My  App’s  Performance
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Create/Bind  New  Relic
Re-­push  app
Check  New  Relic
Monitor App Performance
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Create/Bind  New  Relic
Re-­push  app
Check  New  Relic
Monitor App Performance

Recommended for you

Cloud Native Runtime Platform
Cloud Native Runtime PlatformCloud Native Runtime Platform
Cloud Native Runtime Platform

Cloud Native Runtime Platform by Erwan Bornier, Field Engineer, Pivotal. This presentation is from VMworld Barcelona. For more information, visit

cloud foundrypivotal softwareruntime
Cloud Native Runtime Platform
Cloud Native Runtime Platform Cloud Native Runtime Platform
Cloud Native Runtime Platform

Our Cloud Native Runtime Platform provides a self service deployment workflow with role based access to resources on top of the most deployed container scheduler on the market. The Cloud Foundry Elastic Runtime has been leveraging containers for their speed and density since 2011. Using container isolation and orchestration designed to detect and remediate failure in real time, Pivotal Cloud Foundry provides a structured platform for continuously delivering mission critical applications with speed, reliability and security. Every application is monitored for health, performance and streams logs through the platform. The design offers minimal friction and overhead for developers to build and deploy to a platform operations can trust and control.

cloud foundrycloud nativepivotal cloud foundry
Monkeys & Lemurs and Locusts, Oh my
Monkeys & Lemurs and Locusts,  Oh myMonkeys & Lemurs and Locusts,  Oh my
Monkeys & Lemurs and Locusts, Oh my

Monkeys & Lemurs and Locusts Oh My - Anti-Fragile Platforms (Sean Keery, Pivotal) - Is the idea of a midnight meltdown keeping you up at night? Are the four levels of HA built into Cloud Foundry enough to put you at ease? Sean Keery will examine how leveraging a combination of exploratory testing practices, in concert with regular load and performance experiments, can simultaneously increase uptime and decrease release cycle times. He will demonstrate how operators can reduce platform risk by regularly injecting failure scenarios into BOSH deployed systems. Demonstrations of the Simian Army, Chaos Lemur and tools will be presented. Sean will go beyond reliability, stability and availability to help your platform operations team build a continuous process improvement program which will prepare your production systems for the unexpected.

©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Create/Bind  New  Relic
Re-­push  app
Check  New  Relic
Monitor App Performance
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Create/Bind  New  Relic
Re-­push  app
Check  New  Relic
Monitor App Performance
cf pushPCF-demo$
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Create/Bind  New  Relic
Re-­push  app
Check  New  Relic
Monitor App Performance
©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Create/Bind  New  Relic
Re-­push  app
Check  New  Relic
Monitor App Performance

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Domenico Maracci, Stefano Sali - Secure Continuous Delivery - Sicurezza e Dev...
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Domenico Maracci, Stefano Sali - Secure Continuous Delivery - Sicurezza e Dev...

Oggi le aziende si trovano ad affrontare un percorso di Digital Transformation che richiede un’evoluzione dell'approccio classico alla gestione del ciclo di vita del software. L’Application Economy instaura un collegamento diretto tra l’IT di un’azienda ed il cliente finale: è per questo che le organizzazioni devono dotarsi degli strumenti e delle metodologie adatte a rispondere reattivamente ed in massima sicurezza agli input provenienti dal mondo esterno, garantendo massima compliance con le vigenti normative in ambito di sicurezza digitale.

securitycodemotion milan 2015devops
Cloud Native Empowered Culture
Cloud Native Empowered Culture Cloud Native Empowered Culture
Cloud Native Empowered Culture

Automation can only be as good as the people who use it. High trust cultures which empower, minimize blame and connect people with intrinsic motivations will dominate the cloud native landscape. The cloud was not built with ITIL. Heavy change control processes attempted to minimize incidents but typically drain the enthusiasm of the people while resulting in brittle systems which fail catastrophically. Self service policy enforcing automation makes doing the right thing easy and expedient allowing cloud natives to focus on delivering for the business instead of managing politics and signatures.

pivotal cloud foundrycloudcloud native
Devops Enterprise Summit: My Great Awakening: 
Top “Ah-ha” Moments As Former ...
Devops Enterprise Summit: My Great Awakening: 
Top “Ah-ha” Moments As Former ...Devops Enterprise Summit: My Great Awakening: 
Top “Ah-ha” Moments As Former ...
Devops Enterprise Summit: My Great Awakening: 
Top “Ah-ha” Moments As Former ...

After spending her entire career as a software developer, with nary a moment doing operations, Cornelia Davis found herself working on an application platform that serves operations as much as development. In order to better understand that world, she spent one month on the team that runs that platform in production. The experience brought lessons in organizational design, the value of pair-ops (in addition to pair programming) and test-driven development, the importance of addressing continuous integration as a first class concern, and how separating infrastructure ops from application ops serves the business and their customers better. In this session Cornelia will share the “prod incidents” that brought these teachings; the audience will gain an appreciation not only for what, but why the lessons are so important.

©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Create/Bind  New  Relic
Re-­push  app
Check  New  Relic
Monitor App Performance
62©   Copyright   2015   Pivotal.   All   rights   reserved.     Confidential. 62©   Copyright   2015   Pivotal.   All   rights   reserved.     Confidential.
Cloud  Foundry  
in  Five  Steps
63Pivotal   Confidential
Prerequisite:    An  Infrastructure  Cloud
vSphere AmazonOpenStack
Fast,  Consistent  API  Access  to  
Servers,  Networks,  Storage,  Images
64Pivotal   Confidential
1.    BOSH:  Provision  &  Deploy  Consistently
Cloud  Foundry  BOSH
vSphere AmazonOpenStack
Multi-­Cloud  Declarative  
Service  Deployment,  
Prefabricated  &  Disposable  Infrastructure:
VM  Images  are  minimal  OS  (“stemcells”)
VMs  run  &  replicate  jobs  &  packages
VMs  are  disposed  and  recreated  for  job  changes/upgrades
Persistent  disks  are  managed,  resized,  attached/detached
Automatic  health  management
No  more  managing  individual  servers  
Rolling  /  canary  updates

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Pivotal microservices spring_pcf_skillsmatter.pptx
Pivotal microservices spring_pcf_skillsmatter.pptxPivotal microservices spring_pcf_skillsmatter.pptx
Pivotal microservices spring_pcf_skillsmatter.pptx

This document summarizes a presentation on microservices and how to implement them using Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS. It defines microservices as loosely coupled services with bounded contexts. It discusses challenges of microservices like configuration management, service discovery, routing, and fault tolerance. It presents Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS as tools that can help implement microservices and address these challenges. These include services for configuration, service registration and discovery, circuit breakers, and dashboards. It argues that a platform like Cloud Foundry and Spring Cloud services can help develop and operate microservices at scale.

microservices netflix cloudfoundry
Journey to The Cloud-Native Enterprise
Journey to The Cloud-Native Enterprise Journey to The Cloud-Native Enterprise
Journey to The Cloud-Native Enterprise

This document discusses the transition to cloud-native enterprises enabled by platforms like Pivotal Cloud Foundry. It notes that software is increasingly driving business value, and that IT is becoming a competitive advantage. Continuous innovation requires both developer agility and operational agility, provided by a platform that allows for continuous delivery, instant scaling, and no downtime upgrades. Pivotal Cloud Foundry is presented as an open source cloud platform that can help businesses unlock the future through this transition.

Building regression tests to increase velocity and prevent things from “Going...
Building regression tests to increase velocity and prevent things from “Going...Building regression tests to increase velocity and prevent things from “Going...
Building regression tests to increase velocity and prevent things from “Going...

Agile practices seem to be the favorite approach when organizations have to make frequent releases to production, requiring faster release processes with new changes, improvements or functionality in each release. And regression tests are an important part of this process, one that tests and retest already functioning software so that the “new elements” don’t make it “go boom” in the night. This session will be a show and tell how to gain visibility into your API data and how this visibility can be a game-changer in building regression tests. Seating is limited and available first come-first served. For more information, please visit

software development life cycletesting toolsca world 15 devops continuous delivery
65Pivotal   Confidential
2.  Data,  CI,  and  Mobile  Services  
Cloud  Foundry  BOSH
vSphere AmazonOpenStack
Multi-­Cloud  Declarative  
Service  Deployment,  
All  scaled  and  managed  
by  CF  BOSH  Redis,
66Pivotal   Confidential
3.    Elastic  Runtime  (Containers)
Cloud  Foundry  BOSH
vSphere AmazonOpenStack
Multi-­Cloud  Declarative  
Service  Deployment,  
Elastic  managed  runtime  
service  integrated  into  
leading  data  services;;  all  
scaled  and  managed  by  
67Pivotal   Confidential
4.    Service  Marketplace
Cloud  Foundry  BOSH
vSphere AmazonOpenStack
Multi-­Cloud  Declarative  
Service  Deployment,  
Elastic  managed  runtime  
service  integrated  into  
leading  data  services;;  all  
scaled  and  managed  by  
Service  Broker  Marketplace
Expose  services  in  
platform  marketplace  for
68Pivotal   Confidential
5.  Multi-­Tenant  Cloud  Control
Cloud  Foundry  BOSH
vSphere AmazonOpenStack
Multi-­Cloud  Declarative  
Service  Deployment,  
Elastic  managed  runtime  
service  integrated  into  
leading  data  services;;  all  
scaled  and  managed  by  
Service  Broker  Marketplace
Expose  apps,  services  
for rapid  deployment  &  
sharing  among  teams
Cloud  Foundry  API

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Devops: Enabled Through a Recasting of Operational Roles
Devops: Enabled Through a Recasting of Operational RolesDevops: Enabled Through a Recasting of Operational Roles
Devops: Enabled Through a Recasting of Operational Roles

Delivered at CF Summit Berlin, 2 Nov 2015. One thing that everyone agrees on is that “Devops” is about reducing the friction between dev and ops. While it might not be immediately apparent, CF enables a separation of “operations” into two roles: platform ops and application ops. Platform ops is responsible for maintaining a secure platform with sufficient functionality and capacity so that application developers and application operators can perform their work. And application operators are responsible for keeping business applications up and running, so that consumers receive superior service, 24x7x365. By moving further up the stack, app operators can be far closer to the line of business owners, getting them speaking the same language. In this session we demonstrate how Cloud Foundry enables this, we talk about customers who are taking advantage of it, and we cover the tools available for each of the roles.

Cloud Native Infrastructure Automation
Cloud Native Infrastructure AutomationCloud Native Infrastructure Automation
Cloud Native Infrastructure Automation

By integrating provisioning, packaging, configuration, orchestration, health monitoring and remediation, Cloud Native Infrastructure Automation goes beyond configuring servers to provide structured abstractions for the service lifecycle to drive incredible operational efficiencies. This Cloud Native approach allows the focus to be on delivering services. Modeling releases and deployments ensures bit for bit consistent deployments with canary deployment, scale up, scale down, rolling upgrade and rollback with no downtime built in to the orchestration. All driven using the APIs of the underlying cloud infrastructure. Using this approach gives an organization the ability to run anything ‘as a Service’, from the Cloud Foundry Elastic Runtime, to databases and message queues. Finally, stop managing servers and start managing services.

cloud nativecloudpivotal cloud foundry
When Content Meets Data, Big Things Happen - Peter Krmpotic, Adobe
When Content Meets Data, Big Things Happen - Peter Krmpotic, AdobeWhen Content Meets Data, Big Things Happen - Peter Krmpotic, Adobe
When Content Meets Data, Big Things Happen - Peter Krmpotic, Adobe

The document discusses Adobe's content marketing solution. It describes how content explosion has created challenges for marketers. Adobe's solution addresses these challenges through a comprehensive content marketing process that includes audience segmentation, content strategy, curation, composition, delivery, and amplification across channels. It leverages Adobe Experience Manager for content optimization and integration with the Adobe Marketing Cloud.

69Pivotal   Confidential
Cloud  Foundry  on  Open  Stack
BOSH  Release
Keystone Nova CinderGlance
Source  Package
(Base  OS  Image)
Cloud  Foundry  BOSH  (Glance  Image)
Release  …
70Pivotal   Confidential
The  Cloud  Foundry  Difference
Ÿ Freedom  of  deployment  options
Ÿ Rapid  responsiveness  with  container  architecture
Ÿ Open  community  extension  &  innovation
– Submit  a  PR,  sign  the  CLA,  if  it  passes  CI  it  likely  will  be  accepted
– Cloud  Foundry  Dojo  – gain  committer  access  through  6  weeks  of  
immersion  with  Pivotal  R&D  
Ÿ Rich  database  &  messaging  services
Ÿ PaaS Comparison  (2014,  slightly  out  of  date):­s-­comparison2014v08

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  • 1. BUILT  FOR  THE SPEED  OF  BUSINESS The Cloud Foundry Story On Openstack Stuart Charlton Field Engineering, Western Canada
  • 2. 2©   Copyright   2015   Pivotal.   All   rights   reserved.    Confidential. Why? Where? What  Is  It? Who  Makes  It? How  does  it  work?
  • 3. 3©   Copyright   2015   Pivotal.   All   rights   reserved.    Confidential. “Cloud  is  about  how  computing   is  done,  not  where” Paul  Maritz CEO,  Pivotal
  • 4. 4©   Copyright   2015   Pivotal.   All   rights   reserved.    Confidential. Members  of  the  Cloud  Foundry  Foundation PLATINUM GOLD SILVER
  • 5. 5©   Copyright   2015   Pivotal.   All   rights   reserved.    Confidential. What  do we  mean  by  “Platform”?
  • 6. 6©   Copyright   2015   Pivotal.   All   rights   reserved.    Confidential. 6©   Copyright   2015   Pivotal.   All   rights   reserved.    Confidential. Pivotal  Cloud  Platform  Demonstration The Developer Experience
  • 7. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. The Developer Experience • Target  My  Cloud  Foundry  Provider • Push  My  App • Bind  My  App  to  Backing  Services • Scale  My  App • Monitor  My  App’s  Logs • Monitor  My  App’s  Health • Monitor  My  App’s  Performance
  • 8. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Value to Developers • Target  My  Cloud  Foundry  Provider • Push  My  App • Bind  My  App  to  Backing  Services • Scale  My  App • Monitor  My  App’s  Logs • Monitor  My  App’s  Health • Monitor  My  App’s  Performance • Deploy  to  different  geographies • 30-­60  second  turnaround • Automated  config  management • Automated  rapid  scale  out • Debug  across  your  cluster • Validate  high  availability • Easy  integration  with  APM
  • 9. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential.
  • 10. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. 1. Download the CLI according to your OS 2. Target the cloud
  • 11. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. The Developer Experience • Target  My  Cloud  Foundry  Provider • Push  My  App • Bind  My  App  to  Backing  Services • Scale  My  App • Monitor  My  App’s  Logs • Monitor  My  App’s  Health • Monitor  My  App’s  Performance
  • 12. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential.­Field-­Engineering/PCF-­demo Login  to  the  CLI Clone  the  app Push  the  app Verify  app  is  running Application push cf api cf login $ $ Email: Password: **************
  • 13. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential.­Field-­Engineering/PCF-­demo Clone or Download Login  to  the  CLI Clone  the  app Push  the  app Verify  app  is  running Application push
  • 14. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. cf  push Login  to  the  CLI Clone  the  app Push  the  app Verify  app  is  running Application push cd PCF-demo cf push $ PCF-demo$
  • 15. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Login  to  the  CLI Clone  the  app Push  the  app Verify  app  is  running Application push Navigate to the PWS Web Console
  • 16. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential.
  • 17. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential.
  • 18. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential.
  • 19. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. The Developer Experience • Target  My  Cloud  Foundry  Provider • Push  My  App • Bind  My  App  to  Backing  Services • Scale  My  App • Monitor  My  App’s  Logs • Monitor  My  App’s  Health • Monitor  My  App’s  Performance
  • 20. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Service creation and bind Create  Service Bind  service Restart  App Verify Click on "Marketplace"
  • 21. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Service creation and bind Create  Service Bind  service Restart  App Verify Choose “Cloud AMQP” (RabbitMQ)
  • 22. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Service creation and bind Create  Service Bind  service Restart  App Verify Select the free plan
  • 23. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Service creation and bind Create  Service Bind  service Restart  App Verify Give it a name and bind it to the app
  • 24. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Create  Service Bind  service Restart  App Verify Give it a name and bind it to the app Service creation and bind
  • 25. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Service creation and bind Create  Service Bind  service Restart  App Verify
  • 26. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Service creation and bind Create  Service Bind  service Restart  App Verify
  • 27. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Service creation and bind Create  Service Bind  service Restart  App Verify Click here
  • 28. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Service creation and bind Create  Service Bind  service Restart  App Verify Heat Map gets activated as orders come
  • 29. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Service creation and bind Create  Service Bind  service Restart  App Verify
  • 30. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Create  Service Bind  service Restart  App Verify cf env pcfdemo$ Service creation and bind
  • 31. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. $ Service creation and bind Create  Service Bind  service Restart  App Verify
  • 32. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. The Magic is in Spring Cloud Connectors­cloud-­connectors
  • 33. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Cloud  Foundry Connector Heroku Connector Core Spring  Service Connector Spring Cloud Connectors Modules
  • 34. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. From VCAP_SERVICES to Connection Bean
  • 35. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. The Developer Experience • Target  My  Cloud  Foundry  Provider • Push  My  App • Bind  My  App  to  Backing  Services • Scale  My  App • Monitor  My  App’s  Logs • Monitor  My  App’s  Health • Monitor  My  App’s  Performance
  • 36. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Scale  instances Verify Scale my App
  • 37. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Scale my App
  • 38. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential.
  • 39. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Scale  instances Verify Scale my App
  • 40. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Scale  instances Verify Scale my App
  • 41. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. The Developer Experience • Target  My  Cloud  Foundry  Provider • Push  My  App • Bind  My  App  to  Backing  Services • Scale  My  App • Monitor  My  App’s  Logs • Monitor  My  App’s  Health • Monitor  My  App’s  Performance
  • 42. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. cf  logs cf  events Kill  app Verify  fail-­over   Recover  failed  instance cf logs pcfdemo$ Logs, Events and Health Management
  • 43. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. cf  logs cf  events Kill  app Verify  fail-­over   Recover  failed  instance cf events pcfdemo$ Logs, Events and Health Management
  • 44. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Logs, Events and Health Management cf  logs cf  events Kill  app Verify  fail-­over   Recover  failed  instance
  • 45. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Logs and Health Management cf  logs Kill  app Verify  fail-­over   Recover  failed  instance
  • 46. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Logs and Health Management cf  logs Kill  app Verify  fail-­over   Recover  failed  instance
  • 47. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. cf  logs cf  events Kill  app Verify  fail-­over   Recover  failed  instance Logs, Events and Health Management Click me!
  • 48. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential.
  • 49. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. cf  logs cf  events Kill  app Verify  fail-­over   Recover  failed  instance Logs, Events and Health Management but… App is still up !!!
  • 50. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. cf  logs cf  events Kill  app Verify  fail-­over   Recover  failed  instance Logs, Events and Health Management Refresh page and see IP changing
  • 51. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. cf  logs cf  events Kill  app Verify  fail-­over   Recover  failed  instance Logs, Events and Health Management
  • 52. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. cf  logs cf  events Kill  app Verify  fail-­over   Recover  failed  instance Logs, Events and Health Management Few seconds and all instances areback again. No intervention needed.
  • 53. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. cf  logs cf  events Kill  app Verify  fail-­over   Recover  failed  instance Logs, Events and Health Management
  • 54. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. The Developer Experience • Target  My  Cloud  Foundry  Provider • Push  My  App • Bind  My  App  to  Backing  Services • Scale  My  App • Monitor  My  App’s  Logs • Monitor  My  App’s  Health • Monitor  My  App’s  Performance
  • 55. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Create/Bind  New  Relic Re-­push  app Check  New  Relic Monitor App Performance
  • 56. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Create/Bind  New  Relic Re-­push  app Check  New  Relic Monitor App Performance
  • 57. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Create/Bind  New  Relic Re-­push  app Check  New  Relic Monitor App Performance
  • 58. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Create/Bind  New  Relic Re-­push  app Check  New  Relic Monitor App Performance cf pushPCF-demo$
  • 59. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Create/Bind  New  Relic Re-­push  app Check  New  Relic Monitor App Performance
  • 60. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Create/Bind  New  Relic Re-­push  app Check  New  Relic Monitor App Performance
  • 61. ©  Copyright   2015 Pivotal.  All  rights   reserved.    Confidential. Create/Bind  New  Relic Re-­push  app Check  New  Relic Monitor App Performance
  • 62. 62©   Copyright   2015   Pivotal.   All   rights   reserved.    Confidential. 62©   Copyright   2015   Pivotal.   All   rights   reserved.    Confidential. Cloud  Foundry   Architecture   in  Five  Steps
  • 63. 63Pivotal   Confidential Prerequisite:    An  Infrastructure  Cloud Google vSphere AmazonOpenStack Fast,  Consistent  API  Access  to   Resources Servers,  Networks,  Storage,  Images vCloud Azure
  • 64. 64Pivotal   Confidential 1.    BOSH:  Provision  &  Deploy  Consistently Google Cloud  Foundry  BOSH vSphere AmazonOpenStack Multi-­Cloud  Declarative   Service  Deployment,   Operations Prefabricated  &  Disposable  Infrastructure: VM  Images  are  minimal  OS  (“stemcells”) VMs  run  &  replicate  jobs  &  packages VMs  are  disposed  and  recreated  for  job  changes/upgrades Persistent  disks  are  managed,  resized,  attached/detached Result: Automatic  health  management No  more  managing  individual  servers   Rolling  /  canary  updates vCloud Azure
  • 65. 65Pivotal   Confidential 2.  Data,  CI,  and  Mobile  Services   Others Jenkins   Service (CI) Google Mobile Services Cloud  Foundry  BOSH MySQL vSphere AmazonOpenStack Multi-­Cloud  Declarative   Service  Deployment,   Operations All  scaled  and  managed   by  CF  BOSH  Redis, Rabbit   MQ vCloud Azure
  • 66. 66Pivotal   Confidential 3.    Elastic  Runtime  (Containers) Elastic   Runtime Agile     Microservices in Containers Others Jenkins   Service (CI) Google Cloud  Foundry  BOSH MySQL vSphere AmazonOpenStack Multi-­Cloud  Declarative   Service  Deployment,   Operations Elastic  managed  runtime   service  integrated  into   leading  data  services;;  all   scaled  and  managed  by   CF  BOSH   vCloud Azure Mobile Services Redis, Rabbit   MQ
  • 67. 67Pivotal   Confidential 4.    Service  Marketplace Elastic   Runtime Agile     Microservices In Containers Others Jenkins   Service (CI) Google Cloud  Foundry  BOSH MySQL vSphere AmazonOpenStack Multi-­Cloud  Declarative   Service  Deployment,   Operations Elastic  managed  runtime   service  integrated  into   leading  data  services;;  all   scaled  and  managed  by   CF  BOSH   vCloud Azure Service  Broker  Marketplace Mobile Services Redis, Rabbit   MQ Expose  services  in   platform  marketplace  for sharing
  • 68. 68Pivotal   Confidential 5.  Multi-­Tenant  Cloud  Control Elastic   Runtime Agile     Microservices In Containers Others Jenkins   Service (CI) Google Cloud  Foundry  BOSH MySQL vSphere AmazonOpenStack Multi-­Cloud  Declarative   Service  Deployment,   Operations Elastic  managed  runtime   service  integrated  into   leading  data  services;;  all   scaled  and  managed  by   CF  BOSH   vCloud Azure Service  Broker  Marketplace Mobile Services Redis, Rabbit   MQ Expose  apps,  services   for rapid  deployment  &   sharing  among  teams Cloud  Foundry  API
  • 69. 69Pivotal   Confidential Cloud  Foundry  on  Open  Stack Neutron BOSH  Release Keystone Nova CinderGlance Swift (optional) Job Job Job Source  Package Stemcell (Base  OS  Image) Cloud  Foundry  BOSH  (Glance  Image) BOSH   Release  …
  • 70. 70Pivotal   Confidential The  Cloud  Foundry  Difference Ÿ Freedom  of  deployment  options Ÿ Rapid  responsiveness  with  container  architecture Ÿ Open  community  extension  &  innovation – Submit  a  PR,  sign  the  CLA,  if  it  passes  CI  it  likely  will  be  accepted – Cloud  Foundry  Dojo  – gain  committer  access  through  6  weeks  of   immersion  with  Pivotal  R&D   Ÿ Rich  database  &  messaging  services Ÿ PaaS Comparison  (2014,  slightly  out  of  date):­s-­comparison2014v08