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Geogad   Your Personal Mobile Tour Guide

         “Cloud” Computing
           Georgi Dagnall, CEO
              Geogad, Inc.
             Santa Clara, CA

Elevator Pitch

    organizes and distributes in-depth local and
    historical info
    by latitude and longitude
    for travelers to easily explore their destinations
    using their cell phones and media players
    by leveraging the mobile web and GPS and
    other location finding technology
    and targeting content, services, and advertising
    based on a traveler's location and interests
Mobile And User Customizable
Opinions on the Cloud

From Wikipedia:
Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared
resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other
devices on demand...

Internet – Day 1
Cloud computing is a paradigm shift following the shift from mainframe to
client–server in the early 1980s. Details are abstracted from the users,
who no longer have need for expertise in, or control over, the technology
infrastructure "in the cloud" that supports them.

Internet – Day 2
In general, Cloud computing customers do not own the physical
infrastructure, instead avoiding capital expenditure by renting usage from
a third-party provider. They consume resources as a service and pay only
for resources that they use.

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Los mejores futbolistas europeos
Los mejores futbolistas europeosLos mejores futbolistas europeos
Los mejores futbolistas europeos

El documento lista a los mejores futbolistas europeos actuales, incluyendo a Wayne Rooney de Inglaterra, Karim Benzema de Francia, Zlatan Ibrahimovic de Suecia, Robin van Persie de Holanda, Cesc Fabregas de España, y Cristiano Ronaldo de Portugal. La lista también menciona a jugadores de Rumania, Italia, Alemania, Polonia y Suiza.

Linkedinpresentatie Juli 2010
Linkedinpresentatie Juli 2010Linkedinpresentatie Juli 2010
Linkedinpresentatie Juli 2010

This document repeats the phrase "Feel Good interior design" seven times, suggesting it is promoting a business called Feel Good interior design. In a very concise manner, it emphasizes the name of the business and what they offer, which is interior design services to make customers feel good.

Gauss jordan elimination through pivoting
Gauss jordan elimination through pivotingGauss jordan elimination through pivoting
Gauss jordan elimination through pivoting

The document discusses Gauss-Jordan elimination to solve systems of linear equations. It explains that a system can be represented by an augmented matrix and reduced to row-echelon form using elementary row operations. These include interchanging rows, multiplying rows by constants, and adding rows. The key concept is pivoting, where a row is multiplied and added to others to clear entries above and below the pivot element. Careful selection of the pivot element can minimize calculations during elimination.

by uis
Designing for the Cloud

What does Geogad do? (What do you want to do?)
Stream video
Convert video/audio
Resize JPEG images
Manage professional and UGC (comments, ratings, sharing, etc.)

                                 Delivered To
                      Web site, downloaded zipped files,
                     Mobile web, Android app, iPhone app

How does Geogad do it? (How do you want to do it?)
Server-side: Java, C++, PHP, Ruby on Rails, etc.
Client-side: HTML, CSS, Ajax, Android/Java, iPhone/Objective C
Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Hadoop, etc.
Ad Servers: Google AdSense, OpenX. etc.

Extras: Drupal, Google Maps, Google App Engine, Wordpress, etc.
Open Source Is Not Free

Economics of Open Source
Free but no support or customization.

MySQL purchased by Sun for $1 billion
          → Sun bought by Oracle for $7.4 billion


Open source video converter. Command line and many, many libraries to sort
through and build


Open source video converter and distribution platform
Charges for hosting and streaming video from their servers

AdSense vs. OpenX (OpenX Market)

Over $30 million in funding ($10 million in C round in May 2009)
Hosted signups > 10K in first 6 months
Free download of OpenX 2.8 – 3000 users, monthly run rate of more than 10
billion impressions in just six weeks since launch
Video Across Platforms

Ffmpeg – can handle almost anything that you give it. Written in C.

1. Web – Flash flv files
2. Mobile Web – 3gp, low-res, low frame rate MP4
3. Android – Progressive download- MOOV atom at front with MP4BOX
4. iPhone – If streaming live or video greater than 10 minutes long, video
       must be available in different bit rates (96k, 256k, and 800k)
    and segmented in time (10 seconds).*
Ffmpeg command for 96K H.264 Video File
ffmpeg -i <in file> -f mpegts -acodec libmp3lame -ar 48000 -ab 64k -s 320×240 -vcodec libx264 -b
96k -flags +loop -cmp +chroma -partitions +parti4×4+partp8×8+partb8×8 -subq 5 -trellis 1 -refs 1
-coder 0 -me_range 16 -keyint_min 25 -sc_threshold 40 -i_qfactor 0.71 -bt 200k -maxrate 96k -bufsize
96k -rc_eq 'blurCplx^(1-qComp)' -qcomp 0.6 -qmin 10 -qmax 51 -qdiff 4 -level 30 -aspect 320:240 -g
30 -async 2 <output file>

More video formats for more devices on the way.
Consider Brightcove, Kaltura, or other video distribution networks. Not
free, but neither is your time.
OpenX Downloaded

Campaigns and banners created by webmaster but viewable by

Build or buy tools to let advertisers manage their own campaigns.

Build your own automatic payment system for your advertisers.

PHP → Java, Jsp pages

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Choir and Community Management
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Choir and Community Management

The document discusses strategies for leading an open source software community based on analogies to directing a choir. It recommends choosing tools and communication methods to support collaboration, leading by example, managing a mix of experienced and inexperienced members, celebrating successes and rewarding contributions to motivate the community. It also notes that projects can sometimes fail and stresses the importance of improving one's own skills before taking a leadership role.

methods and techniquesonline communitiesopen source
Innovation & Massive data
Innovation & Massive dataInnovation & Massive data
Innovation & Massive data

The document discusses open source software and innovation. It notes that open source has disrupted the software industry by being technically, economically, and strategically efficient. Open source is also an innovation driver where quality gains momentum. Big data, NoSQL databases, semantic data, and visualization tools are discussed in the context of supporting innovation. The OW2 Consortium provides long-term sustainability for open source technology innovation through technical support and governance.

fossaopen sourcestate of the art
Effective Strategies for Searching Oracle UCM
Effective Strategies for Searching Oracle UCMEffective Strategies for Searching Oracle UCM
Effective Strategies for Searching Oracle UCM

This document discusses effective strategies for searching content within an Oracle UCM system. It outlines several options for powering the search index, including metadata-only indexing, database full-text indexing using Oracle or SQL Server, and external search solutions like Oracle SES, FAST, or Google. Key factors to consider include search and indexing features, performance, costs, and platform support. While Verity used to be the default, most customers will need to select a new search option and evaluate if full-text or enterprise search is required.

Geogad Across Platforms

Finding tour stops
1. Web - Java/JSP/Ajax
2. Android/iPhone – Java servlets
3. Mobile web - WURFL

Create an API from the start
Tips For Mobile Apps

Reuse servlets between mobile apps
sending string using standardized
data protocols – XML, JSON

Ping server to confirm network
connection – YouTube
Reduce image downloads with
sprites for batch downloads. App
appears to work much faster.

WURFL - Wireless Universal Resource File
Huge volunteer-created open source XML-based list of mobile
phones and their capabilities
 <device id="apple_iphone_ver1" user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en)
AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A538a Safari/419.3"
fall_back="apple_generic" actual_device_root="true">

 <group id="display">
  <capability name="physical_screen_height" value="74"/>
  <capability name="dual_orientation" value="true"/>
  <capability name="physical_screen_width" value="49"/>
  <capability name="max_image_width" value="320"/>
  <capability name="resolution_height" value="480"/>
  <capability name="resolution_width" value="320"/>
  <capability name="max_image_height" value="360"/>

  <group id="sound_format">
   <capability name="aac" value="true"/>
   <capability name="mp3" value="true"/>


WALL - Wireless Abstraction Library
Uses Java tag library to support multiple feature phone browsers
and markup languages, i.e. WML 1.X, CHTML, and XHTML MP

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/wall.tld" prefix="wall" %><wall:document><wall:xmlpidtd />
  <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %><wall:load_capabilities />

    <wall:title><%= metatitle %></wall:title>
    <wall:menu_css />
    <wall:hr />
    <wall:br />
             [JSP and WALL code goes here]

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This document defines and provides examples of different types of matrices including row, column, rectangular, transpose, opposite, square, symmetrical, identical, reverse, and triangular matrices. It also covers matrix operations such as addition, multiplication, and inverse matrices. Key points are that a matrix is an arrangement of numbers or other items in rows and columns, and different types of matrices are classified based on their size, elements, and properties such as symmetry.

Personal clouds & mobiles - ambientic - fossa2011
Personal clouds & mobiles - ambientic - fossa2011Personal clouds & mobiles - ambientic - fossa2011
Personal clouds & mobiles - ambientic - fossa2011

The document outlines key trends in cloud, mobile and social technologies and discusses challenges for interoperability across these domains. It notes the fragmentation in mobile platforms and apps, heterogeneity of cloud services and APIs, and diversity of social networks. The document proposes that delivering personal clouds requires addressing issues of interoperability, and focuses on the perspectives of mobile app development and dynamic environments.

open sourcemobilecloud computing
052011 DEP Water Rate Proposal
052011 DEP Water Rate Proposal052011 DEP Water Rate Proposal
052011 DEP Water Rate Proposal

The document summarizes the initiatives of the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to supply water and manage wastewater for New York City residents. It outlines DEP's mission to provide these essential services to 9 million customers. It then summarizes DEP's proposed 7.5% water rate increase for 2012, customer service initiatives like the My DEP online account and paperless billing, capital projects, and efforts to reduce regulatory mandates and costs.

businesswaterreal estate
WALL Example

Managing Device Capabilities
 <% if ((tID > 0) || (ctID > 0)) {%>
 <c:if test="${capabilities.gif}">
    <wall:a href="<%= prevLink %>" title="Previous" >
       <wall:img src="images/leftgreen.gif" alt="Previous" />
 <wall:a href="<%= prevLink %>" title="Previous" >Prev</wall:a>
 <% } else {%>
 <c:if test="${capabilities.gif}">
    <% if (secID == 0) {%>
    <wall:img src="images/leftgray.gif" alt="Previous" />
    <% } else {%>
    <wall:a href="<%= prevLink %>" title="Previous" >
       <wall:img src="images/leftgreen.gif" alt="Previous" />
    <% }%>
 <% if (secID == 0) {%>
 <wall:font color="gray">Prev</wall:font>
 <% } else {%>
 <wall:a href="<%= prevLink %>" title="Previous" >Prev</wall:a>
 <% }%>
 <% }%>
 <wall:b>(<%= (secID + 1) %> of <%= maxsec %>) </wall:b>
WALL Example

 Managing Images and Screen Sizes
<% if (format.indexOf("audio") != -1) {%>
  <c:when test="${capabilities.resolution_width >= 240}">
     <wall:img src="<%= srcImgFile %>" alt="<%= tsname %>" />
     <wall:img src="<%= srcImgFile2 %>" alt="<%= tsname %>" />
<% } else {%>
  <c:when test="${capabilities.resolution_width >= 320}">
     <wall:img src="<%= srcImgFile %>" alt="<%= tsname %>" />
     <wall:img src="<%= srcImgFile2 %>" alt="<%= tsname %>" />
<% } %>
Geogad   Your Personal Mobile Tour Guide

           Georgi Dagnall, CEO
              Geogad, Inc.
             Santa Clara, CA

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Cloud Computing in Mobile

  • 1. Geogad Your Personal Mobile Tour Guide “Cloud” Computing Georgi Dagnall, CEO Geogad, Inc. Santa Clara, CA
  • 2. Elevator Pitch Geogad  organizes and distributes in-depth local and historical info  by latitude and longitude  for travelers to easily explore their destinations  using their cell phones and media players  by leveraging the mobile web and GPS and other location finding technology  and targeting content, services, and advertising based on a traveler's location and interests
  • 3. Mobile And User Customizable
  • 4. Opinions on the Cloud From Wikipedia: Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand... Internet – Day 1 Cloud computing is a paradigm shift following the shift from mainframe to client–server in the early 1980s. Details are abstracted from the users, who no longer have need for expertise in, or control over, the technology infrastructure "in the cloud" that supports them. Internet – Day 2 In general, Cloud computing customers do not own the physical infrastructure, instead avoiding capital expenditure by renting usage from a third-party provider. They consume resources as a service and pay only for resources that they use.
  • 5. Designing for the Cloud What does Geogad do? (What do you want to do?) Stream video Convert video/audio Resize JPEG images Manage professional and UGC (comments, ratings, sharing, etc.) Delivered To Web site, downloaded zipped files, Mobile web, Android app, iPhone app How does Geogad do it? (How do you want to do it?) Server-side: Java, C++, PHP, Ruby on Rails, etc. Client-side: HTML, CSS, Ajax, Android/Java, iPhone/Objective C Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Hadoop, etc. Ad Servers: Google AdSense, OpenX. etc. Extras: Drupal, Google Maps, Google App Engine, Wordpress, etc.
  • 6. Open Source Is Not Free Economics of Open Source Free but no support or customization. MySQL purchased by Sun for $1 billion → Sun bought by Oracle for $7.4 billion ffmpeg  Open source video converter. Command line and many, many libraries to sort through and build Kaltura  Open source video converter and distribution platform Charges for hosting and streaming video from their servers AdSense vs. OpenX (OpenX Market)  Over $30 million in funding ($10 million in C round in May 2009) Hosted signups > 10K in first 6 months Free download of OpenX 2.8 – 3000 users, monthly run rate of more than 10 billion impressions in just six weeks since launch
  • 7. Video Across Platforms Ffmpeg – can handle almost anything that you give it. Written in C. 1. Web – Flash flv files 2. Mobile Web – 3gp, low-res, low frame rate MP4 3. Android – Progressive download- MOOV atom at front with MP4BOX 4. iPhone – If streaming live or video greater than 10 minutes long, video must be available in different bit rates (96k, 256k, and 800k) and segmented in time (10 seconds).* Ffmpeg command for 96K H.264 Video File ffmpeg -i <in file> -f mpegts -acodec libmp3lame -ar 48000 -ab 64k -s 320×240 -vcodec libx264 -b 96k -flags +loop -cmp +chroma -partitions +parti4×4+partp8×8+partb8×8 -subq 5 -trellis 1 -refs 1 -coder 0 -me_range 16 -keyint_min 25 -sc_threshold 40 -i_qfactor 0.71 -bt 200k -maxrate 96k -bufsize 96k -rc_eq 'blurCplx^(1-qComp)' -qcomp 0.6 -qmin 10 -qmax 51 -qdiff 4 -level 30 -aspect 320:240 -g 30 -async 2 <output file> More video formats for more devices on the way. Consider Brightcove, Kaltura, or other video distribution networks. Not free, but neither is your time. *
  • 8. OpenX Downloaded Campaigns and banners created by webmaster but viewable by advertisers. Build or buy tools to let advertisers manage their own campaigns. Build your own automatic payment system for your advertisers. PHP → Java, Jsp pages
  • 9. Geogad Across Platforms Finding tour stops 1. Web - Java/JSP/Ajax 2. Android/iPhone – Java servlets 3. Mobile web - WURFL Create an API from the start
  • 10. Tips For Mobile Apps Reuse servlets between mobile apps sending string using standardized data protocols – XML, JSON Ping server to confirm network connection – YouTube Reduce image downloads with sprites for batch downloads. App appears to work much faster.
  • 11. WURFL WURFL - Wireless Universal Resource File Huge volunteer-created open source XML-based list of mobile phones and their capabilities <device id="apple_iphone_ver1" user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A538a Safari/419.3" fall_back="apple_generic" actual_device_root="true"> <group id="display"> <capability name="physical_screen_height" value="74"/> <capability name="dual_orientation" value="true"/> <capability name="physical_screen_width" value="49"/> <capability name="max_image_width" value="320"/> <capability name="resolution_height" value="480"/> <capability name="resolution_width" value="320"/> <capability name="max_image_height" value="360"/> </group> <group id="sound_format"> <capability name="aac" value="true"/> <capability name="mp3" value="true"/> </group> </device>
  • 12. WALL To All WALL - Wireless Abstraction Library Uses Java tag library to support multiple feature phone browsers and markup languages, i.e. WML 1.X, CHTML, and XHTML MP <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/wall.tld" prefix="wall" %><wall:document><wall:xmlpidtd /> <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %><wall:load_capabilities /> <wall:head> <wall:title><%= metatitle %></wall:title> <wall:menu_css /> </wall:head> <wall:body> <wall:hr /> <wall:br /> [JSP and WALL code goes here] </wall:body> </wall:document>
  • 13. WALL Example Managing Device Capabilities <wall:block> <% if ((tID > 0) || (ctID > 0)) {%> <c:if test="${capabilities.gif}"> <wall:a href="<%= prevLink %>" title="Previous" > <wall:img src="images/leftgreen.gif" alt="Previous" /> </wall:a> </c:if> <wall:a href="<%= prevLink %>" title="Previous" >Prev</wall:a> <% } else {%> <c:if test="${capabilities.gif}"> <% if (secID == 0) {%> <wall:img src="images/leftgray.gif" alt="Previous" /> <% } else {%> <wall:a href="<%= prevLink %>" title="Previous" > <wall:img src="images/leftgreen.gif" alt="Previous" /> </wall:a> <% }%> </c:if> <% if (secID == 0) {%> <wall:font color="gray">Prev</wall:font> <% } else {%> <wall:a href="<%= prevLink %>" title="Previous" >Prev</wall:a> <% }%> <% }%> <wall:b>(<%= (secID + 1) %> of <%= maxsec %>) </wall:b>
  • 14. WALL Example Managing Images and Screen Sizes <% if (format.indexOf("audio") != -1) {%> <c:choose> <c:when test="${capabilities.resolution_width >= 240}"> <wall:img src="<%= srcImgFile %>" alt="<%= tsname %>" /> </c:when> <c:otherwise> <wall:img src="<%= srcImgFile2 %>" alt="<%= tsname %>" /> </c:otherwise> </c:choose> <% } else {%> <c:choose> <c:when test="${capabilities.resolution_width >= 320}"> <wall:img src="<%= srcImgFile %>" alt="<%= tsname %>" /> </c:when> <c:otherwise> <wall:img src="<%= srcImgFile2 %>" alt="<%= tsname %>" /> </c:otherwise> </c:choose> <% } %>
  • 15. Geogad Your Personal Mobile Tour Guide Georgi Dagnall, CEO Geogad, Inc. Santa Clara, CA