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A decade of game development
How technology evolved within our ever-changing environment
Andreas Katzig
Technical Director of Chimera Entertainment
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
About me
• Online user since 1994
• BBS, FidoNet, Compuserve
• Online programmer since 1996
• Web: HTML, Javascript, PHP 2, MySQL 3
• Founder of Photono Design and
Co-Founder of Photono Software in 1999
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
About me
• Graduate Degree in Computer Science
• Co-Founded the Augsburg Rugby Football Club in 2007 
• Co-Founder of Vulcando Games in 2006
• Funded by Exist/BMWi in 2008
• Released 2 MMOG Titles
• Own OpenGL-based Game Engine with dozens of custom tools
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
About me
• Joined Chimera Entertainment in 2009
• Now overseeing the Tech Department
• Chimera is the flagship studio of the
remote control productions family
• More than 14 other studios are part of it
• Worked on more than 15 game releases
on more than 7 different platforms

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Spinnaker Microsrvices
Spinnaker MicrosrvicesSpinnaker Microsrvices
Spinnaker Microsrvices

Philip Lombardi discusses Datawire's experience using Spinnaker for continuous deployment of microservices. While Spinnaker allows for custom deployment workflows and works as promised, Datawire encountered issues with Spinnaker's complex UI, difficulty reconfiguring and upgrading, and slow developer experience. Lombardi concludes that Spinnaker may be overkill for small teams and its deployment, UI, and configuration need improvement for broader adoption.

The "Run Anywhere" Mindset
The "Run Anywhere" MindsetThe "Run Anywhere" Mindset
The "Run Anywhere" Mindset

The Run Anywhere mindset is a new way of thinking about how to develop and deploy applications. By adopting this mindset, you can accelerate your development cycles, save money, and streamline your processes. This talk will explain the Run Anywhere mindset, explore its benefits, and discuss how to achieve Run Anywhere, as well as next steps after achieving this.

Cross-Platform Development
Cross-Platform DevelopmentCross-Platform Development
Cross-Platform Development

This document discusses cross-platform development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It covers JavaScript engines, the differences between JavaScript and Node.js, and frameworks like Electron, PhoneGap/Cordova, and Ionic that allow building cross-platform desktop and mobile applications with web technologies. It also provides an overview of creating a basic Cordova application, installing required tools, adding platforms, and deploying to devices.

phone gapmobile appssoftware development
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009
• Initial team of 5-9 people (varied).
• First Game: Windchaser 3D. Released 2008
• C++ and Shark 3D. PC-Only.
• Second Game: Train your Brain with Dr. Kawashima. Released 2009
• C# and Unity 3D. PC and Mac.
• Chimera was the first Unity 3D licensee in Germany!
• License Date: 30.10.2008
• ..until proven otherwise ;)
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009
When I joined, 2009:
• The Bad:
• No in-house online development knowledge (yet)
• (actually a good thing, otherwise Chimera hadn‘t hired me  )
• No buildservers / No automation
• Only local builds
• Repeated tasks everywhere
• No virtual servers
• Only one physical server which was called „windchaser“, for obvious reasons 
• External POP3/SMTP email provider
• Dell Workstations
• Backups?
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009
When I joined, 2009:
• The Bad:
• No in-house online development knowledge (yet)
• (actually a good thing, otherwise Chimera hadn‘t hired me  )
• No buildservers / No automation
• Only local builds
• Repeated tasks everywhere
• No virtual servers
• Only one physical server which was called „windchaser“, for obvious reasons 
• External POP3/SMTP email provider
• Dell Workstations
• Backups?
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009
When I joined, 2009:
•The Good:
• Great Team & Huge motivation to start the next
• Professional expertise on the business side
• A wiki with great project and research
• Mantis Bug Tracker already in place
• SVN set up!
•..on Windows

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Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless at AWS Co...
Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless at AWS Co...Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless at AWS Co...
Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless at AWS Co...

The goal of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload everything else to your trusted partners (like Cloud providers or SaaS vendors). You want to iterate quickly and today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt. In this talk we will show why Serverless adoption increases the developer productivity and how to measure it. We will also go through AWS Serverless architectures where you only glue together different Serverless managed services relying solely on configuration, minimizing the amount of the code written.

awsserverlesscloud computing
Immutable Infrastructure: Rise of the Machine Images
Immutable Infrastructure: Rise of the Machine ImagesImmutable Infrastructure: Rise of the Machine Images
Immutable Infrastructure: Rise of the Machine Images

Video and slides synchronized, mp3 and slide download available at URL Axel Fontaine looks at what Immutable Infrastructure is and how it affects scaling, logging, sessions, configuration, service discovery and more. He also looks at how containers and machine images compare and why some things people took for granted may not be necessary anymore. Filmed at Axel Fontaine is the founder and CEO of Boxfuse. Axel is also the creator and project lead of Flyway, the open source tool that makes database migration easy. He is a Continuous Delivery and Immutable Infrastructure expert, a Java Champion, a JavaOne Rockstar and a regular speaker at various large international conferences.

qconqconlondonaxel fontaine
Cross-platform Mobile Development on Open Source
Cross-platform Mobile Development on Open SourceCross-platform Mobile Development on Open Source
Cross-platform Mobile Development on Open Source

This document provides an overview of cross-platform mobile development using open source tools. It discusses hybrid mobile frameworks like Apache Cordova that allow building mobile apps with web technologies that are deployed to native app stores. While early hybrid apps had performance issues, newer frameworks discussed like React Native and NativeScript claim to generate truly native apps with high code reuse across platforms using JavaScript. The document also covers adjacent native frameworks like Xamarin that compile to native apps from C# instead of web technologies. Overall it introduces a variety of open source options for cross-platform mobile development.

all things openato2016open source
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009
When I joined, 2009:
•The Good:
• Great Team & Huge motivation to start the next
• Professional expertise on the business side
• A wiki with great project and research
• Mantis Bug Tracker already in place
• SVN set up!
•..on Windows
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009
• End of 2009 was characterized by developing the „next big thing“ and
researching the right technology platform for our future.
• Research of Silverlight, Flash, Unreal
• „No programming of custom game engines!“
• Evaluation of our new upcoming corporate tools
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009
• After researching Silverlight, Flash and Unreal, it turned out that
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009
• After researching Silverlight, Flash and Unreal, it turned out that

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Cake is a build automation system that allows users to write build scripts in C# code. It works on both the .NET Framework and .NET Core, and is powered by Roslyn and Mono. Cake uses a dependency-based programming model where tasks define the work and dependencies define the order of execution. The Cake tool executes the build scripts, running tasks based on their dependencies. Cake aims to increase productivity while decreasing complexity for development and continuous integration/deployment processes.

DevOps and AWS - Code PaLOUsa 2017
DevOps and AWS  - Code PaLOUsa 2017DevOps and AWS  - Code PaLOUsa 2017
DevOps and AWS - Code PaLOUsa 2017

The goal of every developer is get her super cool new feature out to customers, as fast as possible, with little to no bugs and with no manual effort so she can go back to coding the next awesome one. Doing all of this takes tremendous amounts of effort to plan, coordinate and execute on a DevOps engineer. Continuous Integration coupled with Continuous Deployment aide in this endeavor. But again, those are cumbersome and can be difficult to set up. AWS has four new tools to help with this; AWS CodeDeploy, CodeCommit, CodePipeline, and CodeBuild. Each one has specialized features to help get your code to customers faster, more reliable and bug free as possible. In this presentation, we will walk through how to setup a CI/CD pipeline using those AWS tools and demonstrate how we can go from yay it compiles to a 5-star review.

continuous integrationawsci/cd
Vilnius Java User Group 20 - IntelliJ IDEA
Vilnius Java User Group 20 - IntelliJ IDEAVilnius Java User Group 20 - IntelliJ IDEA
Vilnius Java User Group 20 - IntelliJ IDEA

This document provides an overview of the IntelliJ IDEA integrated development environment (IDE). It discusses key features of IntelliJ IDEA like usability, refactoring tools, version control system integration, and support for running tests. It also lists some of the author's favorite keyboard shortcuts in IntelliJ IDEA and tips for improving productivity when using the IDE. Finally, it advertises upcoming conferences and events related to Java development.

groupintellij ideajava
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009
• After researching Silverlight, Flash and Unreal, it turned out that
• Because:
• Unity was not production ready for 2D web games
• Silverlight was good for UI-heavy apps and games
• RIA was THE buzzword back then
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011
• WARSTORY – Europe in Flames (2010)
• Silverlight
• Custom self-writen network
• TCP-based
• Clusterable („Mini-Cloud“)
• Windows Servers & MySQL
• TeamCity for CI
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011
• WARSTORY – Europe in Flames (2010)
• Silverlight
• Custom self-writen network
• TCP-based
• Clusterable („Mini-Cloud“)
• Windows Servers & MySQL
• TeamCity for CI
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011
• WARSTORY – Europe in Flames (2010)
• Silverlight
• Custom self-writen network
• TCP-based
• Clusterable („Mini-Cloud“)
• Windows Servers & MySQL
• TeamCity for CI

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SeaJUG 5 15-2018
SeaJUG 5 15-2018SeaJUG 5 15-2018
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Introduction to GPU Development for Java Developers. View the video at - and find out more about the Seattle Java User Group (SeaJUG) at

Journey to the cloud, the why and how of serverless
Journey to the cloud, the why and how of serverlessJourney to the cloud, the why and how of serverless
Journey to the cloud, the why and how of serverless

In this talk, we will look at the evolution from on-premise to the cloud with VMs and containers, and then to serverless.

serverlessawsaws lambda
Dockerizing CS50: From Cluster to Cloud to Appliance to Container by David Ma...
Dockerizing CS50: From Cluster to Cloud to Appliance to Container by David Ma...Dockerizing CS50: From Cluster to Cloud to Appliance to Container by David Ma...
Dockerizing CS50: From Cluster to Cloud to Appliance to Container by David Ma...

This document discusses the evolution of CS50's computing environment over time from physical clusters to virtual appliances to containers using Docker. It describes how CS50 has transitioned from managed on-campus clusters in the late 80s/early 90s, to off-campus clouds in the 2000s, to on-campus clouds and client-side virtual appliances from 2011-2014, and finally to using Docker containers since 2015 to provide development, production and student environments.

ease deploymentcontainerdocker
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011
• WARSTORY – Europe in Flames (2010)
• Silverlight
• Custom self-writen network
• TCP-based
• Clusterable („Mini-Cloud“)
• Windows Servers & MySQL
• TeamCity for CI
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence . 2010-2011
• WARSTORY – Europe in Flames (2010)
• Silverlight
• Custom self-writen network
• TCP-based
• Clusterable („Mini-Cloud“)
• Windows Servers & MySQL
• TeamCity for CI
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011
• First custom client
based balancing tools
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011
• First custom client
based balancing tools
• Balancing data was stored in
MySQL, and sent as data objects
from the server to the client at

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Continuous delivery
Continuous deliveryContinuous delivery
Continuous delivery

The document proposes a new continuous delivery workflow using Git for version control, Jenkins for builds, AWS services like S3 and CloudFormation, and scripts to integrate tools. It notes current problems like unclear test and deployment processes, configuration issues, and ad-hoc deployments. The workflow would separate custom app code into a new repository, consolidate configurations, and establish disciplined environment setups and deployments.

software development processcontinuous integrationcontinuous delivery
Hybrid Mobile Development with Apache Cordova and
Hybrid Mobile Development with Apache Cordova and Hybrid Mobile Development with Apache Cordova and
Hybrid Mobile Development with Apache Cordova and

Apache Cordova is used to wrap HTML5 applications into native mobile applications that can access device capabilities. A demo application was shown that used Cordova for the mobile portion and Java EE 7 on the server side. Key technologies discussed included Cordova plugins, RESTful web services, Java API for JSON, and Java API for WebSockets for bidirectional communication between the mobile app and server. jQuery Mobile was also mentioned as a potential UI framework.

FestiveTechCalendar2021 - Have Yourself An​ Azure Container Registry
FestiveTechCalendar2021 - Have Yourself An​ Azure Container RegistryFestiveTechCalendar2021 - Have Yourself An​ Azure Container Registry
FestiveTechCalendar2021 - Have Yourself An​ Azure Container Registry

The Christmas wish list often contains stuff we want but don't really need. One thing we definitely need on our Christmas journey on Azure is the Azure Container Registry. Join this session to learn all the details about the Azure Container Registry and the magical things you can do besides the obvious like storing container images.

Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011
• Chimera Management Tool (Deployment & Monitoring)
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011
• After researching Silverlight, Flash and Unreal, it turned out that
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011
• We researched Silverlight thoroughly!
• „Silverlight is already deployed on 90% of all target PCs“
• „Silverlight Plugin works well in every browser“
• „Silverlight will be deployed to all Windows PCs automatically“
• This was an educated bet, and it happened
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011
• „Microsoft‘s strategy with Silverlight has shifted“

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Digital Success Stack for DCBKK 2018
Digital Success Stack for DCBKK 2018Digital Success Stack for DCBKK 2018
Digital Success Stack for DCBKK 2018 Everything you need to know as a non-technical CEO / founder about choosing your stack (technologies to build on), high-level overview of the development process, which technology roles to fill and how to fill them with the right people. This presentation is for anybody who wants to develop anything (from small to big)

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DevOps in the Microsoft world part 1
DevOps in the Microsoft world part 1DevOps in the Microsoft world part 1
DevOps in the Microsoft world part 1

This document provides an overview of DevOps tools and practices in the Microsoft world, focusing on Visual Studio Team Services. It describes how VSTS can be used for planning, source code management with Git repositories, code reviews via pull requests, continuous integration builds, and managing build definitions, artifacts, agents, and variables. VSTS supports work tracking with work items, backlogs, boards and linking work to code. It also allows for collaboration via integrated IDEs and notifications.

DevOpsCon 2015 - DevOps in Mobile Games
DevOpsCon 2015 - DevOps in Mobile GamesDevOpsCon 2015 - DevOps in Mobile Games
DevOpsCon 2015 - DevOps in Mobile Games

I'm explaining the tech stack we're using at Chimera Entertainment to serve millions of players every day.

dockerdevopsmobile games
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011
• Ravensburger Memory (2010)
• Unity3D
• Demolition Dash, Happy Hills(2011), Mission Genesis (rel. 2012)
• Unity3D
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011
• Custom web based localization tool
• Used until today (2015)
• Exports several different formats
• Compiled C# assembly
• Used for Silverlight and Unity3D
• Usable for every thinkable platform
• „LocaTool Reloaded“ in development
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011
• Custom Unity3D
Javascript Logger
• Handy for Unity
web development
• Used for Mission Genesis
• Available at
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011
•Optimized internal corporate infrastructure and
•Tried Hansoft Project Management
•Atlassian Tools (Confluence, Jira)
•Microsoft Network (Exchange, AD)

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Forge - DevCon 2016: Implementing Rich Applications in the Browser
Forge - DevCon 2016: Implementing Rich Applications in the BrowserForge - DevCon 2016: Implementing Rich Applications in the Browser
Forge - DevCon 2016: Implementing Rich Applications in the Browser

Sebastian Dunkel, Autodesk Cloud based web applications running in the browser have fundamental advantages over their desktop based siblings: They run on any device and are not tied to a certain operating system. The transition to web applications can solve many of the deployment problems and facilitates effortless real-time collaboration in a connected world. However, implementing rich browser applications is challenging. Besides general technical limitations, leveraging existing technology is far from trivial. In this presentation we will discuss these and other challenges based on selected browser-based applications developed at Autodesk. Moreover, we will show how Forge technology can help to accelerate application development and improve the development experience.

smartphoneinternetinternet of things
Cincom Smalltalk News
Cincom Smalltalk NewsCincom Smalltalk News
Cincom Smalltalk News

Cincom provided an update on their Smalltalk product line. Recent releases of Cincom Smalltalk, ObjectStudio, and VisualWorks included improvements to the virtual machine, Store, internationalization, and 64-bit support. Future plans include enhancements to mapping, modeling, encryption, performance, and new features like skins and fluid positioning. Cincom is focusing on maintenance releases, online updates, and gathering customer requirements to further improve their products.

How to install IBM Connections in a Coffe Break
How to install IBM Connections in a Coffe BreakHow to install IBM Connections in a Coffe Break
How to install IBM Connections in a Coffe Break

The document discusses a tool called InstallJack (or iJack) that automates the installation and configuration of IBM collaboration products like IBM Connections and IBM WebSphere Portal. It is presented as a solution to simplify complex setup processes and make installations take negligible time. InstallJack would allow users to define server locations, select components, and provide credentials, and the tool would then handle the full installation and configuration process. The document outlines the specific capabilities of InstallJack, such as installing and configuring servers, databases, security, backups and more for a standardized setup.

installationconfigurationibm connections
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence Learnings. 2010-2011
• Automate!
• “Three Strikes And You Automate” & “Automate
• Define processes!
• Write Documentation!
• Write reusable code. Create libraries. Prepare for Unit Testing.
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence Learnings. 2010-2011
• SVN: Use release branches, not feature branches
• You‘ll hate merging features back with SVN. Make a branch and leave it alone/release it
• Don‘t write custom deployment tools with an UI, use standards
• Jenkins, Sinatra, Third party services…
• Don‘t write custom monitoring and graphing tools, use standards
• Icinga, Nagios, Monit, Graphite+Grafana, CloudWatch, Pingdom, NewRelic…
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Adolescence Learnings. 2010-2011
• Try to avoid writing custom balancing Tools!
• Use something everybody knows
• Use centralized server logging
• ELK, Splunk…
• Avoid getting stuck – be flexible from the start yet follow KISS.
• Move fast!
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013
•Massive automation
• CI with Jenkins
• Multi-server build farm
• Parallel builds
• Custom over the air distribution
to mobile devices
• Asset and Server Deployment
• Installing new Unity versions
• Create Xcode projects completely
new every build

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IEEE VR-SEARIS 2014 Keynote - MiddleVR - Philosophy and architecture
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IEEE VR-SEARIS 2014 Keynote - MiddleVR - Philosophy and architecture

MiddleVR is a generic VR plugin. SEARIS is the "Software engineering and architecture for realtime interactive systems" workshop for IEEEVR.

Making an independend MMO - The Albion Online Story
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Making an independend MMO - The Albion Online Story

Talk at devcom game developer conference in Cologne, August 2018. Discusses the design, development and operation of the MMORPG Albion Online.

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Technical Debt - SOTR14 - Clarkie
Technical Debt -  SOTR14 - ClarkieTechnical Debt -  SOTR14 - Clarkie
Technical Debt - SOTR14 - Clarkie

This document discusses technical debt in software development. It provides examples of how technical debt can accumulate over time if projects are not designed well and lack vision. It also describes how one company addressed their growing technical debt through efforts like consolidating their codebase, implementing continuous delivery practices, improving their release process, monitoring systems, and migrating to newer technologies. The key is recognizing that some debt can help speed initial development but must be paid back through refactoring and improvements over time.

sotr sotr14 technical debt legacy code
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013
•Regular Code Reviews
• Introduction phase: One dedicated senior code review lead who
attends and kickstarts every code review session (One per sprint
per project)
• Will be handed over to the project‘s code leads in 2015
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013
•Further Optimized internal corporate
infrastructure and software
•External lightweight project management tools like
•Google Business services
•Code Reviews with Atlassian Crucible
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013
• Mission Genesis beta launched in 2012, Unity3D
• Ouch! Partner‘s insolvency led to major and heaviest impact that Chimera
ever experienced.
• Skylancer beta launched in 2012, Silverlight
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013
• Sara‘s Cooking Class, 2012
• Word Wonders, 2012
• Towers & Dungeons, 2012

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ABS 2014 - The Growth of Android in Embedded Systems
ABS 2014 - The Growth of Android in Embedded SystemsABS 2014 - The Growth of Android in Embedded Systems
ABS 2014 - The Growth of Android in Embedded Systems

The document discusses the growth of Android in embedded systems. It provides an overview of Android's history and architecture. While Android has brought Linux to many devices, its proprietary development model and design flaws mean it is not optimal for all embedded use cases. Specifically, it can be a burden for manufacturers due to fragmentation, proprietary drivers, and high hardware requirements. However, Android remains attractive for its application framework, time-to-market advantages, and focus on the user experience rather than low-level software.

android abs embedded systems linux
IoT Meetup Oslo - AI on Edge Devices
IoT Meetup Oslo - AI on Edge DevicesIoT Meetup Oslo - AI on Edge Devices
IoT Meetup Oslo - AI on Edge Devices

A common challenge of the IoT is adding AI capabilities to constrained devices. In this session, Mark will compare 2 solutions that he's tried out for his Raspberry Pi Zero Smart Camera: (1) AWS Machine Learning as a Service (2) Movidius Neural Compute Stick.

awsiotraspberry pi
Developing applications and games in Unity engine - Matej Jariabka, Rudolf Ka...
Developing applications and games in Unity engine - Matej Jariabka, Rudolf Ka...Developing applications and games in Unity engine - Matej Jariabka, Rudolf Ka...
Developing applications and games in Unity engine - Matej Jariabka, Rudolf Ka... team - Rudolf & Matej presented on local tech/mobile/games conference experience with Unity & game development in general. We also list some other tools that might help you. First part covers business tips & reasons to use Unity.

Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013
• Happy Hills 2, 2013
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013
•Pitched in 2012:
„100 Heroes“
which then became…
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013
• Completely new balancing pipeline
• „Epic requirements“
• Had to handle lots of balancing data
• Editor requirements:
• Easy to handle for non-tech-savvy colleagues
• Allow for bulk editing and search+replace
• Different exportable formats

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NET !!! A must have tool under your belt
NET !!! A must have tool under your beltNET !!! A must have tool under your belt
NET !!! A must have tool under your belt

This document promotes weekly technical webinars for IT undergraduates organized by Hansamali Gamage to learn the .NET tool. It provides information on .NET such as it being a software development platform for building applications across devices and platforms using languages like C#, F# and Visual Basic. It also shares testimonials from various companies on how they are leveraging .NET for building applications and microservices.

Introduction to Cross Platform Development with Xamarin/ Visual Studio
Introduction to Cross Platform Development with Xamarin/ Visual StudioIntroduction to Cross Platform Development with Xamarin/ Visual Studio
Introduction to Cross Platform Development with Xamarin/ Visual Studio

The document provides an introduction to cross-platform mobile development using Xamarin/Visual Studio. It discusses the speaker's background in graphics and software development. It then outlines the benefits of using Xamarin for building native iOS and Android apps using C# while sharing code. The document summarizes Xamarin Studio and its support for building apps in Visual Studio. It also highlights code sharing capabilities and pre-built app templates available through Xamarin.

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321 codeincontainer brewbox321 codeincontainer brewbox
321 codeincontainer brewbox

Lino Telera presents on coding in containers. He discusses how containers can help address issues with traditional applications by allowing development and operations teams to work independently and enabling continuous integration and deployment. Containers isolate code and dependencies, making applications portable and scalable. Telera demonstrates building a simple Python web application, packaging it into a Docker container, and deploying it locally and to the cloud. He notes some challenges around stateful applications and databases in containers.

Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013
• Balancing Pipeline
• Balancing Data Editor requirements:
• Easy to handle for non-tech-savvy colleagues
• Allow for bulk editing and search+replace
• Different exportable formats
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013
• „Balancing Data Serializer“
Format Cloud
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013
• Let‘s talk about
app store releases
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013
• Let‘s talk about
app store releases

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Modern Web-site Development Pipeline
Modern Web-site Development PipelineModern Web-site Development Pipeline
Modern Web-site Development Pipeline

Topics of this presentation: - Basics and best practices of developing single-page applications (SPA) and Web API Services on Microsoft .NET - - Core with Docker and Linux. - PowerShell Core automated builds. - Markdown/PDF documentation. - Documentation of public interfaces with Swagger/OAS/YAML. - Automated testing of SPA on Protractor and testing the Web API on Postman/Newman. This presentation by Sergii Fradkov (Consultant, Engineering), Andrii Zarharov (Lead Software Engineer, Consultant), Igor Magdich (Lead Test Engineer, Consultant) was delivered at GlobalLogic Kharkiv .NET TechTalk #1 on May 24, 2019.


This document proposes a gamification platform to boost software developer productivity. The platform would integrate with development tools and systems to provide achievements and notifications, similar to Steam games. This would make development more engaging while also allowing the collection of anonymized usage data. The team creating the platform has experience in software development and management, and sees an opportunity in the many software companies and startups in major EU cities that could benefit from their gamified solution.

badgessoftware developmentgetbadges
Building High Quality Android Applications
Building High Quality Android ApplicationsBuilding High Quality Android Applications
Building High Quality Android Applications

The slides from my talk "Building High Quality Android Applications with Continuous Integration and Automated device tests" from April 9th at DroidCon 2013 in Berlin

jenkinsandroidsoftware development
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013
• „App Screening Tool“
• Shared with all rcp family
members, developed
by Chimera
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013
• Unity Package Unpacker
• Available at
• The CLI version is open
source at
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Maturity. 2014-2015
• Angry Birds Epic: Worldwide Release
in June 2014. Partey!
• Today: 60Million+ downloads worldwide
(All Platforms)
• Google Play Store:
• iTunes:
If you want to learn more about Angry Bird
Epic‘s live phase, visit Ellen‘s „Post Mortem –
Live after launch“ tomorrow here at Respawn.
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Maturity. 2014-2015
• 2014 and 2015 is characterized by the Cloud, backend-wise
• AWS, Azure, Google Cloud…
• Docker! DevOps!
• Scaling and High Availability
• Also: Internationalization!
• Colleagues from USA, Egypt, Serbia,
Norway, Russia, Italy and even

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The only constant in software development is CHANGE. Every piece of software that has been developed and shipped to a customer will be changed numerous times during its lifecycle. A good design pattern can help make changes easy. MVC, an acronym for Model - View - Controller, is becoming THE recommended model for designing frameworks - especially on the Web. This webinar will give an overview of design patterns in general, and in particular, MVC. Ulrich Krause shows how to use the MVC design paradigm in an XPages application and demonstrate how easy it is to implement changes. Need to read/write your data from/to an XML file instead of using a Notes View? MVC makes software maintenance as easy as 1-2-3! BONUS! During this webinar, Pete Janzen, IBM Product Manager, provides a short update about what's new and upcoming from IBM for XPages and Domino application development.

software developmentdesign patternsxpages
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Maturity. 2014-2015
• Jon Woo‘s Blood Stroke, 2014
• Bernd das Brot, 2014
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Chimera. Maturity. 2014-2015
• Mystery of Neuschwanstein, 2014
• Hidden Object Game
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director

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Peter tells us from his last project: building a better EBay in Silverlight and shows us his view on this topic.

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Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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How do we build an IoT product, and make it profitable? Talk from the IoT meetup in March 2024.

Andreas Katzig,
Technical Director
We‘re Hiring!

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Respawn 2015: Chimera Entertainment - A decade of game development

  • 1. A decade of game development How technology evolved within our ever-changing environment Andreas Katzig @derFunk Technical Director of Chimera Entertainment @ChimeraEnt
  • 2. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director About me • Online user since 1994 • BBS, FidoNet, Compuserve • Online programmer since 1996 • Web: HTML, Javascript, PHP 2, MySQL 3 • Founder of Photono Design and Co-Founder of Photono Software in 1999
  • 3. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director About me • Graduate Degree in Computer Science • Co-Founded the Augsburg Rugby Football Club in 2007  • Co-Founder of Vulcando Games in 2006 • Funded by Exist/BMWi in 2008 • Released 2 MMOG Titles • Own OpenGL-based Game Engine with dozens of custom tools
  • 4. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director About me • Joined Chimera Entertainment in 2009 • Now overseeing the Tech Department • Chimera is the flagship studio of the remote control productions family • More than 14 other studios are part of it • Worked on more than 15 game releases on more than 7 different platforms
  • 5. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009 • Initial team of 5-9 people (varied). • First Game: Windchaser 3D. Released 2008 • C++ and Shark 3D. PC-Only. • Second Game: Train your Brain with Dr. Kawashima. Released 2009 • C# and Unity 3D. PC and Mac. • Chimera was the first Unity 3D licensee in Germany! • License Date: 30.10.2008 • ..until proven otherwise ;)
  • 6. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009 When I joined, 2009: • The Bad: • No in-house online development knowledge (yet) • (actually a good thing, otherwise Chimera hadn‘t hired me  ) • No buildservers / No automation • Only local builds • Repeated tasks everywhere • No virtual servers • Only one physical server which was called „windchaser“, for obvious reasons  • External POP3/SMTP email provider • Dell Workstations • Backups?
  • 7. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009 When I joined, 2009: • The Bad: • No in-house online development knowledge (yet) • (actually a good thing, otherwise Chimera hadn‘t hired me  ) • No buildservers / No automation • Only local builds • Repeated tasks everywhere • No virtual servers • Only one physical server which was called „windchaser“, for obvious reasons  • External POP3/SMTP email provider • Dell Workstations • Backups?
  • 8. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009 When I joined, 2009: •The Good: • Great Team & Huge motivation to start the next projects • Professional expertise on the business side • A wiki with great project and research documentation! • Mantis Bug Tracker already in place • SVN set up! •..on Windows
  • 9. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009 When I joined, 2009: •The Good: • Great Team & Huge motivation to start the next projects • Professional expertise on the business side • A wiki with great project and research documentation! • Mantis Bug Tracker already in place • SVN set up! •..on Windows
  • 10. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009 • End of 2009 was characterized by developing the „next big thing“ and researching the right technology platform for our future. • Research of Silverlight, Flash, Unreal • „No programming of custom game engines!“ • Evaluation of our new upcoming corporate tools
  • 11. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009 • After researching Silverlight, Flash and Unreal, it turned out that
  • 12. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009 • After researching Silverlight, Flash and Unreal, it turned out that 2009
  • 13. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Humble Beginnings. 2006-2009 • After researching Silverlight, Flash and Unreal, it turned out that • Because: • Unity was not production ready for 2D web games • Silverlight was good for UI-heavy apps and games • RIA was THE buzzword back then
  • 14. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011 • WARSTORY – Europe in Flames (2010) • Silverlight • Custom self-writen network middleware • TCP-based • Clusterable („Mini-Cloud“) • Windows Servers & MySQL • TeamCity for CI
  • 15. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011 • WARSTORY – Europe in Flames (2010) • Silverlight • Custom self-writen network middleware • TCP-based • Clusterable („Mini-Cloud“) • Windows Servers & MySQL • TeamCity for CI
  • 16. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011 • WARSTORY – Europe in Flames (2010) • Silverlight • Custom self-writen network middleware • TCP-based • Clusterable („Mini-Cloud“) • Windows Servers & MySQL • TeamCity for CI
  • 17. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011 • WARSTORY – Europe in Flames (2010) • Silverlight • Custom self-writen network middleware • TCP-based • Clusterable („Mini-Cloud“) • Windows Servers & MySQL • TeamCity for CI
  • 18. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence . 2010-2011 • WARSTORY – Europe in Flames (2010) • Silverlight • Custom self-writen network middleware • TCP-based • Clusterable („Mini-Cloud“) • Windows Servers & MySQL • TeamCity for CI
  • 19. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011 • First custom client based balancing tools
  • 20. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011 • First custom client based balancing tools • Balancing data was stored in MySQL, and sent as data objects from the server to the client at logon
  • 21. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011 • Chimera Management Tool (Deployment & Monitoring)
  • 22. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011 • After researching Silverlight, Flash and Unreal, it turned out that 2010
  • 23. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011 • We researched Silverlight thoroughly! • „Silverlight is already deployed on 90% of all target PCs“ • „Silverlight Plugin works well in every browser“ • „Silverlight will be deployed to all Windows PCs automatically“ • This was an educated bet, and it happened
  • 24. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011 • „Microsoft‘s strategy with Silverlight has shifted“ 2010
  • 25. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011 • Ravensburger Memory (2010) • Unity3D • Demolition Dash, Happy Hills(2011), Mission Genesis (rel. 2012) • Unity3D
  • 26. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011 • Custom web based localization tool • Used until today (2015) • Exports several different formats • Compiled C# assembly • JSON, XML, YAML … • Used for Silverlight and Unity3D • Usable for every thinkable platform • „LocaTool Reloaded“ in development
  • 27. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011 • Custom Unity3D Javascript Logger • Handy for Unity web development • Used for Mission Genesis • Available at
  • 28. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence. 2010-2011 •Optimized internal corporate infrastructure and software •Tried Hansoft Project Management •Atlassian Tools (Confluence, Jira) •Microsoft Network (Exchange, AD)
  • 29. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence Learnings. 2010-2011 • Automate! • “Three Strikes And You Automate” & “Automate Boredom” • Define processes! • Write Documentation! • Write reusable code. Create libraries. Prepare for Unit Testing.
  • 30. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence Learnings. 2010-2011 • SVN: Use release branches, not feature branches • You‘ll hate merging features back with SVN. Make a branch and leave it alone/release it • Don‘t write custom deployment tools with an UI, use standards • Jenkins, Sinatra, Third party services… • Don‘t write custom monitoring and graphing tools, use standards • Icinga, Nagios, Monit, Graphite+Grafana, CloudWatch, Pingdom, NewRelic…
  • 31. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Adolescence Learnings. 2010-2011 • Try to avoid writing custom balancing Tools! • Use something everybody knows • Use centralized server logging • ELK, Splunk… • Avoid getting stuck – be flexible from the start yet follow KISS. • Move fast!
  • 32. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013 •Massive automation • CI with Jenkins • Multi-server build farm • Parallel builds • Custom over the air distribution to mobile devices • Asset and Server Deployment • Installing new Unity versions automatically • Create Xcode projects completely new every build
  • 33. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013 •Regular Code Reviews • Introduction phase: One dedicated senior code review lead who attends and kickstarts every code review session (One per sprint per project) • Will be handed over to the project‘s code leads in 2015
  • 34. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013 •Further Optimized internal corporate infrastructure and software •External lightweight project management tools like Trello •Google Business services •Code Reviews with Atlassian Crucible
  • 35. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013 • Mission Genesis beta launched in 2012, Unity3D • Ouch! Partner‘s insolvency led to major and heaviest impact that Chimera ever experienced. • Skylancer beta launched in 2012, Silverlight
  • 36. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013 • Sara‘s Cooking Class, 2012 • Word Wonders, 2012 • Towers & Dungeons, 2012
  • 37. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013 • Happy Hills 2, 2013
  • 38. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013 •Pitched in 2012: „100 Heroes“ which then became…
  • 40. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013 • Completely new balancing pipeline • „Epic requirements“ • Had to handle lots of balancing data • Editor requirements: • Easy to handle for non-tech-savvy colleagues • Allow for bulk editing and search+replace • Different exportable formats
  • 41. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013 • Balancing Pipeline • Balancing Data Editor requirements: • Easy to handle for non-tech-savvy colleagues • Allow for bulk editing and search+replace • Different exportable formats
  • 42. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Game Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013 • „Balancing Data Serializer“ XLS XML, JSON BINARY … XLS XML JSON BINARY … Game Design Intermediate Format Cloud
  • 43. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013 • Let‘s talk about app store releases
  • 44. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013 • Let‘s talk about app store releases
  • 45. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013 • „App Screening Tool“ • Shared with all rcp family members, developed by Chimera
  • 46. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Growing Up. 2012-2013 • Unity Package Unpacker • Available at • The CLI version is open source at and
  • 47. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Maturity. 2014-2015 • Angry Birds Epic: Worldwide Release in June 2014. Partey! • Today: 60Million+ downloads worldwide (All Platforms) • Google Play Store: • iTunes: If you want to learn more about Angry Bird Epic‘s live phase, visit Ellen‘s „Post Mortem – Live after launch“ tomorrow here at Respawn.
  • 48. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Maturity. 2014-2015 • 2014 and 2015 is characterized by the Cloud, backend-wise • AWS, Azure, Google Cloud… • Docker! DevOps! • Scaling and High Availability • Also: Internationalization! • Colleagues from USA, Egypt, Serbia, Norway, Russia, Italy and even North-Rhine-Westfalia!
  • 49. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Maturity. 2014-2015 • Jon Woo‘s Blood Stroke, 2014 • Bernd das Brot, 2014
  • 50. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director Chimera. Maturity. 2014-2015 • Mystery of Neuschwanstein, 2014 • Hidden Object Game
  • 53. Andreas Katzig, Technical Director We‘re Hiring! @ChimeraEnt @derFunk