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AI & ChatGPT
An Introduction for Business Users (and some advance use cases)
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Types of AI
Types of
Types of

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Generative AI, WiDS 2023.pptxGenerative AI, WiDS 2023.pptx
Generative AI, WiDS 2023.pptx

This talk overviews my background as a female data scientist, introduces many types of generative AI, discusses potential use cases, highlights the need for representation in generative AI, and showcases a few tools that currently exist.

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Tech adoption for AI ML has been rapidly growing over the globe and ChatGPT is the game changer. Artificial intelligence and Machine learning are uplifting internet era with swift solutions for users.

chatgptai chatbot developmentchatgpt developer
Uses of AI text bot.pdf
Uses of AI text bot.pdfUses of AI text bot.pdf
Uses of AI text bot.pdf

This document provides an overview of ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI. It discusses how ChatGPT works using transformer-based language modeling to generate human-like text. Some potential applications are discussed, like virtual assistants, customer service, and content generation. Both advantages like versatility and disadvantages like bias are outlined. The document also briefly discusses how ChatGPT could be fine-tuned and concludes that it will likely be monetized in the future.

ai bot
What is
AI and why it
matters to
Overview of
• ChatGPT History
• By OpenAI
• Public release in Nov 2022
• Touted as the fastest app to reach 100M
users (in 2 months)
• Other products include DALE-E,
Whisper, GPT4, Jukebox, Musenet
• What in the name …ChatGPT
• Two parts, CHAT and GPT
• Chat is the application of GPT
• GPT means – Generative Pre-Trained
Some ChatGPT facts
• It is a Large Language Model trained using Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback (RLHF)
– a sort of non-supervised pre-trained model
• Has over 175 Billion parameters and trained on a dataset of over 300B words
• Cost US100,000 to run/day, approximately US3M/month
• Gets approximately 1B queries/day
• Has a “Plus” version at US20/month
• Has API access for free and for US5/month
• Official apps for iOS and now Android worldwide
• Android:
• iOS:
• Important: Do not use other 3rd party apps that do the same as above!

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ChatGPT is an AI chatbot created by OpenAI that uses a fine-tuned GPT-3.5 language model to engage in natural conversations. It was trained using reinforcement learning with a reward model to generate helpful, harmless, and honest responses. The document discusses ChatGPT and how it compares to other AI technologies like AI painting, AI chatbots, and goals towards artificial general intelligence.

machine learningnlp
Prompting is an art / Sztuka promptowania
Prompting is an art / Sztuka promptowaniaPrompting is an art / Sztuka promptowania
Prompting is an art / Sztuka promptowania

The document discusses advances in large language models from GPT-1 to the potential capabilities of GPT-4, including its ability to simulate human behavior, demonstrate sparks of artificial general intelligence, and generate virtual identities. It also provides tips on how to effectively prompt ChatGPT through techniques like prompt engineering, giving context and examples, and different response formats.

ChatGPT Guide.pdf
ChatGPT Guide.pdfChatGPT Guide.pdf
ChatGPT Guide.pdf

ChatGPT Guide How Can ChatGPT Help You Online If You Use it With The Right Way Learn How To Use ChatGPT With The Right way

What is
ChatGPT good
• All things text related and language agnostic
• Coding (Mainly javascript, python and java ..also C++,
PHP and Ruby/ROR)
• Different languages (100+, including BM)
• Can be used to translate
• Sentiment analysis
• Research facts and data from up to Sept 2021
• Mimic your writing style
• Write different types of topics and scenarios
• And many more…(we’ll explore some interesting ones)
What is
ChatGPT Not
good at
• Data post Sept 2021
• ChatGPT has known erroneous replies when
dealing with nuances
• Mathematics and related domains (without plugins
may incur inaccuracies)
• Factual errors over unpopular topics/subjects or
ambiguous data
• Opinionated/ethical considerations
• Custom instructions
• GPT4 api (paid)
• Higher message limits for GPT ¾
• Free = 30 / hour
• Paid = 50 / hour for GPT4 (its unspecified for
• Code interpreter
• Browsing (now disabled )
• Disable chat history
• Many other model improvements

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ChatGPT Evaluation for NLP
ChatGPT Evaluation for NLPChatGPT Evaluation for NLP
ChatGPT Evaluation for NLP

Here are the key steps in the ChatIE framework: 1. The user provides a text document and specifies the information extraction task (e.g. entity extraction, relation extraction) through natural language. 2. ChatGPT understands the task and responds with the extracted information by highlighting the relevant entities/relations in the text. 3. The user can interactively give feedback to ChatGPT to refine its understanding of the task and extraction. 4. ChatGPT learns from the feedback to improve its extraction for future conversations. The framework aims to leverage ChatGPT's strengths in natural language understanding and generation for zero-shot information extraction via human-AI collaboration. The interactive feedback also helps address Chat


Discuss the impact and opportunity of using Generative AI to support your development and creative teams * Explore business challenges in content creation * Cost-per-unit of different types of content * Use AI to reduce cost-per-unit * New partnerships being formed that will have a material impact on the way we search and engage with content Part 4 of a 9 Part Research Series named "What matters in AI" published on

aiartificial intelligenceintelligence
ChatGPT SEO Guide 2023
ChatGPT SEO Guide 2023ChatGPT SEO Guide 2023
ChatGPT SEO Guide 2023

This ChatGPT SEO guide is created to help individuals take advantage of the potential of ChatGPT for SEO. ChatGPT has rapidly gained popularity with over 1 million users registered in just 5 days. This guide provides an in-depth understanding of utilizing ChatGPT to improve your SEO and attain higher search engine rankings.

chatgpt for seochatgpt guidechatgpt
ChatGPT Schematic Approach
• Techniques for refining
• Role playing
• Writing style
• Defining output
• Chain a conversation
• Inject relatable data to further tune the output to your whim
Define personality
Define scope or
provide examples
Produce additional
data if exist
Define output type
Provide extra data
examples to further
enhance your output
• Use new chat sessions to reduce convolution from
previous topics
• Confusing or ambiguous prompts
• Provide context as much as possible to garner best
• Use examples when you require specifics (follow the
schematic guide for best outcome)
• Remember: GIGO
• The Better Your Input, The Better The Output
• The ability to “produce better outcome” will
requires further clarification on the question,
right? Maybe we can tell ChatGPT to seek
• Reset
• Forget everything above and start anew
• Derive Knowledge from Information
• Explain to me how you deduced this
• Create deviation
• Don’t answer like typical ChatGPT (not all the time
effective, works for bigger text)
• Extensions
• Plugin store (100s!)
• Code interpreter
• Image generator
• Data analysis and visualization
• Files conversion
• Write and execute code
• Solve math problems (same as Mixbox)
• Plugin store examples
• Pdf plugin – AI PDF
• Travel – KAYAK
• Google related ChatGPT
• Mixbox: Math
• And with Zapier, 5000+ functions/integrations

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ChatGPT prompt.docx
ChatGPT prompt.docxChatGPT prompt.docx
ChatGPT prompt.docx

The document provides an overview of how to use prompts with ChatGPT, including: - ChatGPT can be used through prompts, which are pieces of text or questions used as input. It generates responses based on the prompt. - The guide contains over 100 prompts for purposes like SEO, conversational AI, and experimenting with ChatGPT's capabilities. - To use a prompt, obtain access to ChatGPT, prepare your prompt, input it, generate a response, analyze the response, and repeat with different prompts to improve results over time. - It's important to consider ethical and legal implications when using language models and prompts may take some experimentation to use ChatGPT effectively

Increase Productivity with ChatGPT
Increase Productivity with ChatGPTIncrease Productivity with ChatGPT
Increase Productivity with ChatGPT

"Increase Productivity with ChatGPT" is a comprehensive presentation that explores the benefits of using ChatGPT, to increase productivity in your working domain. From faster & accurate responses to quick task completion, discover how ChatGPT can help you to reach new levels of productivity and success.

artificial intelligencechatbotmachine learning
OpenAI Chatgpt.pptx
OpenAI Chatgpt.pptxOpenAI Chatgpt.pptx
OpenAI Chatgpt.pptx

As an AI language model, ChatGPT is a program consisting of a large neural network that has been trained on vast amounts of textual data. Specifically, ChatGPT is a variant of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) family of models developed by OpenAI.

Prompt tips and tricks
Prompts That
Could Be Useful
To You
• Summarizing Content
• Especially useful when dealing with large text
• If you have large text above 8k/16k characters, put them into “pages”
• E.g., I have 10 pages of data exceeding 80,000 words, i will place them here
in 10 pages, denoting page 1 through page 10. At the end, when i am done, i
want you to summarize the entire content when i enter the keyword
• Page 1
• <Text>
• Page 2
• <Text>
Prompts That
Could Be Useful
To You
• Splitting perspectives
• Ask it to give opinions of points in your presentation deck
from multiple perspectives, e.g., from a perspective of an
expert vs perspective of a novice user
Prompts That
Could Be Useful
To You
• Figuring out your customers to invite
• “You are an expert marketeer with 20 years expertise in online
and offline marketing and you are especially good at audience
relationship. You are planning to run an event to introduce
ZeeWall, the world’s most advance firewall. Please produce a list
of customer profiles that you will consider inviting”

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ChatGPT Use- Cases
ChatGPT Use- Cases ChatGPT Use- Cases
ChatGPT Use- Cases

This document discusses various uses of the ChatGPT AI assistant tool. It describes how ChatGPT can be used as a virtual Linux terminal, debug code, write code in different programming languages, play tic-tac-toe, explain concepts, provide ideas for art/decorations/parties, answer homework questions, write music, perform translations, extract data from text, grade essays, and solve math questions. The document provides examples of interacting with ChatGPT to demonstrate these various capabilities.

chatgptuse casesai
Chat GPT TEL Community of Practice
Chat GPT TEL Community of PracticeChat GPT TEL Community of Practice
Chat GPT TEL Community of Practice

Covering: - What is Chat GPT - Prompt Engineering - Example Prompts and Responses - Hallucination - Other useful AI tools

chat gptchat gpt-3chat gpt-4
How People Are Leveraging ChatGPT
How People Are Leveraging ChatGPTHow People Are Leveraging ChatGPT
How People Are Leveraging ChatGPT

In the US, people are already implementing the use of converstaionl AI, ChatGPT in everydy mundane tasks. Implementation is not only limited to that. Various industries are also using this revolutionary technology for maintaining a superior customer experience. People are also criticizing ChatGPT for creating employment threats and also being unethical in it's answers. The technology is being widely applauded but everything has certain pain points associated with it.

Prompts That
Could Be Useful
To You
• Model thinking
• Getting best models for given task
• “You are an expert project management consultant using
strategic models to achieve better thinking in doing tasks in
deploying NagiosXI monitoring solution for customers. Also
state the benefits of this model and create a detailed writeup
how to use it”
Prompts That
Could Be Useful
To You
• Google expert search criteria
• Getting best Google / Bing search questions
• You are expert in Google searches and have over 10 years helping businesses succeed
by training them to use Google search effectively. Give me 10 search ideas for
How to create a hugely successful chef association here in Malaysia.
Make the search terms specific and powerful to help us get to the information we
need faster. Present your response in a table, using the columns "Search Term" and
"Information we're looking for"
Prompts That
Could Be Useful
To You
• Google expert search criteria
• Getting best Google / Bing search questions
• You are expert in Google searches and have over 10 years helping businesses succeed by
training them to use Google search effectively. Give me 10 search ideas for
How to create a hugely successful chef association here in Malaysia.
Make the search terms specific and powerful to help us get to the information we need
faster. Present your response in a table, using the columns "Search Term" and
"Information we're looking for"
Prompts That
Could Be Useful
To You
• Build great SEO topics for your blog (then create blogs, see next slide)
• Blogging/Article helps companies achieve better SEO
• “You are an SEO expert and working for a top consulting company here in
Malaysia. Come up with 5 hot blog topics that will help with my company’s
SEO for the product I carry and that is Woocommerce Pro. Also ensure the
topics are professional and unique”

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Blueprint ChatGPT Lunch & Learn
Blueprint ChatGPT Lunch & LearnBlueprint ChatGPT Lunch & Learn
Blueprint ChatGPT Lunch & Learn

This document provides an overview of ChatGPT presented by Cori Hendon and Gary Nakanelua. It explains what ChatGPT is to different audiences, demonstrates its abilities such as answering questions and generating code/text, and discusses its limitations as an AI system trained for conversation rather than correctness. Examples show ChatGPT answering prompts, with a discussion of challenges like providing incorrect information and its inability to perform tasks like playing chess.

20 prompts for chatGPT that make life easier for developers.pdf
20 prompts for chatGPT that make life easier for developers.pdf20 prompts for chatGPT that make life easier for developers.pdf
20 prompts for chatGPT that make life easier for developers.pdf

ChatGPT is a highly advanced language model developed by OpenAI. Its ability to understand and respond to natural language input can be a valuable tool for mobile application developers looking to streamline their workflow and improve their app development process.

Exploring ChatGPT Prompt Hacks To Maximally Optimise Your Queries
Exploring ChatGPT Prompt Hacks To Maximally Optimise Your QueriesExploring ChatGPT Prompt Hacks To Maximally Optimise Your Queries
Exploring ChatGPT Prompt Hacks To Maximally Optimise Your Queries

A comprehensive exploration of artificial intelligence, particularly focusing on its historical development, notable milestones, and various applications. It begins with a brief history of AI, tracing its ancient philosophical roots through to contemporary advancements like quantum computing and advanced robotics. Key historical highlights include the development of "Shakey," the first mobile robot capable of reasoning about its environment, and ELIZA, the first chatbot. The presentation also covers the evolution of self-driving technology, starting with Ernst Dickmanns' pioneering work in the 1980s. It delves into the profound impact of AI in games, exemplified by AlphaGo's victory over a human Go champion. Furthermore, it details the types of AI and machine learning, emphasizing the revolutionary role of ChatGPT. Introduced by OpenAI, ChatGPT quickly became the fastest app to reach 100 million users due to its versatile capabilities in language processing and interaction. Lastly, the slides provide practical insights on effectively utilizing ChatGPT, such as optimizing input to enhance outcomes and integrating ChatGPT's API into various applications. The presentation is aimed at both educating on AI's capabilities and demonstrating its practical applications in modern technology scenarios.

Prompts That
Could Be Useful
To You
• Improve any text
• Copy and paste and just enter “Improve the following text and
make it sound more profession
• Emails
• WhatsApp text
• Website text
• Documentation
• Etc etc.
Prompts That
Could Be Useful
To You
• Look at life from both sides ….
• Get ChatGPT to give alternative views on your <strong>
opinion about something
• This is also a good method for objection handling
• Or seeing viewpoints of others
Prompts That
Could Be Useful
To You
• Sales ninja
• Try this kind of prompt for your next Sales Pitch
You are a highly successful and experienced sales professional. You know what it is
that encourages people to spend money on a product with a smile on their face. I
want you to help me find and articulate the reasons why people would buy my
product, Zendesk. Please ask me questions one by one to learn about the product
and the audience. Once you have enough information, please create a numbered
table listing the selling points, how they can be articulated and whether they are of
primary, secondary or tertiary importance.
Other cool
prompts and
what they do
The prompt The purpose
Act as <insert profession> Gives you articulation based on that
Act as <linux terminal, sql server, javascript
To test out and play with code (aside from
using codeinterpreter)
Compare <data 1> and <data 2> and come
up with your interpretation as a <insert
To take two or more data points and
summarize or interpret them, e.g. interpret
them as a cybersecurity professional
Give advice as <profession> for <scenario> E.g. as mental health professional ..
Build <code> to do <function, feature>
written in <programming language>
To build specific code snippets, or you can
also ask it to check the code, optimize it etc
Get medical advice I’ve got this burning sensation when I pee….
Provide ideas for doing <business type> Provide ideas related to business to try and
start “right”
Solve this problem i have with my boss
Self explanatory

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ChatGPT and AI for web developers - Maximiliano Firtman
ChatGPT and AI for web developers - Maximiliano FirtmanChatGPT and AI for web developers - Maximiliano Firtman
ChatGPT and AI for web developers - Maximiliano Firtman

This document discusses using AI, specifically large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, for web development. It covers several key topics: - The capabilities of LLMs like summarization, data transformation, and content creation that could be useful for web developers. - Ideas for how web developers can integrate AI into their applications and websites, such as for chatbots, content generation, and sentiment analysis. - The process of "prompt engineering" to design prompts that elicit desired responses from models. - How embeddings and vector databases can be used to connect models to large datasets.

wey wey web 2023maximiliano firtmanchatgpt
ChatGPT, Generative AI and Microsoft Copilot: Step Into the Future - Geoff Ab...
ChatGPT, Generative AI and Microsoft Copilot: Step Into the Future - Geoff Ab...ChatGPT, Generative AI and Microsoft Copilot: Step Into the Future - Geoff Ab...
ChatGPT, Generative AI and Microsoft Copilot: Step Into the Future - Geoff Ab...

This document is a presentation about generative AI and Microsoft's ChatGPT, Copilot, and other AI tools. It discusses real-life scenarios where generative AI can be applied, such as communications, note-taking, coding, and more. It also covers Microsoft's Copilot tools for various applications like Dynamics 365, Power Platform, GitHub, and Microsoft 365. The presentation provides examples and screenshots of these tools and discusses next steps for getting started with generative AI.

Prompt Engineering Guide.pptx
Prompt Engineering Guide.pptxPrompt Engineering Guide.pptx
Prompt Engineering Guide.pptx

An expert in prompt engineering provides guidelines on designing effective prompts for natural language models. The document discusses prompt engineering principles, what makes a good prompt, and various prompt frameworks including priming, focused prompts, and practical everyday prompts. Effective prompts are clear, concise, unambiguous, and provide the necessary context and task to generate a desired response from a model. Iteration and adapting the prompt based on the response is important.

#prompt#prompt engineering#chatgpt
Programming with
Before integrating ChatGPT into your system, you will need 3 things:
OpenAI API Key
API key is basically an encrypted text that a
developer must obtain in order to access the
API. It is obtainable via creating an OpenAI
Tokens can be thought of as pieces of words.
Before the API processes the prompts, the
input is broken down into tokens.
Models are basically the brain for the AI,
each model has it different used for fine-
tuning with different price range.
Slide by ML Scientist
Sign up or log in to the official OpenAI
Login/Signup OpenAI
Click On Personal Tab select View API
Keys and you will lend on API Key page
Go To OpenAI API Tab
Click On Create New Secret Key.
you are all set to integrate ChatGPT into
your system!
Generate API Key
01 02 03
Slide by ML Scientist
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"
- Wayne Gretzky
*This quote cost 11 tokens
• 1 token ~= 4 chars in English
• 1 token ~= ¾ words
• 100 tokens ~= 75 words
• 1-2 sentence ~= 30 tokens
• 1 paragraph ~= 100 tokens
• 1,500 words ~= 2048 tokens
Model Input Output
8K context $0.03 / 1K tokens $0.06 / 1K tokens
32K context $0.06 / 1K tokens $0.12 / 1K tokens
Model Training Usage
Ada $0.0004 / 1K tokens $0.0016 / 1K tokens
Babbage $0.0006 / 1K tokens $0.0024 / 1K tokens
Curie $0.0030 / 1K tokens $0.0120 / 1K tokens
Davinci $0.0300 / 1K tokens $0.1200 / 1K tokens
Slide by ML Scientist

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How to Use ChatGPT to Create Personalized Experiences for CustomersHow to Use ChatGPT to Create Personalized Experiences for Customers
How to Use ChatGPT to Create Personalized Experiences for Customers

Transform your marketing game with AI! View our presentation and explore the power of ChatGPT for creating personalized customer experiences.

aichatgptmarketing automation
HacktoberFestPune - DSC MESCOE x DSC PVGCOET
HacktoberFestPune - DSC MESCOE x DSC PVGCOETHacktoberFestPune - DSC MESCOE x DSC PVGCOET
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HacktoberFestPune is a beginner-friendly, all-inclusive event that is absolutely free of cost. Certificates will be issued by DSC MESCOE and DSC PVGCOET for everyone who can complete 4 successful Pull Requests by 13th October 10 AM! An evening filled with speaker sessions, interactions with fellow developers, and mini-games, we think you'll have a great time with everyone!

SEO Exellence with ChatGPT-Webinar Duda
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SEO Exellence with ChatGPT-Webinar Duda

Dive deep into the world of ChatGPT-powered SEO and unlock its hidden potential. This comprehensive webinar will not only demonstrate the sheer power of integrating by Joseph S. Kahn

dudachatgptchatgpt seo
Extending ChatGPT (with free tools)
• DocsGPT (GH - )
• Quivr (GH - )
• Many more in Github which you can try
• Dumb code example with python next slide
ChatGPT APIs (hello-world sample in python)
import openai
import os
openai.api_key = ‘<redacted>’
user_content = input("Please enter your question: ")
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
{"role": "system", "content": "You are IA Champion BOT"},
{"role": "user", "content": user_content},
Soft considerations
and conclusion
• Copyright? Who does the prompt output belong to?
• Privacy concerns – Can it infiltrate private or personal
• AI Biases – It may not have sentience to deduce what’s
right from wrong
• Source corruption/misinformation? - Must check the
output every time, do not just copy/paste.
• Jailbreaking? – Force it to do things deemed
• There aren’t laws to govern use of AI or building AI
• Cybersecurity threats?
• Job security?
• ChatGPT is outdated.

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IIBA® Brisbane - The Rise of ChatGPT, Chatbots and AI
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IIBA® Brisbane - The Rise of ChatGPT, Chatbots and AI

This document summarizes an IIBA presentation on ChatGPT and how AI is advancing. The presentation discusses how ChatGPT works using natural language processing and can be used to generate responses, write essays, and automate some business analysis tasks. It provides examples of how ChatGPT was able to automatically generate a functional specification from a verbal description. While ChatGPT may impact some business analysis jobs, it may also create new opportunities and help automate repetitive tasks. The presentation concludes with a discussion on other AI tools that could assist business analysts and questions around how professionals can adapt to emerging technologies.

#iiba #businessanalysis #businessanalytics
Infinite Possibilities - Writing with ChatGPT Prompts.pdf
Infinite Possibilities - Writing with ChatGPT Prompts.pdfInfinite Possibilities - Writing with ChatGPT Prompts.pdf
Infinite Possibilities - Writing with ChatGPT Prompts.pdf

This book is a unique and innovative writing tool that will take your creativity to the next level. Inside this book, you'll find hundreds of thought-provoking prompts and exercises designed to inspire you to write with clarity and depth. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting, these prompts will challenge you to think outside the box and explore new possibilities. Written with the help of ChatGPT, an AI language model trained by OpenAI, each prompt is carefully crafted to encourage you to explore different perspectives, emotions, and themes. You'll be amazed at the variety and richness of ideas flowing from your mind as you work through the prompts. Whether you're writing for personal growth, to develop your skills, or to create content for your blog or business, Infinite Possibilities - Writing with ChatGPT Prompts will give you the tools you need to unlock your full creative potential. So if you're ready to take your writing to the next level, grab a copy of Infinite Possibilities - Writing with ChatGPT Prompts today and start exploring the infinite possibilities of your imagination.

How To Use AI To Enhance Your SEO & Create Better Content
How To Use AI To Enhance Your SEO & Create Better ContentHow To Use AI To Enhance Your SEO & Create Better Content
How To Use AI To Enhance Your SEO & Create Better Content

With AI taking the content marketing world by storm, many are wondering about the big questions: can you use AI to create high-ranking, effective content? And what’s the right way to do it? Check out this webinar and hear the key concepts behind successful AI usage, along with real-life case studies from marketers using AI for their SEO and content. You’ll learn: - How to combine SEO data with AI technology - Examples of unconventional uses of AI for content - Case studies of how AI has enhanced SEO and content strategies With Margarita Loktionova, Content Marketing Lead at Semrush, and Andy Crestodina, founder of Orbit Media, we’ll dive into the practical ways you can leverage AI tools for more efficient and effective campaigns that rank higher.

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Other cool
AI tools for
“From Yearning
for Human-Like
Computers to
Aspiring to
Compute Like

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ChatGPT For Business Use

  • 1. AI & ChatGPT An Introduction for Business Users (and some advance use cases) Disclaimer: Many of the text and images are acquired from the internet with fair usage under the creative common license
  • 5. What is Generative AI and why it matters to you
  • 6. Overview of ChatGPT • ChatGPT History • By OpenAI • Public release in Nov 2022 • Touted as the fastest app to reach 100M users (in 2 months) • Other products include DALE-E, Whisper, GPT4, Jukebox, Musenet • What in the name …ChatGPT • Two parts, CHAT and GPT • Chat is the application of GPT • GPT means – Generative Pre-Trained Transformer
  • 7. Some ChatGPT facts • It is a Large Language Model trained using Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback (RLHF) – a sort of non-supervised pre-trained model • Has over 175 Billion parameters and trained on a dataset of over 300B words • Cost US100,000 to run/day, approximately US3M/month • Gets approximately 1B queries/day • Has a “Plus” version at US20/month • Has API access for free and for US5/month • Official apps for iOS and now Android worldwide • Android: • iOS: • Important: Do not use other 3rd party apps that do the same as above!
  • 9. What is ChatGPT good at • All things text related and language agnostic • Coding (Mainly javascript, python and java ..also C++, PHP and Ruby/ROR) • Different languages (100+, including BM) • Can be used to translate • Sentiment analysis • Research facts and data from up to Sept 2021 • Mimic your writing style • Write different types of topics and scenarios • And many more…(we’ll explore some interesting ones)
  • 10. What is ChatGPT Not good at • Data post Sept 2021 • ChatGPT has known erroneous replies when dealing with nuances • Mathematics and related domains (without plugins may incur inaccuracies) • Factual errors over unpopular topics/subjects or ambiguous data • Opinionated/ethical considerations
  • 11. Recent announcements • Custom instructions • GPT4 api (paid) • Higher message limits for GPT ¾ • Free = 30 / hour • Paid = 50 / hour for GPT4 (its unspecified for GPT3) • Code interpreter • Browsing (now disabled ) • Disable chat history • Many other model improvements
  • 13. ChatGPT Schematic Approach • Techniques for refining • Role playing • Writing style • Defining output • Chain a conversation • Inject relatable data to further tune the output to your whim Define personality Define Requests/Constraints Define scope or provide examples Produce additional data if exist Define output type Provide extra data examples to further enhance your output
  • 14. Increase Effectiveness • Use new chat sessions to reduce convolution from previous topics • Confusing or ambiguous prompts • Provide context as much as possible to garner best responses • Use examples when you require specifics (follow the schematic guide for best outcome) • Remember: GIGO
  • 15. Increase Effectiveness • The Better Your Input, The Better The Output • The ability to “produce better outcome” will requires further clarification on the question, right? Maybe we can tell ChatGPT to seek clarification? • Reset • Forget everything above and start anew • Derive Knowledge from Information • Explain to me how you deduced this • Create deviation • Don’t answer like typical ChatGPT (not all the time effective, works for bigger text)
  • 16. ChatGPT Extensions • Extensions • Plugin store (100s!) • Code interpreter • Image generator • Data analysis and visualization • Files conversion • Write and execute code • Solve math problems (same as Mixbox) • Plugin store examples • Pdf plugin – AI PDF • Travel – KAYAK • Google related ChatGPT • Mixbox: Math • And with Zapier, 5000+ functions/integrations
  • 17. Prompt tips and tricks
  • 18. Prompts That Could Be Useful To You • Summarizing Content • Especially useful when dealing with large text • If you have large text above 8k/16k characters, put them into “pages” • E.g., I have 10 pages of data exceeding 80,000 words, i will place them here in 10 pages, denoting page 1 through page 10. At the end, when i am done, i want you to summarize the entire content when i enter the keyword "Summ” • Page 1 • <Text> • Page 2 • <Text>
  • 19. Prompts That Could Be Useful To You • Splitting perspectives • Ask it to give opinions of points in your presentation deck from multiple perspectives, e.g., from a perspective of an expert vs perspective of a novice user
  • 20. Prompts That Could Be Useful To You • Figuring out your customers to invite • “You are an expert marketeer with 20 years expertise in online and offline marketing and you are especially good at audience relationship. You are planning to run an event to introduce ZeeWall, the world’s most advance firewall. Please produce a list of customer profiles that you will consider inviting”
  • 21. Prompts That Could Be Useful To You • Model thinking • Getting best models for given task • “You are an expert project management consultant using strategic models to achieve better thinking in doing tasks in deploying NagiosXI monitoring solution for customers. Also state the benefits of this model and create a detailed writeup how to use it”
  • 22. Prompts That Could Be Useful To You • Google expert search criteria • Getting best Google / Bing search questions • You are expert in Google searches and have over 10 years helping businesses succeed by training them to use Google search effectively. Give me 10 search ideas for How to create a hugely successful chef association here in Malaysia. Make the search terms specific and powerful to help us get to the information we need faster. Present your response in a table, using the columns "Search Term" and "Information we're looking for"
  • 23. Prompts That Could Be Useful To You • Google expert search criteria • Getting best Google / Bing search questions • You are expert in Google searches and have over 10 years helping businesses succeed by training them to use Google search effectively. Give me 10 search ideas for How to create a hugely successful chef association here in Malaysia. Make the search terms specific and powerful to help us get to the information we need faster. Present your response in a table, using the columns "Search Term" and "Information we're looking for"
  • 24. Prompts That Could Be Useful To You • Build great SEO topics for your blog (then create blogs, see next slide) • Blogging/Article helps companies achieve better SEO • “You are an SEO expert and working for a top consulting company here in Malaysia. Come up with 5 hot blog topics that will help with my company’s SEO for the product I carry and that is Woocommerce Pro. Also ensure the topics are professional and unique”
  • 25. Prompts That Could Be Useful To You • Improve any text • Copy and paste and just enter “Improve the following text and make it sound more profession • Emails • WhatsApp text • Website text • Documentation • Etc etc.
  • 26. Prompts That Could Be Useful To You • Look at life from both sides …. • Get ChatGPT to give alternative views on your <strong> opinion about something • This is also a good method for objection handling • Or seeing viewpoints of others
  • 27. Prompts That Could Be Useful To You • Sales ninja • Try this kind of prompt for your next Sales Pitch You are a highly successful and experienced sales professional. You know what it is that encourages people to spend money on a product with a smile on their face. I want you to help me find and articulate the reasons why people would buy my product, Zendesk. Please ask me questions one by one to learn about the product and the audience. Once you have enough information, please create a numbered table listing the selling points, how they can be articulated and whether they are of primary, secondary or tertiary importance.
  • 28. Other cool prompts and what they do The prompt The purpose Act as <insert profession> Gives you articulation based on that profession Act as <linux terminal, sql server, javascript console> To test out and play with code (aside from using codeinterpreter) Compare <data 1> and <data 2> and come up with your interpretation as a <insert profession> To take two or more data points and summarize or interpret them, e.g. interpret them as a cybersecurity professional Give advice as <profession> for <scenario> E.g. as mental health professional .. Build <code> to do <function, feature> written in <programming language> To build specific code snippets, or you can also ask it to check the code, optimize it etc Get medical advice I’ve got this burning sensation when I pee…. Provide ideas for doing <business type> Provide ideas related to business to try and start “right” Solve this problem i have with my boss <problem> Self explanatory
  • 30. INTEGRATING CHATGPT Before integrating ChatGPT into your system, you will need 3 things: OpenAI API Key API key is basically an encrypted text that a developer must obtain in order to access the API. It is obtainable via creating an OpenAI account Token Tokens can be thought of as pieces of words. Before the API processes the prompts, the input is broken down into tokens. Model Models are basically the brain for the AI, each model has it different used for fine- tuning with different price range. Slide by ML Scientist
  • 31. Sign up or log in to the official OpenAI platform. ( Login/Signup OpenAI Click On Personal Tab select View API Keys and you will lend on API Key page Go To OpenAI API Tab Click On Create New Secret Key. you are all set to integrate ChatGPT into your system! Generate API Key CHATGPT API KEY ACCESS 01 02 03 Slide by ML Scientist
  • 32. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky *This quote cost 11 tokens CHATGPT API TOKEN • 1 token ~= 4 chars in English • 1 token ~= ¾ words • 100 tokens ~= 75 words • 1-2 sentence ~= 30 tokens • 1 paragraph ~= 100 tokens • 1,500 words ~= 2048 tokens Model Input Output 8K context $0.03 / 1K tokens $0.06 / 1K tokens 32K context $0.06 / 1K tokens $0.12 / 1K tokens Model Training Usage Ada $0.0004 / 1K tokens $0.0016 / 1K tokens Babbage $0.0006 / 1K tokens $0.0024 / 1K tokens Curie $0.0030 / 1K tokens $0.0120 / 1K tokens Davinci $0.0300 / 1K tokens $0.1200 / 1K tokens Slide by ML Scientist
  • 33. Extending ChatGPT (with free tools) • DocsGPT (GH - ) • Quivr (GH - ) • Many more in Github which you can try =desc • Dumb code example with python next slide
  • 34. ChatGPT APIs (hello-world sample in python) #!/usr/bin/python3 import openai import os openai.api_key = ‘<redacted>’ os.system('clear') user_content = input("Please enter your question: ") response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are IA Champion BOT"}, {"role": "user", "content": user_content}, ] ) print(response['choices'][0]['message']['content'])
  • 36. Ethical considerations • Copyright? Who does the prompt output belong to? • Privacy concerns – Can it infiltrate private or personal info? • AI Biases – It may not have sentience to deduce what’s right from wrong • Source corruption/misinformation? - Must check the output every time, do not just copy/paste. • Jailbreaking? – Force it to do things deemed contraband/illegal • There aren’t laws to govern use of AI or building AI models • Cybersecurity threats? • Job security? • ChatGPT is outdated.
  • 37. Other cool AI tools for business
  • 38. “From Yearning for Human-Like Computers to Aspiring to Compute Like Them!”

Editor's Notes

  1. pip install --upgrade openai
  2. pip install --upgrade openai