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CF dojo experience
earning your black belt in CF engineering
dr.max @maximilien 

julz friedman

ibm cloud labs v0.5.0
June 11, 2014
photo credit:
photo credit: The Matrix, Warner Bros.
overview of this talk
• how do I contribute to Cloud Foundry?
‣ yourself
‣ your company
• why the dojo program?
• is agile the same everywhere?
• our experiences?
photo credit: The Matrix, Warner Bros.

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The 7 deadly sins of micro services
The 7 deadly sins of micro servicesThe 7 deadly sins of micro services
The 7 deadly sins of micro services

This document discusses the seven deadly sins of microservices and how to avoid them. The sins include lusting after new technology without consideration for operations, gluttony by not implementing circuit breakers, greed in creating too many small services, sloth by not properly separating services, wrath from ignoring issues in distributed systems, envy of other teams' deployment processes, and pride in thinking tests are not needed. The document provides recommendations to help address each sin such as starting small, service ownership, automated testing, monitoring, and continuous delivery practices.

[Christopher Ngo] Intro DevOPS XP Day 2015
[Christopher Ngo] Intro DevOPS XP Day 2015[Christopher Ngo] Intro DevOPS XP Day 2015
[Christopher Ngo] Intro DevOPS XP Day 2015

This document provides an introduction to DevOps. It defines DevOps as a software development method that stresses communication, collaboration, integration, automation, and measurement between software developers and IT professionals. Traditionally, these groups worked in silos with barriers between development and operations. DevOps aims to break down these silos by having development and operations work more closely together through practices like configuration management, infrastructure automation, deployment automation, and monitoring. This mindset shift and cultural change can provide benefits like improved feedback, collaboration, agility, disaster recovery, and faster testing and deployment. Common DevOps tools include infrastructure as a service providers, virtualization platforms, and containerization tools.

The Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red Hat
The Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red HatThe Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red Hat
The Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red Hat

Christian Posta, principal architect at Red Hat discusses how to manage your data within a microservices architecture at the 2017 Practitioner Summit.

red hatmicroservicesmicroservices data
The Pivotal Engineering Dojo: Earning Your Black Belt in Cloud Foundry Engineering (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)
The Pivotal Engineering Dojo: Earning Your Black Belt in Cloud Foundry Engineering (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)
It Works!
photo credit: The Matrix, Warner Bros.

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Talk delivered at Domain-Driven Design Exchange 2018 More Domain-Driven Design related content at:

Essential git for developers
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Essential git for developers

Slides from my talk at ALT.NET Cork. Unlike centralized version control systems, the distributed nature of Git allows you to be far more flexible in how developers collaborate on projects.In this session I'll take you through a quick tour of the essential git commands with some demos.We'll cover branching and merging strategies, pull requests ,working on open source (GitHub etc), git clients and git deployments to the cloud.

git developers
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Kudu voodoo slideshare

- Project Kudu is an open source .NET Foundation project that powers deployments and hosting for Azure Web Apps, WebJobs, and Mobile Services. It provides features like configurable build steps, diagnostic tools, and APIs. - Azure Web Apps provides auto-scaling, high availability, continuous deployment from sources like Git, and supports languages like .NET, Java, PHP, Node.js, and Python. - Kudu provides access to sites through its console and APIs, allowing diagnostic dumps, file browsing, and customizing deployment pipelines through scripts.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and
practice, however, in practice there is.
Big company agile vs. Pivotal agile
some differences
• Single Coder

• Sometimes a long time to come
up to speed

• Knowledge sharing by training
sessions, some on-the-job
training, documentation..

• Big difference in productivity
between junior and senior

• Rely on code review, QA etc.
@Big Company
Single Coder
• Mentally Taxing!

• Very impressive team, quick
working, have to be on your
game to keep up

• Reliance on high test coverage,
code quality

• Pairing is synchronous code
Pair programming

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Cloud patterns
Cloud patternsCloud patterns
Cloud patterns

This document summarizes Nicolas De Loof's talk about patterns for developing applications in the cloud. The talk discusses scaling applications horizontally and vertically, keeping stateless designs, using standards, and designing for failure. It also emphasizes continuous integration, deployment, and delivery practices like managing infrastructure as code and enabling zero downtime deployments.

platform as a servicejavaonecloud
Scaling Gilt: from Monolithic Ruby Application to Distributed Scala Micro-Ser...
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Video and slides synchronized, mp3 and slide download available at URL Yoni Goldberg describes some of the technological innovations that have helped Gilt to reach its current size, and highlight some of the core challenges that the company's engineering team continues to face. He also discusses what every tech team needs to consider and address before heading down the path of building a first-class micro-services architecture. Filmed at Since joining Gilt at 2010 as a platform engineer, Yoni Goldberg has been leading a variety of personalization efforts and other customer-facing initiatives--including the Gilt Insider loyalty program, the post-purchase experience, and SEO/optimization efforts. Prior to joining Gilt, Yoni worked at Google, where he wrote his master's thesis on Fusion Tables.

qconinfoqqcon new york
NDev Talk - Serverless Design Patterns
NDev Talk - Serverless Design PatternsNDev Talk - Serverless Design Patterns
NDev Talk - Serverless Design Patterns

This document summarizes serverless design patterns and tools. It begins with a brief history of cloud computing and an introduction to serverless computing. Common serverless use cases like event-driven applications and stream processing are described. Several serverless patterns are then outlined, such as hosting a static website or REST API using AWS Lambda and API Gateway. Finally, the document demonstrates a serverless application and discusses future directions for serverless technologies.

aws lambda serverless architecture design patterns
.. probably not for everyone
• Quite agile, but adapted to the
realities of the business
(Distributed Programmers,
Project Management, Detailed
Feature Tracking..)

• Sometimes uses Agile terms
without actually being all that

• Some test-first development.
But not nearly pervasive
enough. credit:
@Big Company
“agile” methodology
• HEAVY reliance on test-first
development, refactoring &

• Huge opportunity to learn

• e.g. Limited documentation,
lightweight stories, minimal up-front
architecture and design, aggressive
refactoring + wicked fast feedback

• Very effective BUT reliance on being
in the room.

• How to make it scale for a
distributed project? (will come back
to this)
XP-style methodology
photo credit: The Matrix, Warner Bros.

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Splunk user group - automating Splunk with Ansible
Splunk user group - automating Splunk with AnsibleSplunk user group - automating Splunk with Ansible
Splunk user group - automating Splunk with Ansible

A talk I gave at the London Splunk User Group in July of 2014. A brief overview of why choose Ansible over the other options, then some live demos of configuring certain bits of Splunk with Ansible. Intended to be a taster of what's possible. All the Ansible playbooks are shared on Github, the link to which is in the presentation.

WinOps Conf 2016 - Richard Siddaway - DevOps With Nano Server and Windows Con...
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Windows 2016 provides two new options for delivering infrastructure and therefore applications - Nano server and Containers (Windows or Hyper-V). In this session you'll learn how to use PowerShell to automate the lifecycle management of these new options and how to integrate them into your devops driven environment. This session is for anyone needing to understand what nano server and containers can do for them and needing to learn how to manage these infrastructure options. Attendees will learn the differences and similarities between nano server and more 'traditional' options and gain and understanding of how containers can be best utilised on a Windows platform. They will also see live demonstrations of working with these objects and have the code used in the demo made available as a take away

DevOps, Cloud, and the Death of Backup Tape Changers
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DevOps, Cloud, and the Death of Backup Tape Changers

- DevOps aims to break down barriers between development and operations teams through automation, measurement, and culture change. This enables faster delivery of applications and services. - Traditional IT operations has focused too much on control and constraint rather than enabling teams. As a result, developers often work around or avoid IT. - If IT does not adapt by becoming more agile and self-service oriented like cloud computing, it risks becoming irrelevant like backup tape changers - a outdated technology that people work to avoid. IT must partner with teams rather than control them to remain relevant in the future.

cloud computingbusiness processdevops
our dojo experiences
• spent 7-8 weeks at Pivotal SF working with CF team
• tried to work with as many teams as possible
• primary goals were to:
1. learn CF codebase, lean how to debug, learn how to contribute
2. meet as many members of CF team as possible, build relationships
3. gain credibility for myself and IBM
• overall experience positive - achieved most goals
runtime team
• maybe the most important CF teams (Diego + regular runtime)
• runtime integrates all pieces. Runs and manages: Tabasco, A1,
and Production Pivotal CF environments
• typically seen as chaotic - especially while I was there (syslog
• always under lots of pressure, however, can be rewarding
• not the ideal place to learn CF tools or CLI or CF itself, but great
to learn internals of cloud-controller and DEA components

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EMC World 2016 12 Factor Apps FTW
EMC World 2016 12 Factor Apps FTWEMC World 2016 12 Factor Apps FTW
EMC World 2016 12 Factor Apps FTW

This was a session Brian Verkley and I delivered in Las Vegas for EMC World 2016 called 12 Factor App FTW ! In this presentation we talked to each of the 12 factors and how it can relate to the operations side of the house.

Find your data - use GraphDB capabilities in XPages applications - and beyond
Find your data - use GraphDB capabilities in XPages applications - and beyond	Find your data - use GraphDB capabilities in XPages applications - and beyond
Find your data - use GraphDB capabilities in XPages applications - and beyond

Oliver Busse / We4IT Paul Withers / Intec Systems Relational, NoSQL, NewSQL, Graph: there are a lot of database options out there. The current push from large technology providers, including Microsoft and IBM, is graph. Learn what graph databases are and why they may be a good fit for many Domino applications. Find out about the main open source framework, Apache Tinkerpop, and options based upon it - both open source and proprietary, small and enterprise, on premises and cloud. Then see how you can leverage them today to add value to your existing Domino data, with OpenNTF Domino API's GraphNSF functionality.

graphdbxpagesicon uk 2016
Jenkins + Docker = Continuous Improvement
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Jenkins + Docker = Continuous Improvement

Jenkins Docker integration. How to leverage Jenkins and Docker in your Continuous Delivery pipelines.

bosh team
• under less pressure than runtime but nonetheless critical
• vision for BOSH evolving to be a tool that can be used outside of CF
• some “star” Pivotal engineers are on BOSH
• has its own “language” (release, jobs, packages, spec, etc)
• not the place to learn how to use BOSH, however, great to learn
internals and its goals and directions
• BOSH is great once you understand, learn its language, and learn its
key goals
• got a chance to pair and meet docs team
• got to meet, but not paired with, services team
• got to meet and indirectly-pair with other team Pivotal
product team members (especially Tempest, PHD, CLI)
• good recap with Rob Mee and directors
• got to provide feedback to Pivotal culture (good and bad)
photo credit: The Matrix, Warner Bros.
thoughts - positive
• Pivotal has welcoming and “be nice” culture, easy to fit, but must contribute
• striking mismatch between Pivotal culture and IBM’s (emails and meetings)
• decisions are super fast since directors, PMs, and engineers are in close proximity
• Pivotal is one of few companies doing XP with high-level of "discipline" and in
particular Pair Programming and TDD
• entire floor of two-floor Pivotal Labs in SF dedicated to CF (rotations all the time)
• significant IBM contributions to CF will require embedding into that culture
• no “schedules”, no dates, works get done when done... Pivotal tracker (similar to
online RTC) is used to track work... GitHub for all code

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The 7 deadly sins of micro services
The 7 deadly sins of micro servicesThe 7 deadly sins of micro services
The 7 deadly sins of micro services

Microservices are small, autonomous services that work together to form an application. The document discusses the benefits of microservices as well as the "Seven Deadly Sins" that can plague microservices architectures: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. It provides examples and recommendations to avoid these anti-patterns, such as implementing circuit breakers, proper service boundaries, independent deployments, versioned APIs, and thorough automated testing.

Puppet Camp Charlotte 2015: Managing middleware with Puppet
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Puppet Camp Charlotte 2015: Managing middleware with Puppet

Managing middleware with Puppet can be challenging due to the complex nature of middleware applications and configurations. Some key challenges include having multiple software development lifecycles to manage for applications and middleware updates, issues with ownership of configuration directories, maintaining idempotency when applying configurations, and managing customizations while avoiding naming conflicts. The document recommends isolating any company-specific customizations into a wrapper module to more easily contribute standard configuration back to the open source community. Active management of middleware is important for security and availability reasons.

PHP Unconference Continuous Integration
PHP Unconference Continuous IntegrationPHP Unconference Continuous Integration
PHP Unconference Continuous Integration

Presentation for PHP Unconference 2011 - unfortunately I did not get enough votes so never did the talk :(

thoughts - not so positive
• lack of slack => engineers have hard time innovating (“story blinders”)
• decisions while fast are not necessarily data-driven
• pairing helps with feedback and checks, but => less external documentation
• “fanatic” move to Go-lang seems to be generally welcomed but I think Go while
good for some system-level things is not necessarily a panacea; Ruby will soon
be missed :)
• “Big ball of mud” happens for all software (Go, Ruby, etc). Second implementation
helps with learning and getting better
�� TDD gets abused, sometimes - especially with overuse of mocks
thoughts (cont.)
• highly recommended to all engineers wanting to contribute to CF
• read and practice TDD and pairing and basic data structures
• be ready to embed yourself into culture, be open, be nice
• very few places do full agile, like Pivotal, so this by itself is a great
learning experience
• continue adding to you and company’s credibility
• helps put a human face to the Github IDs or vcap-dev names
photo credit: The Matrix, Warner Bros.
Thank you
Q & As

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It's XP Stupid (2019)
It's XP Stupid (2019)It's XP Stupid (2019)
It's XP Stupid (2019)

We’re all doing Agile nowadays, aren’t we? We’ll all delivering software in an Agile way. But what does that mean? Does it mean sprints and stand-ups? Kanban even? But what about Extreme Programming? If as a development team we’re not using pair programming, test driven development, continuous integration, and other XP practices, then we’re not really doing Agile software development and we may be on a march to frustration, or even failure. I’m going to look at why the current trend of companies and projects adopting Scrum, calling themselves Agile, but not transitioning their development to XP, is a recipe for disaster. I’d like to cover the main practices of XP as well as other good practices that can really help a team deliver quality software, whether they’re doing two-week sprints, Kanban, or even Waterfall.

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Devconf 2011 - PHP - How Yii framework is developed

This document discusses the development of the Yii PHP framework. It was originally developed from Prado in 2004 and became Yii 1.0 in 2008. The framework uses an MVC architecture and takes inspiration from other frameworks like Rails and Symfony. It focuses on being easy to use, powerful, and flexible. The framework is developed as an open source project under the BSD license to encourage contributions from the community.

photo credit: The Matrix, Warner Bros.

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The Pivotal Engineering Dojo: Earning Your Black Belt in Cloud Foundry Engineering (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)

  • 1. CF dojo experience earning your black belt in CF engineering dr.max @maximilien julz friedman ibm cloud labs v0.5.0 June 11, 2014 photo credit:
  • 2. 2 photo credit: The Matrix, Warner Bros.
  • 3. overview of this talk • how do I contribute to Cloud Foundry? ‣ yourself ‣ your company • why the dojo program? • is agile the same everywhere? • our experiences? 3
  • 4. 4 photo credit: The Matrix, Warner Bros.
  • 8. photo credit: The Matrix, Warner Bros.
  • 9. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice, however, in practice there is.
  • 10. Big company agile vs. Pivotal agile some differences
  • 11. 11 • Single Coder • Sometimes a long time to come up to speed • Knowledge sharing by training sessions, some on-the-job training, documentation.. • Big difference in productivity between junior and senior programmers • Rely on code review, QA etc. @Big Company Single Coder
  • 12. 12 • Mentally Taxing! • Very impressive team, quick working, have to be on your game to keep up • Reliance on high test coverage, code quality • Pairing is synchronous code review @Pivotal Pair programming
  • 13. .. probably not for everyone
  • 14. 14 • Quite agile, but adapted to the realities of the business (Distributed Programmers, Project Management, Detailed Feature Tracking..) • Sometimes uses Agile terms without actually being all that agile. • Some test-first development. But not nearly pervasive enough. credit: hardening-sprints-sorry-youre-not-agile.html @Big Company “agile” methodology
  • 15. 15 • HEAVY reliance on test-first development, refactoring & communication • Huge opportunity to learn • e.g. Limited documentation, lightweight stories, minimal up-front architecture and design, aggressive refactoring + wicked fast feedback cycle. • Very effective BUT reliance on being in the room. • How to make it scale for a distributed project? (will come back to this) @Pivotal XP-style methodology
  • 16. 16 photo credit: The Matrix, Warner Bros.
  • 17. our dojo experiences • spent 7-8 weeks at Pivotal SF working with CF team • tried to work with as many teams as possible • primary goals were to: 1. learn CF codebase, lean how to debug, learn how to contribute 2. meet as many members of CF team as possible, build relationships 3. gain credibility for myself and IBM • overall experience positive - achieved most goals 17
  • 20. runtime team • maybe the most important CF teams (Diego + regular runtime) • runtime integrates all pieces. Runs and manages: Tabasco, A1, and Production Pivotal CF environments • typically seen as chaotic - especially while I was there (syslog issue) • always under lots of pressure, however, can be rewarding • not the ideal place to learn CF tools or CLI or CF itself, but great to learn internals of cloud-controller and DEA components 20
  • 21. bosh team • under less pressure than runtime but nonetheless critical • vision for BOSH evolving to be a tool that can be used outside of CF • some “star” Pivotal engineers are on BOSH • has its own “language” (release, jobs, packages, spec, etc) • not the place to learn how to use BOSH, however, great to learn internals and its goals and directions • BOSH is great once you understand, learn its language, and learn its key goals 21
  • 22. miscellaneous • got a chance to pair and meet docs team • got to meet, but not paired with, services team • got to meet and indirectly-pair with other team Pivotal product team members (especially Tempest, PHD, CLI) • good recap with Rob Mee and directors • got to provide feedback to Pivotal culture (good and bad) 22
  • 23. photo credit: The Matrix, Warner Bros.
  • 24. thoughts - positive • Pivotal has welcoming and “be nice” culture, easy to fit, but must contribute • striking mismatch between Pivotal culture and IBM’s (emails and meetings) • decisions are super fast since directors, PMs, and engineers are in close proximity • Pivotal is one of few companies doing XP with high-level of "discipline" and in particular Pair Programming and TDD • entire floor of two-floor Pivotal Labs in SF dedicated to CF (rotations all the time) • significant IBM contributions to CF will require embedding into that culture • no “schedules”, no dates, works get done when done... Pivotal tracker (similar to online RTC) is used to track work... GitHub for all code 24
  • 25. thoughts - not so positive • lack of slack => engineers have hard time innovating (“story blinders”) • decisions while fast are not necessarily data-driven • pairing helps with feedback and checks, but => less external documentation • “fanatic” move to Go-lang seems to be generally welcomed but I think Go while good for some system-level things is not necessarily a panacea; Ruby will soon be missed :) • “Big ball of mud” happens for all software (Go, Ruby, etc). Second implementation helps with learning and getting better • TDD gets abused, sometimes - especially with overuse of mocks 25
  • 26. thoughts (cont.) • highly recommended to all engineers wanting to contribute to CF • read and practice TDD and pairing and basic data structures • be ready to embed yourself into culture, be open, be nice • very few places do full agile, like Pivotal, so this by itself is a great learning experience • continue adding to you and company’s credibility • helps put a human face to the Github IDs or vcap-dev names 26
  • 27. 27 photo credit: The Matrix, Warner Bros.
  • 28. Thank you Q & As 28
  • 30. photo credit: The Matrix, Warner Bros.