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© hassellinclusion
Case studies of implementing BS 8878
& why embedding accessibility
is so important
Prof Jonathan Hassell (@jonhassell)
Director, Hassell Inclusion ltd.
Lead-author, BS 8878
Chair, BSI IST/45 (drafting committee for BS 8878)
CSUN 2012
2nd March 2012
© hassellinclusion
What I’ll cover…
• Why is everyone talking about embedding and processes?
• If we need a Standard for that, why consider this one from Britain?
• What is it? 8878 in 88 seconds…
• Don‟t take my word for it, I wrote it – listen to these guys…
• What was good
• What was bad
• What was hard
• Could it work here? A view from America – Jeff Kline‟s perspective
• So could this British Standard be useful worldwide?
© hassellinclusion
About Jonathan Hassell
• 10+ years experience in accessibility and inclusion
• regular international speaker and thought leader
• lead author of UK Accessibility Standards BS 8878
& chair of its drafting committee
• former Head of Usability & Accessibility, BBC Future Media
• led work to embed accessibility across
BBC web, mobile and IPTV production teams
• Won BIMA 2008 & Access-IT@Home awards for the accessibility
features of BBC iPlayer
• Product Manager of innovative, award-winning products:
• won IMS Global Learning Impact Award 2010 for MyDisplay
• won „Best Usability & Accessibility‟ BIMA 2006 for My Web, My Way
• 3 x Bafta-nominated for rich-media eLearning projects using
breakthrough accessibility technologies for disabled children
© hassellinclusion
Being booked on the last afternoon isn’t ideal…

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Stop Trying to Avoid Losing and Start Winning: How BS 8878 reframes the Acces...
Stop Trying to Avoid Losing and Start Winning: How BS 8878 reframes the Acces...Stop Trying to Avoid Losing and Start Winning: How BS 8878 reframes the Acces...
Stop Trying to Avoid Losing and Start Winning: How BS 8878 reframes the Acces...

This document discusses reframing the conversation around accessibility to focus on strategic inclusion and business benefits rather than risk mitigation. It advocates using the BS 8878 framework to embed accessibility into organizational processes and make all staff responsible. The framework addresses common challenges like costs, measurement, innovation constraints, and defines roles and responsibilities. It argues for choosing the right guidelines and building better websites through an inclusive design approach.

web accessibilitybs 8878wcag 2.0
How can websites comply with accessibility legislation and win more users?
How can websites comply with accessibility legislation and win more users?How can websites comply with accessibility legislation and win more users?
How can websites comply with accessibility legislation and win more users?

Presentation by Jonathan Hassell to tilgjengelighetsdagen 2013 (Universal Design Day 2013), Oslo, Norway

norwayweb accessibilitybs 8878
uKinect: the Signed Internet - Gesture Control
uKinect: the Signed Internet - Gesture ControluKinect: the Signed Internet - Gesture Control
uKinect: the Signed Internet - Gesture Control

Presentation at eAccess-12 (#eAccess12) on uKinect and sign recognition systems by Prof Jonathan Hassell, co-lead of uKinect project (

© hassellinclusion
But it’s given me the chance to listen, and this is what I heard…
© hassellinclusion
We all agree (in at least 7 sessions…)
it’s time to be strategic about accessibility
© hassellinclusion
But not (yet) on how to do that…
© hassellinclusion
Created by accessibility experts
Training already delivered to:Reviewed publicly worldwide by:
• 328 accessibility experts
• incl: experts in
personalisation, aging, mobile
accessibility, IPTV, inclusive
design, usability, user-
research and testing,
disability evangelism
Thankfully, in the UK we’ve already spent years discussing this
and getting that agreement…

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Providing better scaffolding - how BS8878 affects people designing inclusive ...
Providing better scaffolding - how BS8878 affects people designing inclusive ...Providing better scaffolding - how BS8878 affects people designing inclusive ...
Providing better scaffolding - how BS8878 affects people designing inclusive ...

Presentation given by Jonathan Hassell (Director of Hassell Inclusion and lead author of BS8878) at UK-UPA 'Call to action: Designing inclusive user experiences' event London, Sept 2011. Covers: what accessibility is really all about (inclusive UX); how BS8878 helps organisations understand the business case for accessibility; how to embed accessibility in their business-as-usual; how different job roles each contribute to whether a product includes or excludes disabled and elderly people; how policies can facilitate or inhibit accessibility; now to make good decisions about accessibility; how to ensure you have the right user-research so your decisions are made on facts not assumptions; what BS8878 enables UX staff to do more easily; how hassell inclusion can help you move forwards in implementing BS8878

usabilityuser-centred designaccessibility business-case
BBC approach to accessibility & how BS8878 enables others to do the same
BBC approach to accessibility & how BS8878 enables others to do the sameBBC approach to accessibility & how BS8878 enables others to do the same
BBC approach to accessibility & how BS8878 enables others to do the same

Presentation given by Jonathan Hassell (Director of Hassell Inclusion and lead author of BS8878) at User Vision, Edinburgh for Word Usability Day 2011. Covers: why and how the BBC approach accessible; how BS8878 helps organisations understand the business case for accessibility; how it provides organisations with a framework to embed accessibility in their policies and web design processes; how hassell inclusion can help you move forwards in implementing BS8878 (read the blog at for more help)

bbcaccessibilityinclusive design
How BS8878 relates to WCAG 2.0, PAS 78, Mandate 376 and UCD Standards
How BS8878 relates to WCAG 2.0, PAS 78, Mandate 376 and UCD StandardsHow BS8878 relates to WCAG 2.0, PAS 78, Mandate 376 and UCD Standards
How BS8878 relates to WCAG 2.0, PAS 78, Mandate 376 and UCD Standards

An updated summary of BS8878 from its lead author, Jonathan Hassell. Including: how it relates to international standards on accessibility (WCAG 2.0 and ISO 9241-210), usability and user-centred design; and how it allows you to embed accessibility concerns into production processes. It also provides information on how the Standard updates the older PAS 78 UK specification that it supersedes, and how it relates to work on the forthcoming EU accessibility procurement standard Mandate-376. More information, including case studies of organisations using BS 8878, detailed blogs on its use by SMEs, tools and training for applying the Standard, and news on its progress towards becoming an International Standard can be found at

pas 78ucdwcag
© hassellinclusion
1Why is embedding
in your processes
© hassellinclusion
Let’s take a familiar UK airline…
© hassellinclusion
… which is being sued for not being accessible to blind people
© hassellinclusion
All hands to the pump on remediation…

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eAccessibility: Compliance towards Innovation
eAccessibility: Compliance towards InnovationeAccessibility: Compliance towards Innovation
eAccessibility: Compliance towards Innovation

Why is eAccessibility always thought about in terms of compliance with standards like WCAG? What happens when you consider the needs of disabled and elderly people as a challenge to be more innovative? Inclusion expert Jonathan Hassell's QITCOM-12 gives examples of what can happen when organisations embrace innovation through inclusion. More detailed examples available from:

beyond inclusionmydisplayaccessibility
Policy Driven Adoption of Accessibility - CSUN 2013
Policy Driven Adoption of Accessibility - CSUN 2013Policy Driven Adoption of Accessibility - CSUN 2013
Policy Driven Adoption of Accessibility - CSUN 2013

Recent G3ict and US government reports suggest that current our models for encouraging ICT accessibility adoption are not working. Using examples from the UK, Canada's AODA, and the State of Texas, in this CSUN 2013 presentation Jeff Kline and Jonathan Hassell discuss whether a Policy-Driven Adoption approach might help.

wcagaodaweb accessibility policy
BS8878 Web Accessibility Code of Practice
BS8878 Web Accessibility Code of PracticeBS8878 Web Accessibility Code of Practice
BS8878 Web Accessibility Code of Practice

BS8878 is a UK national standard created by the British Standards Institution to provide a framework for making digital accessibility and inclusion "business as usual" within organizations. It was created in response to changing technological, political, and legal landscapes to promote digital inclusion. The standard was written by industry professionals and disability organizations and offers guidelines for assigning responsibilities, creating policies, evaluating accessibility, and maintaining websites over their lifecycles to be accessible to all. While focused on UK law and culture, the core principles of BS8878 can be applied internationally.

© hassellinclusion
But you need to fix the problem in the process,
not the product, to prevent it re-occurring
© hassellinclusion
1. Purpose
2. Target audiences
3. Audience needs
4. Preferences & restrictions
5. Relationship
6. User goals
The right
& thought
before you
7. Degree of UX
8. Inclusive cf. personalised
9. Delivery platforms
10. Target browsers, OSes, ATs
11. Create/procure, in-house/contract
12. Web technologies
based on
13. Web guidelines
14. Assuring accessibility
15. Launch information
16. Post-launch plans
BS 8878’s process in 88 seconds
- to hear visit:
© hassellinclusion
An informed way of making good decisions
• every decision taken could affect
whether the product will include or
exclude disabled and elderly people
• so every decision should be:
– recognised as a decision
– have all options and implications
– made based on justifiable reasoning
– noted in the Web Product’s
Accessibility Policy for transparency
• at every step of the process
© hassellinclusion
An accessibility process that is harmonised
with user-centred/inclusive design processes
• relating web accessibility to wider human-
centred and inclusive design practices
ISO/FDIS 9241-210
Human-centred design for
interactive systems
• and bringing in concepts of

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2010: MyDisplay - Accessibility Preferences Aren't for Sissies
2010: MyDisplay - Accessibility Preferences Aren't for Sissies2010: MyDisplay - Accessibility Preferences Aren't for Sissies
2010: MyDisplay - Accessibility Preferences Aren't for Sissies

Presentation given by Jonathan Hassell (Head of Audience Experience & Usability) at IMS Global Learning Impact Awards, Long Beach CA; Unitech 2010, Oslo; Interagency Dialogue on Cloud Computing and Auto-Personalization, Washington DC; BCS HCI workshop on Accessibility, User Profiling & Adaptation, Dundee; and Access to digital content for education workshop, Tromsø in 2010. Covers: how disabled people might be excluded from digital participation; disabled people's use of the web, compared to what it could be; if there's so much to gain, what's getting in the way; how current inclusion models don't help; how the BBC have learnt from our past attempts to provide information on assistive technologies and accessibility settings of browsers and operating systems; how the BBC have learnt from our attempts to provide site-based accessibility personalisation; how we've researched other people's 'AAA' tools and found 5 guidelines which successful tools need to follow; how we used those guidelines to direct the creation of our new 'MyDisplay' accessibility personalisation system which we have rolled out across; what early users think about MyDisplay and how we are testing it more widely; how global collaboration initiatives like GPII can help adoption of such tools and enable more disabled and elderly people to participate in the digital economy

cloud-based toolsdundeeaccessibility assumptions
2009: Social inclusion in a Digital Age
2009: Social inclusion in a Digital Age2009: Social inclusion in a Digital Age
2009: Social inclusion in a Digital Age

Presentation given by Jonathan Hassell (Head of Audience Experience & Usability) and Robin Christopherson (Head of Accessibility Services, AbilityNet) at Internet 2010, London in 2010. Covers: how many people in the UK are still unconnected from the internet, and how 25% fewer disabled people are using the internet than the general population; what the reasons for this lag in usage by disabled people might be (and definitely are not); how use of assistive technologies in the UK is much lower than the expected percentages (from Microsoft Forrester research in 2003); how My Web My Way ( provides information on assistive technologies and browser/OS accessibility settings to help disabled people; how website personalisation technologies can help all users (no matter how contradictory their needs) get a better user-experience; how the BBC ATK is aiming to provide these features on

digital inclusionassistive technology usagebbc
2005: Accessibility: which site production standards and testing methods will...
2005: Accessibility: which site production standards and testing methods will...2005: Accessibility: which site production standards and testing methods will...
2005: Accessibility: which site production standards and testing methods will...

Presentation given by Jonathan Hassell (Accessibility Editor, Digital Curriculum for BBC New Media) and Giles Colborne (Director, cx partners) at BSI accessibility event in 2005. Covers: what are 'reasonable steps' to ensure your site is accessible; comparison of 'blind following of standards & conformance badges' approach to accessibility with user-centred design (based on ISO 9421-12 standards for measuring usability and ISO 13407 user-centred design process); comparison of cost-benefits of various usability & accessibility testing methods to assure your site meets your users' needs.

usabilitycx partnersbbc
© hassellinclusion
2Why is embedding
in your organisation
© hassellinclusion
The accessibility of your web products
is in all these people’s hands…
Designers Writers
Project Mgrs Product Mgrs
Finance Legal Marketing Strategy
Snr Mgrs
Research & TestersDevelopers
© hassellinclusion
Embedding motivation
Designers Writers
Project Mgrs Product Mgrs
Finance Legal
Snr Mgrs
Research & TestersDevelopers
• Need to motivate each
• Or just use a business
case for the top level and
set policy top to bottom…
– check out OneVoice business
Marketing Strategy
© hassellinclusion
Embedding responsibility
Designers Writers
Project Mgrs Product Mgrs
Finance Legal Marketing Strategy
Snr Mgrs
Research & TestersDevelopers
• Work out whose
responsibility accessibility
should ultimately be…
• Make sure they delegate
(and monitor results) well
• Make sure those delegated
to are trained in their

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Open Inclusion has designed and conducted a daily diary study with a small cohort of participants with very different lived experiences of disability and age. Here we share the

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Inclusive, immersive, imaginative and imperative
Inclusive, immersive, imaginative and imperative Inclusive, immersive, imaginative and imperative
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A presentation delivered to Immerse UK, January 2020 by Christine from Open Inclusion about VR and AR technologies. She covers off why and how designers can make immersive technologies that will be better for all users, including those with permanent, temporary or situational disabilities.

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My experiences working in accessibility
My experiences working in accessibility My experiences working in accessibility
My experiences working in accessibility

A short guest lecture I did recently speaking about my career path into digital accessibility. This talk also discusses the barriers i've come across whilst working in accessibility and how i've collaborated with teams to over come them.

accessibilitymobile accessibilityaccessible
© hassellinclusion
Embedding through
strategic policies
Designers Writers
Project Mgrs Product Mgrs
Snr Mgrs
Finance Legal Marketing Strategy
• create an Organizational Web Accessibility Policy to strategically embed accessibility
into the organization’s business as usual
• including where accessibility is embedded in:
• web procurement policy
• web technology policy
• marketing guidelines
• web production standards
(e.g. compliance with WCAG, browser support, AT support)
© hassellinclusion
BS8878’s support for the ‘key role’
of accessibility program manager
© hassellinclusion
The full guide on how to use BS 8878 to embed accessibility
in your organisation – available summer 2014
• the full guide on how to transform your organisation
to achieve the consistent creation of web sites and
apps that are usable and accessible to all your
customers, at the most efficient cost
• with practical case-studies from leading
accessibility experts worldwide, including:
• Jennison Asuncion (Canada),
• Debra Ruh & Jeff Kline (USA),
• Andrew Arch (Australia)
• David Banes (Qatar)
• Axel Leblois (UN)
For information on the book’s publication, free
access to video case-studies, and a chance of
winning the book… click below
© hassellinclusion
3BS 8878
impact & adoption
in the UK

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HE/Public Sector Update: Winning hearts and minds for accessibility at Univer...
HE/Public Sector Update: Winning hearts and minds for accessibility at Univer...HE/Public Sector Update: Winning hearts and minds for accessibility at Univer...
HE/Public Sector Update: Winning hearts and minds for accessibility at Univer...

This document summarizes a webinar on winning support for accessibility at the University of Cambridge. The webinar featured a presentation by Katey Hugi, the Digital Accessibility Coordinator at the University of Cambridge, on her approach to engaging stakeholders on accessibility issues. She discussed starting conversations by listening, setting clear expectations, and celebrating successes. The webinar also provided updates on the accessibility regulations for public sector websites in the UK and discussed challenges of video accessibility. It concluded with announcements of upcoming accessibility training courses from AbilityNet.

higher educationfurther educationpublic sector bodies accessibility regulations
Introduction to Digital Accessibility
Introduction to Digital AccessibilityIntroduction to Digital Accessibility
Introduction to Digital Accessibility

Digital accessibility aims to provide equal access to information and services for all users by removing barriers. It impacts over 22 million Australians with disabilities, seniors, those with low literacy or computer skills, and others. The benefits include independence, employment opportunities, legal compliance, and business growth by reaching a wider audience. Accessibility best practices include considering accessibility in all work, starting small by focusing on alternatives, structure, and color contrast, and connecting with experts. The goal is for everyone to be able to access websites and digital services.

Short training department abdiqani document/enngalaydh farah
Short training department abdiqani document/enngalaydh farahShort training department abdiqani document/enngalaydh farah
Short training department abdiqani document/enngalaydh farah

The document summarizes a short training department established at Addis University in 2014. The department aims to help students gain skills needed for the workforce through various short courses. It offers courses in English, IT, engineering, and diploma programs lasting 2 months or less. Courses are taught using methods like presentations, practical lessons, and assignments. The department needs teaching resources like projectors and computers and learning materials like books and videos. The programs are open to university students and others with basic literacy skills.

© hassellinclusion
“We are delighted with the uptake. The Standard is now being
applied across a range of sectors, including central and local
government, the NHS, police, retail, housing, education and
It shows that there is a real need for clear, non-technical
guidance that complements WCAG 2.0 and can help steer
those commissioning the development of web products through
the entire life-cycle.
What‟s more, the last twelve months have seen encouraging
initiatives from Government in recognition of the important role
that accessibility plays as an enabler of digital inclusion.”
David Fatscher, BSI Sector Development Manager
Uptake of the Standard
© hassellinclusion
“We needed a set of guidelines that are practical and relatively
easy to follow for people creating our Virtual Learning
Environments and learning content who aren‟t just web
developers. BS8878 ticks all the boxes for us, as it includes
advice for those procuring as well as developing websites.”
E.A. Draffan, Research Fellow in Electronics & Computer Science
Use on eGovernment websites
© hassellinclusion
“We needed a set of guidelines that are practical and relatively
easy to follow for people creating our Virtual Learning
Environments and learning content who aren‟t just web
developers. BS8878 ticks all the boxes for us, as it includes
advice for those procuring as well as developing websites.”
E.A. Draffan, Research Fellow in Electronics & Computer Science
Use on education websites
Use by SME disability/accessibility service providers
“As a small organisation whose prime purpose is to promote
accessibility, we decided to design and build our own website using
BS8878 to guide us.
The biggest hurdle was where to actually start. Luckily Jonathan
Hassell provided us with the answers we needed during a training
session he gave to one of our clients who has also decided to work
towards conformance with the Standard. And once we started, we
found it relatively easy to move forwards ”
Cam Nicholl, Director of Sales & Service Development, DAC

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Structural building by engineer abdikani farah ahmed(enggalaydh)

This document summarizes the design of reinforced concrete elements for a building including: 1. A two-way slab with mid-span and continuous edge reinforcement designed as T10-300 bars. Shear and deflection were checked. 2. Beams designed as singly reinforced with main reinforcement of 2T20 bars. Shear reinforcement of R10-275 was provided where required. 3. Short columns with axial load designed with 4T10 bars for main reinforcement. 4. A square footing with thickness of 600mm and area of 7.84m2. Reinforcement of 2549mm2 was designed for the critical section.


Abdikani Farah Ahmed is applying for a position as a Civil Engineer lecturer. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering from Amoud University and experience working on construction projects in Borama and Erigavo. He is proficient in English, Arabic, and Somali in both writing and speaking. His objective is to enrich students' engineering knowledge through hands-on teaching techniques and help them find solutions to problems.

One way slab design
One way slab design way slab design
One way slab design

Ahsanullah University Of Science &Technology NAME:Mehrana Rashid Ananna SEMESTER : 4/2 SECTION : C I.D : TOPIC : One-way slab design

“Organisations are now coming to AbilityNet with a clearer
perspective on what is involved in inclusive design, and with an
appreciation that accessibility isn’t just a bolt-on component that all
too often drops off when the wrong decisions have been made.
We’ve also heard fewer horror-stories of design briefs that have been
short on detail when it comes to specifying accessibility, which often
leads to a long battle to achieve it – a battle which isn’t always won. “
Robin Christopherson, Head of Digital Inclusion, AbilityNet
Use by larger disability/accessibility service providers
“Our students use BSS8878 as a framework in assignments such as
improving the accessibility of a real website linking a group of older
people in the UK to groups in three other countries.
The Standard guides them in identifying the specific needs of older
people through inclusive design and develops their problem solving
skills by requiring them to prepare design briefs which prioritise
solutions that would work for everyone.”
Suzette Keith, Tutor MSc Digital Inclusion, Middlesex University
Use in inclusive design courses & training
“The majority of people involved in procuring web and app design
services (or responsible for internal legislative compliance) will find
BS8878 a far more accessible document than the W3C's technical
guidelines, and provides a framework that goes beyond a list of
technical design requirements.
BS8878 emphasises, and this is important, that simply complying with
the WCAG guidelines is unlikely to meet the requirements of the
Equality Act. As BS8878 explains, organisations can't simply carry out
an automated tick box check of the HTML, but instead need to user
test the site or app itself to ensure that it actually is accessible.” “
Martin Sloan, Legal Associate in the Technology, Information and
Outsourcing Group at Brodies LLP
Recommendation by legal services
© hassellinclusion
4Case Studies

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Design and detailing of flat slabs
Design and detailing of flat slabs Design and detailing of flat slabs
Design and detailing of flat slabs

- The document describes the design and detailing of flat slabs, which are concrete slabs supported directly by columns without beams. - Key aspects covered include dimensional considerations, analysis methods, design for bending moments including division of panels and limiting negative moments, shear design and punching shear, deflection and crack control, and design procedures. - An example problem is provided to illustrate the full design process for an internal panel with drops adjacent to edge panels.

Design of One-Way Slab
Design of One-Way SlabDesign of One-Way Slab
Design of One-Way Slab

This document provides details on the design of a continuous one-way reinforced concrete slab. It includes minimum thickness requirements, equations for calculating moments and shear, maximum reinforcement ratios, and minimum reinforcement ratios. An example is then provided to demonstrate the design process. The slab is designed to have a thickness of 6 inches with 0.39 in2/ft of tension reinforcement in the negative moment region and 0.33 in2/ft in the positive moment region.

Analysis and design of flat slabs using various codes
Analysis and design of flat slabs using various codesAnalysis and design of flat slabs using various codes
Analysis and design of flat slabs using various codes

IJRET : International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology is an international peer reviewed, online journal published by eSAT Publishing House for the enhancement of research in various disciplines of Engineering and Technology. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of Engineering and Technology. We bring together Scientists, Academician, Field Engineers, Scholars and Students of related fields of Engineering and Technology

ijret : international journal of research in engin
Royal Mail
BS 8878 in action
Rob Wemyss
Head of Accessibility
Royal Mail Group
Royal Mail Group
• We are the sole provider of the UK‟s Universal Postal
• We reach everyone in the UK through our mails, Post Office
and parcels business
• BS 8878 is an integral part of our web accessibility strategy
• BS 8878 has given us the framework to help reduce
costs and improve the quality when delivering
accessible web products for our customers
How we have used BS 8878
• Additional framework to existing accessibility process
• Added value by getting focus on accessibility early
• Helps project stakeholders understand our accessibility
• Used as gating process for suppliers
• Gets planning for testing in early
• Great framework for documenting important decisions
throughout the project lifecycle
Helping deliver projects
• Used to deliver new redesign of Royal Mail website from the
ground up
• Includes updated user journeys based on extensive
research into how our customers use the web
• Detailed personalisation of content based on personas
• Principles behind 8878 are perfect for this
• Also used on smaller BAU projects to help deliver the best
possible products for customers

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Welcome to BU
Welcome to BUWelcome to BU
Welcome to BU

Bournemouth University has over 17,000 students across two main campuses and international links. It has a high graduate employment rate of 90.1% within six months and was awarded a gold award for sustainability. Courses are closely linked to industry and there are opportunities for placements. Research is improving, such as into improving lifeboat slipways. At their open day, potential students can learn about student life by attending talks and touring facilities.

A civil
A civilA civil
A civil
Chapter 29
Chapter 29Chapter 29
Chapter 29

This document discusses labor unions and monopsony. It begins by outlining the history of labor unions in the United States from craft unions to industrial unions. It describes the goals of unions as seeking to increase wages and benefits for members through collective bargaining and strikes. The document then discusses the economic effects of unions, including evidence that union members earn higher wages but may be less productive. It also introduces the concept of monopsony, where a single buyer exploits workers by paying less than their marginal revenue product. The document uses graphs to illustrate how a monopsonistic firm determines employment and wages.

Does it help?
• Yes… helps shake out the decisions and makes risk visible for
evaluation at all stages
• Makes it easier when dealing with multiple stakeholders
• Gives structure to accessibility discussions – especially remediation
ones when procured products do not meet standards
• Used to help educate 20+ suppliers
• Makes more sense to suppliers than rules of WCAG as they get the
value of usability so accessibility doesn‟t feel like a spanner in the works
• Accepts deficiencies are likely on launch, but makes them clear for
future planning…
Room for improvement
• Documentation can be time consuming
• Need a way to input information collaboratively
• Dashboard to help people engage with the information in
the document
• Suppliers not always aware of BS 8878
• £100 for a document is a barrier for smaller suppliers
• Need for a “lite version” of standard with simple
explanations to give suppliers the appetite to want to read it
Should it be an International Standard?
• Don‟t see any reason why not
• It combines accessibility, usability and quality of delivering a
project – which is the same requirement all over the world
• Technology is delivered globally,
so an international standard would help with procurement
• „Technically accessible‟ technology can sometimes miss the
mark – understanding how users will use technology
is what it‟s all about
© hassellinclusion
And, yes, I eat (and blog about) ‘my own dog food…’

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Ln23 miller950022 17_ln23
Ln23 miller950022 17_ln23Ln23 miller950022 17_ln23
Ln23 miller950022 17_ln23

This chapter discusses perfect competition in markets. It begins by introducing lithium as an important input for batteries that has seen rising demand but falling prices. This is explained by the entry of new firms into the lithium industry. The chapter then outlines learning objectives and a chapter outline covering characteristics of perfect competition, how individual firms determine output levels, short-run profits, supply curves, and long-run equilibrium with entry and exit of firms. It also discusses how price is determined through the interaction of market supply and demand.


Numbers have various cultural superstitions around the world. In Thai culture, odd numbers are considered lucky while 9 symbolizes progress and wealth. In Chinese culture, 8 symbolizes prosperity while 4 is considered unlucky. These beliefs originated long ago and were passed down through generations, gaining popularity. However, superstitions can also result in wasted effort and money when taken too far, such as with lotteries. Rural areas of Thailand practice superstitions related to rain and agriculture, such as using cats to cry out and summon rain. These beliefs reflect the importance of agriculture and adaptation to the local climate and community.

© hassellinclusion
5So it’s useful,
but could it be better…?
© hassellinclusion
Future-proofing that it’s already got
• “Beyond tick-lists”: BS 8878 as a means of integrating accessibility & usability
• for organisations that only do usability, this aligns accessibility with what they already do
• for organisations that only do accessibility, this provides a way of going beyond tick-box
accessibility and situates it in something more meaningful to people
“Working through BSI 8878 and the implication it can have for PIP. Brilliant standard and so
incredibly useful. Thanks @jonhassell !!”
Simon Hurst, Dept of Work and Pensions
• Can it be applied to mobile and apps?
• Yes
• Can it be applied to software?
• Yes, with a few modifications
(browser only applicable to web, as is the emphasis on rapid versioning)
© hassellinclusion
How BS 8878 could be improved…
• It should clarify how the BS 8878 process can be used to enrich existing processes,
rather than require their replacement:
• for organisations that already have a user-centred production process,
they can fit these steps into it easily and it will make perfect sense
• for organisations that have a process but it isn’t user-centred,
this adds that emphasis and missing steps (user-research and iterative testing) to their process
• and for organisations that don’t have a process yet,
they get a best-practice one (e.g. see
• BS 8878 would be more useful if tools existed to enable it to be easily applied
• Hassell Inclusion are already working on a suite of such tools
• Watch this space for announcements…
© hassellinclusion
Would the Standard be more useful if it
was an International, not just British, Standard…?

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Ln22 miller950022 17_ln22Ln22 miller950022 17_ln22
Ln22 miller950022 17_ln22

The chapter discusses the costs of production for firms and how they vary over time. In the short run, when certain inputs like plant size cannot be changed, firms face fixed costs that do not vary with output as well as variable costs that change based on production levels. As more output is produced, marginal costs may initially fall but will eventually rise due to diminishing returns. In the long run, when all inputs can adjust, firms experience different costs based on economies and diseconomies of scale. The chapter aims to explain how production costs are related to the scale of operations.

Resume utkarsh
Resume utkarshResume utkarsh
Resume utkarsh

This curriculum vitae is for Utkarsh Kumar Saxena. He has over 10 years of experience working in front office and customer service roles in the hotel and hospitality industry. His objective is to attain excellence and achieve higher positions. He is currently working as a Customer Support Executive and has previously worked in front office roles at several hotels in Pune. He also completed a 3-year BHM degree in hotel management in 2009 and has knowledge of MS Office and hotel booking software.

Pp hfst 7.2 pptx
Pp hfst 7.2 pptxPp hfst 7.2 pptx
Pp hfst 7.2 pptx

Theorie rekenen met procenten

© hassellinclusion
6An expert American view…
and potential way ahead
Strategic IT Accessibility: Enabling the Organization
About the book
• Approaches IT accessibility holistically
• Deals with “organizational enablement” vs. “technical enablement”
• Discusses the why‟s and how‟s of integrating IT accessibility into relevant areas of
an organization where it plays a role
• Includes realistic scenarios
• Targeted at diverse audience of leaders and consultants
– Corporate executives or agency heads
– CIOs and other executive-level IT
– Development executives
– Strategic planners
– Project managers
– Human resources executives and top-level mgt.
– Corporate and governmental legal professionals
– Communications professionals at all levels
– Public and private-sector consultants / business-
– Education management for K-12 and universities
About the author
• Managed IBM‟s Corporate Accessibility Compliance and Consulting team
• Now serves as Statewide Electronic and Information Coordinator for the Texas
• 18 years in R&D management at IBM
– Hardware (industrial design, graphic design, human factors, usability)
– Software (operating system GUI design and development, system usability)
• Author website:
© hassellinclusion
Jeff Kline on what BS 8878 and
Strategic IT Accessibility can learn from each other…
Watch the video at:
© hassellinclusion
Any other cross-country difficulties…?
• Different countries, different laws…
• although legal details are already separated into BS8878‟s annexes to aid this localisation
• In the USA, unlike the UK, is writing down and publishing your reasoning behind
accessibility decisions a risk rather than mitigating factor?
• some have argued that this might be the case
• the question is: is having written down your (justifiable) reasons for not including an accessibility
feature more defensible than not having any evidence that you‟ve considered the needs of
disable at all?
• Does BS 8878 have enough detail?
• covers all the important points for embedding accessibility in any organisation, but not the detail
(especially for large, multi-nationals)
• Jeff‟ Kline‟s book is great for providing some of that detail

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Chapter 12 Powerpoint
Chapter 12 PowerpointChapter 12 Powerpoint
Chapter 12 Powerpoint

The document provides an overview of Chapter 12 from an economics textbook. It discusses key concepts related to consumption, investment, and how changes in these impact real GDP based on Keynesian economic models. Specifically, it covers determinants of consumption and saving behaviors, how planned investment is determined, and how equilibrium real GDP is established through the balancing of total planned expenditures and output. The chapter outline and learning objectives are also summarized.

Chapter 3 _interrelated_scientific_prin
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Chapter 3 _interrelated_scientific_prin

This chapter discusses key scientific principles related to matter, energy, and the environment. It defines science as a process of gathering information through observation and testing of hypotheses. The chapter describes the atomic structure of matter and explains chemical bonds and reactions. It also defines different forms of energy and states of matter, and introduces the first and second laws of thermodynamics governing energy conversion and entropy.

© hassellinclusion
Does it provide a useful new focus for accessibility?
Would you want to work in a team/organisation where:
• you‟d be expected to take accessibility seriously by product managers
• you'd be in a team where each member knows what accessibility expects from them
• managers would ask you to follow a user-centred design process (like I guess you want anyway)
• managers would ask you for/give you real-world user-research to help good decision making
• you'd be empowered to make decisions re accessibility, as long as you can justify them,
and write them down
• you'd have the freedom to create product variations where users‟ needs diverge
• you'd have a place to find best practice help for accessible design beyond the web
• you'd be asked to test products for accessibility, alongside usability, to the level the budget will allow
(and managers would be aware of the limited benefits of cheaper options)
• you'd be freed from the impossibility of doing everything you could possibly do for v1.0,
as long as you tell your audience why and when they‟ll get what they need
© hassellinclusion
What route to an International Standard…?
© hassellinclusion
© hassellinclusion
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 Totalitarismo Totalitarismo

Este documento describe los orígenes y características de los regímenes totalitarios fascistas en Europa en las décadas de 1920 y 1930. Explica que surgieron en respuesta a las crisis de la democracia y la economía de la época. Detalla las características de estos regímenes como su carácter antiparlamentario, el culto a la violencia y el liderazgo, y el control totalitario del Estado sobre la sociedad y la economía. Luego resume el establecimiento de los regímenes fascistas de Mussolini en Italia y Hitler en

BS 8878: Systematic Approaches to Documenting Web Accessibility Policies and ...
BS 8878: Systematic Approaches to Documenting Web Accessibility Policies and ...BS 8878: Systematic Approaches to Documenting Web Accessibility Policies and ...
BS 8878: Systematic Approaches to Documenting Web Accessibility Policies and ...

Slides for a workshop session on "BS 8878: Systematic Approaches to Documenting Web Accessibility Policies and Practices" facilitated by Brian Kelly at the IWMW 2015 event held at Edge Hill University, Ormskirk on 27 July 2015. See

Are You at Risk? Identifying Web Accessibility Gaps at Your Organization
Are You at Risk? Identifying Web Accessibility Gaps at Your OrganizationAre You at Risk? Identifying Web Accessibility Gaps at Your Organization
Are You at Risk? Identifying Web Accessibility Gaps at Your Organization

With recent lawsuits, updates to legal standards, and an increasing number of DOJ & OCR inquiries for inaccessible IT, web accessibility is on a lot of organizations' minds. But how can you tell whether or not your website, web application, or native app is meeting accessibility requirements? In this webinar, Mike Paciello, founding partner of The Paciello Group, will discuss accessibility gap analysis, a critical step in building – or fixing – accessibility at your organization. Taking a high-level approach, he will cover strategies for evaluating your current level of accessibility, identifying areas of risk, and developing a plan to achieve compliance with web accessibility standards. This presentation will cover: An overview of major accessibility laws and standards Assessing your website or native app's current level of accessibility Identifying vulnerabilities Tips for filling in the gaps Developing a roadmap to accessibility compliance

accessibility gap analysisaccessibility auditdigital access
© hassellinclusion
• the full guide on how to transform your organisation
to achieve the consistent creation of web sites and
apps that are usable and accessible to all your
customers, at the most efficient cost
• with practical case-studies from leading
accessibility experts worldwide, including:
• Jennison Asuncion (Canada),
• Debra Ruh & Jeff Kline (USA),
• Andrew Arch (Australia)
• David Banes (Qatar)
• Axel Leblois (UN)
For information on the book’s publication, free
access to video case-studies, and a chance of
winning the book… send us your details
via the form on the next slide
Find out more in my forthcoming book
– available summer 2014
© hassellinclusion
Training &
support for
Strategy &
© hassellinclusion
Get in touch…
t: @jonhassell

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Case studies of implementing BS 8878 (CSUN 2012)

  • 1. © hassellinclusion Case studies of implementing BS 8878 & why embedding accessibility is so important Prof Jonathan Hassell (@jonhassell) Director, Hassell Inclusion ltd. Lead-author, BS 8878 Chair, BSI IST/45 (drafting committee for BS 8878) CSUN 2012 2nd March 2012
  • 2. © hassellinclusion What I’ll cover… • Why is everyone talking about embedding and processes? • If we need a Standard for that, why consider this one from Britain? • What is it? 8878 in 88 seconds… • Don‟t take my word for it, I wrote it – listen to these guys… • What was good • What was bad • What was hard • Could it work here? A view from America – Jeff Kline‟s perspective • So could this British Standard be useful worldwide?
  • 3. © hassellinclusion About Jonathan Hassell • 10+ years experience in accessibility and inclusion • regular international speaker and thought leader • lead author of UK Accessibility Standards BS 8878 & chair of its drafting committee • former Head of Usability & Accessibility, BBC Future Media • led work to embed accessibility across BBC web, mobile and IPTV production teams • Won BIMA 2008 & Access-IT@Home awards for the accessibility features of BBC iPlayer • Product Manager of innovative, award-winning products: • won IMS Global Learning Impact Award 2010 for MyDisplay • won „Best Usability & Accessibility‟ BIMA 2006 for My Web, My Way • 3 x Bafta-nominated for rich-media eLearning projects using breakthrough accessibility technologies for disabled children
  • 4. © hassellinclusion Being booked on the last afternoon isn’t ideal…
  • 5. © hassellinclusion But it’s given me the chance to listen, and this is what I heard…
  • 6. © hassellinclusion We all agree (in at least 7 sessions…) it’s time to be strategic about accessibility
  • 7. © hassellinclusion But not (yet) on how to do that…
  • 8. © hassellinclusion Created by accessibility experts from: Training already delivered to:Reviewed publicly worldwide by: • 328 accessibility experts worldwide • incl: experts in personalisation, aging, mobile accessibility, IPTV, inclusive design, usability, user- research and testing, disability evangelism Thankfully, in the UK we’ve already spent years discussing this and getting that agreement…
  • 9. © hassellinclusion 1Why is embedding accessibility in your processes important?
  • 10. © hassellinclusion Let’s take a familiar UK airline…
  • 11. © hassellinclusion … which is being sued for not being accessible to blind people
  • 12. © hassellinclusion All hands to the pump on remediation…
  • 13. © hassellinclusion But you need to fix the problem in the process, not the product, to prevent it re-occurring
  • 14. © hassellinclusion 1. Purpose 2. Target audiences 3. Audience needs 4. Preferences & restrictions 5. Relationship 6. User goals 1st stage: The right research & thought before you start 7. Degree of UX 8. Inclusive cf. personalised 9. Delivery platforms 10. Target browsers, OSes, ATs 11. Create/procure, in-house/contract 12. Web technologies 2nd stage: Making strategic choices based on that research 13. Web guidelines 14. Assuring accessibility 15. Launch information 16. Post-launch plans 3rd stage: Production, launch, update cycle BS 8878’s process in 88 seconds - to hear visit:
  • 15. © hassellinclusion An informed way of making good decisions • every decision taken could affect whether the product will include or exclude disabled and elderly people • so every decision should be: – recognised as a decision – have all options and implications considered – made based on justifiable reasoning – noted in the Web Product’s Accessibility Policy for transparency • at every step of the process
  • 16. © hassellinclusion An accessibility process that is harmonised with user-centred/inclusive design processes • relating web accessibility to wider human- centred and inclusive design practices From: ISO/FDIS 9241-210 Human-centred design for interactive systems • and bringing in concepts of user-personalised approaches…
  • 17. © hassellinclusion 2Why is embedding accessibility in your organisation important?
  • 18. © hassellinclusion The accessibility of your web products is in all these people’s hands… Designers Writers Project Mgrs Product Mgrs Finance Legal Marketing Strategy Snr Mgrs Research & TestersDevelopers
  • 19. © hassellinclusion Embedding motivation Designers Writers Project Mgrs Product Mgrs Finance Legal Snr Mgrs Research & TestersDevelopers • Need to motivate each group… • Or just use a business case for the top level and set policy top to bottom… – check out OneVoice business cases… Marketing Strategy
  • 20. © hassellinclusion Embedding responsibility Designers Writers Project Mgrs Product Mgrs Finance Legal Marketing Strategy Snr Mgrs Research & TestersDevelopers • Work out whose responsibility accessibility should ultimately be… • Make sure they delegate (and monitor results) well • Make sure those delegated to are trained in their responsibilities
  • 21. © hassellinclusion Embedding through strategic policies Designers Writers Project Mgrs Product Mgrs Snr Mgrs TestersDevelopers Finance Legal Marketing Strategy • create an Organizational Web Accessibility Policy to strategically embed accessibility into the organization’s business as usual • including where accessibility is embedded in: • web procurement policy • web technology policy • marketing guidelines • web production standards (e.g. compliance with WCAG, browser support, AT support)
  • 22. © hassellinclusion BS8878’s support for the ‘key role’ of accessibility program manager
  • 23. © hassellinclusion The full guide on how to use BS 8878 to embed accessibility in your organisation – available summer 2014 • the full guide on how to transform your organisation to achieve the consistent creation of web sites and apps that are usable and accessible to all your customers, at the most efficient cost • with practical case-studies from leading accessibility experts worldwide, including: • Jennison Asuncion (Canada), • Debra Ruh & Jeff Kline (USA), • Andrew Arch (Australia) • David Banes (Qatar) • Axel Leblois (UN) For information on the book’s publication, free access to video case-studies, and a chance of winning the book… click below
  • 24. © hassellinclusion 3BS 8878 impact & adoption in the UK
  • 25. © hassellinclusion “We are delighted with the uptake. The Standard is now being applied across a range of sectors, including central and local government, the NHS, police, retail, housing, education and charities. It shows that there is a real need for clear, non-technical guidance that complements WCAG 2.0 and can help steer those commissioning the development of web products through the entire life-cycle. What‟s more, the last twelve months have seen encouraging initiatives from Government in recognition of the important role that accessibility plays as an enabler of digital inclusion.” David Fatscher, BSI Sector Development Manager Uptake of the Standard
  • 26. © hassellinclusion “We needed a set of guidelines that are practical and relatively easy to follow for people creating our Virtual Learning Environments and learning content who aren‟t just web developers. BS8878 ticks all the boxes for us, as it includes advice for those procuring as well as developing websites.” E.A. Draffan, Research Fellow in Electronics & Computer Science Use on eGovernment websites
  • 27. © hassellinclusion “We needed a set of guidelines that are practical and relatively easy to follow for people creating our Virtual Learning Environments and learning content who aren‟t just web developers. BS8878 ticks all the boxes for us, as it includes advice for those procuring as well as developing websites.” E.A. Draffan, Research Fellow in Electronics & Computer Science Use on education websites
  • 28. Use by SME disability/accessibility service providers “As a small organisation whose prime purpose is to promote accessibility, we decided to design and build our own website using BS8878 to guide us. The biggest hurdle was where to actually start. Luckily Jonathan Hassell provided us with the answers we needed during a training session he gave to one of our clients who has also decided to work towards conformance with the Standard. And once we started, we found it relatively easy to move forwards ” Cam Nicholl, Director of Sales & Service Development, DAC
  • 29. “Organisations are now coming to AbilityNet with a clearer perspective on what is involved in inclusive design, and with an appreciation that accessibility isn’t just a bolt-on component that all too often drops off when the wrong decisions have been made. We’ve also heard fewer horror-stories of design briefs that have been short on detail when it comes to specifying accessibility, which often leads to a long battle to achieve it – a battle which isn’t always won. “ Robin Christopherson, Head of Digital Inclusion, AbilityNet Use by larger disability/accessibility service providers
  • 30. “Our students use BSS8878 as a framework in assignments such as improving the accessibility of a real website linking a group of older people in the UK to groups in three other countries. The Standard guides them in identifying the specific needs of older people through inclusive design and develops their problem solving skills by requiring them to prepare design briefs which prioritise solutions that would work for everyone.” Suzette Keith, Tutor MSc Digital Inclusion, Middlesex University Use in inclusive design courses & training
  • 31. “The majority of people involved in procuring web and app design services (or responsible for internal legislative compliance) will find BS8878 a far more accessible document than the W3C's technical guidelines, and provides a framework that goes beyond a list of technical design requirements. BS8878 emphasises, and this is important, that simply complying with the WCAG guidelines is unlikely to meet the requirements of the Equality Act. As BS8878 explains, organisations can't simply carry out an automated tick box check of the HTML, but instead need to user test the site or app itself to ensure that it actually is accessible.” “ Martin Sloan, Legal Associate in the Technology, Information and Outsourcing Group at Brodies LLP Recommendation by legal services
  • 33. Royal Mail BS 8878 in action Rob Wemyss Head of Accessibility Royal Mail Group
  • 34. 34 Royal Mail Group • We are the sole provider of the UK‟s Universal Postal Service • We reach everyone in the UK through our mails, Post Office and parcels business • BS 8878 is an integral part of our web accessibility strategy • BS 8878 has given us the framework to help reduce costs and improve the quality when delivering accessible web products for our customers
  • 35. 35 How we have used BS 8878 • Additional framework to existing accessibility process • Added value by getting focus on accessibility early • Helps project stakeholders understand our accessibility requirements • Used as gating process for suppliers • Gets planning for testing in early • Great framework for documenting important decisions throughout the project lifecycle
  • 36. 36 Helping deliver projects • Used to deliver new redesign of Royal Mail website from the ground up • Includes updated user journeys based on extensive research into how our customers use the web • Detailed personalisation of content based on personas • Principles behind 8878 are perfect for this • Also used on smaller BAU projects to help deliver the best possible products for customers
  • 37. 37 Does it help? • Yes… helps shake out the decisions and makes risk visible for evaluation at all stages • Makes it easier when dealing with multiple stakeholders • Gives structure to accessibility discussions – especially remediation ones when procured products do not meet standards • Used to help educate 20+ suppliers • Makes more sense to suppliers than rules of WCAG as they get the value of usability so accessibility doesn‟t feel like a spanner in the works • Accepts deficiencies are likely on launch, but makes them clear for future planning…
  • 38. 38 Room for improvement • Documentation can be time consuming • Need a way to input information collaboratively • Dashboard to help people engage with the information in the document • Suppliers not always aware of BS 8878 • £100 for a document is a barrier for smaller suppliers • Need for a “lite version” of standard with simple explanations to give suppliers the appetite to want to read it
  • 39. 39 Should it be an International Standard? • Don‟t see any reason why not • It combines accessibility, usability and quality of delivering a project – which is the same requirement all over the world • Technology is delivered globally, so an international standard would help with procurement • „Technically accessible‟ technology can sometimes miss the mark – understanding how users will use technology is what it‟s all about
  • 40. © hassellinclusion And, yes, I eat (and blog about) ‘my own dog food…’ at
  • 41. © hassellinclusion 5So it’s useful, but could it be better…?
  • 42. © hassellinclusion Future-proofing that it’s already got • “Beyond tick-lists”: BS 8878 as a means of integrating accessibility & usability • for organisations that only do usability, this aligns accessibility with what they already do • for organisations that only do accessibility, this provides a way of going beyond tick-box accessibility and situates it in something more meaningful to people “Working through BSI 8878 and the implication it can have for PIP. Brilliant standard and so incredibly useful. Thanks @jonhassell !!” Simon Hurst, Dept of Work and Pensions • Can it be applied to mobile and apps? • Yes • Can it be applied to software? • Yes, with a few modifications (browser only applicable to web, as is the emphasis on rapid versioning)
  • 43. © hassellinclusion How BS 8878 could be improved… • It should clarify how the BS 8878 process can be used to enrich existing processes, rather than require their replacement: • for organisations that already have a user-centred production process, they can fit these steps into it easily and it will make perfect sense • for organisations that have a process but it isn’t user-centred, this adds that emphasis and missing steps (user-research and iterative testing) to their process • and for organisations that don’t have a process yet, they get a best-practice one (e.g. see • BS 8878 would be more useful if tools existed to enable it to be easily applied • Hassell Inclusion are already working on a suite of such tools • Watch this space for announcements…
  • 44. © hassellinclusion Would the Standard be more useful if it was an International, not just British, Standard…?
  • 45. © hassellinclusion 6An expert American view… and potential way ahead
  • 46. Strategic IT Accessibility: Enabling the Organization About the book • Approaches IT accessibility holistically • Deals with “organizational enablement” vs. “technical enablement” • Discusses the why‟s and how‟s of integrating IT accessibility into relevant areas of an organization where it plays a role • Includes realistic scenarios • Targeted at diverse audience of leaders and consultants – Corporate executives or agency heads – CIOs and other executive-level IT positions – Development executives – Strategic planners – Project managers – Human resources executives and top-level mgt. – Corporate and governmental legal professionals – Communications professionals at all levels – Public and private-sector consultants / business- services – Education management for K-12 and universities About the author • Managed IBM‟s Corporate Accessibility Compliance and Consulting team • Now serves as Statewide Electronic and Information Coordinator for the Texas • 18 years in R&D management at IBM – Hardware (industrial design, graphic design, human factors, usability) – Software (operating system GUI design and development, system usability) • Author website:
  • 47. © hassellinclusion Jeff Kline on what BS 8878 and Strategic IT Accessibility can learn from each other… Watch the video at: ?v=bUSd18ebPmU
  • 48. © hassellinclusion Any other cross-country difficulties…? • Different countries, different laws… • although legal details are already separated into BS8878‟s annexes to aid this localisation • In the USA, unlike the UK, is writing down and publishing your reasoning behind accessibility decisions a risk rather than mitigating factor? • some have argued that this might be the case • the question is: is having written down your (justifiable) reasons for not including an accessibility feature more defensible than not having any evidence that you‟ve considered the needs of disable at all? • Does BS 8878 have enough detail? • covers all the important points for embedding accessibility in any organisation, but not the detail (especially for large, multi-nationals) • Jeff‟ Kline‟s book is great for providing some of that detail
  • 49. © hassellinclusion Does it provide a useful new focus for accessibility? Would you want to work in a team/organisation where: • you‟d be expected to take accessibility seriously by product managers • you'd be in a team where each member knows what accessibility expects from them • managers would ask you to follow a user-centred design process (like I guess you want anyway) • managers would ask you for/give you real-world user-research to help good decision making • you'd be empowered to make decisions re accessibility, as long as you can justify them, and write them down • you'd have the freedom to create product variations where users‟ needs diverge • you'd have a place to find best practice help for accessible design beyond the web • you'd be asked to test products for accessibility, alongside usability, to the level the budget will allow (and managers would be aware of the limited benefits of cheaper options) • you'd be freed from the impossibility of doing everything you could possibly do for v1.0, as long as you tell your audience why and when they‟ll get what they need
  • 50. © hassellinclusion What route to an International Standard…? ? ?
  • 52. © hassellinclusion Get latest news, tools, blogs, training: Join the community & discussion:
  • 53. © hassellinclusion • the full guide on how to transform your organisation to achieve the consistent creation of web sites and apps that are usable and accessible to all your customers, at the most efficient cost • with practical case-studies from leading accessibility experts worldwide, including: • Jennison Asuncion (Canada), • Debra Ruh & Jeff Kline (USA), • Andrew Arch (Australia) • David Banes (Qatar) • Axel Leblois (UN) For information on the book’s publication, free access to video case-studies, and a chance of winning the book… send us your details via the form on the next slide Find out more in my forthcoming book – available summer 2014
  • 54. © hassellinclusion Training & support for BS8878 Standards Innovation Strategy & research
  • 55. © hassellinclusion Get in touch… e: t: @jonhassell w:

Editor's Notes

  1. Some of the team
  2. Personalisation of content for particular customers to get them to the RM products which are appropriate for them
  3. technically accessible software can miss the mark, no matter how complete the VPAT – understanding how users will use it is what it’s all aboutso 8878 helps on the procurement (specifying the usability as well as accessibility) and also as a framework for planning the remediation of products which aren’t yet at the required level