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                       DON’T FEED THE TROLLS!
Thursday, May 31, 12

when I worked at yahoo there was a mailing list called devel-frontend. It should have been a great place to share
information across teams, but it was so nasty no one would dare to ask any questions. They were afraid. So everyone
sat in their corner, not sharing, and not learning as much as they could have. Sad!

I’ve included my twitter user name “stubbornella” above because there is a test I’m going to show you that I think
you’ll want to try later. I’ll tweet out a link to it after the talk.

I’m a consultant. I mainly spend time going in to big companies and helping them sort out their giant CSS files, my
job inherently rubs people the wrong way. I’ve worked hard to learn not to take that personally and I want to share a
bit of it with you today.

Thursday, May 31, 12

At a yoga and mediation retreat in California, I spoke to an Italian researcher about the difficulty she was having with
the other academics she worked with as part of the EU in Brussels. She said that the senior person in her domain was
aggressive and forceful. She felt she had to match his vitriol in order to keep from being run over. At the point I met
her it had been going on for six years. She was exhausted.
                                        If you aren’t, you will always lose,
                                      if you play the game by their rules.

Thursday, May 31, 12

What I noticed from the italian researcher’s description was that this guy pretty clearly thrived on conflict. The more
she fought back, the more energized he became. The inverse was true for her. She thrived on collaboration and
connectedness. The more they fought, the more drained and depleted she became.

Thursday, May 31, 12

Do you prefer a collaborative or combative environment? Figure out what kind of person you are, and you’ll know a
lot about how you want to interact with the world. (though, even if you are collaborative, sometimes you will still
choose to deplete energy when conflict is required). Decide what tone you want to have, and carry it through to your

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Social perception
Social perceptionSocial perception
Social perception

This document discusses several key concepts in social perception: 1. Nonverbal communication plays an important role in social perception. Facial expressions, eye contact, body language, posture, and touching can all reveal emotional and mental states. Basic emotions are often expressed through specific facial movements. 2. Attribution refers to how people seek to understand the behaviors of others by inferring underlying traits or motives. Correspondent inference theory holds that behaviors perceived as freely chosen and distinctive are more likely to be attributed to internal traits. Kelley's theory examines how attribution is influenced by consensus, consistency, and distinctiveness. 3. Impression formation is the process by which people combine diverse information to form unified impressions of others. Initial

social perception
Attribution theory
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Attribution theory

Attribution theory proposes that people make causal explanations for behaviors and events, classifying them as either internal/dispositional (due to traits and abilities) or external/situational (due to outside factors). However, people are subject to attribution biases like the fundamental attribution error of overemphasizing internal causes for others' behaviors. Kelley's covariation model examines consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency of behaviors to determine whether to attribute them internally or externally. People also differ in attributional style, with optimists explaining negatives externally and positives internally versus pessimists.

Attribution Theory ppt
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This document discusses attribution theory and its specific applications in organizations. Attribution theory seeks to explain how people make causal attributions about behaviors and events. There are three main types of attributions: internal vs. external, stable vs. unstable, and controllable vs. uncontrollable. Common attribution errors include the fundamental attribution error and self-serving bias. Shortcuts like stereotyping and halo effects are also used to form impressions. Attribution theory applies to areas like employment interviews, performance evaluations, and ethnic profiling in organizations.

                         You get more of whatever you give your attention to.

Thursday, May 31, 12
                       Your life will soon be full of ass-hats

Thursday, May 31, 12
intentionally redirect your attention

                       SOFTER, GENTLER, MORE
                       CONSIDERED OPINIONS
                                          tend to get lost in the fray.

Thursday, May 31, 12

We need to intentionally turn toward them, give them the recognition they deserve. The best ideas are not always the

Thursday, May 31, 12

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This document discusses the concept of self-concept. It provides a brief history, noting that William James in 1890 distinguished between the subjective sense of self ("I") and objective sense ("me"). Self-concept is then defined as the totality of an individual's thoughts and feelings about themselves. The cognitive, affective, and behavioral components of self-concept are introduced. Eastern and Western cultural perspectives on the self are contrasted. The document also discusses how the looking-glass self and cognitive dissonance theory relate to threats to self-concept.

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There are three components that make up self-concept: self-image, self-esteem, and ideal self. Self-image is influenced by parental influences, friends, and media, and can be investigated using tests like the Twenty Statements Test. Self-esteem involves self-evaluation and can be either positive or negative. An ideal self may not match a person's actual experiences, creating incongruence. Understanding all three components provides insight into a person.

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                                           Troll                               Human
Thursday, May 31, 12

Even within a single person we need to turn our attention to their human bits rather than their trolly bits.
“This is stupid. You have no idea what you are talking

                       The padding in the first exampel should be a margin to
                       avoid an IE7 bug.”

Thursday, May 31, 12
“This is stupid. You have no idea what you are talking

                       The padding in the first exampel should be a margin to
                       avoid an IE7 bug.”

Thursday, May 31, 12
Potential responses
                       “This is stupid. You have no you. Who are you calling stupid? You
                                              F*&% idea what you are talking
                       about.                             can’t even spell.

                       The padding in the first exampel should be a margin to
                       avoid an IE7 bug.”    You don’t have to be rude. I’ll fix the IE7
                                                     bug in the next patch.

                                             Thanks for the bug report, I’ll fix the IE7
                                                      bug in the next patch.

Thursday, May 31, 12

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              You are responsible for your readers and the tone of the discussion in your space.

Thursday, May 31, 12

I felt obligated to let anyone speak in my blog comments until finally I realized, this is my house -- if people can’t be
civil, they aren’t invited. I am responsible for keeping that community collaborative for my readers.
       When you reply to someone who is being a troll, you give them more attention. You are
                              also responsible for your followers.

Thursday, May 31, 12

Maybe the best thing for a troll is to be ignored!
                If a mailing list goes off the rails, release something cool. Distract, distract, distract.

Thursday, May 31, 12

I’m pretty impressed by the OOCSS google group. We have managed to have almost entirely collaborative interactions
over the last several years. When things have seemed less productive, I do not reply to that mail, instead, I release
something cool, or ask an open ended question (that is ideally more interesting that the trolly-thread).
                       These people don’t care about your project, they are purely there for trolling.

Thursday, May 31, 12

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You are *not* an idiot ~ or maybe we're all idiots. Keynote at NorthSec 2021. Talking about school, failure, success, diploma, impostor syndrom, manipulators, burn out, suicide, and how to deal with them. The talk delivery was more personal, the slides are kept generic. The recording is available @ (starts at 5:47:49)


Thursday, May 31, 12
             There are several different types. Once you recognize them, they become part of a
                                           pattern. Not as upsetting!

Thursday, May 31, 12
                       “I did everything you did, only five years ago and better.”

Thursday, May 31, 12
                 “Go back to school and learn to spell, then maybe someone will take your ideas


Thursday, May 31, 12

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This document provides tips for building sustainable open source communities. It emphasizes the importance of community over code, embracing change, tackling language barriers by promoting local communities, communicating openly, cultivating a transparent culture, and recruiting diverse participants with a variety of skills beyond just development. Regular in-person meetings like strategic sprints are highlighted as important for fostering collaboration, trust, and an inclusive culture in open source projects.

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                       Humans are subtly biased - pattern matching machines. We
                           expect others who do what we do to be like us.

Thursday, May 31, 12

Sexist, racist, etc. This kind of troll has a big blind spot. Usually, they can’t see that they aren’t treating people fairly,
or are failing to be compassionate about someone else’s experience.
                                                 “How long are you going to lead the web astray
                                                          before you just disappear?”

Thursday, May 31, 12
                                      ideally, without feeding the trolls

Thursday, May 31, 12

Get to know others in the community, talk to them privately, let them know you are being trolled or bullied, find ways
to isolate or exclude the troll if ignoring or confronting his/her behavior doesn’t work.

Thursday, May 31, 12

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What Science Fiction Can Teach Us About Building Communities: Edinburgh
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Presented at LinuxCon Europe in Edinburgh. Communities are one of the defining attributes that shape every open source project, not unlike how Asimov'€™s 3 laws of robotics shape the behavior of robots and provide the checks and balances that help make sure that robots and community members continue to play nicely with others. When looking at open source communities from the outside, they may seem small and well-defined until you realize that they seem much larger and complex on the inside, and they may even have a mind of their own, not unlike the TARDIS from Doctor Who. We can even learn how we should not behave in our communities by learning more about the Rules of Acquisition and doing the opposite of what a good Ferengi would do. My favorite rules to avoid include, "Greed is eternal"€, â€"You can always buy back a lost reputation€" and "€œWhen in doubt, lie"€. This session focuses on tips told through science fiction.

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                         Harder to identify, because most of us have a
                         vested interest in believing we’re not ass-hats

Thursday, May 31, 12

Thursday, May 31, 12
                         To avoid feeding your inner troll, you must *notice* it.

Thursday, May 31, 12

Thursday, May 31, 12

A few years ago, I wrote an article about my experiences as a woman in tech. Talk about a way to bring out the trolls!
It was also amazing because I met so many female developers I never would have otherwise known. Anyway, it
generated so many comments on my blog that moderating them became a full time job for 3-4 days.

Someone had linked in the comments to Project Implicit, a research project out of harvard, and since I’m also a data
geek, I wanted to see what I could learn about the state of my brain.

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#PremDac16: Can you see me? with @drbexl
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What Science Fiction Can Teach Us About Building Communities
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Presented at LinuxCon NA in New Orleans. Communities are one of the defining attributes that shape every open source project, not unlike how Asimov'€™s 3 laws of robotics shape the behavior of robots and provide the checks and balances that help make sure that robots and community members continue to play nicely with others. When looking at open source communities from the outside, they may seem small and well-defined until you realize that they seem much larger and complex on the inside, and they may even have a mind of their own, not unlike the TARDIS from Doctor Who. We can even learn how we should not behave in our communities by learning more about the Rules of Acquisition and doing the opposite of what a good Ferengi would do. My favorite rules to avoid include, "Greed is eternal"€, â€"You can always buy back a lost reputation€" and "€œWhen in doubt, lie"€. This session focuses on tips told through science fiction.

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                                                    Uncovers bias.


Thursday, May 31, 12

Project Implicit has a very creative way of teasing out biases, and if you are open enough to seeing yourself clearly it
can provide you with a very interesting view of yourself.

It is a little game in which you sort words & pictures into different bins.
Thursday, May 31, 12

The first test I did was to see if I was racially biased. First, I sorted white people and black people into different bins.
            Joy,                                             Terrible,
        Love, Peace,                                         Horrible,
        Wonderful,                                            Nasty,
         Pleasure,                                 Happy       Evil,
         Glorious,                                            Awful,
         Laughter                                             Failure,

Thursday, May 31, 12

Then I sorted positive words and negative words into bins.

Thursday, May 31, 12

So, you might sort positive words and white people to the left, and negative words and black people to the right.
Then they flip it. All the while, they’ve been measuring exactly how long it took for you to do the sort. A kind of
psychological timing attack.

If it takes you longer to do the sort with a particular combination than it does with the other, it implies that that sort
caused cognitive dissonance, therefore bias has been uncovered.

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The document discusses the seven types of literary conflict: internal conflict (man vs. self), and six types of external conflict - man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. society, man vs. supernatural, man vs. fate, and man vs. tools. It provides examples and explanations of each type of conflict. The document is a homework assignment where the student learned about literary conflicts and completed activities to apply and connect the concepts to their own life experiences.

TYPO3 Communications Workshop: Conflict and Resolution
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Looking at the reasons for conflict, how to avoid conflict, and some examples of the conflict resolution process.

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Why You Deserve A Strong Emotional Strip And Rip Down
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This document discusses the negative behavior of some individuals involved in historical reenactment groups, referred to as "stitch Nazis". These people thrive on criticizing others' uniforms and performances in order to feel superior. They often wait until after events to harshly criticize others instead of providing respectful feedback that could improve the event. Their goal seems to be asserting control and punishing others through a two-step process of catching mistakes and then doling out punishments. The document warns about these types of toxic individuals and encourages leaders to promote positive behavior instead.


Thursday, May 31, 12

Thursday, May 31, 12

I did the test and found it easier & faster to sort women and home-related words and men and work related words.
At first I thought “no way!” But thinking about these issues had changed me. I began to notice that I spent less time
replying to email from women, I subtly expected them to be less technical, less interesting, and therefore less worthy
of my limited free time. That is awful to admit, but it is the truth. I was sexist.

-- the test results fit with what I saw in my own behavior, but was very hard to hear.
                THINGS AREN’T RIGHT

Thursday, May 31, 12

I started noticing all the ways that I was subtly biased against women in tech, and, in doing so moved back to the
center. I didn’t try to overcorrect (which would be awkward), I just noticed and tried to be forgiving with myself
because sometimes, part of being human is to be a troll. We all have trolly bits.
Thursday, May 31, 12

If you find yourself having both troll inclinations and human inclinations, you might want to consider group IQ when
you decide how to behave. A study was done to test the IQ of teams relative to the IQ of individual members.

Certain teams performed above the level indicated by their individual IQs and others underperform markedly. The
difference researchers found in the groups was their level of collaboration & diversity (in particular the number of
women in a group is highly correlated to positive group IQ outcomes). I work to quell my inner troll and uncover my
biases so that I can collaborate more effectively.

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The document discusses several topics around mindfulness and human nature. It notes that teaching through fear can have lifelong negative impacts and that brainwashing is possible this way. It also mentions that "nice people" who stay silent can enable problems like those during Hitler's time. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of loving oneself in order to truly love others, and calls for moving from mindfulness to heartfulness.

Newcastle University PGR Conference 04072019
Newcastle University PGR Conference 04072019Newcastle University PGR Conference 04072019
Newcastle University PGR Conference 04072019

This is a keynote presentation I gave to the 2019 Making Connections Post-Graduate Research Conference for the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering at Newcastle University. I was asked to talk about "what I do, how I got here and my career journey with any hints and tips for successful career outside academia." FWIW - I was very proud to share this with my old University and Faculty. It got good feedback in the room and afterwards from the students. NB. I haven't put credit slide for some of the images i took from the web - apologies to those sources - i know who you are so thanks.

by BBC
Intro to Wikis and More on Distance Collaboration
Intro to Wikis and More on Distance CollaborationIntro to Wikis and More on Distance Collaboration
Intro to Wikis and More on Distance Collaboration

The document discusses wikis and their uses and limitations. It notes that wikis are best suited for big, collaborative projects that require letting go of the idea of individual work and embracing collaboration. However, wikis may not be well-suited for personal projects that impact one's digital identity or private matters meant for only one person. The document also presents differing views about whether technology enhances or hinders community, with one viewpoint arguing it revolutionizes community and the other concerned it may replace human interaction.


                       if we learn not to feed the trolls

Thursday, May 31, 12

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Don't feed the trolls

  • 1. @stubbornella DON’T FEED THE TROLLS! Thursday, May 31, 12 when I worked at yahoo there was a mailing list called devel-frontend. It should have been a great place to share information across teams, but it was so nasty no one would dare to ask any questions. They were afraid. So everyone sat in their corner, not sharing, and not learning as much as they could have. Sad! I’ve included my twitter user name “stubbornella” above because there is a test I’m going to show you that I think you’ll want to try later. I’ll tweet out a link to it after the talk. I’m a consultant. I mainly spend time going in to big companies and helping them sort out their giant CSS files, my job inherently rubs people the wrong way. I’ve worked hard to learn not to take that personally and I want to share a bit of it with you today.
  • 2. DEF. TROLL - PEOPLE WHO SEEK CONFLICT Thursday, May 31, 12 At a yoga and mediation retreat in California, I spoke to an Italian researcher about the difficulty she was having with the other academics she worked with as part of the EU in Brussels. She said that the senior person in her domain was aggressive and forceful. She felt she had to match his vitriol in order to keep from being run over. At the point I met her it had been going on for six years. She was exhausted.
  • 3. SOME PEOPLE ARE ENERGIZED BY CONFLICT. If you aren’t, you will always lose, if you play the game by their rules. Thursday, May 31, 12 What I noticed from the italian researcher’s description was that this guy pretty clearly thrived on conflict. The more she fought back, the more energized he became. The inverse was true for her. She thrived on collaboration and connectedness. The more they fought, the more drained and depleted she became.
  • 4. WHO ARE YOU? Thursday, May 31, 12 Do you prefer a collaborative or combative environment? Figure out what kind of person you are, and you’ll know a lot about how you want to interact with the world. (though, even if you are collaborative, sometimes you will still choose to deplete energy when conflict is required). Decide what tone you want to have, and carry it through to your interactions.
  • 5. TROLLS FEED ON ATTENTION You get more of whatever you give your attention to. Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 6. IF YOU ONLY RESPOND TO ASS-HATS Your life will soon be full of ass-hats Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 7. intentionally redirect your attention SOFTER, GENTLER, MORE CONSIDERED OPINIONS tend to get lost in the fray. Thursday, May 31, 12 We need to intentionally turn toward them, give them the recognition they deserve. The best ideas are not always the loudest.
  • 8. SOMETIMES A TROLL IS NOT 100% TROLLISH Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 9. RESPOND TO THE HUMAN Human 13% Troll 87% Troll Human Thursday, May 31, 12 Even within a single person we need to turn our attention to their human bits rather than their trolly bits.
  • 10. “This is stupid. You have no idea what you are talking about. The padding in the first exampel should be a margin to avoid an IE7 bug.” Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 11. “This is stupid. You have no idea what you are talking about. The padding in the first exampel should be a margin to avoid an IE7 bug.” Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 12. Potential responses #1: “This is stupid. You have no you. Who are you calling stupid? You F*&% idea what you are talking about. can’t even spell. The padding in the first exampel should be a margin to #2: avoid an IE7 bug.” You don’t have to be rude. I’ll fix the IE7 bug in the next patch. #3: Thanks for the bug report, I’ll fix the IE7 bug in the next patch. Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 13. BLOG: DON’T PUBLISH EVERY COMMENT You are responsible for your readers and the tone of the discussion in your space. Thursday, May 31, 12 I felt obligated to let anyone speak in my blog comments until finally I realized, this is my house -- if people can’t be civil, they aren’t invited. I am responsible for keeping that community collaborative for my readers.
  • 14. TO TWEET OR NOT TO TWEET? When you reply to someone who is being a troll, you give them more attention. You are also responsible for your followers. Thursday, May 31, 12 Maybe the best thing for a troll is to be ignored!
  • 15. MAILING LISTS If a mailing list goes off the rails, release something cool. Distract, distract, distract. Thursday, May 31, 12 I’m pretty impressed by the OOCSS google group. We have managed to have almost entirely collaborative interactions over the last several years. When things have seemed less productive, I do not reply to that mail, instead, I release something cool, or ask an open ended question (that is ideally more interesting that the trolly-thread).
  • 16. HACKER NEWS These people don’t care about your project, they are purely there for trolling. Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 18. RECOGNIZING TROLLS There are several different types. Once you recognize them, they become part of a pattern. Not as upsetting! Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 19. JEALOUS TROLL “I did everything you did, only five years ago and better.” Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 20. THE GRAMMAR NAZI “Go back to school and learn to spell, then maybe someone will take your ideas seriously.” Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 21. BIASED TROLL Humans are subtly biased - pattern matching machines. We expect others who do what we do to be like us. Thursday, May 31, 12 Sexist, racist, etc. This kind of troll has a big blind spot. Usually, they can’t see that they aren’t treating people fairly, or are failing to be compassionate about someone else’s experience.
  • 22. SCARY TROLL “How long are you going to lead the web astray before you just disappear?” Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 23. GET SUPPORT ideally, without feeding the trolls Thursday, May 31, 12 Get to know others in the community, talk to them privately, let them know you are being trolled or bullied, find ways to isolate or exclude the troll if ignoring or confronting his/her behavior doesn’t work.
  • 24. TAXONOMY OF TROLLS Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 25. AND, INTERNAL TROLLS Harder to identify, because most of us have a vested interest in believing we’re not ass-hats Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 26. WE’RE ALL TROLLS SOMETIMES Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 27. INTERNAL TROLLS FEED ON INATTENTION To avoid feeding your inner troll, you must *notice* it. Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 28. WOMAN IN TECH Thursday, May 31, 12 A few years ago, I wrote an article about my experiences as a woman in tech. Talk about a way to bring out the trolls! It was also amazing because I met so many female developers I never would have otherwise known. Anyway, it generated so many comments on my blog that moderating them became a full time job for 3-4 days. Someone had linked in the comments to Project Implicit, a research project out of harvard, and since I’m also a data geek, I wanted to see what I could learn about the state of my brain.
  • 29. PROJECT IMPLICIT Uncovers bias. Thursday, May 31, 12 Project Implicit has a very creative way of teasing out biases, and if you are open enough to seeing yourself clearly it can provide you with a very interesting view of yourself. It is a little game in which you sort words & pictures into different bins.
  • 30. Thursday, May 31, 12 The first test I did was to see if I was racially biased. First, I sorted white people and black people into different bins.
  • 31. Agony, Joy, Terrible, Love, Peace, Horrible, Wonderful, Nasty, Pleasure, Happy Evil, Glorious, Awful, Laughter Failure, Hurt Thursday, May 31, 12 Then I sorted positive words and negative words into bins.
  • 32. NEXT, THEY COMBINE BINS Thursday, May 31, 12 So, you might sort positive words and white people to the left, and negative words and black people to the right. Then they flip it. All the while, they’ve been measuring exactly how long it took for you to do the sort. A kind of psychological timing attack. If it takes you longer to do the sort with a particular combination than it does with the other, it implies that that sort caused cognitive dissonance, therefore bias has been uncovered.
  • 33. I AM NOT RACIST Thursday, May 31, 12
  • 34. BUT, I AM SEXIST Thursday, May 31, 12 I did the test and found it easier & faster to sort women and home-related words and men and work related words. At first I thought “no way!” But thinking about these issues had changed me. I began to notice that I spent less time replying to email from women, I subtly expected them to be less technical, less interesting, and therefore less worthy of my limited free time. That is awful to admit, but it is the truth. I was sexist. -- the test results fit with what I saw in my own behavior, but was very hard to hear.
  • 35. CHANGE IS MADE BY SIMPLY NON- JUDGMENTALLY NOTICING THAT THINGS AREN’T RIGHT Thursday, May 31, 12 I started noticing all the ways that I was subtly biased against women in tech, and, in doing so moved back to the center. I didn’t try to overcorrect (which would be awkward), I just noticed and tried to be forgiving with myself because sometimes, part of being human is to be a troll. We all have trolly bits.
  • 36. GROUP IQ Thursday, May 31, 12 If you find yourself having both troll inclinations and human inclinations, you might want to consider group IQ when you decide how to behave. A study was done to test the IQ of teams relative to the IQ of individual members. Certain teams performed above the level indicated by their individual IQs and others underperform markedly. The difference researchers found in the groups was their level of collaboration & diversity (in particular the number of women in a group is highly correlated to positive group IQ outcomes). I work to quell my inner troll and uncover my biases so that I can collaborate more effectively.
  • 37. @stubbornella WE CAN MAKE OUR COMMUNITY STRONGER if we learn not to feed the trolls Thursday, May 31, 12