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Building a TV Show
with Angular, Bootstrap, and Web Services
David Giard
• Senior Technical Evangelist, Microsoft
• @DavidGiard
Single Page Applications

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Introduction to Vaadin
Introduction to VaadinIntroduction to Vaadin
Introduction to Vaadin

An introduction to Vaadin, with a demo application showing how to integrate Spring 3, JPA and Vaadin to quickly build interactive web applications.

Angular 2 - The Next Framework
Angular 2 - The Next FrameworkAngular 2 - The Next Framework
Angular 2 - The Next Framework

Angular 2 is the next version of the AngularJS framework. It was released in 2016 after 2 years of development. Some key features of Angular 2 include optimized performance for both desktop and mobile applications, ahead of time compilation for faster loading, and native support for reactive programming. The document then provides examples of core Angular concepts like components, directives, services, dependency injection and change detection. It explains how Angular 2 applications are bootstrapped and discusses some of the internal workings like the change detection engine.

googleframeworkcommit software
Supercharge Your Pages - New Ways to Extend the Confluence Editor
Supercharge Your Pages - New Ways to Extend the Confluence EditorSupercharge Your Pages - New Ways to Extend the Confluence Editor
Supercharge Your Pages - New Ways to Extend the Confluence Editor

The new Confluence editor brings never before seen capabilities to our developers to extend the editor. During this session, Klaus Ihlberg will explain how users use Confluence today and how to use this information and the new capabilities, to develop apps that supercharge Confluence pages.

atlassianatlascamp 2019
Traditional Web App
Click me!
Thank you, David!
Single Page App
Click me!
Thank you, David!
name’: ‘David’
Web Service
Web APIAngular 2
Function Tool
Web Service Web API
Database SQL Server
Single Page Application Angular 2 & TypeScript
Styling Bootstrap

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Introduction to React for Frontend Developers
Introduction to React for Frontend DevelopersIntroduction to React for Frontend Developers
Introduction to React for Frontend Developers

The document provides an introduction to React for frontend developers. It discusses why React is useful, including its declarative style, automatic updates, use of a virtual DOM, and modular component structure. It then covers React basics like building functional components, what JSX is, and how to use JavaScript code within JSX.


WOdka is a WebObjects framework that was originally developed in Japan. It includes several frameworks like AuditTrail, JQueryMobileD2W, and ModernistD2W. WOdka has a unified dashboard for developers and administrators. It provides features like logical delete, roles and permissions, and integration with NotificationCenter. WOdka supports modern techniques like CSS3, multi-language, and REST. It is actively developed and maintained by developers in Japan and internationally.

Android dev tips
Android dev tipsAndroid dev tips
Android dev tips

The document provides tips for Android development. It recommends using RelativeLayout over LinearLayout to improve performance. It also recommends using the Hierarchy Viewer tool to analyze layouts and identify potential performance issues. Additional tips include using keyboard shortcuts effectively in Eclipse, using LogCat to debug problems, and properly configuring and testing applications before publishing.

android tips
Web API Routing
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public IEnumerable<string> Get() {…}
public string Get(int id) {…}
public void Post ([FromBody]string value) {… }
public void Put (int id, [FromBody]string value) {..}
public void Delete (int id) {…}
Angular 2
• SPA Framework
• Open Source
• Data Binding
• Components
• Modularize
• Open Source
• Superset of JavaScript
• Transpiles to JavaScript

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Angular introduction students
Angular introduction studentsAngular introduction students
Angular introduction students

Angular is a platform for building applications with templates, dependency injection, and integrated tools. It contains modules, components, directives, routing, and services as building blocks. Modules contain routes, components, directives, and services. Components form part of the DOM tree. Directives attach behavior to DOM elements. Routing enables navigation between views. Services provide business logic and data access. The Angular CLI is used to generate, develop, and maintain Angular applications.

feu techangular 6angular intro
Angular Js Get Started - Complete Course
Angular Js Get Started - Complete CourseAngular Js Get Started - Complete Course
Angular Js Get Started - Complete Course

This document provides an introduction and overview of AngularJS, including: - AngularJS is a JavaScript framework for building dynamic web applications and sites. It allows building applications that run in web browsers using HTML. - Key AngularJS concepts covered include directives, controllers, modules, services, filters, forms, routing and two-way data binding. - Examples are provided to demonstrate how to create AngularJS applications, controllers, directives, filters and more. - Custom directives and services can be created to extend the functionality of AngularJS applications.

webweb designwebsite
MongoDB.local Seattle 2019: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial
MongoDB.local Seattle 2019: MongoDB Stitch TutorialMongoDB.local Seattle 2019: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial
MongoDB.local Seattle 2019: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial

Turbocharge your development efforts your with a "hands on" introduction to quickly building apps using the MongoDB database as a service offering known as Atlas and the serverless / REST based application development environment known as Stitch. We'll begin with a brief introduction to MongoDB, Atlas, and Stitch. You will learn about 3 real world examples of two day prototypes and rapid production cycles. You will then create your own free MongoDB Atlas database as a service cluster. Then you will write your first Stitch application to put data into your database and query data out of it. You will learn how to enhance your application with serverless stitch functions and triggers. At the end of the 90 minute session you will have a hands on experience and good grasp of how to write custom serverless applications with MongoDB.

mongodbmongodb.localmongodb stitch
foo.ts foo.js
TypeScript Transpiling
• Command Line: tsc or tsc -w
• Grunt, Gulp, etc.
• Visual Studio
TypeScript Advantages
• Productivity
• Static Type Analysis
• Language Tool Support
• Better management of large codebases

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Angular js
Angular jsAngular js
Angular js

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that allows developers to create single-page applications. It provides features like data binding, directives, dependency injection and MVC architecture. The presentation provided an overview of AngularJS, its core features and concepts like modules, controllers, services and routing. Key benefits of AngularJS include building reusable components, easier testing and single page application capabilities.

information technologyeducation
Creating lightweight JS Apps w/ Web Components and lit-html
Creating lightweight JS Apps w/ Web Components and lit-htmlCreating lightweight JS Apps w/ Web Components and lit-html
Creating lightweight JS Apps w/ Web Components and lit-html

What are Web Components and why should we use them, Pros and Cons. What is lit-html and how it helps us develop lightweight JavaScript Apps.

web componentslit-htmlweb
SharePoint Saturday Ottawa 2015 - Office 365 and PowerShell - A match made in...
SharePoint Saturday Ottawa 2015 - Office 365 and PowerShell - A match made in...SharePoint Saturday Ottawa 2015 - Office 365 and PowerShell - A match made in...
SharePoint Saturday Ottawa 2015 - Office 365 and PowerShell - A match made in...

This document summarizes a presentation about using PowerShell with Office 365. Sébastien Levert, an Office 365 MVP, gave the presentation at SharePoint Saturday Ottawa on November 21, 2015. The presentation covered connecting to and managing SharePoint Online and Office 365 APIs using PowerShell. It provided demonstrations of common tasks like getting all site collections, exporting list content, adding themes, querying data via REST, and automating user and site provisioning for DevOps scenarios. The document concluded by advertising the post-event social at the Observatory Student Pub and providing parking and transportation details.

office 365powershellpatterns & practices
Type Checking
var num1 = 5;
var num2 = 10;
var sum = num1 + num2;
Type Checking
var num1: number = 5;
var num2 : number = 10;
var sum: number = num1 + num2;
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"module": "system",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"sourceMap": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"removeComments": false,
"noImplicitAny": false
"exclude": [
"ambientDependencies": {
"es6-shim": "github:DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/es6-shim/es6-shim.d.ts#7de6c3dd94feaeb21f20054b9f30d5dabc5efabd",
"jasmine": "github:DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/jasmine/jasmine.d.ts#5c182b9af717f73146399c2485f70f1e2ac0ff2b"

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Angular 9
Angular 9 Angular 9
Angular 9

Presentation about new Angular 9. It gives introduction about angular framework. Provides information about why we use angular, additional features and fixes from old versions. It will clearly explain how to create a new angular project and how to use angular commands and their usages. It will also explain about the key components like angular architecture, routing, dependency injection etc.,

angular9angularweb design
MOPCON 2014 - Best software architecture in app development
MOPCON 2014 - Best software architecture in app developmentMOPCON 2014 - Best software architecture in app development
MOPCON 2014 - Best software architecture in app development

Talking about how to build smart design and architecture for app development. Let your app can easy develop and deploy components on your app. And more topic of version control and quality improvement.

Mobile for SharePoint with Windows Phone
Mobile for SharePoint with Windows PhoneMobile for SharePoint with Windows Phone
Mobile for SharePoint with Windows Phone

A survey of connectivity options available to folks who want to leverage their favorite business collaboration platform interacting with their favorite mobile client. Wverything from "non-app" solutions (stuff already in the smartphone) to C#/CSOM with a few alternatives in between.

sharepointwindows phonesharepoint 2013
Angular 2
Key Parts of Angular
• Modules
• Components
• Templates
• Directives
• Services
• Routing
• Http
• Built into Angular 2
• Makes it easier to split code into smaller pieces
• Import one module into another
• Export module to make it available for import

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Angular interview questions
Angular interview questionsAngular interview questions
Angular interview questions Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source front-end platform that makes it easy to build applications with in web/mobile/desktop. The major features of this framework such as declarative templates, dependency injection, end to end tooling, and many more other features are used to ease the development. Angular 7 is a Javascript framework built around the concept of components, and more precisely, with the Web Components standard in mind. It was rewritten from scratch by the Angular team using Typescript (although we can use it with ES5, ES6, or Dart as well). Angular 7 is a big change for us compared to 1.x. Because it is a completely different framework than 1.x, and is not backward-compatible. Angular 7 is written entirely in Typescript and meets the ECMAScript 6 specification angular interview questions and answers, angular 7 interview questions and answers, angular interview question, angular interview questions and answers for experienced, angular 7 interview questions, angular 6 interview questions, angular interview questions, angular 6 interview questions and answers, angular 2 interview questions, angular7, angular 5 interview questions, angular interview, angular 2 interview questions and answers, angular questions and answers

angularangular interview questions and answersangular 7 interview questions and answers
Production Ready Web Services with Dropwizard
Production Ready Web Services with DropwizardProduction Ready Web Services with Dropwizard
Production Ready Web Services with Dropwizard

This document summarizes a presentation about using Dropwizard to build production-ready web services. It discusses how Dropwizard was used at Gilt Groupe to build microservices like a gift certificate service and fraud service. Dropwizard consists of common Java web service components like Jetty, Jersey, and Jackson configured together. It simplifies building RESTful web services by handling tasks like configuration, metrics, and logging out of the box.


Bootstrap is a free front-end framework for building responsive, mobile-first websites and web apps. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates and components for things like typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. Bootstrap features responsive grid system, tables, forms, buttons, navigation and other elements for developing responsive web pages and applications. It helps developers design websites faster without writing much custom CSS code.

import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
selector: 'my-app',
template: '<h1>Hello World</h1>'
export class AppComponent { }
outside this
Use exported
In this module
• Class (properties & methods)
• Decorated with @Component
• Template
• Selector
• Imported references
Templates and Selectors

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Kiss and the City - Presentation
Kiss and the City - PresentationKiss and the City - Presentation
Kiss and the City - Presentation

The 1st International Photograph Gallery Road Show, TV Show and Social Responsibility Program will hold exhibitions, parties, and outdoor events in 10 cities across Europe and Russia. A reality TV show will follow famous photographers mentoring local amateur photographers in unique 19-episode seasons. 20% of profits will benefit a children's illness charity. An amateur photography contest in each country will select participants to guide famous photographers and potentially exhibit in events, with the prize being an opportunity to assist famous photographers.

Présentation Emission TV En Mode Appart
Présentation Emission TV En Mode AppartPrésentation Emission TV En Mode Appart
Présentation Emission TV En Mode Appart

Présentation Createmotions de la nouvelle émission EnModeAppart, l'émission TV qui parle d'immobilier aux 18-35ans sur les chaînes MCE et Demain à partir de Septembre chaque semaine, produite et animée par Bruno Waitzmann et Olivier Casado, des experts de l'immobilier.

latest_tv presentation show_timing
latest_tv presentation show_timinglatest_tv presentation show_timing
latest_tv presentation show_timing

This document outlines the vision, mission, targets, and beliefs to support a new streaming service. The vision is to put the whole world in customers' pockets by changing lifestyles and how people watch TV worldwide. Targets include a wide selection of live streaming channels, high quality video and audio, video on demand, an easy to use app connected to social networks, and accessibility across devices at an inexpensive price. The document provides statistics on internet, mobile, and app usage in MENA to believe that a streaming service could be successful in the region. It lists key features and potential content categories for partnerships.

Templates and Selectors
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
selector: 'my-app',
template: '<h1>Hello World</h1>'
export class AppComponent { }
selector: 'my-app',
template: '<h1>Hello World</h1>'
export class AppComponent { }
selector: 'my-app',
template: '<h1>Hello World</h1>'
export class AppComponent { }
selector: 'my-app',
template: '<h1>Hello World</h1>'
export class AppComponent { }
Hello World

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The Voice - The Engaging Model (Valerie Janssens)
The Voice - The Engaging Model (Valerie Janssens)The Voice - The Engaging Model (Valerie Janssens)
The Voice - The Engaging Model (Valerie Janssens)

The Voice : Présentation de Valérie Janssens

digital formationdigital marketingvalerie janssens
Pitching - Thinking Of Pitching Nottingham Print
Pitching - Thinking Of Pitching Nottingham PrintPitching - Thinking Of Pitching Nottingham Print
Pitching - Thinking Of Pitching Nottingham Print

Presentation on Pitching from the recent MediaCamp session in Nottingham presented by Alec McPhedran of Skills Channel TV.


This document outlines a television show and magazine called "Lifestyles Of Influential Professionals & Communities" that aims to showcase businesses, authors, musicians and other talents. The show would feature different departments like inspiration, fashion, music, and travel. It would include interviews, announcements and advertising. The goals for the first year include building a following, media exposure, expanding distribution and growing capital through advertising revenue. Resources needed include a studio, cameras, and weekly access to a television station.

Templates: Multi-Line
Hello World
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<h1>Hello World</h1>
export class AppComponent { }
Templates: External file
selector: 'my-app',
templateurl: 'myApp.html'
export class AppComponent { }
<h1>Hello World</h1>
Hello World
selector: 'my-app',
templateurl: 'myApp.html'
export class AppComponent { }
import {AppComponent}
from './app.component';
= bootstrap file

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Tv news practical
Tv news practicalTv news practical
Tv news practical

This document outlines the tasks involved in a practical production project for a factual programming course. Students will work in small groups to plan and film a multi-camera show. They must decide on a format (talk show, review show, or magazine show), pitch their idea to an executive producer, research a theme, plan guests and scripts, and film the final production in a studio. Individual deliverables include an in-depth research portfolio and group planning portfolio. The tasks guide students through choosing a format, theme, and research topics to inform their show planning.

Produce and pitch to perfection for TV
Produce and pitch to perfection for TVProduce and pitch to perfection for TV
Produce and pitch to perfection for TV

This document outlines the content and schedule for a course on producing and pitching television programmes. The course will take place over 10 sessions between November 2010 and January 2011, and will provide instruction on developing programme ideas, researching content, writing proposals and treatments, scheduling, budgeting, and pitching ideas to commissioning editors. Participants will develop their own programme ideas over the course of the sessions and incorporate feedback from mentors to refine their proposals in preparation for commissioning rounds. The document reviews considerations for television schedules, formats, target audiences, and criteria used by broadcasters to evaluate programming ideas.

Desenvolvimento Front end (AngularJS e Bootstrap)
Desenvolvimento Front end (AngularJS e Bootstrap)Desenvolvimento Front end (AngularJS e Bootstrap)
Desenvolvimento Front end (AngularJS e Bootstrap)

O documento apresenta uma agenda de um curso de formação front-end com AngularJS e Bootstrap. O curso abordará introdução ao JavaScript, AngularJS, diretivas, controllers, serviços, views, requisições AJAX, armazenamento local e Bootstrap. Não será abordado ferramentas como IDEs, Bower, Grunt, Node ou outras bibliotecas auxiliares.

angularjsdesenvolvimento de softwaresoftware
• Allow you to attach behavior to DOM elements
• *ngFor
• *ngIf
• ngSwitch
• ngClass
• Custom Directives
<div *ngFor="#cust of customers">
{{cust.lastName}}, {{cust.firstName}}
var customers: Customer[] = [
{ "id": 1, "firstName": "David", "lastName" : "Giard" },
{ "id": 2, "firstName": "Bill", "lastName": "Gates" },
{ "id": 3, "firstName": "Steve", "lastName": "Ballmer" },
{ "id": 4, "firstName": "Satya", "lastName": "Nadella" }
Giard, David
Gates, Bill
Ballmer, Steve
Nadella, Satya
• Syntax: *ngif="condition"
• Removes element from DOM if condition is not “truthy”

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E tv pitch
E tv pitchE tv pitch
E tv pitch

Hannah Burke, Megan Hays, Colin O’Neill, Alan Thau propose an entirely online television network with an on-demand catalog and live primetime broadcasts available through their website or mobile app. Users can choose between a free, ad-supported option or a subscription option without ads. The social media-integrated website aims to be user-friendly and include transmedia features while advertising online through various techniques with 5 minutes of commercials per 55 minutes of content. They are interested in an ethnically diverse show to appeal to their minority-friendly network which currently lacks representation.

Tv presentation research
Tv presentation researchTv presentation research
Tv presentation research

This PowerPoint presentation outlines ideas for a new television program for E6 Global Media. The presentation will share the results of secondary research conducted on potential program ideas and primary research gathered from focus groups and surveys. It aims to convince the station executive director to greenlight one of the proposed concepts.

Abroad Presentation
Abroad PresentationAbroad Presentation
Abroad Presentation

This TV show follows two drug smugglers caught at Heathrow Airport through flashbacks of each year leading up to their arrest. Each episode covers a different year, with the characters having differing recollections of events, revealing who has been telling the truth. While episodes can be watched independently as self-contained stories, the series as a whole forms a larger narrative. Scenes take place in labs testing drugs as well as abroad in various countries portraying the characters' activities in past years. The show will be released on Amazon Prime for audiences aged 16-50 who enjoy crime dramas.

<button (click)="clicked()">Toggle</button>
<div *ngIf="show">
Can you see me?
export class AppComponent {
show: boolean = true;
clicked() { = !; }
Can you see me?
<button (click)="clicked()">Toggle</button>
<div *ngIf="show">
Can you see me?
export class AppComponent {
show: boolean = true;
clicked() { = !; }
Can you see me?
LifeCycle Hooks
• OnInit
• OnChanges
• OnDestroy
export class foo implements OnInit {

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How to Pitch an Idea - Lessons from EMC TV & Toastmasters
How to Pitch an Idea - Lessons from EMC TV & ToastmastersHow to Pitch an Idea - Lessons from EMC TV & Toastmasters
How to Pitch an Idea - Lessons from EMC TV & Toastmasters

I talk a lot these days, and it hasn't always been effective. Four and a half years ago I nearly went to the hospital due to loss of oxygen during a presentation. Today, I'm a multi-year member of Toastmasters International and an anchor for EMCTV at EMC Corporation. This presentation isn't about my story, but rather some elements inherent to ALL of our stories. Take a moment to review the points within the story arc taught here and reflect on how you can make a killer presentation to your target audience.

how-topresentationcorporate business
PowerPoint: Pitching a TV Show
PowerPoint: Pitching a TV ShowPowerPoint: Pitching a TV Show
PowerPoint: Pitching a TV Show

The document provides instructions for pitching a new TV show idea, including choosing from several genres (such as science fiction, romantic comedy, sitcom, horror), developing a concept with a "what if" premise and 2-5 main characters, coming up with a catchy title and logline, and researching current TV trends. Students are then instructed to post their TV show pitch idea to a discussion board for feedback.

Bootstrap 3 - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework...
Bootstrap 3 - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework...Bootstrap 3 - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework...
Bootstrap 3 - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework...

Bootstrap 3 - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. Bootstrap.

• Class containing logic
• Shared Code: Used by components or other services
• Substitutable Objects
• Dependency Injection
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
export class CustService {
getCustomers() {
return customers;
var customers: Customer[] = [
{ "id": 1, "firstname": "David", "lastname": "Giard" },
{ "id": 2, "firstname": "Bill", "lastname": "Gates" },
{ "id": 3, "firstname": "Steve", "lastname": "Ballmer" },
{ "id": 4, "firstname": "Satya", "lastname": "Nadella" }
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
export class CustService {
getCustomers() {
return customers;
import { OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import {CustService} from CustomerService
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
ngOnInit() {
this.customers = this.customerService.getCustomers();
constructor(private customerService:CustService) { }

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Reality tv show concept
Reality tv show conceptReality tv show concept
Reality tv show concept

The game show tests players' luck and knowledge over 7 questions across categories like sports, books, history, and politics. Players allocate their Rs. 1 crore cash prize among 4 boxes displaying potential answers, keeping whatever amount is in the box with the correct answer. They must allocate all money each round and cannot quit early. Participant selection occurs randomly based on answering daily trivia questions during a 2-week commercial promotion period.

10 Tips on How to Pitch a VC (FOWA, London)
10 Tips on How to Pitch a VC (FOWA, London)10 Tips on How to Pitch a VC (FOWA, London)
10 Tips on How to Pitch a VC (FOWA, London)

The document provides 10 tips for pitching a venture capital firm, including keeping the elevator pitch short at 30 seconds, focusing on the problem rather than the solution, demonstrating the solution, showing the size of the target market, outlining the business model and revenue sources, discussing any proprietary technology, comparing competitors, explaining the marketing plan, introducing the founding team, and detailing funding needs and milestones. Additional resources for startup metrics, sample pitches, and blogs are also referenced.

Presentation for tv show
Presentation for tv showPresentation for tv show
Presentation for tv show

This document provides information about the proposed TV game show "Beat The Beat". Secondary research found similar music-based quiz shows that were popular, indicating there is a market gap. Primary research via surveys found that people aged 13-30 would enjoy a quiz/game show. The show would involve teams of contestants competing in head-to-head musical challenges and games to eliminate opponents and win cash prizes. Possible hosts mentioned are comedians who could bring humor to the show.

Data Binding
• Simple Binding
• One-Way Property Binding
• 2-Way Property Binding
• Event Binding
1-Way Data Binding
• Square brackets around property
• []
1-Way Data Binding
selector: 'my-app',
template: ‘<button [disabled]=" dataNotChanged">Save</button>’
export class AppComponent {
dataNotChanged= true;
1-Way Data Binding
selector: 'my-app',
template: ‘<button [disabled]=" dataNotChanged">Save</button>’
export class AppComponent {
dataNotChanged = true;

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Bootstrap 3 Basic - Bangkok WordPress Meetup
Bootstrap 3 Basic - Bangkok WordPress MeetupBootstrap 3 Basic - Bangkok WordPress Meetup
Bootstrap 3 Basic - Bangkok WordPress Meetup

This document provides an overview and examples of Bootstrap, an open-source front-end framework for building responsive mobile-first websites and web apps. It discusses what Bootstrap is, the pre-built HTML and CSS components it contains, how to use its grid system including different screen sizes, and provides examples of websites built with Bootstrap. The speaker is Woratana Ngarmtrakulchol, a front-end developer and founder of who is interested in topics like WordPress, front-end development, and web design.

Introduction to Angular2
Introduction to Angular2Introduction to Angular2
Introduction to Angular2

This document provides an introduction to Angular 2, including: - Angular 2 is a JavaScript framework for building single-page applications that uses dependency injection, change detection, and components. - TypeScript allows adding types to JavaScript for complex apps and is used extensively in Angular 2. - The Angular 2 ecosystem utilizes decorators like @Component and @NgModule to define metadata for components and modules. Components also have lifecycle hooks. - The document demonstrates how to set up an Angular 2 app using the Angular CLI, including creating modules, components, services, and bootstrapping the app. It compares the component architecture between Angular 1 and 2.

angular fundamentals.pdf angular fundamentals.pdf
angular fundamentals.pdf angular fundamentals.pdfangular fundamentals.pdf angular fundamentals.pdf
angular fundamentals.pdf angular fundamentals.pdf

This document provides an overview of Angular fundamentals including components, directives, pipes, services, and reactive programming concepts. It defines components as reusable UI building blocks that control a view. It demonstrates core directives like NgFor, NgIf, and NgSwitch. It also covers lifecycle hooks, built-in and custom pipes, dependency injection with services, RxJS observables, and reactive programming concepts like streams and operators.

1-Way Data Binding
selector: 'my-app',
template: ‘<button [disabled]=" dataNotChanged">Save</button>’
export class AppComponent {
dataNotChanged = false;
1-Way Data Binding
• Double curly braces around data
• {{}}
1-Way Data Binding
selector: 'my-app',
template: '<h1>Hello World</h1>'
export class AppComponent {
1-Way Data Binding
selector: 'my-app',
template: '<h1>Hello {{customerFirstName}}</h1>'
export class AppComponent {
Data Binding
Hello David

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Jan 2017 - a web of applications (angular 2)
Jan 2017 - a web of applications (angular 2)Jan 2017 - a web of applications (angular 2)
Jan 2017 - a web of applications (angular 2)

Kasper Reijnders will give a presentation on building web applications with Angular. The presentation will cover an introduction to Angular, including versions 1.x, 2.x and the next version 4.x. It will demonstrate key Angular concepts like components, modules, inputs/outputs, services, pipes and directives. Code examples will be provided to illustrate how to build components, modules, handle inputs/outputs with services, and use templates.

Паразитируем на React-экосистеме (Angular 4+) / Алексей Охрименко (IPONWEB)
Паразитируем на React-экосистеме (Angular 4+) / Алексей Охрименко (IPONWEB)Паразитируем на React-экосистеме (Angular 4+) / Алексей Охрименко (IPONWEB)
Паразитируем на React-экосистеме (Angular 4+) / Алексей Охрименко (IPONWEB)

The document discusses how Angular components can "parasitize" the React ecosystem. It begins by providing code examples of basic Angular component creation. It then explores terminology related to parasitism and parasitoids. Various approaches for communicating between Angular components using services, properties, and Redux are presented. The document also discusses ideas for libraries that could help convert React components to Angular. It covers tools and patterns for state management in Angular like Redux and MobX. Finally, it discusses how Angular components could potentially "parasitize" the React ecosystem in both helpful and harmful ways.

рит++ 2017frontend сonf
Exploring Angular 2 - Episode 1
Exploring Angular 2 - Episode 1Exploring Angular 2 - Episode 1
Exploring Angular 2 - Episode 1

The aim of these series is exploring Angular 2 and it's amazing features. with the simplest way and the meaningful examples and labs to be practiced. Good Luck in Exploring :D

1-Way Data Binding
selector: 'my-app',
template: '<h1>Hello {{customer.FirstName}}</h1>'
export class AppComponent {
customer: Customer = {
export class Customer{
FirstName: string;
LastName: string;
1-Way Data Binding
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<h1>{{customer.FirstName}} Details</h1>
<div>First: {{customer.FirstName}}</div>
<div>Last: {{customer.LastName}}
export class AppComponent {
customer: Customer = {
David Details
First: David
Last: Giard
2-Way Data Binding
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<h1>{{customer.FirstName}} Details</h1>
<div>First: <input [(ngModel)]="customer.FirstName" </div>
<div>Last: <input [(ngModel)]="customer.LastName" </div>
export class AppComponent {
customer: Customer = {
2-way data binding
David Details
1-way data binding
2-Way Data Binding
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<h1>{{customer.FirstName}} Details</h1>
<div>First: <input [(ngModel)]="customer.LastName" </div>
<div>Last: <input [(ngModel)]="customer.FirstName" </div>
export class AppComponent {
customer: Customer = {
D Details

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Angular 4 for Java Developers
Angular 4 for Java DevelopersAngular 4 for Java Developers
Angular 4 for Java Developers

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on Angular for Java developers. The presentation will cover: generating an Angular project with Angular CLI; creating a Java REST service with Spring Boot; building an Angular REST client to interact with the Spring Boot backend; and demonstrating a sample Angular app using REST and WebSockets. It also briefly outlines key Angular concepts like components, dependency injection, routing, reactive programming with Observables, and forms.

Commit University - Exploring Angular 2
Commit University - Exploring Angular 2Commit University - Exploring Angular 2
Commit University - Exploring Angular 2

Probabilmente il framework javascript più atteso di sempre, evoluzione di uno dei framework più longevi ed usati nello sviluppo front end. Si vedranno alcune delle novità introdotte e delle scelte radicali fatte da Google per la nuova versione di Angular


Angular is a JavaScript framework for building client-side applications using HTML, CSS and TypeScript. It uses components to break down the application into independent interactive parts and modules to organize the components. Data binding techniques allow communication between components' templates (views) and classes (logic). Components, modules, directives and dependency injection allow extensible and maintainable application architecture.

2-Way Data Binding
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<h1>{{customer.FirstName}} Details</h1>
<div>First: <input [(ngModel)]="customer.LastName" </div>
<div>Last: <input [(ngModel)]="customer.FirstName" </div>
export class AppComponent {
customer: Customer = {
Da Details
2-Way Data Binding
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<h1>{{customer.FirstName}} Details</h1>
<div>First: <input [(ngModel)]="customer.LastName" </div>
<div>Last: <input [(ngModel)]="customer.FirstName" </div>
export class AppComponent {
customer: Customer = {
Dan Details
Events binding
<control (eventname)="methodname(parameters)">
click event
<control (click)="methodtocall(parameters)">
<div (click)="onClick(customer)">
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<h1 (click)="onClick (customer)">{{customer.FirstName}} Details</h1>
<div>First: <input [(ngModel)]="customer.LastName" </div>
<div>Last: <input [(ngModel)]="customer.FirstName" </div>
export class AppComponent {
customer: Customer = {
onClick(cust: Customer) { alert ("You Selected " + customer.FirstName); }

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Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework for building mobile and desktop web applications. It uses TypeScript for development and focuses on building single page applications. The key aspects of Angular include components, modules, templates and data binding. To set up an Angular application, developers must install Node.js, Angular CLI and configure the development environment. The Angular CLI is used to generate components, run tests and deploy applications. Components and modules are fundamental building blocks - components define views and logic, while modules organize an application's components. Data binding in templates connects application data and DOM elements.

mean stack
Angular 2 - a New Hope
Angular 2 - a New HopeAngular 2 - a New Hope
Angular 2 - a New Hope

Angular 2 is a JavaScript framework for building client applications. It uses TypeScript for static typing and supports mobile and desktop applications. The key aspects covered are components, which encapsulate templates and logic, bindings for data flow, services for reusable logic, routers for navigation, and directives for extending DOM elements. The document recommends using the Angular CLI for building applications and compares Angular 2 to other frameworks, noting its emphasis on simplicity, functionality, and convenience.

angular 2web developmentangular
Building Powerful Applications with AngularJS 2 and TypeScript - David Giard
Building Powerful Applications with AngularJS 2 and TypeScript - David GiardBuilding Powerful Applications with AngularJS 2 and TypeScript - David Giard
Building Powerful Applications with AngularJS 2 and TypeScript - David Giard

Angular 2 is a JavaScript framework that helps you build rich, interactive Single Page Applications. This presentation will cover the basics of Angular 2 and the advantages of TypeScript – a language that adds features to JavaScript, including strong typing. You will learn about data binding, event binding, routing, and observables. Demos are a large part of this presentation.

david giarditcamp 2017
• Load components dynamically into page
• Link via URL
• Client-side
• Step 1: Bootstrap array of routes
const routes: RouterConfig = [
path: 'foo',
component: FooComponent
path: 'bar',
component: BarComponent
export const appRouterProviders = [
import { appRouterProviders } from './app.routes';
AppComponent, [
<a [routerLink]="[/foo']">Foo</a>
<a [routerLink]="[/bar']">Bar</a>
Bootstrap routes
User clicks “Foo” link

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Angular2 + rxjs
Angular2 + rxjsAngular2 + rxjs
Angular2 + rxjs

This document provides an overview of Angular 2 and Rxjs. Some key points covered include: - Angular 2 is backed by Google and designed to be faster and more memory efficient than Angular 1. It uses TypeScript and focuses on components. - Bootstrapping, modules, directives, bindings and pipes work differently in Angular 2 compared to Angular 1 with fewer overall concepts. - Observables and operators from Rxjs allow for asynchronous programming and composing asynchronous operations. Common operators like map, filter and flatMap are discussed. - Services can be used to share data between components. Components follow a lifecycle with hooks like ngOnInit and ngOnDestroy. -

Angular JS2 Training Session #2
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Angular JS2 Training Session #2

This document provides an overview of various Angular concepts including planning an Angular app, component lifecycle, communication between components, directives, pipes, routes, services, and forms. It discusses creating a new Angular project, adding Bootstrap styles, and planning out recipe and shopping list pages. It also covers data models, component lifecycle hooks, using inputs, outputs, viewChild, local variables and services for communication. The document explains attribute directives, built-in and custom pipes, integrating routes, and when to use template-driven versus reactive forms. It wraps up by previewing topics for the next session.

Stencil the time for vanilla web components has arrived
Stencil the time for vanilla web components has arrivedStencil the time for vanilla web components has arrived
Stencil the time for vanilla web components has arrived

This document discusses how Stencil can help address problems with building web applications using traditional frameworks and libraries. Stencil is a compiler that generates custom elements from components written with its API, providing features like virtual DOM, reactivity, and JSX without coupling to a specific framework. It addresses issues like verbose custom element syntax, lack of runtime features, and polyfill needs. The document demonstrates how to create and consume Stencil components, and how it allows infrastructure components to be reused across frameworks by compiling to standard web components.

stenciljsjavascriptweb components
import {Http } from '@angular/http';
bootstrap(AppComponent, [
getEpisodes(): Observable<IEpisode[]> {
return Observable.create((observer: Observer<any>) => {
this.episodeService.getEpisodes().subscribe((data) => {

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Hidden Docs in Angular
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Hidden Docs in Angular

The document discusses several hidden aspects of Angular components and directives, including: 1. How change detection works in Angular and is triggered by events, timers, and XHR using zone.js. 2. How to explore the Angular source code to understand change detection sequences, lifecycle hooks, and classes like ApplicationRef and ChangeDetectionRef. 3. Other concepts like content projection, attribute directives, and differences between how selectors work for components and directives.

Simple setup for an Angular EventEmitter
Simple setup for an Angular EventEmitterSimple setup for an Angular EventEmitter
Simple setup for an Angular EventEmitter

A simple demo of how to create an EventEmitter in an Angular service and use a component to listen for it.

Understanding router state in angular 7 passing data through angular router s...
Understanding router state in angular 7 passing data through angular router s...Understanding router state in angular 7 passing data through angular router s...
Understanding router state in angular 7 passing data through angular router s...

Understanding Router State in Angular 7: Check out this tutorial to explore the new Angular feature for passing data through Angular RouterState with a demo app

angular 7routerstatedemo app
More Architecture
id: number
title: string
description: string
dateRecorded: string
dateReleased?: string
location: string
videoUrl: string
episodeNumber: number
guests: string[]
links?: ILink[]
url: string;
title: string;
…/episodeList/guest/John Smith
…/episodeList/location/Chicago, IL

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Meetup SkillValue - Angular 6 : Bien démarrer son application
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Meetup SkillValue - Angular 6 : Bien démarrer son application

Angular 6 architecture organizes code into modules, components, services and more. The document discusses Angular CLI commands, project structure, and key concepts like lazy loading modules. It also covers RxJS updates and best practices like separating app code into core, shared and feature modules that can be loaded independently. Overall the document provides an overview of Angular 6 project organization and architecture.

angularfile structure
Technozaure - Angular2
Technozaure - Angular2Technozaure - Angular2
Technozaure - Angular2

This document provides an overview of key concepts in Angular 2, including: - Components form the building blocks of an Angular 2 application and use metadata to configure selector, template, and more. - Templates can be defined inline using TypeScript template strings or external template files. - Property and event bindings allow components to share data and handle user input. - Dependency injection provides services to components through their constructors similarly to AngularJS but with additional capabilities like child injectors. - Pipes allow transforming values in templates similarly to filters in AngularJS. - Annotations like @Component and @View configure components. - The framework is actively developed with an


The document provides an overview and introduction to AngularJS. It discusses key Angular concepts like data binding, directives, filters, controllers and scopes. It also covers using Angular for client-side routing and communicating with servers to retrieve data. Example code snippets are provided to demonstrate concepts like controllers, directives and routing. Labs and exercises are included to apply the concepts by building sample Angular applications.

episodes: IEpisode[];
allEpisodes: IEpisode[];
Subscribes to

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We spend much of our time collecting and analyzing data. That data is only useful if it can be displayed in a meaningful, understandable way. Yale professor Edward Tufte presented many ideas on how to effectively present data to an audience or end user. In this session, I will explain some of Tufte's most important guidelines about data visualization and how you can apply those guidelines to your own data. You will learn what to include, what to remove, and what to avoid in your charts, graphs, maps and other images that represent data.

Azure data factory
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Azure data factory

Azure Data Factory is a cloud data integration service that allows users to create data-driven workflows (pipelines) comprised of activities to move and transform data. Pipelines contain a series of interconnected activities that perform data extraction, transformation, and loading. Data Factory connects to various data sources using linked services and can execute pipelines on a schedule or on-demand to move data between cloud and on-premises data stores and platforms.

Azure functions
Azure functionsAzure functions
Azure functions

The document introduces Azure Functions, a serverless computing service that allows developers to write code without managing servers. It discusses how Azure Functions handles automatic scaling and only charges for compute time used. The document also outlines the organization of functions apps, supported triggers, bindings, languages, and deployment tools. Finally, it provides an overview of Durable Functions for saving state and coordinating workflows across functions.


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Building a TV show with Angular, Bootstrap, and Web Services

Editor's Notes

  1. COMPONENT = Template (view, including HTML, bindings, directives) + Class (properties / methods; created with TypeScript) + Metadata (decorator: from Angular)
  2. structural directives (*ngIf, *ngFor) Replaces HTML