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Resource Server & Client
for OCF Cloud
2018. 8. 30
Cloud Architecture
OCF Cloud :
Resource Directory is used for storing and finding
Account is used for storing User & Device info.
Message Queue is based on Kafka and used for
message queue.
Cloud Interface process uses Device Server
System module to handle devices.
(*You should put Interface server address, credential
to run sample.)
Resource Server (Controlee) : Things Device
eg> TV, Refrigerator, Air Conditioner, Air Purifier,
Resource Client (Controller) : Remote Control App
Build and run IoTivity projects
Install build env
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential git scons libtool autoconf valgrind doxygen wget unzip chrpath
Install development support for external libraries:
$ sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev uuid-dev
libexpat1-dev libglib2.0-dev libsqlite3-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev
How to build IoTivity projects
$ git clone -b 1.3.1 iotivity-v1.3.1
$ cd iotivity-v1.3.1
$ git clone extlibs/tinycbor/tinycbor -b v0.4.1
$ git clone extlibs/mbedtls/mbedtls -b mbedtls-2.4.2
Two more Extlib needed.
-j N, --jobs=N Allow N jobs at once.
Sample source code folder and Build output folder
Sample source code folder
Build output folder

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OSCON 2014 - API Ecosystem with Scala, Scalatra, and Swagger at Netflix
OSCON 2014 - API Ecosystem with Scala, Scalatra, and Swagger at NetflixOSCON 2014 - API Ecosystem with Scala, Scalatra, and Swagger at Netflix
OSCON 2014 - API Ecosystem with Scala, Scalatra, and Swagger at Netflix

This document discusses Netflix's API ecosystem built using Scala, Scalatra, and Swagger. It summarizes Netflix's use of these technologies to build APIs that power their consumer electronics partner portal and enable certification of Netflix ready devices. It describes how the APIs provide a single source of truth for all device data at Netflix and correlate streaming quality metrics. It then discusses aspects of the architecture including the manager layer containing business logic, HTTP layer for handling requests/responses, and use of Scala, Scalatra, Swagger, and deployment process including immutable infrastructure.

QA Fest 2019. Saar Rachamim. Developing Tools, While Testing
QA Fest 2019. Saar Rachamim. Developing Tools, While TestingQA Fest 2019. Saar Rachamim. Developing Tools, While Testing
QA Fest 2019. Saar Rachamim. Developing Tools, While Testing

Our daily work is comprised of testing a product and improve its quality. However, here and there, we can come to a state where we find a need to build a tool, that can make our work easierbetter. I will share from my experience when I found myself in a situation where building a tool was needed. We will start with a web application that allows you to know when a food delivery you ordered arrives to the office, and then we will focus on a tool that test the performance of an app from the UI side. We will do a live demo for both of them.

Learning Dtrace
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Learning Dtrace

DTrace is a comprehensive dynamic tracing framework created by Sun Microsystems for troubleshooting kernel and application problems on production systems in real time. It provides probes in the operating system and applications to monitor events, collects and aggregates data, and provides tools to analyze the data. DTrace can be used on Unix-like systems like Solaris, Linux, macOS, and in Node.js applications through a DTrace provider. It allows gathering insights about the system and application behavior without restarting or slowing the system.

Run Resource Server ( Controlee Device : TV, Aircon, Dishwasher . . . )
Run Resource Server
$ cd /out/linux/x86_64/release/cloud/samples/client/
$ ./aircon_controlee
Put "[host-ipaddress:port] [authprovider] [authcode]" for sign-up and sign-in and publish resources
Put "[host-ipaddress:port] [uid] [accessToken] 1" for sign-in and publish resources
Interface server address (host-ipaddress)
You should put Interface server address, credential to run sample.
Refer the Interface server address and port number below. ⇐ For OCF Korea Hackathon( ~ 2018. 9. 31), Non secured, Based on v1.3.1 ⇐ For Public Test Purpose( ~ 2019. 08. 27), Secured, Based on v1.3.1
Device Sign-up using OAuth 2 Auth Code
Device Sign-up using OAuth 2 Auth Code
To register device, you need 'Auth Code' provided by OAuth 2 provider like Facebook, Google or Github.
IoTivity Cloud project includes 'GitHub' account plugin. To get a 'Auth Code' from 'GitHub' you can make
request to below URL.
Once you signed-in, you'll be redirected to other web page include 'Auth Code' in the redirected URL.
The 'code' part in the URI is the 'Auth Code' from 'GitHub'.
We'll use this code to register and sign-in device.
Device Sign-up using OAuth 2 Auth Code

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This document provides examples and documentation on Azure Durable Functions patterns and concepts. It includes examples of orchestrator and activity functions, orchestration triggers, and common patterns like function chaining, fan-out/fan-in, and asynchronous HTTP responses. It also covers durable function concepts such as the control queue, work item queue, and history table.

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Nko workshop - node js crud & deploy
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The document provides an overview of a NodeJS CRUD and deployment course. The course outline includes: setting up a NodeJS environment on SmartOS with MySQL and Git in 3 minutes; tools for cloud development like SSH, SCP, and Git; building a simple web server with authorization using Passport and CRUD functionality with MySQL; and advanced topics like load balancing for cloud services. The course also provides a Micloud server for hands-on labs and sample projects.

Java client socket-20070327
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The document discusses the process and code for building a client socket application in Java. It covers establishing a connection to a server, obtaining socket information, sending and receiving data, and closing the connection. An example client code is provided that connects to a sample server, receives data as bytes, and prints the response. The client creates a socket, gets input/output streams, reads server data into a byte array, and closes the connection when finished.

Run Resource Server ( Controlee Device : TV, Aircon, Dishwasher . . . )
Run Resource Server - Sign Up (To get the UID & AccessToken for the first time.)
$ ./aircon_controlee github 3a03a37366c3678aa634
Auth response received code: 4
accesstoken: de42093f01fd35645bd6038139213c56a6fca3e6
certificate: [..CertInfo..]
expiresin: -1
redirecturi: coap+tcp://
refreshtoken: (null)
sid: 2a6085d1-815d-4277-baba-4e4e4df91308
tokentype: bearer
uid: 0cf89f61-d999-48cf-857f-73918a37531c
PUT 1/0 to turn on/off air conditioner for observe testing, q to terminate
Publish resource response received, code: 4
Run Resource Server ( Controlee Device : TV, Aircon, Dishwasher . . . )
Run Resource Server - Sign In (After obtaining the UID & AccessToken)
$ ./aircon_controlee 0cf89f61-d999-48cf-857f-73918a37531c
Auth response received code: 4
expiresin: -1
Registering resources to platform...
Publishing resources to cloud result: 0 Waiting Publish default resource response from cloud
result: 0 Waiting Publish user resource response from cloud
Publish resource response received, code: 4
PUT 1/0 to turn on/off air conditioner for observe testing, q to terminate
Publish resource response received, code: 4
Run as a Service (optional)
example service file below
$ vi aircon.service
Description=OCF Airconditioner
ExecStart=/home/pi/aircon/airconditioner_controlee 0cf89f61-d999-48cf-857f-73918a37531c
Run as a Service (optional)
Start service
$ systemctl enable aircon.service && systemctl start aircon.service
Restart service
$ systemctl restart aircon.service
Stop service
$ systemctl stop aircon.service && systemctl disable aircon.service
Service log
$ journalctl -u aircon.service -f

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Source Code for Dpilot
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Source Code for Dpilot

This document contains code for a file sharing application that allows users to upload files to Amazon S3 storage and send download links to recipients via email. It includes code for connecting to MongoDB and S3 databases, handling file uploads with Multer, generating signed URLs with AWS, sending emails with Nodemailer, and building APIs with Express. The React code handles form inputs, file previews, and confirming upload status.

Dpilot Source Code With ScreenShots
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Dpilot Source Code With ScreenShots

Dpilot is a cloud based file transfer application that allows its user to upload data on cloud server and the receiver on the other hand can downlaod the data from the server. The Downlaod information is send to the receiver via mail service. Other Features include:- Secure Login system Easy data Access Lightening Fast Uploads and Downloads Connect with your Facebook Or Gmail Account for easy access

Programming with ZooKeeper - A basic tutorial
Programming with ZooKeeper - A basic tutorialProgramming with ZooKeeper - A basic tutorial
Programming with ZooKeeper - A basic tutorial

This document provides a tutorial on using ZooKeeper to implement basic distributed synchronization primitives like barriers and producer-consumer queues. It includes code examples for Barrier and Queue classes that extend a base SyncPrimitive class. The Barrier class allows processes to synchronize barrier entry and exit. The Queue class implements a distributed queue where producers can add elements and consumers can remove the oldest element. Both use ZooKeeper to coordinate access through ephemeral nodes and watches.

Run Resource Client ( Controller Device : Remote Controller App )
Run Resource Client - Sign Up (To get the UID & AccessToken for the first time.)
$ ./aircon_controller github 9d31d32e18c3e38bd559
Login/out response received code: 4
accesstoken: a0572063607baae269e5fdc336367d295f1efbdc
certificate: [..CertInfo..]
redirecturi: coap+tcp://
refreshtoken: (null)
sid: 2a6085d1-815d-4277-baba-4e4e4df91308
tokentype: bearer
uid: 0cf89f61-d999-48cf-857f-73918a37531c
Login/out response received code: 4
expiresin: -1
Finding airconditioner result: 0
Device found: /di/1a78ae17-3dc0-48f8-a51e-b19574de198b/oic/d
DI: 1a78ae17-3dc0-48f8-a51e-b19574de198b
PUT 1/0 to turn on/off air conditioner, q to terminate
Run Resource Client ( Controller Device : Remote Controller App )
Run Resource Client - Sign In (After obtaining the UID & AccessToken)
$ ./aircon_controller 0cf89f61-d999-48cf-857f-73918a37531c
aircon_controlee.cpp (1)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 4)
cout << "Put "[host-ipaddress:port] [authprovider] [authcode]" for sign-up and sign-in and publish resources"
<< endl;
cout << "Put "[host-ipaddress:port] [uid] [accessToken]" for sign-in and publish resources" <<
return 0;
. . .
aircon_controlee.cpp (2)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
. . .
if (strlen(argv[2]) > 35)
accountMgr->signIn(argv[2], argv[3], &handleLoginoutCB);
accountMgr->signUp(argv[2], argv[3], &handleLoginoutCB);
accountMgr->signIn(g_uid, g_accesstoken, &handleLoginoutCB);
. . .

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SPIFFE Meetup Tokyo #2 - Attestation Internals in SPIRE - Shingo Omura
SPIFFE Meetup Tokyo #2 - Attestation Internals in SPIRE - Shingo OmuraSPIFFE Meetup Tokyo #2 - Attestation Internals in SPIRE - Shingo Omura
SPIFFE Meetup Tokyo #2 - Attestation Internals in SPIRE - Shingo Omura

In SPIRE, attestation is the essential process because it certifies a node or workload, i.e. it asserts the identities of them. This talk describes how SPIRE implement this process and make it flexible. Moreover, it explains the detail of how spire-server and spire-agent (running at a node) interacts in the attestation process.

Browser-based Secure Remote Access for the Internet of Things
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Secure remote access to the built-in web server of a device is one of the fundamental building blocks for the Internet of Things. enables easy and secure remote access, even if the device is located behind a NAT router or a firewall and does not have a public IP address.

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Inversion Of Control
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Inversion Of Control

This document discusses dependency injection and inversion of control patterns. It explains that dependency injection frameworks like Angular and Ember use an inversion of control container to manage dependencies and instantiate classes with their dependencies already satisfied. The container owns and manages all class registrations and dependencies. When a class is looked up from the container, it is instantiated with all its dependencies injected. This decouples classes from their concrete dependencies and makes applications more modular and testable.

aircon_controlee.cpp (3)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
. . .
cout << "Registering resources to platform..." << endl;
AirConditionerResource airConditioner("/aircon/0", { "" }, { DEFAULT_INTERFACE,
BinarySwitchResource binarySwitch("/power/0", { "oic.r.switch.binary" }, { DEFAULT_INTERFACE });
TemperatureResource temperature("/temperature/0", { "oic.r.temperature" }, { DEFAULT_INTERFACE });
FirmwareResource firmware("/firmware", { "" }, { DEFAULT_INTERFACE });
. . .
aircon_controlee.cpp (4)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
. . .
result = OCPlatform::registerResource(airConditioner.m_handle,
uri, rt, itf,
, &airConditioner, placeholders::_1),
. . .
result = OCPlatform::registerResource(binarySwitch.m_handle,
uri, rt, itf,
, &binarySwitch, placeholders::_1),
aircon_controlee.cpp (5)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
. . .
while (true)
switch (cmd[0])
case '1':
rep.setValue(string("value"), true);
case '0':
rep.setValue(string("value"), false);
aircon_controlee.cpp (6)
class BinarySwitchResource : public Resource //oic.r.switch.binary
bool m_value;
void setBinarySwitchRepresentation(OCRepresentation &rep)
bool value;
if (rep.getValue("value", value))
m_value = value;
m_representation.setValue("value", m_value);
cout << "tttt" << "value: " << m_value << endl;
#if defined(WIRINGPI)
if (m_value)
digitalWrite (DEVICE_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite (DEVICE_PIN, LOW);

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1) SCORE is a smart contract platform on ICON that allows developers to write, deploy and interact with smart contracts using Python. 2) T-Bears is a SCORE development suite that provides tools to develop, test, deploy and interact with SCORE contracts. It includes a CLI, sample templates and supports local emulation of contract execution. 3) SCORE contracts are deployed to and run on the ICON blockchain. They can store data on-chain, be invoked by transactions to update state, and trigger events.

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2018 2nd International Conference on Management Engineering, Software Engineering and Service Sciences (ICMSS) Jan 13-15, 2018 in Wuhan, China

aircon_controller.cpp (1)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 4)
cout << "Put "[host-ipaddress:port] [authprovider] [authcode]" for sign-up and sign-in and publish resources"
<< endl;
cout << "Put "[host-ipaddress:port] [uid] [accessToken]" for sign-in and publish resources" <<
return 0;
. . .
aircon_controller.cpp (2)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
. . .
if (strlen(argv[2]) > 35)
accountMgr->signIn(argv[2], argv[3], &handleLoginoutCB);
accountMgr->signUp(argv[2], argv[3], &handleLoginoutCB);
accountMgr->signIn(g_uid, g_accesstoken, &handleLoginoutCB);
. . .
aircon_controller.cpp (3)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
. . .
cout << "Finding airconditioner ";
result = OCPlatform::findResource(g_host, "/oic/res?rt=oic.wk.d",
static_cast<OCConnectivityType>(CT_ADAPTER_TCP | CT_IP_USE_V4),
&foundDevice, &errorFoundDevice);
cout << " result: " << result << endl;
. . . void foundDevice(shared_ptr<OC::OCResource> resource)
OCPlatform::findResource(g_host, searchQuery,
static_cast<OCConnectivityType>(CT_ADAPTER_TCP |
aircon_controller.cpp (4)
void foundAirconditionerResource(shared_ptr<OC::OCResource> resource)
. . .
resource->get(query, &getCollectionResource);
void getCollectionResource(const HeaderOptions &,
const OCRepresentation &rep, const int ecode)
g_binaryswitchResource = OCPlatform::constructResourceObject(g_host,
static_cast<OCConnectivityType>(CT_ADAPTER_TCP | CT_IP_USE_V4), true,

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Every wondered how to make your code physically interact with things in the real world? Got a home automation project in mind? In this presentation we will cover: o) How to get started with Raspberry Pi and C# o) The numerous sensors and actuators you can control o) How to navigate basic electronics o) Different interfaces and how to program them o) Demonstrations of devices at work o) Azure IoT Hub to control your code from the cloud and receive live inputs from your device in a Blazor application


The document provides instructions for setting up a TI-RTOS project for the CC1352R wireless microcontroller. It describes creating a CCS project targeting the CC1352R, configuring compiler and linker settings, generating a system configuration file, and adding TI-RTOS and driver library files. The goal is to build a basic "hello world" project to demonstrate real-time operating system functionality on the CC1352R wireless microcontroller.

aircon_controller.cpp (5)
void turnOnOffSwitch(bool toTurn)
if (g_binaryswitchResource == nullptr)
cout << "Binary switch not found" << endl;
OCRepresentation binarySwitch;
binarySwitch.setValue("value", toTurn);
QueryParamsMap query;
g_binaryswitchResource->post("oic.r.switch.binary", DEFAULT_INTERFACE, binarySwitch, query,
Build IoTivity project for
Product Perspective
Artik053s ATSAM4S-XPRO + WINC1500 + Crypto
Thank you...

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This document summarizes an advanced Sigfox workshop covering topics like downlink callbacks, event monitoring, geolocation callbacks, and using AT commands with the Xkit shield. It provides useful resources and contact information for Aurelien Lequertier and Nicolas Lesconnec. The workshop includes demonstrations of configuring downlink callbacks, monitoring for breaks in message sequences, geolocation callbacks, using IFTTT for advanced callbacks, and sending AT commands to the Xkit shield.

Tick Stack - Listen your infrastructure and please sleep
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Our application and our infrastructure speak, time series are one of their languages, during this talk I will share my experience about InfluxDB and time series to monitor and know the status of our cloud infrastructure. We will show best practice and tricks to grab information from an application in order to understand the mains difference between logs and time series.

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Build resource server &amp; client for OCF Cloud (2018.8.30)

  • 1. Build Resource Server & Client for OCF Cloud 2018. 8. 30
  • 2. Cloud Architecture OCF Cloud : Resource Directory is used for storing and finding resources. Account is used for storing User & Device info. Message Queue is based on Kafka and used for message queue. Cloud Interface process uses Device Server System module to handle devices. (*You should put Interface server address, credential to run sample.) Resource Server (Controlee) : Things Device eg> TV, Refrigerator, Air Conditioner, Air Purifier, Dishwasher... Resource Client (Controller) : Remote Control App
  • 3. Build and run IoTivity projects Install build env $ sudo apt-get install build-essential git scons libtool autoconf valgrind doxygen wget unzip chrpath Install development support for external libraries: $ sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev uuid-dev libexpat1-dev libglib2.0-dev libsqlite3-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev How to build IoTivity projects $ git clone -b 1.3.1 iotivity-v1.3.1 $ cd iotivity-v1.3.1 $ git clone extlibs/tinycbor/tinycbor -b v0.4.1 $ git clone extlibs/mbedtls/mbedtls -b mbedtls-2.4.2 $ scons cloud/ WITH_TCP=yes RELEASE=yes TARGET_TRANSPORT=IP WITH_CLOUD=yes WITH_MQ=PUB,SUB SECURED=0 -j 2 Two more Extlib needed. -j N, --jobs=N Allow N jobs at once.
  • 4. Sample source code folder and Build output folder Sample source code folder iotivity-v1.3.1/cloud/samples/client/airconditioner/ Build output folder iotivity-v1.3.1/out/linux/x86_64/release/cloud/samples/client/
  • 5. Run Resource Server ( Controlee Device : TV, Aircon, Dishwasher . . . ) Run Resource Server $ cd /out/linux/x86_64/release/cloud/samples/client/ $ ./aircon_controlee Put "[host-ipaddress:port] [authprovider] [authcode]" for sign-up and sign-in and publish resources Put "[host-ipaddress:port] [uid] [accessToken] 1" for sign-in and publish resources
  • 6. Interface server address (host-ipaddress) You should put Interface server address, credential to run sample. Refer the Interface server address and port number below. ⇐ For OCF Korea Hackathon( ~ 2018. 9. 31), Non secured, Based on v1.3.1 ⇐ For Public Test Purpose( ~ 2019. 08. 27), Secured, Based on v1.3.1
  • 7. Device Sign-up using OAuth 2 Auth Code Device Sign-up using OAuth 2 Auth Code To register device, you need 'Auth Code' provided by OAuth 2 provider like Facebook, Google or Github. IoTivity Cloud project includes 'GitHub' account plugin. To get a 'Auth Code' from 'GitHub' you can make request to below URL. p:// Once you signed-in, you'll be redirected to other web page include 'Auth Code' in the redirected URL. The 'code' part in the URI is the 'Auth Code' from 'GitHub'. We'll use this code to register and sign-in device.
  • 8. Device Sign-up using OAuth 2 Auth Code
  • 9. Run Resource Server ( Controlee Device : TV, Aircon, Dishwasher . . . ) Run Resource Server - Sign Up (To get the UID & AccessToken for the first time.) $ ./aircon_controlee github 3a03a37366c3678aa634 Auth response received code: 4 accesstoken: de42093f01fd35645bd6038139213c56a6fca3e6 certificate: [..CertInfo..] expiresin: -1 redirecturi: coap+tcp:// refreshtoken: (null) sid: 2a6085d1-815d-4277-baba-4e4e4df91308 tokentype: bearer uid: 0cf89f61-d999-48cf-857f-73918a37531c PUT 1/0 to turn on/off air conditioner for observe testing, q to terminate Publish resource response received, code: 4
  • 10. Run Resource Server ( Controlee Device : TV, Aircon, Dishwasher . . . ) Run Resource Server - Sign In (After obtaining the UID & AccessToken) $ ./aircon_controlee 0cf89f61-d999-48cf-857f-73918a37531c de42093f01fd35645bd6038139213c56a6fca3e6 Auth response received code: 4 expiresin: -1 Registering resources to platform... Publishing resources to cloud result: 0 Waiting Publish default resource response from cloud result: 0 Waiting Publish user resource response from cloud Publish resource response received, code: 4 PUT 1/0 to turn on/off air conditioner for observe testing, q to terminate Publish resource response received, code: 4
  • 11. Run as a Service (optional) example service file below $ vi aircon.service [Unit] Description=OCF Airconditioner [Service] Type=simple RestartSec=3s User=pi Group=pi ExecStart=/home/pi/aircon/airconditioner_controlee 0cf89f61-d999-48cf-857f-73918a37531c de42093f01fd35645bd6038139213c56a6fca3e6 WorkingDirectory=/home/pi/aircon Restart=always [Install]
  • 12. Run as a Service (optional) Start service $ systemctl enable aircon.service && systemctl start aircon.service Restart service $ systemctl restart aircon.service Stop service $ systemctl stop aircon.service && systemctl disable aircon.service Service log $ journalctl -u aircon.service -f
  • 13. Run Resource Client ( Controller Device : Remote Controller App ) Run Resource Client - Sign Up (To get the UID & AccessToken for the first time.) $ ./aircon_controller github 9d31d32e18c3e38bd559 Login/out response received code: 4 accesstoken: a0572063607baae269e5fdc336367d295f1efbdc certificate: [..CertInfo..] redirecturi: coap+tcp:// refreshtoken: (null) sid: 2a6085d1-815d-4277-baba-4e4e4df91308 tokentype: bearer uid: 0cf89f61-d999-48cf-857f-73918a37531c Login/out response received code: 4 expiresin: -1 Finding airconditioner result: 0 Device found: /di/1a78ae17-3dc0-48f8-a51e-b19574de198b/oic/d DI: 1a78ae17-3dc0-48f8-a51e-b19574de198b PUT 1/0 to turn on/off air conditioner, q to terminate
  • 14. Run Resource Client ( Controller Device : Remote Controller App ) Run Resource Client - Sign In (After obtaining the UID & AccessToken) $ ./aircon_controller 0cf89f61-d999-48cf-857f-73918a37531c a0572063607baae269e5fdc336367d295f1efbdc
  • 15. aircon_controlee.cpp (1) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 4) { cout << "Put "[host-ipaddress:port] [authprovider] [authcode]" for sign-up and sign-in and publish resources" << endl; cout << "Put "[host-ipaddress:port] [uid] [accessToken]" for sign-in and publish resources" << endl; return 0; } . . .
  • 16. aircon_controlee.cpp (2) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { . . . if (strlen(argv[2]) > 35) { accountMgr->signIn(argv[2], argv[3], &handleLoginoutCB); g_callbackLock.wait(lock); } else { accountMgr->signUp(argv[2], argv[3], &handleLoginoutCB); g_callbackLock.wait(lock); accountMgr->signIn(g_uid, g_accesstoken, &handleLoginoutCB); g_callbackLock.wait(lock); } . . .
  • 17. aircon_controlee.cpp (3) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { . . . cout << "Registering resources to platform..." << endl; AirConditionerResource airConditioner("/aircon/0", { "" }, { DEFAULT_INTERFACE, BATCH_INTERFACE, LINK_INTERFACE }); BinarySwitchResource binarySwitch("/power/0", { "oic.r.switch.binary" }, { DEFAULT_INTERFACE }); TemperatureResource temperature("/temperature/0", { "oic.r.temperature" }, { DEFAULT_INTERFACE }); FirmwareResource firmware("/firmware", { "" }, { DEFAULT_INTERFACE }); . . .
  • 18. aircon_controlee.cpp (4) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { . . . result = OCPlatform::registerResource(airConditioner.m_handle, uri, rt, itf, bind(&AirConditionerResource::entityHandler , &airConditioner, placeholders::_1), OC_DISCOVERABLE); . . . result = OCPlatform::registerResource(binarySwitch.m_handle, uri, rt, itf, bind(&BinarySwitchResource::entityHandler , &binarySwitch, placeholders::_1), OC_OBSERVABLE);
  • 19. aircon_controlee.cpp (5) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { . . . while (true) { switch (cmd[0]) { case '1': rep.setValue(string("value"), true); binarySwitch.setBinarySwitchRepresentation(rep); break; case '0': rep.setValue(string("value"), false); binarySwitch.setBinarySwitchRepresentation(rep); break; } }
  • 20. aircon_controlee.cpp (6) class BinarySwitchResource : public Resource //oic.r.switch.binary { private: bool m_value; void setBinarySwitchRepresentation(OCRepresentation &rep) { bool value; if (rep.getValue("value", value)) { m_value = value; m_representation.setValue("value", m_value); cout << "tttt" << "value: " << m_value << endl; propagate(); } } #if defined(WIRINGPI) if (m_value) { digitalWrite (DEVICE_PIN, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite (DEVICE_PIN, LOW); } #endif
  • 21. aircon_controller.cpp (1) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 4) { cout << "Put "[host-ipaddress:port] [authprovider] [authcode]" for sign-up and sign-in and publish resources" << endl; cout << "Put "[host-ipaddress:port] [uid] [accessToken]" for sign-in and publish resources" << endl; return 0; } . . .
  • 22. aircon_controller.cpp (2) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { . . . if (strlen(argv[2]) > 35) { accountMgr->signIn(argv[2], argv[3], &handleLoginoutCB); g_callbackLock.wait(lock); } else { accountMgr->signUp(argv[2], argv[3], &handleLoginoutCB); g_callbackLock.wait(lock); accountMgr->signIn(g_uid, g_accesstoken, &handleLoginoutCB); g_callbackLock.wait(lock); } . . .
  • 23. aircon_controller.cpp (3) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { . . . cout << "Finding airconditioner "; result = OCPlatform::findResource(g_host, "/oic/res?rt=oic.wk.d", static_cast<OCConnectivityType>(CT_ADAPTER_TCP | CT_IP_USE_V4), &foundDevice, &errorFoundDevice); cout << " result: " << result << endl; . . . void foundDevice(shared_ptr<OC::OCResource> resource) { OCPlatform::findResource(g_host, searchQuery, static_cast<OCConnectivityType>(CT_ADAPTER_TCP | CT_IP_USE_V4), &foundAirconditionerResource);
  • 24. aircon_controller.cpp (4) void foundAirconditionerResource(shared_ptr<OC::OCResource> resource) { . . . resource->get(query, &getCollectionResource); void getCollectionResource(const HeaderOptions &, const OCRepresentation &rep, const int ecode) { g_binaryswitchResource = OCPlatform::constructResourceObject(g_host, it->getUri(), static_cast<OCConnectivityType>(CT_ADAPTER_TCP | CT_IP_USE_V4), true,
  • 25. aircon_controller.cpp (5) void turnOnOffSwitch(bool toTurn) { if (g_binaryswitchResource == nullptr) { cout << "Binary switch not found" << endl; return; } OCRepresentation binarySwitch; binarySwitch.setValue("value", toTurn); QueryParamsMap query; g_binaryswitchResource->post("oic.r.switch.binary", DEFAULT_INTERFACE, binarySwitch, query, &onPost); }