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Pascal Beucler
SVP & Chief Strategy Officer, Global, MSLGROUP
Juror, Cannes Lions 2016 Entertainment Jury
Brand Culture In
The Conversation Age:
Relating Something is
foremost Relating to Someone
the Sweet Spot
PR &
The “Post-Ad” World
There is a growing
disenchantment with
traditional intrusive
advertising formats,
whether off-or online
Especially among the most influential and sought-after
demographic: Millennials
…and they aren’t starved of
options that cater to their
distaste for ads
Millennials comprise more than 40% of those
who use ad-blockers1
Source: Insvep Marketing
Engaging content is what’s engaging people
Whether an event, a show, a video or
a TV series: these are today the ample
narrative formats which are engaging
people and capturing their attention and
Brands must go beyond brand-centric
communication, and offer people-
centric, worthy experiences, fun,
creative storytelling.
Great content is the currency for engagement
branded content
• facilitates easy sharing
• informative in a fun way
• can go viral
native content
• helps build relevance
• amplifies engagement
• offers high visibility
• creates brand awareness
• helps create emotional
connect with the brand
• stimulates buying
Echoing the above, here’s what we looked for
at the Entertainment Jury in Cannes:
Quality of content:
never intrusive,
always attractive
Echoing the above, here’s what we looked for
at the Entertainment Jury in Cannes:
Relevant to the brand/the
organization: needs to be
Echoing the above, here’s what we looked for
at the Entertainment Jury in Cannes:
Entertaining in form, for
sure, but it goes beyond just
amusing: the narrative needs
to create a deep, emotional,
relationship between the
brand and people
Echoing the above, here’s what we looked for
at the Entertainment Jury in Cannes:
Effectiveness: whether from
a Corporate or Commercial
standpoint, results must be
visible, tangible, measurable
(from Conversation to
Reputation & Commerce)
Breaking news: we’ve been uberized!
The only PR guy in this Branded Content &
Entertainment Jury, I felt the paradox where
we stand: no project was submitted by a PR
agency, but many awarded projects included
a strong, decisive, PR component…
Disruptions & Convergence
The age of convergence has been foretold: it’s here
This omnipresence of the internet is a golden opportunity
for brands to:
creatively engage with people,
unleashing the power of
emotional connections
develop meaningful,
long-lasting brand-consumer
Big data Mobile apps
• The Displaced highlights the power of
experiential content platforms like VR to
immerse people in an engaging manner
• Content like this gives the concept of
brand experience a new dimension
• The reality is virtual; the emotion is real
• It’s not about understanding, it’s about
• It’s just the beginning of a massive
VR revolution, which will also impact
our industry, both on the Consumer
and on the Corporate side
The Displaced, The New York Times, Entertainment
Branded Content & Visual Storytelling, Innovation in
Visual Storytelling and Branded Entertainment, entered
by, Los Angeles
The Displaced
Creating a meaningful relationship
Dream Adventures by Expedia The Museum of Feelings by SC Johnson
Creating a meaningful relationship
The Field Trip to Mars by Lockheed Martin The Next Rembrandt by ING
…and many other projects have demonstrated the new powers of Tech
What was prophesied long ago
is a loud reality today:
the smartphone has become our
most vital link to our world and to
the world around us
it has also, along with other
connected devices, become an
indispensable asset for
marketers across sectors
Source: Flurry Analytics, comscore, Pandora, Facebook, Netmarketshare, Note: US Jun 2015
90% of Time on Mobile is
Spent in Apps
the ubiquity of connected
devices can be leveraged by
brands to reach people where
they are, and at a time and in the
format most comfortable for them
the versatility of these always-on
mobile devices opens a
boulevard for creative ideas –
see gaming & medical research
gaming M-commerce
From brand promotion to brand utility
LA under alien’s attack.
The power of mobile storytelling in interactive 360° mode
Helping scientists advance dementia research with
a product that is fun and interesting for users
The content format enables people to be active agents of
change, while having fun.
360 Google Spotlight Story: HELP Sea Hero Quest
Good Content is better content
No longer are brands shying away from
openly addressing pressing societal issues
Today, people want purpose-driven brands,
and businesses are increasingly trying to
make a positive contribution to society with
their “social impact” initiatives
Data: ColumnFive
of consumers say they mainly
share content to promote
causes or issues they feel
strongly about.
Probability of Making the Most-Shared List
Why Consumers Are Moved by
"Good" Content
Content marketing is most successful when it
communicates a message and compels the viewer
to share that same message. In a study of popular
New York Times articles, researchers found the
key to the content virality is to evoke an arousing
emotion, whether positive or negative.
Starting/actively engaging in a conversation around
social issues helps brands to:
engage with consumers in a
deeper, more human way
be coherent and consistent with
their purpose
Racial &
Education Environmental
“Just be 100% who I am”
With the Never Alone campaign,
Guinness starts an important
conversation about how society
perceives homosexuality in
traditionally ‘macho’ sporting
arenasThe brand makes a political
as well as moral statement on where
it stands as a business when it
comes to human rights
The New Way Nike Is Going After Women
• “Nike’s women’s continues to be one of
our biggest opportunities,” Jayme Martin,
a Nike vice president told analysts during
an investor presentation last year. ”
• The content is packaged in a format
highly consumed by the target audience,
and in a narrative that’s relatableHighly
relevant for Millenials: discovering who
they are and what drives them
• Episode 8 already!
Margot vs Lily by Nikewomen
“Who spends more time outside,
a child… or a maximum-security
Free the Kids - Dirt is Good.
Persil, Unilever”
The perfect bridge between
purpose and societal concern
Free the Kids - Dirt is Good
Ford & The Family -
Directed by ...
Daniel Kragh-Jacobsen:
the car, a key actor/factor in the
middle of a painful divorce
The Family
of companies that deliver
outstanding customer experience
rely on customer feedback
Brands no longer operate independently
when it comes to product development
and innovation
Consumer-driven innovation is at an all-
time high; today, companies are relying
more than ever on consumers and
employees for ideas
Crowdsourcing, co-creation, collaboration
– a norm, no longer an exception
Crowdsourcing helps companies:
give consumers more power
and choice
gain more insights for
Content Product
Always Girl Emojis
• 72% of girls feel that society limits them, by
dictating what they should and shouldn’t do.
Even on their phone.
• They may seem small, but emojis are more
than just funny faces.
• They’ve become how girls express themselves
in text and online.
• But emojis don’t represent girls.
• With this collaboration, Always is receiving
ideas from the target audience that actively
uses emojis: teenage girls
• It also plays a role in furthering the effort to
break gender stereotypes, closely connected
to Always’s brand image
Not just a wave: a tsunami in Cannes
The Swedish Tourist Association & User Generated
Content: you call Sweden, « a random Swede » – or the
Prime minister – answers. Hilarious.
Foot Locker: You tweet what you want your fave basket
player to do, and it works.
The Swedish Number Foot Locker x James Harden
Not just a wave: a tsunami in Cannes
When the new Burger King “Grilled
Dog” is lauched by the staff himself.
Burger King Training Video Grilled Dogs ft Snoop Dogg
Brand Culture in the Conversation Age
From Public Relations to People Relations
Let’s reinvent PR, lead the
change, and keep the lead
in the global
communications industry
Pascal Beucler
SVP & Chief Strategy Officer,
Publicis Groupe

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Brand Culture in the Conversation Age

  • 1. Pascal Beucler SVP & Chief Strategy Officer, Global, MSLGROUP Juror, Cannes Lions 2016 Entertainment Jury Brand Culture In The Conversation Age: Relating Something is foremost Relating to Someone
  • 2. Hitting the Sweet Spot ________________ PR & The “Post-Ad” World
  • 3. There is a growing disenchantment with traditional intrusive advertising formats, whether off-or online
  • 4. Especially among the most influential and sought-after demographic: Millennials …and they aren’t starved of options that cater to their distaste for ads Millennials comprise more than 40% of those who use ad-blockers1 40% Source: Insvep Marketing
  • 5. Engaging content is what’s engaging people Whether an event, a show, a video or a TV series: these are today the ample narrative formats which are engaging people and capturing their attention and interest Brands must go beyond brand-centric communication, and offer people- centric, worthy experiences, fun, creative storytelling.
  • 6. Great content is the currency for engagement branded content • facilitates easy sharing • informative in a fun way • can go viral native content • helps build relevance • amplifies engagement opportunities • offers high visibility experiential marketing • creates brand awareness • helps create emotional connect with the brand • stimulates buying
  • 7. Echoing the above, here’s what we looked for at the Entertainment Jury in Cannes: Quality of content: never intrusive, always attractive
  • 8. Echoing the above, here’s what we looked for at the Entertainment Jury in Cannes: Relevant to the brand/the organization: needs to be suggestive
  • 9. Echoing the above, here’s what we looked for at the Entertainment Jury in Cannes: Entertaining in form, for sure, but it goes beyond just amusing: the narrative needs to create a deep, emotional, relationship between the brand and people
  • 10. Echoing the above, here’s what we looked for at the Entertainment Jury in Cannes: Effectiveness: whether from a Corporate or Commercial standpoint, results must be visible, tangible, measurable (from Conversation to Reputation & Commerce)
  • 11. Breaking news: we’ve been uberized! The only PR guy in this Branded Content & Entertainment Jury, I felt the paradox where we stand: no project was submitted by a PR agency, but many awarded projects included a strong, decisive, PR component… Disruptions & Convergence The age of convergence has been foretold: it’s here
  • 13. This omnipresence of the internet is a golden opportunity for brands to: creatively engage with people, unleashing the power of emotional connections develop meaningful, long-lasting brand-consumer relationships Big data Mobile apps Augmented Reality VirtualReality Communications
  • 14. • The Displaced highlights the power of experiential content platforms like VR to immerse people in an engaging manner • Content like this gives the concept of brand experience a new dimension • The reality is virtual; the emotion is real • It’s not about understanding, it’s about feeling • It’s just the beginning of a massive VR revolution, which will also impact our industry, both on the Consumer and on the Corporate side The Displaced, The New York Times, Entertainment Branded Content & Visual Storytelling, Innovation in Visual Storytelling and Branded Entertainment, entered by, Los Angeles The Displaced
  • 15. Creating a meaningful relationship Dream Adventures by Expedia The Museum of Feelings by SC Johnson
  • 16. Creating a meaningful relationship The Field Trip to Mars by Lockheed Martin The Next Rembrandt by ING …and many other projects have demonstrated the new powers of Tech
  • 18. What was prophesied long ago is a loud reality today: the smartphone has become our most vital link to our world and to the world around us it has also, along with other connected devices, become an indispensable asset for marketers across sectors Source: Flurry Analytics, comscore, Pandora, Facebook, Netmarketshare, Note: US Jun 2015 90% of Time on Mobile is Spent in Apps
  • 19. the ubiquity of connected devices can be leveraged by brands to reach people where they are, and at a time and in the format most comfortable for them the versatility of these always-on mobile devices opens a boulevard for creative ideas – see gaming & medical research Social networks Mobile apps Mobile gaming M-commerce Communications
  • 20. From brand promotion to brand utility LA under alien’s attack. The power of mobile storytelling in interactive 360° mode Helping scientists advance dementia research with a product that is fun and interesting for users The content format enables people to be active agents of change, while having fun. 360 Google Spotlight Story: HELP Sea Hero Quest
  • 22. Good Content is better content No longer are brands shying away from openly addressing pressing societal issues Today, people want purpose-driven brands, and businesses are increasingly trying to make a positive contribution to society with their “social impact” initiatives Data: ColumnFive of consumers say they mainly share content to promote causes or issues they feel strongly about. Probability of Making the Most-Shared List Why Consumers Are Moved by "Good" Content Content marketing is most successful when it communicates a message and compels the viewer to share that same message. In a study of popular New York Times articles, researchers found the key to the content virality is to evoke an arousing emotion, whether positive or negative.
  • 23. Starting/actively engaging in a conversation around social issues helps brands to: engage with consumers in a deeper, more human way be coherent and consistent with their purpose Racial & gender equality Sexual orientation Education Environmental issues Communications
  • 24. “Just be 100% who I am” With the Never Alone campaign, Guinness starts an important conversation about how society perceives homosexuality in traditionally ‘macho’ sporting arenasThe brand makes a political as well as moral statement on where it stands as a business when it comes to human rights DIAGEO NEVER ALONE Clios
  • 25. The New Way Nike Is Going After Women • “Nike’s women’s continues to be one of our biggest opportunities,” Jayme Martin, a Nike vice president told analysts during an investor presentation last year. ” • The content is packaged in a format highly consumed by the target audience, and in a narrative that’s relatableHighly relevant for Millenials: discovering who they are and what drives them • Episode 8 already! Margot vs Lily by Nikewomen
  • 26. “Who spends more time outside, a child… or a maximum-security prisoner? Free the Kids - Dirt is Good. Persil, Unilever” The perfect bridge between purpose and societal concern Free the Kids - Dirt is Good
  • 27. Ford & The Family - Directed by ... Daniel Kragh-Jacobsen: the car, a key actor/factor in the middle of a painful divorce The Family
  • 29. 70% Today, of companies that deliver outstanding customer experience rely on customer feedback Brands no longer operate independently when it comes to product development and innovation Consumer-driven innovation is at an all- time high; today, companies are relying more than ever on consumers and employees for ideas Crowdsourcing, co-creation, collaboration – a norm, no longer an exception
  • 30. Crowdsourcing helps companies: give consumers more power and choice gain more insights for innovation Product ideas Customer feedback Content Product launch Communications
  • 31. Always Girl Emojis • 72% of girls feel that society limits them, by dictating what they should and shouldn’t do. Even on their phone. • They may seem small, but emojis are more than just funny faces. • They’ve become how girls express themselves in text and online. • But emojis don’t represent girls. • With this collaboration, Always is receiving ideas from the target audience that actively uses emojis: teenage girls • It also plays a role in furthering the effort to break gender stereotypes, closely connected to Always’s brand image
  • 32. Not just a wave: a tsunami in Cannes The Swedish Tourist Association & User Generated Content: you call Sweden, « a random Swede » – or the Prime minister – answers. Hilarious. Foot Locker: You tweet what you want your fave basket player to do, and it works. The Swedish Number Foot Locker x James Harden
  • 33. Not just a wave: a tsunami in Cannes When the new Burger King “Grilled Dog” is lauched by the staff himself. Burger King Training Video Grilled Dogs ft Snoop Dogg
  • 35. From Public Relations to People Relations Let’s reinvent PR, lead the change, and keep the lead in the global communications industry
  • 36. Merci! Pascal Beucler SVP & Chief Strategy Officer, Global, MSLGROUP, Publicis Groupe