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A Guide to the
Trump Administration
November 2016
A Guide to the Trump Administration
Introduction and Outline
This document provides a first look at the people and players behind the
most unlikely presidential campaign in American history. For each person
mentioned here, we have included a bio, a photo, and representative in-
stitutions and organizations affiliated with that person, so that the reader
may better understand the relationships that influence the people who in
turn are influencing President Trump.
Like the Trump business organization, the Trump campaign is an opaque
web of interlocking relationships. While we have endeavored to make
as a thorough a search as possible, with material available in the public
record, any such record is bound to be incomplete.
The information in this document is organized as follows:
The Trump Family
Power Players: Persons of Accomplishment Who Joined
the Trump Inner Circle Early, and Will No Doubt Have
Considerable Influence Over His Administration
The Trump for President Finance Committee: From Which
President Trump is expected to draw his Ambassadors and
Economic Advisors
Communications and Messaging
Domestic and Foreign Policy Advisors
Appendix: Global Business Relationships: Publicly Disclosed
Business Ties Donald Trump has to hotels, real estate and
other investments in Europe, Asia and the Middle East
Appendix: Members of the Trump Transition Team
The Trump Family
Melania Trump
Melania Knauss Trump is the third wife of Donald Trump and the
next First Lady of the United States. A fashion model from Slove-
nia, she married Trump in 2005 and they have one son, Barron.
Melania played a limited role in her husband’s campaign, delivering
a speech at the Republican National Convention that included lines
from a speech by First Lady Michelle Obama. In the final weeks of
the presidential campaign, Melania made more public appearanc-
es, including a major address where she pledges to make cyber-
bullying a major cause as First Lady.
Affiliations: Charitable support to Martha Graham Dance Company, the
Police Athletic League, Boys Club of New York.
Ivanka Trump
Ivanka Trump is the eldest daughter and second child of Donald
Trump and his first wife, Ivana Zelnickova Trump, a Czech model.
Ivanka is Executive Vice President of Acquisitions and Develop-
ment at the Trump Organization, where she spearheaded the
development of the new Trump International Hotel in the Old
Post Office Pavilion in Washington, D.C. A past personal friend of
Chelsea Clinton, Ivanka maintains a lifestyle blog for young female
professionals and is the proprietor of Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry,
with franchises in Canada, Puerto Rico, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
and the United Arab Emirates. Ivanka has been a policy advisor to
Donald Trump, and is credited with developing his child care tax
relief plan.
Affiliations: Wharton Club of New York, 100 Women in Hedge Funds, The
Chapin School
Jared Kushner
Jared Kushner is Donald Trump’s son-in-law, and the husband of
Ivanka Trump. He has been an indispensable advisor on all facets
of the Trump campaign, and is believed to have played a role in the
removal of both Corey Lewandowski and Paul Manafort as prior
campaign managers. Kushner is the publisher of the New York
Observer, and is widely credited as the author of Trump’s policy
speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
Affiliations: Observer Media Group, Kushner Properties
Donald Trump, Jr.
Donald Trump Jr. is the eldest son of Donald Trump and his
first wife, Ivana Zelnickova Trump, a Czech model. Don Jr.,
as he is called, is an Executive Vice President at The Trump
Organization, and has led the development of such projects
as Trump Place at West Side Yards and properties in Chi-
cago, Las Vegas, Scotland, and India. Don Jr. is rumored to
have political ambitions of his own, and delivered a well-re-
ceived speech at the Republican National Convention.
Affiliations: Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, The Hill
School, The Trump Organization
Eric Trump
Eric Trump is the second son and third child of Donald
Trump and his first wife, Ivana Zelnickova Trump, a Czech
model. Eric is Executive Vice President for Development and
Acquisitions of The Trump Organization, where he oversees
all Trump golf properties and the Trump Winery in Charlot-
tesville, Virginia. In 2006, he founded the Eric Trump Foun-
dation, which raises money for St. Jude Children’s Research
Affiliations: St Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Tiffany Trump
Tiffany Trump is the only child of Donald Trump and his sec-
ond wife, Marla Maples. She was raised by her mother in Cal-
ifornia, attended the Viewpoint School in Calabasas, Califor-
nia. She is a 2016 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania.
Power Players
Mike Pence
Vice President-Elect; Governor of Indiana
Mike Pence was elected as the governor of Indiana in 2012.
Prior to serving as governor, he was a six-term Indiana
congressman. He has been a proponent of big tax cuts and
last year drew national attention for signing the Religious
Freedom Restoration Act that critics said allowed business-
es to discriminate against same-sex couples. Activist groups
and some businesses threatened to boycott the state, until
Pence signed a “clarification” to the bill that made it clear
the bill could not be used as an excuse for discrimination.
Pence is a devout evangelical Christian who regularly
speaks about his faith; describing himself as “a Christian, a
conservative and a Republican, in that order.” He has tak-
en a hardline stance against Planned Parenthood. A Pence
amendment to defund Planned Parenthood passed the
House in 2011. As governor, he signed a bill into law that
banned abortions for reasons of genetic anomaly and creat-
ed a new requirement to bury or cremate all fetal remains.
Personally, Pence graduated from Hanover College in Ha-
nover Indiana in 1981 and received a law degree from the
Indiana University McKinney School of Law in 1986. He and
his wife, Karen, have a son and two daughters.
Affiliations: Indiana Policy Review Foundation, Ted Cruz (Pence backed
Cruz in the primaries), Paul Ryan (Ryan describes Pence as a “personal
friend”), Koch Brothers
Reince Priebus
Chief of Staff
Reince Priebus has served as Chairman of the Republican
National Committee since 2011. Previously, he served as
RNC General Counsel from 2009 to 2011 and former Chair-
man of the Republican Party of Wisconsin from 2007 to
2009. As one of the top Republican strategists in Wiscon-
sin, Priebus has a long professional relationship with Speak-
er Paul Ryan.
Priebus inherited a $23 million debt at the Republican
National Committee, and began repairing relationships
with major Republican donors. Following President Barack
Obama’s 2012 re-election, Priebus convened the Growth
and Opportunity Project to review the Republican Party’s
poor showing with young voters, women, and Hispanics.
Priebus increased outreach to these groups.
During the 2016 campaign, President-elect Trump referred
to Priebus as “Mr. Switzerland” for his studious neutrali-
ty during the Republican primary. Priebus engineered the
drafting of a loyalty pledge signed by every Republican
presidential candidate, a move which ultimately foreclosed
a potential independent run by Trump and unified nearly
every Republican candidate behind the ultimate nominee.
After the Republican National Convention, Priebus told Wil-
liam J. Bennett for a profile in Politico Magazine that ““The
job of being chairman entails racking up victories or killing
bad ideas that no one will ever know about, herding cats,
taking complaints, and keeping your head down and doing
the fundamentals of the ground game and fundraising. But I
love it and it’s what I’ve done for most of my life.”
Priebus began his career as a lawyer with Michael Best &
Friedrich LLP in Wisconsin, where he became partner in
2006. He is married to Sally Priebus and has two children.
Affiliations: Speaker Paul Ryan, Wisconsin Tea Party, Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
Steve Bannon
Chief Strategist and Senior Advisor
Bannon is the former executive chairman of Breitbart
News LLC, the parent company of conservative news and
opinion network Breitbart News, where he made signifi-
cant efforts to grow the outlet’s readership. Bannon is also
co-founder and executive chairman of the Government
Accountability Institute.
Bannon has been a identified as a leader in the “alt-right”
movement, and has described Breitbart News as “the plat-
form of the alt-right.” Former Breitbart employees, includ-
ing former Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro, have described
Bannon’s role with the alt-right as follows: “Breitbart has
become the alt-right go-to website… pushing white eth-
no-nationalism as a legitimate response to political correct-
ness, and the comment section turning into a cesspool for
white supremacist mememakers.” Shapiro further describes
Bannon as “a vindictive, nasty figure, infamous for verbally
abusing supposed friends and threatening enemies.”
Bannon previously worked at Goldman Sachs. He was in-
volved in the financing and production of several films.
He is also a former officer of the U.S. Navy. Bannon joined
the Trump campaign in August 2016 as the chief executive
officer. Bannon has been described as having a “desire to
destroy the left,” as well as reform the conservative base.
Affiliations:; Donald Trump; Government Accountability Institute
Newt Gingrich
Former Republican Speaker of the House
Gingrich was the Republican Speaker of the House of Repre-
sentatives from 1995 to 1999. He sought the Republican nomi-
nation for President in 2012.
He is chairman of the Gingrich Group, a communications and
consulting firm that specializes in transformational change, with
offices in Atlanta and Washington. He serves as general chair-
man of American Solutions for Winning the Future (www.amer-, is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise
Institute, a distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution
at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif. and is an honorary
chairman of the NanoBusiness Alliance. Gingrich was a news
and political analyst for the Fox News Channel, until speculation
arose that he was on the shortlist for Trump’s Vice President.
Gingrich was first elected to Congress in 1978 where he served
the 6th District of Georgia for twenty years. He gained prom-
inence when he and 77 other House members brought ethics
charges against Democratic House Speaker Jim Wright. He also
with his fellow minority Republicans drafted the Contract with
America, which included comprehensive government reform
package that concentrated on major policy changes such as
tax cuts, tort reform, social security reform, welfare reform and
term limits. This contract is widely credited with the 1994 Re-
publican sweep.
In 1995, he was elected Speaker of the U.S. House of Represen-
tatives, where he served until 1999. He helped to orchestrate
two federal government shutdowns between 1995 and 1996. In
1997, he was the first speaker of the House to be punished by
the House for ethics violations.
Gingrich is a health advocate. His latest advocacy efforts have
focused on the Opioid crisis.
He received his bachelor’s degree from Emory University and
master’s and doctorate in Modern European History from
Tulane University . Before his election to Congress, he taught
history and environmental studies at West Georgia College for
eight years.
He resides in Virginia with his wife, Callista. The Gingrich family
includes two daughters, two sons-in-law and two grandchil-
dren. Callista was a House Representative staff member en-
gaging in a six-year affair with Gingrich when he left office.
Connections: Joseph Gaylord, Rick Tyler (Renewing American Leadership)
Rudy Giuliani
Former Mayor of NYC
Rudy Giuliani was the mayor of New York City between 1993
and 2001 and is credited with helping to clean up the city;
the overall crime rate fell 57% and the murder rate fell 65%.
He gained national attention in 2001 and for his response to
9/11. Prior to serving as mayor, Giuliani held various positions
within the Department of Justice.
In 1970, Giuliani joined the office of the U.S. Attorney. At age
29, he was named Chief of the Narcotics Unit and rose to
serve as executive U.S. Attorney. In 1975, Giuliani was re-
cruited to Washington, D.C., where he was named Associate
Deputy Attorney General and chief of staff to the Deputy
Attorney General. From 1977 to 1981, Giuliani returned to
New York to practice law at Patterson, Belknap, Webb and
In 1981, Giuliani was named Associate Attorney General,
the third highest position in the Department of Justice. As
Associate Attorney General, Giuliani supervised all of the
US Attorney Offices’ Federal law enforcement agencies, the
Bureau of Corrections, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and
the U.S. Marshals.
In 1983, Giuliani was appointed U.S. Attorney for the
Southern District of New York, where he spearheaded the
effort to jail drug dealers, fight organized crime, break
the web of corruption in government, and prosecute
white-collar criminals.
Giuliani was first elected as mayor in 1993. He was the “rule
of law” candidate and is credited with cleaning up the city.
New York City’s law enforcement strategies became models
for other cities around the world, particularly the CompStat
program, which won the 1996 Innovations in Government
Award from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
University. CompStat allows police to statistically monitor
criminal activity on specific street corners as well as citywide,
holding precinct commanders accountable for criminal activ-
ity in their neighborhoods.
As mayor, he also implemented a welfare-to-work initiative in
the country, reduced taxes by $2.5 billion, created the Ad-
ministration for Children’s Services in New York City, eliminat-
ed principal tenure and launched the New York City Charter
School Improvement Fund.
Affiliations: Anthony Carbonetti, Louis Freeh, Fred Siegel
Jeff Sessions
Senator of Alabama
Sessions was elected to the United States Senate in 1997. Before
becoming the Senator of Alabama, Sessions served as the Assis-
tant United States Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama
(1975-1977). He was then nominated by President Reagan in 1981
and confirmed by the Senate to serve as the United States Attor-
ney for Alabama’s Southern District, a position he held for 12 years.
His judicial nomination in 1986 was killed by the Senate Judicia-
ry Committee due to his perceived “gross insensitivity” to racial
issues. Sessions was then elected Alabama Attorney General in
As a United States Senator, Sessions has focused his energies on
maintaining a strong military, upholding the rule of law, limiting the
role of government, and providing tax relief to stimulate economic
growth and empowering Americans to keep more of their hard-
earned money.
Dubbed a “budget hawk” by the Alabama press, Sen. Sessions
was selected for the 112th and 113th Congresses to serve as the
Ranking Member on the Senate Budget Committee to restrain
the growth of federal spending and make permanent tax cuts
that benefit American families. As a senior member of the Senate
Judiciary Committee, Sessions is a leading advocate of confirming
federal judges who follow the law and do not legislate from the
bench. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee,
Sessions is a strong advocate for America’s military.
Sessions also authored the Honoring Every Requirement of Ex-
emplary Service (HEROES) Act, which was signed into law in May
2005. This legislation increased the payment received by the fam-
ilies of fallen combat soldiers from $12,000 to $100,000 and also
increased the maximum servicemen’s life insurance benefit from
$250,000 to $400,000.
Sessions played a leading role in ensuring that the Medicare Pre-
scription Drug law included a rural health care component that
reduced the disparity in Medicare payments. He also joined in
efforts to make funding more equal in the Ryan White CARE Act.
He also authored the Paul Coverdell National Forensic Scienc-
es Improvement Law of 2000, which authorized badly needed
funds for state and local crime labs to reduce the backlog of
ballistics, blood, and DNA tests
Affiliations: McWane Inc - top contributor to campaign, Northrop Grumman - top
contributor to campaign, Center for Immigration Studies
Mike Huckabee
Former Governor of Arkansas
Huckabee was the 44th Governor of Arkansas from 1996
until 2007, becoming one of the longest serving Governors
in his state’s history, and was only the fourth Republican
elected to any statewide office since Reconstruction, serv-
ing longer than the other three combined. Huckabee had
been Lieutenant Governor for 3 years in July 1996 when
his predecessor was forced to resign due to felony convic-
tions. He was one of the youngest governors in the country
at the time. Huckabee was elected to a full four-year term
as governor in 1998, attracting the largest percentage of
the vote ever received by a Republican gubernatorial nom-
inee in Arkansas, and was re-elected to another four-year
term in November 2002.
As governor, he left a legacy of tax cuts, job creation, the
reconstruction of his state’s road system, K-16 education
reform, and a nationally heralded and duplicated health
initiative that focused on the less expensive approach of
prevention than the costly big-government approach of in-
tervention. His administration fought long-standing corrup-
tion in the state’s political machine, resulting in numerous
indictments and convictions of powerful legislators and
other elected officials.
When running for president this past year, Huckabee re-
mained rather outspoken on foreign policy and social
issues. He spoke out against cap and trade policy and
same-sex marriage. He advocated for immigration reform,
forceful military action against the Islamic State and a
strong defense of Israel.
In his campaign for the Republican nomination for Presi-
dent in 2008, he finished second to John McCain. Governor
Huckabee was the host of the number one rated weekend
show HUCKABEE, on the Fox News Channel, from 2008
until 2015. He also hosted The Huckabee Report – which
was heard three times daily across the nation on almost 600
radio stations from 2009-2015 – and is the New York Times
bestselling author of 12 books. Currently, the Governor is
a contributor on Fox News and one of the nation’s most
sought after conservative speakers.
Affiliations: Pursuing America’s Greatness, Janet Folger, Center for Re-
claiming America
Ben Carson
Former 2016 Republican Primary Candidate
Carson gained national attention in 2011 by criticizing Pres-
ident Obama’s health care policies at the National Prayer
Breakfast. This inspired his run for the Republican nomina-
tion in the 2016 presidential election. Before entering poli-
tics, he was the Director of Pediatric Nuerosurgery at Johns
Hopkins Hospital.
As a pioneer in neurosurgery, Carson’s achievements include
performing the first and only successful separation of Sia-
mese twins joined at the back of the head, pioneering the
first successful neurosurgical procedure on a fetus inside the
womb, performing the first completely successful separation
of type-2 vertical craniopagus twins, developing new meth-
ods to treat brain-stem tumors and reviving hemispherecto-
my techniques for controlling seizures. Carson became the
youngest chief of pediatric neurosurgery in the country at
age 33. He has received more than 60 honorary doctorate
degrees, dozens of national merit citations, and written over
100 neurosurgical publications. In 2008, he was bestowed
the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian
award in the United States.
As a candidate for the Republican nominee, Carson stood
by his life story and Christian base to appeal to social con-
servatives. As a candidate, Carson advocated for school
choice, immigration reform, and a proportional tax system.
Affiliations: Conservative Political Action Conference, Robert F. Dees, Johns
Hopkins Medical Institutions
David Clarke, Jr.
Milwaukee County Sheriff
Clarke Jr. is a law enforcement executive with 38-plus years
of experience. His public service career began in 1978, at the
Milwaukee Police Department (MPD), where he served 24
distinguished years. During his eleven years as a Patrol Officer,
he received meritorious citations for felony arrests. In 1989, he
was promoted to Detective and nine months later was select-
ed for the specialized Homicide Division, where he was part of
a team that investigated more than 400 homicides in a four-
year period. MPD made arrests in more than 80% of homi-
cides, well above the national average of 60%.
Clarke was promoted in 1992, to Lieutenant of Detectives and
was assigned to the Criminal Investigation Bureau as Shift
Commander of the Crimes Against Property Division, the
Violent Crimes Unit, and again to the Homicide Division. In
1996, he was promoted to MPD’s command staff as Captain
of Police, and soon became Commander of the Department’s
First District, located in Milwaukee’s downtown business and
entertainment center.
In 1999, Clarke became Commanding Officer of MPD’s In-
telligence Division which was responsible for producing and
sharing intelligence, and providing dignitary protection in
conjunction with the Secret Service, the Department of State,
and other federal agencies. He served as MPD’s liaison with the
United States Attorney’s Office as coordinator of the CEASE-
FIRE violent crime reduction program, and the Federal Bureau
of Investigation, Customs Service, Wisconsin Department of
Criminal Investigation, the Immigration and Naturalization Ser-
vice, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
In November 2002, he was elected to his first four-year term
as Sheriff of Milwaukee County, earning 64% of the vote. Sher-
iff Clarke is now in his fourth term, having been re-elected in
November 2006, 2010, and 2014, increasing his victory mar-
gins to 73%, 74% and 79% respectively.
When speaking at the Republican National Convention, he
received attention for stating “blue lives matter.”
Sheriff Clarke is a frequent guest commentator for national
news services and organizations regarding law enforcement,
Second Amendment, and homeland security issues.
Affiliations: American Jail Association, National Sherriff’s Association, Conser-
vative Political Action Conference
Michael Flynn
Retired United States Army Lieutenant General
Michael Flynn is a Retired United States Army Lieutenant
General. He served as the Head of the Defense Intelligence
Agency from 2012 to 2014. Prior positions include Direc-
tor of Intelligence, International Security Assistance Force;
Director of Intelligence, Joint Staff and Director of Intelli-
gence, United States Central Command. He now serves as
the Chairman and CEO of the Flynn Intel Group, located in
Alexandria, Virginia.
In 2010, Flynn said the U.S. was too focused on insurgent
groups in Iraq and Afghanistan and lacks concentration
on future threats. In February he tweeted, “fear of Mus-
lims is RATIONAL.”
Affiliations: Flynn Intel Group, Russia Today
Mary Fallin
Governor of Oklahoma
In 2010, Mary Copeland Fallin was elected the first
woman governor of Oklahoma. She was reelected in
2014 to her second term by a 15-point margin. Prior to
serving as governor, she served two terms as a state
representative before becoming Oklahoma’s first Re-
publican and first woman lieutenant governor in 1995.
After serving as lieutenant governor for 12 years, Fallin
served two terms in the U.S. House of Representatives
from 2007 to 2011.
Since Fallin took office in 2011, Oklahoma has consis-
tently ranked among the top states for job creation
in the nation. She has signed bills to modernize and
streamline government operations, responsibly cut the
income tax, increase compensation for public employ-
ees, and address the state’s fiscally unstable pension
system. The governor has also signed into law historic
lawsuit reform and a complete overhaul of the state’s
workers’ compensation system.
At the governor’s direction, the state has increased
funding for K-12 education by over $154 million, putting
more money into the classroom and helping to boost
student performance.
As the former chairman of the National Governors Association, Governor Fal-
lin leads a nation-wide initiative - “America Works: Education and Training for
Tomorrow’s Jobs” - seeking to better align education with twenty-first century
workforce needs.
Affiliations: National Federation of Independent Business, Americans for Tax Reform, Family
Research Council
Trump Finance Committee
Steven Mnuchin
Steven Mnuchin is a banker, film producer and political
fundraiser, most recently serving as the Finance Chair-
man of the Trump campaign. He is a co-founder, co-chief
and Chairman of Dune Capital Management LP. Mnuchin
amassed over $40 million working for Goldman Sachs,
and went on to build RatPac-Dune Entertainment. He is
divorced and has three children, and is among Trump’s top
choices for Treasury Secretary.
Affiliations: Goldman Sachs, RatPac-Dune Entertainment, Mitt Romney
for President (2012)
Lew Eisenberg
Lew Eisenberg is an American business financer and investor.
He co-founded the private equity firm Granite Capital Inter-
national Group L.P. Eisenberg has spent decades in American
political fundraising circles, and has held several appointments
throughout his career, including the Chairman of the Port
Authority of New York and New Jersey. He began his career
on Wall Street, working with Goldman Sachs. He co-founded
Granum Communications and has served as a Senior Advisor
for Kohlberg Kravis & Roberts & Co since 2009.
Affiliations: Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, Republican Lead-
ership Council, McCain Victory (2008), Port Authority of New York and New
Jersey, Republican Jewish Coalition
Elliott Broidy
Elliott Broidy is Chief Executive Officer and Chairman at
Broidy Capital Management; he founded the firm in 1991.
Previously, he was co-founder and Chairman of Markstone
Captital Group LLC. Broidy served as finance committee
Chairman for the Republican National Committee, and also
a member of the Board of Trustees of the Republican Jew-
ish Coalition. In 2006, he donated more than $300,000 to
President George W. Bush – he was then appointed to the
Homeland Security Advisory Council, the Future of Terror-
ism Task Force and the New Technology Task Force. He is
married with three children.
Affiliations: Hebrew Union College, Board of Governors of the California
– Israel Chamber of Commerce, U.S. Homeland Security Advisory Council,
American-Israel Friendship League, Israel-American Chamber of Com-
merce, Young President Organization
Woody Johnson
Woody Johnson is an American businessman and philan-
thropist. He is the great-grandson of Robert Wood Johnson,
a co-founder of Johnson & Johnson, and is the owner of the
New York Jets. He became involved in charitable organiza-
tions full-time in the 1980s and is a member of the Council
on Foreign Relations. He has led efforts on the Hill and at the
National Institute of Health to increase research funding to
health issues such as lupus, diabetes, and other autoimmune
diseases. He began the Alliance for Lupus, a research founda-
tion after his daughter was diagnosed with Lupus. In addition,
Johnson is chairman and chief executive of Johnson Compa-
ny, Inc., a private investment firm founded in 1978.
Affiliations: Alliance for Lupus Research, Council on Foreign Relations, Rob-
ert Wood Johnson Foundation, National September 11 Memorial & Museum
Ray Washburne
Ray Washburne is a Dallas-based investor and the vice
chairman of the 2016 Trump Victory Committee. He was for-
merly the RNC finance chairman and stepped down in 2015
to lead Governor Chris Christie’s finance team. He has been
Chief Executive Officer of Charter Holdings since 1990. He is
also the Managing Partner at HP Village Partners Ltd.
Affiliations: Charter Holdings Ltd., HP Village Partners Ltd., M Crowd
Restaurant, Baylor Health Care System Foundation, Entrust Inc., Veritex
Holdings, Colonial Bank, Southern Methodist 21st Century Council, Dallas
Citizens Council
Diane Hendricks
Diane Hendricks is an American businesswoman, film pro-
ducer and philanthropist from Wisconsin. She established
the company ABC Supply with her late husband in 1982. She
currently owns the Hendricks Holding Company and re-
mains the chairperson of ABC Supply.
Hendricks was Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s biggest
donor in 2012 and was a frequent donor to the Freedom
Partners Action Fund. Hendricks has served as an econom-
ic policy advisor to Trump. Hendricks has also produced
movies, including The Stoning of Soraya M. in 2008 about
an execution in an Iranian village, An American Carol
(2008) and Snowmen (2010). She has seven children and
17 grandchildren.
Affiliations: WisconsinEye, Rock County 5.0, Stateline Boys & Girls Club,
Hendricks Family Foundation, Freedom Partners Action Fund, Koch
Brothers, Reform American Fund
Ambassador Mel Sembler
Mel Sembler is the Chairman Emeritus of The Sembler
Company. He served as the U.S. Ambassador to Italy from
2001 to 2005 and previously as a U.S. Ambassador to
Australia and Nauru from 1989 to 1993. Sembler is currently
responsible for building The Sembler Company into one
of the nation’s most highly recognized shopping center
developers. From 1986-1987, he served as the spokesman
for the International Council of Shopping Centers. He is
also known in the anti-drug movement and co-founded
STRAIGHT, an adolescent drug treatment program, with
his wife Betty. He has three sons.
Affiliations: The Sembler Company, International Council of Shopping
Centers, American Momentum Bank, American Enterprise Institute,
American-Australian Education Leadership Foundation, Republican
Jewish Coalition, Freedom’s Watch, Moffitt Cancer Center, International
Council of the Tampa Bay Region, Florida Council of 100
Ambassador Ronald Weiser
Ambassador Ronald Weiser founded McKinley Associates,
a national real estate investment firm, in 1968 and served
as its Chair and CEO until 2001, when he was appointed by
President Bush as the Ambassador to the Slovak Repub-
lic. In 2009, he was elected as the Chair of the Michigan
Republican Party, and was appointed as National Finance
Chair of the Republican National Committee in 2011. He
serves on the Boards of numerous nonprofits, including
Artrain USA, UNCF, and the Michigan Theater.
Affiliations: McKinley Associates, Bush for President (2000), Ronald and
Eileen Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia, Weiser Center for Emerg-
ing Democracies, University of Michigan, The Gerald R. Ford Presidential
Foundation, Detroit Institute of Art
Ambassador Hushang Ansary
Ambassador Hushang Ansary is an Iranian-American dip-
lomat, businessman and philanthropist. He served in the
Iranian government for 18 years prior to the Iranian Rev-
olution including as the Minister of Economic Affairs and
Finance and Iran’s Ambassador to the United States from
1967-1969. He has chaired companies both in both Iran and
the U.S., including the Parman Group, IRI International, and
Stewart & Stevenson LLC. He served as a Presidential Trust-
ee for Trump’s fundraising efforts.
Affiliations: Right to Rise USA, Congressional Leadership Fund, National
Iranian Oil Company, National Oilwell Varco, Inc., International Crisis Group
Andy Puzder
Andy Puzder is currently the Chief Executive of CKE Restau-
rants. Following his time at Washington University School
of Law from 1978-1991, Puzder as an associate at the law
offices of St. Louis Attorney Morris Shenker. He later moved
to the Stolar Partnership before joining CKE as President
and CEO in 2000. He served as a Presidential Trustee for
Trump’s fundraising efforts.
Affiliations: Common Ground Network for Life and Choice, Fidelity Nation-
al Financial, Santa Barbara Restaurant Group, Romney for President, Job
Creators Network
Joe Craft
Joe Craft is an American businessman and philanthropist, and
currently serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer
of Alliance Resource Partners LP, the third-largest coal pro-
ducer in the eastern United States. He received his law de-
gree from the University of Kentucky. Craft serves as a board
member of the National Mining Association, a director of the
American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, and was formerly
chairman of the National Coal Council. He served as a Presi-
dential Trustee for Trump’s fundraising efforts.
Affiliations: Restore Our Future, Alliance Resource Partners LP, American
Crossroads, National Mining Association, American Coalition for Clean Coal
Electricity, National Coal Council
C. Michael Kojaian
C. Michael Kojaian has been the Chief Executive Officer at
Grubb & Ellis Realty Advisors Inc. since 2007, and also serves
as President at Kojaian Ventures LLC. In addition, he serves as
the Director of Flagstar Bank and the United States President
Export Council, and has been Independent Director of Arbor
Realty Trust Inc since 2003. He served as a Presidential Trust-
ee for Trump’s fundraising efforts.
Affiliations: Grubb & Ellis Realty Advisors Inc., Kojaian Management Cor-
poration, FYI Corporation, Flagstar Bank, United States President Export
Council, JPE Inc., Arbor Realty Trust Inc.
Wilbur Ross
Wilbur Ross is an American investor known for restructur-
ing failed companies in industries such as steel, coal, tele-
communications, foreign investment and textiles and is the
founder of WL Ross & Co. He serves on the board of advi-
sors of Yale School of Management, and founded the Inter-
national Coal Group. Under President Bill Clinton, he served
on the board of the U.S.-Russia Investment Fund, and later
under New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani as his privatization
advisor. He is an economic advisor to Donald Trump.
Affiliations: Turnaround Management Association, American Bankruptcy
Institute, U.S.-Russia Investment Fund, International Coal Group, Harvard
Business School
E. Llwyd Ecclestone III
E. Llwyd Ecclestone III is the Chief Executive Officer and
Chairman of Ecclestone Signature Homes of Palm Beach
LLC, a broker for Aspen Snowmass Sotheby’s International
Realty and a Manager at Four Points Construction LLC. He
was previously President of General Management Services,
a resort real estate company, and has been heavily involved
in the education system of Palm Beach County. In 1974,
he established the Benjamin School in North Palm Beach,
and spearheaded efforts in 1978 to improve the county
school system by chairing the task force that conducted a
comprehensive evaluation of the school district. He was a
Presidential Trustee on for Trump’s fundraising efforts.
Affiliations: Palm Beach County school system, Ecclestone Signature
Homes of Palm Beach LLC, General Management Services, Four Points
Construction LLC, Aspen Snowmass Sotheby’s International Realty
Ambassador Howard Leach
Ambassador Howard Leach is an American business ex-
ecutive and private investor; he currently serves as pres-
ident of Leach Capital, LLC in addition to Foley Timber
& Land Company. He served as the U.S. Ambassador to
France from 2001-2005. He is a Counselor and Honor-
ary Trustee of the Center for Strategic & International
Studies, and served as a Presidential Trustee for Trump’s
fundraising efforts.
Affiliations: CSIS, American Friends of Versailles, American University of Par-
is, French-American Foundation, French Heritage Society, Lehman Brothers,
Hoover Institution, Leach Capital LLC, Foley Timber & Land Company
Liz Uihlein
Liz Uihlein is the co-founder of Uline Inc. and currently
serves as its president. The company sells shipping and
packaging materials to businesses in North America, and is
entirely family owned. She served as a Presidential Trustee
for Trump’s fundraising efforts, along with her husband, who
is also a major Republican party donor.
Affiliations: Liberty Principles, Senate Conservatives Fund, Uline Inc.
Ambassador Sam Fox
Sam Fox was sworn in as U.S. Ambassador to the King-
dom of Belgium in 2007. A businessman from St. Louis,
Missouri, Ambassador Fox is founder, Chairman and CEO
of Harbour Group Ltd, a very successful private operat-
ing company that specializes in the acquisition, develop-
ment and operation of high-quality companies. Ambas-
sador Fox has long been extremely active in civic affairs
in St. Louis. He has contributed extensively to cultural,
educational and charitable institutions in the city. He has
also been a strong supporter of Washington University
in St. Louis, serving as a Trustee and as Chairman of the
Campaign for Washington University.
Affiliations: Boy Scouts of America, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Saint Lou-
is Science Center, Saint Louis Zoo, Arts and Education Council of St.
Louis, Forest Park Forever King Baudouin Foundation U.S., Washington
Center, Fox Family Foundation
Steven Feinberg
Steven Feinberg is an American financier, who is active
in hedge fund management and private equity. He is
co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Cerberus Cap-
ital Management, L.P. Previously, Feinberg held positions
at Drexel Burnham and Gruntal & Co. as a trader. He is one
of the top economic advisors of Trump’s campaign, and
has consistently been a major Republican donor.
Affiliations: Cerberus Capital Management L.P., Drexel Burnham, Grun-
tal & Co
John Paulson
John Paulson is an American hedge fund manager and
a billionaire who leads Paulson & Co., a New York-based
investment management firm that he founded in 1994.
He began his career at Boston Consulting Group before
leaving to join Odyssey Partners and Bear Stearns. He is
an economic advisor to Donald Trump.
Affiliations: Boston Consulting Group, Bear Stearns, Odyssey Part-
ners, Bank of America, Citigroup, Sino-Forest Corporation, Paulson
Advantage Fund
Harold Hamm
Harold Hamm is an American entrepreneur involved in
the oil and gas business, and is ranks ranked as the 39th
richest person in the United States and the 98th richest
person in the world. He is involved in the leadership in
Hiland Partners, Hiland Holdings, and is Chairman and
CEO of Continental Resources. He is also a member of
the Global Leadership Council at Concordia College. He
is an economic advisor to Trump, and a potential pick
for Energy Secretary in the next administration.
Affiliations: Restore Our Future, Continental Resources, Hiland Partners
Andy Beal
Andy Beal is an American banker, businessman, investor
and amateur mathematician. Based in Dallas, he accumu-
lated his wealth in the real estate and banking sectors. He
is the founder and chairman of Beal Bank and Beal Bank
USA, in addition to its affiliate companies. He is also known
for the Beal conjecture, a corollary to Fermat’s Last Theo-
rem. He is an economic advisor to Donald Trump.
Affiliations: Beal Bank, Beal Banks USA, Trump Casinos, Beal
Financial Corporation
Tom Barrack
Tom Barrack is an American private equity real estate in-
vestor and founder, chairman and chief executive officer of
Colony Capital. He began his career at the law firm of Her-
bert W. Kalmbach, Richard Nixon’s private lawyer, and went
on to work in Saudi Arabia at the Fluor Corporation. He
served as Deputy Undersecretary of the United States De-
partment of Interior during the Reagan administration. Later,
Barrack was a principal with the Robert M. Bass Group.
Affiliations: U.S. Department of Interior, University of Southern California,
Accor, Kerner, First Republic Bank, Continental Airlines, Korea First Bank,
Megaworld Properties & Holdings, Fluor Corporation
Stephen Calk
Stephan Calk founded Federal Savings Bank in 2000 and
currently serves as its Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer. He is also Chairman and Founder at Na-
tional Bancorp Holdings. In the past, he served as an advisor
to the Governor of the State of Illinois, the Commissioner of
Banks and Real Estate and the Office of Professional Regu-
lation for the State of Illinois. He is an economic advisor for
Donald Trump.
Affiliations: Chicago Bancorp, JP Morgan, Ohio Savings Bank, Citimort-
gage, Bank of America, General Electric Mortgage Insurance Company,
Community Lenders of America
Communications and
Kellyanne Conway
Kellyanne Conway is the campaign manager for Donald
Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. A longtime pollster
and analyst, Conway specializes in polling data concerning
women and younger voters. Conway was hired to serve as
a senior advisor to Paul Manafort for Trump’s campaign
on July 1, 2016. She previously ran the pro-Ted Cruz 2016
presidential super PAC, Keep the Promise I. Conway is the
founder and president of The Polling Company, Inc./Wom-
an Trend. Woman Trend was created in 1993 and eventu-
ally became a division of The Polling Company. Woman
Trend was aimed at connecting “corporate America with
the female consumer.” The Polling Company was founded
in 1995.
Conway has worked with former Rep. Jack Kemp (R-N.Y.),
Reps. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.),
Steve King (R-Iowa), and Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.). She has
also worked with other politicians, including Sens. Ted
Cruz (R-Texas) and Fred Thompson (R-Ore.) as well as
Mike Pence (R-Ind.). In addition to having practiced law,
Conway also served as a judicial clerk in Washington, D.C.,
and taught law as an adjunct professor at the George
Washington University Law Center. Conway has served on
the board of trustees for the Phillips Foundation, the Clare
Boothe Luce Policy Institute, the National Journalism Cen-
ter, and the American Conservative Union.
Affiliations: The Polling Company, Inc./Woman Trend, Keep the Promise
I, Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, National Journalism Center, Ameri-
can Conservative Union
David Bossie
David Bossie is the deputy campaign manager for the
Trump Campaign. Bossie first came into the public spot-
light during the presidency of Bill Clinton, when Bossie
was a “Republican congressional staffer who aggressively
delved into the Clintons’ finances and dealings.” During
that time, Bossie served as the chief investigator for the
United States House of Representatives Committee on
Government Reform and Oversight, leading “investigations
ranging from the Whitewater land deal to the transfer of du-
al-use technology to China and to foreign fundraising in the
1996 Clinton re-election campaign.”
Bossie became the president of the conservative activist
group Citizens United, a group that “seeks to reassert the
traditional American values of limited government, freedom
of enterprise, strong families, and national sovereignty and
security” and is best known for its successful landmark U.S.
Supreme Court case, Citizens United v. Federal Election
Commission, in 2001. In 2015, based on his work with Cit-
izens United and the campaign finance that the Supreme
Court decision ushered in, Politico Magazine ranked Bossie
second on its list of those transforming politics. The article
cited Bossie’s role in shaping “the campaign new normal”
of super PACs and outside spending for the 2016 election
cycle.Bossie is also a political writer for Breitbart News and
has authored several political books. Bossie was elected in
2016 to serve a four-year term as the national committee-
man for the Republican Party of Maryland.
Affiliations: Citizens United, Republican Party of Maryland, Breitbart News
Michael Glassner 	
Michael Glassner serves as the deputy campaign manager for
Trump’s campaign and is the president of the consulting firm
C&M Transcontinental. In May, Politico reported that his role
had further expanded to include preparation for the Repub-
lican National Convention. The site noted that Glassner was
tasked with putting Trump’s “mark on the party’s conven-
Glassner is known for his experience in Jewish voter rela-
tions and for his time as an aide to former Alaska Gov. Sarah
Palin. Glassner was a longtime aide to former Sen. Bob Dole
(R-Kan.) and advised former President George W. Bush’s
2000 presidential campaign. He was a top advisor to Sarah
Palin during her vice presidential campaign and served as
the chief of staff of her political action committee after the
election. He has previously worked as chief of staff to Lewis
Eisenberg, chair of the Port Authority of New York and New
Jersey, and was a staff member at the American Israel Pub-
lic Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
Affiliations: C&M Transcontinental, consulting firm, Fmr. Sen. Bob Dole,
Pres. George W. Bush, Fmr. Gov. Sarah Palin, SarahPAC, AIPAC
Hope Hicks
Hope Hicks is the communications director for Donald Trump’s
2016 presidential campaign. Hicks directs official messaging
and press releases for the campaign and is known for keeping a
low profile. She moved to the Trump Organization in 2014 as a
public relations consultant for Trump’s daughter, Ivanka. Previ-
ously, Hicks worked as a public relations consultant with Hiltzik
Strategies, where she first connected with Ivanka Trump.
After graduating from Southern Methodist University in 2010,
Hope Hicks began working for the public relations firm Zeno
Group. She then moved to Hiltzik Strategies in New York City.
While at Hiltzik, according to The Washington Post, Hicks “be-
gan working on accounts related to Trump’s vast real estate,
hospitality and fashion ventures.” She then moved to the Trump
Organization in 2014. Hicks’ role in the campaign has been as a
spokesperson and as a communications director. In July 2015,
The Washington Post reported that she was involved in Trump’s
Twitter account, noting that she sometimes “takes dictation
and sends the words to aides” to then be tweeted.
Affiliations: Zeno Group, Hiltzik Strategies, Trump Organization
Daniel Scavino, Jr.
Daniel Scavino Jr. is the director of social media for Donald
Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. He founded and directs
Scavino and Associates, a social media management company.
Scavino is in charge of managing the social media messaging
from the Trump campaign, including campaign photos and
videos uploaded to Twitter. A graduate of Plattsburgh State
University, he worked for the Trump Organization’s golf division
in a few capacities, most recently as the executive vice presi-
dent and general manager of Trump National Golf Club.
In 1998, when Scavino graduated, he took a job as a region-
al manager with Coca-Cola, a position he held for five years.
Then, in 2003, Trump bought Briar Hall and made it into
Trump National Golf Club, Scavino became the assistant club-
house manager. Scavino left the Trump golf division in 2013
to become the director of development at the Joe Torre Safe
at Home Foundation. The foundation focuses on domestic
violence and aims at “edu-cating to end the cycle of domestic
violence and save lives.
Affiliations: Scavino and Associates (social media management company), Joe
Torre Safe at Home Foundation, Coca-Cola, Trump National Golf Club
A.J. Delgado
A.J. Delgado is a conservative commentator, columnist, at-
torney, author and a communications advisor for the Trump
campaign. Delgado’s writings have been published in The
American Conservative, National Review, The Miami Herald,
The Washington Post, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, Fox News,
and various other publications and sites, and she has ap-
peared on multiple radio, online, and cable news shows, in-
cluding Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, CNN en Espanol, Yahoo!, Al
Jazeera, and NPR, as well as Spanish language programs, and
is a regular on “Hannity”. She published her first book, Hip To
Be Square: Why It’s Cool To Be A Conservative, in 2012.
Delgado holds a Juris doctor from Harvard Law School.
Following graduation, she practiced law as a litigator in New
York City, representing a variety of Fortune 500 companies.
The child of Cuban immigrants to the United States, Delga-
do is a native Spanish speaker. Her father was a bus driver;
her mother worked in a factory. Trump Senior Communica-
tions Campaign Advisor Jason Miller described Delgado as a
“triple threat” because of her ability to connect with a wide
variety of voters.
Affiliations: Harvard Law School, The American Conservative, National
Review, Breitbart, Fox News Channel
Jessica Ditto
Jessica Ditto serves as the deputy communications direc-
tor for the Trump campaign. She has more than 10 years
of political and public sector communications experience.
Ditto has worked as Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin’s communica-
tions director for his campaign and transition office, before
being named the governor’s spokeswoman in 2015. She also
worked for former Republican Gov. Ernie Fletcher and the
Republican Party of Kentucky. She is a graduate of Asbury
University in Wilmore.
Affiliations: Gov. Matt Bevin, Kentucky, Kentucky Republican Party, Nation-
al Governors Association (through former Gov. Ernie Fletcher)
Susie Wiles
Susie Wiles is a senior advisor for battleground communi-
cations for the Trump campaign. With a professional history
based in government relations, communications and public
affairs, Susie Wiles has more than two decades of political
insight. Wiles is a lobbyist and veteran political consultant
who ran Rick Scott’s first gubernatorial campaign in 2010
and handled Trump campaign communications from New
York before shifting to oversee Trump’s Florida campaign.
She serves as a managing partner for the Jacksonville- of-
fice of Ballard Partners.
Wiles was Presidential candidate Jon Huntsman’s first na-
tional campaign manager and worked to recruit the team
and develop early-stage processes before a departure after
six months. In 2010, Wiles served as campaign manager
for Florida Governor Rick Scott’s successful election. Her
national political experience includes service to President
Ronald Reagan, former Congressman Jack F. Kemp and in-
cludes a senior role at the Department of Labor. Wiles also
previously served as co-chairman of the McCain-Palin 2008
campaign in Duval County and as a Transition Team mem-
ber for former Florida Governor Charlie Crist.
Wiles’ political and communications experience is also
well-rooted in Jacksonville and throughout North Flori-
da. She served in senior level positions in the administra-
tions of the two most recent mayors of Jacksonville. In
the office of former Jacksonville Mayor John Delaney, she
served as Chief of Staff and later as Communications Chief
for Mayor John Peyton until August 2008.
Affiliations: Ballard Partners, Right Coast Strategies, Fmr. Gov. and Amb.
Jon Huntsman, Gov. Rick Scott, Jacksonville Mayor John Peyton, Wiles
Consulting, APCO
Steven Cheung
Steven Cheung, who most recently worked as the direc-
tor of communications and public affairs for the Ultimate
Fighting Championship, was hired as the campaign’s rapid
response director. According to the campaign, Cheung
is responsible for keeping “the campaign up to date on
breaking news and pushing back on false or unbalanced
reporting. Cheung has worked in communications on sev-
eral Senate and gubernatorial campaigns. He also played a
role in the 2008 McCain-Palin presidential campaign.
Affiliations: Lieutenant Gov. David Dewhurst, Sharron Angle, Steve
Poizner, Sen. John McCain, Fmr. Gov. David Dewhurst
Michael Abboud
As campaign communications coordinator, Michael Abboud
helped the Trump campaign formulate its daily messaging
strategy and its rapid response to attacks from opponents.
Abboud is a native of Omaha and is a member of one of the
city’s long-standing Republican families. His father is former
State Sen. Chris Abboud, an Omaha attorney. His uncle is
Andy Abboud, a former executive director of the Nebraska
Republican Party who now serves as a top political adviser
to Sheldon Adelson, a Las Vegas casino owner and one of
the GOP’s biggest donors. Michael Abboud graduated from
Creighton Prep in 2008. He then attended Creighton Univer-
sity, graduating with a degree in political science.
Affiliations: Sen. Chris Abboud, Nebraska Republican Party, Las Vegas
Sands Corporation (via Sheldon Adelson), Republican National Committee,
America Rising LLC, Chris Abboud Public Affairs Group
Boris Epshteyn
Boris Epshteyn is an investment banker, entrepreneur, Re-
publican political analyst, opinion columnist, attorney and
a senior advisor for the Trump campaign. Epshteyn sum-
marizes his political views in six words: Small Government,
Low Taxes and National Security.
Epshteyn was a communications aide with the McCain-Pal-
in campaign where he coordinated nationwide communica-
tions and spent time both in the Arlington, Virginia cam-
paign headquarters and in Anchorage, Alaska. While at the
campaign, he was a key part of a rapid response task force
which concentrated on issues related to the Vice Presiden-
tial nominee Sarah Palin. He additionally worked on media
relations, prevention of widespread voter fraud and diverse
legal topics.
Epshteyn writes for the opinion section of US News &
World Report and is a contributor to The Daily Caller. He is
also is a regular guest on CNN, MSNBC, FOXNews, CNBC
and radio programs nationwide providing analysis on top-
ics including political strategy, financial markets, interna-
tional affairs, future elections and party relations.
He is currently a managing director of business and
legal affairs at a boutique investment bank concentrat-
ing on private placements, public offerings and venture
capital transactions.
Mr. Epshteyn graduated from Georgetown University
Law Center and is an attorney licensed in New York and
New Jersey with expertise in finance, bankruptcy and
international law.
Affiliations: TGP Securities Inc., Prime Health Services, Inc., ISA Inter-
nationale, Inc., Strategy International LLC, Sen. John McCain, Fmr. Gov.
Sarah Palin, Georgetown Journal of International Law
Katrina Pierson
Katrina Pierson is the national spokesperson for Donald
Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. She initially came into
the national political spotlight as a tea party activist in Tex-
as and subsequently worked for the Tea Party Leadership
Fund PAC, an organization that advocated for Trey Gowdy
to be elected Speaker of the House in 2015. After earning
her bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Tex-
as at Dallas in 2006, Katrina Pierson began working in the
healthcare and pharmaceutical industries in Texas. In a 2011
interview, Pierson said she “didn’t get politically involved
until the 2008 elections.” After voting for Barack Obama
(D), she found herself in disagreement with the policies he
implemented as president. Pierson explained, “And that
is when I was able to define my political ideology, which
I’d always had but just didn’t realize it.” Her early political
involvement was focused on developing the Garland Texas
Tea Party and working as an activist in Florida, Iowa, Arizo-
na, Kansas, Missouri, Washington D.C., and Texas.
Affiliations: Ted Cruz, Tea Party Leadership Fund, FreedomWorks for America
Justin McConney
Justin McConney is the director of new media/social me-
dia for the Trump Organization and is the person credit-
ed with “introducing Donald Trump to social media.” His
major campaign development for the 2016 cycle was the
15-second Instagram ads that Trump became known for
using during his presidential campaign. He has worked
with Trump since 2011. Under his direction, Donald Trump’s
Twitter was named one of the most influential accounts
by New York Magazine. McConney has also produced,
directed, and edited terabytes and terabytes of video and
photoshoots for the company. McConney is a graduate of
New York’s School of Visual Arts with a bachelor’s degree
in Film & Video.
Affiliations: Trump Organization, New York School of Visual Arts
Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale creates web marketing strategies and over-
sees all technical and functional aspects of these strat-
egies for his web design, web marketing, and branding
firm, Giles-Parscale Inc. Originally from Kansas, Parscale
spent five years in California developing CGI software for
the motion picture industry. He moved to Texas in 2004
to establish Parscale Media, a successful web marketing
firm. His 2011 partnership with Jill Giles formed Giles-Par-
scale, Inc. In 2016, he was named Digital Director for the
Trump campaign.
Parscale’s direction and strategy spearheaded the design
and development of the primary website, as well as social
media strategies and implementation, campaign design con-
cepts and messaging, digital media ad campaigns, and mer-
chandise design. The site’s highly-advanced server structure
accommodates millions of visitors without difficulty.
Affiliations: Giles-Parscale, Inc, The Annex Bureau, Parscale Media
Omarosa Manigault
Omarosa Manigault is the African American Outreach Direc-
tor for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Her con-
nections to Trump began when she was named a contestant
on the first season of Trump’s reality show, The Apprentice.
Manigault was hired by Trump’s campaign in July 2016 after
serving as the vice chair of the National Diversity Coalition
for Trump. She was a candidate for the District 1 seat on the
Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education in
California. Manigault was defeated in the special primary
election on June 3, 2014.
Manigault held several staff positions in the administration
of President Bill Clinton, including in the Office of Vice Pres-
ident Al Gore, the White House Personnel Office, and in two
different positions with the Department of Commerce be-
fore departing in 2000.
Manigault first began working in support of Donald Trump’s
presidential campaign in early 2016 as the vice chair of the
National Diversity Coalition for Trump, a group that sup-
ports what it sees as Trump’s “solutions that address eco-
nomic disparities, foster job creation, support small busi-
nesses, preserve faith & family principles and strengthen
communities with conservative action.” The coalition met
with Trump briefly in April 2016, a meeting that Manigault
characterized as evidence that Trump “wants to learn” and
“wants to listen” to the coalition’s ideas.
Affiliations: National Diversity Coalition for Trump, Executive Education
Program/ Executive MBA Program at Howard University School of Busi-
ness, Celebrity Apprentice
Domestic Policy Advisors
Stephen Miller
Miller started his career as a press secretary for several Re-
publican Members of Congress before joining Senator Jeff
Sessions in 2009. He Served as Senator Sessions’ commu-
nications director, and played a major role in defeating the
proposed immigration reform bill in 2013. Miller and Sessions
developed the self-described “nation-state populism” that
heavily influenced Donald Trump’s campaign. Miller joined
Trump’s Campaign in January 2016 as a senior policy advisor.
He quickly became a “warm-up” act for Trump at campaign
events. Miller’s own position on immigration and trade has
been echoed in Trump’s speeches, and his brash, straightfor-
ward style of delivery have helped him in writing speeches
for the President-Elect, including his address accepting the
GOP nomination at the Republican National Convention.
Affiliations: Donald Trump; Senator Jeff Sessions; Congressman David Brat;
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Sarah Huckabee, daughter of former Arkansas Governor
Mike Huckabee, joined Trump’s campaign as a senior advis-
er in February 2016, after serving as campaign manager for
her father’s presidential bid. She shifted gears and began
handling communications for coalitions in September.
Huckabee continued to serve as a surrogate for Trump on
several news outlet’s in her new role where she reportedly
worked specifically with faith leaders, gun rights support-
ers and military groups among other voter coalitions. She
has been highly involved in Arkansas politics, managing
several campaigns, including John Boozman’s 2010 sen-
ate race. She worked for Tsamoutales Strategies starting
in 2011 and became president in 2014. She was voted one
of TIME Magazine’s “40 under 40 Rising Stars in American
Politics.” She is now the founder and managing partner of
Second Street Strategies.
Affiliations: Tsamoutales Strategies (Little Rock); Governor Mike Huckabee;
Second Street Strategies
Myron Ebell
Ebell, the director of the Center for Energy and Environ-
ment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, an organiza-
tion funded by the Koch brothers and several oil and gas
companies. He chairs the Cooler Heads Coalition, which
brings together nonprofit groups that “question global
warming alarmism and oppose energy rationing policies.”
Ebell has been critical of climate change actions through-
out his career.
Most recently, Ebell was selected by President-Elect
Donald Trump to lead the Environmental Protection
Agency transition team.
Affiliations: Competitive Enterprise Institute; Cooler Heads Coalition;
Mike McKenna
McKenna is a long time Republican political strategist and
the President of MWR Strategies, which focuses on ener-
gy related lobbying. He has lobbied for the Dow Chemical
Company, Southern Company, and Koch Companies Public
Sector. McKenna served as the director of policy and ex-
ternal affairs for the Virginia Department of Environmental
Quality under Governor George Allen and was an external
relations specialist for the Energy Department under Pres-
ident George H.W. Bush’s administration. McKenna was
hired by the Trump campaign to lead the Department of
Energy transition team.
Affiliations: American Energy Alliance; Institute for Energy Research
David Bernhardt
Bernhardt is the chair of the Natural Resources Depart-
ment at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck. He served as
the director of policy and external affairs for the Virginia
Department of Environmental Quality under Governor
George Allen, and then as the solicitor and chief legal
officer for the department of Interior under the George
H.W. Bush administration after holding other high-level
positions in the department. In September, Bernhardt was
hired to lead the transition team for the Department of
Interior for the Trump campaign.
Affiliations: Brownstein Hayatt Farber Schreck
Mike Catanzaro
Catanzaro is an energy lobbyist with the firm CGCN, former-
ly with Clark Geduldig Cranford & Nielson, and has worked
with a variety of fossil fuel industry clients throughout his
career. Catanzaro served as communications director in
the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, and
as a top adviser in the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign, fol-
lowed by posts in the White House under President Bush.
He worked under Speaker John Boehner as an energy policy
adviser. Catanzaro was hired as a part of Trump’s energy
transition team.
Affiliations: Noble Energy; Koch Industries; EnCana Oil and Gas; Hallibur-
ton; Devon Energy; John Boehner
Foreign Policy Advisors
Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn
Top Trump confidant retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn is a retired
United States Army lieutenant general who served as the
director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, commander
of the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelli-
gence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and chair of the
Military Intelligence Board from July 24, 2012, to August
2, 2014. Prior to that, he served as Assistant Director of
National Intelligence. He declared the justice system “cor-
rupt” and insisted that he was pushed out of his assign-
ment as director of the DIA because of his views on radical
Islam. Like Trump, Flynn has advocated forging closer ties
with Russia. In interviews with The Washington Post, Flynn
acknowledged being paid to give a speech and attend a
lavish anniversary party for the Kremlin-controlled RT tele-
vision network in Moscow last year, where he was seated
next to Russian President Vladimir Putin. He would need a
waiver from Congress to become defense secretary, as the
law requires retired military officers to wait seven years
before becoming the civilian leader of the Pentagon. He is
likely to wind up in some senior administration post, po-
tentially national security adviser.
Affiliations: Defense Intelligence Agency, Russia Today
Bob Corker
Corker is the junior United States Senator from Tennessee,
serving since 2007. Corker, a member of the Republican
Party, is currently the chairman of the United States Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations in the 114th Congress. In
1978, Corker founded a successful construction company,
which he sold in 1990. He ran for the 1994 U.S. Senate elec-
tion in Tennessee, but was defeated by future Senate Ma-
jority Leader Bill Frist in the Republican primary. Appointed
by Tennessee Governor Don Sundquist, Corker served as
Commissioner of Finance and Administration for the State
of Tennessee from 1995 to 1996. He later acquired two of
the largest real estate companies in Chattanooga, Tennes-
see, before being elected the 71st Mayor of Chattanooga in
2000; he served one term as mayor from 2001 to 2005. In
April 2015, Corker’s position on Iraq was that turmoil in the
Middle East predated Barack Obama’s presidency and that
by invading Iraq in 2003 the U.S. “took a big stick and beat a
hornets’ nest”, unleashing rivalries that might take decades to
resolve. The Tennessee senator has said he’d “strongly con-
sider” serving as secretary of state.
Affiliations: Chattanooga Neighborhood Enterprise
John Bolton
John R. Bolton, a diplomat, and a lawyer, has spent many
years in public service. From August 2005 to December
2006, he served as the U.S. permanent representative to the
United Nations. From 2001 to 2005, he was under secretary
of state for arms control and international security. Bolton is
currently a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute
(AEI), where his area of research is U.S. foreign and national
security policy. He is also senior advisor for Freedom Capital
Investment Management, a Fox News Channel commenta-
tor, and of counsel to the Washington, D.C. law firm Kirkland
& Ellis. He was a foreign policy adviser to 2012 presidential
candidate Mitt Romney. Bolton is also involved with a num-
ber of politically conservative think tanks and policy insti-
tutes, including the Jewish Institute for National Security
Affairs (JINSA), the Institute of East-West Dynamics, the
National Rifle Association, the U.S. Commission on Interna-
tional Religious Freedom, the Council for National Policy
(CNP) and the Gatestone Institute, where he serves as the
organization Chairman.
Affiliations: AEI, JINSA, NRA, CNP
Walid Phares
Phares is an American scholar and commentator on global
terrorism and Middle Eastern affairs, and a senior fellow
at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. During his
career, he has testified before committees of the U.S. De-
partments of State, Defense, Justice, Homeland Security,
the U.S. Congress, European Parliament, and U.N. Security
Council. He served as an expert on terrorism and the Mid-
dle East on both Fox News and NBC. Phares was appointed
by Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney as a for-
eign affairs adviser in 2011, and as such was selected as an
expert on terrorism, counter-terrorism and Middle Eastern
affairs for Trump’s campaign. Phares was a political activ-
ist in Lebanon in the 1980s, which brought criticism to his
2011 appointment to the Romney campaign. Officials at the
Council on American-Islamic Relations has condemned
Phares – like Trump – for his comments about Muslims.
Phares is a professor at the National Defense University
in Washington.
Affiliations: Foundation for Defense of Democracies; National Defense University
Joseph Schmitz
Schmitz is an attorney and former Pentagon inspector
general. He is considered an “insider” with the right-wing
Newsmax website and senior fellow at the virulently an-
ti-Islam Center for Security Policy. The center’s president
is Frank Gaffney, whose controversial statements about
Muslims — including a charge that President Barack
Obama might be a Muslim — came under new scrutiny
when Ted Cruz named him as a foreign policy adviser. A
Naval Reservist and former partner at the Washington law
firm of Patton Boggs, he co-authored a 2010 report for the
center titled “Shariah: The Threat to America.”
Affiliations: Center for Security Policy, Citizens Equal Rights Alliance
George Papadopoulos
2009 college graduate from DePaul University and an
international energy lawyer, Papadopoulos had previously
advised Ben Carson’s presidential campaign. After com-
pleting his MSc from University College London in 2011, he
started to work as a Research Associate at the conserva-
tive Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C., before joining
the London Center of International Law Practice, which
describes itself as dedicated to “peace and development
through international law and dispute resolution,” and
views global issues with a promotion of peace outlook,
which falls into accord with Trump’s non-interventionist
approach. His LinkedIn page also boasts about his role at
the 2012 meeting in Geneva of Model U.N.
Affiliations: Hudson Institute
Carter Page
Page is a former investment banker and global energy
consultant who graduated from the Naval Academy. In dis-
cursive online blog postings about foreign policy Page he
blamed the U.S. for “misguided and provocative actions”
toward Russia — notable in light of Trump’s friendly words
for Russian President Vladimir Putin. He has worked for Mer-
rill Lynch in Moscow. Page has accused the State Depart-
ment’s top official for Ukraine and Russia, Victoria Nuland,
of “fomenting” the 2014 revolution that overthrew Ukraine’s
government. That charge is often lodged by pro-Kremlin
media outlets but is strongly disputed by the Obama ad-
ministration. He also compared the Obama administration’s
official 2015 national security strategy document to an 1850
document on how to manage slaves.
Affiliations: US Navy
Joseph “Keith” Kellogg
Kellogg served for nearly three decades in the Army until
his retirement in 2003 as an Army Lt. Gen. Since then, Kel-
logg has served on a number of boards, including at GTSI,
which primarily provides computer software to government
agencies. From 2005 until 2009, he was an executive vice
president at CACI International, a Virginia-based intelligence
consulting firm that was embroiled in the Abu Ghraib pris-
on scandal prior to his arrival there. Kellogg had little to do
with the company’s cleanup as he was primarily focused
on research and tech systems. A lawsuit brought by prison-
ers against the firm was eventually dismissed. He served as
chief operating officer of the Coalition Provisional Author-
ity in Baghdad, Iraq, from November 2003 through March
2004. The authority was the de facto government installed
by the U.S. after its March 2003 invasion of Iraq, and its per-
formance is often judged as a failure.
Affiliations: US Army, CACI International
Chuck Kubic
Kubic served for nearly 30 years in the Navy, including help-
ing rebuild schools and hospitals in Iraq as commander of
the Naval Construction Division. “I’ve been up here since the
early days of the war, and every day, every week the country
returns to normal,” he told CNN in 2004 as he praised the
U.S. efforts to rebuild the country, a comment that predated
the bloodiest years of sectarian violence in Iraq during the
war and the consistent failure of the U.S. rebuilding efforts.
Kubic now owns his own engineering firm, which has con-
sulted with the U.S. government on diplomatic facilities in
Kabul, Karachi, and Bangkok.
Affiliations: US Navy
Bert Mizusawa
Bert Kameaaloha Mizusawa is a major general in the Unit-
ed States Army Reserve. Mizusawa has the most dec-
orated military career of Trump’s advisors. As an Army
Captain serving in the Korean Demilitarized Zone in 1984,
Mizusawa engaged North Korean soldiers in a firefight
while assisting in the escape of a Soviet defector. Mizusa-
wa was subquently awarded the Silver Star for his service
in this incident. He ferried a Soviet defector to safe ground
while under fire from 30 attacking North Korean soldiers,
according to the Pentagon. “He personally led the defec-
tor to safety while under fire and deliberately, at great risk
to himself, exposed himself to the enemy in front of his
own troops,” the Pentagon said. His awards include the Sil-
ver Star, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit,
Bronze Star Medal, and 30 other awards. In 2010, he ran in
a GOP primary for a congressional seat in Virginia. He lost
the five-way primary. He attended West Point and subse-
quently Harvard Law School and graduated with a Juris
Doctor in 1989. He also received a Master of Public Poli-
cy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government and
was twice selected as a MacArthur Fellow in International
Security. While at Harvard, he interned with the United
States Attorneys’ Counterdrug Task Force.
Affiliations: US Army, West Point, Harvard
Trump Business Connections
Trump International Hotel, Washington D.C.
Hany Hassan
Design Architect, Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners
As Director of Beyer Blinder Belle’s Washington D.C. office,
Hassan has worked on significant public architecture
projects that positively shape the nation’s capital. Hassan
was the design architect for the Trump International Hotel,
Washington D.C.
Affiliates: U.S. Department of State, the D.C. Courts, the Smithsonian Insti-
tution, the Capitol
Trump International Hotel, Washington D.C.
Durwood Dixon
WDG, Architectural Firm
Dixon joined WDG Architecture in 1987 and is currently
responsible for studio operation and management of WDG
projects. He has managed commercial, institutional and
multifamily residential projects, encompassing new con-
struction and renovation. The architectural firm of record
for the Trump International Hotel in D.C. is D.C.- and Dal-
las-based WDG, directed by managing principal Durwood
Dixon, AIA.
Affiliates: The Portals, Reston Executive Center
Trump International Hotel, Washington D.C.
Betsy Hughes
Associate at Hirsch Bedner Associates, Interior Design
Betsy Hughes brings her 15-year passion and knowledge
of hospitality interior design as well as her incredibly de-
tailed project management skills to the HBA table. She has
worked on complex renovation and new construction hotels
in the United States, Asia, Eastern Europe and Australia.
Her work includes the renovation of the Arabelle Restaurant
and Lounge. The design was a 2001 Hospitality Design Gold
Key Finalist.’ Hughes is in charge of interior design for the
Trump International Hotel, Washington D.C.
Affiliates: Ian Carr
Trump International Hotel, Waikiki
Scott Glass
Principal, Guerin Glass Architects
Founding Principal Scott Glass has been involved in the
design and building professions on multiple levels from an
early age. Prior to forming Guerin Glass Architects, he had
been working at Rafael Vinoly Architects as the project lead
on the expansion of the Cleveland Museum of Art. Glass
was a founding partner at BDDW, Inc., a design, manufac-
turing and retail firm focused on highly crafted installations
and furniture. Previously, he worked at Rogers Marvel Archi-
tects - where he was project architect for a number of intri-
cately designed residential and institutional projects. Guerin
Glass Architects is a design-centered, architecture, interior
design, and planning firm.
Affiliates: Brenden Guerin
Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago
Adrian Smith
Adrian D. Smith is an American architect who has designed
many buildings, including the world’s tallest structure, Burj
Khalifa in Dubai, as well as the building projected to surpass
it, Jeddah Tower, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Prior to starting
Adrian Smith + Gordon + Gill Architecture, Smith was a Design
Partner at the Chicago office of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
(SOM) from 1980 to 2003 and a Consulting Design Partner
from 2003 to 2006. He was the lead architect of some of the
world’s most recognizable buildings including Trump Inter-
national Hotel & Tower in Chicago, Illinois; Jin Mao Tower in
Shanghai, China and Zifeng Tower in Nanjing, China.
Affiliates: Adrian Smith + Gordon + Gill Architecture, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago
Gordon Paris
Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Hollinger International
Previously, Paris served as managing director and head
of the Media and Telecommunications Group at Berenson
& Company from 2002 through 2007. Additionally, Paris
served as president and chief executive officer of Sun-Times
Media Group Inc. (formerly Hollinger International Inc.)
from 2003 to 2006.
Sun-Times Media Group is a Chicago-based newspaper
publisher. Sun-Times Media Group was originally founded
in 1986 under the name American Publishing Company, as
a holding company for Hollinger Inc.’s American properties.
The Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago occupies
the site vacated by the Chicago Sun-Times. On October 16,
2004, Donald Trump and Hollinger International, the parent
company of the Chicago Sun-Times, completed the $73 mil-
lion sale of the former home of the newspaper a week after
it relocated. On October 28, 2004, Trump held a ceremony
to begin the demolition of the former Sun-Times Building.
Affiliates: David Radler, John Cruickshank, The Daily Telegraph, The Jeru-
salem Post, Conrad Black
Trump International Hotel Las Vegas
Phil Ruffin
Business Partner
Phillip Gene “Phil” Ruffin is an American businessman. His
business interests lie largely in casinos, greyhound racing
tracks, oil production, convenience stores, and real estate.
Ruffin lives in Las Vegas, Nevada.
In April 2002, Ruffin announced that he had partnered with
Donald Trump to build Trump Tower Las Vegas, a $300
million 60-story condominium tower with 300 units and the
possibility of a casino, to be constructed on Fashion Show
Drive, near Ruffin’s New Frontier Hotel and Casino. Trump
had initially approached Ruffin two years earlier about devel-
oping a property on or near the Las Vegas Strip.
Affiliates: Jack Wishna, Kelly Perdew
Trump International Hotel Las Vegas
Joel Bergman
Architect, Bergman, Walls & Associates
Joel Bergman (August 20, 1936 – August 24, 2016) was an
American architect who designed several landmark casi-
nos. In 1978, he went to work exclusively for Steve Wynn
through the firm Atlandia Design. Together they played an
important role in transforming the Las Vegas strip from a
low-rise strip to the modern theme-oriented casino with
high rise buildings. In 1994, Bergman and Scott Walls, who
had also worked for Wynn, started their own firm which
was responsible for constructing the Trump International
Hotel Las Vegas in 2008.
Affiliates: MGM Grand Las Vegas, Fontainebleau Resort Las Vegas, Scott Walls
Trump International Hotel Las Vegas
Craig W. Shaw
President & CEO, Tutor Perini Building Group
Craig W. Shaw has served as executive vice president and
chief executive officer of the Building Group since May
2013. Since May 2007, Shaw has also served as president
and chief executive officer of Tutor Perini Building Corp.,
one of the business units within the Building Group. Prior
to that, he served in various project and executive man-
agement positions, including president, at Perini Building
Company since joining the Company in 1978. Trump Inter-
national Hotel Las Vegas was designed by Bergman, Walls
& Associates and built by Perini Building Company.
Affiliates: Pat Hubbs, Roy Anderson Corp, Rudolph and Sletten
Trump International Hotel & Tower New York
Philip Johnson
Philip Cortelyou Johnson (July 8, 1906 - January 25, 2005)
was an influential American architect. He is especially
known for his postmodern work from the 1980s, as well
as his collaborations with John Burgee. Between 1995 and
1997, the building that would become the Trump Interna-
tional Hotel & Tower New York was stripped to its skeleton
and given a new facade designed by Philip Johnson and
Costas Kondylis.
Affiliates: John Burgee, Costas Kondylis
Trump International Hotel & Tower New York
Costas Kondylis
Architect, Founder of Costas Kondylis and Partners, LLP
Costas Kondylis and Partners, LLP, is an American architec-
tural firm, headquartered in the Manhattan borough of New
York City, New York. Founded by Kondylis, the firm and its
work have been featured in several magazines, including
Architectural Digest, The New York Times, The New Yorker,
Town & Country and Vogue. It has also been the subject of
a television documentary.
From The Real Deal: “The early years of architect Costas
Kondylis’ career was defined by frustration, until a chance
meeting changed his life. That meeting was with Donald
Trump and Kondylis would go on to design a number of
Trump’s buildings, including the Trump International Hotel
and Tower at Columbus Circle, several buildings at Trump
Place on the Upper West Side, and the Trump World Tower
near the United Nations.
His work for Trump would put Kondylis’ name on the map
and eventually he became the most prolific architect New
York City has ever seen, designing more than 85 buildings
in the city.”
Affiliates: Philip Johnson
Gary E. Handel
President of Handel Architects
Gary Handel FAIA is the Founding Partner and Managing
Principal of Handel Architects. Since starting the practice in
1994, Handel has overseen its growth to a firm of over 150
architects, designers, and planners around the world. His
designs have been recognized by the American Institute of
Architects, the Urban Land Institute, the Society of Amer-
ican Registered Architects, and the Chicago Athenaeum,
among others. Handel Architects was charged with design-
ing the Trump Hotel in Soho NY.
Affiliates: AIA New York Chapter, Friends of the High Line, Lower East Side
Tenement Museum
David Rockwell
Founder and President of Rockwell Group
An American architect and designer who founded Rock-
well Group, a 250-person award winning, cross-disciplinary
architecture and design practice based in New York. He has
an extensive background in different project types, such
as restaurants, hotels, airport terminals, hospitals, museum
exhibits, and Broadway sets. He was the interior designer
for Trump’s hotel in Soho NY.
Affiliates: Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS (DIFFA), Cooper
Hewitt National Design Museum, New York Restoration Project
Albemarle Estate at Trump Winery
Patricia Kluge
Former owner of Albemarle Estates
John (Owner of Metromedia) and Patricia Kluge built the
45-room mansion, known as Albemarle House, in 1980.
However, bad business bets coupled with the economic
downturn (and a divorce) doomed the Kluges. She default-
ed on loans the banks seized the property. Trump, who had
known the Kluges for years, swooped in and scooped up
the wine estate for $6.2 million.
Affiliates: Rupert Murdoch, Russell Gay, Chelsea Clinton
Trump National Golf Club Bedminster, Trump National
Golf Club Philadelphia, Trump National Golf Club
Washington, DC
Tom Fazio
Golf Course Architect
Fazio has designed more than 120 courses and has more
courses ranked among the top 100 in the U.S. than any-
one else in the business. His individual honors include Best
Modern Day Golf Course Architect, which he received from
Golf Digest Magazine three times. In 1995, Fazio became
only the second course architect to receive the highest
recognition awarded by the Golf Course Superintendents
Association of America - The Old Tom Morris Award. No liv-
ing designer has more credits on Golf Digest’s list of Amer-
ica’s 100 Greatest Golf Courses and Golfweek’s collection
of America’s Best. Fazio was the golf course designer for
Trump National Golf Club Bedminster.
Affiliates: Tom Fazio II, ASGCA, Fazio Golf Course Designers
Trump National Golf Club Charlotte
Greg Norman
Golf Course Designer and entrepreneur
The internationally recognized “Great White Shark” won
more than 90 tournaments worldwide, including two British
Open Championships, and claims the distinction of having
held the No. 1 position in the world rankings for 331 con-
secutive weeks. As one of the most prolific players in the
game’s history, the culmination of an astounding career
came in 2001 when he was inducted into the World Golf
Hall of Fame. In 2009 and 2011, Norman served as the Pres-
idents Cup Captain of the International Team and his strong
influence in the game continues today. Legendary for his
tenacity and pursuit of perfection, Norman has approached
business with the same vigor with which he attacked the
golf course and has parlayed his success into a multi-na-
tional corporation, the Greg Norman Company, which he
currently serves as Chairman & CEO.
Affiliates: FOX Sports, Joe Buck, Paul Azinger
Trump National Golf Club Colts Neck
Tom Fazio II
Golf Course Architect
He was born into a family in which several members are
highly acclaimed golf architects. He has traveled the world
working on projects, first for his father Jim, before starting
his own firm. Fazio has designed and constructed two Trump
National courses in New York and New Jersey, Quail Valley
Golf Club in Vero Beach, Fla., and finished redesigning the
former Haig Course at PGA National Resort and Spa.
Affiliates: Tom Fazio I, Jim Fazio, PGA
Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point, Trump National Golf
Club Jupiter
Jack Nicklaus
Retired Professional Golfer, Owner of Nicklaus Designs
A retired American professional golfer, widely regarded as the
greatest golfer of all time. Nicklaus has also taken part in various
off-course activities, including golf course design (two of which
are Trump’s National Golf Clubs), charity work and book writing.
His golf course design company is one of the largest in the world.
Affiliates: Pete Dye, Chris Cochran, Chet Williams, Dave Heatwole
Trump National Golf Links at Hudson Valley
Brian Freeswick
General Manager
Freeswick became the General Manager of the Trump
National Golf Club in 2009, a position that he carried over
from the Branton Woods Golf Club when it was purchased
by the Trump Organization in 2009.
Affiliates: Eric Trump
Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles
Pete Dye
Golf Course Designer
Paul B. “Pete” Dye is a golf course designer and a mem-
ber of a family of course designers. He is married to fellow
designer and former amateur champion Alice Dye. In 2004,
Dye was the recipient of the PGA Distinguished Service
Award, the highest annual honor of PGA of America, and
was inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame in Novem-
ber 2008 in the Lifetime Achievement category. He helped
design the Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles.
Affiliates: Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, National
Golf Foundation, American Society of Golf Course Architects
Trump National Doral
Gil Hanse
Gil Hanse is an American golf course architect. Hanse,
along with his business partner, Jim Wagner was selected
to design the Rio 2016 Olympic Golf Course. Another honor
includes being selected as only the third American architect
to build a golf course in Scotland. Hanse earned a master’s
in landscape architecture from Cornell University and in
1993 founded Hanse Golf Course Design.
Affiliates: Jim Wagner, Geoff Shackelford, U.S. Olympic Board of Directors
Trump National Golf Club Washington, D.C.
Arthur Hills
Golf Course Architect
Arthur Hills is an American golf course designer who
achieved a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from Mich-
igan State University and a Bachelor of Science from the
University of Michigan. He has designed more than 180 new
golf courses, including private, resort, upscale, and pub-
lic golf courses around the world. In addition, Hills’s firm,
Arthur Hills/Steve Forrest and Associates has been request-
ed to renovate or modify more than 120 courses including
some of the country’s most renowned clubs often in prepa-
ration for major USGA and PGA Championships. Hills cur-
rently serves as chief designer for Arthur Hills/Steve Forrest
and Associates.
Affiliates: Tom Fazio, Steve Forrest, University of Michigan
Trump National Golf Club Westchester, Trump National
Golf Club West Palm Beach
Jim Fazio
Golf Course Designer
Living up to his uncle, George Fazio’s, legacy was a tall
order, but Jim Fazio has made a name for himself designing
award winning courses in the United States, Japan, Spain,
Italy, and the Caribbean Islands. Some of his highlights
include his Hawk’s Nest in Vero Beach being ranked in the
Top 50 courses in 1990 and qualifying as a site for several
U.S. Opens and being chosen by Donald Trump to design
and construct Golf Courses in 2005.
Affiliates: Tom Fazio I, Tom Fazio II, Golf Digest
Trump International Hotel & Tower Vancouver
Joo Kim Tiah
Chief Executive Officer of Trump International Hotel & Tower Vancouver
and TA Global Berhad
Tiah is the son of Malaysia’s wealthiest tycoon and was
named CEO of his father’s company, TA Global, in Janu-
ary 2016. He also serves on the board of directors of West
Georgia Holdings, Inc., which operates in Vancouver.
Affiliations: Tony Tiah Thee Kian; Datin Alicia Tiah, Managing Director and
CEO TA Enterprise; Holborn Group; Robert Parker
Trump Rio De Janeiro Hotel
Stefan Ivanov
Chief Executive Officer of Trump Towers Rio at MRP International
Ivanov is the CEO of Trump Towers Rio, an arm of MRP
International, the London-based real estate developer, in
Brazil. Ivanov is also a co-founder and managing partner
at Challenger Capital Management, a boutique investment
banking firm focused on merger and acquisitions and fi-
nancing transactions for select clients. Ivanov previously
served as the CEO of Citibank in Bulgaria, and was vice
president and a member of the board of directors of the
American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria. He served
as the chief of staff for CEO of Citibank in Brazil, as well
as serving in various positions at Citibank in Brazil, the UK,
South Korea, and Tunisia.
Affiliations: MRP International; Cushman & Wakefield; Citibank; Peter Vic-
tor; Marina Curry
Trump International Hotel & Tower Panama
Arias Serna Saravia
Architecture Firm
One of the most renowned architecture and engineering
firms based out of Colombia. The company was founded
in 1980, and has a wide range of experience in all stages
of real estate development from project management and
sales to design, planning, promotion, and construction.
Roger Khafif
Chairman and President
Khafif serves as the chairman and president of Newland
International Properties, Corp., and as president of K Group
developers, one of the strategic partners of Trump Ocean
Club International Hotel & Tower in Panama City. Mr. Khafif
is a partner in two additional companies located in the
Colon free zone: Kedco Fashion Corp. and Rafkas Imp/Exp.
Previously, Khafif worked as textile engineer in one of the
main textile mills of Guatemala.
Affiliations: Newland International Properties, Corp., K Group devel-
opers; Catalina G. Rodriguez; Carlos Alberto Serna Londono; Eduardo
Saravia Calderon
Trump International Golf Links, Scotland
Sarah Malone
Executive Vice President of Trump International Golf Links, Scotland
Malone is a Cambridge graduate, who also has a degree
in fine art from Glasgow School of Art. She stepped down
from her role running the Gordon Highlanders’ museum
in Aberdeen in 2009 to become the EVP of Trump’s Golf
Course in Aberdeen. Second in command to Mr. Trump,
Malone works closely with George Sorial, who has overseen
the project from the start.
Affiliates: George Sorial, Jodie Widaseck
Trump International Golf Links, Scotland
George Sorial
Executive Vice President and Counsel - The Trump Organization
Sorial is the executive vice president and counsel for The
Trump Organization and currently resides in West Palm
Beach, Florida. He began working for The Trump Organization
in 2007. Sorial studied classical civilization and psychology at
Boston, where he later obtained MBA and law degrees in the
mid-90’s. Before the Trump Organization, he worked for a law
firm for 10 years on M&A and real-estate deals.
Affiliates: Thomas Pienkos, David Orowitz, Matthew F. Calamari
Trump Turnberry, Scotland
Alan J. Rogers
CEO, LeisureCorp
Alan J. Rogers serves as the chief executive officer of
Leisurecorp LLC and Istithmar Real Estate. Mr. Rogers has
30 years of working experience in the property field in
London, Brussels, Hong Kong, and New York, with special
expertise in Development, Sales, and Marketing. He also
runs his own Investment and Consultancy in New York
and London. He joined Nakheel in March 2006. He served
as the chief executive officer of Douglas Elliman, LLC. He
serves as the chairman of Douglas Elliman, LLC. He served
as a director of Dubai World Corporation. Trump persuad-
ed Leisurecorp, a subsidiary of the Dubai government,
to sell him the South Ayrshire layout, with its legends, its
famous lighthouse and its stunning views over the Firth
of Clyde – and, most pertinently, its guarantee to stage its
fifth Open in the next eight years.
Affiliates: David Collins, David Spencer
Doonbeg Golf Club, County Clare, Ireland
Martin Kelly
Owner of Martin Kelly Plant Hire
Martin Kelly Plant Hire Limited was founded in February
2005. The company’s current directors Louise Kelly and
Martin Kelly has been the director of two other Irish com-
panies between them; one of which is now closed. Martin
Kelly Plant Hire Limited is available for all types of building
and excavation work. Locally owned and operated. Kelly
works for the Trump golf resort and said Trump is very pop-
ular in the village. “Trump is employing a lot of people. He
is a good guy to be honest with you. Trump has done a lot
of good stuff done around here. A great company to work
with. Very sound. You do the job and you get paid. There is
no messing.”
Affiliates: Gordon Deegan, Tommy Tubridy
Doonbeg Golf Club, County Clare, Ireland
Donal Winters
Operations Director, John Paul Construction
Winters joined the John Paul Construction surveying team in
1978 where he was involved in a variety of building and civil
engineering projects. He was appointed as Contracts Man-
ager in 1988 during which time he successfully managed a
variety of high profile projects. Winters joined the Board as
Operations Director in 1999 and remains very much hands on
in his role. John Paul Construction worked with several part-
ners (affiliates below) to complete the £ 37.9m
Affiliates: CCH Architects, Tom McNamara & Partners, Hendrick Ryan &
Associates, Don O’Malley & Partners
Aras Agalarov
Founder of Crocus Inter and Crocus
Aras Agalarov is an Azeri businessman, developer, public
figure and author of Russia: Reflections on the Way to the
Market (1998). Born in Baku, he was educated at the Azer-
baijan Polytechnical Institute. He moved with his family to
Moscow in 1998, where he co-founded Crocus International
along side his father-in-law, Iosif Yefgenevich, which spe-
cializes in trade fairs, where he still makes most of his mon-
ey. As of 11/9/16, his net worth is an estimated $1.33 Billion.
Trump made millions when he agreed to bring the Miss
Universe pageant to Moscow in 2013, a deal financed in
part by the development company of Agalarov. Agalarov
is sometimes called the “Trump of Russia” because of his
tendency to put his own name on his buildings. At the time,
Trump mingled with the Russian business elite at a swanky
after-party. “Almost all of the oligarchs were in the room,”
Trump bragged on returning home. Trump received a por-
tion of the $14 million paid by Agalarov and other investors
to bring the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow. Agalarov
said he and Trump signed an agreement to build a Trump
Tower in the heart of Moscow — at least Trump’s fifth at-
tempt at such a venture.
Washington Post: “Since the 1980s, Trump and his family
members have made numerous trips to Moscow in search
of business opportunities, and they have relied on Russian
investors to buy their properties around the world. ‘Rus-
sians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a
lot of our assets,’ Trump’s son, Donald Jr., told a real estate
conference in 2008, according to an account posted on the
website of eTurboNews, a trade publication. ‘We see a lot of
money pouring in from Russia.’”
Affiliates: Vladimir Putin, Crocus Group, Miss Universe
Dr. Svetlana B. Felitsyna
Managing Partner at Sojuzpatent
Managing Partner Felitsyna joined Sojuzpatent in 1992 and
is a member of the Intellectual Property Committee with
the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian
Federation. Sojuzpatent is one of the leading companies on
the post-Soviet space in the field of protecting intellectual
property rights. Sojuzpatent offers a wide range of services
in all areas of Intellectual Property in the Russian Federa-
tion and internationally, including the CIS countries. Trump
hired the company to file the trademarks in that country
for properties, such as “Trump Tower” in 1996. In the last
decade, he’s also laid legal claim to “Trump,” “Trump Inter-
national Hotel and Tower,” “Trump Home” and “the Trump
crest design” in the country.
Affiliates: Alexey Zalesov, Tamara S. Fomicheva, Dmitry Yu. Ekenin
Felix Sater
Felix Henry Sater is a Russian-born American real estate de-
veloper and managing director of Bayrock Group LLC, a real
estate conglomerate based out of New York City, New York.
Sater has been an advisor to many corporations, including
The Trump Organization, Rixos Hotels and Resorts, Sembol
Construction, Potok (formerly the Mirax Group), and TxOil.
From Washington Post: “The Russian-born businessman had
already done a stint in prison for stabbing a man in the face
with the stem of a margarita glass, and he was now awaiting
sentencing for his role in a Mafia-orchestrated stock fraud
scheme — all the while serving as a government informant on
the mob and mysterious matters of national security.”
Sater proposed that his company, “would build Trump towers
in U.S. cities and across the former Soviet bloc. Sater pitched
it to Trump, who gave Sater’s company rights to explore
projects in Moscow as well as in Florida and New York. “Any-
body can come in and build a tower,” Sater told potential
investors, according to testimony in a 2008 court case. “I can
build a Trump Tower, because of my relationship with Trump.”
Sater’s “Trump card,” as he called it, didn’t work everywhere.
The Moscow deal fell apart. But their relationship continued —
though just how close they were is now in dispute.
Affiliates: Bayrock Group, Tevfik Arif
Dmitry Rybolovlev
Dmitry Yevgenyevich Rybolovlev is a Russian businessman,
investor, and philanthropist. Rybolovlev owned the potash
producer Uralkali and in 2011 became the majority owner
and President of Monaco’s football club AS Monaco.
From CNN Money: “The Maison de L’Amitie is a massive
beachfront estate in Palm Beach, Florida. The 81,738 square
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A Guide to the Trump Administration

  • 1. 1 A Guide to the Trump Administration November 2016
  • 3. Introduction and Outline This document provides a first look at the people and players behind the most unlikely presidential campaign in American history. For each person mentioned here, we have included a bio, a photo, and representative in- stitutions and organizations affiliated with that person, so that the reader may better understand the relationships that influence the people who in turn are influencing President Trump. Like the Trump business organization, the Trump campaign is an opaque web of interlocking relationships. While we have endeavored to make as a thorough a search as possible, with material available in the public record, any such record is bound to be incomplete. The information in this document is organized as follows: The Trump Family Power Players: Persons of Accomplishment Who Joined the Trump Inner Circle Early, and Will No Doubt Have Considerable Influence Over His Administration The Trump for President Finance Committee: From Which President Trump is expected to draw his Ambassadors and Economic Advisors Communications and Messaging Domestic and Foreign Policy Advisors Appendix: Global Business Relationships: Publicly Disclosed Business Ties Donald Trump has to hotels, real estate and other investments in Europe, Asia and the Middle East Appendix: Members of the Trump Transition Team 4 6 16 24 34 44 64
  • 4. 4 The Trump Family Melania Trump Melania Knauss Trump is the third wife of Donald Trump and the next First Lady of the United States. A fashion model from Slove- nia, she married Trump in 2005 and they have one son, Barron. Melania played a limited role in her husband’s campaign, delivering a speech at the Republican National Convention that included lines from a speech by First Lady Michelle Obama. In the final weeks of the presidential campaign, Melania made more public appearanc- es, including a major address where she pledges to make cyber- bullying a major cause as First Lady. Affiliations: Charitable support to Martha Graham Dance Company, the Police Athletic League, Boys Club of New York. Ivanka Trump Ivanka Trump is the eldest daughter and second child of Donald Trump and his first wife, Ivana Zelnickova Trump, a Czech model. Ivanka is Executive Vice President of Acquisitions and Develop- ment at the Trump Organization, where she spearheaded the development of the new Trump International Hotel in the Old Post Office Pavilion in Washington, D.C. A past personal friend of Chelsea Clinton, Ivanka maintains a lifestyle blog for young female professionals and is the proprietor of Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry, with franchises in Canada, Puerto Rico, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Ivanka has been a policy advisor to Donald Trump, and is credited with developing his child care tax relief plan. Affiliations: Wharton Club of New York, 100 Women in Hedge Funds, The Chapin School Jared Kushner Jared Kushner is Donald Trump’s son-in-law, and the husband of Ivanka Trump. He has been an indispensable advisor on all facets of the Trump campaign, and is believed to have played a role in the removal of both Corey Lewandowski and Paul Manafort as prior campaign managers. Kushner is the publisher of the New York Observer, and is widely credited as the author of Trump’s policy speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Affiliations: Observer Media Group, Kushner Properties
  • 5. 5 Donald Trump, Jr. Donald Trump Jr. is the eldest son of Donald Trump and his first wife, Ivana Zelnickova Trump, a Czech model. Don Jr., as he is called, is an Executive Vice President at The Trump Organization, and has led the development of such projects as Trump Place at West Side Yards and properties in Chi- cago, Las Vegas, Scotland, and India. Don Jr. is rumored to have political ambitions of his own, and delivered a well-re- ceived speech at the Republican National Convention. Affiliations: Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, The Hill School, The Trump Organization Eric Trump Eric Trump is the second son and third child of Donald Trump and his first wife, Ivana Zelnickova Trump, a Czech model. Eric is Executive Vice President for Development and Acquisitions of The Trump Organization, where he oversees all Trump golf properties and the Trump Winery in Charlot- tesville, Virginia. In 2006, he founded the Eric Trump Foun- dation, which raises money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Affiliations: St Jude Children’s Research Hospital Tiffany Trump Tiffany Trump is the only child of Donald Trump and his sec- ond wife, Marla Maples. She was raised by her mother in Cal- ifornia, attended the Viewpoint School in Calabasas, Califor- nia. She is a 2016 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania.
  • 6. 6 Power Players Mike Pence Vice President-Elect; Governor of Indiana Mike Pence was elected as the governor of Indiana in 2012. Prior to serving as governor, he was a six-term Indiana congressman. He has been a proponent of big tax cuts and last year drew national attention for signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act that critics said allowed business- es to discriminate against same-sex couples. Activist groups and some businesses threatened to boycott the state, until Pence signed a “clarification” to the bill that made it clear the bill could not be used as an excuse for discrimination. Pence is a devout evangelical Christian who regularly speaks about his faith; describing himself as “a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.” He has tak- en a hardline stance against Planned Parenthood. A Pence amendment to defund Planned Parenthood passed the House in 2011. As governor, he signed a bill into law that banned abortions for reasons of genetic anomaly and creat- ed a new requirement to bury or cremate all fetal remains. Personally, Pence graduated from Hanover College in Ha- nover Indiana in 1981 and received a law degree from the Indiana University McKinney School of Law in 1986. He and his wife, Karen, have a son and two daughters. Affiliations: Indiana Policy Review Foundation, Ted Cruz (Pence backed Cruz in the primaries), Paul Ryan (Ryan describes Pence as a “personal friend”), Koch Brothers Reince Priebus Chief of Staff Reince Priebus has served as Chairman of the Republican National Committee since 2011. Previously, he served as RNC General Counsel from 2009 to 2011 and former Chair- man of the Republican Party of Wisconsin from 2007 to 2009. As one of the top Republican strategists in Wiscon- sin, Priebus has a long professional relationship with Speak- er Paul Ryan. Priebus inherited a $23 million debt at the Republican
  • 7. 7 National Committee, and began repairing relationships with major Republican donors. Following President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election, Priebus convened the Growth and Opportunity Project to review the Republican Party’s poor showing with young voters, women, and Hispanics. Priebus increased outreach to these groups. During the 2016 campaign, President-elect Trump referred to Priebus as “Mr. Switzerland” for his studious neutrali- ty during the Republican primary. Priebus engineered the drafting of a loyalty pledge signed by every Republican presidential candidate, a move which ultimately foreclosed a potential independent run by Trump and unified nearly every Republican candidate behind the ultimate nominee. After the Republican National Convention, Priebus told Wil- liam J. Bennett for a profile in Politico Magazine that ““The job of being chairman entails racking up victories or killing bad ideas that no one will ever know about, herding cats, taking complaints, and keeping your head down and doing the fundamentals of the ground game and fundraising. But I love it and it’s what I’ve done for most of my life.” Priebus began his career as a lawyer with Michael Best & Friedrich LLP in Wisconsin, where he became partner in 2006. He is married to Sally Priebus and has two children. Affiliations: Speaker Paul Ryan, Wisconsin Tea Party, Michael Best & Friedrich LLP Steve Bannon Chief Strategist and Senior Advisor Bannon is the former executive chairman of Breitbart News LLC, the parent company of conservative news and opinion network Breitbart News, where he made signifi- cant efforts to grow the outlet’s readership. Bannon is also co-founder and executive chairman of the Government Accountability Institute. Bannon has been a identified as a leader in the “alt-right” movement, and has described Breitbart News as “the plat- form of the alt-right.” Former Breitbart employees, includ- ing former Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro, have described Bannon’s role with the alt-right as follows: “Breitbart has become the alt-right go-to website… pushing white eth- no-nationalism as a legitimate response to political correct- ness, and the comment section turning into a cesspool for white supremacist mememakers.” Shapiro further describes
  • 8. 8 Bannon as “a vindictive, nasty figure, infamous for verbally abusing supposed friends and threatening enemies.” Bannon previously worked at Goldman Sachs. He was in- volved in the financing and production of several films. He is also a former officer of the U.S. Navy. Bannon joined the Trump campaign in August 2016 as the chief executive officer. Bannon has been described as having a “desire to destroy the left,” as well as reform the conservative base. Affiliations:; Donald Trump; Government Accountability Institute Newt Gingrich Former Republican Speaker of the House Gingrich was the Republican Speaker of the House of Repre- sentatives from 1995 to 1999. He sought the Republican nomi- nation for President in 2012. He is chairman of the Gingrich Group, a communications and consulting firm that specializes in transformational change, with offices in Atlanta and Washington. He serves as general chair- man of American Solutions for Winning the Future (www.amer-, is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif. and is an honorary chairman of the NanoBusiness Alliance. Gingrich was a news and political analyst for the Fox News Channel, until speculation arose that he was on the shortlist for Trump’s Vice President. Gingrich was first elected to Congress in 1978 where he served the 6th District of Georgia for twenty years. He gained prom- inence when he and 77 other House members brought ethics charges against Democratic House Speaker Jim Wright. He also with his fellow minority Republicans drafted the Contract with America, which included comprehensive government reform package that concentrated on major policy changes such as tax cuts, tort reform, social security reform, welfare reform and term limits. This contract is widely credited with the 1994 Re- publican sweep. In 1995, he was elected Speaker of the U.S. House of Represen- tatives, where he served until 1999. He helped to orchestrate two federal government shutdowns between 1995 and 1996. In 1997, he was the first speaker of the House to be punished by the House for ethics violations. Gingrich is a health advocate. His latest advocacy efforts have focused on the Opioid crisis.
  • 9. 9 He received his bachelor’s degree from Emory University and master’s and doctorate in Modern European History from Tulane University . Before his election to Congress, he taught history and environmental studies at West Georgia College for eight years. He resides in Virginia with his wife, Callista. The Gingrich family includes two daughters, two sons-in-law and two grandchil- dren. Callista was a House Representative staff member en- gaging in a six-year affair with Gingrich when he left office. Connections: Joseph Gaylord, Rick Tyler (Renewing American Leadership) Rudy Giuliani Former Mayor of NYC Rudy Giuliani was the mayor of New York City between 1993 and 2001 and is credited with helping to clean up the city; the overall crime rate fell 57% and the murder rate fell 65%. He gained national attention in 2001 and for his response to 9/11. Prior to serving as mayor, Giuliani held various positions within the Department of Justice. In 1970, Giuliani joined the office of the U.S. Attorney. At age 29, he was named Chief of the Narcotics Unit and rose to serve as executive U.S. Attorney. In 1975, Giuliani was re- cruited to Washington, D.C., where he was named Associate Deputy Attorney General and chief of staff to the Deputy Attorney General. From 1977 to 1981, Giuliani returned to New York to practice law at Patterson, Belknap, Webb and Tyler. In 1981, Giuliani was named Associate Attorney General, the third highest position in the Department of Justice. As Associate Attorney General, Giuliani supervised all of the US Attorney Offices’ Federal law enforcement agencies, the Bureau of Corrections, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and the U.S. Marshals. In 1983, Giuliani was appointed U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, where he spearheaded the effort to jail drug dealers, fight organized crime, break the web of corruption in government, and prosecute white-collar criminals. Giuliani was first elected as mayor in 1993. He was the “rule of law” candidate and is credited with cleaning up the city. New York City’s law enforcement strategies became models for other cities around the world, particularly the CompStat
  • 10. 10 program, which won the 1996 Innovations in Government Award from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. CompStat allows police to statistically monitor criminal activity on specific street corners as well as citywide, holding precinct commanders accountable for criminal activ- ity in their neighborhoods. As mayor, he also implemented a welfare-to-work initiative in the country, reduced taxes by $2.5 billion, created the Ad- ministration for Children’s Services in New York City, eliminat- ed principal tenure and launched the New York City Charter School Improvement Fund. Affiliations: Anthony Carbonetti, Louis Freeh, Fred Siegel Jeff Sessions Senator of Alabama Sessions was elected to the United States Senate in 1997. Before becoming the Senator of Alabama, Sessions served as the Assis- tant United States Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama (1975-1977). He was then nominated by President Reagan in 1981 and confirmed by the Senate to serve as the United States Attor- ney for Alabama’s Southern District, a position he held for 12 years. His judicial nomination in 1986 was killed by the Senate Judicia- ry Committee due to his perceived “gross insensitivity” to racial issues. Sessions was then elected Alabama Attorney General in 1995. As a United States Senator, Sessions has focused his energies on maintaining a strong military, upholding the rule of law, limiting the role of government, and providing tax relief to stimulate economic growth and empowering Americans to keep more of their hard- earned money. Dubbed a “budget hawk” by the Alabama press, Sen. Sessions was selected for the 112th and 113th Congresses to serve as the Ranking Member on the Senate Budget Committee to restrain the growth of federal spending and make permanent tax cuts that benefit American families. As a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sessions is a leading advocate of confirming federal judges who follow the law and do not legislate from the bench. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sessions is a strong advocate for America’s military. Sessions also authored the Honoring Every Requirement of Ex- emplary Service (HEROES) Act, which was signed into law in May 2005. This legislation increased the payment received by the fam- ilies of fallen combat soldiers from $12,000 to $100,000 and also
  • 11. 11 increased the maximum servicemen’s life insurance benefit from $250,000 to $400,000. Sessions played a leading role in ensuring that the Medicare Pre- scription Drug law included a rural health care component that reduced the disparity in Medicare payments. He also joined in efforts to make funding more equal in the Ryan White CARE Act. He also authored the Paul Coverdell National Forensic Scienc- es Improvement Law of 2000, which authorized badly needed funds for state and local crime labs to reduce the backlog of ballistics, blood, and DNA tests Affiliations: McWane Inc - top contributor to campaign, Northrop Grumman - top contributor to campaign, Center for Immigration Studies Mike Huckabee Former Governor of Arkansas Huckabee was the 44th Governor of Arkansas from 1996 until 2007, becoming one of the longest serving Governors in his state’s history, and was only the fourth Republican elected to any statewide office since Reconstruction, serv- ing longer than the other three combined. Huckabee had been Lieutenant Governor for 3 years in July 1996 when his predecessor was forced to resign due to felony convic- tions. He was one of the youngest governors in the country at the time. Huckabee was elected to a full four-year term as governor in 1998, attracting the largest percentage of the vote ever received by a Republican gubernatorial nom- inee in Arkansas, and was re-elected to another four-year term in November 2002. As governor, he left a legacy of tax cuts, job creation, the reconstruction of his state’s road system, K-16 education reform, and a nationally heralded and duplicated health initiative that focused on the less expensive approach of prevention than the costly big-government approach of in- tervention. His administration fought long-standing corrup- tion in the state’s political machine, resulting in numerous indictments and convictions of powerful legislators and other elected officials. When running for president this past year, Huckabee re- mained rather outspoken on foreign policy and social issues. He spoke out against cap and trade policy and same-sex marriage. He advocated for immigration reform, forceful military action against the Islamic State and a strong defense of Israel.
  • 12. 12 In his campaign for the Republican nomination for Presi- dent in 2008, he finished second to John McCain. Governor Huckabee was the host of the number one rated weekend show HUCKABEE, on the Fox News Channel, from 2008 until 2015. He also hosted The Huckabee Report – which was heard three times daily across the nation on almost 600 radio stations from 2009-2015 – and is the New York Times bestselling author of 12 books. Currently, the Governor is a contributor on Fox News and one of the nation’s most sought after conservative speakers. Affiliations: Pursuing America’s Greatness, Janet Folger, Center for Re- claiming America Ben Carson Former 2016 Republican Primary Candidate Carson gained national attention in 2011 by criticizing Pres- ident Obama’s health care policies at the National Prayer Breakfast. This inspired his run for the Republican nomina- tion in the 2016 presidential election. Before entering poli- tics, he was the Director of Pediatric Nuerosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. As a pioneer in neurosurgery, Carson’s achievements include performing the first and only successful separation of Sia- mese twins joined at the back of the head, pioneering the first successful neurosurgical procedure on a fetus inside the womb, performing the first completely successful separation of type-2 vertical craniopagus twins, developing new meth- ods to treat brain-stem tumors and reviving hemispherecto- my techniques for controlling seizures. Carson became the youngest chief of pediatric neurosurgery in the country at age 33. He has received more than 60 honorary doctorate degrees, dozens of national merit citations, and written over 100 neurosurgical publications. In 2008, he was bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States. As a candidate for the Republican nominee, Carson stood by his life story and Christian base to appeal to social con- servatives. As a candidate, Carson advocated for school choice, immigration reform, and a proportional tax system. Affiliations: Conservative Political Action Conference, Robert F. Dees, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions  
  • 13. 13 David Clarke, Jr. Milwaukee County Sheriff Clarke Jr. is a law enforcement executive with 38-plus years of experience. His public service career began in 1978, at the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD), where he served 24 distinguished years. During his eleven years as a Patrol Officer, he received meritorious citations for felony arrests. In 1989, he was promoted to Detective and nine months later was select- ed for the specialized Homicide Division, where he was part of a team that investigated more than 400 homicides in a four- year period. MPD made arrests in more than 80% of homi- cides, well above the national average of 60%. Clarke was promoted in 1992, to Lieutenant of Detectives and was assigned to the Criminal Investigation Bureau as Shift Commander of the Crimes Against Property Division, the Violent Crimes Unit, and again to the Homicide Division. In 1996, he was promoted to MPD’s command staff as Captain of Police, and soon became Commander of the Department’s First District, located in Milwaukee’s downtown business and entertainment center. In 1999, Clarke became Commanding Officer of MPD’s In- telligence Division which was responsible for producing and sharing intelligence, and providing dignitary protection in conjunction with the Secret Service, the Department of State, and other federal agencies. He served as MPD’s liaison with the United States Attorney’s Office as coordinator of the CEASE- FIRE violent crime reduction program, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Customs Service, Wisconsin Department of Criminal Investigation, the Immigration and Naturalization Ser- vice, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. In November 2002, he was elected to his first four-year term as Sheriff of Milwaukee County, earning 64% of the vote. Sher- iff Clarke is now in his fourth term, having been re-elected in November 2006, 2010, and 2014, increasing his victory mar- gins to 73%, 74% and 79% respectively. When speaking at the Republican National Convention, he received attention for stating “blue lives matter.” Sheriff Clarke is a frequent guest commentator for national news services and organizations regarding law enforcement, Second Amendment, and homeland security issues. Affiliations: American Jail Association, National Sherriff’s Association, Conser- vative Political Action Conference
  • 14. 14 Michael Flynn Retired United States Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn is a Retired United States Army Lieutenant General. He served as the Head of the Defense Intelligence Agency from 2012 to 2014. Prior positions include Direc- tor of Intelligence, International Security Assistance Force; Director of Intelligence, Joint Staff and Director of Intelli- gence, United States Central Command. He now serves as the Chairman and CEO of the Flynn Intel Group, located in Alexandria, Virginia. In 2010, Flynn said the U.S. was too focused on insurgent groups in Iraq and Afghanistan and lacks concentration on future threats. In February he tweeted, “fear of Mus- lims is RATIONAL.” Affiliations: Flynn Intel Group, Russia Today Mary Fallin Governor of Oklahoma In 2010, Mary Copeland Fallin was elected the first woman governor of Oklahoma. She was reelected in 2014 to her second term by a 15-point margin. Prior to serving as governor, she served two terms as a state representative before becoming Oklahoma’s first Re- publican and first woman lieutenant governor in 1995. After serving as lieutenant governor for 12 years, Fallin served two terms in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2007 to 2011. Since Fallin took office in 2011, Oklahoma has consis- tently ranked among the top states for job creation in the nation. She has signed bills to modernize and streamline government operations, responsibly cut the income tax, increase compensation for public employ- ees, and address the state’s fiscally unstable pension system. The governor has also signed into law historic lawsuit reform and a complete overhaul of the state’s workers’ compensation system. At the governor’s direction, the state has increased funding for K-12 education by over $154 million, putting more money into the classroom and helping to boost student performance.
  • 15. 15 As the former chairman of the National Governors Association, Governor Fal- lin leads a nation-wide initiative - “America Works: Education and Training for Tomorrow’s Jobs” - seeking to better align education with twenty-first century workforce needs. Affiliations: National Federation of Independent Business, Americans for Tax Reform, Family Research Council
  • 16. 16 Trump Finance Committee Steven Mnuchin Steven Mnuchin is a banker, film producer and political fundraiser, most recently serving as the Finance Chair- man of the Trump campaign. He is a co-founder, co-chief and Chairman of Dune Capital Management LP. Mnuchin amassed over $40 million working for Goldman Sachs, and went on to build RatPac-Dune Entertainment. He is divorced and has three children, and is among Trump’s top choices for Treasury Secretary. Affiliations: Goldman Sachs, RatPac-Dune Entertainment, Mitt Romney for President (2012) Lew Eisenberg Lew Eisenberg is an American business financer and investor. He co-founded the private equity firm Granite Capital Inter- national Group L.P. Eisenberg has spent decades in American political fundraising circles, and has held several appointments throughout his career, including the Chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. He began his career on Wall Street, working with Goldman Sachs. He co-founded Granum Communications and has served as a Senior Advisor for Kohlberg Kravis & Roberts & Co since 2009. Affiliations: Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, Republican Lead- ership Council, McCain Victory (2008), Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Republican Jewish Coalition Elliott Broidy Elliott Broidy is Chief Executive Officer and Chairman at Broidy Capital Management; he founded the firm in 1991. Previously, he was co-founder and Chairman of Markstone Captital Group LLC. Broidy served as finance committee Chairman for the Republican National Committee, and also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Republican Jew- ish Coalition. In 2006, he donated more than $300,000 to President George W. Bush – he was then appointed to the Homeland Security Advisory Council, the Future of Terror- ism Task Force and the New Technology Task Force. He is married with three children.
  • 17. 17 Affiliations: Hebrew Union College, Board of Governors of the California – Israel Chamber of Commerce, U.S. Homeland Security Advisory Council, American-Israel Friendship League, Israel-American Chamber of Com- merce, Young President Organization   Woody Johnson Woody Johnson is an American businessman and philan- thropist. He is the great-grandson of Robert Wood Johnson, a co-founder of Johnson & Johnson, and is the owner of the New York Jets. He became involved in charitable organiza- tions full-time in the 1980s and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He has led efforts on the Hill and at the National Institute of Health to increase research funding to health issues such as lupus, diabetes, and other autoimmune diseases. He began the Alliance for Lupus, a research founda- tion after his daughter was diagnosed with Lupus. In addition, Johnson is chairman and chief executive of Johnson Compa- ny, Inc., a private investment firm founded in 1978. Affiliations: Alliance for Lupus Research, Council on Foreign Relations, Rob- ert Wood Johnson Foundation, National September 11 Memorial & Museum Ray Washburne Ray Washburne is a Dallas-based investor and the vice chairman of the 2016 Trump Victory Committee. He was for- merly the RNC finance chairman and stepped down in 2015 to lead Governor Chris Christie’s finance team. He has been Chief Executive Officer of Charter Holdings since 1990. He is also the Managing Partner at HP Village Partners Ltd. Affiliations: Charter Holdings Ltd., HP Village Partners Ltd., M Crowd Restaurant, Baylor Health Care System Foundation, Entrust Inc., Veritex Holdings, Colonial Bank, Southern Methodist 21st Century Council, Dallas Citizens Council Diane Hendricks Diane Hendricks is an American businesswoman, film pro- ducer and philanthropist from Wisconsin. She established the company ABC Supply with her late husband in 1982. She currently owns the Hendricks Holding Company and re- mains the chairperson of ABC Supply. Hendricks was Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s biggest donor in 2012 and was a frequent donor to the Freedom Partners Action Fund. Hendricks has served as an econom- ic policy advisor to Trump. Hendricks has also produced movies, including The Stoning of Soraya M. in 2008 about
  • 18. 18 an execution in an Iranian village, An American Carol (2008) and Snowmen (2010). She has seven children and 17 grandchildren. Affiliations: WisconsinEye, Rock County 5.0, Stateline Boys & Girls Club, Hendricks Family Foundation, Freedom Partners Action Fund, Koch Brothers, Reform American Fund Ambassador Mel Sembler Mel Sembler is the Chairman Emeritus of The Sembler Company. He served as the U.S. Ambassador to Italy from 2001 to 2005 and previously as a U.S. Ambassador to Australia and Nauru from 1989 to 1993. Sembler is currently responsible for building The Sembler Company into one of the nation’s most highly recognized shopping center developers. From 1986-1987, he served as the spokesman for the International Council of Shopping Centers. He is also known in the anti-drug movement and co-founded STRAIGHT, an adolescent drug treatment program, with his wife Betty. He has three sons. Affiliations: The Sembler Company, International Council of Shopping Centers, American Momentum Bank, American Enterprise Institute, American-Australian Education Leadership Foundation, Republican Jewish Coalition, Freedom’s Watch, Moffitt Cancer Center, International Council of the Tampa Bay Region, Florida Council of 100 Ambassador Ronald Weiser Ambassador Ronald Weiser founded McKinley Associates, a national real estate investment firm, in 1968 and served as its Chair and CEO until 2001, when he was appointed by President Bush as the Ambassador to the Slovak Repub- lic. In 2009, he was elected as the Chair of the Michigan Republican Party, and was appointed as National Finance Chair of the Republican National Committee in 2011. He serves on the Boards of numerous nonprofits, including Artrain USA, UNCF, and the Michigan Theater. Affiliations: McKinley Associates, Bush for President (2000), Ronald and Eileen Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia, Weiser Center for Emerg- ing Democracies, University of Michigan, The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation, Detroit Institute of Art Ambassador Hushang Ansary Ambassador Hushang Ansary is an Iranian-American dip- lomat, businessman and philanthropist. He served in the Iranian government for 18 years prior to the Iranian Rev-
  • 19. 19 olution including as the Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance and Iran’s Ambassador to the United States from 1967-1969. He has chaired companies both in both Iran and the U.S., including the Parman Group, IRI International, and Stewart & Stevenson LLC. He served as a Presidential Trust- ee for Trump’s fundraising efforts. Affiliations: Right to Rise USA, Congressional Leadership Fund, National Iranian Oil Company, National Oilwell Varco, Inc., International Crisis Group Andy Puzder Andy Puzder is currently the Chief Executive of CKE Restau- rants. Following his time at Washington University School of Law from 1978-1991, Puzder as an associate at the law offices of St. Louis Attorney Morris Shenker. He later moved to the Stolar Partnership before joining CKE as President and CEO in 2000. He served as a Presidential Trustee for Trump’s fundraising efforts. Affiliations: Common Ground Network for Life and Choice, Fidelity Nation- al Financial, Santa Barbara Restaurant Group, Romney for President, Job Creators Network Joe Craft Joe Craft is an American businessman and philanthropist, and currently serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Alliance Resource Partners LP, the third-largest coal pro- ducer in the eastern United States. He received his law de- gree from the University of Kentucky. Craft serves as a board member of the National Mining Association, a director of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, and was formerly chairman of the National Coal Council. He served as a Presi- dential Trustee for Trump’s fundraising efforts. Affiliations: Restore Our Future, Alliance Resource Partners LP, American Crossroads, National Mining Association, American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, National Coal Council C. Michael Kojaian C. Michael Kojaian has been the Chief Executive Officer at Grubb & Ellis Realty Advisors Inc. since 2007, and also serves as President at Kojaian Ventures LLC. In addition, he serves as the Director of Flagstar Bank and the United States President Export Council, and has been Independent Director of Arbor Realty Trust Inc since 2003. He served as a Presidential Trust- ee for Trump’s fundraising efforts.
  • 20. 20 Affiliations: Grubb & Ellis Realty Advisors Inc., Kojaian Management Cor- poration, FYI Corporation, Flagstar Bank, United States President Export Council, JPE Inc., Arbor Realty Trust Inc. Wilbur Ross Wilbur Ross is an American investor known for restructur- ing failed companies in industries such as steel, coal, tele- communications, foreign investment and textiles and is the founder of WL Ross & Co. He serves on the board of advi- sors of Yale School of Management, and founded the Inter- national Coal Group. Under President Bill Clinton, he served on the board of the U.S.-Russia Investment Fund, and later under New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani as his privatization advisor. He is an economic advisor to Donald Trump. Affiliations: Turnaround Management Association, American Bankruptcy Institute, U.S.-Russia Investment Fund, International Coal Group, Harvard Business School E. Llwyd Ecclestone III E. Llwyd Ecclestone III is the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Ecclestone Signature Homes of Palm Beach LLC, a broker for Aspen Snowmass Sotheby’s International Realty and a Manager at Four Points Construction LLC. He was previously President of General Management Services, a resort real estate company, and has been heavily involved in the education system of Palm Beach County. In 1974, he established the Benjamin School in North Palm Beach, and spearheaded efforts in 1978 to improve the county school system by chairing the task force that conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the school district. He was a Presidential Trustee on for Trump’s fundraising efforts. Affiliations: Palm Beach County school system, Ecclestone Signature Homes of Palm Beach LLC, General Management Services, Four Points Construction LLC, Aspen Snowmass Sotheby’s International Realty Ambassador Howard Leach Ambassador Howard Leach is an American business ex- ecutive and private investor; he currently serves as pres- ident of Leach Capital, LLC in addition to Foley Timber & Land Company. He served as the U.S. Ambassador to France from 2001-2005. He is a Counselor and Honor- ary Trustee of the Center for Strategic & International Studies, and served as a Presidential Trustee for Trump’s fundraising efforts.
  • 21. 21 Affiliations: CSIS, American Friends of Versailles, American University of Par- is, French-American Foundation, French Heritage Society, Lehman Brothers, Hoover Institution, Leach Capital LLC, Foley Timber & Land Company   Liz Uihlein Liz Uihlein is the co-founder of Uline Inc. and currently serves as its president. The company sells shipping and packaging materials to businesses in North America, and is entirely family owned. She served as a Presidential Trustee for Trump’s fundraising efforts, along with her husband, who is also a major Republican party donor. Affiliations: Liberty Principles, Senate Conservatives Fund, Uline Inc. Ambassador Sam Fox Sam Fox was sworn in as U.S. Ambassador to the King- dom of Belgium in 2007. A businessman from St. Louis, Missouri, Ambassador Fox is founder, Chairman and CEO of Harbour Group Ltd, a very successful private operat- ing company that specializes in the acquisition, develop- ment and operation of high-quality companies. Ambas- sador Fox has long been extremely active in civic affairs in St. Louis. He has contributed extensively to cultural, educational and charitable institutions in the city. He has also been a strong supporter of Washington University in St. Louis, serving as a Trustee and as Chairman of the Campaign for Washington University. Affiliations: Boy Scouts of America, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Saint Lou- is Science Center, Saint Louis Zoo, Arts and Education Council of St. Louis, Forest Park Forever King Baudouin Foundation U.S., Washington Center, Fox Family Foundation Steven Feinberg Steven Feinberg is an American financier, who is active in hedge fund management and private equity. He is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Cerberus Cap- ital Management, L.P. Previously, Feinberg held positions at Drexel Burnham and Gruntal & Co. as a trader. He is one of the top economic advisors of Trump’s campaign, and has consistently been a major Republican donor. Affiliations: Cerberus Capital Management L.P., Drexel Burnham, Grun- tal & Co
  • 22. 22 John Paulson John Paulson is an American hedge fund manager and a billionaire who leads Paulson & Co., a New York-based investment management firm that he founded in 1994. He began his career at Boston Consulting Group before leaving to join Odyssey Partners and Bear Stearns. He is an economic advisor to Donald Trump. Affiliations: Boston Consulting Group, Bear Stearns, Odyssey Part- ners, Bank of America, Citigroup, Sino-Forest Corporation, Paulson Advantage Fund   Harold Hamm Harold Hamm is an American entrepreneur involved in the oil and gas business, and is ranks ranked as the 39th richest person in the United States and the 98th richest person in the world. He is involved in the leadership in Hiland Partners, Hiland Holdings, and is Chairman and CEO of Continental Resources. He is also a member of the Global Leadership Council at Concordia College. He is an economic advisor to Trump, and a potential pick for Energy Secretary in the next administration. Affiliations: Restore Our Future, Continental Resources, Hiland Partners Andy Beal Andy Beal is an American banker, businessman, investor and amateur mathematician. Based in Dallas, he accumu- lated his wealth in the real estate and banking sectors. He is the founder and chairman of Beal Bank and Beal Bank USA, in addition to its affiliate companies. He is also known for the Beal conjecture, a corollary to Fermat’s Last Theo- rem. He is an economic advisor to Donald Trump. Affiliations: Beal Bank, Beal Banks USA, Trump Casinos, Beal Financial Corporation Tom Barrack Tom Barrack is an American private equity real estate in- vestor and founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Colony Capital. He began his career at the law firm of Her- bert W. Kalmbach, Richard Nixon’s private lawyer, and went on to work in Saudi Arabia at the Fluor Corporation. He served as Deputy Undersecretary of the United States De-
  • 23. 23 partment of Interior during the Reagan administration. Later, Barrack was a principal with the Robert M. Bass Group. Affiliations: U.S. Department of Interior, University of Southern California, Accor, Kerner, First Republic Bank, Continental Airlines, Korea First Bank, Megaworld Properties & Holdings, Fluor Corporation Stephen Calk Stephan Calk founded Federal Savings Bank in 2000 and currently serves as its Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. He is also Chairman and Founder at Na- tional Bancorp Holdings. In the past, he served as an advisor to the Governor of the State of Illinois, the Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate and the Office of Professional Regu- lation for the State of Illinois. He is an economic advisor for Donald Trump. Affiliations: Chicago Bancorp, JP Morgan, Ohio Savings Bank, Citimort- gage, Bank of America, General Electric Mortgage Insurance Company, Community Lenders of America
  • 24. 24 Communications and Messaging Kellyanne Conway Kellyanne Conway is the campaign manager for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. A longtime pollster and analyst, Conway specializes in polling data concerning women and younger voters. Conway was hired to serve as a senior advisor to Paul Manafort for Trump’s campaign on July 1, 2016. She previously ran the pro-Ted Cruz 2016 presidential super PAC, Keep the Promise I. Conway is the founder and president of The Polling Company, Inc./Wom- an Trend. Woman Trend was created in 1993 and eventu- ally became a division of The Polling Company. Woman Trend was aimed at connecting “corporate America with the female consumer.” The Polling Company was founded in 1995. Conway has worked with former Rep. Jack Kemp (R-N.Y.), Reps. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.), Steve King (R-Iowa), and Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.). She has also worked with other politicians, including Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Fred Thompson (R-Ore.) as well as Mike Pence (R-Ind.). In addition to having practiced law, Conway also served as a judicial clerk in Washington, D.C., and taught law as an adjunct professor at the George Washington University Law Center. Conway has served on the board of trustees for the Phillips Foundation, the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, the National Journalism Cen- ter, and the American Conservative Union. Affiliations: The Polling Company, Inc./Woman Trend, Keep the Promise I, Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, National Journalism Center, Ameri- can Conservative Union David Bossie David Bossie is the deputy campaign manager for the Trump Campaign. Bossie first came into the public spot- light during the presidency of Bill Clinton, when Bossie was a “Republican congressional staffer who aggressively delved into the Clintons’ finances and dealings.” During that time, Bossie served as the chief investigator for the
  • 25. 25 United States House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, leading “investigations ranging from the Whitewater land deal to the transfer of du- al-use technology to China and to foreign fundraising in the 1996 Clinton re-election campaign.” Bossie became the president of the conservative activist group Citizens United, a group that “seeks to reassert the traditional American values of limited government, freedom of enterprise, strong families, and national sovereignty and security” and is best known for its successful landmark U.S. Supreme Court case, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, in 2001. In 2015, based on his work with Cit- izens United and the campaign finance that the Supreme Court decision ushered in, Politico Magazine ranked Bossie second on its list of those transforming politics. The article cited Bossie’s role in shaping “the campaign new normal” of super PACs and outside spending for the 2016 election cycle.Bossie is also a political writer for Breitbart News and has authored several political books. Bossie was elected in 2016 to serve a four-year term as the national committee- man for the Republican Party of Maryland. Affiliations: Citizens United, Republican Party of Maryland, Breitbart News Michael Glassner Michael Glassner serves as the deputy campaign manager for Trump’s campaign and is the president of the consulting firm C&M Transcontinental. In May, Politico reported that his role had further expanded to include preparation for the Repub- lican National Convention. The site noted that Glassner was tasked with putting Trump’s “mark on the party’s conven- tion.” Glassner is known for his experience in Jewish voter rela- tions and for his time as an aide to former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Glassner was a longtime aide to former Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.) and advised former President George W. Bush’s 2000 presidential campaign. He was a top advisor to Sarah Palin during her vice presidential campaign and served as the chief of staff of her political action committee after the election. He has previously worked as chief of staff to Lewis Eisenberg, chair of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and was a staff member at the American Israel Pub- lic Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Affiliations: C&M Transcontinental, consulting firm, Fmr. Sen. Bob Dole, Pres. George W. Bush, Fmr. Gov. Sarah Palin, SarahPAC, AIPAC
  • 26. 26 Hope Hicks Hope Hicks is the communications director for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Hicks directs official messaging and press releases for the campaign and is known for keeping a low profile. She moved to the Trump Organization in 2014 as a public relations consultant for Trump’s daughter, Ivanka. Previ- ously, Hicks worked as a public relations consultant with Hiltzik Strategies, where she first connected with Ivanka Trump. After graduating from Southern Methodist University in 2010, Hope Hicks began working for the public relations firm Zeno Group. She then moved to Hiltzik Strategies in New York City. While at Hiltzik, according to The Washington Post, Hicks “be- gan working on accounts related to Trump’s vast real estate, hospitality and fashion ventures.” She then moved to the Trump Organization in 2014. Hicks’ role in the campaign has been as a spokesperson and as a communications director. In July 2015, The Washington Post reported that she was involved in Trump’s Twitter account, noting that she sometimes “takes dictation and sends the words to aides” to then be tweeted. Affiliations: Zeno Group, Hiltzik Strategies, Trump Organization Daniel Scavino, Jr. Daniel Scavino Jr. is the director of social media for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. He founded and directs Scavino and Associates, a social media management company. Scavino is in charge of managing the social media messaging from the Trump campaign, including campaign photos and videos uploaded to Twitter. A graduate of Plattsburgh State University, he worked for the Trump Organization’s golf division in a few capacities, most recently as the executive vice presi- dent and general manager of Trump National Golf Club. In 1998, when Scavino graduated, he took a job as a region- al manager with Coca-Cola, a position he held for five years. Then, in 2003, Trump bought Briar Hall and made it into Trump National Golf Club, Scavino became the assistant club- house manager. Scavino left the Trump golf division in 2013 to become the director of development at the Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation. The foundation focuses on domestic violence and aims at “edu-cating to end the cycle of domestic violence and save lives. Affiliations: Scavino and Associates (social media management company), Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation, Coca-Cola, Trump National Golf Club
  • 27. 27 A.J. Delgado A.J. Delgado is a conservative commentator, columnist, at- torney, author and a communications advisor for the Trump campaign. Delgado’s writings have been published in The American Conservative, National Review, The Miami Herald, The Washington Post, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, Fox News, and various other publications and sites, and she has ap- peared on multiple radio, online, and cable news shows, in- cluding Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, CNN en Espanol, Yahoo!, Al Jazeera, and NPR, as well as Spanish language programs, and is a regular on “Hannity”. She published her first book, Hip To Be Square: Why It’s Cool To Be A Conservative, in 2012. Delgado holds a Juris doctor from Harvard Law School. Following graduation, she practiced law as a litigator in New York City, representing a variety of Fortune 500 companies. The child of Cuban immigrants to the United States, Delga- do is a native Spanish speaker. Her father was a bus driver; her mother worked in a factory. Trump Senior Communica- tions Campaign Advisor Jason Miller described Delgado as a “triple threat” because of her ability to connect with a wide variety of voters. Affiliations: Harvard Law School, The American Conservative, National Review, Breitbart, Fox News Channel Jessica Ditto Jessica Ditto serves as the deputy communications direc- tor for the Trump campaign. She has more than 10 years of political and public sector communications experience. Ditto has worked as Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin’s communica- tions director for his campaign and transition office, before being named the governor’s spokeswoman in 2015. She also worked for former Republican Gov. Ernie Fletcher and the Republican Party of Kentucky. She is a graduate of Asbury University in Wilmore. Affiliations: Gov. Matt Bevin, Kentucky, Kentucky Republican Party, Nation- al Governors Association (through former Gov. Ernie Fletcher) Susie Wiles Susie Wiles is a senior advisor for battleground communi- cations for the Trump campaign. With a professional history based in government relations, communications and public affairs, Susie Wiles has more than two decades of political insight. Wiles is a lobbyist and veteran political consultant
  • 28. 28 who ran Rick Scott’s first gubernatorial campaign in 2010 and handled Trump campaign communications from New York before shifting to oversee Trump’s Florida campaign. She serves as a managing partner for the Jacksonville- of- fice of Ballard Partners. Wiles was Presidential candidate Jon Huntsman’s first na- tional campaign manager and worked to recruit the team and develop early-stage processes before a departure after six months. In 2010, Wiles served as campaign manager for Florida Governor Rick Scott’s successful election. Her national political experience includes service to President Ronald Reagan, former Congressman Jack F. Kemp and in- cludes a senior role at the Department of Labor. Wiles also previously served as co-chairman of the McCain-Palin 2008 campaign in Duval County and as a Transition Team mem- ber for former Florida Governor Charlie Crist. Wiles’ political and communications experience is also well-rooted in Jacksonville and throughout North Flori- da. She served in senior level positions in the administra- tions of the two most recent mayors of Jacksonville. In the office of former Jacksonville Mayor John Delaney, she served as Chief of Staff and later as Communications Chief for Mayor John Peyton until August 2008. Affiliations: Ballard Partners, Right Coast Strategies, Fmr. Gov. and Amb. Jon Huntsman, Gov. Rick Scott, Jacksonville Mayor John Peyton, Wiles Consulting, APCO Steven Cheung Steven Cheung, who most recently worked as the direc- tor of communications and public affairs for the Ultimate Fighting Championship, was hired as the campaign’s rapid response director. According to the campaign, Cheung is responsible for keeping “the campaign up to date on breaking news and pushing back on false or unbalanced reporting. Cheung has worked in communications on sev- eral Senate and gubernatorial campaigns. He also played a role in the 2008 McCain-Palin presidential campaign. Affiliations: Lieutenant Gov. David Dewhurst, Sharron Angle, Steve Poizner, Sen. John McCain, Fmr. Gov. David Dewhurst
  • 29. 29 Michael Abboud As campaign communications coordinator, Michael Abboud helped the Trump campaign formulate its daily messaging strategy and its rapid response to attacks from opponents. Abboud is a native of Omaha and is a member of one of the city’s long-standing Republican families. His father is former State Sen. Chris Abboud, an Omaha attorney. His uncle is Andy Abboud, a former executive director of the Nebraska Republican Party who now serves as a top political adviser to Sheldon Adelson, a Las Vegas casino owner and one of the GOP’s biggest donors. Michael Abboud graduated from Creighton Prep in 2008. He then attended Creighton Univer- sity, graduating with a degree in political science. Affiliations: Sen. Chris Abboud, Nebraska Republican Party, Las Vegas Sands Corporation (via Sheldon Adelson), Republican National Committee, America Rising LLC, Chris Abboud Public Affairs Group Boris Epshteyn Boris Epshteyn is an investment banker, entrepreneur, Re- publican political analyst, opinion columnist, attorney and a senior advisor for the Trump campaign. Epshteyn sum- marizes his political views in six words: Small Government, Low Taxes and National Security. Epshteyn was a communications aide with the McCain-Pal- in campaign where he coordinated nationwide communica- tions and spent time both in the Arlington, Virginia cam- paign headquarters and in Anchorage, Alaska. While at the campaign, he was a key part of a rapid response task force which concentrated on issues related to the Vice Presiden- tial nominee Sarah Palin. He additionally worked on media relations, prevention of widespread voter fraud and diverse legal topics. Epshteyn writes for the opinion section of US News & World Report and is a contributor to The Daily Caller. He is also is a regular guest on CNN, MSNBC, FOXNews, CNBC and radio programs nationwide providing analysis on top- ics including political strategy, financial markets, interna- tional affairs, future elections and party relations. He is currently a managing director of business and legal affairs at a boutique investment bank concentrat- ing on private placements, public offerings and venture capital transactions.
  • 30. 30 Mr. Epshteyn graduated from Georgetown University Law Center and is an attorney licensed in New York and New Jersey with expertise in finance, bankruptcy and international law. Affiliations: TGP Securities Inc., Prime Health Services, Inc., ISA Inter- nationale, Inc., Strategy International LLC, Sen. John McCain, Fmr. Gov. Sarah Palin, Georgetown Journal of International Law Katrina Pierson Katrina Pierson is the national spokesperson for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. She initially came into the national political spotlight as a tea party activist in Tex- as and subsequently worked for the Tea Party Leadership Fund PAC, an organization that advocated for Trey Gowdy to be elected Speaker of the House in 2015. After earning her bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Tex- as at Dallas in 2006, Katrina Pierson began working in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries in Texas. In a 2011 interview, Pierson said she “didn’t get politically involved until the 2008 elections.” After voting for Barack Obama (D), she found herself in disagreement with the policies he implemented as president. Pierson explained, “And that is when I was able to define my political ideology, which I’d always had but just didn’t realize it.” Her early political involvement was focused on developing the Garland Texas Tea Party and working as an activist in Florida, Iowa, Arizo- na, Kansas, Missouri, Washington D.C., and Texas. Affiliations: Ted Cruz, Tea Party Leadership Fund, FreedomWorks for America   Justin McConney Justin McConney is the director of new media/social me- dia for the Trump Organization and is the person credit- ed with “introducing Donald Trump to social media.” His major campaign development for the 2016 cycle was the 15-second Instagram ads that Trump became known for using during his presidential campaign. He has worked with Trump since 2011. Under his direction, Donald Trump’s Twitter was named one of the most influential accounts by New York Magazine. McConney has also produced, directed, and edited terabytes and terabytes of video and photoshoots for the company. McConney is a graduate of New York’s School of Visual Arts with a bachelor’s degree in Film & Video. Affiliations: Trump Organization, New York School of Visual Arts
  • 31. 31 Brad Parscale Brad Parscale creates web marketing strategies and over- sees all technical and functional aspects of these strat- egies for his web design, web marketing, and branding firm, Giles-Parscale Inc. Originally from Kansas, Parscale spent five years in California developing CGI software for the motion picture industry. He moved to Texas in 2004 to establish Parscale Media, a successful web marketing firm. His 2011 partnership with Jill Giles formed Giles-Par- scale, Inc. In 2016, he was named Digital Director for the Trump campaign. Parscale’s direction and strategy spearheaded the design and development of the primary website, as well as social media strategies and implementation, campaign design con- cepts and messaging, digital media ad campaigns, and mer- chandise design. The site’s highly-advanced server structure accommodates millions of visitors without difficulty. Affiliations: Giles-Parscale, Inc, The Annex Bureau, Parscale Media Omarosa Manigault Omarosa Manigault is the African American Outreach Direc- tor for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Her con- nections to Trump began when she was named a contestant on the first season of Trump’s reality show, The Apprentice. Manigault was hired by Trump’s campaign in July 2016 after serving as the vice chair of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump. She was a candidate for the District 1 seat on the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education in California. Manigault was defeated in the special primary election on June 3, 2014. Manigault held several staff positions in the administration of President Bill Clinton, including in the Office of Vice Pres- ident Al Gore, the White House Personnel Office, and in two different positions with the Department of Commerce be- fore departing in 2000. Manigault first began working in support of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in early 2016 as the vice chair of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump, a group that sup- ports what it sees as Trump’s “solutions that address eco- nomic disparities, foster job creation, support small busi- nesses, preserve faith & family principles and strengthen communities with conservative action.” The coalition met
  • 32. 32 with Trump briefly in April 2016, a meeting that Manigault characterized as evidence that Trump “wants to learn” and “wants to listen” to the coalition’s ideas. Affiliations: National Diversity Coalition for Trump, Executive Education Program/ Executive MBA Program at Howard University School of Busi- ness, Celebrity Apprentice
  • 33. 33
  • 34. 34 Domestic Policy Advisors Stephen Miller Miller started his career as a press secretary for several Re- publican Members of Congress before joining Senator Jeff Sessions in 2009. He Served as Senator Sessions’ commu- nications director, and played a major role in defeating the proposed immigration reform bill in 2013. Miller and Sessions developed the self-described “nation-state populism” that heavily influenced Donald Trump’s campaign. Miller joined Trump’s Campaign in January 2016 as a senior policy advisor. He quickly became a “warm-up” act for Trump at campaign events. Miller’s own position on immigration and trade has been echoed in Trump’s speeches, and his brash, straightfor- ward style of delivery have helped him in writing speeches for the President-Elect, including his address accepting the GOP nomination at the Republican National Convention. Affiliations: Donald Trump; Senator Jeff Sessions; Congressman David Brat; Congresswoman Michele Bachmann Sarah Huckabee Sanders Sarah Huckabee, daughter of former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, joined Trump’s campaign as a senior advis- er in February 2016, after serving as campaign manager for her father’s presidential bid. She shifted gears and began handling communications for coalitions in September. Huckabee continued to serve as a surrogate for Trump on several news outlet’s in her new role where she reportedly worked specifically with faith leaders, gun rights support- ers and military groups among other voter coalitions. She has been highly involved in Arkansas politics, managing several campaigns, including John Boozman’s 2010 sen- ate race. She worked for Tsamoutales Strategies starting in 2011 and became president in 2014. She was voted one of TIME Magazine’s “40 under 40 Rising Stars in American Politics.” She is now the founder and managing partner of Second Street Strategies. Affiliations: Tsamoutales Strategies (Little Rock); Governor Mike Huckabee; Second Street Strategies
  • 35. 35 Myron Ebell Ebell, the director of the Center for Energy and Environ- ment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, an organiza- tion funded by the Koch brothers and several oil and gas companies. He chairs the Cooler Heads Coalition, which brings together nonprofit groups that “question global warming alarmism and oppose energy rationing policies.” Ebell has been critical of climate change actions through- out his career. Most recently, Ebell was selected by President-Elect Donald Trump to lead the Environmental Protection Agency transition team. Affiliations: Competitive Enterprise Institute; Cooler Heads Coalition; Mike McKenna McKenna is a long time Republican political strategist and the President of MWR Strategies, which focuses on ener- gy related lobbying. He has lobbied for the Dow Chemical Company, Southern Company, and Koch Companies Public Sector. McKenna served as the director of policy and ex- ternal affairs for the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality under Governor George Allen and was an external relations specialist for the Energy Department under Pres- ident George H.W. Bush’s administration. McKenna was hired by the Trump campaign to lead the Department of Energy transition team. Affiliations: American Energy Alliance; Institute for Energy Research David Bernhardt Bernhardt is the chair of the Natural Resources Depart- ment at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck. He served as the director of policy and external affairs for the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality under Governor George Allen, and then as the solicitor and chief legal officer for the department of Interior under the George H.W. Bush administration after holding other high-level positions in the department. In September, Bernhardt was hired to lead the transition team for the Department of Interior for the Trump campaign. Affiliations: Brownstein Hayatt Farber Schreck
  • 36. 36 Mike Catanzaro Catanzaro is an energy lobbyist with the firm CGCN, former- ly with Clark Geduldig Cranford & Nielson, and has worked with a variety of fossil fuel industry clients throughout his career. Catanzaro served as communications director in the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, and as a top adviser in the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign, fol- lowed by posts in the White House under President Bush. He worked under Speaker John Boehner as an energy policy adviser. Catanzaro was hired as a part of Trump’s energy transition team. Affiliations: Noble Energy; Koch Industries; EnCana Oil and Gas; Hallibur- ton; Devon Energy; John Boehner
  • 37. 37
  • 38. 38 Foreign Policy Advisors Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn Top Trump confidant retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn is a retired United States Army lieutenant general who served as the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, commander of the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelli- gence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and chair of the Military Intelligence Board from July 24, 2012, to August 2, 2014. Prior to that, he served as Assistant Director of National Intelligence. He declared the justice system “cor- rupt” and insisted that he was pushed out of his assign- ment as director of the DIA because of his views on radical Islam. Like Trump, Flynn has advocated forging closer ties with Russia. In interviews with The Washington Post, Flynn acknowledged being paid to give a speech and attend a lavish anniversary party for the Kremlin-controlled RT tele- vision network in Moscow last year, where he was seated next to Russian President Vladimir Putin. He would need a waiver from Congress to become defense secretary, as the law requires retired military officers to wait seven years before becoming the civilian leader of the Pentagon. He is likely to wind up in some senior administration post, po- tentially national security adviser. Affiliations: Defense Intelligence Agency, Russia Today Bob Corker Corker is the junior United States Senator from Tennessee, serving since 2007. Corker, a member of the Republican Party, is currently the chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in the 114th Congress. In 1978, Corker founded a successful construction company, which he sold in 1990. He ran for the 1994 U.S. Senate elec- tion in Tennessee, but was defeated by future Senate Ma- jority Leader Bill Frist in the Republican primary. Appointed by Tennessee Governor Don Sundquist, Corker served as Commissioner of Finance and Administration for the State of Tennessee from 1995 to 1996. He later acquired two of the largest real estate companies in Chattanooga, Tennes- see, before being elected the 71st Mayor of Chattanooga in 2000; he served one term as mayor from 2001 to 2005. In April 2015, Corker’s position on Iraq was that turmoil in the
  • 39. 39 Middle East predated Barack Obama’s presidency and that by invading Iraq in 2003 the U.S. “took a big stick and beat a hornets’ nest”, unleashing rivalries that might take decades to resolve. The Tennessee senator has said he’d “strongly con- sider” serving as secretary of state. Affiliations: Chattanooga Neighborhood Enterprise John Bolton John R. Bolton, a diplomat, and a lawyer, has spent many years in public service. From August 2005 to December 2006, he served as the U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations. From 2001 to 2005, he was under secretary of state for arms control and international security. Bolton is currently a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where his area of research is U.S. foreign and national security policy. He is also senior advisor for Freedom Capital Investment Management, a Fox News Channel commenta- tor, and of counsel to the Washington, D.C. law firm Kirkland & Ellis. He was a foreign policy adviser to 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Bolton is also involved with a num- ber of politically conservative think tanks and policy insti- tutes, including the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), the Institute of East-West Dynamics, the National Rifle Association, the U.S. Commission on Interna- tional Religious Freedom, the Council for National Policy (CNP) and the Gatestone Institute, where he serves as the organization Chairman. Affiliations: AEI, JINSA, NRA, CNP Walid Phares Phares is an American scholar and commentator on global terrorism and Middle Eastern affairs, and a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. During his career, he has testified before committees of the U.S. De- partments of State, Defense, Justice, Homeland Security, the U.S. Congress, European Parliament, and U.N. Security Council. He served as an expert on terrorism and the Mid- dle East on both Fox News and NBC. Phares was appointed by Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney as a for- eign affairs adviser in 2011, and as such was selected as an expert on terrorism, counter-terrorism and Middle Eastern affairs for Trump’s campaign. Phares was a political activ- ist in Lebanon in the 1980s, which brought criticism to his 2011 appointment to the Romney campaign. Officials at the
  • 40. 40 Council on American-Islamic Relations has condemned Phares – like Trump – for his comments about Muslims. Phares is a professor at the National Defense University in Washington. Affiliations: Foundation for Defense of Democracies; National Defense University Joseph Schmitz Schmitz is an attorney and former Pentagon inspector general. He is considered an “insider” with the right-wing Newsmax website and senior fellow at the virulently an- ti-Islam Center for Security Policy. The center’s president is Frank Gaffney, whose controversial statements about Muslims — including a charge that President Barack Obama might be a Muslim — came under new scrutiny when Ted Cruz named him as a foreign policy adviser. A Naval Reservist and former partner at the Washington law firm of Patton Boggs, he co-authored a 2010 report for the center titled “Shariah: The Threat to America.” Affiliations: Center for Security Policy, Citizens Equal Rights Alliance George Papadopoulos 2009 college graduate from DePaul University and an international energy lawyer, Papadopoulos had previously advised Ben Carson’s presidential campaign. After com- pleting his MSc from University College London in 2011, he started to work as a Research Associate at the conserva- tive Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C., before joining the London Center of International Law Practice, which describes itself as dedicated to “peace and development through international law and dispute resolution,” and views global issues with a promotion of peace outlook, which falls into accord with Trump’s non-interventionist approach. His LinkedIn page also boasts about his role at the 2012 meeting in Geneva of Model U.N. Affiliations: Hudson Institute Carter Page Page is a former investment banker and global energy consultant who graduated from the Naval Academy. In dis- cursive online blog postings about foreign policy Page he blamed the U.S. for “misguided and provocative actions” toward Russia — notable in light of Trump’s friendly words
  • 41. 41 for Russian President Vladimir Putin. He has worked for Mer- rill Lynch in Moscow. Page has accused the State Depart- ment’s top official for Ukraine and Russia, Victoria Nuland, of “fomenting” the 2014 revolution that overthrew Ukraine’s government. That charge is often lodged by pro-Kremlin media outlets but is strongly disputed by the Obama ad- ministration. He also compared the Obama administration’s official 2015 national security strategy document to an 1850 document on how to manage slaves. Affiliations: US Navy   Joseph “Keith” Kellogg Kellogg served for nearly three decades in the Army until his retirement in 2003 as an Army Lt. Gen. Since then, Kel- logg has served on a number of boards, including at GTSI, which primarily provides computer software to government agencies. From 2005 until 2009, he was an executive vice president at CACI International, a Virginia-based intelligence consulting firm that was embroiled in the Abu Ghraib pris- on scandal prior to his arrival there. Kellogg had little to do with the company’s cleanup as he was primarily focused on research and tech systems. A lawsuit brought by prison- ers against the firm was eventually dismissed. He served as chief operating officer of the Coalition Provisional Author- ity in Baghdad, Iraq, from November 2003 through March 2004. The authority was the de facto government installed by the U.S. after its March 2003 invasion of Iraq, and its per- formance is often judged as a failure. Affiliations: US Army, CACI International Chuck Kubic Kubic served for nearly 30 years in the Navy, including help- ing rebuild schools and hospitals in Iraq as commander of the Naval Construction Division. “I’ve been up here since the early days of the war, and every day, every week the country returns to normal,” he told CNN in 2004 as he praised the U.S. efforts to rebuild the country, a comment that predated the bloodiest years of sectarian violence in Iraq during the war and the consistent failure of the U.S. rebuilding efforts. Kubic now owns his own engineering firm, which has con- sulted with the U.S. government on diplomatic facilities in Kabul, Karachi, and Bangkok. Affiliations: US Navy
  • 42. 42 Bert Mizusawa Bert Kameaaloha Mizusawa is a major general in the Unit- ed States Army Reserve. Mizusawa has the most dec- orated military career of Trump’s advisors. As an Army Captain serving in the Korean Demilitarized Zone in 1984, Mizusawa engaged North Korean soldiers in a firefight while assisting in the escape of a Soviet defector. Mizusa- wa was subquently awarded the Silver Star for his service in this incident. He ferried a Soviet defector to safe ground while under fire from 30 attacking North Korean soldiers, according to the Pentagon. “He personally led the defec- tor to safety while under fire and deliberately, at great risk to himself, exposed himself to the enemy in front of his own troops,” the Pentagon said. His awards include the Sil- ver Star, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, and 30 other awards. In 2010, he ran in a GOP primary for a congressional seat in Virginia. He lost the five-way primary. He attended West Point and subse- quently Harvard Law School and graduated with a Juris Doctor in 1989. He also received a Master of Public Poli- cy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government and was twice selected as a MacArthur Fellow in International Security. While at Harvard, he interned with the United States Attorneys’ Counterdrug Task Force. Affiliations: US Army, West Point, Harvard
  • 43. 43
  • 44. 44 Appendix: Trump Business Connections UNITED STATES Trump International Hotel, Washington D.C. Hany Hassan Design Architect, Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners As Director of Beyer Blinder Belle’s Washington D.C. office, Hassan has worked on significant public architecture projects that positively shape the nation’s capital. Hassan was the design architect for the Trump International Hotel, Washington D.C. Affiliates: U.S. Department of State, the D.C. Courts, the Smithsonian Insti- tution, the Capitol Trump International Hotel, Washington D.C. Durwood Dixon WDG, Architectural Firm Dixon joined WDG Architecture in 1987 and is currently responsible for studio operation and management of WDG projects. He has managed commercial, institutional and multifamily residential projects, encompassing new con- struction and renovation. The architectural firm of record for the Trump International Hotel in D.C. is D.C.- and Dal- las-based WDG, directed by managing principal Durwood Dixon, AIA. Affiliates: The Portals, Reston Executive Center Trump International Hotel, Washington D.C. Betsy Hughes Associate at Hirsch Bedner Associates, Interior Design Betsy Hughes brings her 15-year passion and knowledge of hospitality interior design as well as her incredibly de- tailed project management skills to the HBA table. She has worked on complex renovation and new construction hotels in the United States, Asia, Eastern Europe and Australia. Her work includes the renovation of the Arabelle Restaurant
  • 45. 45 and Lounge. The design was a 2001 Hospitality Design Gold Key Finalist.’ Hughes is in charge of interior design for the Trump International Hotel, Washington D.C. Affiliates: Ian Carr Trump International Hotel, Waikiki Scott Glass Principal, Guerin Glass Architects Founding Principal Scott Glass has been involved in the design and building professions on multiple levels from an early age. Prior to forming Guerin Glass Architects, he had been working at Rafael Vinoly Architects as the project lead on the expansion of the Cleveland Museum of Art. Glass was a founding partner at BDDW, Inc., a design, manufac- turing and retail firm focused on highly crafted installations and furniture. Previously, he worked at Rogers Marvel Archi- tects - where he was project architect for a number of intri- cately designed residential and institutional projects. Guerin Glass Architects is a design-centered, architecture, interior design, and planning firm. Affiliates: Brenden Guerin Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago Adrian Smith Architect Adrian D. Smith is an American architect who has designed many buildings, including the world’s tallest structure, Burj Khalifa in Dubai, as well as the building projected to surpass it, Jeddah Tower, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Prior to starting Adrian Smith + Gordon + Gill Architecture, Smith was a Design Partner at the Chicago office of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) from 1980 to 2003 and a Consulting Design Partner from 2003 to 2006. He was the lead architect of some of the world’s most recognizable buildings including Trump Inter- national Hotel & Tower in Chicago, Illinois; Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai, China and Zifeng Tower in Nanjing, China. Affiliates: Adrian Smith + Gordon + Gill Architecture, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
  • 46. 46 Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago Gordon Paris Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Hollinger International Previously, Paris served as managing director and head of the Media and Telecommunications Group at Berenson & Company from 2002 through 2007. Additionally, Paris served as president and chief executive officer of Sun-Times Media Group Inc. (formerly Hollinger International Inc.) from 2003 to 2006. Sun-Times Media Group is a Chicago-based newspaper publisher. Sun-Times Media Group was originally founded in 1986 under the name American Publishing Company, as a holding company for Hollinger Inc.’s American properties. The Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago occupies the site vacated by the Chicago Sun-Times. On October 16, 2004, Donald Trump and Hollinger International, the parent company of the Chicago Sun-Times, completed the $73 mil- lion sale of the former home of the newspaper a week after it relocated. On October 28, 2004, Trump held a ceremony to begin the demolition of the former Sun-Times Building. Affiliates: David Radler, John Cruickshank, The Daily Telegraph, The Jeru- salem Post, Conrad Black Trump International Hotel Las Vegas Phil Ruffin Business Partner Phillip Gene “Phil” Ruffin is an American businessman. His business interests lie largely in casinos, greyhound racing tracks, oil production, convenience stores, and real estate. Ruffin lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. In April 2002, Ruffin announced that he had partnered with Donald Trump to build Trump Tower Las Vegas, a $300 million 60-story condominium tower with 300 units and the possibility of a casino, to be constructed on Fashion Show Drive, near Ruffin’s New Frontier Hotel and Casino. Trump had initially approached Ruffin two years earlier about devel- oping a property on or near the Las Vegas Strip. Affiliates: Jack Wishna, Kelly Perdew
  • 47. 47 Trump International Hotel Las Vegas Joel Bergman Architect, Bergman, Walls & Associates Joel Bergman (August 20, 1936 – August 24, 2016) was an American architect who designed several landmark casi- nos. In 1978, he went to work exclusively for Steve Wynn through the firm Atlandia Design. Together they played an important role in transforming the Las Vegas strip from a low-rise strip to the modern theme-oriented casino with high rise buildings. In 1994, Bergman and Scott Walls, who had also worked for Wynn, started their own firm which was responsible for constructing the Trump International Hotel Las Vegas in 2008. Affiliates: MGM Grand Las Vegas, Fontainebleau Resort Las Vegas, Scott Walls Trump International Hotel Las Vegas Craig W. Shaw President & CEO, Tutor Perini Building Group Craig W. Shaw has served as executive vice president and chief executive officer of the Building Group since May 2013. Since May 2007, Shaw has also served as president and chief executive officer of Tutor Perini Building Corp., one of the business units within the Building Group. Prior to that, he served in various project and executive man- agement positions, including president, at Perini Building Company since joining the Company in 1978. Trump Inter- national Hotel Las Vegas was designed by Bergman, Walls & Associates and built by Perini Building Company. Affiliates: Pat Hubbs, Roy Anderson Corp, Rudolph and Sletten Trump International Hotel & Tower New York Philip Johnson Architect Philip Cortelyou Johnson (July 8, 1906 - January 25, 2005) was an influential American architect. He is especially known for his postmodern work from the 1980s, as well as his collaborations with John Burgee. Between 1995 and 1997, the building that would become the Trump Interna- tional Hotel & Tower New York was stripped to its skeleton and given a new facade designed by Philip Johnson and Costas Kondylis. Affiliates: John Burgee, Costas Kondylis
  • 48. 48 Trump International Hotel & Tower New York Costas Kondylis Architect, Founder of Costas Kondylis and Partners, LLP Costas Kondylis and Partners, LLP, is an American architec- tural firm, headquartered in the Manhattan borough of New York City, New York. Founded by Kondylis, the firm and its work have been featured in several magazines, including Architectural Digest, The New York Times, The New Yorker, Town & Country and Vogue. It has also been the subject of a television documentary. From The Real Deal: “The early years of architect Costas Kondylis’ career was defined by frustration, until a chance meeting changed his life. That meeting was with Donald Trump and Kondylis would go on to design a number of Trump’s buildings, including the Trump International Hotel and Tower at Columbus Circle, several buildings at Trump Place on the Upper West Side, and the Trump World Tower near the United Nations. His work for Trump would put Kondylis’ name on the map and eventually he became the most prolific architect New York City has ever seen, designing more than 85 buildings in the city.” Affiliates: Philip Johnson Gary E. Handel President of Handel Architects Gary Handel FAIA is the Founding Partner and Managing Principal of Handel Architects. Since starting the practice in 1994, Handel has overseen its growth to a firm of over 150 architects, designers, and planners around the world. His designs have been recognized by the American Institute of Architects, the Urban Land Institute, the Society of Amer- ican Registered Architects, and the Chicago Athenaeum, among others. Handel Architects was charged with design- ing the Trump Hotel in Soho NY. Affiliates: AIA New York Chapter, Friends of the High Line, Lower East Side Tenement Museum
  • 49. 49 David Rockwell Founder and President of Rockwell Group An American architect and designer who founded Rock- well Group, a 250-person award winning, cross-disciplinary architecture and design practice based in New York. He has an extensive background in different project types, such as restaurants, hotels, airport terminals, hospitals, museum exhibits, and Broadway sets. He was the interior designer for Trump’s hotel in Soho NY. Affiliates: Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS (DIFFA), Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum, New York Restoration Project Albemarle Estate at Trump Winery Patricia Kluge Former owner of Albemarle Estates John (Owner of Metromedia) and Patricia Kluge built the 45-room mansion, known as Albemarle House, in 1980. However, bad business bets coupled with the economic downturn (and a divorce) doomed the Kluges. She default- ed on loans the banks seized the property. Trump, who had known the Kluges for years, swooped in and scooped up the wine estate for $6.2 million. Affiliates: Rupert Murdoch, Russell Gay, Chelsea Clinton Trump National Golf Club Bedminster, Trump National Golf Club Philadelphia, Trump National Golf Club Washington, DC Tom Fazio Golf Course Architect Fazio has designed more than 120 courses and has more courses ranked among the top 100 in the U.S. than any- one else in the business. His individual honors include Best Modern Day Golf Course Architect, which he received from Golf Digest Magazine three times. In 1995, Fazio became only the second course architect to receive the highest recognition awarded by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America - The Old Tom Morris Award. No liv- ing designer has more credits on Golf Digest’s list of Amer- ica’s 100 Greatest Golf Courses and Golfweek’s collection of America’s Best. Fazio was the golf course designer for Trump National Golf Club Bedminster. Affiliates: Tom Fazio II, ASGCA, Fazio Golf Course Designers
  • 50. 50 Trump National Golf Club Charlotte Greg Norman Golf Course Designer and entrepreneur The internationally recognized “Great White Shark” won more than 90 tournaments worldwide, including two British Open Championships, and claims the distinction of having held the No. 1 position in the world rankings for 331 con- secutive weeks. As one of the most prolific players in the game’s history, the culmination of an astounding career came in 2001 when he was inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame. In 2009 and 2011, Norman served as the Pres- idents Cup Captain of the International Team and his strong influence in the game continues today. Legendary for his tenacity and pursuit of perfection, Norman has approached business with the same vigor with which he attacked the golf course and has parlayed his success into a multi-na- tional corporation, the Greg Norman Company, which he currently serves as Chairman & CEO. Affiliates: FOX Sports, Joe Buck, Paul Azinger Trump National Golf Club Colts Neck Tom Fazio II Golf Course Architect He was born into a family in which several members are highly acclaimed golf architects. He has traveled the world working on projects, first for his father Jim, before starting his own firm. Fazio has designed and constructed two Trump National courses in New York and New Jersey, Quail Valley Golf Club in Vero Beach, Fla., and finished redesigning the former Haig Course at PGA National Resort and Spa. Affiliates: Tom Fazio I, Jim Fazio, PGA Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point, Trump National Golf Club Jupiter Jack Nicklaus Retired Professional Golfer, Owner of Nicklaus Designs A retired American professional golfer, widely regarded as the greatest golfer of all time. Nicklaus has also taken part in various off-course activities, including golf course design (two of which are Trump’s National Golf Clubs), charity work and book writing. His golf course design company is one of the largest in the world. Affiliates: Pete Dye, Chris Cochran, Chet Williams, Dave Heatwole
  • 51. 51 Trump National Golf Links at Hudson Valley Brian Freeswick General Manager Freeswick became the General Manager of the Trump National Golf Club in 2009, a position that he carried over from the Branton Woods Golf Club when it was purchased by the Trump Organization in 2009. Affiliates: Eric Trump Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles Pete Dye Golf Course Designer Paul B. “Pete” Dye is a golf course designer and a mem- ber of a family of course designers. He is married to fellow designer and former amateur champion Alice Dye. In 2004, Dye was the recipient of the PGA Distinguished Service Award, the highest annual honor of PGA of America, and was inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame in Novem- ber 2008 in the Lifetime Achievement category. He helped design the Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles. Affiliates: Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, National Golf Foundation, American Society of Golf Course Architects Trump National Doral Gil Hanse Architect Gil Hanse is an American golf course architect. Hanse, along with his business partner, Jim Wagner was selected to design the Rio 2016 Olympic Golf Course. Another honor includes being selected as only the third American architect to build a golf course in Scotland. Hanse earned a master’s in landscape architecture from Cornell University and in 1993 founded Hanse Golf Course Design. Affiliates: Jim Wagner, Geoff Shackelford, U.S. Olympic Board of Directors Trump National Golf Club Washington, D.C. Arthur Hills Golf Course Architect Arthur Hills is an American golf course designer who achieved a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from Mich- igan State University and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Michigan. He has designed more than 180 new
  • 52. 52 golf courses, including private, resort, upscale, and pub- lic golf courses around the world. In addition, Hills’s firm, Arthur Hills/Steve Forrest and Associates has been request- ed to renovate or modify more than 120 courses including some of the country’s most renowned clubs often in prepa- ration for major USGA and PGA Championships. Hills cur- rently serves as chief designer for Arthur Hills/Steve Forrest and Associates. Affiliates: Tom Fazio, Steve Forrest, University of Michigan Trump National Golf Club Westchester, Trump National Golf Club West Palm Beach Jim Fazio Golf Course Designer Living up to his uncle, George Fazio’s, legacy was a tall order, but Jim Fazio has made a name for himself designing award winning courses in the United States, Japan, Spain, Italy, and the Caribbean Islands. Some of his highlights include his Hawk’s Nest in Vero Beach being ranked in the Top 50 courses in 1990 and qualifying as a site for several U.S. Opens and being chosen by Donald Trump to design and construct Golf Courses in 2005. Affiliates: Tom Fazio I, Tom Fazio II, Golf Digest CANADA Trump International Hotel & Tower Vancouver Joo Kim Tiah Chief Executive Officer of Trump International Hotel & Tower Vancouver and TA Global Berhad Tiah is the son of Malaysia’s wealthiest tycoon and was named CEO of his father’s company, TA Global, in Janu- ary 2016. He also serves on the board of directors of West Georgia Holdings, Inc., which operates in Vancouver. Affiliations: Tony Tiah Thee Kian; Datin Alicia Tiah, Managing Director and CEO TA Enterprise; Holborn Group; Robert Parker
  • 53. 53 SOUTH AMERICA Trump Rio De Janeiro Hotel Stefan Ivanov Chief Executive Officer of Trump Towers Rio at MRP International Ivanov is the CEO of Trump Towers Rio, an arm of MRP International, the London-based real estate developer, in Brazil. Ivanov is also a co-founder and managing partner at Challenger Capital Management, a boutique investment banking firm focused on merger and acquisitions and fi- nancing transactions for select clients. Ivanov previously served as the CEO of Citibank in Bulgaria, and was vice president and a member of the board of directors of the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria. He served as the chief of staff for CEO of Citibank in Brazil, as well as serving in various positions at Citibank in Brazil, the UK, South Korea, and Tunisia. Affiliations: MRP International; Cushman & Wakefield; Citibank; Peter Vic- tor; Marina Curry Trump International Hotel & Tower Panama Arias Serna Saravia Architecture Firm One of the most renowned architecture and engineering firms based out of Colombia. The company was founded in 1980, and has a wide range of experience in all stages of real estate development from project management and sales to design, planning, promotion, and construction. Roger Khafif Chairman and President Khafif serves as the chairman and president of Newland International Properties, Corp., and as president of K Group developers, one of the strategic partners of Trump Ocean Club International Hotel & Tower in Panama City. Mr. Khafif is a partner in two additional companies located in the Colon free zone: Kedco Fashion Corp. and Rafkas Imp/Exp. Previously, Khafif worked as textile engineer in one of the main textile mills of Guatemala. Affiliations: Newland International Properties, Corp., K Group devel- opers; Catalina G. Rodriguez; Carlos Alberto Serna Londono; Eduardo Saravia Calderon
  • 54. 54 EUROPE Trump International Golf Links, Scotland Sarah Malone Executive Vice President of Trump International Golf Links, Scotland Malone is a Cambridge graduate, who also has a degree in fine art from Glasgow School of Art. She stepped down from her role running the Gordon Highlanders’ museum in Aberdeen in 2009 to become the EVP of Trump’s Golf Course in Aberdeen. Second in command to Mr. Trump, Malone works closely with George Sorial, who has overseen the project from the start. Affiliates: George Sorial, Jodie Widaseck Trump International Golf Links, Scotland George Sorial Executive Vice President and Counsel - The Trump Organization Sorial is the executive vice president and counsel for The Trump Organization and currently resides in West Palm Beach, Florida. He began working for The Trump Organization in 2007. Sorial studied classical civilization and psychology at Boston, where he later obtained MBA and law degrees in the mid-90’s. Before the Trump Organization, he worked for a law firm for 10 years on M&A and real-estate deals. Affiliates: Thomas Pienkos, David Orowitz, Matthew F. Calamari Trump Turnberry, Scotland Alan J. Rogers CEO, LeisureCorp Alan J. Rogers serves as the chief executive officer of Leisurecorp LLC and Istithmar Real Estate. Mr. Rogers has 30 years of working experience in the property field in London, Brussels, Hong Kong, and New York, with special expertise in Development, Sales, and Marketing. He also runs his own Investment and Consultancy in New York and London. He joined Nakheel in March 2006. He served as the chief executive officer of Douglas Elliman, LLC. He serves as the chairman of Douglas Elliman, LLC. He served as a director of Dubai World Corporation. Trump persuad- ed Leisurecorp, a subsidiary of the Dubai government, to sell him the South Ayrshire layout, with its legends, its famous lighthouse and its stunning views over the Firth
  • 55. 55 of Clyde – and, most pertinently, its guarantee to stage its fifth Open in the next eight years. Affiliates: David Collins, David Spencer Doonbeg Golf Club, County Clare, Ireland Martin Kelly Owner of Martin Kelly Plant Hire Martin Kelly Plant Hire Limited was founded in February 2005. The company’s current directors Louise Kelly and Martin Kelly has been the director of two other Irish com- panies between them; one of which is now closed. Martin Kelly Plant Hire Limited is available for all types of building and excavation work. Locally owned and operated. Kelly works for the Trump golf resort and said Trump is very pop- ular in the village. “Trump is employing a lot of people. He is a good guy to be honest with you. Trump has done a lot of good stuff done around here. A great company to work with. Very sound. You do the job and you get paid. There is no messing.” Affiliates: Gordon Deegan, Tommy Tubridy Doonbeg Golf Club, County Clare, Ireland Donal Winters Operations Director, John Paul Construction Winters joined the John Paul Construction surveying team in 1978 where he was involved in a variety of building and civil engineering projects. He was appointed as Contracts Man- ager in 1988 during which time he successfully managed a variety of high profile projects. Winters joined the Board as Operations Director in 1999 and remains very much hands on in his role. John Paul Construction worked with several part- ners (affiliates below) to complete the £ 37.9m Affiliates: CCH Architects, Tom McNamara & Partners, Hendrick Ryan & Associates, Don O’Malley & Partners .
  • 56. 56 RUSSIA Aras Agalarov Founder of Crocus Inter and Crocus Aras Agalarov is an Azeri businessman, developer, public figure and author of Russia: Reflections on the Way to the Market (1998). Born in Baku, he was educated at the Azer- baijan Polytechnical Institute. He moved with his family to Moscow in 1998, where he co-founded Crocus International along side his father-in-law, Iosif Yefgenevich, which spe- cializes in trade fairs, where he still makes most of his mon- ey. As of 11/9/16, his net worth is an estimated $1.33 Billion. Trump made millions when he agreed to bring the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow in 2013, a deal financed in part by the development company of Agalarov. Agalarov is sometimes called the “Trump of Russia” because of his tendency to put his own name on his buildings. At the time, Trump mingled with the Russian business elite at a swanky after-party. “Almost all of the oligarchs were in the room,” Trump bragged on returning home. Trump received a por- tion of the $14 million paid by Agalarov and other investors to bring the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow. Agalarov said he and Trump signed an agreement to build a Trump Tower in the heart of Moscow — at least Trump’s fifth at- tempt at such a venture. Washington Post: “Since the 1980s, Trump and his family members have made numerous trips to Moscow in search of business opportunities, and they have relied on Russian investors to buy their properties around the world. ‘Rus- sians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,’ Trump’s son, Donald Jr., told a real estate conference in 2008, according to an account posted on the website of eTurboNews, a trade publication. ‘We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.’” Affiliates: Vladimir Putin, Crocus Group, Miss Universe Dr. Svetlana B. Felitsyna Managing Partner at Sojuzpatent Managing Partner Felitsyna joined Sojuzpatent in 1992 and is a member of the Intellectual Property Committee with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Sojuzpatent is one of the leading companies on the post-Soviet space in the field of protecting intellectual
  • 57. 57 property rights. Sojuzpatent offers a wide range of services in all areas of Intellectual Property in the Russian Federa- tion and internationally, including the CIS countries. Trump hired the company to file the trademarks in that country for properties, such as “Trump Tower” in 1996. In the last decade, he’s also laid legal claim to “Trump,” “Trump Inter- national Hotel and Tower,” “Trump Home” and “the Trump crest design” in the country. Affiliates: Alexey Zalesov, Tamara S. Fomicheva, Dmitry Yu. Ekenin Felix Sater Felix Henry Sater is a Russian-born American real estate de- veloper and managing director of Bayrock Group LLC, a real estate conglomerate based out of New York City, New York. Sater has been an advisor to many corporations, including The Trump Organization, Rixos Hotels and Resorts, Sembol Construction, Potok (formerly the Mirax Group), and TxOil. From Washington Post: “The Russian-born businessman had already done a stint in prison for stabbing a man in the face with the stem of a margarita glass, and he was now awaiting sentencing for his role in a Mafia-orchestrated stock fraud scheme — all the while serving as a government informant on the mob and mysterious matters of national security.” Sater proposed that his company, “would build Trump towers in U.S. cities and across the former Soviet bloc. Sater pitched it to Trump, who gave Sater’s company rights to explore projects in Moscow as well as in Florida and New York. “Any- body can come in and build a tower,” Sater told potential investors, according to testimony in a 2008 court case. “I can build a Trump Tower, because of my relationship with Trump.” Sater’s “Trump card,” as he called it, didn’t work everywhere. The Moscow deal fell apart. But their relationship continued — though just how close they were is now in dispute. Affiliates: Bayrock Group, Tevfik Arif Dmitry Rybolovlev Dmitry Yevgenyevich Rybolovlev is a Russian businessman, investor, and philanthropist. Rybolovlev owned the potash producer Uralkali and in 2011 became the majority owner and President of Monaco’s football club AS Monaco. From CNN Money: “The Maison de L’Amitie is a massive beachfront estate in Palm Beach, Florida. The 81,738 square