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Pinpointing and Exploiting
            Specific Performance Bottlenecks
                                                Revised for:
                     Software Test & Performance Conference
                                           November 2005 New York, NY

                                             First Presented for:
                         IBM Rational Users Conference, 2004

                                       Scott Barber
                                 Chief Technology Officer
                                    PerfTestPlus, Inc.            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 1
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Analyzing Results to Identify Bottlenecks
What the Development Team Needs to Know
Identify Tier of Detected Issue
Identify Component of Detect Issue
Develop Test To Exploit Issue
Available Tools
Examples (Time Permitting)
Want More Information?
Summary/Questions            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 2
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
This presentation is adapted from User Experience,
not Metrics: Parts 6, 8, 9 and10 and Beyond
Performance Testing: Parts 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 located at
(RDW) and            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 3
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
One part of the system is always slowest (the bottleneck). Until it is
   remedied, no other tuning will actually improve the overall
   performance of the application along that path. Before that
   bottleneck can be tuned, it must first be conclusively identified.
Once a bottleneck is identified, resolution can be reached more
   quickly if your existing tests are modified to eliminate distraction
   from ancillary issues. Pinpointing exactly where the bottleneck is
   an art all its own.
After determining where the bottleneck is architecturally, a new test
   will likely be needed to exploit it in order to help the development
   team with tuning. These bottleneck exploiting tests needn’t bear
   any resemblance to real user activity but rather focus on the
   bottleneck alone. In fact, these tests often don’t even interact
   with the system in ways users could and may include direct
   interaction with back-end tiers.            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 4
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Intro – Scott’s Rules of Bottlenecks
A bottleneck is a slowdown, not a stoppage. A stoppage is a failure.
Bottlenecks don’t only exist under load.
The symptoms of the bottleneck are (virtually) never observed at the actual
   location of the bottleneck.

The critical bottleneck is the one bottleneck along a particular user path the
  removal of which will improve both performance and the ability to find
  other bottlenecks.

If you have multiple paths through a system and think there’s a bottleneck,
    you should isolate each path and evaluate it separately.            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 5
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Intro – Scott’s Rules of Bottlenecks
The bottleneck is more likely to be found in the hardware than
  in the network, but the network is easier to check.

Unless other activities and/or users are affected by the
  observed slowness or its cause, it’s not a bottleneck but a
  slow spot.
When reporting bottleneck suspects, don’t assume you know
  the cause, just report the symptoms.            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 6
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Analyzing Results to ID Bottlenecks
Examine Response vs. Time Charts/Tables
          Help identify bottleneck suspects
          Parts 6, 7, 8, and 9 of the “User Experience, Not Metrics” series            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 7
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Analyzing Results to ID Bottlenecks
Study Scatter Charts
       Any pattern that shows more than one dot outside of your predefined
     acceptable performance levels is a potential bottleneck
         Part 6 of the “Beyond Performance Testing” series            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 8
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Analyzing Results to ID Bottlenecks
Rely on Personal Observation
Listen to Third Party Comments
Confirm Suspects
Reproduce Results
          With Similar Tests
          With Minimalist Tests
          With Not-So-Similar Tests
Report Suspects
          Via Demonstration            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 9
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
What the Dev Team Needs to Know
Which related activities produce the same symptoms?
Which other activities are affected by the bottleneck?
What were the load characteristics of the test yielding
  the symptoms?
What data did you use to create the symptoms?
What’s the configuration of the environment you’re
Other metrics the developers wanted you to collect.            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 10
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Identify Tier of Detected Issue


                                                            Physical Architecture            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 11
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Identify Tier of Detected Issue
Physical Architecture with Logical Overlay            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 12
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Identify Tier of Detected Issue
Design Tests to Determine Tier
         Ask “What if…? Questions.
         Ask Developers to Speculate
         Evaluate Commands with Slow Responses
         Think in Terms of Distinguishing Failures, Slow Spots
         and Bottlenecks
         Visualize and Prioritize
Modify Existing Tests
Create New Tests
          Use Same Tool
          Use Different Tool
          Use Test Harnesses            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 13
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Identify Tier of Detected Issue
Speak Intelligently with the Development Team
Capture Metrics by Tier
          Resource Utilization
          Response Times
          Others Identified by Developers
Interpret Metrics
          Look for the Obvious
          Consult Development Team
          Change Tests to Prove (or Disprove) Theories            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 14
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Identify Component of Detected Issue
Once Tier is Identified…
          Further Narrowing may be Required
          Same Principles as Identifying Tier
Speak Intelligently with the Development Team
Capture Metrics by Component
          Resource Utilization
          Response Times
          Others Identified by Developers
Interpret Metrics
          Look for the Obvious
          Consult Development Team
          Change Tests to Prove (or Disprove) Theories            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 15
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Develop Test To Exploit Issue
Lessons from Hydrodynamics
           Pipe Size/Throughput            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 16
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Develop Test To Exploit Issue
Exploitation Methods
         Bounds Conditions
         Resource Constraints
Hand off to Development Team
         Following Development Team’s Lead (Case Studies, BPT 10)
Different Testing Styles
Knowing When to put the Load Generation Tool Away            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 17
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Available Tools
           LoadRunner, Silk Performer, Performance Tester,
           OpenSTA, Visual Studio Test System, eLoad
           Purify, Quantify, Performassure
           J-Meter, Perfmon, Perfmeter, Top
           WebTrends, WebLogic, Tivoli
Other Performance Test/Monitoring Tools
           Load Generation
           Performance Monitoring
           Performance Analysis
           OS/System Specific Tools
           Application Specific Tools            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 18
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Available Tools
Other Analysis Tools
        Statistical Calculators
        Mathematical Graphing
        Graphical Presentation
Most Important Tools
        Your Brain
        Your Development Team            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 19
 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Examples            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 20
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Want More Information?
Information adapted from User Experience, not Metrics: Parts 6, 8,
   9 and10 and Beyond Performance Testing: Parts 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
   located at
   (RDW) and
Ask me directly on the Performance and Load Testing forums on
   RDW ( or (Huge QA Forum)
Good sources for additional information about Performance
 (Methodology, Templates, Articles,
 (Good articles and links)
 (Good articles
          and statistics)
Graphical Presentation of Information – Edward Tufte, PhD. (Books and seminars)            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 21
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Report Symptoms, not Solutions/Reasons
Verify Observations
Analyze Results Collaboratively
Don’t Over-depend on your Initial Tests
Determine Related and Unrelated Activities
Analyze, Analyze, Analyze (Collaboratively)
Know When to Hand-off to the Development Team
Yours is a Support Role
Document Conclusions
Document Recommendations            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 22
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Questions            Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 23
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
Contact Info

                                           Scott Barber
                              Chief Technology Officer
                                           PerfTestPlus, Inc

E-mail:                                                        Web Site:                                         Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks   Page 24
© 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.

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Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Performance Bottlenecks

  • 1. Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Performance Bottlenecks Revised for: Software Test & Performance Conference November 2005 New York, NY First Presented for: IBM Rational Users Conference, 2004 Scott Barber Chief Technology Officer PerfTestPlus, Inc. Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 1 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 2. Agenda Introduction Analyzing Results to Identify Bottlenecks What the Development Team Needs to Know Identify Tier of Detected Issue Identify Component of Detect Issue Develop Test To Exploit Issue Available Tools Examples (Time Permitting) Want More Information? Summary/Questions Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 2 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 3. Introduction This presentation is adapted from User Experience, not Metrics: Parts 6, 8, 9 and10 and Beyond Performance Testing: Parts 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 located at (RDW) and Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 3 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 4. Introduction One part of the system is always slowest (the bottleneck). Until it is remedied, no other tuning will actually improve the overall performance of the application along that path. Before that bottleneck can be tuned, it must first be conclusively identified. Once a bottleneck is identified, resolution can be reached more quickly if your existing tests are modified to eliminate distraction from ancillary issues. Pinpointing exactly where the bottleneck is an art all its own. After determining where the bottleneck is architecturally, a new test will likely be needed to exploit it in order to help the development team with tuning. These bottleneck exploiting tests needn’t bear any resemblance to real user activity but rather focus on the bottleneck alone. In fact, these tests often don’t even interact with the system in ways users could and may include direct interaction with back-end tiers. Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 4 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 5. Intro – Scott’s Rules of Bottlenecks A bottleneck is a slowdown, not a stoppage. A stoppage is a failure. Bottlenecks don’t only exist under load. The symptoms of the bottleneck are (virtually) never observed at the actual location of the bottleneck. The critical bottleneck is the one bottleneck along a particular user path the removal of which will improve both performance and the ability to find other bottlenecks. If you have multiple paths through a system and think there’s a bottleneck, you should isolate each path and evaluate it separately. Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 5 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 6. Intro – Scott’s Rules of Bottlenecks The bottleneck is more likely to be found in the hardware than in the network, but the network is easier to check. Unless other activities and/or users are affected by the observed slowness or its cause, it’s not a bottleneck but a slow spot. When reporting bottleneck suspects, don’t assume you know the cause, just report the symptoms. Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 6 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 7. Analyzing Results to ID Bottlenecks Examine Response vs. Time Charts/Tables Help identify bottleneck suspects Parts 6, 7, 8, and 9 of the “User Experience, Not Metrics” series Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 7 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 8. Analyzing Results to ID Bottlenecks Study Scatter Charts Any pattern that shows more than one dot outside of your predefined acceptable performance levels is a potential bottleneck Part 6 of the “Beyond Performance Testing” series Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 8 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 9. Analyzing Results to ID Bottlenecks Rely on Personal Observation Listen to Third Party Comments Confirm Suspects Reproduce Results Exactly Manually With Similar Tests With Minimalist Tests With Not-So-Similar Tests Report Suspects Verbally Visually Via Demonstration Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 9 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 10. What the Dev Team Needs to Know Which related activities produce the same symptoms? Which other activities are affected by the bottleneck? What were the load characteristics of the test yielding the symptoms? What data did you use to create the symptoms? What’s the configuration of the environment you’re testing? Other metrics the developers wanted you to collect. Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 10 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 11. Identify Tier of Detected Issue Logical Architecture Physical Architecture Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 11 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 12. Identify Tier of Detected Issue Physical Architecture with Logical Overlay Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 12 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 13. Identify Tier of Detected Issue Design Tests to Determine Tier Ask “What if…? Questions. Ask Developers to Speculate Evaluate Commands with Slow Responses Think in Terms of Distinguishing Failures, Slow Spots and Bottlenecks Visualize and Prioritize Modify Existing Tests Create New Tests Use Same Tool Use Different Tool Use Test Harnesses Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 13 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 14. Identify Tier of Detected Issue Speak Intelligently with the Development Team Capture Metrics by Tier Resource Utilization Response Times Others Identified by Developers Interpret Metrics Look for the Obvious Consult Development Team Change Tests to Prove (or Disprove) Theories Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 14 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 15. Identify Component of Detected Issue Once Tier is Identified… Further Narrowing may be Required Same Principles as Identifying Tier Speak Intelligently with the Development Team Capture Metrics by Component Resource Utilization Response Times Others Identified by Developers Interpret Metrics Look for the Obvious Consult Development Team Change Tests to Prove (or Disprove) Theories Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 15 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 16. Develop Test To Exploit Issue Lessons from Hydrodynamics Pools/Queues Flows/Threads/Processes Pipe Size/Throughput Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 16 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 17. Develop Test To Exploit Issue Exploitation Methods Bounds Conditions Breakpoints Resource Constraints Hand off to Development Team Following Development Team’s Lead (Case Studies, BPT 10) Different Testing Styles Black-Box Grey-Box White-Box Knowing When to put the Load Generation Tool Away Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 17 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 18. Available Tools Common LoadRunner, Silk Performer, Performance Tester, OpenSTA, Visual Studio Test System, eLoad Purify, Quantify, Performassure J-Meter, Perfmon, Perfmeter, Top WebTrends, WebLogic, Tivoli Other Performance Test/Monitoring Tools Load Generation Performance Monitoring Performance Analysis OS/System Specific Tools Application Specific Tools Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 18 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 19. Available Tools Other Analysis Tools Spreadsheets Statistical Calculators Mathematical Graphing Graphical Presentation Most Important Tools Your Brain Your Development Team Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 19 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 20. Examples Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 20 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 21. Want More Information? Information adapted from User Experience, not Metrics: Parts 6, 8, 9 and10 and Beyond Performance Testing: Parts 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 located at (RDW) and Ask me directly on the Performance and Load Testing forums on RDW ( or (Huge QA Forum) Good sources for additional information about Performance Testing: (Methodology, Templates, Articles, Presentations) (Good articles and links) (Good articles and statistics) Graphical Presentation of Information – Edward Tufte, PhD. (Books and seminars) Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 21 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 22. Summary Report Symptoms, not Solutions/Reasons Verify Observations Analyze Results Collaboratively Don’t Over-depend on your Initial Tests Determine Related and Unrelated Activities Analyze, Analyze, Analyze (Collaboratively) Know When to Hand-off to the Development Team Yours is a Support Role Document Conclusions Document Recommendations Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 22 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 23. Questions Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 23 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.
  • 24. Contact Info Scott Barber Chief Technology Officer PerfTestPlus, Inc E-mail: Web Site: Pinpointing and Exploiting Specific Bottlenecks Page 24 © 2005 PerfTestPlus All rights reserved.