SlideShare a Scribd company logo
             How does it work?
     Contributing to boomerang
              Using boomerang

Measuring the web with boomerang

 Philip Tellis /

         FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15

    FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                          How does it work?
                  Contributing to boomerang
                           Using boomerang

$ finger philip

      Philip Tellis
      geek - paranoid - speedfreak

                 FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
         How does it work?
                               The adversary
 Contributing to boomerang
                               Measure twice
          Using boomerang

FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
         How does it work?
                               The adversary
 Contributing to boomerang
                               Measure twice
          Using boomerang

FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
         How does it work?
                               The adversary
 Contributing to boomerang
                               Measure twice
          Using boomerang

FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                      How does it work?
                                            The adversary
              Contributing to boomerang
                                            Measure twice
                       Using boomerang

Less than 20% of page load time is something we can measure
                 and fix during development

             FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
          How does it work?
                                The adversary
  Contributing to boomerang
                                Measure twice
           Using boomerang

It’s what we can’t control that bites us

 FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                     How does it work?
                                           The adversary
             Contributing to boomerang
                                           Measure twice
                      Using boomerang

Too many variations


            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                     How does it work?
                                           The adversary
             Contributing to boomerang
                                           Measure twice
                      Using boomerang

Too many variations


            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                     How does it work?
                                           The adversary
             Contributing to boomerang
                                           Measure twice
                      Using boomerang

Too many variations


            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                     How does it work?
                                           The adversary
             Contributing to boomerang
                                           Measure twice
                      Using boomerang

Too many variations


            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                     How does it work?
                                           The adversary
             Contributing to boomerang
                                           Measure twice
                      Using boomerang

Too many variations


            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                     How does it work?
                                           The adversary
             Contributing to boomerang
                                           Measure twice
                      Using boomerang

Too many variations


            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                     How does it work?
                                           The adversary
             Contributing to boomerang
                                           Measure twice
                      Using boomerang

Too many variations

                  baby monitors

            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                     How does it work?
                                           The adversary
             Contributing to boomerang
                                           Measure twice
                      Using boomerang

Too many variations

            naughty neighbours

            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                     How does it work?
                                           The adversary
             Contributing to boomerang
                                           Measure twice
                      Using boomerang

Too many variations

                         file shares

            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                     How does it work?
                                           The adversary
             Contributing to boomerang
                                           Measure twice
                      Using boomerang

Too many variations


            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                     How does it work?
                                           The adversary
             Contributing to boomerang
                                           Measure twice
                      Using boomerang

Too many variations


            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                     How does it work?
                                           The adversary
             Contributing to boomerang
                                           Measure twice
                      Using boomerang

Too many variations

       Try simulating all that in the lab!

            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
               How does it work?
                                     The adversary
       Contributing to boomerang
                                     Measure twice
                Using boomerang

We need to measure real end-user performance

      FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                     How does it work?
                                           The adversary
             Contributing to boomerang
                                           Measure twice
                      Using boomerang

We need to measure real end-user performance from the real
                     end-user’s box

            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
         How does it work?
                               The adversary
 Contributing to boomerang
                               Measure twice
          Using boomerang

FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                   How does it work?
                                         The adversary
           Contributing to boomerang
                                         Measure twice
                    Using boomerang

While this might work, it isn’t necessarily representative

          FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
         How does it work?
                               The adversary
 Contributing to boomerang
                               Measure twice
          Using boomerang

         What about JavaScript?

FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                       How does it work?
                                             The adversary
               Contributing to boomerang
                                             Measure twice
                        Using boomerang

boomerang is...
A piece of javascript that you add to your web page where it
measures and beacons back to you, the end user’s perceived
performance of your page

              FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                    How does it work?
                                          The adversary
            Contributing to boomerang
                                          Measure twice
                     Using boomerang


 <script src="boomerang.js" type="text/javascript">
 <script type="text/javascript">
     user_ip: "<user’s ip address>",
     beacon_url: ""

           FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                       How does it work?
                                             The adversary
               Contributing to boomerang
                                             Measure twice
                        Using boomerang

What does it do?

     Measures user’s network throughput and latency to your
     Measures the current page’s load time
     Beacons these results back to your server

              FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
         How does it work?
 Contributing to boomerang
                               Load time
          Using boomerang

    How does boomerang work?

FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
         How does it work?
 Contributing to boomerang
                               Load time
          Using boomerang

     Let’s take that one at a time

FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                       How does it work?
               Contributing to boomerang
                                             Load time
                        Using boomerang

Measuring latency

     Download a 32 byte gif 10 times in sequence
     Measure the time to download each
     Discard the first measurement because it’s overpriced
     Calculate the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and
     margin of error of the rest

              FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                        How does it work?
                Contributing to boomerang
                                              Load time
                         Using boomerang

Wait, did you say overpriced?

     The first image might require a DNS lookup and TCP
     Slow start is not an issue since 32 bytes fit in 1 packet

               FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                        How does it work?
                Contributing to boomerang
                                              Load time
                         Using boomerang

Measuring throughput

     After the latency test is done, we download progressively
     larger images
     Stop at the first image that times out
     Redownload that image a few more times
     Calculate the median, standard deviation and margin of
     error of the largest images

               FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                       How does it work?
               Contributing to boomerang
                                             Load time
                        Using boomerang

Measuring latency before throughput helps here

     Those 10 latency images do a lot to widen the TCP
     window size
     The bandwidth images make much better use of available
     The image we end with uses the most bandwidth

              FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                       How does it work?
               Contributing to boomerang
                                             Load time
                        Using boomerang

How do we measure page load time?

     In the onbeforeunload event, measure the time and
     store it in a cookie
     In the onload event, check the cookie, and measure the
     difference with the current time
     We also make sure that the page that set the cookie is the
     referrer of the current page

              FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                       How does it work?
               Contributing to boomerang
                                             Load time
                        Using boomerang

What? Two pages?

     Yes, this needs two pages and cookies. If those aren’t
         supported, we try to use the WebTiming API.

              FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                       How does it work?
               Contributing to boomerang
                                             Load time
                        Using boomerang

How accurate is it?

     Latency measurements are very accurate (±1%)
     Bandwidth is to an order of magnitude. For bad
     connections can be ±30%
     Page load time sometimes has outliers, you need
     The margin of error tells you how good your data is

              FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                   How does it work?
           Contributing to boomerang
                    Using boomerang


          FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                        How does it work?
                Contributing to boomerang
                         Using boomerang

Get the code

               FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                        How does it work?
                Contributing to boomerang
                         Using boomerang

Get the code

                    git clone

               FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                       How does it work?
               Contributing to boomerang
                        Using boomerang

Submit code

              FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                       How does it work?
               Contributing to boomerang
                        Using boomerang


           FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15         Measuring the web with boomerang
                   How does it work?
           Contributing to boomerang
                    Using boomerang


          cp plugin.js yourplugin.js

          FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                        How does it work?
                Contributing to boomerang
                         Using boomerang

The Makefile

  make PLUGINS="plugin list" MINIFIER="/minifier/path"

  make usage

               FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
Introduction   Basic
                      How does it work?     Multi-domain
              Contributing to boomerang     In-page timers
                       Using boomerang      AJAX

Include it on your page

  <script src="boomerang.js" type="text/javascript">
  <script type="text/javascript">
      user_ip: "<user’s ip address>",
      beacon_url: ""

             FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
Introduction   Basic
         How does it work?     Multi-domain
 Contributing to boomerang     In-page timers
          Using boomerang      AJAX

    For most sites, that’s about it

FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
Introduction   Basic
         How does it work?     Multi-domain
 Contributing to boomerang     In-page timers
          Using boomerang      AJAX

   You probably want to do more

FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
Introduction   Basic
                       How does it work?     Multi-domain
               Contributing to boomerang     In-page timers
                        Using boomerang      AJAX

Handle subdomains

  Set the site_domain parameter:

      user_ip: "<user’s ip address>",
      beacon_url: "",
      site_domain: ""

              FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
Introduction   Basic
                  How does it work?     Multi-domain
          Contributing to boomerang     In-page timers
                   Using boomerang      AJAX

This lets you measure transitions across *

         FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
Introduction   Basic
                     How does it work?     Multi-domain
             Contributing to boomerang     In-page timers
                      Using boomerang      AJAX

Measure more than just load time

  <script>var t_pagestart=new Date().getTime();</scrip
  <script>var th=new Date().getTime();</script>
  <script>var tj=new Date().getTime();</script>

            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
Introduction   Basic
                   How does it work?     Multi-domain
           Contributing to boomerang     In-page timers
                    Using boomerang      AJAX

<script src="boomerang.js"></script>
var te=new Date().getTime();
BOOMR.plugins.RT.setTimer("t_head", th-t_pagestart).
                 setTimer("t_body", te-th).
                 setTimer("t_js", te-tj);

          FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
Introduction   Basic
                     How does it work?     Multi-domain
             Contributing to boomerang     In-page timers
                      Using boomerang      AJAX

This adds the t_head, t_body and t_js fields to the beacon

            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
Introduction   Basic
                     How does it work?     Multi-domain
             Contributing to boomerang     In-page timers
                      Using boomerang      AJAX

Loading dynamic content

      user_ip: "<user’s ip address>",
      beacon_url: "",
      auto_run: false

            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
Introduction   Basic
                     How does it work?     Multi-domain
             Contributing to boomerang     In-page timers
                      Using boomerang      AJAX

Loading dynamic content

  // Just before download starts

            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
Introduction   Basic
                     How does it work?     Multi-domain
             Contributing to boomerang     In-page timers
                      Using boomerang      AJAX

Loading dynamic content

  // Just after download finishes

            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
Introduction   Basic
                     How does it work?     Multi-domain
             Contributing to boomerang     In-page timers
                      Using boomerang      AJAX

Much more

            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                      How does it work?     shoulda
              Contributing to boomerang     coulda
                       Using boomerang      woulda

The beacon

    GET request to the beacon URL (response ignored)
    All parameters passed in the query string
    Extra timers are passed in as a comma separated list in
    before_beacon JavaScript event fired just before the
    beacon is sent

             FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                        How does it work?     shoulda
                Contributing to boomerang     coulda
                         Using boomerang      woulda

What should we do with the data?

     Sanity checking to:
         Remove fake data
         Remove abusive data
         Maybe just rate limiting

               FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                        How does it work?     shoulda
                Contributing to boomerang     coulda
                         Using boomerang      woulda

What can we do with the data?

     Statistical analysis to:
          Remove outliers
          Aggregate based on bandwidth blocks
          Measure trends over time and correlate them with code

               FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                     How does it work?     shoulda
             Contributing to boomerang     coulda
                      Using boomerang      woulda

Bandwidth blocks

                                                Ref: Analysing Bandwidth & Latency – YUI Blog

            FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                        How does it work?     shoulda
                Contributing to boomerang     coulda
                         Using boomerang      woulda

Bandwidth blocks

   Data points from some countries may require narrower bands

               FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                         How does it work?     shoulda
                 Contributing to boomerang     coulda
                          Using boomerang      woulda

Geographic data

   Looking at latency from different geographic locations can tell
               you where your next mirror should be

                FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                          How does it work?     shoulda
                  Contributing to boomerang     coulda
                           Using boomerang      woulda


       Grouping data by ISP can tell you who’s behaving badly

                 FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                        How does it work?     shoulda
                Contributing to boomerang     coulda
                         Using boomerang      woulda

More data

     Write plugins to get more performance data
     We already have a DNS plugin
     I’m thinking of an IPv6 v/s IPv4 plugin
     What about a full WebTiming plugin?
     Can we measure connection setup time?

               FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                       How does it work?     shoulda
               Contributing to boomerang     coulda
                        Using boomerang      woulda

You decide

      Once you have the data, you can do anything with it

              FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
         How does it work?
 Contributing to boomerang
          Using boomerang

                     Thank you

FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15       Measuring the web with boomerang
                         How does it work?
                 Contributing to boomerang
                          Using boomerang

Photo credits

                FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                         How does it work?
                 Contributing to boomerang
                          Using boomerang

Contact me

     Philip Tellis
     geek - paranoid - speedfreak

                FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang
                        How does it work?
                Contributing to boomerang
                         Using boomerang

     More bandwidth doesn’t matter (much) – Mike Belshe
     Analysing Bandwidth & Latency – YUI Blog
     It’s the latency, stupid – Stuart Cheshire
     The statistics of web performance

               FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15      Measuring the web with boomerang

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Boomerang at FOSS.IN/2010

  • 1. Introduction How does it work? Contributing to boomerang Using boomerang Data Measuring the web with boomerang Philip Tellis / FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 2. Introduction How does it work? Contributing to boomerang Using boomerang Data $ finger philip Philip Tellis @bluesmoon geek - paranoid - speedfreak yahoo FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 3. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 4. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 5. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 6. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data Less than 20% of page load time is something we can measure and fix during development FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 7. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data It’s what we can’t control that bites us FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 8. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data Too many variations browsers FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 9. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data Too many variations plugins FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 10. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data Too many variations OSes FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 11. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data Too many variations viruses FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 12. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data Too many variations antiviruses FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 13. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data Too many variations microwaves FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 14. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data Too many variations baby monitors FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 15. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data Too many variations naughty neighbours FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 16. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data Too many variations file shares FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 17. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data Too many variations governments FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 18. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data Too many variations rodents FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 19. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data Too many variations Try simulating all that in the lab! FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 20. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data We need to measure real end-user performance FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 21. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data We need to measure real end-user performance from the real end-user’s box FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 22. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 23. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data While this might work, it isn’t necessarily representative FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 24. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data What about JavaScript? FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 25. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data boomerang is... A piece of javascript that you add to your web page where it measures and beacons back to you, the end user’s perceived performance of your page FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 26. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data How? <script src="boomerang.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> BOOMR.init({ user_ip: "<user’s ip address>", beacon_url: "" }); </script> FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 27. Introduction Time How does it work? The adversary Contributing to boomerang Measure twice Using boomerang boomerang Data What does it do? Measures user’s network throughput and latency to your server Measures the current page’s load time Beacons these results back to your server FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 28. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Contributing to boomerang Load time Using boomerang Accuracy Data How does boomerang work? FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 29. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Contributing to boomerang Load time Using boomerang Accuracy Data Let’s take that one at a time FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 30. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Contributing to boomerang Load time Using boomerang Accuracy Data Measuring latency Download a 32 byte gif 10 times in sequence Measure the time to download each Discard the first measurement because it’s overpriced Calculate the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and margin of error of the rest FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 31. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Contributing to boomerang Load time Using boomerang Accuracy Data Wait, did you say overpriced? The first image might require a DNS lookup and TCP handshake Slow start is not an issue since 32 bytes fit in 1 packet FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 32. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Contributing to boomerang Load time Using boomerang Accuracy Data Measuring throughput After the latency test is done, we download progressively larger images Stop at the first image that times out Redownload that image a few more times Calculate the median, standard deviation and margin of error of the largest images FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 33. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Contributing to boomerang Load time Using boomerang Accuracy Data Measuring latency before throughput helps here Those 10 latency images do a lot to widen the TCP window size The bandwidth images make much better use of available bandwidth The image we end with uses the most bandwidth FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 34. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Contributing to boomerang Load time Using boomerang Accuracy Data How do we measure page load time? In the onbeforeunload event, measure the time and store it in a cookie In the onload event, check the cookie, and measure the difference with the current time We also make sure that the page that set the cookie is the referrer of the current page FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 35. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Contributing to boomerang Load time Using boomerang Accuracy Data What? Two pages? Yes, this needs two pages and cookies. If those aren’t supported, we try to use the WebTiming API. FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 36. Introduction Latency How does it work? Bandwidth/Throughput Contributing to boomerang Load time Using boomerang Accuracy Data How accurate is it? Latency measurements are very accurate (±1%) Bandwidth is to an order of magnitude. For bad connections can be ±30% Page load time sometimes has outliers, you need post-filtering The margin of error tells you how good your data is FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 37. Introduction How does it work? Contributing to boomerang Using boomerang Data Github FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 38. Introduction How does it work? Contributing to boomerang Using boomerang Data Get the code FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 39. Introduction How does it work? Contributing to boomerang Using boomerang Data Get the code git clone FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 40. Introduction How does it work? Contributing to boomerang Using boomerang Data Submit code FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 41. Introduction How does it work? Contributing to boomerang Using boomerang Data boomerang.js FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 42. Introduction How does it work? Contributing to boomerang Using boomerang Data plugins cp plugin.js yourplugin.js FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 43. Introduction How does it work? Contributing to boomerang Using boomerang Data The Makefile make PLUGINS="plugin list" MINIFIER="/minifier/path" make usage FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 44. Introduction Basic How does it work? Multi-domain Contributing to boomerang In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data Include it on your page <script src="boomerang.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> BOOMR.init({ user_ip: "<user’s ip address>", beacon_url: "" }); </script> FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 45. Introduction Basic How does it work? Multi-domain Contributing to boomerang In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data For most sites, that’s about it FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 46. Introduction Basic How does it work? Multi-domain Contributing to boomerang In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data You probably want to do more FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 47. Introduction Basic How does it work? Multi-domain Contributing to boomerang In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data Handle subdomains Set the site_domain parameter: BOOMR.init({ user_ip: "<user’s ip address>", beacon_url: "", site_domain: "" }); FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 48. Introduction Basic How does it work? Multi-domain Contributing to boomerang In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data This lets you measure transitions across * FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 49. Introduction Basic How does it work? Multi-domain Contributing to boomerang In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data Measure more than just load time <html><head> <script>var t_pagestart=new Date().getTime();</scrip ... <script>var th=new Date().getTime();</script> </head> <body> ... <script>var tj=new Date().getTime();</script> ... FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 50. Introduction Basic How does it work? Multi-domain Contributing to boomerang In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data ... <script src="boomerang.js"></script> ... var te=new Date().getTime(); BOOMR.plugins.RT.setTimer("t_head", th-t_pagestart). setTimer("t_body", te-th). setTimer("t_js", te-tj); </script></body></html> FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 51. Introduction Basic How does it work? Multi-domain Contributing to boomerang In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data This adds the t_head, t_body and t_js fields to the beacon FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 52. Introduction Basic How does it work? Multi-domain Contributing to boomerang In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data Loading dynamic content BOOMR.init({ user_ip: "<user’s ip address>", beacon_url: "", auto_run: false }); FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 53. Introduction Basic How does it work? Multi-domain Contributing to boomerang In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data Loading dynamic content // Just before download starts BOOMR.plugins.RT.startTimer("t_done"); FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 54. Introduction Basic How does it work? Multi-domain Contributing to boomerang In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data Loading dynamic content // Just after download finishes BOOMR.plugins.RT.done(); FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 55. Introduction Basic How does it work? Multi-domain Contributing to boomerang In-page timers Using boomerang AJAX Data Much more FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 56. Introduction How does it work? shoulda Contributing to boomerang coulda Using boomerang woulda Data The beacon GET request to the beacon URL (response ignored) All parameters passed in the query string Extra timers are passed in as a comma separated list in t_other before_beacon JavaScript event fired just before the beacon is sent FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 57. Introduction How does it work? shoulda Contributing to boomerang coulda Using boomerang woulda Data What should we do with the data? Sanity checking to: Remove fake data Remove abusive data Maybe just rate limiting FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 58. Introduction How does it work? shoulda Contributing to boomerang coulda Using boomerang woulda Data What can we do with the data? Statistical analysis to: Remove outliers Aggregate based on bandwidth blocks Measure trends over time and correlate them with code changes FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 59. Introduction How does it work? shoulda Contributing to boomerang coulda Using boomerang woulda Data Bandwidth blocks Ref: Analysing Bandwidth & Latency – YUI Blog FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 60. Introduction How does it work? shoulda Contributing to boomerang coulda Using boomerang woulda Data Bandwidth blocks Data points from some countries may require narrower bands FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 61. Introduction How does it work? shoulda Contributing to boomerang coulda Using boomerang woulda Data Geographic data Looking at latency from different geographic locations can tell you where your next mirror should be FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 62. Introduction How does it work? shoulda Contributing to boomerang coulda Using boomerang woulda Data ISPs Grouping data by ISP can tell you who’s behaving badly FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 63. Introduction How does it work? shoulda Contributing to boomerang coulda Using boomerang woulda Data More data Write plugins to get more performance data We already have a DNS plugin I’m thinking of an IPv6 v/s IPv4 plugin What about a full WebTiming plugin? Can we measure connection setup time? FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 64. Introduction How does it work? shoulda Contributing to boomerang coulda Using boomerang woulda Data You decide Once you have the data, you can do anything with it FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 65. Introduction How does it work? Contributing to boomerang Using boomerang Data Thank you FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 66. Introduction How does it work? Contributing to boomerang Using boomerang Data Photo credits FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 67. Introduction How does it work? Contributing to boomerang Using boomerang Data Contact me Philip Tellis @bluesmoon geek - paranoid - speedfreak yahoo FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang
  • 68. Introduction How does it work? Contributing to boomerang Using boomerang Data References More bandwidth doesn’t matter (much) – Mike Belshe Analysing Bandwidth & Latency – YUI Blog It’s the latency, stupid – Stuart Cheshire The statistics of web performance FOSS.IN/2010 – 2010.12.15 Measuring the web with boomerang