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Skills for Success
Tips to Help you Become a
Better Analyst with
Sarah Bartlett
Charlotte TUG | June 2020
Sarah Bartlett
Consultant @ Slalom
Tableau Zen Master
Tableau Social Ambassador
Co-leader of London TUG
@sarahlovesdata |
My Professional
• 12+ years working in analytics
• Tableau user for 6 years
• 3 years consulting experience
• Tableau Certified Associate – 2018
• Tableau Certified Professional – 2019
• Founded #IronQuest - 2019

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Great Data Delivery: A model-based approach
Great Data Delivery: A model-based approachGreat Data Delivery: A model-based approach
Great Data Delivery: A model-based approach

Great data strategies focus on delivery. The presentation will discuss: - The importance of how data is delivered to driving user adoption of data-driven behavior - Strategies for creating data driven organizations - A model-based approach to supporting self-service analytics and ending "data breadlines" - User experience design for data teams creating a data product for their organizations

Storytelling with Data with Power BI
Storytelling with Data with Power BIStorytelling with Data with Power BI
Storytelling with Data with Power BI

This document provides an overview of best practices for creating compelling Power BI reports through storytelling with data. It discusses choosing the appropriate visualizations depending on the audience and data, using color and design principles to avoid clutter, and prompting the audience with the next steps. Key tips include using simple text, tables, line graphs and bar charts to tell stories with data, avoiding overused visuals like pie charts, and providing context through bookmarks and a help section. The target audience is analysts and decision-makers who need to present data to prompt action.

power bi data visualization
Webinar - Harness the Power of Data with Tableau - 2016-02-18
Webinar - Harness the Power of Data with Tableau - 2016-02-18Webinar - Harness the Power of Data with Tableau - 2016-02-18
Webinar - Harness the Power of Data with Tableau - 2016-02-18

Learn how to harness the power of data to tell your organization’s story with Tableau! Join Tech Impact's Jordan McCarthy and learn how to use Tableau to collect data in more meaningful ways and understand the science behind data analysis. We show you easy tips to maneuver through this data analytics tool to gain a better understanding of your nonprofit or library’s data.

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My First Love

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The document discusses dashboarding and provides guidance on creating effective dashboards. It notes that dashboards can organize important information for easy interpretation, make decisions easier, and increase client confidence. Common problems with dashboards include including too much data, poor visual displays, and poor or confusing math. The document recommends that dashboards focus on visual design, include the right data on a single page with the most important information, and carefully select metrics. It also provides tips on choosing appropriate data visualizations like bar graphs, line graphs, and bullet graphs and maintaining dashboards through continuous improvement.

Data science-retreat-how it works plus advice for upcoming data scientists
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Data science-retreat-how it works plus advice for upcoming data scientists

The document describes a data science retreat program aimed at helping junior data scientists transition to senior roles. It discusses the challenges companies face in finding qualified data scientists and proposes that the retreat, which involves portfolio projects, mentoring, and pair programming, can help address this skills gap. Companies can sponsor candidates in the program, receiving discounts on their initial salaries if hired. The retreat director advocates this approach as a way for companies to develop strong relationships with candidates and assess their skills directly.

How to start your data career
How to start your data careerHow to start your data career
How to start your data career

This document provides guidance on how to become a competent data professional. It discusses the various types of data careers and skills required, including problem solving, statistics, programming, communication and business skills. It recommends taking online courses and finding a mentor, as well as gaining hands-on experience through competitions like Kaggle. With 5-6 years of consistent practice spending several hours per day learning, one can become competent in data skills. The document also addresses common questions for beginners and provides tips for progression in a data career.

data sciencecareer
Why Tableau?

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Seattle DAA - Data Visualization - Russell Spangler December 2019
Seattle DAA - Data Visualization - Russell Spangler December 2019 Seattle DAA - Data Visualization - Russell Spangler December 2019
Seattle DAA - Data Visualization - Russell Spangler December 2019

I presented at the Seattle DAA conference on Microsoft's conference. Presentation goes over principals and tips of data visualization and talks about inspiration on how to build awesome visuals!

How to Use Data for Product Success with Data Manager
How to Use Data for Product Success with Data ManagerHow to Use Data for Product Success with Data Manager
How to Use Data for Product Success with Data Manager

This document summarizes a talk given by Matthew Botta, Data Manager at The talk outlines six key takeaways for using data for product success: 1) Define goals upfront by asking questions; 2) Don't let perfect data prevent starting with good data; 3) Iterate frequently on data collection and analysis; 4) Too much data can be worse than no data; 5) Build a long-term, data-informed culture; 6) Collaborate closely with data analysts. ProductSchool offers part-time courses in product management, coding, data, digital marketing and blockchain in various cities worldwide and online.

Certifiably Tableau Presentation
Certifiably Tableau PresentationCertifiably Tableau Presentation
Certifiably Tableau Presentation

This document provides tips for getting certified in Tableau Desktop, including: 1) There are three levels of Tableau certification - Specialist, Certified Associate, and Certified Professional. Each level increases in difficulty and cost. 2) Earning certification demonstrates skills, boosts careers, and stands out from others. Tableau e-learning courses and practice exams are recommended study materials. 3) The Certified Professional exam is entirely hands-on and scenario-based, testing advanced skills like parameters, calculations, and storytelling. Thorough practice building visualizations is key to exam preparation.

tableaubig dataanalytics
• Data skills are in demand
• Tableau offers market leading software
• Industry-agnostic
• Easy to learn
• Free, open source version
• The Community!
Why Tableau?
Tips to Advance
your Career in
Analytics with
Tools Design
Credit: Will Chase @W_R_Chase
The Data
Data Viz
• Data collection methods
• Data wrangling
• Data structures
• Basic statistics
• Evaluate hypothesis’s & data storytelling
• Layout
• Fonts
• Colour
• UX
• BI tools – i.e. Tableau, Power BI, MS Excel
• Code – i.e. SQL, D3.js, ggplot2, Python
• Pen & paper
Credit: Will Chase @W_R_Chase

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Warming Up to Analytics
Warming Up to AnalyticsWarming Up to Analytics
Warming Up to Analytics

This document discusses how analytics tools are empowering more users to work directly with data. It emphasizes the importance of training, community support, transparency, and communication in helping users succeed with these tools. The ideal analyst is described as curious, passionate, collaborative, and a continuous learner who can communicate insights visually and orally across all levels of an organization.

analyticsbig datatableau
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This document summarizes the Digital Analytics Association (DAA). It discusses the DAA's mission to advance data use for understanding and improving the digital world. It outlines the DAA's activities including 15 local chapters, 4,000 members, webinars, conferences, certifications, job resources, and opportunities for volunteering. The document promotes joining the DAA to be part of the industry association, enhance one's company and career, and take advantage of member benefits.

Tableau Conference 2014 Presentation
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Tableau Conference 2014 Presentation

ModCloth uses Tableau to enable stakeholders across the company to access and analyze data independently. By training stakeholders in Tableau, the data team is able to focus on more complex analyses while stakeholders can answer questions with same-day data. Some challenges in training include different skill levels and goals amongst stakeholders. ModCloth addresses this through tailored trainings and office hours. Since implementing stakeholder training, the data team spends less time on routine tasks and more on modeling and products while stakeholders complete over 200 additional requests per quarter in Tableau.

Master the Basics
○ Utilise free training resources
◦ Python, R, SQL:,
○ Attend a formal training class
◦ At work, online (i.e Udemy) or via a user group
○ Learn data visualisation best practices
• Download the free Tableau Public app
• Choose learning projects that challenge you
• Choose a combination of small scale & larger

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Startupfest 2016: NOAH ILIINSKY (Amazon Web Services) - How to
Startupfest 2016: NOAH ILIINSKY (Amazon Web Services) - How to Startupfest 2016: NOAH ILIINSKY (Amazon Web Services) - How to
Startupfest 2016: NOAH ILIINSKY (Amazon Web Services) - How to

How To design effective visualizations (and other communications) - This talk discusses the broad design considerations necessary for effective visualizations (as well as other types of communication). Attendees will learn what’s required for a visualization to be successful, gain insight for critically evaluating visualizations they encounter, and come away with new ways to think about the visualization design process.

startupfestamazon web servicesnoah iliinsky
Open Projector Open Data Manchester Visualisation Meeting
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Open Projector Open Data Manchester Visualisation Meeting

This document discusses semi-automatic visual exploration of linked data. The research aims to support developers in exploring, evaluating, and understanding underlying data by allowing them to provide feedback during data processing in a semi-automatic fashion. Key questions include how to map data characteristics to appropriate visualizations and understand user tasks to select visualizations. The research seeks community input on improving understanding and exploration of linked data.

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Career in Data Using Tableau
Career in Data Using TableauCareer in Data Using Tableau
Career in Data Using Tableau

Jen Vaughan will walk you through readying yourself to apply for jobs using Tableau. From what to look for in a candidate, resume and how to gain a competitive edge.

Ask the Right
(of your data)
Know the
to Ask
Is your data source trustworthy?
Is my data complete?
Can this data actually help me answer my
question or do I need additional data?
Understand the limits of your data
○ How Charts Lie by Alberto Cairo
○ Avoiding Data Pitfalls by Ben Jones
Study Design

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This document provides an overview of social media marketing and best practices for various social media platforms. It discusses getting started with social media and outlines popular platforms like Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook. It also covers creating a social media strategy, using management tools, posting frequencies, hashtags, live streaming, measuring results, and using Facebook ads. The document aims to equip marketers with tips for effectively using major social platforms to meet business goals.

4 pillars of visualization & communication by Noah Iliinsky
4 pillars of visualization & communication by Noah Iliinsky4 pillars of visualization & communication by Noah Iliinsky
4 pillars of visualization & communication by Noah Iliinsky

A version of my standard "how to do visualization" talk from summer 2016. This version points out that the same process works for most modes of communication as well.

Tableau Conference Recap 2021 - Atlanta TUG - Dec 2021
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Tableau Conference Recap 2021 - Atlanta TUG - Dec 2021

This document provides a recap of the Tableau Conference including new product features, highlights from the Iron Viz competition, and recommendations for must-see sessions. Key points include: - New features like visualization extensions, dynamic dashboard layouts, and an optimized view data experience will enhance the core analytics experience. - Lisa Trescott won the Iron Viz competition with her entry focusing on breakthrough artists. - Recommended sessions provide Tableau tips and tricks, advice on community involvement, inclusive design best practices, and ensuring dashboards meet audience needs.

Traditional design teachings (i.e. web or graphic design)
do not always apply to data viz
○ The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman
○ Practical Typography by Matthew Butternick
○ The Big Book of Dashboards by Steve Wexler,
Jeffery Shaffer and Andy Cotgreave
○ Storytelling with Data by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
○ Reflections in Design blog by Sam Parsons
Publish your
○ Publish your work to Tableau Public
○ Share on social media – Twitter / LinkedIn /
Instagram / Pinterest
○ Seek feedback & iterate - #MMVizReview
○ Show progression
○ Create a visual CV

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Lessons from Iron Quest (to help you prepare for Iron Viz)
Lessons from Iron Quest (to help you prepare for Iron Viz)Lessons from Iron Quest (to help you prepare for Iron Viz)
Lessons from Iron Quest (to help you prepare for Iron Viz)

Sarah discusses her experience competing in Iron Viz and shares lessons learned from running the Iron Quest data visualization challenge. Some key lessons include: viz what you love to stay motivated; build your own datasets to have more control; understand your objective or "why" for the viz; provide context to help readers understand; and remember that competing in Iron Viz is about learning and challenging yourself rather than winning or losing. The goal of Iron Quest is to provide a safe space to practice visualization skills and get feedback in preparation for competitions like Iron Viz.

tableauiron viziron quest
Iron Quest - Denmark TUG
Iron Quest - Denmark TUGIron Quest - Denmark TUG
Iron Quest - Denmark TUG

Sarah Bartlett is a Tableau consultant who created Iron Quest to help people practice for the annual Iron Viz data visualization competition. Iron Quest provides topics and data for participants to build visualizations and receive feedback to improve. Over 300 entries have been submitted across 10 challenges since Iron Quest launched in 2019. The challenges help prepare participants for Iron Viz qualifiers by focusing on the scoring criteria and providing a safe space for learning. Participant testimonials show how Iron Quest has helped boost their confidence and skills for competing in Iron Viz. Upcoming Iron Quest challenges will focus on mobile design and mythological themes.

tableauiron viziron quest
Iron Quest - Piedmont Triad TUG - August 2020
Iron Quest - Piedmont Triad TUG - August 2020Iron Quest - Piedmont Triad TUG - August 2020
Iron Quest - Piedmont Triad TUG - August 2020

- Sarah Bartlett gave a presentation about Iron Quest, a data visualization contest she created to help people practice and get feedback before competing in the annual Iron Viz competition. - Iron Quest provides participants with topics and data to build visualizations over 10 challenges. Participants receive feedback to help them improve and potentially enter Iron Viz feeder competitions. - Since launching in 2019, Iron Quest has had 297 entries from 173 participants across 18 countries. It aims to create a safe space for people to develop their skills and gain experience with data visualization.

iron questiron viztableau
Engage with the
with the
• Join a user group (TUG) -
• Follow others on Tableau Public
• Join Twitter & follow data people - #datafam
• Join the Data Visualisation Society
• Find a mentor -
• SWD Community – Practice, give/receive feedback

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Iron Quest - To Iron Viz & Beyond - Norway TUG
Iron Quest - To Iron Viz & Beyond - Norway TUGIron Quest - To Iron Viz & Beyond - Norway TUG
Iron Quest - To Iron Viz & Beyond - Norway TUG

The document summarizes Iron Quest, a community project started by Sarah Bartlett to help Tableau users practice and improve their data visualization skills. It provides a safe space for participants to work on visualization challenges on diverse topics and receive feedback to help them learn and grow. Since its launch in 2019, Iron Quest has included 9 challenges with 276 entries submitted. Participation has helped some users gain confidence and experience to enter official Iron Viz competitions.

tableauiron vizdata analytics
Tableau User Group Leadership Tips & Tricks
Tableau User Group Leadership Tips & Tricks Tableau User Group Leadership Tips & Tricks
Tableau User Group Leadership Tips & Tricks

This document provides tips for leading a Tableau User Group (TUG), including planning events, sourcing speakers, session ideas, promoting consistency, diversity and inclusion, using the Splash platform, conducting annual surveys, and publicizing events on Twitter and LinkedIn. The key recommendations are to plan ahead, source a diverse range of speakers, keep sessions varied, maintain consistent processes, promote diversity and inclusion, utilize Splash features, gather feedback through annual surveys, and publicize events on social media.

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Tableau Community Europe Highlights 2019
Tableau Community Europe Highlights 2019Tableau Community Europe Highlights 2019
Tableau Community Europe Highlights 2019

The document summarizes Tableau community highlights from 2019, including growth in the number of Tableau conferences, user groups, and community members. Key events discussed are Iron Viz Europe and Global competitions, the Tableau Conference Europe, and the launch of new user groups and community projects. New community ambassadors and leaders are recognized for their contributions to sharing knowledge and driving engagement across the Tableau community.

Get Certified
• Prove your Tableau (& data viz) skills
• Boost your CV
• Stand out from the crowd
• Test your knowledge – fill in the gaps
• Earn badges & swag!
• 1 HOUR
• COSTS $250
• COSTS $600
Tableau Certification Paths

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Iron Quest - To Iron Viz & Beyond
Iron Quest - To Iron Viz & BeyondIron Quest - To Iron Viz & Beyond
Iron Quest - To Iron Viz & Beyond

This document describes Iron Quest, a community project created by Sarah Bartlett to help Tableau visualization builders practice and improve their skills. Iron Quest involves participants building visualizations based on provided topics and data sources, then receiving feedback on their work to help them advance for Tableau competitions like Iron Viz. The initiative has seen success with over 100 submissions across 5 challenges so far from 88 participants. Testimonials from participants highlight how Iron Quest provides a safe space for practice and feedback to help people strengthen their skills and find confidence to compete in events like Iron Viz.

Why You Should Enter Iron Viz
Why You Should Enter Iron Viz Why You Should Enter Iron Viz
Why You Should Enter Iron Viz

This document encourages the reader to enter the Iron Quest competition by improving their Tableau skills through designing visualizations, challenging themselves, joining the online conversation, and sharing their work, which could get them noticed through the online gallery and get their work featured. It notes that past Iron Quest competitions saw over 70 entries from unique participants and resulted in several visualizations being recognized as "Viz of the Day" by Tableau, showing it is an opportunity to showcase skills and get exposure.

Why YOU Should Enter Iron Viz
Why YOU Should Enter Iron Viz Why YOU Should Enter Iron Viz
Why YOU Should Enter Iron Viz

You should enter the European Cities viz competition to improve your skills, inspire others, and challenge yourself by joining the conversation and getting noticed. The competition, called #IronQuest, will help you showcase your talents to potential employers.

#tableau#ironvizdata visualisation
• Viz Wiz – Over 1,000 Tableau blog posts by Andy
Kriebel -
• Playfair Data – Tableau Tutorials by Ryan Sleeper
• Flerlage Twins –Tableau tutorials & templates to
help you shape your data for more advanced chart
types -
• Data Revelations –Tutorials and Best Practices,
including advice for working with survey data -
• Tableau Tim – Tableau Training Videos covering
new features & tips -
Teach Others
○ Start a blog or video channel
○ Mentor someone
○ Present at TUG’s & Meetups
○ Answer questions on the Forums
○ Tableau Doctor / Lunch & Learns
Let’s Recap!

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Support en anglais diffusé lors de l'événement 100% IA organisé dans les locaux parisiens d'Iguane Solutions, le mardi 2 juillet 2024 : - Présentation de notre plateforme IA plug and play : ses fonctionnalités avancées, telles que son interface utilisateur intuitive, son copilot puissant et des outils de monitoring performants. - REX client : Cyril Janssens, CTO d’ easybourse, partage son expérience d’utilisation de notre plateforme IA plug & play.

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In the modern digital era, social media platforms have become integral to our daily lives. These platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Snapchat, offer countless ways to connect, share, and communicate.

social media hackerfacebook hackerhire a instagram hacker
Master the
Build strong
Refine your skills &
choose projects that
challenge you
Publish your
Share your work & seek
Engage with the
Engage with others &
build your network
Get Certified
Prove your skills
Teach Others
Share your knowledge
and give back
Ask the Right
Know the questions to
ask of your data
Study Design
Layout, typography,
Twitter | @sarahlovesdata
Blog |
Email |
Public |!/
Presentation template by SlidesCarnival

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Iron Quest - To Iron Viz & Beyond
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Why YOU Should Enter Iron Viz
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Become a Better Data Analyst with Tableau - Charlotte TUG

  • 1. Skills for Success Tips to Help you Become a Better Analyst with Tableau Sarah Bartlett Charlotte TUG | June 2020
  • 2. Sarah Bartlett Consultant @ Slalom Tableau Zen Master Tableau Social Ambassador Co-leader of London TUG @sarahlovesdata | 2
  • 3. My Professional Background • 12+ years working in analytics • Tableau user for 6 years • 3 years consulting experience • Tableau Certified Associate – 2018 • Tableau Certified Professional – 2019 • Founded #IronQuest - 2019 3
  • 4. 4
  • 6. 6
  • 7. 7
  • 8. 8
  • 13. • Data skills are in demand • Tableau offers market leading software • Industry-agnostic • Easy to learn • Free, open source version • The Community! Why Tableau?
  • 14. Tips to Advance your Career in Analytics with Tableau 14
  • 15. Data Tools Design Credit: Will Chase @W_R_Chase The Data Visualisation Skills Triangle
  • 16. Data Viz Triangle 16 Data • Data collection methods • Data wrangling • Data structures • Basic statistics • Evaluate hypothesis’s & data storytelling Design • Layout • Fonts • Colour • UX Tools • BI tools – i.e. Tableau, Power BI, MS Excel • Code – i.e. SQL, D3.js, ggplot2, Python • Pen & paper Credit: Will Chase @W_R_Chase
  • 18. Master The Basics ○ Utilise free training resources ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Python, R, SQL:, ○ Attend a formal training class ◦ At work, online (i.e Udemy) or via a user group ○ Learn data visualisation best practices ◦
  • 20. Practice Regularly • Download the free Tableau Public app • Choose learning projects that challenge you • Choose a combination of small scale & larger projects
  • 21. 21
  • 23. Know the Questions to Ask Is your data source trustworthy? Is my data complete? Can this data actually help me answer my question or do I need additional data? Understand the limits of your data ○ How Charts Lie by Alberto Cairo ○ Avoiding Data Pitfalls by Ben Jones
  • 25. Study Design Fundamentals Traditional design teachings (i.e. web or graphic design) do not always apply to data viz ○ The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman ○ Practical Typography by Matthew Butternick ○ The Big Book of Dashboards by Steve Wexler, Jeffery Shaffer and Andy Cotgreave ○ Storytelling with Data by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic ○ Reflections in Design blog by Sam Parsons
  • 27. Publish your Work ○ Publish your work to Tableau Public ○ Share on social media – Twitter / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest ○ Seek feedback & iterate - #MMVizReview ○ Show progression ○ Create a visual CV
  • 28. 28
  • 29. 29
  • 31. Engage with the Community • Join a user group (TUG) - • Follow others on Tableau Public • Join Twitter & follow data people - #datafam • Join the Data Visualisation Society • Find a mentor - • SWD Community – Practice, give/receive feedback
  • 32. 32
  • 34. Get Certified • Prove your Tableau (& data viz) skills • Boost your CV • Stand out from the crowd • Test your knowledge – fill in the gaps • Earn badges & swag!
  • 37. Community Resources • Viz Wiz – Over 1,000 Tableau blog posts by Andy Kriebel - • Playfair Data – Tableau Tutorials by Ryan Sleeper - • Flerlage Twins –Tableau tutorials & templates to help you shape your data for more advanced chart types - • Data Revelations –Tutorials and Best Practices, including advice for working with survey data - • Tableau Tim – Tableau Training Videos covering new features & tips -
  • 39. Teach Others ○ Start a blog or video channel ○ Mentor someone ○ Present at TUG’s & Meetups ○ Answer questions on the Forums ○ Tableau Doctor / Lunch & Learns
  • 41. 41 Master the Basics Build strong foundations Practice Regularly Refine your skills & choose projects that challenge you Publish your Work Share your work & seek feedback Engage with the Community Engage with others & build your network Get Certified Prove your skills Teach Others Share your knowledge and give back Ask the Right Questions Know the questions to ask of your data Study Design Fundamentals Layout, typography, colour Leverage Community Resources
  • 42. 42 Thanks! Twitter | @sarahlovesdata Blog | Email | Public |!/ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival

Editor's Notes

  1. The skills required for data viz
  3. This includes your initial question, i.e. hypothesis but also the questions to ask of your data
  4. Source: Maria Brock