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BBC Olympics
An accessibility case study

 Al Duggin and Henny Swan
         CSUN 2013
BBC Olympics Introduction

     >   About the Project
     >   Accessibility at the BBC
     >   Challenges
     >   Desktop and Tablet
     >   Video
     >   Mobile
     >   Lessons Learnt
About the Project
BBC Olympics About the Project

                    The first truly digital Olympics.
                                      Never miss a moment

The most ambitious and comprehensive BBC digital project to date
Live and catch-up video at the heart of the BBC’s online coverage
24 high definition live streams
2500 hours of video coverage
Delivered to mobile, tablet, PC, and Connected TV
The first truly digital Olympics where the public would be able to never miss a moment

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HTML5/CSS3 and Future Web in Mobile and IPTV
HTML5/CSS3 and Future Web in Mobile and IPTVHTML5/CSS3 and Future Web in Mobile and IPTV
HTML5/CSS3 and Future Web in Mobile and IPTV

This document discusses the future of web development with HTML5, CSS3, and new JavaScript APIs. It provides an overview of the history and purpose of HTML5, new elements and forms in HTML5, and new capabilities in CSS3 like transforms, animations, and web fonts. It also covers new technologies like canvas, video, and SVG. The document argues that the web is becoming a platform for independent, standalone applications on both desktop and mobile devices. It presents examples of how the web is expanding into markets like TVs, smartphones, consumer electronics, and more.

Word camp nextweb
Word camp nextwebWord camp nextweb
Word camp nextweb

This document provides an introduction to HTML5. It describes HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that is over 1100 pages and is not yet complete, as it continues to evolve. It adds new elements like canvas, video, audio, and inline SVG, and changes or removes some older elements and attributes. The document outlines the status and roadmap for the HTML5 specification. It also provides examples and demonstrations of new HTML5 features like video, audio, canvas, and geolocation.

Word camp nextweb
Word camp nextwebWord camp nextweb
Word camp nextweb

This document provides an introduction to HTML5. It describes HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that is over 1100 pages and is not yet complete, as it continues to evolve. It adds new elements like canvas, video, audio, and inline SVG, and changes or removes some older elements and attributes. The document outlines the status and roadmap for the HTML5 specification. It also provides examples and demonstrations of new HTML5 features like video, audio, canvas, and geolocation.

Our aspiration was that just as the Coronation did for TV in
1953, the Olympics would do for digital in 2012
Phil Fearnley, General Manager, News & Knowledge at BBC
BBC Olympics About the Project

     Built around the sports domain

                              Athlete        Country
                             Usain Bolt      Jamaica

                               Event          Venue
                             Men’s 100m   Olympic Stadium


Interconnected nodes
Athlete - e.g Usain Bolt
Country - e.g Jamaica
Sport - e.g Athletics
Event - e.g Men’s 100m
Venue - Olympic Stadium
BBC Olympics About the Project

A page per domain item
     >   10, 000 Athlete
     >   205 Countries
     >   36 Sports
     >   304 Medal Winning Events
     >   30 Venues

... all interconnected
Page composed of components, including:
Facts and Figures

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Ari Nahmani covers the latest in advanced technical SEO at SMX Munich (Muenchen) 2016. Discussions of the deprecated HTML snapshot, Javascript crawlability and indexing, new frameworks, prerendering, server side rendering,, isomorphic javascript, and other technical issues related to the future of protecting your index health.

pushstatehtml snapshotsmx
WHAT IS HTML5?(20100510)
WHAT IS HTML5?(20100510)WHAT IS HTML5?(20100510)
WHAT IS HTML5?(20100510)

This document discusses HTML5 and provides an overview of its features. It introduces Shumpei Shiraishi and their work related to HTML5 and Google APIs. It then explains that HTML5 is about more than just HTML, it also includes APIs that allow richer interactions. Some of the key features covered include semantics and accessibility, rich internet applications, 2D and 3D graphics, video and audio, offline web applications, and more. Resources for the Japanese HTML5 community are also listed.

VizEx View HTML5 workshop 2017
VizEx View HTML5 workshop 2017VizEx View HTML5 workshop 2017
VizEx View HTML5 workshop 2017

VizEx View HTML5 is the first CGM viewer on the market that does not require a plug-in technology. There are many benefits associated with the technology from an IT and end-user perspective. We will provide an overview of the benefits during the event.

cgm viewertechnical illustrationstechnical graphics
BBC Olympics About the Project

     Lots of other components

Make the experience as rich, engaging and interactive as possible.

Top trump style comparison components for countries athletes
Twitter modules
Components to promote live video streams
Carousel of to promote athletes and results
Each page type had an index page.
Athletes - and the ability to filter by sport, event

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HTML5 Bootcamp: Essential HTML, CSS, & JavaScript
HTML5 Bootcamp: Essential HTML, CSS, & JavaScriptHTML5 Bootcamp: Essential HTML, CSS, & JavaScript
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HTML5 and CSS3 have arrived and they are redefining rich, standards-based web development. Features previously the exclusive domain of browser plug-ins can now be added to web applications as easily as images. Understanding the new power that these standards define, as well as the rapidly increasing power and speed of JavaScript in modern browsers and devices is essential. These slides accompany a full-day workshop, where attendees are guided through the new features in HTML5 and CSS3, with special attention to how these technologies can be used today in new and old browsers.

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The document discusses HTML5 and provides an overview of its key elements and features. It begins with a definition of HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that adds new elements like canvas, video and audio. It then provides summaries of important HTML5 elements and features like video, audio, canvas, SVG, CSS3, DOM scripting, geolocation and more. The document concludes by discussing resources for learning more about HTML5 and considerations around using HTML5 versus apps or other technologies on mobile.

beauty of the webcss 3.0html5

HTML5 introduces several new features including new semantic elements, support for embedded video and audio, canvas element for 2D/3D graphics, offline web applications, and drag and drop. It also removes some older HTML elements. HTML5 is still a work in progress but is supported by all major browsers. It aims to make web pages more compatible with new technologies and reduce the need for browser plug-ins.

html5 new elements
An event index for each
2 versions of a fully comprehensive schedule - a grid and a list view - providing alternative ways to get to the schedule information
that you wanted.

The schedule grid view provided an easily scannable visual interface
The schedule list view provided a more accessible text interface

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Enhancing SharePoint with Responsive Web Design
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Enhancing SharePoint with Responsive Web Design

This document discusses responsive web design (RWD) and how to apply it to SharePoint sites. It covers the fundamentals of RWD including fluid grids, flexible media, and CSS media queries. It emphasizes planning and designing for different devices from the start. Converting HTML prototypes to SharePoint involves creating master pages and page layouts. SharePoint 2013 features like device channels can further tailor the experience for different devices. The presenter provides resources for responsive frameworks that work with SharePoint and tips for developing responsive SharePoint sites.

IRJET- HTML5 in Web Development: A New Approach
IRJET- HTML5 in Web Development: A New ApproachIRJET- HTML5 in Web Development: A New Approach
IRJET- HTML5 in Web Development: A New Approach

1. The document discusses the features and capabilities of HTML5, the latest standard for web development. 2. Key features of HTML5 include improved support for audio and video playback, offline web applications, drag and drop functionality, 2D/3D graphics using canvas elements, geolocation, and local storage options. 3. HTML5 aims to provide these new features without requiring additional plugins, and allows rich content to be developed and supported across different platforms and devices in a cross-browser compatible way.

Curtin University Frontend Web Development
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This document provides an introduction and overview of frontend web development. It begins with the author's background and experience in web development. It then includes a table of contents listing topics to be covered such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, and why someone would want to become a web developer. The document proceeds to define frontend web development and provide a brief history of its development from Tim Berners-Lee's initial work creating HTML and the first web browser in the 1980s to the modernization and standardization of HTML5. It covers technical skills used in frontend development and provides examples of using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to manipulate web page content and layout. In closing, it discusses the prospects and flexibility of working as

The schedule allowed users to dig in and browse by sport
or by day
We also had Interactive medal tables.
That allowed users to browser medals by country
medal by

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From the 2011 ACE/NETC Conference in Denver, CO This presentation focuses on utilizing technologies such as jQuery, CSS, Ajax/Spry, Wordpress, and other tools to extend the capabilities of the Adobe web publishing system. The Adobe web publishing system is primarily composed of Dreamweaver, Contribute, and the Contribute Publishing Server. Dreamweaver is used by web designers and developers to create websites. Contribute is used by the non-technical subject matter experts to edit the content of the websites through a simple graphic user interface similar to Microsoft Word. The Contribute Publishing Server controls the file permissions and other administrative settings of the websites. These programs also integrate with other Adobe products including Flash/Flex, Acrobat, InDesign, Photoshop, and other familiar programs. Technologies, such as the ones that will be discussed, are extremely useful in constructing interactive site navigation, in tailoring mobile sites, or in utilizing blogs and RSS integration. However, there are simple strategies to allow for easy editing of the content of the sites through Contribute without interfering with the scripting these utilize. The presenters will endeavor to give a general overview of some of the tools and technologies involved, as well as showcase a few examples of specific tricks that web designers and developers should find very useful.

HTML5: An Overview
HTML5: An OverviewHTML5: An Overview
HTML5: An Overview

Slides from an HTML5 overview session I presented at work... This presentation has an accompanying sample webapp project:

Responsive web designing course in Chandigarh
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Responsive web designing course in Chandigarh

Responsive Web Designing Course in Chandigarh.We at Big Boxx Academy Chandigarh providing 100% job oreinted courses in HTML5,CSS3,Bootstrap.

responsive web designing coursesweb designing courses
And medals by
These pages were dynamically updated in real time
using data from the Olympics Broadcasting Service.
Other features included the interactive video player to watch live and on-demand video
A results section, providing by a 3rd Party, that contained details of every heat of every event.

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Presentation about html5 css3
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This presentation about HTML5 and CSS3 presents with example and described valid points with simple example code and live preview.

HTML5: A brave new world of markup
HTML5: A brave new world of markupHTML5: A brave new world of markup
HTML5: A brave new world of markup

The document provides an overview of HTML5, including: - A brief history of HTML and the development of HTML5. - An explanation of new HTML5 semantic elements like <header>, <nav>, <article>, <section>, and <footer> and how they improve the structure and readability of pages. - A discussion of new HTML5 form controls, validation, and output mechanisms like <progress>, <meter>, and <output>. - Introductions to new canvas scripting capabilities and native <video> and <audio> elements in HTML5.

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Euro Cup 2024 fans worldwide can book Euro Cup Tickets from our online platform Fans can book Euro Cup Germany Tickets on our website at discounted prices.

And of course the sport news sections with content created by journalists.

This was an existing part of the website that we just added branding to.

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Live event commentary
Lots of this was also available on mobile
And all video and medals were available on connected TV
Tens of thousands of pages ...

possibly hundreds....

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Paris 2024 fans worldwide can book Olympic Football Tickets from our online platforms e-ticketing. co. Fans can book Olympic Tickets on our website at discounted prices. Experience the thrill of the Games in Paris and support your favourite athletes as they compete for glory.

BBC Olympics About the Project

     Usage and Stats
              >   37 million UK browsers
              >   66% UK online adult population
              >   57m global browses
              >   111m video requests across all platforms

              >   9.2 million mobile browsers
              >   1.9m downloads of our Olympics smartphone app
              >   12m requests for video from mobile devices
              >   34% of all daily browsing by mobile

We knew the website was going to be popular - but I don’t think anyone imagined it would be quite the success it was.
Accessibility at the BBC
BBC Olympics Accessibility

Accessibility at the BBC
     > BBC Trust and Charter
     > Lead by example
     > License fee
BBC Olympics Accessibility

     The BBC is paid for by everyone and
     therefore must be accessible to everyone
     otherwise the BBC is not the BBC.
     Micheal Grade, Director General BBC,

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All india badminton ranking under 15 (2024)
All india badminton ranking under 15 (2024)All india badminton ranking under 15 (2024)
All india badminton ranking under 15 (2024)

All India Badminton Ranking: Fueling Young Talent (Under-15 Focus) The badminton landscape in India is brimming with young talent, and the Sub-Junior Under-15 ranking system plays a crucial role in identifying and nurturing future stars. This ranking system, overseen by the Badminton Association of India (BAI), provides a platform for young players to compete, improve their skills, and climb the national ladder. Understanding the Rankings: The BAI publishes the Under-15 rankings for both Boys' Singles and Girls' Singles categories. These rankings are updated periodically based on the players' performance in sanctioned tournaments across India. Points are awarded based on a player's performance in each tournament, with higher points awarded for better finishes. Benefits of the Ranking System: Motivation & Competition: The rankings provide young players with a clear goal to strive for, motivating them to train harder and improve their game. Tournament Selection: Players with higher rankings are eligible to participate in prestigious national tournaments, offering them valuable experience against top competition. Scholarship Opportunities: High rankings can open doors for scholarships and sponsorships, aiding young players in their badminton journey. National Recognition: Achieving top rankings brings national recognition and attracts attention from coaches and badminton academies, potentially leading to further development opportunities. Challenges and Considerations: Travel & Expenses: Participating in tournaments across India can be expensive for players and their families, creating an uneven playing field for those with limited resources. Pressure & Expectations: The pressure to perform well in tournaments can be immense for young athletes, requiring proper mental training and support systems. Balanced Development: Overemphasis on rankings can overshadow the importance of holistic development, including technical skills, fitness, and sportsmanship. Looking Ahead: Fostering a Bright Future The Under-15 ranking system is a valuable tool for identifying and nurturing young badminton talents in India. However, it's crucial to recognize the importance of a balanced approach. Here's what stakeholders can do: Supporting Infrastructure: Increased financial and logistical support can help young players from all backgrounds participate in tournaments. Mental Conditioning Programs: Integrating mental training programs can equip young athletes to handle pressure and excel under competition conditions. Focus on Skill Development: Training programs should ensure young players develop a strong foundation of technical skills and physical fitness before concentrating solely on rankings. By addressing these challenges and promoting a holistic development approach, the Under-15 ranking system can continue to be a driving force in propelling India's badminton future.

badminton indiabadminton ranking india pen_sbadminton sub-junior ranking
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Euro 2024 fans worldwide can book Euro Cup Tickets from our online platform Fans can book Euro Cup Germany Tickets on our website at discounted prices.

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Presentation with about Sports Psychology

BBC Olympics Challenges

Accessibility consultant challenges ...
     >   Size - web, mobile, video
     >   Standards and guidelines
     >   Training
     >   Ownership and responsibility
BBC Olympics Challenges

     Developer challenges ...
              >    Size of project
              >    Immovable deadline
              >    17 day event
              >    Huge audience
              >    High Profile
              >    Real-time data
              >    Up front design
              >    Lots of javascript
              >    Multiple teams

Huge amount of effort going into to making it available on many platforms.

On the desktop we wanted to make sure it was accessible to all - irrespective of people’s device or ability. First project I’ve worked
on where this was made a clear priority right from the very top. Easier said than done.
Desktop and Tablet

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Euro Cup 2024 fans worldwide can book Euro Cup Tickets from our online platform Fans can book Euro Cup Germany Tickets on our website at discounted prices.

Cinom Presentations : Light Colors Themes
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Cinom Presentations : Light Colors Themes

Yoga Presentation Template If you want to buy this presentation template, please visit Creating a presentation from scratch can be quite labour-intensive. Starting with a presentation template from Punkl is beneficial. It saves time, provides good visual design and means that you can primarily spend your time and attention on the content of your presentation. Punkl Presentation Templates save you time, as they're a whole lot quicker than trying to design a deck from scratch. Also, starting with a template means that you can primarily spend your time and attention on the content of your presentation, while the visual style is already designed to be engaging. Typically, the only elements that are changed while working with a presentation template are colors, typography, copy and any visual assets such as photos for example.

BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

     The Development approach
              >    Accessibile from the start
              >    Speak to specialists early
              >    Training - screen readers, WAI-ARIA
              >    Research best practices
              >    Set up a support network
              >    Front-end developers create UI before integration
              >    Brainstorm multiple solutions / Prototype / Iterate
              >    Feedback issues early
              >    Agile build and test
              >    Component library
              >    Progressive Enhancement
Screen reader training with AbilityNet
Aria, javascript and HTML5 training with The Paciello Group - based around upcoming components
Support forum for a month - to answer questions

Work with milestones: test early, test often
One of the first things we did when was analyse the designs looking for common styles and patterns that could be abstracted out
into reusable code.

This helps you build things faster.

Also helps a consistency of implementation which is better for users
The other thing we did was build each component in such a way that it could be dropped into any page.
Much quicker to build a site from reusable components. Having a library also promotes reuse and consistency of implementation.

This started as just a static library (HTML and CSS) - but evolved into components that used mock data. This meant we could get
components to load different variation of expected data so we could confirm that they worked for all expected scenarios.

This helped hugely with testing. Could point testers to a page and get them to confirm that they worked as expected. Also meant
that we could ask Henny to test things as soon as they were built - rather than having to wait for the components to appear on web
pages that were being driven by test data.
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

Page Templates
     >   HTML5 doctype
     >   Lang attribute
     >   Skips links
     >   Unique title
     >   Unique h1
     >   WAI-ARIA landmark roles

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The Journey of Psaroudakis Footballer in UK
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The Journey of Psaroudakis Footballer in UK

Psaroudakis early years were marked by a deep passion for football. From the moment he could walk, he had a ball at his feet. His family quickly recognized his potential and provided unwavering support, fostering an environment where Psaroudakis could thrive. His parents invested time and resources into his training, ensuring he had access to the best coaching and facilities available. This early support was crucial in laying the foundation for his future success. As Psaroudakis grew, so did his skills and ambition. He spent countless hours honing his craft, often staying on the pitch long after his peers had gone home. His dedication to improving his game was evident in every aspect of his play, from his exceptional ball control to his keen understanding of tactics. This relentless pursuit of perfection set Psaroudakis apart from other young players in his region. Psaroudakis began to make a name for himself in local leagues, where his performances quickly caught the eye of scouts and coaches. His ability to read the game, combined with his physical prowess, made him a formidable presence on the field. It wasn’t long before Psaroudakis attracted attention beyond his local community. His reputation as a prodigious talent spread, and soon, top football academies in Greece were vying for his signature. Joining a top-tier academy was a turning point in Psaroudakis career. Here, he was exposed to high-level coaching, advanced training techniques, and competitive matches that further honed his abilities. The academy provided a platform for Psaroudakis to showcase his talent on a larger stage. He quickly became a standout player, known for his versatility, vision, and goal-scoring ability. His performances were consistently impressive, earning him accolades and the admiration of his peers and coaches alike. The next significant step in Psaroudakis journey was his move to the UK. This transition was both a challenge and an opportunity. The UK, with its rich footballing history and fiercely competitive leagues, represented a new frontier for Psaroudakis. Adapting to a new culture, style of play, and higher level of competition required resilience and adaptability. However, Psaroudakis embraced this challenge with characteristic determination. Upon arriving in the UK, Psaroudakis quickly made an impact. His debut was nothing short of spectacular, as he showcased his technical skills, tactical awareness, and physical strength. His ability to seamlessly integrate into his new team and adapt to the fast-paced, physical nature of UK football was remarkable. Psaroudakis performances began to draw attention, and he soon became a fan favorite. One of the highlights of Psaroudakis journey in the UK was his first goal in a major league match. This moment solidified his reputation as a rising star. The goal, characterized by its precision and power, was a testament to Psaroudakis skill and composure under pressure. It was a defining moment that showcase

BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

      Open standards and                                                                                     Content

      Progressive Enhancement                                                                          HTML & WAI-ARIA


                                                                                                       JavaScript & HTML

                                                                                                       CSS for Javascript

                                                                                                    WAI-ARIA for Javascript

Progressive enhancement uses web technologies in a layered fashion that allows everyone to access the basic content and functionality of a web
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

  >   Add content in logical order
  >   Alt text for images that need it          Content

  >   Captions for tables                  HTML & WAI-ARIA

  >   Full text for abbreviations                 CSS
  >   Inline img or bg css
                                           JavaScript & HTML

                                           CSS for Javascript

                                         WAI-ARIA for Javascript
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

         >    Add hierarchical heading structure
              Use most appropriate elements
         >    Use HTML5 elements with care                     HTML & WAI-ARIA

         >    Don’t duplicate links                                   CSS
         >    Alt text but don’t duplicate
                                                               JavaScript & HTML
         >    Links make sense out of context
         >    Code tables correctly                            CSS for Javascript

         >    Code forms correctly                           WAI-ARIA for Javascript
         >    ARIA roles & attributes where useful
         >    If visual state make sure it’s also read out
         >    Validate
Semantically structured
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

         >    Take care with display:none
              Focus aswell as hover - no outline:0
         >    Font size +2                             HTML & WAI-ARIA

         >    Don’t use !important                            CSS
         >    Implement non-js layout
                                                       JavaScript & HTML
         >    Check for colour contrast
         >    Check with images off                    CSS for Javascript

                                                     WAI-ARIA for Javascript

Take care to not implement barriers with CSS

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PICKS AND PREDICTIONS: BIG 12 2024 COLLEGE FOOTBALL ODDS, FAVORITES, LONG SHOTS Trivia question: Which college football conference do the Utah Utes belong to? They are currently slight favorites to win the Big 12 conference, overtaking Kansas State according to Bovada. The Utes, with odds at +310, will welcome back star QB Cam Rising, who missed the entire 2023 season due to injury. Kansas State boasts strength in skilled positions but is introducing three new starters on the offensive line. Surprisingly, Oklahoma State stands as the best long shot at +650, despite bringing back 20 starters from a team that reached the title game last season. Sharps in the betting world have quickly recognized this, raising the Pokes to the third favorite spot after initially being ranked a surprisingly low eighth. Joe Duffy’s Picks, a renowned name in the industry, promises an even better performance this year. Expect the finest selections from top handicappers and leading computer predictions from MasterLockLine to be seamlessly combined with the Grandmaster’s winning choices at

college football oddsbig 12 2024college football big 12 odds
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

  >   Feature detection
      Valid JS generated HTML
  >   Update state labels - open/close       HTML & WAI-ARIA

  >   Hijax - http before ajax                      CSS
  >   Update screenreader virtual buffer
                                             JavaScript & HTML
  >   Keyboard access to all conent
  >   No keyboard traps                      CSS for Javascript

                                           WAI-ARIA for Javascript
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

CSS for Javascript
  > Contextual CSS       body=”js”
  > Prevent flicker as js loads
                                       HTML & WAI-ARIA


                                       JavaScript & HTML

                                       CSS for Javascript

                                     WAI-ARIA for Javascript
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

     WAI-ARIA for Javascript
         >    Keep users informed
              Manage focus
         >    Implement keyboard controls                                         HTML & WAI-ARIA

         >    Provide hidden instructions                                                CSS
         >    Use WAI-ARIA attributes where
                                                                                  JavaScript & HTML
                                                                                  CSS for Javascript

                                                                                WAI-ARIA for Javascript

Keep users informed - loading, new content

Treat aria as an enhancement - not widespread support or familiarity by users
Sometimes not possible to have a non-js version
- schedule module
- favourites tray

That’s fine - you need to be pragmatic!

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Paris 2024 fans worldwide can book Olympic Football Tickets from our online platforms e-ticketing. co. Fans can book Olympic Tickets on our website at discounted prices. Experience the thrill of the Games in Paris and support your favourite athletes as they compete for glory.

Interactive Medal Tables
* Built to work without javascript.
   * deliver something quickly.
   * real pages that you can bookmark and email
   * if there is an error it will still work
* Logical Content order - go to any page without javascript and the content is in logical order.
* Most appropriate markup - th for countries, caption and summary
* Identify which content is selected in content layer as well as visual layer.
* Alt for medal images
* Visible active state for keyboard users
* Keyboard short cuts
* Inform users that content is loading
* Users taken to loaded content
* Use Browser API so back button still works
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

Issues we fixed...
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

     Fixed: Colour contrast

Problem - Design/CSS
Failed colour contrast test

Changed colours
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

      Fixed: Over complicated markup

Aural clutter - headings inside lists

Refactor HTML

Recommended for you

BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

     Fixed: Broken navigation when resized

Problem - Design/CSS
Failed colour contrast test

Changed colours
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

     Fixed: Favourite Button

Problem: HTML generated by JS
span used instead of div

Feedback issue - got them to use a button
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

     Fixed: Keyboard inaccessible video clips

Problem: JS generating span instead of link
Unable to play video with keyboard as span used instead of button

Added in a link to control video
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

     Fixed: Unexpected keyboard controls

Problem: JS
keyboard events attached to arrow keys

Removed keyboard event

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BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

     Fixed: Keyboard trap

Problem: JS
Infinite scroll resulted in keyboard trap
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

Issues that got released...
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

     Compromise: Colour only medals

Problem: medal communicated by colour only
If colour blind won’t know what medal

Why not fixed:
Design didn’t want to change
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

     Compromise: Country page content order

Problem: Design/logical content order
Design meant not in logical order

Designers didn’t want to change design

Recommended for you

BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

     Compromise: Indistinguishable Links

Problem: Design/CSS
Can’t see links until you roll over them

Why not fixed:
Changed by another team due to request from design. Ran out of time to chase up.
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

     Compromise: Info graphics

                                                        <img src=”rivals.jpg”
                                                           alt=”Bolt graphic” />

Problem: adequate alternate text not provided
Lots of information in graphic - editorial didn’t include adequate descriptive alt text
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

      Compromise: Auto Suggest not read out

Problem: Javascript
Suggested athletes not read out

Why not fixed:
Not part of stable release of jquery ui. Ran out of time.
BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet

     Compromise: Auto refresh

Problem: JS
Can’t turn off auto-refresh
Completely unusable by screen reader user
Use of non-semantic markup

Why not fixed:
Built by an3rd Party. Fed back issues but they didn’t have time/inclination to fix

Recommended for you

BBC Olympics Video

The Interactive Media Player
     >   BBC Sole rights holder
     >   24 live streams
     >   Flash player
     >   Fully immersive ‘lean back’ experience
Here’s the player in full screen. Standard player controls but also additional functionality that hadn’t been seen in say, iPlayer, before.
Pause and rewind live streams

Recommended for you

Jump to key
Switch between live streams, with video still playing in the background
Switch between live streams, with video still playing in the background
When in full screen you could access alternative video streams
Fully immersive

Recommended for you

BBC Olympics Video

     Approach …
             >    Tender & Contract
             >    BBC Standards & Guidelines
             >    Requirements & User Acceptance Criteria
             >    In house testing
             >    User testing with disabled users

Tender – referenced BBCS&G, Flash Media player and screen reader support Guidelines
BBC S&G – not enough, needed to be project specific which lead to
In depth requirements & UAC
Also commissioned user testing
150 page document outlining tab order, labels, tooltips and logic of the video player for sighted keyboard only users and screen reader users
BBC Olympics: An accessibility case study
BBC Olympics: An accessibility case study

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BBC Olympics: An accessibility case study
BBC Olympics: An accessibility case study
BBC Olympics Video

     Requirements …
             >    No autoplay
             >    No background image interference
             >    No flashing
             >    Contrast
             >    Text size

Autoplay loved by some ZoomText users but a showstopper for Jaws users with no sight
BBC Olympics Video


              Noun: An act of selecting or making a decision
              when faced with two or more possibilities.
              Oxford English Dictionary

However accessible the IVP we felt we couldn’t predict if people would like it, or find it easy to use – e.g screen reader users, people
with cognitive issues
We wanteed to offer a choice of player rather than ghetto-ise disabled users

Recommended for you

BBC Olympics Video

     An additional player, not an alternative player

Tender – referenced BBCS&G, Flash Media player and screen reader support Guidelines
BBC S&G – not enough, needed to be project specific which lead to
In depth requirements & UAC
Also commissioned user testing
ZoomText Windows XP
HTML player – Flash playback, HTML controls
Drawback – no controls in full screen
User testing – NB ‘Accessible version’ and ‘Default version’ was used
-Labels not well understood
-Participants didn’t think ‘Accessible version’ was for them

IVP option links were not easily found – Added as H2 to ‘Choose how you watch

Recommended for you


                              Accessible tooltips:
                              <span>Watch with extra features in the page</span>
                              Visible on mouseover and focus

User testing – NB ‘Accessible version’ and ‘Default version’ was used
-Labels not well understood
-Participants didn’t think ‘Accessible version’ was for them

For this audience, it is better to describe the functionality of alternative versions rather than the people it is for

                            Accessible tooltips:
                            <span>Watch with extra features in the page</span>
                            Visible on mouseover and focus

Help link further described what the differences were
Icons were well received – big and clear.
Toyed with separate Play/Pause – easier for users with cognitive problems but we couldn’t find a suitable selected state that in itself wasn’t confusing so we
settled for 1.
Icons were well received – big and clear.
We did go through various iterations to see what would be best however

Recommended for you

Escape to access controls
                                                       Set focus to Play/Pause

Icons were well received – big and clear.
Toyed with separate Play/Pause – easier for users with cognitive problems but we couldn’t find a suitable selected state that in itself wasn’t confusing so we
settled for 1.
BBC Olympics Video

Access services …
     > Live ‘enriched commentary’ for the Opening
      > Audio only on TV
      > Audio and video via the web
     > Subtitles for BBC One, Two and Three
     > No controls over the other streams
BBC Olympics Video

     Compromises …
              > IVP not as accessible as planned
              > Immovable deadline
              > Decided not to promote it as accessible

In user testing the majority of testers preferred the default version and ability to use full screen. Most were not expecting extras
and were happy to sit back and watch the video.

Recommended for you

BBC Olympics Access services

We offered …
     > Mobile website
     > Apps: Android 2.2 + and iOS 5 +
      > Offline storage
     > Shortcut on Blackberry
     > Live and catch up video
BBC Olympics Access services

The challenge …
     > Expertise & experience
     > Standards & guidelines
     > Testing & evaluation
BBC Olympics Access services

BBC Mobile Accessibility Guidelines …
     > Technology agnostic standards and guidelines
     > HTML, iOS and Android techniques
     > Evaluation criteria
BBC Olympics Access services

Approach …
     > Use standard not custom components
     > Progressive enhancement
     > Follow platform specific guidelines

Recommended for you

BBC Olympics Access services

Structure …
     > H1 – H6
     > Landmarks
     > Data tables
BBC Olympics Access services

Alternatives …
     > HTML: alt
     > Android: contentDescription
     > iOS:
      > UIAccessibilityLabel
      > UIAccessibilityTrait
      > UIAccessibilityHint
BBC Olympics Access services

Changes of state i.e.
     > Tab panel
     > Open / close

Announce changes ...
     > Update the alternative
     > Visible change
BBC Olympics Access services

Compromises …
     > Pinch zoom
     > Assets – arrows
     > 3rd party content

Recommended for you

BBC Olympics Video

     BBC Sports App

              This is extremely accessible with VoiceOver,
              and there is plenty to indicate this is by
              design rather than chance.

However accessible the IVP we felt we couldn’t predict if people would like it, or find it easy to use – e.g screen reader users, people
with cognitive issues
We wanteed to offer a choice of player rather than ghetto-ise disabled users
Lessons Learnt
BBC Olympics Access services

     Lessons Learnt

              > Documentation
              > Sign off at UX
              > A variety of testing

              > Progressive Enhancement is key
              > Easy to introduce issues at all levels
              > 100% accessible not realistic - need to prioritise

You don’t need to compromise design for accessibility
Alistair Duggin

Henny Swan

Recommended for you

BBC Olympics: An accessibility case study

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BBC Olympics: An accessibility case study

  • 1. BBC Olympics An accessibility case study Al Duggin and Henny Swan CSUN 2013
  • 2. BBC Olympics Introduction > About the Project > Accessibility at the BBC > Challenges > Desktop and Tablet > Video > Mobile > Lessons Learnt
  • 4. BBC Olympics About the Project The first truly digital Olympics. Never miss a moment The most ambitious and comprehensive BBC digital project to date Live and catch-up video at the heart of the BBC’s online coverage 24 high definition live streams 2500 hours of video coverage Delivered to mobile, tablet, PC, and Connected TV The first truly digital Olympics where the public would be able to never miss a moment
  • 5. “ Our aspiration was that just as the Coronation did for TV in 1953, the Olympics would do for digital in 2012 Phil Fearnley, General Manager, News & Knowledge at BBC
  • 6. BBC Olympics About the Project Built around the sports domain Athlete Country Usain Bolt Jamaica Event Venue Men’s 100m Olympic Stadium Sport Athletics Interconnected nodes Athlete - e.g Usain Bolt Country - e.g Jamaica Sport - e.g Athletics Event - e.g Men’s 100m Venue - Olympic Stadium
  • 7. BBC Olympics About the Project A page per domain item > 10, 000 Athlete > 205 Countries > 36 Sports > 304 Medal Winning Events > 30 Venues ... all interconnected
  • 8. Page composed of components, including: Facts and Figures News Video Medals Schedule Results
  • 9. BBC Olympics About the Project Lots of other components Make the experience as rich, engaging and interactive as possible. Top trump style comparison components for countries athletes Twitter modules Components to promote live video streams Carousel of to promote athletes and results
  • 10. Each page type had an index page. Countries.
  • 11. Athletes - and the ability to filter by sport, event
  • 14. An event index for each sport
  • 15. 2 versions of a fully comprehensive schedule - a grid and a list view - providing alternative ways to get to the schedule information that you wanted. The schedule grid view provided an easily scannable visual interface
  • 16. The schedule list view provided a more accessible text interface
  • 17. The schedule allowed users to dig in and browse by sport
  • 19. We also had Interactive medal tables. That allowed users to browser medals by country
  • 22. These pages were dynamically updated in real time using data from the Olympics Broadcasting Service.
  • 23. Other features included the interactive video player to watch live and on-demand video
  • 24. A results section, providing by a 3rd Party, that contained details of every heat of every event.
  • 25. And of course the sport news sections with content created by journalists. This was an existing part of the website that we just added branding to.
  • 30. Lots of this was also available on mobile
  • 31. And all video and medals were available on connected TV
  • 32. Tens of thousands of pages ... possibly hundreds....
  • 33. BBC Olympics About the Project Usage and Stats > 37 million UK browsers > 66% UK online adult population > 57m global browses > 111m video requests across all platforms > 9.2 million mobile browsers > 1.9m downloads of our Olympics smartphone app > 12m requests for video from mobile devices > 34% of all daily browsing by mobile We knew the website was going to be popular - but I don’t think anyone imagined it would be quite the success it was.
  • 35. BBC Olympics Accessibility Accessibility at the BBC > BBC Trust and Charter > Lead by example > License fee
  • 36. BBC Olympics Accessibility “ The BBC is paid for by everyone and therefore must be accessible to everyone otherwise the BBC is not the BBC. Micheal Grade, Director General BBC, 2004-6
  • 38. BBC Olympics Challenges Accessibility consultant challenges ... > Size - web, mobile, video > Standards and guidelines > Training > Ownership and responsibility
  • 39. BBC Olympics Challenges Developer challenges ... > Size of project > Immovable deadline > 17 day event > Huge audience > High Profile > Real-time data > Up front design > Lots of javascript > Multiple teams Huge amount of effort going into to making it available on many platforms. On the desktop we wanted to make sure it was accessible to all - irrespective of people’s device or ability. First project I’ve worked on where this was made a clear priority right from the very top. Easier said than done.
  • 41. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet The Development approach > Accessibile from the start > Speak to specialists early > Training - screen readers, WAI-ARIA > Research best practices > Set up a support network > Front-end developers create UI before integration > Brainstorm multiple solutions / Prototype / Iterate > Feedback issues early > Agile build and test > Component library > Progressive Enhancement Screen reader training with AbilityNet Aria, javascript and HTML5 training with The Paciello Group - based around upcoming components Support forum for a month - to answer questions Work with milestones: test early, test often
  • 42. One of the first things we did when was analyse the designs looking for common styles and patterns that could be abstracted out into reusable code. This helps you build things faster. Also helps a consistency of implementation which is better for users
  • 43. The other thing we did was build each component in such a way that it could be dropped into any page. Much quicker to build a site from reusable components. Having a library also promotes reuse and consistency of implementation. This started as just a static library (HTML and CSS) - but evolved into components that used mock data. This meant we could get components to load different variation of expected data so we could confirm that they worked for all expected scenarios. This helped hugely with testing. Could point testers to a page and get them to confirm that they worked as expected. Also meant that we could ask Henny to test things as soon as they were built - rather than having to wait for the components to appear on web pages that were being driven by test data.
  • 44. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Page Templates > HTML5 doctype > Lang attribute > Skips links > Unique title > Unique h1 > WAI-ARIA landmark roles
  • 45. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Open standards and Content Progressive Enhancement HTML & WAI-ARIA CSS JavaScript & HTML CSS for Javascript WAI-ARIA for Javascript Progressive enhancement uses web technologies in a layered fashion that allows everyone to access the basic content and functionality of a web page
  • 46. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Content > Add content in logical order > Alt text for images that need it Content > Captions for tables HTML & WAI-ARIA > Full text for abbreviations CSS > Inline img or bg css JavaScript & HTML CSS for Javascript WAI-ARIA for Javascript
  • 47. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet HTML > Add hierarchical heading structure > Content Use most appropriate elements > Use HTML5 elements with care HTML & WAI-ARIA > Don’t duplicate links CSS > Alt text but don’t duplicate JavaScript & HTML > Links make sense out of context > Code tables correctly CSS for Javascript > Code forms correctly WAI-ARIA for Javascript > ARIA roles & attributes where useful > If visual state make sure it’s also read out > Validate Semantically structured HTML
  • 48. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet CSS > Take care with display:none > Content Focus aswell as hover - no outline:0 > Font size +2 HTML & WAI-ARIA > Don’t use !important CSS > Implement non-js layout JavaScript & HTML > Check for colour contrast > Check with images off CSS for Javascript WAI-ARIA for Javascript Take care to not implement barriers with CSS
  • 49. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet JavaScript > Feature detection > Content Valid JS generated HTML > Update state labels - open/close HTML & WAI-ARIA > Hijax - http before ajax CSS > Update screenreader virtual buffer JavaScript & HTML > Keyboard access to all conent > No keyboard traps CSS for Javascript WAI-ARIA for Javascript
  • 50. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet CSS for Javascript > Contextual CSS body=”js” Content > Prevent flicker as js loads HTML & WAI-ARIA CSS JavaScript & HTML CSS for Javascript WAI-ARIA for Javascript
  • 51. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet WAI-ARIA for Javascript > Keep users informed > Content Manage focus > Implement keyboard controls HTML & WAI-ARIA > Provide hidden instructions CSS > Use WAI-ARIA attributes where JavaScript & HTML appropriate CSS for Javascript WAI-ARIA for Javascript Keep users informed - loading, new content Treat aria as an enhancement - not widespread support or familiarity by users
  • 52. Sometimes not possible to have a non-js version - schedule module - favourites tray That’s fine - you need to be pragmatic!
  • 53. Interactive Medal Tables * Built to work without javascript. * deliver something quickly. * real pages that you can bookmark and email * if there is an error it will still work * Logical Content order - go to any page without javascript and the content is in logical order. * Most appropriate markup - th for countries, caption and summary * Identify which content is selected in content layer as well as visual layer. * Alt for medal images * Visible active state for keyboard users * Keyboard short cuts * Inform users that content is loading * Users taken to loaded content * Use Browser API so back button still works
  • 54. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Issues we fixed...
  • 55. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Fixed: Colour contrast Problem - Design/CSS Failed colour contrast test Fix: Changed colours
  • 56. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Fixed: Over complicated markup PROBLEM: HTML Aural clutter - headings inside lists FIX: Refactor HTML
  • 57. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Fixed: Broken navigation when resized Problem - Design/CSS Failed colour contrast test Fix: Changed colours
  • 58. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Fixed: Favourite Button Problem: HTML generated by JS span used instead of div Fix: Feedback issue - got them to use a button
  • 59. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Fixed: Keyboard inaccessible video clips Problem: JS generating span instead of link Unable to play video with keyboard as span used instead of button Fix: Added in a link to control video
  • 60. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Fixed: Unexpected keyboard controls Problem: JS keyboard events attached to arrow keys Fix: Removed keyboard event
  • 61. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Fixed: Keyboard trap Problem: JS Infinite scroll resulted in keyboard trap
  • 62. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Issues that got released...
  • 63. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Compromise: Colour only medals Problem: medal communicated by colour only If colour blind won’t know what medal Why not fixed: Design didn’t want to change
  • 64. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Compromise: Country page content order Problem: Design/logical content order Design meant not in logical order Fix: Designers didn’t want to change design
  • 65. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Compromise: Indistinguishable Links Problem: Design/CSS Can’t see links until you roll over them Why not fixed: Changed by another team due to request from design. Ran out of time to chase up.
  • 66. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Compromise: Info graphics <img src=”rivals.jpg” alt=”Bolt graphic” /> Problem: adequate alternate text not provided Lots of information in graphic - editorial didn’t include adequate descriptive alt text
  • 67. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Compromise: Auto Suggest not read out Problem: Javascript Suggested athletes not read out Why not fixed: Not part of stable release of jquery ui. Ran out of time.
  • 68. BBC Olympics Desktop and Tablet Compromise: Auto refresh Problem: JS Can’t turn off auto-refresh Completely unusable by screen reader user Use of non-semantic markup Why not fixed: Built by an3rd Party. Fed back issues but they didn’t have time/inclination to fix
  • 69. Video
  • 70. BBC Olympics Video The Interactive Media Player > BBC Sole rights holder > 24 live streams > Flash player > Fully immersive ‘lean back’ experience
  • 71. Here’s the player in full screen. Standard player controls but also additional functionality that hadn’t been seen in say, iPlayer, before.
  • 72. Pause and rewind live streams
  • 74. Switch between live streams, with video still playing in the background
  • 75. Switch between live streams, with video still playing in the background
  • 76. When in full screen you could access alternative video streams Fully immersive
  • 77. BBC Olympics Video Approach … > Tender & Contract > BBC Standards & Guidelines > Requirements & User Acceptance Criteria > In house testing > User testing with disabled users Tender – referenced BBCS&G, Flash Media player and screen reader support Guidelines BBC S&G – not enough, needed to be project specific which lead to In depth requirements & UAC Also commissioned user testing
  • 78. 150 page document outlining tab order, labels, tooltips and logic of the video player for sighted keyboard only users and screen reader users
  • 83. BBC Olympics Video Requirements … > No autoplay > No background image interference > No flashing > Contrast > Text size Autoplay loved by some ZoomText users but a showstopper for Jaws users with no sight
  • 84. BBC Olympics Video Choice “ Noun: An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities. Oxford English Dictionary However accessible the IVP we felt we couldn’t predict if people would like it, or find it easy to use – e.g screen reader users, people with cognitive issues We wanteed to offer a choice of player rather than ghetto-ise disabled users
  • 85. BBC Olympics Video An additional player, not an alternative player Tender – referenced BBCS&G, Flash Media player and screen reader support Guidelines BBC S&G – not enough, needed to be project specific which lead to In depth requirements & UAC Also commissioned user testing ZoomText Windows XP
  • 86. HTML player – Flash playback, HTML controls Drawback – no controls in full screen
  • 87. User testing – NB ‘Accessible version’ and ‘Default version’ was used -Labels not well understood -Participants didn’t think ‘Accessible version’ was for them
  • 88. h2 IVP option links were not easily found – Added as H2 to ‘Choose how you watch
  • 89. h2 Accessible tooltips: <span>Watch with extra features in the page</span> Visible on mouseover and focus User testing – NB ‘Accessible version’ and ‘Default version’ was used -Labels not well understood -Participants didn’t think ‘Accessible version’ was for them For this audience, it is better to describe the functionality of alternative versions rather than the people it is for
  • 90. h2 Accessible tooltips: <span>Watch with extra features in the page</span> Visible on mouseover and focus Help link further described what the differences were
  • 91. Icons were well received – big and clear. Toyed with separate Play/Pause – easier for users with cognitive problems but we couldn’t find a suitable selected state that in itself wasn’t confusing so we settled for 1.
  • 92. Icons were well received – big and clear. We did go through various iterations to see what would be best however
  • 93. Escape to access controls Set focus to Play/Pause Icons were well received – big and clear. Toyed with separate Play/Pause – easier for users with cognitive problems but we couldn’t find a suitable selected state that in itself wasn’t confusing so we settled for 1.
  • 94. BBC Olympics Video Access services … > Live ‘enriched commentary’ for the Opening Ceremony > Audio only on TV > Audio and video via the web > Subtitles for BBC One, Two and Three > No controls over the other streams
  • 95. BBC Olympics Video Compromises … > IVP not as accessible as planned > Immovable deadline > Decided not to promote it as accessible In user testing the majority of testers preferred the default version and ability to use full screen. Most were not expecting extras and were happy to sit back and watch the video.
  • 97. BBC Olympics Access services We offered … > Mobile website > Apps: Android 2.2 + and iOS 5 + > Offline storage >Personalisation > Shortcut on Blackberry > Live and catch up video
  • 98. BBC Olympics Access services The challenge … > Expertise & experience > Standards & guidelines > Testing & evaluation
  • 99. BBC Olympics Access services BBC Mobile Accessibility Guidelines … > Technology agnostic standards and guidelines > HTML, iOS and Android techniques > Evaluation criteria
  • 100. BBC Olympics Access services Approach … > Use standard not custom components > Progressive enhancement > Follow platform specific guidelines
  • 101. BBC Olympics Access services Structure … > H1 – H6 > Landmarks > Data tables
  • 102. BBC Olympics Access services Alternatives … > HTML: alt > Android: contentDescription > iOS: > UIAccessibilityLabel > UIAccessibilityTrait > UIAccessibilityHint
  • 103. BBC Olympics Access services Changes of state i.e. > Tab panel > Open / close Announce changes ... > Update the alternative > Visible change
  • 104. BBC Olympics Access services Compromises … > Pinch zoom > Assets – arrows > 3rd party content
  • 105. BBC Olympics Video BBC Sports App “ This is extremely accessible with VoiceOver, and there is plenty to indicate this is by design rather than chance. Applevis However accessible the IVP we felt we couldn’t predict if people would like it, or find it easy to use – e.g screen reader users, people with cognitive issues We wanteed to offer a choice of player rather than ghetto-ise disabled users
  • 107. BBC Olympics Access services Lessons Learnt > Documentation > Sign off at UX > A variety of testing > Progressive Enhancement is key > Easy to introduce issues at all levels > 100% accessible not realistic - need to prioritise You don’t need to compromise design for accessibility