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Integrating Angular.js with Rails (Wicked Good Ruby Conf lightening talk)
Integrating Angular.js with Rails (Wicked Good Ruby Conf lightening talk)
• client-side javascript MVC
• makes use of
directives, dependency
injection, and data binding
• “reasonable magic”, like Rails
• by Google
• Domain specific HTML syntax, reusable
Dependency Injection
• Declarative description how app is wired (de-centralized)
Data Binding
• Automatic updating the view whenever model changes
• Documentation, tutorials, testable, ecosystem

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multiple views and routing

UI routing in AngularJS allows defining application states and nested views. Key steps include: 1. Include the angular-ui-router.js file and inject the ui.router module. 2. Configure states using $stateProvider and child states for nested views. 3. Link to states with ui-sref and display views with ui-view. States define the URL, template, and controller for sections of the app. Child states enable nested views within a state. The example app defines routes for two users with nested lists.

Angular pres
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Angular pres

Angularjs is a JavaScript MVC framework that allows developers to build client-side web applications. It uses concepts like dependency injection, two-way data binding, templates, and directives. Angularjs applications follow the MVC pattern with models, views rendered through directives, and controllers mediating between models and views. Angularjs makes web development simpler by allowing dynamic updates to the view through bindings instead of using document.getElementById() to manually update the DOM. Responsive web design is also important for building sites that work across different devices using fluid grids, flexible images and CSS media queries.

RoR 101: Session 2
RoR 101: Session 2RoR 101: Session 2
RoR 101: Session 2

This document provides an overview of building web applications with Ruby on Rails. It discusses the core components of a Rails app including models, views, controllers, and database migrations. It also covers generating scaffolds, ActiveRecord queries in the console, embedded Ruby syntax in views, layouts, and view helpers. The goal is to explain the anatomy and basic functionality of a Rails application.

ruby on railsweb design and development
gem 'angularjs-rails’
//= require angular
config.assets.js_compressor = { false) }
%html{ 'ng-app' => true }
<html ng-app>
%p Hello {{'World' + '!'}}
<p>Hello {{'World' + '!'}}</p>
HelloCntl = ($scope) ->
$ = 'World’
%div{ ng_controller: 'HelloCntl'}
Your name:
%input{ type: 'text', ng_model: 'name', value: 'World' }
Hello {{name}}

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The document discusses setting up authentication for a Rails application using Devise, implementing the asset pipeline to concatenate and compress CSS and JavaScript assets, adding AJAX functionality through remote links and JavaScript responses, handling orphaned dependent objects, and creating a view helper to display Gravatar images for user emails. It provides an overview of key aspects of building a Rails application with user authentication, assets, and AJAX interactions.

ruby on railsweb design and development
Mini-Training: AngularJS
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Mini-Training: AngularJS

This document provides an overview of AngularJS, including: - AngularJS is a JavaScript MVVM framework for building dynamic web apps, developed by Google. - It uses Scopes to bind models to views and directives to extend HTML syntax. - Key components include modules, controllers, services and routing to organize an app. - Batarang is a Chrome plugin that helps debug and inspect AngularJS apps.

Intro to AngularJS
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Intro to AngularJS

This session will present an introduction to the AngularJS JavaScript framework. In order to present the main concepts of AngularJS, we will review a simple Single Page Application (SPA) constructed with the framework. A basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript will be helpful in understanding the concepts presented in this session.

simple page applicationangularjssql saturday baton rouge
app = angular.module 'Hello', []
app.controller 'HelloCntl', @HelloCntl = ($scope) ->
$ = 'World'
%div{ 'ng-app' => 'Hello'}
app = angular.module 'Posts', []
app.controller "PostsCtrl", @PostsCtrl = ($scope, $http) ->
$http.get('/posts.json').success (data) ->
$scope.posts = data
%h1 Listing posts
%div{ ng_controller: "PostsCtrl" }
%li{ ng_repeat: "post in posts" }
//= require angular-resource
app = angular.module 'Posts', ['ngResource’]
app.controller "PostsCtrl", @PostsCtrl = ($scope, $resource) ->
//$http.get('/posts.json').success (data) ->
// $scope.posts = data
Post = $resource('/posts')
$scope.posts = Post.query()

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RoR 101: Session 6

The document discusses various topics relating to building web applications with Ruby on Rails such as setting up authentication with Devise, working with assets using the asset pipeline, adding AJAX functionality using remote links and JavaScript responses, handling dependent associations to avoid orphan records, and creating custom view helpers like a gravatar image generator. It also briefly mentions deployment and provides code examples for integrating these techniques.

ruby on railsweb design and development
Angular Classy
Angular ClassyAngular Classy
Angular Classy

This document summarizes Angular Classy, a library that adds structure and organization to Angular controllers. It discusses how Classy controllers can be cleaner and more maintainable than vanilla Angular controllers. Key features of Classy covered include declaring controllers as classes, simplified $watch syntax, reverse referencing controllers by element ID, and upcoming features like computed properties and plugins.

Drupal module development : Blisstering @ DCSF
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This document provides an overview of Drupal module development. It discusses the basic architecture including core modules, contributed modules, and custom modules. It also explains the key components for building a custom module, including the .info, .install, .module, and .inc files. Finally, it outlines several important Drupal hooks for extending functionality, such as hook_menu, hook_schema, hook_form, hook_block, and hook_nodeapi.

gem 'teaspoon’
gem 'phantomjs'
//= require angular-mocks
browse to http://localhost:3000/teaspoon or rake teaspoon
describe "PostsCtrl", ->
$fixture = [
{ id: 1, title: "Title 1", intro: "This is posting 1" },
{ id: 2, title: "Title 2", intro: "This is posting 2" }
$scope = null
$controller = null
$httpBackend = null
beforeEach module('Posts')
beforeEach inject ($injector) ->
$scope = $injector.get('$rootScope').$new()
$controller = $injector.get('$controller')
$httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend')
it 'creates posts model with index request', ->
$httpBackend.expect('GET', '/posts').respond($fixture)
$controller(PostsCtrl, {$scope: $scope }) //instantiate controller
expect($scope.posts).toEqualData []
$httpBackend.flush()// mock the ajax success
expect($scope.posts.length).toBe 2
expect($scope.posts).toEqualData $fixture
Integrating Angular.js with Rails (Wicked Good Ruby Conf lightening talk)

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This document summarizes a presentation about AngularJS given to a ColdFusion user group. It introduces AngularJS basics like model-driven development using directives like ng-app and ng-model. It explains defining an Angular app and controllers. It covers routing with $routeProvider and using services/factories to share data between controllers. It also discusses getting external data with $http and promises.

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This is a presentation/talk given at BangaloreJS second meetup. In this talk, I talked about why and when we should use rendering and templating on the client-side rather than onthe server-side to develop a web app. Then I demonstrated the DelightCircle web app, which is centered around Backbone.js using Mustache.js templating, and some unique hacks!

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Integrating Angular.js with Rails (Wicked Good Ruby Conf lightening talk)

Editor's Notes

  2., Welcoming website, tutorials, learn explore, reference
  3. Instantiate a PostsCntlThe posts model inside the controller (scope.posts) starts out as empty (null). When we call $httpBackend.flush(), the mock acts like its completed the asynchronous call. When its done, scope.posts will be populated with the fixture data.