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Android L and So Much More 
James Montemagno 
Developer Evangelist, Xamarin 
New in Android 
– Android L Developer Preview 
– Android Wear 
– Android TV
Android L Developer Preview
Android L Major Features 
 ART Runtime 
 Material Design 
 Widgets, Views, and Shadows 
 Animations 
 Notifications 
 Compatibility

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This document discusses the development of a glossary related to child nutrition in Mexico. It begins with background definitions of what a glossary and bilingual glossary are. The rationale section states that the objectives are to address the weak demand from students for glossaries and that glossaries are less complex to research. The main objective is outlined as creating a practical guide for parents and institutions on strategies to address obesity and malnutrition among Mexican children. The significance is explained as Mexico having high childhood obesity rates compared to other countries. Existing glossaries are described as too general lacking technical terms relevant to this topic. The document concludes stating additional elements needed like analyzing obesity and malnutrition, developing an action plan, and obtaining expert opinions from nutritionists and doctors.

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Android L Major Features 
 Ahead-of-Time compilation 
 Improved Garbage Collection 
 Improved Debugging Support
Android L Major Features 
Material metaphor Bold, graphic, intentional Motion provides meaning
 Brand new style for 
• Theme.Material 
• Theme.Material.Light 
• Theme.Material.Light. 
Material Design
 colorPrimary – App 
Branding Color 
 colorPrimaryDark – Status 
bar & contextual bars 
 colorAccent – Theme UI 
Controls (ie. checkbox) 
Material Design – Color Palette

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Video: Xamarin enables C# developers to become native iOS, Android, and Windows mobile app developers overnight. In this session, learn how to leverage your existing Microsoft .NET and C# skills to create iOS and Android mobile apps in Visual Studio with Xamarin. In addition to allowing you write your iOS and Android apps in C#, Xamarin lets you reuse existing .NET libraries and share your business logic across iOS, Android, and Windows apps. This session also gives you the tools to determine how much existing C# code can go mobile to iOS and Android, plus helps you determine the architecture necessary to support maximum code sharing and reuse. We also provide guidance and best practices for handling fragmentation across and within each device platform. During this session we will cover the Xamarin platform and how to create native iOS, Android, and Windows apps in C#. Moreover, we will really focus on the code with several live coding adventures throughout the entire session. When you leave you will have the knowledge to create your first iOS & Android in C# with Xamarin in Visual Studio.

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This document discusses Xamarin, a platform that allows developers to create native mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows using C# and .NET. Xamarin compiles code into fully native mobile apps, allowing access to 100% of device APIs. Developers can use Visual Studio to build, debug, and test mobile apps, sharing on average 70% of code between platforms. It also discusses hybrid mobile app development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with tools in Visual Studio to access device capabilities and integrate with services like Office 365.

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Inventarisasi adalah kegiatan melaksanakan pengurusan berupa penyelenggaraan, pengaturan, pencatatan barang–barang, menyusun daftar barang yang bersangkutan ke dalam suatu daftar inventaris barang secara teratur dan menurut ketentuan yang berlaku. Tujuannya antara lain untuk menjaga ketertiban administrasi barang, menghemat keuangan, dan memberikan data inventaris untuk pengawasan, pengendalian, dan penyaluran barang.

Material Design – Color Palette
 Extract Prominent 
Colors from Image 
 6 Palettes Generated 
Material Design –Palettes 
Generate a color pallet from an image
Material Design – Drawable Tint 
 Bitmaps as alpha maps 
 android:tint=“@color/blue”

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Presented at NDC Oslo C# has become one of the most prolific languages used in game development. Games developed in C# can be created to target desktops, tablets, mobile devices and game consoles, while sharing nearly the entire code base. On mobile devices 2D games in particular are massively popular. In this session, we'll explore how to use C# in conjunction with Microsoft and Xamarin to develop 2D games that will work on iOS, Android and Windows platforms. We'll cover the basics of 2D game development, working with multiple scenes, animation and even physics. By the end of the session, you'll have seen how to make a cross-platform 2D game that you can use as the basis for creating your own games.

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The document contains code for a Monkey class that defines properties and methods for monkey objects. It has been updated over time with improvements like adding constructors, default property values, expression body properties/methods, string interpolation for returned values, and static imports.

Android L Major Features 
View and 
 CardView 
 RecyclerView 
 Elevation
Wrap any view in a CardView Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.CardView/
 High speed efficient ListView 
 Includes layout manager for positioning items 
 Default animations for common item operations
 android:elevation=“2dp” 
 View.SetTranslationZ method 
 Z = elevation + translationZ

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Xamarin enables developers to create native iOS, Android, and Mac apps in C# and share code across all platforms while providing 100% API coverage on each platform. In this session we will go over all of the products on the Xamarin platform including the development tools and how they work under the hood to leverage the .NET framework in iOS, Android, and Mac apps. We will dive into creating Android apps in C# inside of Xamarin Studio & Visual Studio comparing how it would be done in Java and build our first Android app in C#. We will cover how to design user interfaces with Xamarin and how to add rich functionality with pre-built components

Developing Your First Android Wear App
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With the introduction of Google's Android Wear, you are no longer restricted to just phones and tablets when it comes to developing great Android apps. You want notifications on your wrist? You got it. You want to run an app on your wrist? You got it. In this session, let me take you through the awesome new features of Android Wear and the tools required to start building the apps you want for Wear. We'll extend a current app with rich notifications and even create a brand new app from scratch live on stage that runs right on your Android Wear device. All demonstrations will be coded in C#, but will be applicable to any Android developer in any language.

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Android Lollipop and Material Design
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Android 5.0 Lollipop introduced a complete refresh, known as Material Design, to the Android user interface, which generated rapid adoption throughout the development community. Until Google introduced revision 21 of the Android Support v7 AppCompat library, Material Design themes, controls, and features were utilized only if you wanted to target devices running API 21. Come learn about everything available in Android 5.0 and how you can leverage the brand new App Compat libraries to make your apps shine. We will also go into some great libraries and project templates to take your apps to the next level.

Android L Major Features 
 Touch Feedback 
 Reveal 
 Activity Transitions
Surface reaction
Surface reaction 
Material response

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This document provides an introduction and overview for a course on mobile application development using Android. The course will cover topics like the Android UI, activities, intents, views, fragments, data storage, networking, sensors, graphics, and publishing apps on Google Play. It lists recommended textbooks and the prerequisites of having the Android SDK, Java, and an Android device or emulator. It also gives background on Android including its open source nature, architecture, history and versions.

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The document discusses the history and development of the Android operating system. It describes how Android was founded in 2003 by Andy Rubin and was later acquired by Google in 2005. It provides an overview of Android versions from 1.0 to the current version, the open source nature of Android, and the tools and languages used to develop Android applications like Java and XML. It also summarizes the process for submitting an Android app to the Google Play store.

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- Android is an open source operating system developed by Google that is used primarily for touchscreen mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. It is based on the Linux kernel and allows developers to write code using Java or Kotlin. - The Android architecture consists of libraries and APIs on top of the Linux kernel, including a Dalvik virtual machine that executes applications. Apps are built using activities, fragments, intents and other components defined in the Android manifest file. - Becoming an Android developer provides good career prospects with average salaries for entry-level positions around 3 lakhs per year in India. While Android has a huge user base, developing for its diverse ecosystem of devices can be challenging compared to platforms like iOS.

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Surface reaction 
Material response Radial action
 Default Touch Feedback Animation: 
 Set Background to: 
• ?android:attr/selectableItemBackgro 
• ?android:attr/selectableItemBackgro 
 Create custom RippleDrawable using 
the ripple element 
Animation – Touch Feedback
Animation – Reveal 
 Easily create 
clipping circles
Animation – Activity Transitions 
 Custom animations for enter and exit transitions 
of activities 
• Enter: How views in the activity enter 
• Exit: How view in activity exit 
• Shared Elements: How views that are shared 
between 2 activities animate

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Voice actions like "Navigate to home" or "Call John"  Notifications: Expandable notifications, notification drawer  Copy & Paste: Text selection and clipboard access  Multi-touch: Native support for multi-touch screens  Location: Background location services and on-device geocoding  Tethering: USB and Bluetooth tethering support  Performance: JIT compiler, faster graphics rendering  Security: Encrypted internal storage, remote device administration GINGERBREAD(continue...)  UI polish: Holo

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The PPT is part of the workshop on Basics of Android Conducted by GDSC FET Jain University on 29th Jan, 2024. Sagar Das was our esteemed speaker.

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Getting started with android programming

Android is an open source operating system used in phones, tablets, and other devices. This document provides an overview of getting started with Android programming, including introducing Android, setting up the development environment, creating a basic "Hello World" app, and debugging apps. Key aspects covered are the app publishing process, versioning apps, signing apps, and specifying API level requirements in the manifest file.

Android L Major Features 
 Lock Screen Notifications 
 Notifications Metadata 
 Unified Notifications
New APIs – Lock Screen Notifications (Android L) 
 Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetVisibility() 
• Private: Shows basic information such as icon, but 
hides full content 
• Public: Show the notification's full content 
• Secret: Show nothing, excluding even the 
notification’s icon
New APIs – Notifications Metadata (Android L) 
 SetCategory(): Tells the system how to handle 
notifications when the device is in Do not Disturb 
 SetPriority(): Set to Max or High to appear in a 
small floating window if the sound also has a vibration 
or sound. 
 AddPerson(): Add a list of people to notification.
Unified Notifications – Standard and Extended

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Android is an open source software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. It allows applications to run in their own process using the Dalvik Virtual Machine. The Android software development kit includes tools for application development, debugging, and deployment. While Android offers flexibility and customization, the user interface is not as polished as the iPhone and media syncing requires third party tools rather than a centralized application like iTunes.

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Android is an open source operating system for mobile devices that allows developers to create innovative applications. It provides access to core APIs as well as bindings to Android's native APIs. The Android software stack includes applications, application framework, libraries and services, and the Linux kernel. Unlike proprietary platforms, Android is open source and allows customization by device makers and developers.

Android L Major Features 
& More 
 New APIs 
 Android L Small Features 
 Google Play Services via NuGet
New APIs – Compatibility 
 Material Theme 
• Only available in Android L 
Developer Preview 
o Define theme that inherits from 
older theme (like Holo) in 
o Define them with same name that 
inherits from Material in res/values-v21/ 
o Set theme as your app’s theme in 
manifest file 
 Layouts 
• Do not use any of the new XML attributes from 
Android L Developer Preview, they will not work 
with previous versions of Android. 
• You must provide alternative layouts if you wish 
to use them 
o L Preview Layouts: res/layout-v21/ 
o Alternative Layouts: res/layout/ 
o Do avoid duplication of code, define styles in 
o Modify the style in res/values-v21/ for new APIs
New APIs – Compatibility 
 UI Widgets 
• Support v7: RecyclerView & CardView 
o Limitations (pre-L Preview): 
o CardView falls back to 
programmatic shadows 
implementation using additional 
o CardView does not clip its children 
that intersect with rounded corners 
 Animations 
• Following are Android L Developer Preview ONLY: 
o Activity Transitions 
o Touch feedback 
o Reveal animations 
o Path-based animations

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This document provides an overview of mobile application development for Android. It discusses the Android platform architecture and application framework. The key application building blocks in Android like activities, intents, services and content providers are explained. It also describes the development tools and steps to create a simple "Hello World" application in Android. These include setting up the Android SDK, creating a new project in Eclipse, designing the UI layout and adding code to the activity. The document emphasizes that Android provides APIs for common tasks and uses the Java programming language for application development.

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- Android is an open source software platform for mobile devices based on the Linux kernel and managed by the Open Handset Alliance. It allows developers to write managed code in Java for the applications layer. - The Android software stack includes the Linux kernel, native libraries, the Android runtime (which includes a Java virtual machine called Dalvik), and the Application Framework layer where Android applications run. - Android applications are built using the Android SDK and its tools which allow compilation of Java code into an executable .apk file that can be installed and run on Android devices.

layoutsbasic building blocksintents
Android L Small Features 
 Camera 
• Enhanced image and 
video capturing. Capture 
Raw sensor data. 
 Multi-networking 
• Dynamically scan for 
available network with 
specific capability and 
automatically connect. 
 BLE Peripheral Mode 
• Apps that connect to devices 
such as pedometer or health 
monitor and transfer data to 
another BLE device. 
 Document-Centric Recents 
 Job Scheduler
Google Play Services via NuGet 
 Play Game Services: event –based challenges, saved 
games, and game profiles 
 App Indexing API 
 Google Cast: Media tracks for closed captioning 
 Wallet: Save to Wallet, geo-fenced in-store notifications, 
split tender between wallet & card 
 Analytics: Measure product impressions/product clicks 
 Mobile Ads: in-app purchase ads 
 Dynamic Security Provider
Android Wear
Android Wear – Extending Apps 
 Enhance Existing Apps 
• Support v4 Notification API 
o WearableExtender 
 Inbox Style Cards 
 Voice Input

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The document provides an overview of Android and mobile application development. It discusses the history of mobile platforms and operating systems. It then describes Android in more detail, including its architecture, software stack, and how it benefits device manufacturers, application developers, and users. Key aspects of Android covered include the Linux kernel, Binder inter-process communication, and power management. The document also outlines the Android development environment and types of application artifacts.

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This document provides an introduction and overview of the Android operating system. It discusses Android's history and development from 2007 to present. It also describes Android's system architecture, development environment, project structure, and main application components such as activities, services, content providers, intents, broadcast receivers, widgets and notifications. The document concludes by inviting questions and providing sources for further information.

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The document provides an overview of mobile application development for Android. It discusses Android's software stack including the Dalvik Virtual Machine and how it has been replaced by Android Runtime. It also summarizes the different tools, features and types of applications that are part of the Android SDK. The document explains what Android runs on, why developers should build for Android and what is included in the Android development kit.

mobile application
Android Wear Notifications + Expanded
Android Wear Notifications - Actions
Android Wear – Building Apps 
 Companion App 
• Android app that runs on a wearable 
 New Themes 
 New UI Widgets 
• BoxInsetLayout 
• CircledImageView 
• WearableListView 
• More…
Android Wear – Sync Data 
 Exposed via Google Play Services 
• Data API 
o Sync datastore between phone and wearable 
 Message API 
o Send small payloads and simple 
o communication

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Android is a software stack developed by Google for building mobile apps. It includes an operating system, middleware, and key apps. Developers use the Android SDK and Eclipse IDE to build Android apps. The SDK includes tools like an emulator and debugger. Common Android versions include Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, and KitKat. The emulator allows testing apps on a virtual mobile device without using a physical device.

Basic android development
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Basic android development

Android is a software stack for mobile devices created by Google. It includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. The Android SDK provides tools for developing Android applications in Java using the Eclipse IDE. Applications are deployed to devices or the Google Play store. Key aspects of Android development include designing user interfaces in XML, using layout managers, debugging apps in an emulator, and understanding the app folder structure and AndroidManifest file.

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This presentation is Imam Raza's tech talk on "Android" in Google Developer Group DevFest 2012 Event. In the event Mr. Imam Raza condemned recent blasphemy act of Google of not removing blasphemy video by saying "Shame on You". He also appreciated the efforts of minorities who stand with Muslim community on this issue. He also read following Stanza from Allama Iqbal poem "Jawaab-e-Shikwa", in which Allah is answering to complains of Muslims to Him. In below stanza Allah is praising His prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) and telling that this universe is made due His beloved prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). In last part of stanza Allah tells Muslims that if they want to success in this world and there after then they have to make themselves loyal to Mohammad (peace be upon him). ہو نہ یہ پھول تو بلبل کا ترنم بھی نہ ہو چمن دہر میں کلیوں کا تبسم بھی نہ ہو یہ نہ ساقی ہو تو پھر مے بھی نہ ہو،خم بھی نہ ہو بزم توحید بھی دنیا میں نہ ہو، تم بھی نہ ہو خیمہ افلاک کا استادة اسی نام سے ہے نبض ہستی تپش امادة اسی نام سے ہے دشت میں، دامن کہسارمیں،میدان میں ہے بحر میں، موج کی ا غوش میں،طوفان میں ہے چین کے شہر، مراقش کے بیابان میں ہے اور پوشیدة مسلمان کے ایمان میں ہے چشم اقوام یہ نظارة ابد تک دیکھے رفعت شان رفعنالک ذکرک دیکھے کی محمد سے وفا تو نے تو ہم تیرے ہیں یہ جہاں چیز ہے کیا، لوح و قلم تیرے ہیں

Android Wear – Templates + NuGet
Android TV
Android TV Features 
 Made for TV 
• Pre-built fragments for browsing & interacting 
with media catalogs 
 In-App Searching 
• Voice input for searching content 
 Recommendations 
• Suggest content from your app 
 Chromecast Built-in

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This document provides an overview of Android GUI development. It discusses the Android development environment, activities and views for building the UI, programmatic and declarative UI construction, and APIs for accessing built-in Android features. Key points covered include using Eclipse for development, the activity-view hierarchy, XML layouts, callbacks for event handling, and interfaces for the camera, maps, and other native Android apps.

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This document discusses new developments for mobile development with .NET. It highlights the growth of .NET adoption, improvements in .NET 5 performance, and the predictable release schedule for future versions. It also covers enhancements in Xamarin.Forms 5 like new controls and hot reload, and previews the upcoming .NET Multi-platform App UI which will allow building native mobile and desktop apps with shared C# code. Key features of MAUI include native performance, access to platform APIs, and support for multiple devices from a single codebase. maui
Android TV ADT-1 Development Kit
Android TV + Xamarin 
 Available via NuGet 
 Samples: 
Android Recap 
• Android L Developer Preview 
• Material Design 
• Views & Animations 
• Notifications 
• Android Wear 
• Notifications & Companion Apps 
• Android TV
 Tips for Your First Wear App 
 Android L Documentation 
 Samples 

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Join James as he walks through his latest creation, Island Tracker( for Animal Crossing on iOS and Android. Built full cross-platform with Xamarin.Forms and leveraging Azure Functions and Table Storage as the cloud backend he will discuss his full architecture and demo how it all was pulled together. He will talk about lessons learned, preparing for release, continuous integration, user testing, and more! If you have ever wanted an insight into creating and deploying a cloud connected app then join in.

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This document discusses updates and upcoming features for Xamarin developers. It summarizes that Xamarin allows building native mobile apps using C# with a shared codebase, and highlights improvements to the development experience including faster builds and debugging on devices. It also outlines new controls and features being added to Xamarin.Forms, and previews the future .NET MAUI framework for building cross-platform native UIs using a single codebase.

Building Stream Deck Plugins in C#
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Building Stream Deck Plugins in C#

The Elgato Stream Deck has transformed live streaming, production, and general productivity. It is a nifty little box with customizable buttons that can do just about anything. Best of all, you can build custom plugins and extensions. Join James Montemagno as he walk through what the Elgato Stream Deck is, what it can do, and how you can build your first Plugin completely in C# and .NET!

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Q & A 
James Montemagno 
Developer Evangelist, Xamarin 

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Android L and Wear overview

  • 1. Android L and So Much More James Montemagno Developer Evangelist, Xamarin @JamesMontemagno
  • 2. New in Android – Android L Developer Preview – Android Wear – Android TV
  • 4. Android L Major Features  ART Runtime  Material Design  Widgets, Views, and Shadows  Animations  Notifications  Compatibility
  • 5. Android L Major Features ART Runtime  Ahead-of-Time compilation  Improved Garbage Collection  Improved Debugging Support
  • 6. Android L Major Features Material Design Material metaphor Bold, graphic, intentional Motion provides meaning
  • 7.  Brand new style for applications. • Theme.Material • Theme.Material.Light • Theme.Material.Light. DarkActionBar Material Design
  • 8.  colorPrimary – App Branding Color  colorPrimaryDark – Status bar & contextual bars  colorAccent – Theme UI Controls (ie. checkbox) Material Design – Color Palette
  • 9. Material Design – Color Palette
  • 10.  Extract Prominent Colors from Image  6 Palettes Generated Material Design –Palettes Generate a color pallet from an image
  • 11. Material Design – Drawable Tint  Bitmaps as alpha maps  android:tint=“@color/blue”
  • 12. Demo
  • 13. Android L Major Features View and Shadows  CardView  RecyclerView  Elevation
  • 14. CardView Wrap any view in a CardView Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.CardView/
  • 15. RecyclerView  High speed efficient ListView  Includes layout manager for positioning items  Default animations for common item operations
  • 16. Elevation  android:elevation=“2dp”  View.SetTranslationZ method  Z = elevation + translationZ
  • 17. Demo
  • 18. Android L Major Features Animations  Touch Feedback  Reveal  Activity Transitions
  • 20. Animation Surface reaction Material response
  • 21. Animation Surface reaction Material response Radial action
  • 22.  Default Touch Feedback Animation: RippleDrawable  Set Background to: • ?android:attr/selectableItemBackgro und • ?android:attr/selectableItemBackgro undBorderless  Create custom RippleDrawable using the ripple element Animation – Touch Feedback
  • 23. Animation – Reveal  Easily create clipping circles
  • 24. Animation – Activity Transitions  Custom animations for enter and exit transitions of activities • Enter: How views in the activity enter • Exit: How view in activity exit • Shared Elements: How views that are shared between 2 activities animate
  • 25. Android L Major Features Notifications  Lock Screen Notifications  Notifications Metadata  Unified Notifications
  • 26. New APIs – Lock Screen Notifications (Android L)  Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetVisibility() • Private: Shows basic information such as icon, but hides full content • Public: Show the notification's full content • Secret: Show nothing, excluding even the notification’s icon
  • 27. New APIs – Notifications Metadata (Android L)  SetCategory(): Tells the system how to handle notifications when the device is in Do not Disturb  SetPriority(): Set to Max or High to appear in a small floating window if the sound also has a vibration or sound.  AddPerson(): Add a list of people to notification.
  • 28. Unified Notifications – Standard and Extended
  • 29. Demo
  • 30. Android L Major Features Compatibility & More  New APIs  Android L Small Features  Google Play Services via NuGet
  • 31. New APIs – Compatibility  Material Theme • Only available in Android L Developer Preview o Define theme that inherits from older theme (like Holo) in res/values/styles.xml o Define them with same name that inherits from Material in res/values-v21/ styles.xml o Set theme as your app’s theme in manifest file  Layouts • Do not use any of the new XML attributes from Android L Developer Preview, they will not work with previous versions of Android. • You must provide alternative layouts if you wish to use them o L Preview Layouts: res/layout-v21/ o Alternative Layouts: res/layout/ o Do avoid duplication of code, define styles in res/values/ o Modify the style in res/values-v21/ for new APIs
  • 32. New APIs – Compatibility  UI Widgets • Support v7: RecyclerView & CardView o Limitations (pre-L Preview): o CardView falls back to programmatic shadows implementation using additional padding o CardView does not clip its children that intersect with rounded corners  Animations • Following are Android L Developer Preview ONLY: o Activity Transitions o Touch feedback o Reveal animations o Path-based animations
  • 33. Android L Small Features  Camera • Enhanced image and video capturing. Capture Raw sensor data.  Multi-networking • Dynamically scan for available network with specific capability and automatically connect.  BLE Peripheral Mode • Apps that connect to devices such as pedometer or health monitor and transfer data to another BLE device.  Document-Centric Recents  Job Scheduler
  • 34. Google Play Services via NuGet  Play Game Services: event –based challenges, saved games, and game profiles  App Indexing API  Google Cast: Media tracks for closed captioning  Wallet: Save to Wallet, geo-fenced in-store notifications, split tender between wallet & card  Analytics: Measure product impressions/product clicks  Mobile Ads: in-app purchase ads  Dynamic Security Provider
  • 36. Android Wear – Extending Apps  Enhance Existing Apps • Support v4 Notification API o WearableExtender  Inbox Style Cards  Voice Input
  • 39. Android Wear – Building Apps  Companion App • Android app that runs on a wearable  New Themes  New UI Widgets • BoxInsetLayout • CircledImageView • WearableListView • More…
  • 40. Android Wear – Sync Data  Exposed via Google Play Services • Data API o Sync datastore between phone and wearable  Message API o Send small payloads and simple o communication
  • 41. Android Wear – Templates + NuGet
  • 42. Demo
  • 44. Android TV Features  Made for TV • Pre-built fragments for browsing & interacting with media catalogs  In-App Searching • Voice input for searching content  Recommendations • Suggest content from your app  Chromecast Built-in
  • 45. Android TV ADT-1 Development Kit
  • 46. Android TV + Xamarin  Available via NuGet •  Samples: •
  • 47. Android Recap • Android L Developer Preview • Material Design • Views & Animations • Notifications • Android Wear • Notifications & Companion Apps • Android TV
  • 48. Resources  Tips for Your First Wear App   Android L Documentation  tion_to_android_l/  Samples 
  • 49. Q & A James Montemagno Developer Evangelist, Xamarin @JamesMontemagno

Editor's Notes

  1. Only available in Android L Developer Preview
  2. You might run into issues with ART if you: -Use JNI to run C/C++ code -Generate non-standard code (like obfuscators) -Use compacting garbage collection techniques
  3. Only available in Android L Developer Preview
  4. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  5. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  6. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  7. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  8. Only available in Android L Developer Preview
  9. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  10. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  11. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  12. Only available in Android L Developer Preview
  13. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  14. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  15. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  16. Only available in Android L Developer Preview
  17. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  18. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  19. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  20. Only available in Android L Developer Preview
  21. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  22. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  23. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  24. Available in Android.Support.v7 library from NuGet
  25. Only available in Android L Developer Preview
  26. Only available in Android L Developer Preview
  27. Only available in Android L Developer Preview
  28. Only available in Android L Developer Preview
  29. Only available in Android L Developer Preview
  30. Only available in Android L Developer Preview
  31. Only available in Android L Developer Preview
  32. Only available in Android L Developer Preview
  33. Only available in Android L Developer Preview
  34. Only available in Android L Developer Preview