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No excuses for not
writing tests
Andrii Shumada
They take time to write
Why do you not write test?
Management asks for
features, not tests
I don’t know how to write
I don’t know why I need to
write test
1. What are the “tests” or “autotests”
2. Why do we need to write [auto]tests
3. Kinds of tests
4. What technologies I recommend for writing tests
5. F.A.Q.
What are the tests
or “autotests”

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Continuous delivery of your legacy application
Continuous delivery of your legacy applicationContinuous delivery of your legacy application
Continuous delivery of your legacy application

This document discusses continuous delivery of legacy applications. It begins with introductions and definitions of key terms like continuous delivery, legacy code, and types of testing. It then discusses challenges like refactoring legacy code without tests and proposes solutions like using Selenium for GUI testing and TestBox for unit testing. The document recommends strategies for continuous integration and delivery pipelines to enable one click deployments. It concludes by providing resources for learning more about topics like Cucumber and Selenium WebDriver.

Make sure your code works
Make sure your code worksMake sure your code works
Make sure your code works

The document provides tips for developing automated tests for the Boot to Gecko (B2G) mobile operating system. It outlines components of B2G like the emulator and build environment. It demonstrates starting the emulator, sending commands, and debugging. An existing WebAPI test is code walked through and run in the emulator. Participants are instructed to develop a new automated WebAPI test for B2G using Marionette that runs in the emulator. Contact information is provided for those interested in contributing.

Ruin your life using robot framework
Ruin your life using robot frameworkRuin your life using robot framework
Ruin your life using robot framework

This document discusses best practices and pitfalls when using the Robot Framework for test automation. It recommends starting with acceptance test-driven development (ATDD) and using source control and continuous integration. Other tips include giving tests and elements descriptive names, writing test cases as independent steps with single assertions, avoiding dependencies between tests, and focusing on behavior rather than implementation details. The document warns against not using these practices as they can lead to fragile and unreliable tests, wasted time and resources, and regressions going unnoticed.

robot framework
It’s a program that checks the another program
Why do we need to write [auto]tests
POST /login
Andrii Shumada "No excuses for not writing tests"

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Conquering AngularJS Limitations
Conquering AngularJS LimitationsConquering AngularJS Limitations
Conquering AngularJS Limitations

The document discusses strategies for addressing common AngularJS challenges including SEO, responsive design, and integration testing. It recommends using to generate static HTML for search engines to index Single Page Apps. For responsive design, it suggests using reactive directives that emit events in response to screen size changes rather than having directives know about screen size. Finally, it outlines an approach to integration testing AngularJS directives in isolation using Karma and bootstrapping directives for testing DOM logic.

Jellyfish, JSCONF 2011
Jellyfish, JSCONF 2011Jellyfish, JSCONF 2011
Jellyfish, JSCONF 2011

The document discusses Jellyfish, a tool created by Matthew Eernisse to run JavaScript code across different environments and browsers simultaneously. It provides demonstrations of using Jellyfish to run JavaScript on browsers, mobile devices, and headless services in parallel. The goal of Jellyfish is to allow JavaScript code to be easily executed on any environment through a common API.

Automation using Javascript
Automation using JavascriptAutomation using Javascript
Automation using Javascript

This document discusses automating testing for different platforms using JavaScript. It covers automating tests for websites using WebDriverIO, Mocha and Chai, mobile web and apps using Appium, and desktop apps built with Electron using Spectron. It provides overviews of the tools and frameworks, how they work, and considerations for testing different platforms and environments. The goal is to demonstrate how to set up an automation testing suite across web, mobile and desktop using open source JavaScript tools.

Andrii Shumada "No excuses for not writing tests"
Andrii Shumada "No excuses for not writing tests"
How to test it?

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Protractor overview
Protractor overviewProtractor overview
Protractor overview

The document discusses Protractor, an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications. It provides an overview of Protractor, how it differs from Selenium WebDriver, how to install and configure it, how to write tests using the Page Object Model pattern, and how to structure tests into suites and specs. Key aspects covered include Protractor's Angular-specific features, use of Jasmine, and capabilities like multi-browser testing.

hello seleniumprotractorautomationtesting
AngularJS and Protractor
AngularJS and ProtractorAngularJS and Protractor
AngularJS and Protractor

This document provides an overview of Protractor, an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications. It discusses prerequisites for setting up Protractor, including installing Node.js and Java. Steps are outlined for configuring Protractor, writing a first test, and running tests. Code examples are also shown for interacting with Angular elements in tests using Protractor capabilities. The document aims to demonstrate the basics of Protractor through a simple todo application example and code snippets.

Robot Framework
Robot FrameworkRobot Framework
Robot Framework

Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance and regression testing. It has easy-to-use tabular test data syntax and supports test automation using the keyword-driven testing approach. Tests are created using test cases composed of test data and keywords. Keywords are provided by test libraries that extend the functionality of the framework. Robot Framework can be installed on Windows using pip and supports creating and running tests from the command line or using the RIDE test data editor.

Andrii Shumada "No excuses for not writing tests"
Andrii Shumada "No excuses for not writing tests"
Andrii Shumada "No excuses for not writing tests"
Money-driven decision maker**

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Automate Thyself
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Automate Thyself

In this advanced session, we will investigate all the ways that you can automate your testing processes with TestBox and many CI and automation tools. From Jenkins integration, Travis CI, Node runners, Grunt watchers and much more. This session will show you the value of continuous integration and how to apply it with modern tools and technologies. Main Points Why we want to automate Continuous Integration ANT/CommandBox Test Runner Setup of a Jenkins CI server Travis CI integration Pipelines CI integration Node TestBox Runners Grunt Watchers and Browser Live Reloads

coldfusioncontinous integrationcfml
Testing desktop apps with selenium
Testing desktop apps with seleniumTesting desktop apps with selenium
Testing desktop apps with selenium

This document discusses how Avast, an antivirus software company, overcame challenges in testing their desktop application user interfaces (UIs) by using Selenium. It outlines how Avast connects Selenium to their applications via the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) to access and control the application structure as if it were a website. This allows them to build a powerful testing framework and run UI tests across different environments like daily short tests on Linux servers and longer tests on virtual Windows machines. The presentation provides code examples and a demo of connecting Selenium to an Avast application.

Production - Designing for Testability
Production - Designing for TestabilityProduction - Designing for Testability
Production - Designing for Testability

The document discusses designing software for testability in production. It recommends removing staging environments and running automated tests and a subset of code in production to gain confidence in software quality. Specific techniques include using sandbox accounts to test functionality without affecting real users, running integration tests that create and delete sandbox environments, and monitoring databases and logs in real-time to detect issues. Designing systems with isolation, well-defined interfaces, and the ability to restrict access and trace effects can help make testing in production safer and more effective. Tools like API documentation generators and mocks can also help improve quality.

micro servicesqualityengineering
OR AutoTests!
Another good reason: TDD
(Test Driven Development)
Flow 1: No tests
1. Write or adjust code
2. Restart app
[okay, maybe you have
live reload]
3. Repeat user flow click
by click
4. Check result
5. Repeat from step 1
Flow 2: TDD
1. Write tests
2. Write or adjust code
3. Restart test
4. Repeat from step 2
Andrii Shumada "No excuses for not writing tests"

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TestWorks Conf Robot framework - the unsung hero of test automation - Michael...
TestWorks Conf Robot framework - the unsung hero of test automation - Michael...TestWorks Conf Robot framework - the unsung hero of test automation - Michael...
TestWorks Conf Robot framework - the unsung hero of test automation - Michael...

The Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance test-driven development, that appears to be largely neglected. Undeservedly so, as it facilitates powerful and yet simple test automation against a variety of interfaces. It features some distinct advantages when compared to seemingly similar frameworks such as Cucumber or Fitnesse. This workshop is meant to show you what makes the Robot Framework special and what is has to offer you.

testtest automationtesting
Trunk based development
Trunk based developmentTrunk based development
Trunk based development

Are you sick of Merge Hell? Do your feature branches go rogue? Do you spend more time fiddling with your Version Control System than doing actual development work? Then Trunk Based Development might be for you. Facebook does it. Google does it. Instead of messing with multiple branches, just use your master branch. Always. In addition to giving you an overview about how Trunk Based Development works, where it shines and where the pitfalls are, this talk will also cover the necessary techniques to succeed with it, such as Branch By abstraction, Feature Toggles and backwards compatible Database Migrations.

Ui Testing with Ghost Inspector
Ui Testing with Ghost InspectorUi Testing with Ghost Inspector
Ui Testing with Ghost Inspector

Jay Luker will be presenting an introduction to Ghost Inspector, a cloud-based web UI testing service that takes some (some!) of the pain away from creating browser-based, web application tests. Think Selenium, but for projects that are short on the resources, infrastructure and/or coding expertise to confidently develop and manage a suite of fully automated, “good-enough” UI tests. Jay is a Senior Software Engineer at Harvard DCE where he works on back-end applications and software for analytics data collection, deployment automation, and integration testing for the Extension School’s video processing and delivery system. Previously he has been an IT Specialist at the Smithsonian Astrophysics Data System, and a Software Developer at Ex Libris.

Kinds of tests
UI Integration Unit
Unit tests
Integration tests
Send HTTP request
get response
- Check status code
- Check response code
Not a

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Robot Framework Dos And Don'ts
Robot Framework Dos And Don'tsRobot Framework Dos And Don'ts
Robot Framework Dos And Don'ts

This presentation demonstrates general guidelines how to create good test cases using Robot Framework. Both good practices and anti-patterns are presented. The presentation is hosted on GitHub where you can find the original in ODP format:

robot frameworktest automationkeyword-driven testing
JS digest. November 2017
JS digest. November 2017JS digest. November 2017
JS digest. November 2017

Last month JavaScript latest news: + Vue.js 2.5 + Node v8.7.0, v8.9.0 (LTS) && Node v9.0.0 (Current) + Firefox Quantum released + WebRender is coming… + WebVR and Windows 10 Creators Update + Angular 5 Comes & Faster Incremental Compilation + Chrome 63 Beta + Snyk in Chrome's Lighthouse + WebStorm 2017.3 + V8 Release 6.3 + Microsoft + Google + Mozilla = Web Documentation + Microsoft & multithreading to Node.js + NPM Releases New Security Features + "Happy Path" to HTTPS + Testing Responsive + 5 Node.js Alternatives To WordPress + Popular Programming Languages of 2017

angular 5chrome 63firefox quantum
Creating testing tools to support development
Creating testing tools to support developmentCreating testing tools to support development
Creating testing tools to support development

This is a presentation I made for the Kraków Java User Group on test automation and how to solve the challenges around it to make it really useful for development teams. It contains some examples of how we are doing it at Akamai's Web department, and some based on my own experience.

test automationsoftware testingtest tools
UI tests
UI tests
Selenium based
Puppeteer or puppeteer based frameworks
How Selenium works

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Improving Software Quality- 2-day Tester Training
Improving Software Quality- 2-day Tester TrainingImproving Software Quality- 2-day Tester Training
Improving Software Quality- 2-day Tester Training

The document discusses how Visual Studio 2010 improves software quality through features that enable better work management, reporting, testing tools, developer quality tools, automated builds, lab management, and collaboration between development and testing teams. Key improvements include hierarchical work tracking, richer bug reporting, automated coded UI testing, IntelliTrace for debugging, and lab management for maintaining virtual test environments. The goal is to align development and testing, break down silos, and improve transparency and integration across the lifecycle.

Automated tests
Automated testsAutomated tests
Automated tests

There are many types of automatic tests, testing tools, libraries and approaches. Automatic tests can save you a lot of stress but can also became a kind of a nightmare. This presentation is an overview of what's available and how to use and not to use them to make them really useful. Examples taken from PHP world. You might be surprised how many tools is available.

software testingtddbehat
STARWEST 2010 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...
STARWEST 2010 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...STARWEST 2010 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...
STARWEST 2010 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...

Using Visual Studio 2010, teams can improve software quality through 7 steps: 1) work management with hierarchical tasks and improved reporting; 2) defining "done" with dashboards; 3) automated builds with traceability from development to testing; 4) manual and automated testing tools; 5) developer quality tools to find and fix bugs early; 6) test lab management with virtual environments; and 7) continuous improvement through an integrated and productive environment.

When use Selenium (
- Your app has problems in different browsers (IE, Safari)
- Your manager is VERY afraid, that something will not work in particular
- Without automation your QA’s are always doing regression tests in different
- Supports all major
- Needs Java runtime
- More complicated setup
How Puppeteer works
Chrome DevTools Protocol
When use Puppeteer
- In all other cases
- You don’t need Java
- Faster setup
- Works faster
Pros Cons
- Supports only
Chromium and
Test example on Puppeteer

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STARWEST 2011 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...
STARWEST 2011 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...STARWEST 2011 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...
STARWEST 2011 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...

Using Microsoft Test Manager, Visual Studio 2010, and TFS 2010 can improve software quality through a 7 step approach: 1) Work management, 2) Defining what "done" means, 3) Automated builds, 4) Manual and automated testing tools, 5) Developer quality tools, 6) Lab management, and 7) Working smart. These tools provide an integrated environment for managing work, automating builds, facilitating manual and automated testing, and providing virtual test environments to improve efficiency and quality.

Mobile Automation Basic Concepts / Demo
Mobile Automation Basic Concepts / DemoMobile Automation Basic Concepts / Demo
Mobile Automation Basic Concepts / Demo

This document discusses test automation concepts and tools. It defines a test case as specifying inputs, execution conditions, testing procedures and expected results for a particular test objective. Automation testing uses automation tools to execute test case suites, enter test data, compare results and generate reports. The benefits of automation testing include earlier defect detection, faster testing and increased coverage. Common automation tools discussed are Selenium for web testing, TestNG/JUnit for unit/functional testing, and Appium for mobile app testing. The document concludes with an offer to demonstrate how to create a basic automation test.

Automatic system tests of web applications
Automatic system tests of web applicationsAutomatic system tests of web applications
Automatic system tests of web applications

This document discusses different tools for automated system testing including Selenium, Watin, and Visual Studio automated UI testing. It provides an overview of each tool's capabilities and then demonstrates an example using Visual Studio automated UI testing. The document concludes by discussing advantages and disadvantages of automated system testing and providing best practices.

unit frameworkwatin
Вибір тест фреймворку Mocha/Jest/Tap/Cucumber
- Mature
- Stable
- No assertion framework
- Mature
- Stable
- Bundled with CreateReactApp
Tap, Cucumber, Jasmine:
- less functional
- Less maintable
- Require more work from development
My choice
Mocha + Chai, because it’s stable, functional
and works
If you just starting writing tests - stick to Jest,
it’a a bit faster
Test structure
describe(‘feature 1’, => {
it(‘should ’, () => {

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The document discusses test automation architecture and strategies for building an effective test automation pyramid. It recommends starting with unit tests at the base to test individual classes in isolation using mocks and stubs. Integration and API tests should be the next focus to test application logic through service calls. GUI tests should be limited to a fixed number of end-to-end tests while avoiding fragile tests. Cross-functional involvement from different teams is also important for maintaining tests. The goal is to have a stable, well-designed test automation strategy that finds bugs efficiently without wasting resources on fragile tests.

STAREAST 2011 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...
STAREAST 2011 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...STAREAST 2011 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...
STAREAST 2011 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...

Step 1 discusses work management in Visual Studio/TFS 2010, including hierarchical work management, improved dashboards and reports, and Excel integration. Step 2 covers defining and reporting on what is considered "done". Step 3 discusses automated builds, including build reports and associating work items. Step 4 focuses on manual testing tools like Microsoft Test Manager for test planning, management, and bug filing.

Test Automation Pyramid
Test Automation PyramidTest Automation Pyramid
Test Automation Pyramid

The Test Automation Pyramid is a useful model to help us understand and discuss automated testing efforts. Generally speaking it is a good practice to have lots of unit tests, fewer component integration tests, fewer API tests, and even fewer UI tests.

qualityautomationsoftware testing
Which test to write,
unit, integration, UI
Better emulates
User experience Harder to write and
Which test to write,
unit, integration, UI
Integrations tests work as a contract between frontend and
backend, your API should be more stable than
implementation behind them
Tests as a part of CI CD
- Always run tests on CI
- Only CI will guarantee, that tests keep green on master
- Make a CI process that merges master into your branch, run tests and after
pushes to origin/master

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E2 e test with testcafeE2 e test with testcafe
E2 e test with testcafe

Why we need software testing? - Find / prevent bug - No more nightmare when you deploy to production - Preserve product quality End to End Test - Testing the complete functionality of some application - Real application

software testingsoftware quality assurancesoftware
Use Automation to Assist -Not Replace- Manual Testing
Use Automation to Assist -Not Replace- Manual TestingUse Automation to Assist -Not Replace- Manual Testing
Use Automation to Assist -Not Replace- Manual Testing

Learn how to best integrate automated testing into your existing workflows and get more return with SmartBear's own Jeff Martin.

softwaresoftware testingsmartbear software
Stepin evening presented
Stepin evening presentedStepin evening presented
Stepin evening presented

The document discusses a blueprint for automating web application testing using WebDriver. The blueprint proposes using page object modeling and separating test code from page interaction code. It aims to make automation easy to use, maintain low maintenance costs, and allow multiple team members to contribute tests across browsers and operating systems.

Business is not giving time to write tests..
And business has right!
Just tests are not bringing value as tests!
Eighter show, how much money they lose without tests or just include tests in
code writing time! Tests are also code
Business understands only money!
Who needs to write tests - AutomationQA or developer
If you have dedicated AutomationQA - then probably Automation QA with help of
Otherwise - developers should write tests.
Useful links:

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Automated Testing with Agile
Automated Testing with AgileAutomated Testing with Agile
Automated Testing with Agile

This is a presentation given at the Hangzhou Scrum Forum 2009, sponsored by Perficient, China. The topic is how to incorporate automated functional testing into an agile project, and also some best practices, tips, and warnings.

Software testing interview Q&A – Part 2
Software testing interview Q&A – Part 2Software testing interview Q&A – Part 2
Software testing interview Q&A – Part 2

This is collection of question & answer in software testing interview job. Part 2 with 10 questions and answers. This is designed by Khoa Bui, which owner of site

software testingquality controlagile software development

This document discusses automation in software testing. It begins by explaining that manual testing is done by a human executing test steps, while automation testing uses a tool to execute test cases, enter test data, compare results, and generate reports. Automating test suites allows them to be re-run without human intervention. The goal of automation is not to eliminate manual testing, but to reduce the number of manually run test cases. Automation testing is important because manual testing of all scenarios is time-consuming, automation can run tests unattended, and increases test coverage and speed. Successful automation requires the right tool, process, and team. Common automation tools discussed are QTP, Selenium, Rational Robot, TestComplete, and Watir. The

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