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Presented by:-
Kajal Mittal
0 DVB Consulting is an Queensland Australian based professional
Consulting Company that provides clients, corporate
troubleshooting, interim management and business strategy
alongside mentoring on both short-term and long-term basis.
DVB Consulting advisors help you with their deep insight try to
identify the perceived issues in the processes and procedures set
up corrective measures to assist the growth of the organization
by making alterations as and when required. We deliver tangible
results and achieve your outcomes, not simply tell you what to
0 This project aims at developing and increasing the ranking of a
site ( making it available in the
top searches of a quality search engine like GOOGLE, BING etc.
which would further cater to the needs of a website making it a
highly visited site in the internet world.
0 The purpose of this presentation is to define Search
Engine Optimization (SEO) of Websites. The purpose of
every SEO program differ from business to business,
but primarily engages building of brand awareness,
increasing visibility, gathering of interaction, ideas,
comments, essentially consumer conversation in
cyberspace and in the course of this, sells a product or
service. Here the presentation describes the several
techniques and strategies adopted for achieving the
desired goal of getting the traffic on the Website.
Acronyms and Abbreviations:
0 JSP Java Server Pages
0 Database It contains the data relevant to the application.
0 SEO Search Engine Optimisation
0 SMM Social Media Marketing
0 SEM Search Engine Marketing
0 PPC Pay Per Click
0 ROI Return on Investment

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The document discusses concepts related to government services in the Web 2.0 era, including openness, collaboration, and community. It covers topics such as blogging, wikis, discussion groups, group chat, and using platforms and APIs to encourage sharing of data and user identity between sites. This allows third-party applications and mashups to access and utilize the data in new and innovative ways. The goal is to engage citizens and encourage collaboration between government and the public.

Benefits of Online Press Release
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Online Press release is a distribution of an important announcement of your business through popular press release distribution channels on web.

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Why is Search Engine Marketing Important?
0 85% of all traffic on the internet is referred to by search engines
0 90% of all users don`t look past the first 30 results (most only view top 10)
0 Search engine traffic is low and websites aren`t indexed because they are
generally poorly optimized
0 Cost effecting advertising
0 Clear and measureable RO;
0 Operators under this assumption
More (relevant) traffic + Good Conversions Rate = More Sales/Leads
PPC(Paid) vs. SEO(Organic)
Paid vs. Organic

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The document discusses how businesses need to get found online through search engines, blogs, and social media as consumers now start their shopping experience by searching online. It emphasizes that search engine optimization (SEO) is important for businesses' websites to be found organically through keywords in titles, URLs, headings and text. Blogging is also a form of inbound marketing that can help with SEO and social sharing. The document provides steps for businesses to find keywords, optimize on-page SEO, build backlinks, start a business blog, engage in blog comments, write blog posts regularly on topics of interest, and measure results over time.

Whitepaper get found
Whitepaper get foundWhitepaper get found
Whitepaper get found

The document discusses how businesses need to get found online through search engines, blogs, and social media in order to remain competitive. It outlines the importance of inbound marketing techniques like search engine optimization, blogging, and social media engagement over traditional outbound marketing. The document then provides detailed guidance on search engine optimization strategies, how to start and optimize a business blog, and how to engage strategically on social media to get found online.

Demand quest seo training 1 16x9 10.2018
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This document provides an overview of a search engine optimization (SEO) training session. The agenda includes introductions, how search engines work, what SEO is, the SEO pyramid, local SEO, and a 30-minute SEO checkup. It discusses how search and searchers have evolved over time. It also covers technical on-page SEO factors like XML sitemaps, robots.txt files, and page speed as well as off-page factors like backlinks, citations, and competitors. Content strategy and content marketing are also summarized, including steps to identify gaps and fill them. The importance of local SEO and ranking factors is explained.

Paid vs. Organic
0 What is SEO?
0 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
0 The efforts revolving around trying to get a site/page
to show up (rank) or increase rank within a Search
Engine Results Page (SERP)
All You Need to Know About SEO
All You Need to Know About SEO

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Publish Articles for Profit
Publish Articles for ProfitPublish Articles for Profit
Publish Articles for Profit

This document discusses how to profitably publish articles written by other authors on your website. It recommends using free reprint articles from article directories to build large content-rich websites without having to spend time writing all the articles yourself. The document outlines several business models for monetizing websites filled with reprint content, such as running a knowledge directory for a company, publishing an ezine or newsletter, creating a network of niche affiliate websites, and using the content to improve search engine optimization.

articlewebsite marketingpublish
Use The Internet to Grow Your Business
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Use The Internet to Grow Your Business

Entry-level presentation as part of a range of CPD seminars for Northern Irish solicitors, aimed at providing the delegates with a baseline understanding of good online practices and digital marketing.

digital marketingseosocial media
Basic Use And Process Of Article Submission.
Basic Use And Process Of Article Submission.Basic Use And Process Of Article Submission.
Basic Use And Process Of Article Submission.

Article submission involves publishing informational articles to article directories to provide valuable information to readers while also including a relevant link back to the author's website. This process can be done manually by submitting articles one-by-one or automatically using submission software. Both methods aim to increase website traffic, but manual submission may result in higher quality links and acceptance rates. Article submission services provide benefits like higher search engine rankings, multiple links from a single article, and long-term exposure and traffic to promote brands. The basic process involves selecting directories, creating accounts, writing articles under a pen name, selecting categories, and submitting articles for approval listing.

What is Search Engine ?
Search engines are programs that search documents for
specified keywords and return a list of the documents
where the keywords were found. Search engines use
programs called spiders or bots, to search the internet
and document their findings.
Examples of Popular Search Engines
Who are the players?
How Do Search Engines Work?
0 Spider “crawls” the web to find new documents (web pages, other
documents) typically by following hyperlinks from websites already in
their database
0 Search engines indexes the content (text, code) in these documents by
adding it to their database and then periodically updates this content
0 Search engines search their own databases when a user enters in a search
to find related documents (not searching web pages in real time)
0 Search engines ranks the resulting documents using an algorithm
(mathematical formula) by assigning various weights and ranking factors

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Learn digital marketing
Learn digital marketingLearn digital marketing
Learn digital marketing

Digital marketing involves promoting brands online, especially through search engines and social media. It allows users to access information anytime from anywhere. There are several techniques in digital marketing including SEO, SEM, SMO, SMM, email marketing and campaign marketing. SEO involves optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results through techniques like keyword research, content optimization, link building and blogging. Social media optimization refers to increasing visibility on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram to drive traffic to a website.

Introduction to SEO
Introduction to SEO Introduction to SEO
Introduction to SEO

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a technique that helps search engines find and rank websites higher in search results. SEO considers how people search online and what keywords they use. It involves on-page optimization of a website itself as well as off-page optimization techniques done outside of the website, such as link building, to improve search engine rankings over time. Off-page SEO techniques include activities like social bookmarking, business listings, directory submissions, article submissions, blogging, video sharing, and guest posting in order to build backlinks and brand awareness.

Social Media - Web Marketing's New Rock Star
Social Media - Web Marketing's New Rock StarSocial Media - Web Marketing's New Rock Star
Social Media - Web Marketing's New Rock Star

The document discusses how social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook can be used by businesses for marketing purposes. It provides details on setting up accounts, engaging audiences, and the benefits of each platform. Time requirements for setup and ongoing maintenance of each channel are also presented.

How Do Search Engines Work?
Search Engine Optimization
0 SEO : Search Engine Optimization
0 Refers to the process of “optimizing” both the on-page and off-
page ranking factors in order to achieve high search engine
rankings for targeted search terms.
0 Refers to the “industry” that has been created regarding using
keyword searching a means of the increasing relevant traffic to
a website
SEO ranking factors
On page
• Content – quality, fresh, keywords
• HTML – titles, description, use of headers
• Architecture – crawl, speed, URLs
• Violation – hidden content, keyword stuffing
Off page
• Link – quality
• Social – shares, reputations
• Trust – authority, history
• Personal – location, trust, history
All You Need to Know About SEO

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SEO-off page optimization technique
SEO-off page optimization technique SEO-off page optimization technique
SEO-off page optimization technique

learn and understand few techniques of how seo off page optimization will help improve traffic on your website.

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Search engine optimization | seo | sem | link building | on page optimization...
Search engine optimization | seo | sem | link building | on page optimization...Search engine optimization | seo | sem | link building | on page optimization...
Search engine optimization | seo | sem | link building | on page optimization...

Search engine optimization involves optimizing a website to increase its relevance for specific keywords in order to improve rankings in search engine results. This includes on-page techniques like editing content and code, as well as off-page techniques like building backlinks through link building campaigns, social media optimization, and article and directory submissions. Proper keyword research and analysis is important to identify relevant keywords to target for optimization.

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Latest Updates on SEO
Latest Updates on SEOLatest Updates on SEO
Latest Updates on SEO

This document contains information about Khirulnizam Abd Rahman, including his contact details and an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. It discusses SEO definitions, indexing, natural listings, the importance of SEO, and 10 essential SEO practices. Key topics covered include keywords, meta tags, URLs, links, content generation, and analyzing site performance. The document provides guidance on optimizing a website to increase its visibility in search engines.

latest updates on updatesseo news
All You Need to Know About SEO
Content Writing
0 Under contents there comes articles, blogs, Press release,
Slide, Video etc. An attractive Web Design can only retain
attention for some time. In the end, it is the content that
matters. High-quality web content can give your marketing
efforts that extra vitality, which can help your brand get the
recognition it deserves.
0 Unique content is a must for SEO and only then you can place
your site at the top Google searches. Google does not accept
any duplicate matter as discussed before and so to ensure
that your written content is unique in the internet world or
not, there is software for plagiarism checking provided on
the link:
All You Need to Know About SEO
Link Directories

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F%$#! Link Building. Content Marketing FTWF%$#! Link Building. Content Marketing FTW
F%$#! Link Building. Content Marketing FTW

The document discusses strategies for content marketing versus traditional link building. It argues that content marketing through blogs, videos, and other tactics can build links naturally while also growing brands and communities. Specific content marketing examples are provided that demonstrate how content can be aligned with businesses, discover audience interests, and leverage emerging platforms to achieve viral sharing.

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Legal Publish SEO Webinar
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Legal Publish SEO Webinar

The document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for legal websites. It covers technical SEO topics like site architecture, metadata, duplicate content, and website speed. It also discusses ongoing SEO efforts like keyword targeting, content strategy, and link building. The document provides guidance on hiring an SEO company and recommends they have experience in the legal field and can provide a detailed strategic plan.

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Sales eBook

Oracle Sales Cloud is a comprehensive cloud solution that provides a modern sales experience. It offers features like sales intelligence and analytics, mobile productivity apps, social collaboration, customizable industry solutions, and sales performance management tools. The platform can be tailored to specific business needs with configuration options and integrates across the Oracle Customer Experience suite.

Link Directories
0 The website, along with the title, description and
keywords has been submitted to leading link directories.
As a result, the website positioning should start moving
up to the top of the search engine results page, because
of the back links you are getting.
0 It may take several weeks for your links to appear in
these Link Directories because they receive hundreds of
submission everyday and each submission is reviewed/
moderated before it is approved.
A list of various link directories is mentioned below:
Article Directories
Article Directories
0 Search Engine robots love content rich sites like Article
Directories. When they come across your article, with a
link back to your website, they continue to crawl to your
site too. As a result, your search engine positioning should
go up.
0 Other than SE robots, newsletter editors and other
webmaster will also be looking around article directories
to pick up content for their publications.
0 This also helps in getting your website indexed quickly.

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A list of various link directories is mentioned below:
0 And many more…..
Social Bookmarking Sites
Social Bookmarking Sites
0 Social Bookmarking is the new tool that actually
works because users rate the entries and popular
bookmarks go higher up in the listings. Even before
your website is indexed in the search engines, they
can come up on Bookmarking sites.
0 This also helps in search engine rankings.
Social Networking Sites (SMO)

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Krital Kumar is a experienced accounting professional with over 9 years of experience in general accounting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and financial management. He has worked with various companies in manufacturing, retail, services, handling all aspects of accounting including bookkeeping, financial reporting, payroll, budgeting, auditing, and tax compliance. He is proficient in Tally ERP 9, MS Office, and has a M.Com degree.

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Natural gas prices plunged sharply on Monday, as weather forecasts predicted temperatures across the U.S. would not be as cold as previously thought, dampening near-term demand expectations for the heating fuel. On the New York Mercantile Exchange, natural gas for delivery in February tumbled 12.0 cents, or 3.85%, to trade at $3.007 per million British thermal units during U.S. morning hours, after hitting a daily low of $2.978. Trade volumes were expected to remain light on Monday, with U.S. markets closed for a holiday.

Social Networking Sites (SMO)
0 The implication is that when a webpage is shared or "liked" by a
user on a social network, it counts as a "vote" for that webpage's
quality. Thus, search engines can use such votes accordingly to
properly rank websites in search engine results pages.
0 Reasons for SMO (Social media optimization) on social
networking sites:
o Link building was always about social proofing.
o Social media allows you to "crowd source" your link building.
o Being social is the fastest way to multiply your presence online.
o Social signal is a real thing.
o Social links bring real traffic to your website.
Snap shots of SMO on different sites:

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Trabajo práctico
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Este documento presenta conceptos clave para un trabajo práctico de fotografía, incluyendo connotación, denotación, trucaje, pose, objetos, fotogenia, esteticismo y sintaxis. También incluye breves frases como "Sin leche no es Oreo" y "Cuando el niño se convierte en consumidor".

Video submission
Video submission
0 A short video is created and is submitted to Youtube.
0 A video has a greater impact on a user rather than a
written material hence, video submission creates a
viral impact which in turn provides large traffic to the
desired website.
0 Video analytics account can be reviewed in order to
view the traffic flow.
0 By posting blurbs about your website to the top rating blog
sites you only get targeted visitors but also back links. This
definitely helps in boosting your search engine rankings.
0 You can post your blog in any of the following top blog
posting sites:

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Este documento establece los procedimientos para realizar auditorías de sistemas de administración ambiental. Define términos clave como sistema de administración ambiental y auditoría del sistema de administración ambiental. Detalla los objetivos, funciones y responsabilidades de los auditores líderes, auditores, equipos de auditoría, clientes y auditados. Además, describe los pasos para planificar e iniciar una auditoría, como determinar el alcance, revisar documentación y preparar un plan de auditoría, y los pasos para ejecutar la auditoría.


Este documento trata sobre la coagulación y floculación en el tratamiento de aguas residuales. Explica que la coagulación desestabiliza las partículas coloidales mediante la adición de un coagulante para neutralizar sus cargas, mientras que la floculación permite la aglomeración de los coágulos formados para crear flóculos mediante agitación suave y continua. También describe los diferentes tipos de floculantes, incluidos los minerales, orgánicos naturales y de síntesis, y los factores que afectan la

Classified Submission
Classified Submission
0 Classified submission is really very significant for webmasters as
it serves different purposes. With the help of classified
submission service, you can show your necessity to the outside
world. It helps in marketing your product or service. It is very
significant SEO tool that helps in popularizing the sites.
0 Classified Ads are basically online ads which are placed on
Classified Resources. It works the same way as you give
advertisement in any other media like:
Newspapers, Magazines, Radio and Television etc. These are very
useful to promote the website as they posted immediately and can
generate sales queries in a couple of hours. Classified Ads are
posted on resources which already have traffic and have a lot of
people refer them for quality products and services.
0 Forums are hot beds of public interaction. By
participating on leading forums, you not only get
highly targeted traffic but also get those precious
0 We found Forums related to your niche, logged in,
searched for a relevant post and replied to the post
while strategically dropping your website URL for the
visitors to see and search engines to crawl. Suitable
comments have been posted as a reply to the topics in
order to attract unique visitors.
Press Release
0 A press release provides reporters with an
information subsidy containing the basics needed to
develop a news story. Press releases can announce a
range of news items, such as scheduled events,
personal promotions, awards, new products and
services, sales and other financial data,
accomplishments, etc.

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To thrive in today's customer empowered environment, brands need to deliver the best customer experiences when, where and how customers want it. Oracle Service Cloud combines Web, Social and Contact Center experiences for a unified, cross-channel service solution in the Cloud, enabling organizations to increase sales and adoption, build trust and strengthen relationships, and reduce costs and effort. The enterprise platform provides transparent reliability, unmatched security, and total Cloud freedom for mission critical customer experience delivery.

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A empresa está enfrentando desafios financeiros devido à pandemia e precisa cortar custos. O plano é demitir alguns funcionários e cortar benefícios para economizar 1 milhão de dólares até o final do ano. As demissões serão baseadas em desempenho e antiguidade para minimizar o impacto nas operações.

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Análise Nodal

Aplicação da análise nodal para determinar as tensões nos nós e assim, descobrir o valor das quedas de tensões nos resistores e as correntes que passam pelos ramos.

Slide Submission
0 A short but informative slide is created and is
submitted to This way also you get a
live URL and hence, you can viral that URL by posting
on your facebook or twitter page which in turn would
provide large traffic to the desired website.
Keyword Ranking
0 Search Engine Optimization goal is to make your site reach
to the top 3 results on leading search engines like Google. It
can take some time, but each milestone means you’re doing
something right. For this, you just have to enter the desired
keyword in the Google search box and find on the search
engine result page where your site ranks.
0 Keywords are very important for any site to get its ranking
on the search engines like Yahoo, Bing, Google. Keyword
ranking tools show where your site ranks for a keyword
but won't help you rank higher. Keyword ranking ranked
the site in search engines for a keyword which has a major
impact on your Web traffic, lead generation and
All You Need to Know About SEO
0 SEO can help you with Business Growth.
0 The results are LOW COST (In comparison to Adwords and
0 Definite increase in traffic
0 Better ROI than normal ADS
0 250 Million websites on the web, SEO makes you stand out

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El conflicto es inherente al ser humano. Conoce cuáles son los elementos que lo componen, los factores que lo causan y cuáles son las principales herramientas de las que disponemos para darle solución. Aprende las nociones básicas para resolver conflictos en el ámbito laboral.

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The document provides an overview of SEO Next's SEO processes and services. It discusses how SEO Next has over 150 staff members located across offices in Manchester and India. It then summarizes some of SEO Next's main SEO services and strategies, including on-page optimization techniques, off-page link building through article submissions, directory listings, forums, and blog comments to build natural backlinks and visibility.

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Basic Search Engine Optimization
Basic Search Engine OptimizationBasic Search Engine Optimization
Basic Search Engine Optimization

So you have a website....Did you know that 80% of website owners have not search engine optimized their websites. Watch this presentation about basic search engine optimization

basic search engine optimizationseosearch engine optimization
More Advantages…
0 SEO delivers a continuous flow of free and targeted
0 SEO gives your business exposure to people who are
looking for a solution.
0 SEO generates traffic that have a good chance of
0 60% of clicks go to the first result.
0 No immediate Pay Off
0 SEO Results will take time
0 You still need to Invest in Technical SEO
0 SEO has no guarantee for Results (especially 1st page
0 Advancement of SEO i.e. PPC
Future Scope of SEO
0 When a website completed by HTML, JAVA, .NET or some
other language then what is your next step, how you the
your website product because directly no one knows your
company, your website and no value of your business till
you don't have your target audience or your website, your
product not promote in the market.
0 These all are a SEO Executive responsibility so it would be
an opportunity for SEO Executive future and his working
criteria, because without promotion and without
customers you can never survive in the market.
0 In an ever growing online world, it is vital that the
business is ranking as highly as possible for relevant
keywords. Subsequently, this results in more website
traffic and therefore an increase in online sales, leads
and visibility. Attaining the higher search engine
ranking and generating a possible increase in your
website traffic by keep in mind that directing traffic to
your website is an easy task, only if unethical method
is employed. And it is also important that the right
kind of visitors is directed to your website.

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Seo types
Seo typesSeo types
Seo types

On page optimization involves techniques done on a website's own pages like keywords, meta tags, headings and internal links to boost search rankings. Off page optimization uses external links from other sites through methods like link building, social bookmarking and article submissions. Key aspects of on page optimization include title tags, meta descriptions and headings to properly convey page content to search engines.

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Why SEO is needed for your business – AresourcePool
Why SEO is needed for your business – AresourcePoolWhy SEO is needed for your business – AresourcePool
Why SEO is needed for your business – AresourcePool

SEO is the process of improving rank of website in search engine results. AresourcePool hire SEO experts India to improve search engine ranking of any particular website.

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Why SEO is needed for your business – AresourcePool
Why SEO is needed for your business – AresourcePoolWhy SEO is needed for your business – AresourcePool
Why SEO is needed for your business – AresourcePool

SEO is the process of improving rank of website in search engine results. AresourcePool hire SEO experts India to improve search engine ranking of any particular website.

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0 Get to the top of Google- David Viney
All You Need to Know About SEO
All You Need to Know About SEO

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All You Need to Know About SEO

  • 2. Abstract 0 DVB Consulting is an Queensland Australian based professional Consulting Company that provides clients, corporate troubleshooting, interim management and business strategy alongside mentoring on both short-term and long-term basis. DVB Consulting advisors help you with their deep insight try to identify the perceived issues in the processes and procedures set up corrective measures to assist the growth of the organization by making alterations as and when required. We deliver tangible results and achieve your outcomes, not simply tell you what to do. 0 This project aims at developing and increasing the ranking of a site ( making it available in the top searches of a quality search engine like GOOGLE, BING etc. which would further cater to the needs of a website making it a highly visited site in the internet world.
  • 3. Purpose 0 The purpose of this presentation is to define Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of Websites. The purpose of every SEO program differ from business to business, but primarily engages building of brand awareness, increasing visibility, gathering of interaction, ideas, comments, essentially consumer conversation in cyberspace and in the course of this, sells a product or service. Here the presentation describes the several techniques and strategies adopted for achieving the desired goal of getting the traffic on the Website.
  • 4. Acronyms and Abbreviations: 0 JSP Java Server Pages 0 Database It contains the data relevant to the application. 0 SEO Search Engine Optimisation 0 SMM Social Media Marketing 0 SEM Search Engine Marketing 0 PPC Pay Per Click 0 ROI Return on Investment
  • 5. SEM Why is Search Engine Marketing Important? 0 85% of all traffic on the internet is referred to by search engines 0 90% of all users don`t look past the first 30 results (most only view top 10) 0 Search engine traffic is low and websites aren`t indexed because they are generally poorly optimized 0 Cost effecting advertising 0 Clear and measureable RO; 0 Operators under this assumption More (relevant) traffic + Good Conversions Rate = More Sales/Leads
  • 6. SEM
  • 10. INTRODUCTION 0 What is SEO? 0 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 0 The efforts revolving around trying to get a site/page to show up (rank) or increase rank within a Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
  • 13. What is Search Engine ? Search engines are programs that search documents for specified keywords and return a list of the documents where the keywords were found. Search engines use programs called spiders or bots, to search the internet and document their findings.
  • 14. Examples of Popular Search Engines
  • 15. Who are the players?
  • 16. How Do Search Engines Work? 0 Spider “crawls” the web to find new documents (web pages, other documents) typically by following hyperlinks from websites already in their database 0 Search engines indexes the content (text, code) in these documents by adding it to their database and then periodically updates this content 0 Search engines search their own databases when a user enters in a search to find related documents (not searching web pages in real time) 0 Search engines ranks the resulting documents using an algorithm (mathematical formula) by assigning various weights and ranking factors
  • 17. How Do Search Engines Work?
  • 18. Search Engine Optimization 0 SEO : Search Engine Optimization 0 Refers to the process of “optimizing” both the on-page and off- page ranking factors in order to achieve high search engine rankings for targeted search terms. 0 Refers to the “industry” that has been created regarding using keyword searching a means of the increasing relevant traffic to a website
  • 19. SEO ranking factors On page • Content – quality, fresh, keywords • HTML – titles, description, use of headers • Architecture – crawl, speed, URLs • Violation – hidden content, keyword stuffing Off page • Link – quality • Social – shares, reputations • Trust – authority, history • Personal – location, trust, history
  • 22. Content Writing 0 Under contents there comes articles, blogs, Press release, Slide, Video etc. An attractive Web Design can only retain attention for some time. In the end, it is the content that matters. High-quality web content can give your marketing efforts that extra vitality, which can help your brand get the recognition it deserves. 0 Unique content is a must for SEO and only then you can place your site at the top Google searches. Google does not accept any duplicate matter as discussed before and so to ensure that your written content is unique in the internet world or not, there is software for plagiarism checking provided on the link:
  • 25. Link Directories 0 The website, along with the title, description and keywords has been submitted to leading link directories. As a result, the website positioning should start moving up to the top of the search engine results page, because of the back links you are getting. 0 It may take several weeks for your links to appear in these Link Directories because they receive hundreds of submission everyday and each submission is reviewed/ moderated before it is approved.
  • 26. A list of various link directories is mentioned below: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  • 28. Article Directories 0 Search Engine robots love content rich sites like Article Directories. When they come across your article, with a link back to your website, they continue to crawl to your site too. As a result, your search engine positioning should go up. 0 Other than SE robots, newsletter editors and other webmaster will also be looking around article directories to pick up content for their publications. 0 This also helps in getting your website indexed quickly.
  • 29. A list of various link directories is mentioned below: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 And many more…..
  • 31. Social Bookmarking Sites 0 Social Bookmarking is the new tool that actually works because users rate the entries and popular bookmarks go higher up in the listings. Even before your website is indexed in the search engines, they can come up on Bookmarking sites. 0 This also helps in search engine rankings.
  • 33. Social Networking Sites (SMO) 0 The implication is that when a webpage is shared or "liked" by a user on a social network, it counts as a "vote" for that webpage's quality. Thus, search engines can use such votes accordingly to properly rank websites in search engine results pages. 0 Reasons for SMO (Social media optimization) on social networking sites: o Link building was always about social proofing. o Social media allows you to "crowd source" your link building. o Being social is the fastest way to multiply your presence online. o Social signal is a real thing. o Social links bring real traffic to your website.
  • 34. Snap shots of SMO on different sites: 0 TWITTER
  • 38. Video submission 0 A short video is created and is submitted to Youtube. 0 A video has a greater impact on a user rather than a written material hence, video submission creates a viral impact which in turn provides large traffic to the desired website. 0 Video analytics account can be reviewed in order to view the traffic flow.
  • 39. Blogs
  • 40. Blogs 0 By posting blurbs about your website to the top rating blog sites you only get targeted visitors but also back links. This definitely helps in boosting your search engine rankings. 0 You can post your blog in any of the following top blog posting sites: o o o o
  • 42. Classified Submission 0 Classified submission is really very significant for webmasters as it serves different purposes. With the help of classified submission service, you can show your necessity to the outside world. It helps in marketing your product or service. It is very significant SEO tool that helps in popularizing the sites. 0 Classified Ads are basically online ads which are placed on Classified Resources. It works the same way as you give advertisement in any other media like: Newspapers, Magazines, Radio and Television etc. These are very useful to promote the website as they posted immediately and can generate sales queries in a couple of hours. Classified Ads are posted on resources which already have traffic and have a lot of people refer them for quality products and services.
  • 43. Forums 0 Forums are hot beds of public interaction. By participating on leading forums, you not only get highly targeted traffic but also get those precious back-links. 0 We found Forums related to your niche, logged in, searched for a relevant post and replied to the post while strategically dropping your website URL for the visitors to see and search engines to crawl. Suitable comments have been posted as a reply to the topics in order to attract unique visitors.
  • 44. Press Release 0 A press release provides reporters with an information subsidy containing the basics needed to develop a news story. Press releases can announce a range of news items, such as scheduled events, personal promotions, awards, new products and services, sales and other financial data, accomplishments, etc.
  • 45. Slide Submission 0 A short but informative slide is created and is submitted to This way also you get a live URL and hence, you can viral that URL by posting on your facebook or twitter page which in turn would provide large traffic to the desired website.
  • 46. Keyword Ranking 0 Search Engine Optimization goal is to make your site reach to the top 3 results on leading search engines like Google. It can take some time, but each milestone means you’re doing something right. For this, you just have to enter the desired keyword in the Google search box and find on the search engine result page where your site ranks. 0 Keywords are very important for any site to get its ranking on the search engines like Yahoo, Bing, Google. Keyword ranking tools show where your site ranks for a keyword but won't help you rank higher. Keyword ranking ranked the site in search engines for a keyword which has a major impact on your Web traffic, lead generation and conversions.
  • 48. Advantages 0 SEO can help you with Business Growth. 0 The results are LOW COST (In comparison to Adwords and PPC) 0 Definite increase in traffic 0 Better ROI than normal ADS 0 250 Million websites on the web, SEO makes you stand out
  • 49. More Advantages… 0 SEO delivers a continuous flow of free and targeted traffic. 0 SEO gives your business exposure to people who are looking for a solution. 0 SEO generates traffic that have a good chance of converting. 0 60% of clicks go to the first result.
  • 50. Disadvantages 0 No immediate Pay Off 0 SEO Results will take time 0 You still need to Invest in Technical SEO 0 SEO has no guarantee for Results (especially 1st page ranking) 0 Advancement of SEO i.e. PPC
  • 51. Future Scope of SEO 0 When a website completed by HTML, JAVA, .NET or some other language then what is your next step, how you the your website product because directly no one knows your company, your website and no value of your business till you don't have your target audience or your website, your product not promote in the market. 0 These all are a SEO Executive responsibility so it would be an opportunity for SEO Executive future and his working criteria, because without promotion and without customers you can never survive in the market.
  • 52. Conclusion 0 In an ever growing online world, it is vital that the business is ranking as highly as possible for relevant keywords. Subsequently, this results in more website traffic and therefore an increase in online sales, leads and visibility. Attaining the higher search engine ranking and generating a possible increase in your website traffic by keep in mind that directing traffic to your website is an easy task, only if unethical method is employed. And it is also important that the right kind of visitors is directed to your website.
  • 53. References 0 0 reasons-socialmedia-critical-your-seo 0 php/forum/about6651.html 0 0 Get to the top of Google- David Viney