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Ahmed El Mawaziny
Senior Software Architect
Zahraa Al Maadi, Cairo, Egypt +201003009331 Egyptian 30-09-1986
amawaziny amawaziny Acclaim amawaziny
Experienced Software Engineer with extensive practical experience in large enterprise projects. Leading several initiatives
to improve software development practices in the areas of Microservices, DevOps, CI/CD, TDD and automated testing.
Service-base, Event-Sourcing, Saga, CQRS
Web, Security, Data, Aspect, Cloud, Configuration, Caching
Oracle, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL
Ingress, ConfigMap, Secret, Deployment, Statefulset
AWS, Docker, S3
DevOps CI/CD
Git, Linux, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Artifactory, Rundeck,
SonarQube, Prometheus, Farbric8
JAX-RS, JAX-WS, EJB, JPA, CDI, JAAS, Bean validation
Keras, sklearn, Pandas, Numpy, Flask, MongoEngine
Vaadin, Vaadin TouchKit
Java, Kotlin, Cordova, Codename-one, Firebase, Facebook-sdk
Machine Learning
TensorFlow, TenserFlow lite
Cloud Application Developer
Mastery Award for Students 2016
Cloud Application Developer
Mastery Award for Professionals 2016
Innovation, Sumerge Software Solutions 2018
Impact and Influence, Sumerge Software Solutions 2018
Impact and Influence, Sumerge Software Solutions 2017
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Sumerge Software Solutions, Senior Software Architect
Designing feasible solutions for business requirements that achieve important architectural
qualities like observability, testability, and maintainability.
Maintaining the architecture and making sure everyone understands and adheres to the
architecture, identifying anti-patterns and take proper actions and measures to prevent
Providing expert analysis and comparisons among different technologies to help take
informed decisions.
Providing expert knowledge in multiple areas: backend technologies, frontend technologies,
security, performance, testing, deployment, and legality.
Identifying bottlenecks and providing alternative solutions.
Consider project restrictions like People, Resources, Time, and Cost.
Review and assess detailed designs.
Providing consultancy on who makes a good candidate to join the company. This includes
preparing technical tests and conducting interviews.
Organizing & Preparing the project for the team to start working on.
Troubleshoot and solve development show-stopping problems.
Proactively set conventions, best practices, and quality standards.
Identify and introduce ways and tools to improve the development process.
Conduct effective code reviews.
Providing Support, Motivation, Recognition, encouragement & inspiration for team
Giving constructive feedback to every team member to make sure they are aware of their
positives and room for improvement.
Improving team technical competence through knowledge sharing, mentoring, shadowing,
Executes the buddy system with new hires and interns.
01-2017 – present
Cairo, Egypt
Sphere-Consulting, Technology Team Lead
Choices available during development by:
Choosing a standard way of pursuing application development
Creating, defining, or choosing an application framework for the application
Software security by:
Develop, implement, test and review an organization's information security in order to
protect information and prevent unauthorized access
Recognize potential reuse in the organization or in the application by:
Observing and understanding the broader system environment.
Creating the component design
Having knowledge of other applications in the organization.
Subdivide a complex application, during the design phase, into smaller, more manageable
Design the functions of each component within the application.
Manage the interactions and dependencies among components.
Communicate these concepts to developers.
09-2016 – 12-2016
Cairo, Egypt
dopay, Senior Software Engineer
Software Architecture/Development for the dopay system.
dopay serves a potential market of 2 billion people worldwide who have jobs but no bank
account. This means they are cut off from even the most basic financial services. Companies
that employ bankless people feel this acutely; they have to manage huge amounts of cash,
which is costly, it also causes significant operational overhead and obvious security concerns.
dopay committed to transforming the lives of both employers and employees by automating
the payroll process for employers and providing a debit card and mobile app for unbanked
employees. So employers no longer have to handle large amounts of cash and their employees
are included in the world of electronic payments and other financial services.
dopay headquartered in London and serving our first market in Egypt in partnership with
Barclays Bank. Our customers include multinationals like Vodafone, Philips and Uber. We’ve
spent two years building relationships in the developing world and proving that our business
model works, there is a sustainable business in banking the unbanked.
09-2014 – 09-2016
Cairo, Egypt
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Tanmeyah for Microfinance Services, Software Engineer
Software Architecture/Development for tanmeyah core banking system.
Working capital finance for formal & informal businesses
Loans range: EGP 4k-30k
Loan tenor: 4-12 months
Loan methodology: Individual
Loan use: Cash flow and assets
For existing formal businesses
Loan range L.E. 30k-100k
Loan tenor: 6-24 months
Loan methodology: individual
Loan use: cash flow only
06-2010 – 06-2013
Cairo, Egypt
(MC) – Unified e-Services Platform and Private Cloud, The Saudi Ministry of Commerce
The purpose of this project is to build a Unified Platform that allows boosting MC teams to
provision new business services through a standard fast process that ensures the integration
between all components as well as decreasing the dependency between components to
eliminate any single points of failures. This will make the services easier to be developed,
delivered, deployed, managed, operated and maintained.
Unified Platform features:
Allows developers to develop, test, maintain and deploy Microservices independently.
Allows administrators to deploy microservices using DevOps (CI/CD pipeline).
Allows the quality team to monitor test coverage and code quality.
Allows administrators to Self-healing, Storage orchestration, Service Load balancing and
automatically scale Microservices depending on usage.
Allows administrators to monitor performance and collect logs from all Microservices.
Allows administrators to rollback to the previous version of the deployed Microservice.
Allows the security team to monitor all requests and update services with zero downtime.
Spring Boot, Spring Cloud
SingleSPA for Micro-frontends
Kubernetes (Ingress, etcd, ConfigMap, Secrets, auto scaling)
LDAP integration and Oracle HR Integration
MongoDB database
Apache Kafka
Apache Elasticsearch
CI/CD - Jenkins, Git, Artifactory, Docker, Docker registry, SonarQube, maven, fabric8,
Deploying on Kubernetes
08-2019 – present
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Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC),
Ministry of Electricity (MOE): A Unified Electricity Billing and Customer Management System
The purpose of this project is to build a Unified Electricity Billing & Recharge solution to be
used across all 9 electricity distribution companies covering the whole country and supporting
all meter types. The solution replaced several other legacy systems that were used by the 9
distribution companies. The solution is composed of 3 main components; the core billing
system, the payment gateway for integration with payment channels and a central data
warehouse for BI and Analytics.
Java Web application (JSF, EJB, JPA, JAX-RS)
Integration with Fawry, e-Finance and any payment gateway for recharging via POS
Integration with Handheld devices
MSSQL Server Database
IBM WebSphere Application Server
CI/CD - Jenkins, Artifactory, Rundeck, Custom docker file for Websphere full profile
01-2017 – 08-2019
UniCare, Medical Insurance - Claim Management System
The purpose of this solution is to build an end-to-end Claims Management System aimed to
help UniCare at processing claims in an effective way that would enhance their customers’
experience, their internal operations, claims review time, fraud detection and payments to
medical providers.
Java Web application (JSF, EJB, JPA, JAX-RS, JAX-WS)
IBM Case Manager Integration
Redhat drools
IBM Filenet
IBM Websphere 8.5.5
CI/CD - Jenkins, Artifactory, SonarQube, Custom docker file for Websphere full profile
07-2017 – 05-2018
dopay, Provides a cloud-based payroll service
The purpose of this project is to build a system for banking unbanking employees by
integration with Barclays and generate Credit Card by integrating NI for these employees that
allow them to buy from stores or online, mobile wallet and withdrawal their salaries
Java Web application (Vaadin framework for UI,EJB and JPA for backend business
component, JAX-RS for web service integration)
Integration with OTS company for sms gateway
Integration with Microsoft outlook for Emails
Mobile application backend web service
Database design on MariaDB
Integration with online payment with NI company
Software security develop, implement and test
CI/CD - Jenkins, Rundeck, Amazon aws/s3 and Artifactory with git push
09-2014 – 09-2016
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Star Knowledge is a global software services and solutions provider that delivers customized software development using structured methodologies. It has offices in the US, India, and globally that provide services like consulting, custom software development, support, and solutions across industries. Star Knowledge prioritizes project management, quality control, and developing solutions that meet clients' unique business and technical needs.

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This document provides an overview of PJ Software LLC, a software development company. It details the company's team of experienced developers, technical expertise in various programming languages and platforms, and portfolio of clients in different industries. The company offers end-to-end software development services including web, mobile, and application development. It works with clients using agile or waterfall methodologies and time and material or dedicated team pricing models.

software developmentecommercemarketplace

This document contains a resume for Yashwant, summarizing his professional experience and qualifications. He has over 7 years of experience in software development using technologies like Java, IBM WebSphere Portal, J2EE, and HTML. His experience includes projects for companies like Tecnics Integration Technology, Cognizant Technology Solutions, IBM India, Omnie Solutions, and Prosoft Cyber World. He has a Master's degree in Computer Application from Anna University and his skills include languages like Java and C/C++, tools like HTML and IBM WebSphere Portal Server.

LiveConnect for insurance, Odoo and Mobile
The purpose of this solution is to build an end-to-end Claims Management System aimed to
help LiveConnect at processing claims in an effective way that would enhance their customers’
experience, their internal operations, claims review time, fraud detection and payments to
medical providers.
Custom Customer (Coordinator)
Customer Supplier (Service Provider)
Inherit Partner to create Employees (not using HR module)
Custom Address (Country, City, Street)
New models :
Service Group
Policy Service
Service Provider Group
Partner Policy
Service Provider Policy
Service Group Policy
Financial Statement
Mobile app Ads
Messaging (Notifications, Messages and Timeline)
Validations on (valid from and valid to) for each record on database table for this module and
Calculating employee and service provider monthly limitation and yearly limitation
Android Mobile app multilingual
Authentication for employees and service providers
Read profile of the logged in user
Show timeline
Show messages
Show notifications
Show and Calculating Financial
Send service request with images, files and multi services
Show previous request
Google map shows markers for nearest service provider Android
Java and Odoo-jsonrpc
03-2015 – 07-2015
Cloud Registration, Odoo
The purpose of this project is to create a multi tenant application SaaS using Odoo.
Sign Up with name, company name, email, mobile, phone and password.
System will send an email to the user with the login info on the cloud server.
System will create a partner with name, mobile, phone, email, (longitude and latitude from
user remote IP Address).
System will create with this sign up a lead with company, email, phone, mobile, (country,
country code, postal code, city, longitude and latitude from signup IP Address) and some
internal notes and then add the login info email as a comment on this lead
When the user pressed the login button system will create a database with sign up company
and admin password on the cloud server.
Users can login with admin@[company name] and password on the cloud server.
06-2014 – 07-2014
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Mutabaa, Debit Tracking Monitoring System
The purpose of this project is to build a tracking and monitoring system for microfinance
companies and banks. Banks can send their investigation form to Mutabaa for investigation on
customers and see if they deserve a micro loan or not, Mutabaa takes this form and puts it into
the system so the inquirer can open this form on handheld and fill it and put the customer
hand's signature on it. Mutabaa can collect money from customers by a collection module that
can track user's handheld by GPS and send the coordinates to his supervisor. Also Mutabaa can
call customers by a call center module.
Frameworks: Java EE 7, JSF 2.2 (mojarra 2.2.6, primefaces 5.0), EJB 3.2, JPA (Eclipselink),
RESTful (JAX-RS, JSON ,Jersey) and Cordova, JQuery Mobile for mobile app
Design Patterns: MVC, ECB, Facade
Database: MySQL
Application Server: Glassfish 4.0
03-2013 – 07-2014
Fingerprint integration with HR timesheet, Odoo HR
Integrating OpenERP timesheet with fingerprint machine
Sync between fingerprint machine database and OpenERP timesheet module using
OpenERP xmlrpc
Frameworks: JSE 8, Apache XML RPC
04-2014 – 05-2014
Call Center System, Integrated with Asterisk
The purpose of this project is to follow up with customers by calling them using integration
with open source Asterisk and manage WAV files for reporting.
JSF for front end with primefaces component
EJB and JPA for Backend business component
Database design on Oracle database
07-2012 – 12-2013
CAMS, Microfinance system
The purpose of this project is to build end-to-end micro enterprise loans system with payment
tracking and integration with Egabi bank-plus
Javaee EJB and JPA for Backend business component
Database design on Oracle database and MySQL
06-2010 – 12-2013
IScore, bulk request/response and Dispute
The purpose of this project is to build a layer between Tanmeyah database and IScore
database, in this layer user can dispute or send bulk request to IScore for inquiry then the layer
process IScore response files in xml format and insert data in database then generate excel file
for business users
Java SE Swing framework for GUI
XPath for processing xml files in multi threading
MVP Design Pattern
05-2012 – 07-2012
Engineering October 6 University, Good / Computer Engineering
Project Grade : Excellent
Project title: Security wireless network with applications
Project content :
Windows server 2003:( Active directory – DHCP – Domain controller – DNS).
Security using : ( ISA server 2004 - Pix Firewall – VPN ).
Applications : ( Voice – Video - Mail Exchange – GPRS – E-Learning ).
6th of October, Egypt
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Ahmed El Mawaziny CV

  • 1. Ahmed El Mawaziny Senior Software Architect Zahraa Al Maadi, Cairo, Egypt +201003009331 Egyptian 30-09-1986 amawaziny amawaziny Acclaim amawaziny Experienced Software Engineer with extensive practical experience in large enterprise projects. Leading several initiatives to improve software development practices in the areas of Microservices, DevOps, CI/CD, TDD and automated testing. SKILLS Microservices Service-base, Event-Sourcing, Saga, CQRS Micro-frontend Single-SPA Spring-boot Web, Security, Data, Aspect, Cloud, Configuration, Caching SQL Oracle, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL Kubernetes Ingress, ConfigMap, Secret, Deployment, Statefulset Amazon AWS, Docker, S3 DevOps CI/CD Git, Linux, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Artifactory, Rundeck, SonarQube, Prometheus, Farbric8 Angular Odoo Microprofile Javaee JAX-RS, JAX-WS, EJB, JPA, CDI, JAAS, Bean validation Python Keras, sklearn, Pandas, Numpy, Flask, MongoEngine NoSQL MongoDB Docker Kafka Vaadin Vaadin, Vaadin TouchKit Android Java, Kotlin, Cordova, Codename-one, Firebase, Facebook-sdk Machine Learning TensorFlow, TenserFlow lite CERTIFICATES Cloud Application Developer Mastery Award for Students 2016 Cloud Application Developer Mastery Award for Professionals 2016 AWARDS Innovation, Sumerge Software Solutions 2018 Impact and Influence, Sumerge Software Solutions 2018 Impact and Influence, Sumerge Software Solutions 2017 1 / 6
  • 2. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Sumerge Software Solutions, Senior Software Architect Designing feasible solutions for business requirements that achieve important architectural qualities like observability, testability, and maintainability. Maintaining the architecture and making sure everyone understands and adheres to the architecture, identifying anti-patterns and take proper actions and measures to prevent them. Providing expert analysis and comparisons among different technologies to help take informed decisions. Providing expert knowledge in multiple areas: backend technologies, frontend technologies, security, performance, testing, deployment, and legality. Identifying bottlenecks and providing alternative solutions. Consider project restrictions like People, Resources, Time, and Cost. Review and assess detailed designs. Providing consultancy on who makes a good candidate to join the company. This includes preparing technical tests and conducting interviews. Organizing & Preparing the project for the team to start working on. Troubleshoot and solve development show-stopping problems. Proactively set conventions, best practices, and quality standards. Identify and introduce ways and tools to improve the development process. Conduct effective code reviews. Providing Support, Motivation, Recognition, encouragement & inspiration for team members. Giving constructive feedback to every team member to make sure they are aware of their positives and room for improvement. Improving team technical competence through knowledge sharing, mentoring, shadowing, etc. Executes the buddy system with new hires and interns. 01-2017 – present Cairo, Egypt Sphere-Consulting, Technology Team Lead Choices available during development by: Choosing a standard way of pursuing application development Creating, defining, or choosing an application framework for the application Software security by: Develop, implement, test and review an organization's information security in order to protect information and prevent unauthorized access Recognize potential reuse in the organization or in the application by: Observing and understanding the broader system environment. Creating the component design Having knowledge of other applications in the organization. Subdivide a complex application, during the design phase, into smaller, more manageable pieces. Design the functions of each component within the application. Manage the interactions and dependencies among components. Communicate these concepts to developers. 09-2016 – 12-2016 Cairo, Egypt dopay, Senior Software Engineer Software Architecture/Development for the dopay system. dopay serves a potential market of 2 billion people worldwide who have jobs but no bank account. This means they are cut off from even the most basic financial services. Companies that employ bankless people feel this acutely; they have to manage huge amounts of cash, which is costly, it also causes significant operational overhead and obvious security concerns. dopay committed to transforming the lives of both employers and employees by automating the payroll process for employers and providing a debit card and mobile app for unbanked employees. So employers no longer have to handle large amounts of cash and their employees are included in the world of electronic payments and other financial services. dopay headquartered in London and serving our first market in Egypt in partnership with Barclays Bank. Our customers include multinationals like Vodafone, Philips and Uber. We’ve spent two years building relationships in the developing world and proving that our business model works, there is a sustainable business in banking the unbanked. 09-2014 – 09-2016 Cairo, Egypt 2 / 6
  • 3. Tanmeyah for Microfinance Services, Software Engineer Software Architecture/Development for tanmeyah core banking system. MICRO-ENTERPRISE LENDING (MEL) Working capital finance for formal & informal businesses Loans range: EGP 4k-30k Loan tenor: 4-12 months Loan methodology: Individual Loan use: Cash flow and assets VERY-SMALL ENTERPRISE LENDING (VSE) For existing formal businesses Loan range L.E. 30k-100k Loan tenor: 6-24 months Loan methodology: individual Loan use: cash flow only 06-2010 – 06-2013 Cairo, Egypt PROJECTS (MC) – Unified e-Services Platform and Private Cloud, The Saudi Ministry of Commerce The purpose of this project is to build a Unified Platform that allows boosting MC teams to provision new business services through a standard fast process that ensures the integration between all components as well as decreasing the dependency between components to eliminate any single points of failures. This will make the services easier to be developed, delivered, deployed, managed, operated and maintained. Unified Platform features: Allows developers to develop, test, maintain and deploy Microservices independently. Allows administrators to deploy microservices using DevOps (CI/CD pipeline). Allows the quality team to monitor test coverage and code quality. Allows administrators to Self-healing, Storage orchestration, Service Load balancing and automatically scale Microservices depending on usage. Allows administrators to monitor performance and collect logs from all Microservices. Allows administrators to rollback to the previous version of the deployed Microservice. Allows the security team to monitor all requests and update services with zero downtime. Technologies: Spring Boot, Spring Cloud SingleSPA for Micro-frontends Kubernetes (Ingress, etcd, ConfigMap, Secrets, auto scaling) LDAP integration and Oracle HR Integration MongoDB database Apache Kafka Zipkin Apache Elasticsearch CI/CD - Jenkins, Git, Artifactory, Docker, Docker registry, SonarQube, maven, fabric8, Deploying on Kubernetes 08-2019 – present 3 / 6
  • 4. Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC), Ministry of Electricity (MOE): A Unified Electricity Billing and Customer Management System The purpose of this project is to build a Unified Electricity Billing & Recharge solution to be used across all 9 electricity distribution companies covering the whole country and supporting all meter types. The solution replaced several other legacy systems that were used by the 9 distribution companies. The solution is composed of 3 main components; the core billing system, the payment gateway for integration with payment channels and a central data warehouse for BI and Analytics. Technologies: Java Web application (JSF, EJB, JPA, JAX-RS) Integration with Fawry, e-Finance and any payment gateway for recharging via POS Integration with Handheld devices MSSQL Server Database IBM WebSphere Application Server CI/CD - Jenkins, Artifactory, Rundeck, Custom docker file for Websphere full profile 01-2017 – 08-2019 UniCare, Medical Insurance - Claim Management System The purpose of this solution is to build an end-to-end Claims Management System aimed to help UniCare at processing claims in an effective way that would enhance their customers’ experience, their internal operations, claims review time, fraud detection and payments to medical providers. Technologies: Java Web application (JSF, EJB, JPA, JAX-RS, JAX-WS) IBM Case Manager Integration Redhat drools IBM Filenet IBM Websphere 8.5.5 IBM DB2 CI/CD - Jenkins, Artifactory, SonarQube, Custom docker file for Websphere full profile 07-2017 – 05-2018 dopay, Provides a cloud-based payroll service The purpose of this project is to build a system for banking unbanking employees by integration with Barclays and generate Credit Card by integrating NI for these employees that allow them to buy from stores or online, mobile wallet and withdrawal their salaries Technologies: Java Web application (Vaadin framework for UI,EJB and JPA for backend business component, JAX-RS for web service integration) Integration with OTS company for sms gateway Integration with Microsoft outlook for Emails Mobile application backend web service Database design on MariaDB Integration with online payment with NI company Software security develop, implement and test CI/CD - Jenkins, Rundeck, Amazon aws/s3 and Artifactory with git push 09-2014 – 09-2016 4 / 6
  • 5. LiveConnect for insurance, Odoo and Mobile The purpose of this solution is to build an end-to-end Claims Management System aimed to help LiveConnect at processing claims in an effective way that would enhance their customers’ experience, their internal operations, claims review time, fraud detection and payments to medical providers. Odoo: Custom Customer (Coordinator) Customer Supplier (Service Provider) Inherit Partner to create Employees (not using HR module) Custom Address (Country, City, Street) New models : Service Group Service Policy Policy Service Service Provider Group Partner Policy Service Provider Policy Service Group Policy Financial Statement Mobile app Ads Messaging (Notifications, Messages and Timeline) Validations on (valid from and valid to) for each record on database table for this module and Calculating employee and service provider monthly limitation and yearly limitation Android Mobile app multilingual Authentication for employees and service providers Read profile of the logged in user Show timeline Show messages Show notifications Show and Calculating Financial Send service request with images, files and multi services Show previous request Google map shows markers for nearest service provider Android Java and Odoo-jsonrpc 03-2015 – 07-2015 Cloud Registration, Odoo The purpose of this project is to create a multi tenant application SaaS using Odoo. Sign Up with name, company name, email, mobile, phone and password. System will send an email to the user with the login info on the cloud server. System will create a partner with name, mobile, phone, email, (longitude and latitude from user remote IP Address). System will create with this sign up a lead with company, email, phone, mobile, (country, country code, postal code, city, longitude and latitude from signup IP Address) and some internal notes and then add the login info email as a comment on this lead When the user pressed the login button system will create a database with sign up company and admin password on the cloud server. Users can login with admin@[company name] and password on the cloud server. 06-2014 – 07-2014 5 / 6
  • 6. Mutabaa, Debit Tracking Monitoring System The purpose of this project is to build a tracking and monitoring system for microfinance companies and banks. Banks can send their investigation form to Mutabaa for investigation on customers and see if they deserve a micro loan or not, Mutabaa takes this form and puts it into the system so the inquirer can open this form on handheld and fill it and put the customer hand's signature on it. Mutabaa can collect money from customers by a collection module that can track user's handheld by GPS and send the coordinates to his supervisor. Also Mutabaa can call customers by a call center module. Technologies: Frameworks: Java EE 7, JSF 2.2 (mojarra 2.2.6, primefaces 5.0), EJB 3.2, JPA (Eclipselink), RESTful (JAX-RS, JSON ,Jersey) and Cordova, JQuery Mobile for mobile app Design Patterns: MVC, ECB, Facade Database: MySQL Application Server: Glassfish 4.0 03-2013 – 07-2014 Fingerprint integration with HR timesheet, Odoo HR Integrating OpenERP timesheet with fingerprint machine Sync between fingerprint machine database and OpenERP timesheet module using OpenERP xmlrpc Frameworks: JSE 8, Apache XML RPC 04-2014 – 05-2014 Call Center System, Integrated with Asterisk The purpose of this project is to follow up with customers by calling them using integration with open source Asterisk and manage WAV files for reporting. Technologies: JSF for front end with primefaces component EJB and JPA for Backend business component Database design on Oracle database 07-2012 – 12-2013 CAMS, Microfinance system The purpose of this project is to build end-to-end micro enterprise loans system with payment tracking and integration with Egabi bank-plus Technologies: Javaee EJB and JPA for Backend business component Database design on Oracle database and MySQL 06-2010 – 12-2013 IScore, bulk request/response and Dispute The purpose of this project is to build a layer between Tanmeyah database and IScore database, in this layer user can dispute or send bulk request to IScore for inquiry then the layer process IScore response files in xml format and insert data in database then generate excel file for business users Technologies: Java SE Swing framework for GUI XPath for processing xml files in multi threading MVP Design Pattern 05-2012 – 07-2012 EDUCATION Engineering October 6 University, Good / Computer Engineering Project Grade : Excellent Project title: Security wireless network with applications Project content : Windows server 2003:( Active directory – DHCP – Domain controller – DNS). Security using : ( ISA server 2004 - Pix Firewall – VPN ). Applications : ( Voice – Video - Mail Exchange – GPRS – E-Learning ). 2009 6th of October, Egypt 6 / 6