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Performance is a Feature!
Performance is a Feature!
Matt Warren
Performance is a Feature!
Watch the webinar recording here:

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Hidden Gems of Performance Tuning: Hierarchical Profiler and DML Trigger Opti...
Hidden Gems of Performance Tuning: Hierarchical Profiler and DML Trigger Opti...Hidden Gems of Performance Tuning: Hierarchical Profiler and DML Trigger Opti...
Hidden Gems of Performance Tuning: Hierarchical Profiler and DML Trigger Opti...

In any large ecosystem, there are always areas that stay in the twilight, outside of the public’s attention. This deep dive attempts to change the trend regarding two, at first glance, unrelated PL/SQL topics: hierarchical profiler (HProf) and database triggers. But if you look closer, there’s something in common: they’re significantly underused! HProf because nobody heard about it, database triggers because of decades-old stigma. Let’s put both of them back into our development toolset! Part #1. One of the most critical FREE SQL and PL/SQL performance tuning tools is almost totally unknown! If you ask, how much time is spent on routine A? How often is function B called? Most developers would hand-code something instead of using the Oracle PL/SQL HProf. This isn’t because the provided functionality is disliked, but because developers aren’t aware of its existence! This presentation is an attempt to alter this trend and reintroduce HProf to a wider audience. Part #2. There isn’t anything “evil” about database triggers; they just have to be used where they can actually solve problems. In this presentation, various kinds of triggers will be examined from a global system optimization view, including tradeoffs between multiple goals (e.g., depending upon the available hardware, developers can select either CPU-intensive or I/O-intensive solutions). This presentation will focus on the most common performance problems related to different kinds of DML triggers and the proper ways of resolving them.

Data Tracking: On the Hunt for Information about Your Database
Data Tracking: On the Hunt for Information about Your DatabaseData Tracking: On the Hunt for Information about Your Database
Data Tracking: On the Hunt for Information about Your Database

Behind the scenes, Oracle databases hide a myriad of processes to ensure that your data can be safely stored and retrieved. These processes also leave “tracks” (or they COULD leave tracks if you set them up properly). These tracks, together with application-specific data, create a complete representation of the system’s day-to-day activity. Too often this representation is lost at the DBA/Developer borderline, mostly because one side is not aware of the needs of the other. This presentation strives to bridge this gap. It focuses on key sources of database information and techniques that are useful for both DBAs and developers: - Data Dictionary - Oracle Logging - Oracle Tracing - Advanced code instrumentation

Finding SQL execution outliers
Finding SQL execution outliersFinding SQL execution outliers
Finding SQL execution outliers

This presentation is about tracking performance for OLTP queries, that typically take <1>) and how to capture them in ORACLE database.

Database & Caching
Performance is a Feature!
Why does performance matter?
What do we need to measure?
How we can fix the issues?
Save money
Save power
Bad perf == broken
Lost customers
Half a second delay caused
a 20% drop in traffic

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This document discusses techniques for detecting and preventing SQL injection using the Percona Toolkit and Noinject!. It begins by introducing SQL injection and how attackers can modify SQL queries without changing server code. It then discusses using query fingerprints to detect new queries that may indicate injection attempts. The Percona Toolkit tools pt-query-digest and pt-fingerprint are used to generate and store fingerprints in a whitelist. Pt-query-digest can detect new fingerprints that have not been reviewed. The Noinject! proxy script uses fingerprints to inspect queries in real-time and block any that do not match whitelisted patterns. The document concludes by discussing limitations and ways to improve the fingerprinting approach.

Rac 12c optimization
Rac 12c optimizationRac 12c optimization
Rac 12c optimization

The document discusses optimization of Real Application Clusters (RAC) in Oracle 12c. It provides background on the author and outlines common root causes of RAC performance issues such as CPU/memory starvation, network issues, and excessive dynamic remastering. The document then presents golden rules for RAC diagnostics including avoiding focusing only on top wait events, eliminating infrastructure issues, identifying problem instances, examining both send and receive side metrics, and using histograms. Specific techniques are described for analyzing wait events like gc buffer busy.

gc cr block build timerac 12cgc current block build time
Flexviews materialized views for my sql
Flexviews materialized views for my sqlFlexviews materialized views for my sql
Flexviews materialized views for my sql

Flexviews is a materialized view solution for MySQL. This set of slides introduces Flexviews concepts, and gives some examples in how to use it and what to use it for.

change data capturemysqlmaterialized view
“The most amazing achievement of
the computer software industry is its
continuing cancellation of the steady
and staggering gains made by the
computer hardware industry.”
- Henry Petroski
“We should forget about small efficiencies,
say about 97% of the time: premature
optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we
should not pass up our opportunities in
that critical 3%.“
- Donald Knuth
“We should forget about small efficiencies,
say about 97% of the time: premature
optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we
should not pass up our opportunities in
that critical 3%.“
- Donald Knuth
Never give up your
performance accidentally
Rico Mariani,
Performance Architect @

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Developer's Approach to Code Management
Developer's Approach to Code ManagementDeveloper's Approach to Code Management
Developer's Approach to Code Management

This presentation is the attempt to switch sides and show code management from the developer's point of view. It stays outside of various VCS solutions and focuses on hands-on approaches: activity control via system triggers, conditional compilation, synonym manipulation, utilization of Edition-Based Redefinition (EBR).

Performance Schema for MySQL Troubleshooting
Performance Schema for MySQL TroubleshootingPerformance Schema for MySQL Troubleshooting
Performance Schema for MySQL Troubleshooting

Percona Live ( The performance schema in MySQL version 5.6, released in February, 2013, is a very powerful tool that can help DBAs discover why even the trickiest performance issues occur. Version 5.7 introduces even more instruments and tables. And while all these give you great power, you can get stuck choosing which instrument to use. In this session, I will start with a description of a typical problem, then guide you how to use the performance schema to find out what causes the issue, the reason for unwanted behavior and how the received information can help you solve a particular problem. Traditionally, performance schema sessions teach what is in contained in tables. I will, in contrast, start from a performance issue, then demonstrate which instruments and tables can help solve it. We will discuss how to setup the performance schema so that it has minimal impact on your server.

performance schemamysqlperformance
Tracing Parallel Execution (UKOUG 2006)
Tracing Parallel Execution (UKOUG 2006)Tracing Parallel Execution (UKOUG 2006)
Tracing Parallel Execution (UKOUG 2006)

The document discusses tracing parallel execution in Oracle. It provides an example query using parallel execution hints and describes how to enable and generate trace files for the query coordinator process and parallel execution slave processes. It then summarizes the key events shown in the trace files, such as setting up parallel execution, full table scans by slave processes, and consolidating results.

are bad
Performance is a Feature!
"most people have
more than the average
number of legs"
- Hans Rosling

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QA your code: The new Unity Test Framework – Unite Copenhagen 2019
QA your code: The new Unity Test Framework – Unite Copenhagen 2019QA your code: The new Unity Test Framework – Unite Copenhagen 2019
QA your code: The new Unity Test Framework – Unite Copenhagen 2019

Are you involved in testing or QA on projects in Unity? In these slides, you'll get an overview of the state of Unity for all things testing-related, and have the opportunity to share your stories of success, failure, pain, and glory. Learn from your fellow developers and give feedback on how Unity could help you hold your projects to a higher standard of quality. You will also get an introduction to the newest features in the Test Framework. Speakers: Christian Warnecke - Unity Richard Fine - Unity Watch the session on YouTube:

codesgame developmentqa
2018 db-rainer schuettengruber-beating-oracles_optimizer_at_its_own_game-pres...
2018 db-rainer schuettengruber-beating-oracles_optimizer_at_its_own_game-pres...2018 db-rainer schuettengruber-beating-oracles_optimizer_at_its_own_game-pres...
2018 db-rainer schuettengruber-beating-oracles_optimizer_at_its_own_game-pres...

The document discusses how the Oracle optimizer can sometimes choose suboptimal execution plans, leading to performance deterioration. It presents a scenario where the same query runs much slower when bind variables are used. The document then shows how SQL profiles can be used to enforce a better execution plan. It argues that manually creating profiles is not ideal for 24/7 environments. The document proposes using machine learning for outlier detection to identify performance issues and then automatically generate SQL profiles to address the issues. Code examples are provided for outlier detection and generating profiles through the Oracle API to allow automating the process.

oracle optimizer machine learning
A close encounter_with_real_world_and_odd_perf_issues
A close encounter_with_real_world_and_odd_perf_issuesA close encounter_with_real_world_and_odd_perf_issues
A close encounter_with_real_world_and_odd_perf_issues

This document discusses a performance issue where a database experienced high CPU usage in the kernel mode. Tracing tools identified that detaching from multiple shared memory segments during connection release was causing the high CPU. The database server had a NUMA architecture, causing the database instance to create multiple shared memory segments across NUMA nodes. Increasing the shared memory size limit did not resolve it, as the instance was optimizing for NUMA.

high kernel mode cpuhigh kernel mode cpu 2hung rac cluster
Performance is a Feature!
Performance is a Feature!
Application Insights Analytics
Watch the webinar recording here:

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How Many Slaves (Ukoug)
How Many Slaves (Ukoug)How Many Slaves (Ukoug)
How Many Slaves (Ukoug)

UKOUG version of a presentation trying to establish the sensible limits of parallelism on a couple of hardware configurations. Detailed white paper is at

A deep dive about VIP,HAIP, and SCAN
A deep dive about VIP,HAIP, and SCAN A deep dive about VIP,HAIP, and SCAN
A deep dive about VIP,HAIP, and SCAN

This document discusses SCAN, VIP, and HAIP in Oracle RAC environments. It provides details on: - VIP - a virtual IP address that is not statically linked to a single node, allowing for faster failovers. Each node has a VIP. - SCAN - a single virtual IP and listener that provides load balancing and high availability. SCAN acts as an abstraction layer so client connect strings do not need to change. - HAIP - high availability IP addresses that allow clusterware and the database to use plumbed IP addresses for private interconnect traffic via solutions like bonding and trunking.

rac haiprac scanrac vip
Debunking myths about_redo_ppt
Debunking myths about_redo_pptDebunking myths about_redo_ppt
Debunking myths about_redo_ppt

This document summarizes several myths about database redo, undo, commit, and rollback operations. It presents test cases and analysis to debunk the myths. The author is an experienced Oracle DBA who specializes in performance tuning and internals. Sample redo records are displayed and analyzed to explain how operations like rollback do generate redo. The document aims to clarify misunderstandings about the internal workings of Oracle's transaction and redo logging.

oracle rollback mythsoracle undooracle redo internals
In production
You won't see ANY perf issues
during unit tests
You won't see ALL perf issues
in Development
Measure, measure, measure
1. Identify bottlenecks
2. Verify the optimisation works
“The simple act of putting a render time in the upper right hand corner of every
page we serve forced us to fix all our performance regressions and omissions.”

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Database & Technology 1 _ Tom Kyte _ Efficient PL SQL - Why and How to Use.pdf
Database & Technology 1 _ Tom Kyte _ Efficient PL SQL - Why and How to Use.pdfDatabase & Technology 1 _ Tom Kyte _ Efficient PL SQL - Why and How to Use.pdf
Database & Technology 1 _ Tom Kyte _ Efficient PL SQL - Why and How to Use.pdf

Thomas Kyte discusses effective techniques for writing PL/SQL code. Some key points: 1) Use PL/SQL for data manipulation as it is tightly coupled with SQL and most efficient. 2) Write as little code as possible by leveraging SQL and thinking in sets rather than loops. 3) Use static SQL where possible for compile-time checking and dependency tracking. Dynamic SQL should only be used when static SQL is impractical. 4) Leverage packages to reduce dependencies, increase modularity, and support overloading and encapsulation. 5) Employ bulk processing techniques like bulk collects to minimize round trips to the database.


deathstar is a tool for seamlessly running R code across local and cloud computing nodes. It uses ZeroMQ to distribute data and code across nodes. The deathstar daemon runs on each node and listens for work. The R package exposes a zmq.cluster.lapply function similar to regular lapply to distribute jobs. Examples show using deathstar to estimate pi across nodes and calculate stock betas in a distributed manner. deathstar allows scaling R code to multiple cores locally or launching EC2 instances on AWS for more capacity.

Hierarchical free monads and software design in fp
Hierarchical free monads and software design in fpHierarchical free monads and software design in fp
Hierarchical free monads and software design in fp

I invented the approach I call "Hierarchical Free Monads". It helps to build applications in Haskell with achieving all the needed code quality requirements. I tested this approach in several real world projects and companies, and it works very well.

haskellfunctional programmingbest practices
Profiling -> Micro-benchmarks
Performance is a Feature!

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Incrementalism: An Industrial Strategy For Adopting Modern Automation
Incrementalism: An Industrial Strategy For Adopting Modern AutomationIncrementalism: An Industrial Strategy For Adopting Modern Automation
Incrementalism: An Industrial Strategy For Adopting Modern Automation

How can you adopt a modern automated application delivery pipeline? What does the end-to-end result look like?

MLflow at Company Scale
MLflow at Company ScaleMLflow at Company Scale
MLflow at Company Scale

50k runs, millions of metrics, parameters or tags, some bursts at 20k QPS. That’s the volume of data managed by our MLflow tracking servers this year at Criteo. In this talk, you will learn how we set up a shared instance of MLflow at company scale. We will present our contributions to the SQLAlchemyStore to make it responsive at this scale. We will present you how we turned MLflow to a production-ready system. How we scaled horizontally a shared instance on a mesos cluster ? Our monitoring system based on prometheus. Integration to the company Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication. And how our data scientists register their runs from the largest hadoop cluster in Europe.

Being HAPI! Reverse Proxying on Purpose
Being HAPI! Reverse Proxying on PurposeBeing HAPI! Reverse Proxying on Purpose
Being HAPI! Reverse Proxying on Purpose

Node is used to build a reverse proxy to provide secure access to internal web resources and sites for mobile clients within a large enterprise. Performance testing shows the proxy can handle over 1000 requests per second with latency under 1 second. Code quality analysis tools like Plato and testing frameworks like Jest are useful for maintaining high quality code. Scalability is achieved through auto-scaling virtual machine instances with a load balancer and configuration management.

using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
static Uri @object = new Uri("");
[Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
public string RegularPropertyCall()
return @object.Host;
public object Reflection()
Type @class = @object.GetType();
PropertyInfo property =
@class.GetProperty(propertyName, bindingFlags);
return property.GetValue(@object);
static void Main(string[] args)
var summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<Program>();
Watch the webinar recording here:
Compared to one second
• Millisecond – ms
–thousandth (0.001 or 1/1000)
• Microsecond - μs
–millionth (0.000001 or 1/1,000,000)
• Nanosecond - ns
–billionth (0.000000001 or 1/1,000,000,000)

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HandlerSocket plugin for MySQL (English)
HandlerSocket plugin for MySQL (English)HandlerSocket plugin for MySQL (English)
HandlerSocket plugin for MySQL (English)

This slide is a translation of

Performance Optimization of Rails Applications
Performance Optimization of Rails ApplicationsPerformance Optimization of Rails Applications
Performance Optimization of Rails Applications

The document discusses optimizing the performance of Ruby on Rails applications. It covers optimizing Ruby code, Rails code, database queries, using alternative Ruby implementations like JRuby, and optimizing for production environments including shared filesystems, load balancing, and the frontend. Specific optimizations discussed include rewriting parts of the Date class in C, template inlining in Rails, pushing SQL conditions into subqueries, and using memcached instead of filesystem caching on a shared network.

SQL injection: Not Only AND 1=1 (updated)
SQL injection: Not Only AND 1=1 (updated)SQL injection: Not Only AND 1=1 (updated)
SQL injection: Not Only AND 1=1 (updated)

The presentation has a quick preamble on SQL injection definition, sqlmap and its key features. I will then illustrate into details common and uncommon problems and respective solutions with examples that a penetration tester faces when he wants to take advantage of any kind of web application SQL injection flaw on real world web applications, for instance SQL injection in ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses, single entry UNION query SQL injection, specific web application technologies IDS bypasses and more. These slides have been presented at the 2nd Digital Security Forum in Lisbon on June 27, 2009. Updated version of

OS=Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
Processor=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz, ProcessorCount=8
HostCLR=MS.NET 4.0.30319.42000, Arch=32-bit RELEASE
Type=Program Mode=Throughput
Method | Median | StdDev | Scaled |
--------------------- |------------ |----------- |------- |
RegularPropertyCall |
Reflection |
OS=Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
Processor=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz, ProcessorCount=8
HostCLR=MS.NET 4.0.30319.42000, Arch=32-bit RELEASE
Type=Program Mode=Throughput
Method | Median | StdDev | Scaled |
--------------------- |------------ |----------- |------- |
RegularPropertyCall | 13.4053 ns | 1.5826 ns | 1.00 |
Reflection | 232.7240 ns | 32.0018 ns | 17.36 |
[Params(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 100, 1000)]
public int Loops;
public string StringConcat()
string result = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < Loops; ++i)
result = string.Concat(result, i.ToString());
return result;
public string StringBuilder()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(string.Empty);
for (int i = 0; i < Loops; ++i)
return sb.ToString();
Performance is a Feature!

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Expanding your impact with programmability in the data center
Expanding your impact with programmability in the data centerExpanding your impact with programmability in the data center
Expanding your impact with programmability in the data center

1) Digital readiness involves embracing automation, operational simplicity through programmability, network disaggregation, and DevOps to drive speed and agility. 2) Programmability allows for more flexibility, innovation, speed, repeatability and fewer mistakes by enabling automated workflows, off-box management via controllers and APIs, and SDKs for application development. 3) Adopting programmability means network operations will need to understand concepts like REST, XML, JSON, and work with developers to automate tasks and integrate the network.

ottawa dc dec 6
SecZone 2011: Scrubbing SAP clean with SOAP
SecZone 2011: Scrubbing SAP clean with SOAPSecZone 2011: Scrubbing SAP clean with SOAP
SecZone 2011: Scrubbing SAP clean with SOAP

SecZone 2011 - Cali, Colombia (29th Nov. 2011) SAP (in)security: Scrubbing SAP clean with SOAP ------ Note ------ This is a slightly updated version of my Hashdays 2011 talk. ---------- Abstract: ---------- At the heart of any large enterprise, lies a platform misunderstood and feared by all but the bravest systems administrators. Home to a wealth of information, and key to infinite wisdom. This platform is SAP. For years this system has been amongst the many "red pen" items on penetration tests and audits alike... but no more! We will no longer accept the cries of "Business critical, out-of-scope". The time for SAP has come, the cross-hairs of attackers are firmly focused on the soft underbelly that is ERM, and it's our duty to follow suit. Join me as we take the first steps into exploring SAP, extracting information and popping shells. Leave your Nessus license at the door! It's time to scrub this SAP system clean with SOAP! ----------

Using R on Netezza
Using R on NetezzaUsing R on Netezza
Using R on Netezza

The document discusses using R for analytics on Netezza's TwinFin appliance. TwinFin is a massively parallel processing database management system designed specifically for performance. It utilizes field programmable gate arrays and an "on-stream analytics" approach. The document outlines how R interfaces with TwinFin through functions like nzapply and nztapply that allow running R functions on TwinFin's distributed data in parallel. It provides examples of building decision trees and linear models on TwinFin tables using these functions.

Performance is a Feature!
Garbage Collection (GC)
Allocations are cheap, but cleaning up isn’t
Difficult to measure the impact of GC
Performance is a Feature!
Performance is a Feature!

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May2010 hex-core-opt
May2010 hex-core-optMay2010 hex-core-opt
May2010 hex-core-opt

This document discusses porting, scaling, and optimizing applications on Cray XT systems. It covers topics such as choosing compilers, profiling and debugging applications at scale, understanding CPU affinity, and improvements in the Cray Message Passing Toolkit (MPT). The document provides guidance on leveraging different compilers, collecting performance data using hardware counters and CrayPAT, understanding MPI process binding, and enhancements in MPT 4.0 related to MPI standards support and communication optimizations.

Better Network Management Through Network Programmability
Better Network Management Through Network ProgrammabilityBetter Network Management Through Network Programmability
Better Network Management Through Network Programmability

As we enter the age of network programmability the data models, protocols, and tools provided by a programmable network can greatly improve and simplify network management tasks. Configuration and operational data can be read and set regardless of the underlying device. Errors are properly reported to ensure reliable delivery of data. Connections are secure and robust. Data is more intelligently extracted. This presentation will explore how tools like NETCONF, YANG, as well as Cisco's Embedded Event Manager, onePK APIs, and embedded Python scripting can radically improve network management applications by offering visibility and provisioning power throughout the network stack. For more information please visit our website here:

cisco connect toronto 2014cisco systems canadacisco connect toronto
Debugging of (C)Python applications
Debugging of (C)Python applicationsDebugging of (C)Python applications
Debugging of (C)Python applications

A talk on debugging of Python applications given at a local KharkivPy event. A brief introduction into a set of tools that allow Python developers to debug common issues in their applications.

Stack Overflow Performance Lessons
Use static classes
Don’t be afraid to write your own tools
Dapper, Jil, MiniProfiler,
Intimately know your platform - CLR
Performance is a Feature!
Roslyn Performance Lessons 1
public class Logger
public static void WriteLine(string s) { /*...*/ }
public class Logger
public void Log(int id, int size)
var s = string.Format("{0}:{1}", id, size);
Essential Truths Everyone Should Know about Performance in a Large Managed Codebase

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Java Micro-Benchmarking
Java Micro-BenchmarkingJava Micro-Benchmarking
Java Micro-Benchmarking

- The document discusses best practices for micro-benchmarking in Java, including using frameworks like JMH that account for JVM warmup and avoid benchmark overhead. - It explains common pitfalls like dead code elimination and loop unrolling that can incorrectly optimize away the code being measured. - An example benchmark compares the performance of ArrayList and LinkedList iteration in different Java versions.

String Comparison Surprises: Did Postgres lose my data?
String Comparison Surprises: Did Postgres lose my data?String Comparison Surprises: Did Postgres lose my data?
String Comparison Surprises: Did Postgres lose my data?

Comparisons are fundamental to computing - and comparing strings is not nearly as straightforward as you might think. Come learn about the history, nuance and surprises of “putting words in order” that you never knew existed in computer science, and how that nuance impacts both general programming and SQL programming. Next, walk through a few actual scenarios and demonstrations using PostgreSQL as a user and administrator, which you can re-run yourself later for further study, including one way you could easily corrupt your self-managed PostgreSQL database if you aren't prepared. Finally we’ll dive into an explanation of the surprising behaviors we saw in PostgreSQL, and learn more about user and administrative features PostgreSQL provides related to localized string comparison.

Performance schema in_my_sql_5.6_pluk2013
Performance schema in_my_sql_5.6_pluk2013Performance schema in_my_sql_5.6_pluk2013
Performance schema in_my_sql_5.6_pluk2013

The document discusses using the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA feature in MySQL 5.6 to diagnose and improve the performance of a query that is not scaling well. It provides an example query against large tables that does not scale beyond 10 threads. Various tools for performance analysis are discussed, but the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA is presented as a potentially better option for getting detailed insight into where time is being spent and how to optimize the server. The talk will cover both the capabilities and limitations of the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.

Roslyn Performance Lessons 1
public class Logger
public static void WriteLine(string s) { /*...*/ }
public class BoxingExample
public void Log(int id, int size)
var s = string.Format("{0}:{1}",
id.ToString(), size.ToString());
Roslyn Performance Lessons 2
class Symbol {
public string Name { get; private set; }
class Compiler {
private List<Symbol> symbols;
public Symbol FindMatchingSymbol(string name)
return symbols.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == name);
Roslyn Performance Lessons 2
class Symbol {
public string Name { get; private set; }
class Compiler {
private List<Symbol> symbols;
public Symbol FindMatchingSymbol(string name)
foreach (Symbol s in symbols)
if (s.Name == name)
return s;
return null;
OS=Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
Processor=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz, ProcessorCount=8
Frequency=2630654 ticks, Resolution=380.1336 ns, Timer=TSC
HostCLR=MS.NET 4.0.30319.42000, Arch=32-bit RELEASE
Type=Program Mode=Throughput Runtime=Clr
Method | Median | StdDev | Gen 0 | Bytes Allocated/Op |
---------- |----------- |---------- |------- |------------------- |
Iterative | 39.0957 ns | 0.2150 ns | - | 0.00 |
LINQ | 53.2441 ns | 0.5385 ns | 701.50 | 23.21 |

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Applying profilers to my sql (fosdem 2017)
Applying profilers to my sql (fosdem 2017)Applying profilers to my sql (fosdem 2017)
Applying profilers to my sql (fosdem 2017)

This document discusses various profiling tools that can be used to analyze MySQL performance, including Oprofile, perf, pt-pmp, and the MySQL Performance Schema. It provides examples of how these tools have been used to identify and resolve specific MySQL performance bugs. While the Performance Schema is useful, it does not always provide sufficient detail and other system-wide profilers like Oprofile and perf are still needed in some cases to pinpoint performance issues.

Entenda de onde vem toda a potência do Intel® Xeon Phi™
Entenda de onde vem toda a potência do Intel® Xeon Phi™ Entenda de onde vem toda a potência do Intel® Xeon Phi™
Entenda de onde vem toda a potência do Intel® Xeon Phi™

Palestra realizada por Luciano Palma no Intel Software Day 2013 (22/10/2013) Conheça a arquitetura do Intel Xeon Phi, um coprocessador capaz de entregar mais de 2 TFlops de processamento para sua solução de HPC (High Performance Computing).

xeon phicomputação de alto desempenhocomputação paralela
Beyond the Query – Bringing Complex Access Patterns to NoSQL with DataStax - ...
Beyond the Query – Bringing Complex Access Patterns to NoSQL with DataStax - ...Beyond the Query – Bringing Complex Access Patterns to NoSQL with DataStax - ...
Beyond the Query – Bringing Complex Access Patterns to NoSQL with DataStax - ...

Learn how to model beyond traditional direct access in Apache Cassandra. Utilizing the DataStax platform to harness the power of Spark and Solr to perform search, analytics, and complex operations in place on your Cassandra data!

cassandradatabasesbig data
Roslyn Performance Lessons 3
public class Example
// Constructs a name like "Foo<T1, T2, T3>"
public string GenerateFullTypeName(string name, int arity)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (arity != 0)
for (int i = 1; i < arity; i++)
sb.Append('T'); sb.Append(i.ToString());
sb.Append('T'); sb.Append(arity.ToString());
return sb.ToString();
Roslyn Performance Lessons 3
public class Example
// Constructs a name like "Foo<T1, T2, T3>"
public string GenerateFullTypeName(string name, int arity)
StringBuilder sb = new AcquireBuilder();
if (arity != 0)
for (int i = 1; i < arity; i++)
sb.Append('T'); sb.Append(i.ToString());
sb.Append('T'); sb.Append(arity.ToString());
return GetStringAndReleaseBuilder(sb);
Roslyn Performance Lessons 3
private static StringBuilder cachedStringBuilder;
private static StringBuilder AcquireBuilder()
StringBuilder result = cachedStringBuilder;
if (result == null)
return new StringBuilder();
cachedStringBuilder = null;
return result;
private static string GetStringAndReleaseBuilder(StringBuilder sb)
string result = sb.ToString();
cachedStringBuilder = sb;
return result;

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Keynote: Machine Learning for Design Automation at DAC 2018
Keynote:  Machine Learning for Design Automation at DAC 2018Keynote:  Machine Learning for Design Automation at DAC 2018
Keynote: Machine Learning for Design Automation at DAC 2018

Manish Pandey gave a keynote talk on transforming EDA with machine learning and discussed opportunities and challenges. He described how machine learning can be applied across different design abstraction levels from formal verification to silicon engineering. Pandey also discussed using machine learning techniques like reinforcement learning and word embeddings to optimize formal verification, simulation, and mask synthesis. Finally, he outlined challenges with data availability and model development for machine learning in EDA.

Advanced Defensive Coding Techniques (with Introduction to Design by Contract)
Advanced Defensive Coding Techniques (with Introduction to Design by Contract)Advanced Defensive Coding Techniques (with Introduction to Design by Contract)
Advanced Defensive Coding Techniques (with Introduction to Design by Contract)

Structured exception handling and defensive programming are the two pillars of robust software. Both pillars fail however when it comes to handling internal faults, those that normally originate in software defects rather than in any external factors. In this webinar, Zoran Horvat demonstrates advanced defensive coding techniques that can bring the quality of your code to an entirely new level. Watch the webinar and learn: When throwing an exception is the right thing to do Why exceptions and defensive coding cannot be applied to recover from defects How to handle situations when internal software defect is causing the fault How to treat fault detection as an orthogonal concern to normal operation The webinar recording can be found here:
Applying Object Composition to Build Rich Domain Models
Applying Object Composition to Build Rich Domain ModelsApplying Object Composition to Build Rich Domain Models
Applying Object Composition to Build Rich Domain Models

Modern business applications rely heavily on rich domain classes, which in turn rely heavily on polymorphic execution, code reuse and similar concepts. How can we extend rich domain classes to support complex requirements? In this presentation, Zoran Horvat will show why an object composition approach is favored over class inheritance when it comes to code reuse and polymorphism. The presentation covers: How class inheritance can lead to combinatorial explosion of classes What the limitations of object composition are What design patterns help consume composed objects Techniques for creating rich features on composed objects Watch the webinar recording here:

programmingsoftware developmentdesign patterns
Watch the webinar recording here:

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Performance is a Feature!

  • 1. Performance is a Feature!
  • 2. Performance is a Feature! Matt Warren @matthewwarren
  • 4. Watch the webinar recording here: t/webinar-recording-performance- is-a-feature
  • 5. Front-end Database & Caching .NET CLR Mechanical Sympathy
  • 7. Why does performance matter? What do we need to measure? How we can fix the issues?
  • 8. Why? Save money Save power Bad perf == broken Lost customers Half a second delay caused a 20% drop in traffic (Google)
  • 9. Why? “The most amazing achievement of the computer software industry is its continuing cancellation of the steady and staggering gains made by the computer hardware industry.” - Henry Petroski
  • 10. Why? “We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%.“ - Donald Knuth
  • 11. Why? “We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%.“ - Donald Knuth
  • 12. Never give up your performance accidentally Rico Mariani, Performance Architect @ Microsoft
  • 15. "most people have more than the average number of legs" - Hans Rosling
  • 20. Watch the webinar recording here: t/webinar-recording-performance- is-a-feature
  • 21. When? In production You won't see ANY perf issues during unit tests You won't see ALL perf issues in Development
  • 22. How? Measure, measure, measure 1. Identify bottlenecks 2. Verify the optimisation works
  • 23. How? “The simple act of putting a render time in the upper right hand corner of every page we serve forced us to fix all our performance regressions and omissions.”
  • 30. using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes; using BenchmarkDotNet.Running; static Uri @object = new Uri(""); [Benchmark(Baseline = true)] public string RegularPropertyCall() { return @object.Host; } [Benchmark] public object Reflection() { Type @class = @object.GetType(); PropertyInfo property = @class.GetProperty(propertyName, bindingFlags); return property.GetValue(@object); } static void Main(string[] args) { var summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<Program>(); }
  • 31. Watch the webinar recording here: t/webinar-recording-performance- is-a-feature
  • 32. Compared to one second • Millisecond – ms –thousandth (0.001 or 1/1000) • Microsecond - μs –millionth (0.000001 or 1/1,000,000) • Nanosecond - ns –billionth (0.000000001 or 1/1,000,000,000)
  • 33. BenchmarkDotNet BenchmarkDotNet=v0.9.4.0 OS=Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Processor=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz, ProcessorCount=8 HostCLR=MS.NET 4.0.30319.42000, Arch=32-bit RELEASE JitModules=clrjit-v4.6.100.0 Type=Program Mode=Throughput Method | Median | StdDev | Scaled | --------------------- |------------ |----------- |------- | RegularPropertyCall | Reflection |
  • 34. BenchmarkDotNet BenchmarkDotNet=v0.9.4.0 OS=Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Processor=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz, ProcessorCount=8 HostCLR=MS.NET 4.0.30319.42000, Arch=32-bit RELEASE JitModules=clrjit-v4.6.100.0 Type=Program Mode=Throughput Method | Median | StdDev | Scaled | --------------------- |------------ |----------- |------- | RegularPropertyCall | 13.4053 ns | 1.5826 ns | 1.00 | Reflection | 232.7240 ns | 32.0018 ns | 17.36 |
  • 35. [Params(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 100, 1000)] public int Loops; [Benchmark] public string StringConcat() { string result = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < Loops; ++i) result = string.Concat(result, i.ToString()); return result; } [Benchmark] public string StringBuilder() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(string.Empty); for (int i = 0; i < Loops; ++i) sb.Append(i.ToString()); return sb.ToString(); }
  • 38. How? Garbage Collection (GC) Allocations are cheap, but cleaning up isn’t Difficult to measure the impact of GC
  • 42. Stack Overflow Performance Lessons Use static classes Don’t be afraid to write your own tools Dapper, Jil, MiniProfiler, Intimately know your platform - CLR
  • 44. Roslyn Performance Lessons 1 public class Logger { public static void WriteLine(string s) { /*...*/ } } public class Logger { public void Log(int id, int size) { var s = string.Format("{0}:{1}", id, size); Logger.WriteLine(s); } } Essential Truths Everyone Should Know about Performance in a Large Managed Codebase
  • 45. Roslyn Performance Lessons 1 public class Logger { public static void WriteLine(string s) { /*...*/ } } public class BoxingExample { public void Log(int id, int size) { var s = string.Format("{0}:{1}", id.ToString(), size.ToString()); Logger.WriteLine(s); } } AVOID BOXING
  • 46. Roslyn Performance Lessons 2 class Symbol { public string Name { get; private set; } /*...*/ } class Compiler { private List<Symbol> symbols; public Symbol FindMatchingSymbol(string name) { return symbols.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == name); } }
  • 47. Roslyn Performance Lessons 2 class Symbol { public string Name { get; private set; } /*...*/ } class Compiler { private List<Symbol> symbols; public Symbol FindMatchingSymbol(string name) { foreach (Symbol s in symbols) { if (s.Name == name) return s; } return null; } } DON’T USE LINQ
  • 48. BenchmarkDotNet BenchmarkDotNet=v0.9.4.0 OS=Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Processor=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz, ProcessorCount=8 Frequency=2630654 ticks, Resolution=380.1336 ns, Timer=TSC HostCLR=MS.NET 4.0.30319.42000, Arch=32-bit RELEASE JitModules=clrjit-v4.6.100.0 Type=Program Mode=Throughput Runtime=Clr Method | Median | StdDev | Gen 0 | Bytes Allocated/Op | ---------- |----------- |---------- |------- |------------------- | Iterative | 39.0957 ns | 0.2150 ns | - | 0.00 | LINQ | 53.2441 ns | 0.5385 ns | 701.50 | 23.21 |
  • 49. Roslyn Performance Lessons 3 public class Example { // Constructs a name like "Foo<T1, T2, T3>" public string GenerateFullTypeName(string name, int arity) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(name); if (arity != 0) { sb.Append("<"); for (int i = 1; i < arity; i++) { sb.Append('T'); sb.Append(i.ToString()); } sb.Append('T'); sb.Append(arity.ToString()); } return sb.ToString(); } }
  • 50. Roslyn Performance Lessons 3 public class Example { // Constructs a name like "Foo<T1, T2, T3>" public string GenerateFullTypeName(string name, int arity) { StringBuilder sb = new AcquireBuilder(); sb.Append(name); if (arity != 0) { sb.Append("<"); for (int i = 1; i < arity; i++) { sb.Append('T'); sb.Append(i.ToString()); } sb.Append('T'); sb.Append(arity.ToString()); } return GetStringAndReleaseBuilder(sb); } } OBJECT POOLING
  • 51. Roslyn Performance Lessons 3 [ThreadStatic] private static StringBuilder cachedStringBuilder; private static StringBuilder AcquireBuilder() { StringBuilder result = cachedStringBuilder; if (result == null) { return new StringBuilder(); } result.Clear(); cachedStringBuilder = null; return result; } private static string GetStringAndReleaseBuilder(StringBuilder sb) { string result = sb.ToString(); cachedStringBuilder = sb; return result; }
  • 53. Watch the webinar recording here: t/webinar-recording-performance- is-a-feature

Editor's Notes

  1. Who has:      - any perf requirements     - perf requirements with numbers!     - any perf tests     - perf test that are run continuously
  2. I’m joined by Tony from PostSharp, ask questions on GoToWebinar question box (will be answered at the end) Who has:      - any perf requirements     - perf requirements with numbers!     - any perf tests     - perf test that are run continuously
  3. Front-end - YSlow, Google PageSpeed, CDN & caching    - "High Performance Web Sites" by Steve Sounder Database & caching - Learn to use SQL Profiler  - Redis or similar - MiniProfiler .NET (server-side) <- This is what we are looking at Mechanical Sympathy - Anything by Martin Thompson - Disruptor and Disruptor.NET  - CPU caches (L1, L2, etc) - memory access patterns
  4. Save money when running in the cloud (Zeeshan anecdote)   - Scale-up rather than just scale-out - Save power on mobile devices (also bad perf more obvious on constrained device) - To users bad performance looks like you're website isn't working!   - PerfBytes podcast, "News Of The Damned", a.k.a "which UK ticketing site has crashed this week"! - Bad performance might be losing you customers, before you even got them!! - Even internal L.O.B apps   - What could Dave in accounting do with an extra 50 minutes per week (10 min per/day)   - Maybe the really slow accounting app is the reason for him quitting and going to work for your main competitor!! 
  5. Henry Petroski (February 6, 1942) is an American engineer specializing in failure analysis. A professor both of civil engineering and history at Duke University, he is also a prolific author. To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design
  6. To know the critical 3%, we have to measure, Except Donal Knuth, who never write slow code and if he did, he would know which bit was slow!
  7. To know the critical 3%, we have to measure, Except Donal Knuth, who never write slow code and if he did, he would know which bit was slow!
  8. Thanks him for making Visual Studio faster He helped fix it after adding WPF made it SLOW!!!!
  9. Should be roughly 10-15 mins in by now, if not hurry up!!!!
  10. Normal distribution Things like height, weight, DOESN’T apply to everything!!
  11. Average is just less than 2, i.e. 1.995 or something like that But > 99% of people in the UK have 2 legs (more than the average)
  12. This is a histogram, Real-world example Web page response times Why are there 2 groups of histograms bar? - fast = cached data - slow = hitting the database
  13. Pause, for Tony to ask a question here (about next slide, ‘real-world’ example) Unit tests are meant to be fast, and they only test 1 thing In dev you don’t always have a full set of data You don’t test for long periods of time Smaller setup Michelle Bustamante talk about logging, don’t just need to measure things, Need to log the data AND be able to get at it!!
  14. You’ll probably guess wrong!! Consider adding performance unit tests, Noda-Time does this, can graph performance over time, see if it’s regressed!!
  15. MiniProfiler Turn this on in Development and if possible in Production Glimpse is an alternative
  16. Runs on .NET, Puts everything in 1 place, Web Server & Database Summary metrics up front Can drill-down into detailed metrics, including executed SQL, page load times, etc
  17. Make sure you are really measuring what you think you are measuring!!
  18. Question about profiler, fixing the most expensive things first, 80/20 rule? Make sure you are really measuring what you think you are measuring!!
  19. Question: how does it compare to other tools Nbench Xunit Performance
  20. Implement string concatenation in loops via manipulating a StringBuilder instead of emitting String.Concat() WON’T be implemented by the compiler
  21. Question: when doing code review, should performance be taken into consideration
  22. Both StackOverflow and Roslyn affected by this!!!!! In the .NET Framework 4.5, there is background server garbage collection (before .NET 4.5 was Workstation only) So until .NET 4.5, Server GC was STOP-THE-WORLD
  23. Process Explorer From Sysinternals
  24. PerfView is a stand-alone utility, to help you debug CPU and memory problems Light-weight and non-intrusive, can be used to on production apps with minimal impact Uses ETW (Event Tracing for Windows), designed to be v. fast!!!!
  25. They were able to graph these results & equate them to Garbage Collector pauses!!! They had good logging and measurements in place,
  26. They measured and found that all of these were on the HOT PATH
  27. Avoid unnecessary boxing with String.Concat Able to implement this optimization for types which are immutable, pure, and not affected by other code. Notably: - bool - char (and this was one of the motivating types for this optimization) - IntPtr - UIntPtr Due to side-effects of calling ToString() implementations that rely on the current culture (i.e. it culture can be changed mid-way through and you’ll see different behaviour)
  28. Repeat questions back to the audience!!!!!