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Advanced Defensive
Coding Techniques
Zoran Horvat
CEO & Principal Consultant, Coding Helmet Consultancy
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Reversing & malware analysis training part 1   lab setup guideReversing & malware analysis training part 1   lab setup guide
Reversing & malware analysis training part 1 lab setup guide

This presentation is part of our Reverse Engineering & Malware Analysis Training program. For more details refer our Security Training page

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Power Shell As A Tools Platform
Power Shell As A Tools PlatformPower Shell As A Tools Platform
Power Shell As A Tools Platform

PowerShell can be used as a versatile tools platform. It allows developers to create custom providers that expose data stores and services as if they were part of the file system. This enables PowerShell to serve as a single tool for all tasks rather than needing specialized tools. The presentation covered PowerShell provider architecture and how to create item and membership cmdlets for a provider to integrate a new data source and make it accessible through PowerShell.

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Is your python application secure? - PyCon Canada - 2015-11-07
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Is your python application secure? - PyCon Canada - 2015-11-07

In today’s world, it's easier than ever to innovate and create great web applications. You release often, but let’s be honest, if you're like most developers out there, you don't spend your days worrying about security. You know it’s important, but you aren’t security savvy. So ask yourself, is your Python application secure? Come learn some of the different ways a hacker (cracker) can attack your code, and some of the best practices out there. In the end, your security is your users’ security.

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The document discusses important software development practices such as communicating effectively with other developers, modeling systems before writing code, using version control tools like Git and Subversion, writing unit tests, and implementing continuous integration to catch bugs early. It emphasizes practices like test-driven development and continuous integration that help developers work together efficiently on a code base through all stages of development. Key aspects covered include modeling systems, writing code with important patterns like MVC in mind, and using tools for version control, testing, and continuous integration.

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Reverse Engineering .NET and Java
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Reverse Engineering .NET and Java

Powerpoint from CodepaLOUsa 2011. Learn the various techniques bad guys can use to extract information from your .NET or Java applications or at least how you can recover the source code that your predecessor deleted before he quit. A demo filled session on how easy it is to extract information from virtually any .NET or Java application (yes, including Silverlight).

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Porting a command line tool to Android involves cross-compiling the code using the Android NDK toolchain, which may require patching the code to address issues like different file paths, endianness, and library dependencies. While compiling and running static binaries is straightforward, dynamic binaries require position-independent executable (PIE) support added in Android 5. Calling native executables from Android code requires using Runtime.exec() or ProcessBuilder and parsing output streams. Special care needs to be taken to avoid security issues like command injection when passing untrusted inputs to native programs run as root on Android.

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Advanced Defensive Coding Techniques (with Introduction to Design by Contract)
Advanced Defensive Coding Techniques (with Introduction to Design by Contract)
Advanced Defensive Coding Techniques (with Introduction to Design by Contract)
Watch the webinar recording here:

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The document discusses the XDebug PHP debugging tool, including how it provides debugging capabilities like breakpoints and navigation that bring sanity to PHP development. It covers XDebug's installation, features like variable inspection and profiling, and references Eclipse and PHP as related tools. The document provides logos and images from XDebug, Eclipse, and PHP sites to accompany the text.

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This document outlines a training presentation on reversing and malware analysis. It introduces various tools used for reverse engineering like PE editors, disassemblers, debuggers and unpacking scripts. IDA Pro and OllyDbg are demonstrated as popular disassembler and debugger tools. The document also provides contact information for the trainer and references for further details on the training course.

Secure Boot Under Attack: Simulation to Enhance Fault Attacks & Defenses
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Secure Boot Under Attack: Simulation to Enhance Fault Attacks & Defenses

Secure Boot is widely deployed in modern embedded systems and an essential part of the security model. Even when no (easy to exploit) logical vulnerabilities remain, attackers are surprisingly often still able to compromise it using Fault Injection or a so called glitch attack. Many of these vulnerabilities are difficult to spot in the source code and can only be found by manually inspecting the disassembled binary code instruction by instruction. While the idea to use simulation to identify these vulnerabilities is not new, this talk presents a fault simulator created using existing open-source components and without requiring a detailed model of the underlying hardware. The challenges to simulate real-world targets will be discussed as well as how to overcome most of them.

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Co Speaker: Cheryl Biswas Talk Description: How about this: a blue team talk given by red teamers. But here’s our rationale - your best defence right now is a strategic offence. The rules of the game have changed and we need to get defence up to speed. We’ll show you what the key elements are in a good defence strategy; what you can and need to be using to full advantage. We’ll talk about the new “buzzwords” and how they apply: visibility; patterns; big data. There’s a whole lotta data to wrangle, and you aren’t seeing the whole picture if you aren’t doing things right. Threat intel is about getting the big picture as it applies to you. You’ll learn the importance of context and prioritization so that you can manipulate intel feeds to do your bidding. And then we’ll take things further and talk about hunting the adversary, using an update on proven methodologies. We’ll show you how to understand your data, correlate threats and pin point attacks. Attendees will leave with a new understanding of the resources they have on hand, and how to leverage those into an Adaptive Proactive Defense Strategy.

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Start! ATS programming
Start! ATS programmingStart! ATS programming
Start! ATS programming

The document discusses the ATS programming language. ATS is presented as a safer alternative to C for systems programming due to its use of dependent types, linear types, and optional garbage collection. It can be compiled to run without a runtime on baremetal systems like an Arduino. The author is looking to spread awareness and use of ATS in Japan by starting a user group and showcasing its use for functional IoT programming.

How To Be A Better Developer
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How To Be A Better Developer

The document discusses various topics related to becoming a better developer such as choosing the right programming language, following coding standards, writing code for humans, creating goals, and whether to focus on web or mobile development. It also touches on native vs. cross-platform mobile development and some challenges of learning programming like the fact that learning never finishes and "no pain, no gain". The author introduces himself as having 22 years of experience writing code and founding a software company.


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The four pillars of long lasting software

You wish your software is able to survive its environment changes and its users requests for change? Four pillars are needed for long lasting software: a good organization, a good development team, good tools and good practices (clean code and clean architecture). This talk is a synthesis of my own experience with a focus on the key points and ideas to be successful in the long term.

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The document discusses challenges with observability in serverless applications and proposes solutions. Some key challenges include not having access to the underlying OS, nowhere to install agents/daemons, no background processing, higher concurrency to telemetry systems, and high chance of data loss if batching logs and metrics. The document covers solutions for logging, monitoring, and distributed tracing in serverless environments using services like CloudWatch Logs, API Gateway, and X-Ray.

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Reversing & malware analysis training part 1 lab setup guide
Reversing & malware analysis training part 1   lab setup guideReversing & malware analysis training part 1   lab setup guide
Reversing & malware analysis training part 1 lab setup guide

This document provides information about a reversing and malware analysis training program. It introduces the trainers, discusses tools used for virtualization, development, and reverse engineering. These include VMware, VirtualBox, IDA Pro, Ollydbg, and others. Recommendations are made for setting up an analysis environment. Contact information is provided for questions. The training appears to be offered locally and focuses on common tools and techniques for reverse engineering and malware analysis.


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The document provides information about a reversing and malware analysis training program. It includes disclaimers about the content presented, acknowledges those involved in the training, and outlines the agenda. The training will use a "zig-zag approach" and cover topics like stack and heap-based buffer overflows, protections like GS cookies, SafeSEH, DEP, and ASLR, client-side exploits using heap spray techniques, and methods for bypassing protections. Demonstrations will be provided on exploiting vulnerabilities and bypassing DEP. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions and keep up with latest security news.

Owasp top 10 web application security hazards part 2
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Owasp top 10 web application security hazards part 2

Mission :- Understand / Learn / Practice OWASP Web Security Vulnerabilities In this session, Attendees will perform hands-on exercises to get a better understanding of the OWASP top ten security threats.

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Solving Localization Challenges with Design Pattern Automation
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Localization is crucial for reaching out to a global audience, however, it’s often an afterthought for most developers and non-trivial to implement. Traditionally, game developers have outsourced this task due to its time consuming nature. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Yan Cui will show you a simple technique his team used at GameSys which allowed them to localize an entire story-driven, episodic MMORPG (with over 5000 items and 1500 quests) in under an hour of work and 50 lines of code, with the help of PostSharp.

Watch the webinar recording here:
Zoran Horvat
CEO & Principal Consultant, Coding Helmet Consultancy

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