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“A good software project must, like a house, start on strong
foundations of good architecture and good requirements.”
All details are
described in depth.
A few details
reckoned obvious
and omitted
Not mentioned at
To improve the software
development process, we need
a better way to learn.

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Andrew Resume
Andrew ResumeAndrew Resume
Andrew Resume

The document provides an overview of Andrew Christiansen's technical skills and experience as a software developer, including over 12 years of experience developing Windows and web applications using .NET, 11 years of experience in database programming, and 9 years of experience developing iOS and Mac applications. It summarizes his proficiency with languages like C#, C++, Swift, and frameworks like .NET, iOS, and lists relevant personal and professional projects.

Property dealing , A .net project
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Property dealing , A .net project

This document is a project report submitted by students Anjali and Prabhdeep Kaur for their Bachelor of Technology degree. The report details their project on developing a Property Dealing software system using C# and a SQL Server database. The report includes sections on the project introduction and objectives, feasibility analysis, technologies used including C# and .NET Framework for the front end and SQL Server for the backend database, screenshots of the software, and plans for future enhancements.

Explore Android Internals
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Explore Android Internals

(0) Concepts (1) Binder: heart of Android (2) Binder Internals (3) System Services (4) Frameworks

Watch the webinar recording here:
The user of the software won’t know what
she wants until she sees the software.
Humphrey’s Law
An interactive system can never be fully
specified nor can it ever be fully tested.
Wegner’s Lemma
If you wait until the last minute to
complete the user interface, it only takes
a minute.
Many great ideas have been first
sketched out on paper napkins.

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Quiz application system project report..pdf
Quiz application system project report..pdfQuiz application system project report..pdf
Quiz application system project report..pdf

The ONLINE QUIZ is a web application for to take online test in an efficient manner and no time wasting for checking the paper. The main objective of ONLINE QUIZ is to efficiently evaluate the candidate thoroughly through a fully automated system that not only saves lot of time but also gives fast results. For students they give papers according to their convenience and time and there is no need of using extra thing like paper, pen etc. This application is basically create in WORDPRESS. It is a web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. we like to say that WORDPRESS is both free and priceless at the same time.

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Session from IBM Think 2018. Note: the architecture used is an extreme case of what's possible (and it could go further), rather than a real-world expectation

Online shopping Report
Online shopping ReportOnline shopping Report
Online shopping Report

This document is a project report submitted by Pragnya Dash to fulfill the requirements for a Bachelor of Technology degree in Information Technology from the International Institute of Information Technology in Bhubaneswar, India. The report details the development of an online shopping system under the guidance of Prof. Sabyasachi Patra. It includes chapters on project analysis, feasibility study, software requirements specification, selected software, design considerations, testing, implementation and future improvements. The selected software for developing the system includes Microsoft Visual Studio, .NET Framework, C# and ASP.NET.

Talk is cheap.
Show me the product.
• Visual immediacy
• Missed points caught earlier
• Focus on tasks and actions
• Frontend and backend match up
Two Architect Roles
Collect usability requirements to
build the best possible UX for
the presentation layer
Collect business requirements
to build the best possible
domain layer
Faces the painful truth of
Faces the blissful simplicity
of visuals
Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.
—Morpheus (from “The Matrix”)
Architecture of the information
User-machine interaction
Usability reviews
of UX architects
■ Record users in action
■ Analyze body language
■ Monitor timing of operations

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Crime security.
Crime security.Crime security.
Crime security.

This document outlines a proposed web-based crime security platform. It aims to provide public security services quickly online. The objectives are to raise crime awareness, support law enforcement, and allow online crime reporting. A feasibility study found the project technically, economically, and operationally feasible using ASP.NET, C#, and SQL Server. The system design focuses on reliability and maintenance. Data flow and context diagrams are included along with screenshots. Future improvements could add modules, connect the database to web services, and make the site browser-independent. The conclusion is that the project was well received and increased efficiency over previous mechanisms.

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SharePoint Framework -The future of SharePoint/ Office 365 developer ecosystem.

Introductory slide set on the new client side framework on SharePoint platform which introduces by Microsoft. This slide-deck has been used by me in the local user group speak-up had in the year 2016. @kushanlahiru

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Progressive web apps with QCObjects (AngularJS Chile Community Talk)
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Progressive web apps with QCObjects (AngularJS Chile Community Talk)

Here are the slides of the Talk I've been doing with the AngularJS Chile Community introducing QCObjects as a way to develop PWA (Progressive Web Apps)

UXDD in Three Steps
Create screens as
users love them
Trigger workflows
from screens
Code workflows to
use business logic
• Two-phase waterfall
• Low-cost design of the frontend
• Straight implementation of the
•  Longer than classic bottom-up
•  Nearly no post-deployment
Watch the webinar recording here:

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The automation journey, feedback about the road to Ansible.
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The automation journey, feedback about the road to Ansible.

After a year working on automation tools, ELAO's feedback about the road to Ansible. Talk at Ansible Lyon Meetup group. - Context - The need of automation - Developers - Sysadmin - Customers - The great final - Roles / First approach - Roles - The good one - Developers - Staging / Production - Conculsion - What next ?

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Presentation which I prepared for Atlassian Ecosystem Design Community meet up (May 2018). I had a pleasure to share my knowledge about UI copywriting and technical writing in Deviniti.

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1.Techniques of prototyping.(Storyboards,Limited functionality simulations,High-level programming support). 2.Difference between throw away, incremental, evolutionary.

How You See Your System How Users See Your System
The experience users go through while
interacting with the application.
User Experience
Freehand drawing
primarily done to jot
down ideas
Related Terminology
More precise sketch
focused on layout,
navigation, content
As detailed as a
wireframe with some
sample UI attached

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Net training in bhubaneswar
Net training in bhubaneswar Net training in bhubaneswar
Net training in bhubaneswar

ASP.NET is a set of Web development tools offered by Microsoft. Programs like Visual Studio .NET and Visual Web Developer allow Web developers to create dynamic websites using a visual interface. Of course, programmers can write their own code and scripts and incorporate it into ASP.NET websites as well. Though it often seen as a successor to Microsoft's ASPprogramming technology, ASP.NET also supports Visual Basic.NET, JScript .NET and open-source languages like Python and Perl. ASP.NET is built on the .NET framework, which provides an application program interface (API) for software programmers. The .NET development tools can be used to create applications for both the Windows operating system and the Web. Programs like Visual Studio .NET provide a visual interface for developers to create their applications, which makes .NET a reasonable choice for designing Web-based interfaces as well.

.net in bhubaneswar
Aerobatic Introduction
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Aerobatic Introduction

This document introduces Aerobatic, a UX delivery platform that allows for nimble web applications. It emphasizes that nimbleness, or the ability to rapidly respond to changing conditions, is important for maintaining competitiveness. Aerobatic aims to provide nimbleness at the point of customer interaction by streamlining tools and processes to reduce workflow friction. It achieves this through acting as a browser-resident UX layer that decouples the presentation tier from the backend, allowing for independent release cycles and improved testing capabilities. Aerobatic handles asset delivery, provides development tools, and allows pushing changes to production with traffic routing for A/B testing.

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Project report | Major Project | Engineering | Devansh Koolwal
Project report | Major Project | Engineering | Devansh KoolwalProject report | Major Project | Engineering | Devansh Koolwal
Project report | Major Project | Engineering | Devansh Koolwal

This document is a mini project report submitted by Devansh Koolwal for their Bachelor of Computer Applications program. The project involves developing a web application called "The Book Loft" using the MERN stack. The report includes details on the objectives, technologies used, features, advantages of the MERN stack, project plan, design methodology, test scenarios and results. The application allows users to search for books, read reviews, check prices on different e-commerce platforms, and authors can publish books on the platform.

Small exercise to verify
truthfulness or viability of
an assumption
Related Terminology
Fake system simulating
the behavior of the real
system to be built
Production-ready system
tested against a subset of
the intended audience
Basic understanding
Basic prototyping
UXDD Prototyping Levels
Possible model mismatch

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Progressive Web Apps are here!
Progressive Web Apps are here!Progressive Web Apps are here!
Progressive Web Apps are here!

Progressive Web Apps use modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like user experience. They evolve from pages in browser tabs to immersive, top-level apps, maintaining the web's low friction at every moment. They are reliable, fast, engaging and delivering amazing UX to end users. And they are here! The slides are from my talk at

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The document discusses making progressive web apps reliable. It recommends using service workers to cache assets and responses so the app works offline. Service workers allow precaching assets during install and returning cached responses to fetch requests. If the response isn't cached, the request can fallback to the network. When new updates are available, the service worker will update in the background. Other service worker events like sync allow background updating. Reliable progressive web apps provide instant loading offline through effective caching with service workers.

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Structured exception handling and defensive programming are the two pillars of robust software. Both pillars fail however when it comes to handling internal faults, those that normally originate in software defects rather than in any external factors. In this webinar, Zoran Horvat demonstrates advanced defensive coding techniques that can bring the quality of your code to an entirely new level. Watch the webinar and learn: When throwing an exception is the right thing to do Why exceptions and defensive coding cannot be applied to recover from defects How to handle situations when internal software defect is causing the fault How to treat fault detection as an orthogonal concern to normal operation The webinar recording can be found here:
Model cut to fit
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Model cut to fit
Watch the webinar recording here:

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Applying Object Composition to Build Rich Domain Models
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Modern business applications rely heavily on rich domain classes, which in turn rely heavily on polymorphic execution, code reuse and similar concepts. How can we extend rich domain classes to support complex requirements? In this presentation, Zoran Horvat will show why an object composition approach is favored over class inheritance when it comes to code reuse and polymorphism. The presentation covers: How class inheritance can lead to combinatorial explosion of classes What the limitations of object composition are What design patterns help consume composed objects Techniques for creating rich features on composed objects Watch the webinar recording here:

programmingsoftware developmentdesign patterns
Performance is a Feature!
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Performance is a Feature!

Starting with the premise that "Performance is a Feature", Matt Warren will show you how to measure, what to measure and how to get the best performance from your .NET code. We will look at real-world examples from the Roslyn code-base and StackOverflow (the product), including how the .NET Garbage Collector needs to be tamed! The presentation covers: Why we should care about performance Pitfalls to avoid when measuring performance How the .NET Garbage Collector can hurt performance Real-world performance lessons from open-source code The webinar recording can be found here:

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Solving Localization Challenges with Design Pattern Automation
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Localization is crucial for reaching out to a global audience, however, it’s often an afterthought for most developers and non-trivial to implement. Traditionally, game developers have outsourced this task due to its time consuming nature. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Yan Cui will show you a simple technique his team used at GameSys which allowed them to localize an entire story-driven, episodic MMORPG (with over 5000 items and 1500 quests) in under an hour of work and 50 lines of code, with the help of PostSharp.

VIEW model
INPUT model
The UX users want
Backend to support
just the UX users want
UXDD leads to
■ Event Sourcing
All this said …
The best way to save money on software
projects is learning as much as possible about
the domain and users’ expectations.

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Applying a Methodical Approach to Website Performance
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When addressing website performance issues, developers typically jump to conclusions, focusing on the perceived causes rather than uncovering the real causes through research. Mitchel Sellers will show you how to approach website performance issues with a level of consistency that ensures they're properly identified and resolved so you'll avoid jumping to conclusions in the future. You can watch the webinar recording here:

10 Reasons You MUST Consider Pattern-Aware Programming
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10 Reasons You MUST Consider Pattern-Aware Programming

Developers spend up to 20% of their time writing repetitive code that machines could generate more reliably. This presentation explores the problem of duplicated source code that stems from manual implementation of patterns and reveals how to automate the boring side of programming and get a 19x ROI. The presentation provides insight into: - the problem of manual implementation of patterns, resulting in boilerplate code - the cost of boilerplate for companies - existing technologies for pattern automation - the key reasons to consider pattern-aware compiler extensions The white paper was written for CTOs, software architects and senior developers in software-driven organizations—specifically in financial, insurance, healthcare, energy and IT industries that typically write a lot of repetitive code.

design patterns
Multithreading Fundamentals
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Multithreading Fundamentals

Everybody knows the lock keyword, but how does it implemented? What are its performance characteristics. Gael Fraiteur scratches the surface of multithreaded programming in .NET and goes deep through the Windows Kernel down to CPU microarchitecture.

computer programmingprogrammingmultithreading
Watch the webinar recording here:
■ Modern Software Architecture
Domain Models, CQRS, and Event Sourcing
■ UX-driven Software Design
coming soon

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Building Better Architecture with UX-Driven Design

Editor's Notes

  1. How many people around role
  2. Cost of support
  3. If you need prototypes, where’s the saving?
  4. Finally, about wrap up