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1. That branch of administration of justice charged with the responsibility for the
custody, supervision and rehabilitation of the convicted offender
a.) Criminal justice c.) Penal management
b.) Correctional process d.) Correction
2. It is a reorientation or reinstruction of the individual with a view to preventing a
repetition of the deviation without the necessity of taking punitive action
a.) Correction c.) Penal management
b.) Incarceration d.) Punishment
3. Institution for the confinement of persons who are awaiting final disposition of
their criminal cases and also for the service of those convicted and punished
with shorter sentence usually up to 3 years
a.) Jails c.) Lock-up jail
b.) Prison d.) Penal farm
4. Jail is said to have originated in the medieval
a.) England c.) United States
B.) Australia d.) Philippines
5. Henry II, King of Great Britain England ordered that the sheriff in each country
shall establish a jail. That is why country correctional institutions spread
through England in
a.) 1166 c.) 1234
b.) 1011 d.) 1995
6. The concept of English jail is that jail was used to
a.) Detain those awaiting trial c.) Those awaiting punishment
b.) Custodial detention d.) A and C are correct
7. Types of jails are the following, except
a.) Lock-up c.) Workhouse or camp house
b.) Ordinary jail d.) Stockade
8. It is a security facility for the temporary detention of persons held for
investigation or awaiting preliminary hearing
a.) Lock-up c.) Lock-out
b.) Lock-in d.) Lock-jaw
9. It is minimum custody jail wherein offender serving short sentences with
constructive work programs
a.) Workhouse c.) Jail farm
b.) Camp house d.) All of the above
10. Houses both offender awaiting court action and those serving short
sentences usually up to 3 years
a.) Ordinary jail c.) Special jail
b.) Lock-up d.) Stockade
11. Prisons and penal farms are under the
a.) DOJ c.) DILG
b.) DECS d.) DPWH
12. Provincial jails are under the
a.) BJMP c.) Provincial Government
b.) Napolcom d.) Dept. of Justice (DOJ)
13. City and municipal jails are under the
a.) DILG c.) Office of the Mayor
b.) DOJ d.) BJMP
14. Provincial, City and Municipal jails are headed by a
a.) Warden c.) Superintendent
B.) Kabo d.) Mayor
15. Prison and penal farms are under the Department of Justice but there is
bureau which is in-charge of administering them
a.) Board of Pardons and Parole c.) Parole and Probation Admin.
b.) Bureau of Correction d.) National Bureau of Invest.
16. The head of prison and penal farms called
a.) Inspector c.) Director
b.) Superintendent d.) Warden
17. It is a warrant issued by a court bearing its seal and the signature of the
judge directing the jail warden or prison authorities to receive the convicted
offender for the service of sentence imposed upon him
a.) Mittimus c.) Commitment Order
b.) Confinement Order d.) All of the above
18. He or she is a person commanded to jail or prison by a competent court or
authority for the following reason except
a.) To serve his/her sentence upon conviction
b.) While pending trial of his/her case
c.) While under custodial investigation
d.) While under bail
19. Who have authorities to commit person in jail
a.) Judge of the Court c.) Board of Indeterminate Sentence
b.) Deportation Board (BOI) d.) All of the above
20. Classification of jail inmates are the following except
a.) Sentenced prisoners c.) Detention prisoner
b.) Person held for investigation d.) City prisoner
21. Temporary custody of a person or the detention of a person for his own
protection or care to secure from liability to harm, injury or damage
a.) Safekeeping c.) Custodial interrogation
b.) Preventive imprisonment d.) All of the above
22. Persons who are convicted by final judgment of the crime charged against him
a.) Detention prisoner c.) Sentence prisoner
b.) Preventive imprisonment d.) All of the above
23. Persons who are detained for the violation of law or ordinance and has not
yet been convicted
a.) Sentenced prisoner c.) Detention prisoner
b.) Lock-up prisoner d.) All of the above
24. Classification of sentenced prisoners are the following, except
a.) Insular prisoner c.) City prisoner
b.) Municipal prisoner d.) Provincial prisoner
25. A person who is sentenced to serve imprisonment for not more than 6
months is classified as
a.) Municipal prisoner c.) City Prisoner
b.) Insular prisoner d.) All of the above
26. A person who is sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 3 years or to
pay a fine for not more than P1,000 is classified as
a.) Insular prisoner c.) City prisoner
b.) Provincial prisoner d.) All of the above
27. A person who is sentenced to serve a prison term of over 3 years or to pay a
fine of more than P1,000 or both fine and imprisonment is classified as
a.) Insular prisoner c.) City prisoner
b.) Municipal prisoner d.) Provincial prisoner
28. The city, municipal and provincial warden or administrators respectively
under the BJMP is appointed by
a.) Assistant Regional Director of BJMP
b.) Napolcom Regional Director
c.) DILG Regional Officer
d.) None of the above
29. The provincial warden of provincial jail is appointed by
a.) DILG Regional Director c.) Napolcom Regional Director
b.) Provincial Governor d.) Department of Justice Secretary
30. The key personnel of the provincial jail are the following except
a.) Warden e. Mass sergeant
b.) Assistant Warden f.) Corporal of the guard
c.) Supervising prison guard g.) Guards
d.) Administrative assistance h.) No exceptions
31. Guards are divided into functions such as:
a.) Guards at the control gates d.) Custodian
b.) Guards on court duty e.) Matron
c.) Keeper f.) all of the above
32. Reports to the corporal of the guards any misbehavior of inmates, and
prevents any trustee from looting cash and other valuables brought to the
inmates are the duties of
a.) Guards at control gates c.) Custodian
b.) Keeper d.) Matron
33. Signs the receipt before leaving the control gates, and observe all security
measures in escorting inmates are the functions of
a.) Guards on court duty c.) Guards on control gates
b.) Keeper d.) Matron
34. Maintain the discipline of the inmates, keep all cells locked and deliver the
keys to the corporal of the guard after locking the same, and maintain the
cleanliness of the jail compound are the functions of
a.) Keeper c.) Custodian
b.) Matron d.) Inmate
35. Escorts the sick inmates, keep all cells locked and deliver the keys to the
corporal of the guard after locking the same, and maintain the cleanliness of
the jail compound are the functions of
a.) Matron c.) Keeper
b.) Custodian d.) Warden
36. Keeps the records of the visitors’ logbook, searches the persons of the
female visitors/inmates sand assists in the orderliness of the office and in
the preparation of the office records are the functions of
a.) Matron c.) Keeper
b.) Inmate d.) Warden
37. It has the general supervision and control of all prisons and penal colonies in
the country. It is charged of/with the safekeeping of all inmates committed to
the custody. It is headed by a Director and an Assistant Director
a.) Bureau of Prison c.) Bureau of Correction
b.) Key to correction d.) National Bilibid Prison
38. An administrative device of correctional institutions of providing varied and
flexible types of physical plants for the more effective control of the
treatment programs of its diversified population. It is done either by building
special institutions for different classes of prisoners which is more desirable
since it provides proper segregation of groups and more effective execution
of the treatment program or providing facilities within the institution itself
a.) Diversification c.) Classification
b.) Treatment process d.) All of the above
39. Factors considered in diversification are the following except
a.) Age c.) Medical or mental condition
b.) Sex d.) Degree of custody
40. As to the degrees of custody of prisoners, they are classified into, except
a.) Super security prisoner c.) Maximum security prisoner
b.) Medium security prisoner d.) Minimum security prisoner
e.) Non-security prisoner
41. These are the special group of prisoners composed of incorrigibles,
intractables, and are dangerous persons
a.) Minimum security prisoner c.) Super security prisoner
b.) Medium security prisoner d.) Maximum security prisoner
42. These group consists of chronic troublemakers but not as dangerous as the
super security prisoners
a.) Maximum security prisoner c.) Medium security prisoner
b.) Minimum security prisoner d.) Non-security prisoner
43. These are the prisoners who may be allowed to work outside the fence of
the institution under the guard escorts
a.) Medium security prisoners c.) Minimum security prisoner
b.) Non-security prisoners d.) Non-security prisoner
44. These are the prisoners who can already be trusted to their places or work
assignment without the presence of guards
a.) Minimum security prisoners c.) Maximum security prisoners
b.) Super security prisoners d.) Released prisoners
45. Prisoners in the penal colonies like Iwahig Penal Colony in Palawan are
classified as
a.) Super security prisoners c.) Maximum security prisoners
b.) Minimum security prisoners d.) Prisoners awaiting released
46. Convicted Mayor Sanchez, on the murder of Aileen Sarmenta is classified
a.) Super security prisoner c.) Maximum security prisoner
b.) Privileged prisoner d.) Minimum security prisoner
47. It is the method by which diagnosis treatment planning and execution of
treatment program are coordinated in all the individual cases. It is a
process of determining the needs and requirements of those for whom
correction has been ordered and for assigning them to programs according
to their needs and existing resources
a.) Classification c.) Diversification
b.) Treatment process d.) Correction fluid
48. Four separate but coordinated procedures of classification are the following,
a.) Programming d.) Execution of treatment program
b.) Diagnosis e.) Re-classification
c.) Treatment planning f.) All of the above
49. The prisoner’s case history is taken and his personality studied. Through
examination and observation, the (RDC) determines the nature and extent
to which he may be rehabilitated. It is called -
a.) Diagnosis c.) Investigation
b.) Analysis d.) Evaluation
50. This is also performed by the center’s staff which consists the formulation of
a treatment program best suited to the need of an individual prisoner
a.) Treatment planning c.) Diagnosis
b.) Execution of treatment program d.) Re-classification
51. This consists in the application of the treatment program and policies by the
classification committee
a.) Execution of treatment program c.) Re-classification
b.) Treatment planning d.) Diagnosis
52. This treatment program is keep current with the inmates changing needs
and with new analysis, based on any information not available at the time of
the initial classification committee meeting of the inmate case, which
continues from the time of first classification until the inmate is released
a.) Re-classification c.) Diagnosis
b.) Treatment planning d.) Execution of treatment program
53. This is a special unit of prison where new prisoners undergo diagnostic
examination, study and observation for the purpose of determining the
program of treatment and training best suited to their needs and the
institution to which they should be transferred
a.) RDC c.) CDC
b.) RCC d.) DCC
54. The following are the staff of the Reception and Diagnostic Center except
a.) Psychiatrist e.) Vocational counselor
b.) Psychologist f.) Chaplain
c.) Sociologist g.) Medical Officer
d.) Educational counselor h.) Custodial-correctional officer
55. It is required that each provincial jail have a Classification Board which is
tasked with the gathering of information of every prisoner into a case study
to determine the work assignment, type of supervision and degree of
custody and restrictions under which an offender must live in jail. That
Board is composed of:
a.) Warden as Chairman c.) Inmate as Chairman
Members: Assistant Warden Members: All trustees
Chief Security Officer
Medical Officer, Chaplain & Social Worker
b.) Ass’t. Warden – Chairman d.) Governor as Chairman
Members: Chief Security Officer Members: Warden
Medical Officer PNP Prov. Director
Chaplain Chief of DSWD
Social Worker Prov. Prosecutor
56. Admission procedures in prison are the following
a.) Receiving d.) Searching the prisoner
b.) Checking commitment paper e.) Assigning to quarter
c.) Establishing identity of the prisoner f.) All of them
57. The unit of prison or a section of the RDC where the prisoner is given
through physical examination including blood tests, x-rays, and vaccinations
for the purpose of insuring that the prisoner is not suffering from any
contagious disease which might be transferred to the prison population
a.) Quarantine unit or cell c.) Medical room or cell
b.) Safety room or cell d.) All of them
58. Takes place within the first few days in the center which consist of :
>Giving the prisoners booklet of rules and regulations or if there is no
available, explaining the rules to them. Conducting group meetings to the
inmates to explain the purpose of the treatment programs.
>Holding decision with the members of the center’s staff to explain the basic
purpose of the RDC and what the inmates should do in order to profit most
from their experience. That procedure is called
a.) Orientation procedure c.) Briefing procedure
b.) SOP procedure d.) Meeting procedure
59. Within one or two weeks from arrival, this program is given in the form of
psychological and psychiatric examinations in order to have an analysis of
the inmate’s personality which is very valuable to the rest of the center’s
staff. This program is called
a.) Testing program c.) Briefing program
b.) Psychological program d.) Psychiatric program
60. The program activities in prison are the following
a.) Educational program c.) Physical training and recreation
b.) Vocational program d.) All of them
61. Each staff of the RDC has his own phase of study and responsibility, It is
necessary that each of them should plan his interview on every inmate on
whom he is required to report so that his questions are pointed out toward
securing the information which will help him analyze the phase of study for
which he is responsible. This is called
a.) Staff interview c.) Inmate interview
b.) Prisoner interview d.) Inmate staff interaction
62. This is also called the guidance of case conference where the prisoner, after
undergoing all the tests, interviews and examinations, appears before the
center’s staff in conference to plan out what will be his program of treatment
and training after all members of the staff have given their individual reports,
the Body votes on what program of activities the prisoner should undergo
including institutional training, recreational program, religious program,
medical and psychiatric service and social services
a.) Staff conference c.) Inmate conference
b.) Preparatory planning d.) Program analysis
63. The written reports submitted by the center’s staff regarding their findings on
the prisoner which becomes the nucleus of the cumulative case history of
the prisoners. It is called
a.) Admission summary c.) Prisoner summary report
b.) Case study summary report d.) All of them
64. The copies of the summary shall be given to the following manner
a.) One to the prisoner himself d.) Central record for the bureau
b.) One copy with the RDC e.) Classification committee
c.) Pardon and parole administration f.) All of the above
65. The admission summary shall be used in the following manner
a.) It is used by the classification committee as guide in carrying out the
rehabilitation program of the prisoner in the operating institution
b.) It is used by the parole office as guide in parole program planning and
parole supervision
c.) It is used by the court in reopening of the case of the inmate in case
failure of justice
d.) a and b are correct
66. Carried out the treatment program of the prisoner which is composed of the
Warden as chairman, deputy warden for custody as Assistant Chairman,
with the Deputy Warden for classification and treatment, Production
Manager, Chief Medical Services, Chaplain, and Psychologist or
Psychiatrist as members
a.) Classification committee c.) Admission committee
b.) Testing and acceptance committee d.) Commitment committee
67. It is the program specifically designed and given to prisoner during a limited
period, prior to his release order to give him an opportunity to adjust himself
from the regimented life in prison to the normal, independent life of a free
individual Pre-released Treatment
a.) Educationand Training c.) Rehabilitation
b.) Religious d.) Sports and recreation
68. Aimed toward the improvement of offender’s attitudes and philosophy of life;
the main goal being the ultimate rehabilitation of offenders by changing
inmate’s attitude
a.) Treatment Program c.) Rehabilitation program
b.) Prison program d.) All of the above
69. Phases of treatment program are the following
a.) Prison education d.) Work program
b.) Religious services e.) Recreational services
c.) Health and medical services f.) All of them
70. It is a relationship in which one endeavors to help another understand and
solve his problems of adjustment. It implies mutual consent and as used in
working with offenders, encompasses the personal and group relationship
undertaken by the staff
a.) Counseling c.) Casework
b.) Clinical services d.) All of the above
71. In correctional work, consists of working with one individual at a time which
includes the professional services rendered by professionally trained
personnel in the description and social treatment of offenders is
a.) Casework c.) Clinical services
b.) Counseling d.) All of the above
72. A service which provides the most intensive diagnostic and treatment
activities which generally include the functions of psychiatrists,
psychologists, social workers, particularly to offenders with deep-
seated emotional problems
a.) Clinical services c.) Counseling
b.) Casework d.) All of them
73. The aims of clinical services are the following
a.) Discovering the causes of individual maladjustment
b.) Applying psychiatric techniques with offenders toward effecting
improved behavior
c.) Offering guidance and support to other staff members in their
management of offenders
d.) All of them
74. The aims of institutional security are the following except
a.) Prevention of escape c.) Maintenance of good order
b.) Control of contraband d.) Promotion of vice
75. Anything contrary to prison or jail rules and regulations, like knife, weapon, tv
set, radio and other items deemed prohibited as per rules and regulations
a.) Prohibited items c.) Contraband
b.) Smuggled goods d.) All of them
76. Essential requisites for sound custody security and control of prisoners are
the following
a.) There must be an adequate system of classification of prisoners
b.) There must be a regular formalized inspection of security facilities such
as doors, bars, windows and locks
c.) There must be an adequate system of counting inmates
d.) There must be a written set of rules for firearms including specification
regarding the use, safety precautions, proper inventory and storage
e.) There must be a plan for gas control also with specification of its use,
safety precautions, etc
f. ) There must be a plan for the control of contraband
g.) There must be a plan for the control of keys
h.) There must be a plan for the control of tools and equipment
i.) Plans should be developed and be available for operation during
emergencies like knots, escape, fire, etc.
j. ) Proper locking devices must be keep in good operating conditions
k.) No exception
77. In case of riots or any kind of emergency what will be the first thing to be
done in prison or jail
a.) sound the alarm or pre-arranged alarm
b.) Notify the warden or desk officer
c.) jail personnel shall make themselves available for deployment
d.) All of the above
78. Supposing in the emergency situation wherein the warden is taken hostage
by the escaping inmates, who will assume command
a.) The warden himself c.) The hostage taker
b.) The deputy or asst. warden d.) Prison guard
79. It involves supervision of prisoners to ensure punctual and orderly movement
to and from the dormitories, place of work, church, hospital and recreation
a.) Control c.) Deterrence
b.) Supervision d.) All of the above
80. It is centrally located and elevated facility with good field of observation
a.) Control center c.) Guard post
b.) Guardhouse d.) All of the above
81. It is the continuing state of good order and behavior. It includes the
maintenance of good standards of work, sanitation, safety, education,
personal, health and recreation
a.) Prison discipline c.) Prison orderliness
b.) Prison good behavior d.) Prison attitude
82. It involves prompt correction of minor deviations before they become serious
violations, which may be dealt with a reprimand or warnings and is used
when the deviation is a.) Trivial; b.) due to ignorance or lack of
understanding; or c.) the result of careless or faulty habits
a.) Preventive discipline c.) Disciplinary action
b.) Reprimand or admonishment d.) All of the above
83. Once inmates violated prison or jail rules and regulations, he will be
subjected to
a.) Disciplinary action c.) Punishment at once
b.) Investigation d.) All of the above
84. Punishment imposed in disciplinary cases are the following except
a.) Solitary confinement
b.) Locking in his own cell with loss of yard privileges
c.) Loss of privileges such as visiting, correspondence, etc.
d.) Transfer to another destination
e.) Assignment to discipline squad
f.) Counsel and reprimand
g.) Loss of good conduct time allowance
85. The disciplinary authority in prisons
a.) Warden c.) Asst. Warden
b.) Superintendent d.) Deputy Superintendent for custody
86. The disciplinary authority in jail
a.) Disciplinary board c.) Warden
b.) Superintendent d.) Administrative Officer
87. Putting the convicted offender to an institution for the purpose of separating
him from the public for the protection of the latter and at the same time
rehabilitating him is
a.) Imprisonment c.) Confinement
b.) Parole d.) Probation
88. The following are the punishment imposed on criminal offender found guilty
by the court
a.) Imprisonment c.) Fine e.) All of them
b.) Death d.) Destierro f.) No exception
89. The so-called institutionalized penalty
a.) Parole c.) Imprisonment
b.) Probation d.) Destierro
90. The so-called deinstitutionalized penalty
a.) Probation c.) Imprisonment
b.) Fine d.) All of the above
91. Who grants probation
a.) The President c.) The Court
b.) Parole & Probation Office d.) Board of Pardon and Parole
92. Who grants pardon and amnesty
a.) The President c.) The Board of Pardon and Parole
b.) The Court d.) None of the above
93. Who grants parole
a.) Board of Pardon & Parole c.) Court
b.) President d.) Prison Superintendent
94. Who grants good conduct time allowance which reduces the term of sentence
a.) The President c.) Superintendent
b.) Director of Bureau of Corrections d.) The Warden
95. It is a conditional release after the prisoner has served part of his sentence
in presence for the purpose of gradually re-introducing him to free life under
the guidance and supervision of a parole officer
a.) Parole c.) Probation
b.) Release d.) Pardon
96. The justifications of punishment are the following except
a.) Retribution c.) Expiation or atonement e) Reformation
b.) Deterrence or exemplary d.) Protection f.) Reward
97. The different juridical condition of penalty are the following, except
a.) Must be productive of suffering
b.) Must be commensurate with the offense
c.) Must be certain
d.) Must be legal
e.) Must be personal
f.) Must be equal for all
g.) Must be correctional
h.) Must be cruel
98. The school of penology are the following, except
a.) Classical school c.) Neo-classical school
b.) Positivist school d.) Socio-economic school
99. As a man is given freewill to choose what is good and evil, he must be made
to suffer the consequences of committing wrong. This is what school
a.) Positivist c.) Neo-classical
b.) Classical d.) None of the above
100. It maintained that while classical school was correct in general, it should be
modified in certain details; since children and lunatics cannot calculate
pleasure and pain, they should not be regarded as criminals or be punished.
It is extended to others by considering mitigating circumstances.
a.) Classical c.) Positivist
b.) Neo-classical d.) all of the above
101. It maintained that a crime is natural phenomenon. That a man is subdued
by that phenomenon to do wrong even though it is against to his volition. It
denied responsibility and reflected the essentially non-punitive reaction to
crime and criminality. The criminal should be punished but he must be
placed in an institution and be attended by mental alienists. This is school of
a.) Positivist c.) Classical
b.) Neo-classical d.) all of the above
102. It includes all correctional activities that takes place in the community. It
has programs embraces any offender and aimed at helping him to
become law-abiding citizen. That kind of correction is called
a.) Community based c.) Institutionalized
b.) Correction and rehabilitation d.) all of the above
103. The enumerated items below are forms of clemency, choose an example of
community-based correction
a.) Probation c.) Amnesty e.) a & b are true
b.) Parole d.) Pardon f.) c & d are true
104. This is a formally acknowledged and organized efforts to utilize alternatives
to initial or continued processing into the justice system. It implies halting
or suspending formal criminal proceeding against a person who committed
crime in favor of processing through a non-criminal disposition or means
a.) Diversion c.) Suspension
b.) Exemption to correction d.) Non-institutionalized method
105. Example of diversion is
a.) Suspension of promulgation of judgment in favor of juvenile offender
b.) Suspension of trial in favor of privileged accused
c.) Suspension of implementation of penalty on a certain condition
d.) Suspension of trial due to death
106. That permits the release of accused from jail prior to trial is called
a.) Pre-trial release c.) Suspension of trial
b.) Privileged situation d.) Exceptional situation
107. Forms of pre-trial release are the following
a.) Pre-booking release c.) B and C
b.) Pre-arrest release d.) A and B
108. Example of pre-booking release is
a.) Field citation wherein the arrested individual is released by the
arresting officer who has the option to released him as it does not
demand the arrested person to be taken immediately to court
b.) Tolerance wherein the suspect is set free by the arresting officer upon
a certain consideration
c.) Discretion of the arresting officer to be exercised in a certain crimes
mostly victimless offenses
d.) Any of the above
109. Example of post-booking release
a.) Release on recognizance c.) Release on bail
b.) Privilege release d.) a and c are correct
110. The following are classified as unusual/special offenders, except
a.) Female f.) Drug addicts
b.) Alcoholics g.) Mentally-ill
c.) Sex deviates h.) Escape prone prisoners
d.) Suicide-risk i. ) Handicapped, aged and infirmed
e.) Youthful offenders j. ) Professionals

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A corrections (recovered 1)

  • 1. POLARIS REVIEW CENTER QUESTIONS ON CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION 1. That branch of administration of justice charged with the responsibility for the custody, supervision and rehabilitation of the convicted offender a.) Criminal justice c.) Penal management b.) Correctional process d.) Correction 2. It is a reorientation or reinstruction of the individual with a view to preventing a repetition of the deviation without the necessity of taking punitive action a.) Correction c.) Penal management b.) Incarceration d.) Punishment 3. Institution for the confinement of persons who are awaiting final disposition of their criminal cases and also for the service of those convicted and punished with shorter sentence usually up to 3 years a.) Jails c.) Lock-up jail b.) Prison d.) Penal farm 4. Jail is said to have originated in the medieval a.) England c.) United States B.) Australia d.) Philippines 5. Henry II, King of Great Britain England ordered that the sheriff in each country shall establish a jail. That is why country correctional institutions spread through England in a.) 1166 c.) 1234 b.) 1011 d.) 1995 6. The concept of English jail is that jail was used to a.) Detain those awaiting trial c.) Those awaiting punishment b.) Custodial detention d.) A and C are correct 7. Types of jails are the following, except a.) Lock-up c.) Workhouse or camp house b.) Ordinary jail d.) Stockade 8. It is a security facility for the temporary detention of persons held for investigation or awaiting preliminary hearing a.) Lock-up c.) Lock-out b.) Lock-in d.) Lock-jaw 9. It is minimum custody jail wherein offender serving short sentences with constructive work programs a.) Workhouse c.) Jail farm b.) Camp house d.) All of the above 10. Houses both offender awaiting court action and those serving short sentences usually up to 3 years a.) Ordinary jail c.) Special jail b.) Lock-up d.) Stockade 11. Prisons and penal farms are under the a.) DOJ c.) DILG b.) DECS d.) DPWH
  • 2. 12. Provincial jails are under the a.) BJMP c.) Provincial Government b.) Napolcom d.) Dept. of Justice (DOJ) 13. City and municipal jails are under the a.) DILG c.) Office of the Mayor b.) DOJ d.) BJMP 14. Provincial, City and Municipal jails are headed by a a.) Warden c.) Superintendent B.) Kabo d.) Mayor 15. Prison and penal farms are under the Department of Justice but there is bureau which is in-charge of administering them a.) Board of Pardons and Parole c.) Parole and Probation Admin. b.) Bureau of Correction d.) National Bureau of Invest. 16. The head of prison and penal farms called a.) Inspector c.) Director b.) Superintendent d.) Warden 17. It is a warrant issued by a court bearing its seal and the signature of the judge directing the jail warden or prison authorities to receive the convicted offender for the service of sentence imposed upon him a.) Mittimus c.) Commitment Order b.) Confinement Order d.) All of the above 18. He or she is a person commanded to jail or prison by a competent court or authority for the following reason except a.) To serve his/her sentence upon conviction b.) While pending trial of his/her case c.) While under custodial investigation d.) While under bail 19. Who have authorities to commit person in jail a.) Judge of the Court c.) Board of Indeterminate Sentence b.) Deportation Board (BOI) d.) All of the above 20. Classification of jail inmates are the following except a.) Sentenced prisoners c.) Detention prisoner b.) Person held for investigation d.) City prisoner 21. Temporary custody of a person or the detention of a person for his own protection or care to secure from liability to harm, injury or damage a.) Safekeeping c.) Custodial interrogation b.) Preventive imprisonment d.) All of the above 22. Persons who are convicted by final judgment of the crime charged against him a.) Detention prisoner c.) Sentence prisoner b.) Preventive imprisonment d.) All of the above 23. Persons who are detained for the violation of law or ordinance and has not yet been convicted a.) Sentenced prisoner c.) Detention prisoner b.) Lock-up prisoner d.) All of the above 24. Classification of sentenced prisoners are the following, except a.) Insular prisoner c.) City prisoner b.) Municipal prisoner d.) Provincial prisoner 2
  • 3. 25. A person who is sentenced to serve imprisonment for not more than 6 months is classified as a.) Municipal prisoner c.) City Prisoner b.) Insular prisoner d.) All of the above 26. A person who is sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 3 years or to pay a fine for not more than P1,000 is classified as a.) Insular prisoner c.) City prisoner b.) Provincial prisoner d.) All of the above 27. A person who is sentenced to serve a prison term of over 3 years or to pay a fine of more than P1,000 or both fine and imprisonment is classified as a.) Insular prisoner c.) City prisoner b.) Municipal prisoner d.) Provincial prisoner 28. The city, municipal and provincial warden or administrators respectively under the BJMP is appointed by a.) Assistant Regional Director of BJMP b.) Napolcom Regional Director c.) DILG Regional Officer d.) None of the above 29. The provincial warden of provincial jail is appointed by a.) DILG Regional Director c.) Napolcom Regional Director b.) Provincial Governor d.) Department of Justice Secretary 30. The key personnel of the provincial jail are the following except a.) Warden e. Mass sergeant b.) Assistant Warden f.) Corporal of the guard c.) Supervising prison guard g.) Guards d.) Administrative assistance h.) No exceptions 31. Guards are divided into functions such as: a.) Guards at the control gates d.) Custodian b.) Guards on court duty e.) Matron c.) Keeper f.) all of the above 32. Reports to the corporal of the guards any misbehavior of inmates, and prevents any trustee from looting cash and other valuables brought to the inmates are the duties of a.) Guards at control gates c.) Custodian b.) Keeper d.) Matron 33. Signs the receipt before leaving the control gates, and observe all security measures in escorting inmates are the functions of a.) Guards on court duty c.) Guards on control gates b.) Keeper d.) Matron 34. Maintain the discipline of the inmates, keep all cells locked and deliver the keys to the corporal of the guard after locking the same, and maintain the cleanliness of the jail compound are the functions of a.) Keeper c.) Custodian b.) Matron d.) Inmate 35. Escorts the sick inmates, keep all cells locked and deliver the keys to the corporal of the guard after locking the same, and maintain the cleanliness of the jail compound are the functions of a.) Matron c.) Keeper b.) Custodian d.) Warden 3
  • 4. 36. Keeps the records of the visitors’ logbook, searches the persons of the female visitors/inmates sand assists in the orderliness of the office and in the preparation of the office records are the functions of a.) Matron c.) Keeper b.) Inmate d.) Warden 37. It has the general supervision and control of all prisons and penal colonies in the country. It is charged of/with the safekeeping of all inmates committed to the custody. It is headed by a Director and an Assistant Director a.) Bureau of Prison c.) Bureau of Correction b.) Key to correction d.) National Bilibid Prison 38. An administrative device of correctional institutions of providing varied and flexible types of physical plants for the more effective control of the treatment programs of its diversified population. It is done either by building special institutions for different classes of prisoners which is more desirable since it provides proper segregation of groups and more effective execution of the treatment program or providing facilities within the institution itself a.) Diversification c.) Classification b.) Treatment process d.) All of the above 39. Factors considered in diversification are the following except a.) Age c.) Medical or mental condition b.) Sex d.) Degree of custody 40. As to the degrees of custody of prisoners, they are classified into, except a.) Super security prisoner c.) Maximum security prisoner b.) Medium security prisoner d.) Minimum security prisoner e.) Non-security prisoner 41. These are the special group of prisoners composed of incorrigibles, intractables, and are dangerous persons a.) Minimum security prisoner c.) Super security prisoner b.) Medium security prisoner d.) Maximum security prisoner 42. These group consists of chronic troublemakers but not as dangerous as the super security prisoners a.) Maximum security prisoner c.) Medium security prisoner b.) Minimum security prisoner d.) Non-security prisoner 43. These are the prisoners who may be allowed to work outside the fence of the institution under the guard escorts a.) Medium security prisoners c.) Minimum security prisoner b.) Non-security prisoners d.) Non-security prisoner 44. These are the prisoners who can already be trusted to their places or work assignment without the presence of guards a.) Minimum security prisoners c.) Maximum security prisoners b.) Super security prisoners d.) Released prisoners 45. Prisoners in the penal colonies like Iwahig Penal Colony in Palawan are classified as a.) Super security prisoners c.) Maximum security prisoners b.) Minimum security prisoners d.) Prisoners awaiting released 46. Convicted Mayor Sanchez, on the murder of Aileen Sarmenta is classified a.) Super security prisoner c.) Maximum security prisoner b.) Privileged prisoner d.) Minimum security prisoner 4
  • 5. 47. It is the method by which diagnosis treatment planning and execution of treatment program are coordinated in all the individual cases. It is a process of determining the needs and requirements of those for whom correction has been ordered and for assigning them to programs according to their needs and existing resources a.) Classification c.) Diversification b.) Treatment process d.) Correction fluid 48. Four separate but coordinated procedures of classification are the following, except a.) Programming d.) Execution of treatment program b.) Diagnosis e.) Re-classification c.) Treatment planning f.) All of the above 49. The prisoner’s case history is taken and his personality studied. Through examination and observation, the (RDC) determines the nature and extent to which he may be rehabilitated. It is called - a.) Diagnosis c.) Investigation b.) Analysis d.) Evaluation 50. This is also performed by the center’s staff which consists the formulation of a treatment program best suited to the need of an individual prisoner a.) Treatment planning c.) Diagnosis b.) Execution of treatment program d.) Re-classification 51. This consists in the application of the treatment program and policies by the classification committee a.) Execution of treatment program c.) Re-classification b.) Treatment planning d.) Diagnosis 52. This treatment program is keep current with the inmates changing needs and with new analysis, based on any information not available at the time of the initial classification committee meeting of the inmate case, which continues from the time of first classification until the inmate is released a.) Re-classification c.) Diagnosis b.) Treatment planning d.) Execution of treatment program 53. This is a special unit of prison where new prisoners undergo diagnostic examination, study and observation for the purpose of determining the program of treatment and training best suited to their needs and the institution to which they should be transferred a.) RDC c.) CDC b.) RCC d.) DCC 54. The following are the staff of the Reception and Diagnostic Center except a.) Psychiatrist e.) Vocational counselor b.) Psychologist f.) Chaplain c.) Sociologist g.) Medical Officer d.) Educational counselor h.) Custodial-correctional officer 55. It is required that each provincial jail have a Classification Board which is tasked with the gathering of information of every prisoner into a case study to determine the work assignment, type of supervision and degree of custody and restrictions under which an offender must live in jail. That Board is composed of: a.) Warden as Chairman c.) Inmate as Chairman Members: Assistant Warden Members: All trustees Chief Security Officer Medical Officer, Chaplain & Social Worker 5
  • 6. b.) Ass’t. Warden – Chairman d.) Governor as Chairman Members: Chief Security Officer Members: Warden Medical Officer PNP Prov. Director Chaplain Chief of DSWD Social Worker Prov. Prosecutor 56. Admission procedures in prison are the following a.) Receiving d.) Searching the prisoner b.) Checking commitment paper e.) Assigning to quarter c.) Establishing identity of the prisoner f.) All of them 57. The unit of prison or a section of the RDC where the prisoner is given through physical examination including blood tests, x-rays, and vaccinations for the purpose of insuring that the prisoner is not suffering from any contagious disease which might be transferred to the prison population a.) Quarantine unit or cell c.) Medical room or cell b.) Safety room or cell d.) All of them 58. Takes place within the first few days in the center which consist of : >Giving the prisoners booklet of rules and regulations or if there is no available, explaining the rules to them. Conducting group meetings to the inmates to explain the purpose of the treatment programs. >Holding decision with the members of the center’s staff to explain the basic purpose of the RDC and what the inmates should do in order to profit most from their experience. That procedure is called a.) Orientation procedure c.) Briefing procedure b.) SOP procedure d.) Meeting procedure 59. Within one or two weeks from arrival, this program is given in the form of psychological and psychiatric examinations in order to have an analysis of the inmate’s personality which is very valuable to the rest of the center’s staff. This program is called a.) Testing program c.) Briefing program b.) Psychological program d.) Psychiatric program 60. The program activities in prison are the following a.) Educational program c.) Physical training and recreation b.) Vocational program d.) All of them 61. Each staff of the RDC has his own phase of study and responsibility, It is necessary that each of them should plan his interview on every inmate on whom he is required to report so that his questions are pointed out toward securing the information which will help him analyze the phase of study for which he is responsible. This is called a.) Staff interview c.) Inmate interview b.) Prisoner interview d.) Inmate staff interaction 62. This is also called the guidance of case conference where the prisoner, after undergoing all the tests, interviews and examinations, appears before the center’s staff in conference to plan out what will be his program of treatment and training after all members of the staff have given their individual reports, the Body votes on what program of activities the prisoner should undergo including institutional training, recreational program, religious program, medical and psychiatric service and social services a.) Staff conference c.) Inmate conference b.) Preparatory planning d.) Program analysis 6
  • 7. 63. The written reports submitted by the center’s staff regarding their findings on the prisoner which becomes the nucleus of the cumulative case history of the prisoners. It is called a.) Admission summary c.) Prisoner summary report b.) Case study summary report d.) All of them 64. The copies of the summary shall be given to the following manner a.) One to the prisoner himself d.) Central record for the bureau b.) One copy with the RDC e.) Classification committee c.) Pardon and parole administration f.) All of the above 65. The admission summary shall be used in the following manner a.) It is used by the classification committee as guide in carrying out the rehabilitation program of the prisoner in the operating institution b.) It is used by the parole office as guide in parole program planning and parole supervision c.) It is used by the court in reopening of the case of the inmate in case failure of justice d.) a and b are correct 66. Carried out the treatment program of the prisoner which is composed of the Warden as chairman, deputy warden for custody as Assistant Chairman, with the Deputy Warden for classification and treatment, Production Manager, Chief Medical Services, Chaplain, and Psychologist or Psychiatrist as members a.) Classification committee c.) Admission committee b.) Testing and acceptance committee d.) Commitment committee 67. It is the program specifically designed and given to prisoner during a limited period, prior to his release order to give him an opportunity to adjust himself from the regimented life in prison to the normal, independent life of a free individual Pre-released Treatment a.) Educationand Training c.) Rehabilitation b.) Religious d.) Sports and recreation 68. Aimed toward the improvement of offender’s attitudes and philosophy of life; the main goal being the ultimate rehabilitation of offenders by changing inmate’s attitude a.) Treatment Program c.) Rehabilitation program b.) Prison program d.) All of the above 69. Phases of treatment program are the following a.) Prison education d.) Work program b.) Religious services e.) Recreational services c.) Health and medical services f.) All of them 70. It is a relationship in which one endeavors to help another understand and solve his problems of adjustment. It implies mutual consent and as used in working with offenders, encompasses the personal and group relationship undertaken by the staff a.) Counseling c.) Casework b.) Clinical services d.) All of the above 71. In correctional work, consists of working with one individual at a time which includes the professional services rendered by professionally trained personnel in the description and social treatment of offenders is a.) Casework c.) Clinical services b.) Counseling d.) All of the above 7
  • 8. 72. A service which provides the most intensive diagnostic and treatment activities which generally include the functions of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, particularly to offenders with deep- seated emotional problems a.) Clinical services c.) Counseling b.) Casework d.) All of them 73. The aims of clinical services are the following a.) Discovering the causes of individual maladjustment b.) Applying psychiatric techniques with offenders toward effecting improved behavior c.) Offering guidance and support to other staff members in their management of offenders d.) All of them 74. The aims of institutional security are the following except a.) Prevention of escape c.) Maintenance of good order b.) Control of contraband d.) Promotion of vice 75. Anything contrary to prison or jail rules and regulations, like knife, weapon, tv set, radio and other items deemed prohibited as per rules and regulations a.) Prohibited items c.) Contraband b.) Smuggled goods d.) All of them 76. Essential requisites for sound custody security and control of prisoners are the following a.) There must be an adequate system of classification of prisoners b.) There must be a regular formalized inspection of security facilities such as doors, bars, windows and locks c.) There must be an adequate system of counting inmates d.) There must be a written set of rules for firearms including specification regarding the use, safety precautions, proper inventory and storage e.) There must be a plan for gas control also with specification of its use, safety precautions, etc f. ) There must be a plan for the control of contraband g.) There must be a plan for the control of keys h.) There must be a plan for the control of tools and equipment i.) Plans should be developed and be available for operation during emergencies like knots, escape, fire, etc. j. ) Proper locking devices must be keep in good operating conditions k.) No exception 77. In case of riots or any kind of emergency what will be the first thing to be done in prison or jail a.) sound the alarm or pre-arranged alarm b.) Notify the warden or desk officer c.) jail personnel shall make themselves available for deployment d.) All of the above 78. Supposing in the emergency situation wherein the warden is taken hostage by the escaping inmates, who will assume command a.) The warden himself c.) The hostage taker b.) The deputy or asst. warden d.) Prison guard 79. It involves supervision of prisoners to ensure punctual and orderly movement to and from the dormitories, place of work, church, hospital and recreation facilities a.) Control c.) Deterrence b.) Supervision d.) All of the above 8
  • 9. 80. It is centrally located and elevated facility with good field of observation a.) Control center c.) Guard post b.) Guardhouse d.) All of the above 81. It is the continuing state of good order and behavior. It includes the maintenance of good standards of work, sanitation, safety, education, personal, health and recreation a.) Prison discipline c.) Prison orderliness b.) Prison good behavior d.) Prison attitude 82. It involves prompt correction of minor deviations before they become serious violations, which may be dealt with a reprimand or warnings and is used when the deviation is a.) Trivial; b.) due to ignorance or lack of understanding; or c.) the result of careless or faulty habits a.) Preventive discipline c.) Disciplinary action b.) Reprimand or admonishment d.) All of the above 83. Once inmates violated prison or jail rules and regulations, he will be subjected to a.) Disciplinary action c.) Punishment at once b.) Investigation d.) All of the above 84. Punishment imposed in disciplinary cases are the following except a.) Solitary confinement b.) Locking in his own cell with loss of yard privileges c.) Loss of privileges such as visiting, correspondence, etc. d.) Transfer to another destination e.) Assignment to discipline squad f.) Counsel and reprimand g.) Loss of good conduct time allowance 85. The disciplinary authority in prisons a.) Warden c.) Asst. Warden b.) Superintendent d.) Deputy Superintendent for custody 86. The disciplinary authority in jail a.) Disciplinary board c.) Warden b.) Superintendent d.) Administrative Officer 87. Putting the convicted offender to an institution for the purpose of separating him from the public for the protection of the latter and at the same time rehabilitating him is a.) Imprisonment c.) Confinement b.) Parole d.) Probation 88. The following are the punishment imposed on criminal offender found guilty by the court a.) Imprisonment c.) Fine e.) All of them b.) Death d.) Destierro f.) No exception 89. The so-called institutionalized penalty a.) Parole c.) Imprisonment b.) Probation d.) Destierro 90. The so-called deinstitutionalized penalty a.) Probation c.) Imprisonment b.) Fine d.) All of the above 9
  • 10. 91. Who grants probation a.) The President c.) The Court b.) Parole & Probation Office d.) Board of Pardon and Parole 92. Who grants pardon and amnesty a.) The President c.) The Board of Pardon and Parole b.) The Court d.) None of the above 93. Who grants parole a.) Board of Pardon & Parole c.) Court b.) President d.) Prison Superintendent 94. Who grants good conduct time allowance which reduces the term of sentence a.) The President c.) Superintendent b.) Director of Bureau of Corrections d.) The Warden 95. It is a conditional release after the prisoner has served part of his sentence in presence for the purpose of gradually re-introducing him to free life under the guidance and supervision of a parole officer a.) Parole c.) Probation b.) Release d.) Pardon 96. The justifications of punishment are the following except a.) Retribution c.) Expiation or atonement e) Reformation b.) Deterrence or exemplary d.) Protection f.) Reward 97. The different juridical condition of penalty are the following, except a.) Must be productive of suffering b.) Must be commensurate with the offense c.) Must be certain d.) Must be legal e.) Must be personal f.) Must be equal for all g.) Must be correctional h.) Must be cruel 98. The school of penology are the following, except a.) Classical school c.) Neo-classical school b.) Positivist school d.) Socio-economic school 99. As a man is given freewill to choose what is good and evil, he must be made to suffer the consequences of committing wrong. This is what school a.) Positivist c.) Neo-classical b.) Classical d.) None of the above 100. It maintained that while classical school was correct in general, it should be modified in certain details; since children and lunatics cannot calculate pleasure and pain, they should not be regarded as criminals or be punished. It is extended to others by considering mitigating circumstances. a.) Classical c.) Positivist b.) Neo-classical d.) all of the above 101. It maintained that a crime is natural phenomenon. That a man is subdued by that phenomenon to do wrong even though it is against to his volition. It denied responsibility and reflected the essentially non-punitive reaction to crime and criminality. The criminal should be punished but he must be placed in an institution and be attended by mental alienists. This is school of a.) Positivist c.) Classical b.) Neo-classical d.) all of the above 10
  • 11. 102. It includes all correctional activities that takes place in the community. It has programs embraces any offender and aimed at helping him to become law-abiding citizen. That kind of correction is called a.) Community based c.) Institutionalized b.) Correction and rehabilitation d.) all of the above 103. The enumerated items below are forms of clemency, choose an example of community-based correction a.) Probation c.) Amnesty e.) a & b are true b.) Parole d.) Pardon f.) c & d are true 104. This is a formally acknowledged and organized efforts to utilize alternatives to initial or continued processing into the justice system. It implies halting or suspending formal criminal proceeding against a person who committed crime in favor of processing through a non-criminal disposition or means a.) Diversion c.) Suspension b.) Exemption to correction d.) Non-institutionalized method 105. Example of diversion is a.) Suspension of promulgation of judgment in favor of juvenile offender b.) Suspension of trial in favor of privileged accused c.) Suspension of implementation of penalty on a certain condition d.) Suspension of trial due to death 106. That permits the release of accused from jail prior to trial is called a.) Pre-trial release c.) Suspension of trial b.) Privileged situation d.) Exceptional situation 107. Forms of pre-trial release are the following a.) Pre-booking release c.) B and C b.) Pre-arrest release d.) A and B 108. Example of pre-booking release is a.) Field citation wherein the arrested individual is released by the arresting officer who has the option to released him as it does not demand the arrested person to be taken immediately to court b.) Tolerance wherein the suspect is set free by the arresting officer upon a certain consideration c.) Discretion of the arresting officer to be exercised in a certain crimes mostly victimless offenses d.) Any of the above 109. Example of post-booking release a.) Release on recognizance c.) Release on bail b.) Privilege release d.) a and c are correct 110. The following are classified as unusual/special offenders, except a.) Female f.) Drug addicts b.) Alcoholics g.) Mentally-ill c.) Sex deviates h.) Escape prone prisoners d.) Suicide-risk i. ) Handicapped, aged and infirmed e.) Youthful offenders j. ) Professionals 11