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They’re Not Holding
Regular Meetings
According to Gallup, employees whose managers hold
regular meetings with them are almost 3 times as
likely to be engaged as employees whose managers do not
hold regular meetings with them. Yet, how often are these
meetings canceled or rescheduled because managers are just
“too busy.”
With 1 in 2 U.S. employees leaving their jobs to get away from a
bad manager, the fact that many leaders lack the communication
and interpersonal skills of a great coach is troubling.
So what exactly are managers doing (or not doing) that is so awful? Read on:
They Tell, Rather Than Ask
"Bad managers tell employees what to do,
good managers explain why they need to do it,
but great managers involve people in decision
making and improvement."
You’ve got a team of smart, capable people. Why wouldn’t
you enlist them to help solve problems?
They Avoid Giving Feedback
Research shows that clarity of expectations is perhaps the
most basic of employee needs.
However, 37% of managers report being
uncomfortable giving feedback, and a
whopping 69% report being uncomfortable
communicating with their employees in general.
For Real. Feedback Is A Problem
Over 60% of global employees report receiving too little
feedback and a quarter of them report that they received no
feedback at all from their supervisors—a major factor in
workplace dissatisfaction.
They Avoid Uncomfortable
Leaders fear tough conversations, so they tend to avoid them.
However, employees want more than a pat on the back.
Research says that 51% of employees said they
received too little constructive criticism from their
boss, and 65% said they didn’t receive enough
information to know what to repeat or change.
Okay, My Managers Might Be Bad Coaches.
What Do I Do About It?
Being an outstanding workplace coach is simply a matter
of bringing a proven structure and coaching process to the
conversations your leaders are already holding.
Want to learn how? Contact us and we’ll show you.
Your Managers Are
Terrible Coaches
They’re Distracted
Here’s a scary stat: 90% of managers
squander their time in ineffective activities.
Unfortunately, that doesn't leave much time for more
purposeful activities, like holding 1:1 conversations and
listening to employee concerns and ideas.
They Talk Too Much
Did you know that 40% of our everyday speech
is devoted to telling others what we feel or think
and that it is as pleasurable to our brains as food
or money?
Add this to the uneven power dynamic between
managers and employees and you have a recipe for a
communication disaster.
They Struggle To Build
Personal Relationships
We’ve all reported to managers who regard personal
conversations as a waste of time. That’s simply not true.
In fact, employees who feel their manager
is invested in them as people are far more
likely to be engaged on the job.
State of the American Manager: Analytics and Advice for Leaders, Gallup, 2015
Science Reveals Why We Brag So Much, Wall Street Journal, May 7, 2012
Beware the Busy Manager, Harvard Business Review, February 2002
What Bad Managers, Good Managers, and Great Managers Do, Entrepreneur, September 2014
How The Most Effective Managers Give Feedback, Forbes, October 21, 2016
Bogus Excuses: The Real Reasons Why Bosses Aren’t Giving Feedback, Fast Company, October 16, 2014 | 1.888.262.2448
Coaching that works.

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7 Reasons Your Managers Are Terrible Coaches

  • 1. They’re Not Holding Regular Meetings According to Gallup, employees whose managers hold regular meetings with them are almost 3 times as likely to be engaged as employees whose managers do not hold regular meetings with them. Yet, how often are these meetings canceled or rescheduled because managers are just “too busy.” With 1 in 2 U.S. employees leaving their jobs to get away from a bad manager, the fact that many leaders lack the communication and interpersonal skills of a great coach is troubling. So what exactly are managers doing (or not doing) that is so awful? Read on: They Tell, Rather Than Ask "Bad managers tell employees what to do, good managers explain why they need to do it, but great managers involve people in decision making and improvement." You’ve got a team of smart, capable people. Why wouldn’t you enlist them to help solve problems? They Avoid Giving Feedback Research shows that clarity of expectations is perhaps the most basic of employee needs. However, 37% of managers report being uncomfortable giving feedback, and a whopping 69% report being uncomfortable communicating with their employees in general. For Real. Feedback Is A Problem Over 60% of global employees report receiving too little feedback and a quarter of them report that they received no feedback at all from their supervisors—a major factor in workplace dissatisfaction. They Avoid Uncomfortable Conversations Leaders fear tough conversations, so they tend to avoid them. However, employees want more than a pat on the back. Research says that 51% of employees said they received too little constructive criticism from their boss, and 65% said they didn’t receive enough information to know what to repeat or change. Okay, My Managers Might Be Bad Coaches. What Do I Do About It? Being an outstanding workplace coach is simply a matter of bringing a proven structure and coaching process to the conversations your leaders are already holding. Want to learn how? Contact us and we’ll show you. Reasons Your Managers Are Terrible Coaches 1 2 5 6 7 6a They’re Distracted Here’s a scary stat: 90% of managers squander their time in ineffective activities. Unfortunately, that doesn't leave much time for more purposeful activities, like holding 1:1 conversations and listening to employee concerns and ideas. They Talk Too Much Did you know that 40% of our everyday speech is devoted to telling others what we feel or think and that it is as pleasurable to our brains as food or money? Add this to the uneven power dynamic between managers and employees and you have a recipe for a communication disaster. They Struggle To Build Personal Relationships We’ve all reported to managers who regard personal conversations as a waste of time. That’s simply not true. In fact, employees who feel their manager is invested in them as people are far more likely to be engaged on the job. 3 4 Sources: State of the American Manager: Analytics and Advice for Leaders, Gallup, 2015 Science Reveals Why We Brag So Much, Wall Street Journal, May 7, 2012 Beware the Busy Manager, Harvard Business Review, February 2002 What Bad Managers, Good Managers, and Great Managers Do, Entrepreneur, September 2014 How The Most Effective Managers Give Feedback, Forbes, October 21, 2016 Bogus Excuses: The Real Reasons Why Bosses Aren’t Giving Feedback, Fast Company, October 16, 2014 | 1.888.262.2448 Coaching that works.